Google maps 5 - Droid Eris Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have been messing around with google maps 5 that just got released and it does not have pre-caching, tilt maps, nor 3d. Is it because of the software limitations or is it just me? I can probably opprehend that 3d wont work, but what about pre-caching the maps? Oh yes, I was wondering if it supported vector based rendoring. Sorry if I am in the wrong spot, anyways, merry christmas.
Sent from my FroShedYo.V8-ERIS using XDA App

I have all of that on my eris.
remember: the 3d buildings are only in 100 cities or so, go to new york and you'll see them.
I THOUGHT you were supposed to be able to change the angle/degree of tilt by using two fingers, but alas, that is not working for me if that's what it's supposed to do.
precaching takes time, it uses your most-traversed areas, it learns the areas where your most likely to use it, and then caches it during periods of downtime when you arent using your phone, but still have an internet connection (like the nightly charge). Going off what google says, I suggest you connect to wifi at night when charging too, apparently it works better for the caching. give it a week or two of use and I'm sure you'll see it start to save your locale. you might want to even start over using your gps: get directions for wherever you're going, even if you already know how to get there, it should learn where your most often to use gps even faster.
and yeah, this should definitely go in the apps section.

Yea I was a little late on where I was to post this. It does 3d, but it does not do 3d tilt. When I meant pre-cache I was talking about the place where it is supposed to be which is menu>cache settings<pre-cache options. I want that so it can cache over 3g rather than only on wifi
Sent from my FroShedYo.V8-ERIS using XDA App


GPS Signal Strength and Quality

One of the things I really appreciate about my EVO is the strength of the GPS when using Google Navigate - especially after my dismal experience with the Samsung Moment.
Although I've seen mostly positive reviews about call quality, signal strength, processor speed, etc., I haven't seen anyone on the forum comment about the Photon's GPS. Can any of you former EVO users comment on how the Photon's GPS compares to the EVO?
flipper12 said:
One of the things I really appreciate about my EVO is the strength of the GPS when using Google Navigate - especially after my dismal experience with the Samsung Moment.
Although I've seen mostly positive reviews about call quality, signal strength, processor speed, etc., I haven't seen anyone on the forum comment about the Photon's GPS. Can any of you former EVO users comment on how the Photon's GPS compares to the EVO?
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I fired it up for the first time the other evening, to get directions somewhere. It got lock in under 30 seconds, which is satisfactory for me. My Evo was inconsistent and definitely took much (with stock drivers).
coming from the Vibrant here and anything is better then what I had. But as far as I can tell GPS locks on and really sticks. It is accurate to as it places me in my house and fallows when I walk around outside.
actually got a lock in my office building through the roof once, but never watched to see if it would wonder.
The gps is very fast to lock on and solid. My evo 3d before the photon was horrendous, wouldn't ever get a accurate reading inside and even outside was bad. My original evo was very good as well, both the evo 4g and photon will get a very accurate reading inside almost instantly and even follows me around when i walk.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App
codee said:
The gps is very fast to lock on and solid. My evo 3d before the photon was horrendous, wouldn't ever get a accurate reading inside and even outside was bad. My original evo was very good as well, both the evo 4g and photon will get a very accurate reading inside almost instantly and even follows me around when i walk.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App
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I second EVO was great but the 3d was awful....not sure what htc did but they screwed that up big time. My photon actually locks in as quick id not quicker than my OG EVO...
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
phyba said:
I second EVO was great but the 3d was awful....not sure what htc did but they screwed that up big time. My photon actually locks in as quick id not quicker than my OG EVO...
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
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My Evo4G was also excellent, but the MoPho is even better. It bested my Evo in all tests I've run.
Gps works great here too! Coming from the OG I noticed that lock ons are faster. Only issue is while in the car dock, and selecting my location the image loads in sections...its kind of crappy but I don't think its a gps issue rather a software issue.
Sent from my MoPho using XDA Premium.
My Photon GPS is horrible, especially compared to my EVO. If I'm driving and put the phone in my lap it looses signal until I hold it up to the windshield or slide back the sunroof cover. My EVO rarely lost the signal once it acquired a lock.
JarkMackson said:
My Photon GPS is horrible, especially compared to my EVO. If I'm driving and put the phone in my lap it looses signal until I hold it up to the windshield or slide back the sunroof cover. My EVO rarely lost the signal once it acquired a lock.
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Well, based on everyone else's experiences and their posts on this forum and the android forum, it sounds like you may have a bad phone. If I were you, I'd probably bring it in and have someone at Sprint look at it.
JarkMackson said:
My Photon GPS is horrible, especially compared to my EVO. If I'm driving and put the phone in my lap it looses signal until I hold it up to the windshield or slide back the sunroof cover. My EVO rarely lost the signal once it acquired a lock.
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I completely agree, I logged on just now to create a post about this exact thing, not only that I can put in an address and it works great. Then on to the next addresses and it won't even lock, just sits there. I am in sales and I bet no one on these forums uses navigation more than I do. On the photon it just sucks, period. One of the many reasons I am waiting for root. I absolutely love this phone, but the gps sucks.
If someone could post some tweaks maybe that would be great because I'm not trying to do what motorola wants us to do and just reboot every time.
Also, it isn't the phone, I have had two do this same exact thing, and my buddy at sprint let me use his for a few and his ended up doing the same thing.
I think most of the people commenting here have used it maybe twice.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App
newalker91 said:
On the contrary I'm using my GPS daily traveling to all of our Sprint stores in the area to train techs and I've never once had an issue with the GPS. Have you updated to the most recent maintenance release?
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Yes, on both phones.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App
newalker91 said:
Which navigation app are you using?
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Stock bud, google
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Djspinister said:
I completely agree, I logged on just now to create a post about this exact thing, not only that I can put in an address and it works great. Then on to the next addresses and it won't even lock, just sits there. I am in sales and I bet no one on these forums uses navigation more than I do. On the photon it just sucks, period. One of the many reasons I am waiting for root. I absolutely love this phone, but the gps sucks.
If someone could post some tweaks maybe that would be great because I'm not trying to do what motorola wants us to do and just reboot every time.
Also, it isn't the phone, I have had two do this same exact thing, and my buddy at sprint let me use his for a few and his ended up doing the same thing.
I think most of the people commenting here have used it maybe twice.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App
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I work for fedex as a swing driver which means I do every route at my station. I use my gps heavily and not once have I had an issus
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
my gps said i was a 1/4 mile off from where i was
I use my GPS whenever I'm in the car with Trapster and I also use Foursquare and the Photon has been rock solid. My Epic was a pain in the butt trying to rely on any kind of a quick GPS lock and with the Photon it just works whenever I need it. Now when I open Foursquare and go to check in someplace my list is up to date even when I'm in an area I've never been to without having to keep refreshing.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App
for the guy having problems, could it be you are in some type of dead zone? Or maybe its solar flares? I have not tried much but did want to add that for those testing in your home don't forget to turn off the location setting. The one that will use wifi and/or cell towers to triangulate your location.
My GPS does not work well either. It has been taking about 10 seconds to get a signal, and seems to always have a 1-2 second delay. I had one day I had to turn the phone off and back on to get a signal. I have tried the newest release and am getting the same thing. My EVO got a lock instantly and never had any delays. Even my old Touch Pro had faster GPS locks.
netsys said:
My GPS does not work well either. It has been taking about 10 seconds to get a signal, and seems to always have a 1-2 second delay. I had one day I had to turn the phone off and back on to get a signal. I have tried the newest release and am getting the same thing. My EVO got a lock instantly and never had any delays. Even my old Touch Pro had faster GPS locks.
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I think you should return the phone because its obviously defective. I'm returning mine because when the phone is shutdown it doesn't startup immediately when I press the power button. It actually takes a minute before I can use it.
Seriously, mine gets a lock in about 10 seconds inside the house while my Evo took about 15 seconds. When I traveled with the Evo and I turn it on in a new city, it could take 30 seconds to lock. I've not traveled with the mopho yet. 10 seconds to get a signal is nothing to complain about.
I have had no issues with my GPS, gets a lock quickly and never loses the signal afterwards. I've used it probably about a dozen times since I've gotten the phone a week ago and hae pretty much exclusively used the Telenav App and not really tried Google Nav.
My GPS is hit and miss
Comparing with my EVO 4G, this Photon GPS is not better. My EVO 4G performed very well. This photon may loose signal during driving in the tunnel but could acquire signal quick enough after leaving the tunnel. I had to disable and enable GPS and it locked right away. It happened several times. Not sure if worth to bring back to store.

Holy GPS Batman! Why are you skip terrible?

I'm excited about the new Batman movie.
Anyway, my GPS SUCKS! It takes forever for Google Maps to find my location. This wasn't a problem on my old EVO.
Is anyone else experiencing it? Have you figured out how to make it better?
Sent from my New School EVO LTE
I can't say I've had any issues.. Granted I had problems with my old EVOs in Chicago, lol
My GPS actually works better then on my OG!
I still have the reboot issue, though less now then in the beginning.
cubbieswin said:
I'm excited about the new Batman movie.
Anyway, my GPS SUCKS! It takes forever for Google Maps to find my location. This wasn't a problem on my old EVO.
Is anyone else experiencing it? Have you figured out how to make it better?
Sent from my New School EVO LTE
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What are your location settings?, I have outstanding service and operation from my GPS.
"Skip".... Sorry, auto correct. I noticed other posts about bad signal on the LTE. I may be mistaken about it being GPS related but may be a combination of poor data speeds and GPS.
For instance, I was driving today and pulled up Google Maps to look up a destination. It took a while before it actually finished the search. I can't tell if it was the GPS or data that was holding it up.
As for location settings, are you talking about the ones in Google Maps? The only option I have turned on in there is location history.
Under Location in the system settings, I have everything checked.
Sent from my New School EVO LTE

[Q] What hardware version?

What hardware version do you have? What versions are currently being sold by Sprint? Any problems with yours?
Most are going to be 003.
I have 003, no hardware issues/defects.
Sent from my EVO LTE
003 no issues here
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
0003 here too. Works great!
3 here
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
3 here also. So far no problems. Waiting for a little bit to root though. I want to make sure no defects and some more roms to come out. Hopefully some MIUI V4. Still trying to decide on a case.
Sent from my Evo 4G LTE
003 with no problems as well.
Where are all those people who were complaining about everything?
By the way, as for a case, I highly recommend the Androidify case by CruzerLite. Awesome price for a minimalistic case that is made perfectly!
Sent from my EVO using XDA
PsiPhiDan said:
003 with no problems as well.
Where are all those people who were complaining about everything?
By the way, as for a case, I highly recommend the Androidify case by CruzerLite. Awesome price for a minimalistic case that is made perfectly!
Sent from my EVO using XDA
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I'm one of those people. I'm on my second 0003, my data speeds are still horrible, my phone has asked me 4-5 times today to set my time zone, and I still periodically get a roaming warning when trying to make calls from my house even though I have an Airave. I'm sticking with it though, I just hope my issues get resolved after and update or 2. Those issues are annoying but this phone is too good in every other way for me to let it go.
ausch30 said:
I'm one of those people. I'm on my second 0003, my data speeds are still horrible, my phone has asked me 4-5 times today to set my time zone, and I still periodically get a roaming warning when trying to make calls from my house even though I have an Airave. I'm sticking with it though, I just hope my issues get resolved after and update or 2. Those issues are annoying but this phone is too good in every other way for me to let it go.
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Data speeds bad? I am used to that, I'm a longtime Sprint customer, haha.
Turn off the automatic time zone under settings-->time and date. It stops the problem immediately. I had the same issue. No biggie now.
Turn off the roaming warning since I'm sure it doesn't deter you from placing your calls. Settings -->Mobile Network--> Roaming Guards. I did this as well because it irritated me.
These fixes work until and update arrives!
Sent from my EVO using XDA
3 no problems
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
3, no problems here either.
Well for a short while it stopped updating my statusbar time ... but it seems to be working again. Probably since I dumped a bunch of apps.
I believe Revision 3 is going to be the default US version.
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ausch30 said:
I'm one of those people. I'm on my second 0003, my data speeds are still horrible, my phone has asked me 4-5 times today to set my time zone, and I still periodically get a roaming warning when trying to make calls from my house even though I have an Airave. I'm sticking with it though, I just hope my issues get resolved after and update or 2. Those issues are annoying but this phone is too good in every other way for me to let it go.
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Anybody else notice that when it roams and asks you to set the timezone, that the central timezone uses Central America time rather Central Daylight Time as an option? You can go into the time settings as mentioned by PsiPhiDan to set it correctly, but things will be messed up for half the year if you use the default menu popout selections. Not sure if this is an ICS or Sense thing.
Hardware version 3 here.
No problems other than time zone glitch in the matrix.
ajs1122 said:
Anybody else notice that when it roams and asks you to set the timezone, that the central timezone uses Central America time rather Central Daylight Time as an option? You can go into the time settings as mentioned by PsiPhiDan to set it correctly, but things will be messed up for half the year if you use the default menu popout selections. Not sure if this is an ICS or Sense thing.
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Don't know what it was but there must have been something specific that caused that. I had that time zone thing several times that one day but I haven't seen it since. Just as with just about everything, the software on this phone seems a bit buggy. I'm sure they'll get it ironed out soon. I could say that I wish they'd get all the bugs worked out before release but that would delay my precious.

Habitually Poor Google Maps Loading on 3/4G

Anyone else's maps load at excruciating speeds? I'm talking 5 minutes to search for closest Chinese food restaurant? And that's even to just pop up the pin, to display the streets takes even longer!
It's annoying as hell because if you just open the browser and do a Google search, it's nearly instant. And it's not the towers/speed (I get 4G, but makes no difference). Maps worked perfectly on my OG and 3D. And it's worked just as ****tily on stock, MR, Clean, and the new Synergy rom. All bases, prl's, et nauseum. Come to the conclusion that it's definitely an issue with Google maps itself not liking mobile data. Works great on wifi.
I experience it sometimes, but mostly when I'm in a rural area with very little signal. What I end up doing usually is doing a search and find what I'm looking for over WiFi, then start the navigation to it while on WiFi, and keep it running as I leave. As long as I don't close the navigation, it saves the map and direction to the place I'm going to.
If I know I'm going to be somewhere that the wireless data connection might be suspect I'll preload the map using the "Make available offline" function.
mmmdieselfumes said:
Anyone else's maps load at excruciating speeds? I'm talking 5 minutes to search for closest Chinese food restaurant? And that's even to just pop up the pin, to display the streets takes even longer!
It's annoying as hell because if you just open the browser and do a Google search, it's nearly instant. And it's not the towers/speed (I get 4G, but makes no difference). Maps worked perfectly on my OG and 3D. And it's worked just as ****tily on stock, MR, Clean, and the new Synergy rom. All bases, prl's, et nauseum. Come to the conclusion that it's definitely an issue with Google maps itself not liking mobile data. Works great on wifi.
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Sprint's current network sucks. Period. End of story.
Well you see, I'm not even convinced that it's the network. Like I said, if I use the browser to do my search, bam, it loads quick.
And also, if I use wifi tether to connect my Nexus 7, maps work decently and quickly. It's an issue with maps for the Evo 4G LTE specifically.
Almost feels like it's trying to get the data through two different proxies. Like the old issue on the OG Evo for streaming data, where you had to knock out the proxy data and ports settings through ##data# so it didn't route all of your data through sprint's proxy, causing massive slowdowns.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
You could try clearing maps cache
om4 said:
You could try clearing maps cache
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First thing I would try. My maps works great even out in the boonies. Used it last week to deliver a package to a house out in fumbuck Egypt.
Ask me about my ability to annoy complete strangers!

Telenav alternative for Evo 3D?

I'd been using Telenav for several years. I found it better than Google's GPS navigator. I use it only occasionally, which isn't really all that much (maybe 3 times per month at the most). Now, all of the sudden Telenav is demanding $10/month to use it.
So, I don't know if it's possible to install an older version and turn off updates... but if not, does anyone know of a reasonably decent GPS navigator that doesn't incur a monthly fee?
Don't know if you heard about Waze. Been using it for couple of months now. Best part about it is that should there be a problem on the road like say an accident or a cop hiding on the corner looking for a speeder, fellow waze user can alert you in real time so you can avoid the problem. If you're the first one to spot the problem, you can give fellow waze user in the area a heads up and earn points.
Sent from my Evo 3D GSM using xda app-developers app
cytherian said:
I'd been using Telenav for several years. I found it better than Google's GPS navigator. I use it only occasionally, which isn't really all that much (maybe 3 times per month at the most). Now, all of the sudden Telenav is demanding $10/month to use it.
So, I don't know if it's possible to install an older version and turn off updates... but if not, does anyone know of a reasonably decent GPS navigator that doesn't incur a monthly fee?
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I'm curious what you didn't like about navigator, that was better in Telenav...other than offline functions?
Sent via my Nexus 7, Amiga 3000 or HTC EVO 3D
hey_joe said:
Don't know if you heard about Waze. Been using it for couple of months now. Best part about it is that should there be a problem on the road like say an accident or a cop hiding on the corner looking for a speeder, fellow waze user can alert you in real time so you can avoid the problem. If you're the first one to spot the problem, you can give fellow waze user in the area a heads up and earn points.
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Hadn't heard of Waze before. I really like that idea of being able to alert other Waze users. Telenav isn't very good with handling traffic congestion and providing intelligent re-routing. I'll have to download it and give it a try--thanks, Joe.
phillip1953 said:
I'm curious what you didn't like about navigator, that was better in Telenav...other than offline functions?
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The user interface just worked best for me. Also, the voice prompting sounds much better. Granted, in Telenav sometimes the voice prompting repeats lengthy street names in succession too much, but overall the female voice used is clear and easy to follow.
I don't use the voice service on any GPS navigator, so I never thought much about it. What I do like is the satellite (Google Earth) layer in Navigator...something I've yet to see on any other.
Sent via my Nexus 7, Amiga 3000 or HTC EVO 3D
I find Telenav to be pretty accurate...finds some addresses that Google nav either can't find at all or is way off on.

