Habitually Poor Google Maps Loading on 3/4G - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

Anyone else's maps load at excruciating speeds? I'm talking 5 minutes to search for closest Chinese food restaurant? And that's even to just pop up the pin, to display the streets takes even longer!
It's annoying as hell because if you just open the browser and do a Google search, it's nearly instant. And it's not the towers/speed (I get 4G, but makes no difference). Maps worked perfectly on my OG and 3D. And it's worked just as ****tily on stock, MR, Clean, and the new Synergy rom. All bases, prl's, et nauseum. Come to the conclusion that it's definitely an issue with Google maps itself not liking mobile data. Works great on wifi.

I experience it sometimes, but mostly when I'm in a rural area with very little signal. What I end up doing usually is doing a search and find what I'm looking for over WiFi, then start the navigation to it while on WiFi, and keep it running as I leave. As long as I don't close the navigation, it saves the map and direction to the place I'm going to.

If I know I'm going to be somewhere that the wireless data connection might be suspect I'll preload the map using the "Make available offline" function.

mmmdieselfumes said:
Anyone else's maps load at excruciating speeds? I'm talking 5 minutes to search for closest Chinese food restaurant? And that's even to just pop up the pin, to display the streets takes even longer!
It's annoying as hell because if you just open the browser and do a Google search, it's nearly instant. And it's not the towers/speed (I get 4G, but makes no difference). Maps worked perfectly on my OG and 3D. And it's worked just as ****tily on stock, MR, Clean, and the new Synergy rom. All bases, prl's, et nauseum. Come to the conclusion that it's definitely an issue with Google maps itself not liking mobile data. Works great on wifi.
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Sprint's current network sucks. Period. End of story.

Well you see, I'm not even convinced that it's the network. Like I said, if I use the browser to do my search, bam, it loads quick.
And also, if I use wifi tether to connect my Nexus 7, maps work decently and quickly. It's an issue with maps for the Evo 4G LTE specifically.
Almost feels like it's trying to get the data through two different proxies. Like the old issue on the OG Evo for streaming data, where you had to knock out the proxy data and ports settings through ##data# so it didn't route all of your data through sprint's proxy, causing massive slowdowns.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

You could try clearing maps cache

om4 said:
You could try clearing maps cache
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First thing I would try. My maps works great even out in the boonies. Used it last week to deliver a package to a house out in fumbuck Egypt.
Ask me about my ability to annoy complete strangers!


Google maps 5

I have been messing around with google maps 5 that just got released and it does not have pre-caching, tilt maps, nor 3d. Is it because of the software limitations or is it just me? I can probably opprehend that 3d wont work, but what about pre-caching the maps? Oh yes, I was wondering if it supported vector based rendoring. Sorry if I am in the wrong spot, anyways, merry christmas.
Sent from my FroShedYo.V8-ERIS using XDA App
I have all of that on my eris.
remember: the 3d buildings are only in 100 cities or so, go to new york and you'll see them.
I THOUGHT you were supposed to be able to change the angle/degree of tilt by using two fingers, but alas, that is not working for me if that's what it's supposed to do.
precaching takes time, it uses your most-traversed areas, it learns the areas where your most likely to use it, and then caches it during periods of downtime when you arent using your phone, but still have an internet connection (like the nightly charge). Going off what google says, I suggest you connect to wifi at night when charging too, apparently it works better for the caching. give it a week or two of use and I'm sure you'll see it start to save your locale. you might want to even start over using your gps: get directions for wherever you're going, even if you already know how to get there, it should learn where your most often to use gps even faster.
and yeah, this should definitely go in the apps section.
Yea I was a little late on where I was to post this. It does 3d, but it does not do 3d tilt. When I meant pre-cache I was talking about the place where it is supposed to be which is menu>cache settings<pre-cache options. I want that so it can cache over 3g rather than only on wifi
Sent from my FroShedYo.V8-ERIS using XDA App

[Q] Froyo vs Gingerbread: Network Location Differences on AT&T?

Weird stuff going on with my local cell towers and the network location provider on my Aria.
For the longest time, I'd been using the Aria Liberated R012 ROM. I never had any problems with using the network location provider in various apps (HTC Date/Weather Clock, Google Maps, Yelp, etc.) until just about two weeks ago.
I noticed that on the road from home to work, I wasn't getting ANY location fix. But when I'd take a trip out to a different location for shopping, suddenly I'd get the location updates again. GPS works fine, but I don't want to keep it on all the time for simple location data.
I thought perhaps AT&T's recent slews of OTA updates might have something to do with it. So I decided I'd do something I was planning on doing for a while now anyway: load a newer ROM which might incorporate any patches that AT&T had made.
I opted for Cyanogen 7. Installed it last night. Found it ran a little sluggish on my Aria (even after overclocking), but noted that my network location provider was working again.
I ultimately decided that I couldn't deal with the sluggishness. So this morning, I installed Cyanogen 6, AND THEN I tried out the new Aria Liberated 2.2.2 ROM. What I noticed in BOTH of these Froyo builds, was that my network location provider was once again NOT working.
I know part of this puzzle involves the configuration of AT&T's local cell towers. But what about the rest of it: why would Cyanogen 7 (Gingerbread) work, while Cyanogen 6 and Liberated 2.2.2 (Froyo) fail?
And in the case of the two Cyanogen mods, might the difference have something to do with what version of the Google Apps addon I install? When I get a free minute today, I might do some further testing on this last theory. Scratch that theory. I had previously tried installing Cyanogen 6 with a version of Google Apps from 2010. But even with a Google Apps APK from May 1st, 2011, the network location provider ain't providin'.
Corporate Dog
Corporate Dog said:
Weird stuff going on with my local cell towers and the network location provider on my Aria.
For the longest time, I'd been using the Aria Liberated R012 ROM. I never had any problems with using the network location provider in various apps (HTC Date/Weather Clock, Google Maps, Yelp, etc.) until just about two weeks ago.
I noticed that on the road from home to work, I wasn't getting ANY location fix. But when I'd take a trip out to a different location for shopping, suddenly I'd get the location updates again. GPS works fine, but I don't want to keep it on all the time for simple location data.
I thought perhaps AT&T's recent slews of OTA updates might have something to do with it. So I decided I'd do something I was planning on doing for a while now anyway: load a newer ROM which might incorporate any patches that AT&T had made.
I opted for Cyanogen 7. Installed it last night. Found it ran a little sluggish on my Aria (even after overclocking), but noted that my network location provider was working again.
I ultimately decided that I couldn't deal with the sluggishness. So this morning, I installed Cyanogen 6, AND THEN I tried out the new Aria Liberated 2.2.2 ROM. What I noticed in BOTH of these Froyo builds, was that my network location provider was once again NOT working.
I know part of this puzzle involves the configuration of AT&T's local cell towers. But what about the rest of it: why would Cyanogen 7 (Gingerbread) work, while Cyanogen 6 and Liberated 2.2.2 (Froyo) fail?
And in the case of the two Cyanogen mods, might the difference have something to do with what version of the Google Apps addon I install? When I get a free minute today, I might do some further testing on this last theory. Scratch that theory. I had previously tried installing Cyanogen 6 with a version of Google Apps from 2010. But even with a Google Apps APK from May 1st, 2011, the network location provider ain't providin'.
Corporate Dog
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While I can't help with the actual problem, cm7 has a lot of eye candy turned on by default that can be turned off. It needs a little love but you can definitely get rid of that sluggishness and it will run very smooth and snappy.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.
CallMeAria said:
While I can't help with the actual problem, cm7 has a lot of eye candy turned on by default that can be turned off. It needs a little love but you can definitely get rid of that sluggishness and it will run very smooth and snappy.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.
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Thanks! I'll probably take a second look at that cm7 thread when I get a chance, and might even try to reinstall it.
For what it's worth, the Aria Liberated 2.2.2 thread clued me in to the fact that AT&T also pushed a radio update when they pushed the OS update. It's possible they made some tweaks to my local cell towers that don't play nice with the old radio configuration. Guess I'll try to install that radio update next.
EDIT: And that's strike two.
Corporate Dog
Corporate Dog said:
Thanks! I'll probably take a second look at that cm7 thread when I get a chance, and might even try to reinstall it.
For what it's worth, the Aria Liberated 2.2.2 thread clued me in to the fact that AT&T also pushed a radio update when they pushed the OS update. It's possible they made some tweaks to my local cell towers that don't play nice with the old radio configuration. Guess I'll try to install that radio update next.
EDIT: And that's strike two.
Corporate Dog
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Your radio only needs to be installed once. It doesn't get cleared or overwritten when you wipe/install new ROMs through Clockworkmod. You can check the version either from the HBOOT screen or from Phone settings when booted up.
It's HIGHLY recommended that you not change the radio version more than absolutely necessary as it is a very risky installation that can permanently brick your phone if it goes wrong. I'm not saying to be scared of installing it once, but just don't install it every time you install a ROM.
As for CM7 -- I find that the default launcher (ADW) lags like crazy. I always immediately switch to LauncherPro and get a much smoother experience. You should probably give that a try.
CallMeAria said:
While I can't help with the actual problem, cm7 has a lot of eye candy turned on by default that can be turned off. It needs a little love but you can definitely get rid of that sluggishness and it will run very smooth and snappy.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.
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What default options are turned on?
brswattt said:
What default options are turned on?
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Surface dithering, over scroll effects, and window animations are a few I can remember off the top of my head. Turn those off and drop vm heap down to 24 (or 16 if your apps allow it) and set home to persistent and you get a nice little boost. Then there's the fact that adw is set up for looks, not performance, out of the box. Scroll and opening speeds are set rather slow.
I'm not sure about adw, but launcherpro also has advanced settings to tweak for performance gains.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.
Heh. Turns out I was wrong about cm7. I must've had GPS turned on at the time, because my latest test run with it isn't producing a network location fix.
Time to go 10 rounds with AT&T tech support. Should be real fun trying to explain to the level 1 script reader that there's a problem with their local cell tower.
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
A new development:
When I go into Settings and check 'Use Only 2G Networks', network-based positioning works again.
Seems to be some sort of problem with WCDMA versus GSM. I've managed to dig up some other threads (in this forum and others) where folks with other types of phones (N1, HTC Inspire) have reported similar issues.
I blamed AT&T in my last post, but I've also seen a suggestion that the problem might have something to do with a setting in the Google Services Framework that points to an incorrect URL for the LAC/CID to Lat/Long translation service. I may play with that when I get a chance.
That also doesn't really explain why my original Eclair mod stopped working, or why more people don't seem to have this problem.
More information as it becomes available...
Corporate Dog
Regarding radio, i have the latest radio that was posted. It seems to have improved my reception fairly well.
Meh. The Google Services Framework fix that I found...
... didn't do anything for me. YMMV.
At this point, I suspect that I have to chalk this up to cell tower configuration.
Corporate Dog
EDIT: Just got off the phone with AT&T Customer Support. I called them a few days ago, and the Level 1 support drone forewarded me to the "TeleNav" service center (despite all of my protestations). TeleNav support proceeded to tell me that they don't do support for phones (Gosh. You don't say...) Today's Level 1 drone was a bit better, and forwarded me to someone who actually seemed to be in a position to help.
He didn't have an answer for me, but he WAS willing to help me escalate this to an engineering ticket. He told me to go pick up a new sim card at my local AT&T store, and see if a new sim/device provisioning would take care of the issue. In the meantime, he's sending me a second Aria through the Warranty Exchange process, so I can try to recreate the issue on a different phone.
If I strike out on both counts, he'll escalate it. Otherwise, I'll have a solution of SOME kind sitting in the palm of my hand.
Is setting home for persistent only for adw launcher ?
CallMeAria said:
Surface dithering, over scroll effects, and window animations are a few I can remember off the top of my head. Turn those off and drop vm heap down to 24 (or 16 if your apps allow it) and set home to persistent and you get a nice little boost. Then there's the fact that adw is set up for looks, not performance, out of the box. Scroll and opening speeds are set rather slow.
I'm not sure about adw, but launcherpro also has advanced settings to tweak for performance gains.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.
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Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
The new sim card didn't do anything for me.
But suddenly, completely out of the blue, at some point yesterday afternoon...? The network location provider decided that it wanted to begin working for my area again. I hadn't done a THING to the configuration on my phone all day, and when I stepped outside my office, it just worked.
I think I'll still call AT&T back, and ask them what the hell they changed with their cell tower configuration. I doubt I'll get anywhere with it, but it would be useful to know, since this seems to be a random thing that occurs from time-to-time on different carriers (the link I provided earlier described the same issue, but on Rogers Communication's network).
Corporate Dog
UPDATE: I called AT&T today, and unfortunately, they couldn't tell me whether anything changed on their towers. It'd be nice to know what they were tinkering with, so I could just cut to the chase with tech support if it happens again, but for now, I guess I'll just be happy that it's working again.

Holy GPS Batman! Why are you skip terrible?

I'm excited about the new Batman movie.
Anyway, my GPS SUCKS! It takes forever for Google Maps to find my location. This wasn't a problem on my old EVO.
Is anyone else experiencing it? Have you figured out how to make it better?
Sent from my New School EVO LTE
I can't say I've had any issues.. Granted I had problems with my old EVOs in Chicago, lol
My GPS actually works better then on my OG!
I still have the reboot issue, though less now then in the beginning.
cubbieswin said:
I'm excited about the new Batman movie.
Anyway, my GPS SUCKS! It takes forever for Google Maps to find my location. This wasn't a problem on my old EVO.
Is anyone else experiencing it? Have you figured out how to make it better?
Sent from my New School EVO LTE
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What are your location settings?, I have outstanding service and operation from my GPS.
"Skip".... Sorry, auto correct. I noticed other posts about bad signal on the LTE. I may be mistaken about it being GPS related but may be a combination of poor data speeds and GPS.
For instance, I was driving today and pulled up Google Maps to look up a destination. It took a while before it actually finished the search. I can't tell if it was the GPS or data that was holding it up.
As for location settings, are you talking about the ones in Google Maps? The only option I have turned on in there is location history.
Under Location in the system settings, I have everything checked.
Sent from my New School EVO LTE

Trip to another country for 2 months - need ROM advice

I am going out of country for 2 straight months and I might not have internet connection anywhere and I will not have roaming data. Therefore I want to make sure my phone is ready to serve me for 2 straight months with no problems;
-I need advice on the most most stable ROM out there right now, currently I am using Kingcobra 1.5.
-I have to learn how to precache an entire country on google maps, such as downloading the required map files.
-I have to know if it is possible to get full GPS support with all locations with no data.
-I need to have good battery life and no force closes on anything whatsoever.
Find a GB Rom, they're still the most stable Roms. I'd recommend stock kernel for battery life and stability. Heck maybe just run a stock rooted Rom if you're willing to
I'd buy a throw away mobile phone. You'd kill yourself on international data/minute fees.
Sent from my HTC Flyer using XDA Premium.
Honestly I haven't had one issues with KingCobra 1.5 so if it's working well for you, I wouldn't worry about it. GPS should work without data, as for pre-caching maps, I'm sure some apps will do it, I've heard Google Maps can now do it though I'm not sure how.
HI all,
well I dont know how far you gonna like my comment.
But i own few HTC phones and I've used lots of ROMS out there.
So far the most stable ROMs for the EVO3d are (GSM)
First LeDroid's 3D Rom -- > Super stable, had no issues, but based on Ginger Bread,
Mwakious 3d Rom (Code name : Democritus) - This sense 3.6, ICS based Rom is on version 8.6 when i checked yesterday, and I currently use this.
Its superb for international use, good signal strength, improved camera, and superb music,
Compared to king Cobra 3d ROM, mwakious rom stands out in the croud.
If you are traveling alot this is the best ROm to use,
Camera, Movies, Awsome sound, and stable Signal + WiFi
Although you will be able to pre-cache map areas using the Maps application, you will not get routing functionallity while offline! If you do only need the maps, fine, but you should consider this. If you need routing without a data plan, you might need to buy one of the commercial navigation apps on the market. BTW, if you want just maps, no routing, you're probably better off with "Locus" as pre-caching large areas with Maps can be a pain. Locus can display OSM maps, you can even download vectorized maps on your computer and then send them to your phone. There also are great OSM maps specialized on hiking/binking if you're going to need that. Just asked me if you're planning to use Locus and need some help getting started and/or finding the right maps.
In terms of battery life, I would suggest uninstalling every app that you are definitely not going to need on your trip (maybe even system apps like F***book), everything that might have some processes running in the background that could drain your battery.
Sorry, if the following is not really what you asked for, but you also might want to consider this:
It probably depends on where you're going but providers in many countries offer decent data plans with prepaid cellphone plans. Just buy one of these SIM-Cards in a local store and use that one during your stay. I remember that while I've been to the States for about month I bought myself a T-Mobile Prepaid Card that allowed me to geht 24h data flatrate for 1,29$ which I could (de)activate day-by-day. Here in Germany you could get a prepaid card with monthly data flatrate for 10€. Just try to find out what the country you're going to has to offer and consider buying a local SIM-Card if you will.
If all else fails, go to a Burger King or McDonalds somewhere, they usually do have free WiFi in most countries if you forgot to install an essential app or map tiles.
Have you tried mwakious3Drom?

Telenav alternative for Evo 3D?

I'd been using Telenav for several years. I found it better than Google's GPS navigator. I use it only occasionally, which isn't really all that much (maybe 3 times per month at the most). Now, all of the sudden Telenav is demanding $10/month to use it.
So, I don't know if it's possible to install an older version and turn off updates... but if not, does anyone know of a reasonably decent GPS navigator that doesn't incur a monthly fee?
Don't know if you heard about Waze. Been using it for couple of months now. Best part about it is that should there be a problem on the road like say an accident or a cop hiding on the corner looking for a speeder, fellow waze user can alert you in real time so you can avoid the problem. If you're the first one to spot the problem, you can give fellow waze user in the area a heads up and earn points.
Sent from my Evo 3D GSM using xda app-developers app
cytherian said:
I'd been using Telenav for several years. I found it better than Google's GPS navigator. I use it only occasionally, which isn't really all that much (maybe 3 times per month at the most). Now, all of the sudden Telenav is demanding $10/month to use it.
So, I don't know if it's possible to install an older version and turn off updates... but if not, does anyone know of a reasonably decent GPS navigator that doesn't incur a monthly fee?
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I'm curious what you didn't like about navigator, that was better in Telenav...other than offline functions?
Sent via my Nexus 7, Amiga 3000 or HTC EVO 3D
hey_joe said:
Don't know if you heard about Waze. Been using it for couple of months now. Best part about it is that should there be a problem on the road like say an accident or a cop hiding on the corner looking for a speeder, fellow waze user can alert you in real time so you can avoid the problem. If you're the first one to spot the problem, you can give fellow waze user in the area a heads up and earn points.
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Hadn't heard of Waze before. I really like that idea of being able to alert other Waze users. Telenav isn't very good with handling traffic congestion and providing intelligent re-routing. I'll have to download it and give it a try--thanks, Joe.
phillip1953 said:
I'm curious what you didn't like about navigator, that was better in Telenav...other than offline functions?
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The user interface just worked best for me. Also, the voice prompting sounds much better. Granted, in Telenav sometimes the voice prompting repeats lengthy street names in succession too much, but overall the female voice used is clear and easy to follow.
I don't use the voice service on any GPS navigator, so I never thought much about it. What I do like is the satellite (Google Earth) layer in Navigator...something I've yet to see on any other.
Sent via my Nexus 7, Amiga 3000 or HTC EVO 3D
I find Telenav to be pretty accurate...finds some addresses that Google nav either can't find at all or is way off on.

