CustomRUU and HSPL problem, phone can't get out of bootloader mode anymore :( - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi. I wanted to install Android on my HD2 but for that I need radio versions 2.08 - 2.12. And currently my radio version is 2.06 so I wanted to flash it to 2.10 or one of them between 2.08-2.12. For this I used Custom RUU. Everything went well untill it said installing, and it went to 4% and then suddenly my phone reboots and then on my computer it says "Error 270. The image file is corrupted. Please check your Update Utility."
Well what have I done wrong?

Nilee said:
Hi. I wanted to install Android on my HD2 but for that I need radio versions 2.08 - 2.12. And currently my radio version is 2.06 so I wanted to flash it to 2.10 or one of them between 2.08-2.12. For this I used Custom RUU. Everything went well untill it said installing, and it went to 4% and then suddenly my phone reboots and then on my computer it says "Error 270. The image file is corrupted. Please check your Update Utility."
Well what have I done wrong?
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Did you have install HSPL on your device?

Yes I have installed HSPL. But if you have installed HSPL, is it then supposed to show "HSPL" somehere on the bootloader screen? Because on mine it doesn't.
But then that's weird because I did install HSPL and it even said succesfull. But still I get the same error when I try to flash the radio.

Go into bootloader by holding the VOL- (down) button, while pressing the End Call button to boot up your phone from being all the way turned off.
Check on your bootloader (tri-color) screen for the letters HSPL and the name Cotulla.
If these things are not present, then for some reason you don't have HSPL installed.
If this is the case, stay in bootloader, and re-run HSPL, and then check again in your bootloader to make sure you have HSPL, and then re-flash the custom_ruu
Chances are it just didn't take because your phone didn't have HSPL for whatever reason. You might want to re-download the radio ROM just to be sure you didn't get a corrupted/incomplete download.
Good luck

oops ignore plz

but what a shame that my pc even doesnt play with custom ruu.nothitng happen when i click.i have everything installed.

huggs said:
Go into bootloader by holding the VOL- (down) button, while pressing the End Call button to boot up your phone from being all the way turned off.
Check on your bootloader (tri-color) screen for the letters HSPL and the name Cotulla.
If these things are not present, then for some reason you don't have HSPL installed.
If this is the case, stay in bootloader, and re-run HSPL, and then check again in your bootloader to make sure you have HSPL, and then re-flash the custom_ruu
Chances are it just didn't take because your phone didn't have HSPL for whatever reason. You might want to re-download the radio ROM just to be sure you didn't get a corrupted/incomplete download.
Good luck
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Ok, then my HSPL isn't installed. But that's real' weird. Because when I install HSPL everything goes okay and it even says "Succesful" etc. I've tried to install HSPL for like 4 times and it always says installation completed, but however it doesn't show anything like HSPL or Cotulla on the bootloader screen. And I do have SPL 1.42.0000, which is required to install HSPL. And I also disabled my anti-virus so what have I done wrong?
By the way: When I go to bootloader mode it always goes to a grey screen first with blue words "Loading" and after a few seconds it says "Not allow" and after that it finally goes to bootloader mode. Is it supposed to be like that or what's wrong with this?

Nilee said:
But then that's weird because I did install HSPL and it even said succesfull. But still I get the same error when I try to flash the radio.
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did you use hspl3 and not changing the dropdown from its default 2.08.0000 which is stock. run it again and make sure the dropdown ends .hspl
saurabh88 said:
but what a shame that my pc even doesnt play with custom ruu.nothitng happen when i click.i have everything installed.
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anti virus program give you a hit when you first downloaded it?
many times the file gets disabled so you need to download it again, even if you turned off the av or told it to allow customruu.
also right click and "run as administrator" even if you are logged in as admin.
Nilee said:
By the way: When I go to bootloader mode it always goes to a grey screen first with blue words "Loading" and after a few seconds it says "Not allow" and after that it finally goes to bootloader mode. Is it supposed to be like that or what's wrong with this?
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there's a leoimg on your sd card (or your phone thinks there is) but it isn't starting. remove the card.

Ok, well I used HSPL 2 and it installed correctly. HSPL 1 however didn't work for me. After I installed HSPL 2 it clearly said something like HSPL 2.08 on the bootloader screen. So I tried to flash to a new radio with CustomRUU. It all went well, untill it was installing and suddenly said: CONNECTION ERROR CRITICAL ERROR or something like that. It also said that the USB cradle or something was unconnected, however it was still connected and I didn't even touch it. After that my phone rebooted and went into bootloader mode again. The weird thing is that it doesn't say HSPL 2.08 anymore. Now t says SPL 1.42 again so the HSPL went away or something. I tried to reboot the phone (using the red button at the back of the phone) but it went into bootloader mode again. Well, all it does is go into bootloader mode. I can't even get to the normal thing again, only the bootloader mode. What the hell have I done wrong?
By the way: If I'm in bootloader mode all it says is this:
SPL-1.42.0000 XE <-- (before this it still had HSPL but now it went away)
MicroP-Wrong Platform (0x0)
MicroP(TOUCH) 0x30

Can anyone help me? Have I bricked my phone??

Just a question/suggestion,
Did you already thought to use/install the latest stock ROM 3.14 !?
the reason of this suggestion is this stock ROM have Radio 2.15.50 already integrated (no need of HSPL) and it's compatible with Android.

Well I didn't, I will try to do it. But I don't know how. Because my phone is still only able to get into bootloader mode. And it won't even charge it's battery..
So do I have to put the Stock ROM on my SD now, and flash it from the SD card?
I don't even know how much battery my phone still has..

Nilee said:
Well I didn't, I will try to do it. But I don't know how. Because my phone is still only able to get into bootloader mode. And it won't even charge it's battery..
So do I have to put the Custom ROM on my SD now, and flash it from the SD card?
I don't even know how much battery my phone still has..
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You can flash stock ROM when you are in bootloader mode.

kurt-willems said:
You can flash stock ROM when you are in bootloader mode.
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By the way, my phone is in bootloader mode but it won't connect to the computer using a USB cable, it also won't charge it's battery.

Nilee said:
By the way, my phone is in bootloader mode but it won't connect to the computer using a USB cable, it also won't charge it's battery.
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Ok, then rest you the flashing over SD.
Make attention to use the right stock ROM; use your S/N to get access at your stock ROM on the HTC webpage.

deleted please ignore

Ok so I just extract the .exe and take the .nbh file of it and rename it to leoimg.nbh and put it on SD and start flashing?

Nilee said:
Ok so I just extract the .exe and take the .nbh file of it and rename it to leoimg.nbh and put it on SD and start flashing?
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Yes; that"s it.


Bricked QTEK 8500

I have just tried flashing WM6 on to a Friends QTEK 8500, it went wrong Doh!!!.
I had already last Friday put on it the version with non wroking GPRS and this went without issue. I then reflashed my own one with a GRPS working version (went without a problem) and then tried his. I can get it into the boot loader screen but nothing else. I have tried SD card flashing (3 cards) 1x 512MB Card and 2 x 2GB card all formatted as FAT32 with file on the root the phone searches for it but doesnt find it.
Please any advise.
vallancen said:
I have just tried flashing WM6 on to a Friends QTEK 8500, it went wrong Doh!!!.
I had already last Friday put on it the version with non wroking GPRS and this went without issue. I then reflashed my own one with a GRPS working version (went without a problem) and then tried his. I can get it into the boot loader screen but nothing else. I have tried SD card flashing (3 cards) 1x 512MB Card and 2 x 2GB card all formatted as FAT32 with file on the root the phone searches for it but doesnt find it.
Please any advise.
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First of all, REMEMBER, your phone is NOT bricked until it goes to BOOTLOADER mode.
Have you made SuperCID before flashing? What firmware are you trying to flash via bootloader mode?
Erofich said:
First of all, REMEMBER, your phone is NOT bricked until it goes to BOOTLOADER mode.
Have you made SuperCID before flashing? What firmware are you trying to flash via bootloader mode?
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When you say booloader mode what does that look like. At the moment if I reboot the phone I get the HTC Mobility windows by Erofich screen.
When you hold down camera and record button and then power on the device I get brifely the white scrren looking for SD card it then goes to the tri-colour screen and does nothing.
I beleive I have CID it as I did the same on this as I did on mine i.e. ran the unlock according to the sticky.
I than put on this
Windows Mobile 6 AKU 0.5.0 (5.2.1711 Build 18165.0.5.0) WWE v5c
Yours i beleive (excellent work by the way)
and it all worked fine bar GPRS I relay needed GPRS so I used
using the clean one which updated fine on my phone but when i tried it on my friends it fell over at about 83% I followed the recovery intructions but this did not work.
When you get into bootloader screen by pressing RECORD and CAMERA buttons, then you MUST flash back to the STOCK ROM first. You can't flash any custom WM6 at this point. Only AFTER you have the stock ROM flashed, you can use SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe to app unlock the phone, and copy the SoftSPL into the phone. Then run SPL.lnk.
To summarize: The built-in bootloader CANNOT flash WM6 and can ONLY flash a stock ROM. Once you go back to stock, you can then try to flash WM6 again. Anytime a flash fails, you must go back to stock first, then try again.
GnatGoSplat said:
When you get into bootloader screen by pressing RECORD and CAMERA buttons, then you MUST flash back to the STOCK ROM first. You can't flash any custom WM6 at this point. Only AFTER you have the stock ROM flashed, you can use SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe to app unlock the phone, and copy the SoftSPL into the phone. Then run SPL.lnk.
To summarize: The built-in bootloader CANNOT flash WM6 and can ONLY flash a stock ROM. Once you go back to stock, you can then try to flash WM6 again. Anytime a flash fails, you must go back to stock first, then try again.
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I am trying RUU_STAR100_3.6.251.0_02.67.30_QtekEUR_Ship I believe this is an original version 5 rom?
GnatGoSplat said:
you can use SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe to app unlock the phone
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This method works on Cingular ROM only, not Qtek.
Hold CAMERA and RECORD button and press power button. When it goes to Bootloader tricolor mode connect your device to PC and run official Qtek 8500 RUU. Then make a reg (app) unlock:
Download regeditSTG2 which is digitally signed:
Then install it and change some registry values:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\00001001 = 2
-> change to 1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\00001005 = 16
-> change to 40
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\00001017 = 128
-> change to 144
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Security\Policies\Policies
-> create new key "0000101a": Dword = 1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Security\Policies\Policies
-> create new key "0000101b": Dword = 1"
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copy SoftSPL to the root of your device and run SPL.lnk
Then run WM6 RUU
Erofich said:
This method works on Cingular ROM only, not Qtek.
Hold CAMERA and RECORD button and press power button. When it goes to Bootloader tricolor mode connect your device to PC and run official Qtek 8500 RUU. Then make a reg (app) unlock:
copy SoftSPL to the root of your device and run SPL.lnk
Then run WM6 RUU
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When I plug into PC (XP SP2) and run the Qtek 8500 RUU it just times out and says it cant find device.
vallancen said:
When I plug into PC (XP SP2) and run the Qtek 8500 RUU it just times out and says it cant find device.
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I have two phones one did work and one did not the one that worked shows version 1.02 on the tri colour screen the one I am having problems with shows 3.06 not sure if this is relevant.
Try removing the battery for about 30-seconds (or just removing the battery cover) and then put it back on. With the phone OFF, hold RECORD and CAMERA and plug in the USB while holding those buttons. It should go to the Bootloader. Run the QTEK RUU immediately after doing that.
If you sit at bootloader very long (more than a minute or so), for some reason it times out and the RUU won't work. It could be that's what's happening.
GnatGoSplat said:
Try removing the battery for about 30-seconds (or just removing the battery cover) and then put it back on. With the phone OFF, hold RECORD and CAMERA and plug in the USB while holding those buttons. It should go to the Bootloader. Run the QTEK RUU immediately after doing that.
If you sit at bootloader very long (more than a minute or so), for some reason it times out and the RUU won't work. It could be that's what's happening.
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Tried that a couple of times just to make sure I was doing it correctly it goes into the tri colour screen I pressed the reflash option on the PC 1 second later this then sits there for a minute or so and times out "ERROR [260]" the phone did come on and has a USB in the bottom left corner so I presume the connection to the PC is OK.
I have just re-done mine again using the NEO rom (very nice) to make sure I am not going mad and that I did it correctly and this all went without a hitch.
Is there anyway I can get the phone to boot of a SPL on an SD Card I think if I could do this then I could get it back to 5 and start again.
No, it will only boot off the built-in SPL in ROM.
Did you try using the OEM .nbh file, naming it STARIMG.nbh and putting it on the SD card?
GnatGoSplat said:
No, it will only boot off the built-in SPL in ROM.
Did you try using the OEM .nbh file, naming it STARIMG.nbh and putting it on the SD card?
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Yes tried that made sure formatted FAT32 etc. I know the SD card is ok because if I take my working phone and run the SPL link with the card in my good phone it finds the file and asks me if i want to reflash it. The non working phone with SPL3.06 does not do this.
You are not alone.
The bad news - the person in the post ended up having to exchange the phone.
It could be there's a bug in 3.06 SPL? Seems to be the case because I've flashed bad ROMs many dozens of times on my Cingular 3125 StarTrek and not once did I have any trouble flashing OEM ROM back on it.
Can I write the flash at a lower level with any tools i.e. pdocwrite or seomthing like that?
I don't believe so. Those programs require an Activesync connection (copies files to the phone). You could try the MTTY method, but I don't know if that works on StarTrek. I think it's some kind of terminal access into the bootloader, but what I've said so far is the extent of my knowledge about it.
vallancen said:
I have two phones one did work and one did not the one that worked shows version 1.02 on the tri colour screen the one I am having problems with shows 3.06 not sure if this is relevant.
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I have a similar problem on a 3125 and the phone reports V4.01. I acquired the phone in this condition, so don't know how that came to be. When I try to update via USB, it tells me I need a newer update tool (to match the 4.01, I assume). What error message are you getting when you try to update via USB?
I have been struggling to flash (again) the great pro V2 rom, but I always used my VMWare based XP windows version on my Vista laptop. Today I could use a genuine XP Laptop and I could make a connection and start the upgrade!
Sounds good? That's what I thought too, until the upgrade stopped at 70% (and I didn't touch anything), because of a connection error. I followed the text on my PC screen and I finally it started flashing again for a few seconds and then my startrek suddenly restarted, but it stops at the first splash screen! I tried to get my device back to bootloader mode (push 2 soft buttons and start), but no bootloader mode, only the 1st splash.
I solved the problem.
Thank you for this thread
I tried flashing a new ROM to my i-mate smartflip and thought I had killed it, but going back to the wm5 OEM as suggested on this thread worked and I still have my phone. Now, am I brave enough to try upgrading it to wm6.1 (or even 6.5) again... Once again, many thanks!
somebody can me give the oem rom because i am same problem too on the secreen 3.06 i cant flashing anytihing rom somebody must me help

[Resolved]: Stuck at Bootloader 1.06, titan_exitbl.exe isn't working.

Hi Folks,
I'm stuck in the tri-color screen for bootloader 1.06.
I have DCD 3.2.0 w/3.42.02 radio on the XV6800 and was trying to upgrade to radio 3.42.30. My system is Vista 32-bit.
I ran the Titan Relocker and it put SPL-1.06.0000 back onto the device and was planning on then putting 1.2 onto it.
Running titan_exitbl.exe says "Cannot open USB port. Please make sure, that USB connection in ActiveSync is disabled."
Unfortunately it is now stuck and even after ending the Sync Center service I can't get titan_exitbl.exe to pull it out of the Boot Loader.
Ideas? Thank you!
I could fire up an old XP laptop and try it from there.
Loaded ActiveSync 4.5 on an XP laptop, disabled USB connections, ran titan-exebl.exe and the device is booting now.
I'll continue on and see what else I can screw up.
Loaded SPL 1.20
Loaded 3.42.30
Loaded SPL 2.40
Device is back to working! Off to see if GPS is back after being lost with 3.42.02.
Where can I find titan-exebl.exe? Google doesn't turn up any results other than here?
Never mind... just located it on my own hard drive!
Stuck on Bootloader
OK... I've tried titan_exitbl.exe, and it still doesn't work.
Here's my problem in chronological order:
1. I've been having a few problems (bugs) in my current custom ROM (PPC Kitchen 3.49 version), so I decided to re-flash to a stock ROM, see if the problems were fixed, and then try to flash back to a custom ROM.
2. I tried flashing to the Sprint 3.35 ROM. The RUU showed the progress bar on both my PC and the phone. But at 0%, I got a message saying "an error has occured" - or something to that effect.
3. I decided that the error was because I was running a custom ROM, and Sprint didn't like that. So I ran the Titan Relocker utility, thinking this would cure the problem.
4. I followed the steps on the screen and then got a message saying the relocker utility had completed successfully. The phone rebooted and went into the tri-color bootloader mode.
5. I retried the Sprint 3.35 ROM update, but got the same connection error, and the progress slider would never move from 0%.
6. I decided the phone had locked up and performed a reset with the stylus. The phone rebooted and went back into bootloader mode. The screen shows "TITA100 SPL-1.06.0000"
7. And that's as far as I've gotten. I've tried several hard resets using the buttons and the stylus together. I've tried removing the battery and reinstalliong... but the phone just goes back into bootloader mode.
I've tried both titan_exitbl.exe and UNI_Exitbootloader.exe, and neither utility seems to help. I get a message saying that "All data was sent... the phone will reboot now... please check your screen". The phone's screen blinks for a moment, and then returns to bootloader. Nothing can get it anywhere else.
I've tried different USB cables and ports. Activesync won't detect it, but the utility update software does.
When I run the Sprint 3.35 ROM update utility, I get an error at 11% saying "invalid vendor ID" and the update refuses to run. I tried to run the Titan Re-locker utility again, but it requires an ActiveSync connection. I've tried both enabling and disabling the USB connection in ActiveSync, but that seems to make no difference. The utility simply says no USB connection is available. The ROM update utilities will detect the device via USB - they just refuse to work with them.
I also tried running a DCD Tital 2.1.0 Bell ROM. The progress slider freezes at 0%, and then I get a message saying the RUU has encountered communication errors during the update. I've been through the recovery process the utiity suggests about a dozen times... it sill returns the phone to the bootloader screen.
So I'm getting pretty frustrated... does anyone have any ideas?
Try changing your spl back to 2.40.
Throwing it back into the tri color screen again and flash the sprint stock 3.35
But put it on the root of a fat32 formatted micro sd card in the flavor of under 2gb.
Just run the exe from your computer it will extract the files from the exe to some location on your computer, normally the ruu update folder.
There will be a ruu_sighned.nbh file locate it and copy it to the fat32 formatted card rename it TITAIMG.nbh
Let the phone boot into the bootloader and it should detect the file on the sd and update the rom for you, by stating loading ......
Then will prompt you to update press power key.
Sense you are not on sprint don't let the first time custimizations run ... pull battery once you get to your mobile today screen on first boot...
Use active sync or the sd method to update your rom to whatever you wanted originally.
Most full updates from carriers the ones that flash both the radio and rom will run regardless of the boot loader thats on the device.
Happy flashing
Just thought I'd toss in here that GPS does work, but I have to use GPS Viewer to get a lock on the satellites first.
softwind said:
OK... I've tried titan_exitbl.exe, and it still doesn't work.
Here's my problem in chronological order:
1. I've been having a few problems (bugs) in my current custom ROM (PPC Kitchen 3.49 version), so I decided to re-flash to a stock ROM, see if the problems were fixed, and then try to flash back to a custom ROM.
2. I tried flashing to the Sprint 3.35 ROM. The RUU showed the progress bar on both my PC and the phone. But at 0%, I got a message saying "an error has occured" - or something to that effect.
3. I decided that the error was because I was running a custom ROM, and Sprint didn't like that. So I ran the Titan Relocker utility, thinking this would cure the problem.
4. I followed the steps on the screen and then got a message saying the relocker utility had completed successfully. The phone rebooted and went into the tri-color bootloader mode.
5. I retried the Sprint 3.35 ROM update, but got the same connection error, and the progress slider would never move from 0%.
6. I decided the phone had locked up and performed a reset with the stylus. The phone rebooted and went back into bootloader mode. The screen shows "TITA100 SPL-1.06.0000"
7. And that's as far as I've gotten. I've tried several hard resets using the buttons and the stylus together. I've tried removing the battery and reinstalliong... but the phone just goes back into bootloader mode.
I've tried both titan_exitbl.exe and UNI_Exitbootloader.exe, and neither utility seems to help. I get a message saying that "All data was sent... the phone will reboot now... please check your screen". The phone's screen blinks for a moment, and then returns to bootloader. Nothing can get it anywhere else.
I've tried different USB cables and ports. Activesync won't detect it, but the utility update software does.
When I run the Sprint 3.35 ROM update utility, I get an error at 11% saying "invalid vendor ID" and the update refuses to run. I tried to run the Titan Re-locker utility again, but it requires an ActiveSync connection. I've tried both enabling and disabling the USB connection in ActiveSync, but that seems to make no difference. The utility simply says no USB connection is available. The ROM update utilities will detect the device via USB - they just refuse to work with them.
I also tried running a DCD Tital 2.1.0 Bell ROM. The progress slider freezes at 0%, and then I get a message saying the RUU has encountered communication errors during the update. I've been through the recovery process the utiity suggests about a dozen times... it sill returns the phone to the bootloader screen.
So I'm getting pretty frustrated... does anyone have any ideas?
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please i have this problem how to fix this?
Please state your exact problem and what you did to cause it. Including all versions of rom and radio and bootloader.
drewcam888 said:
Please state your exact problem and what you did to cause it. Including all versions of rom and radio and bootloader.
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Thanks!!! Ok, i cant remember eactly what is the v radio but i think 3.35 or 3.42 i cant remember exactly it's one of these. the SPL 1.06 Locked i cant unlocked i cant use titan_exitbl.... the SD update doesnt work stuck on loading.., i cant update from pc stuck 0% then Recovery Error help me. I My phone is bricked? Sorry for my english....
Did you try to install 2.4 unlocker?
drewcam888 said:
Did you try to install 2.4 unlocker?
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Yes, i try from SD and nothing stuck on loading... from windows with RUU nothing 0% stuck and then UPDATE ERROR[262] now i don't know to do
2.4 doesnt use sd and it is run from a .exe. Make sure you aren't trying 2.47. Are you sure you tried this?
drewcam888 said:
2.4 doesnt use sd and it is run from a .exe. Make sure you aren't trying 2.47. Are you sure you tried this?
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Ok, but how run from windows? If i cant connect via activesyncs the phone is on SPL mode i cant out of that and the msdos windows say "No device conected" when press enter from windows i cant unlock. Any idea? I'll try 2.47 but how run from windows with the phone en SPL Mode?
Please read. I said run 2.4 not 2.47. Put the phone in bootloader and it should say usb at the bottom. Then run 2.4 .exe unlocker. I think it should run without using activesync. And by spl mode do you mean the phone is in the bootloader.
drewcam888 said:
Please read. I said run 2.4 not 2.47. Put the phone in bootloader and it should say usb at the bottom. Then run 2.4 .exe unlocker. I think it should run without using activesync. And by spl mode do you mean the phone is in the bootloader.
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Look i cant run Hard-SPL-MFG (Olipro 2.40 Unlocker) because when i run the Bat Or MSDOS Windows say "No device connect" question me if i want retray copy the file.
Ok so i guess it needs activesync. About your only option is to install a pregps rom so the phone will boot and then you can reflash the custom rom. Below is a pregps Verizon rom and radio that will work for 1.06 bootloader. Called rom 2.09.
drewcam888 said:
Ok so i guess it needs activesync. About your only option is to install a pregps rom so the phone will boot and then you can reflash the custom rom. Below is a pregps Verizon rom and radio that will work for 1.06 bootloader. Called rom 2.09.
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No luck, method A SD Card Loading.. then cheking... then show a number corner 00028002 and say down Not allowed.
Method B, via PC and RUU then ERROR INVALID VENDOR ID.
Any idea? Thanks bro.
I think my phone is bricked... noway load the rom... i've tried load bootloader unlocked via SD last option and nothing!! damn this is so

Need urgent help HD2 bricked

Got a problem. I wanted to upgrade to new OzRom today so did normal tasks I did last 40 times.
get new rom and unpack it.
Rename image to LEOIMG.nbh and put it to root of SD card
perform mtty task 29
reboot, phone goes to bootloader then goes to normal grey screen it just says loading and that is it. It gets stuck there.
I had tried flashing via sspl, it sees the phone, screen on phone changes to black htc screen but loading bar sticks at 0%
I have HSPL 2.08 on the phone, I tried to re apply HSPL but it states error with usb connection. Can not upgrade radio from sd card or via sspl as well.
Did try previous rom that worked but it also does not want to load?
Any ideas?
Try flashing back to your original rom. Try that via sd card which should replace hspl back too your stock spl and then start the process from scratch.
mitty task 29 has a serious problem. you are not the only one. if ur hd2 is from tmobile. try T-Mobile_HD2_MR_Software_2.13.531.1. flash it just like the way you do. if doesnt work then copy it to sd card and flash it. . it'll return to its original stage.
pnjboyzz said:
mitty task 29 has a serious problem. you are not the only one. if ur hd2 is from tmobile. try T-Mobile_HD2_MR_Software_2.13.531.1. flash it just like the way you do. if doesnt work then copy it to sd card and flash it. . it'll return to its original stage.
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It is odd that it did it now as I have not had any problems for last 8 months
Did not work!!
Update is that I managed to do the HSPL3 again over USB which I could not do before but I can not flash any roms.
Have you tried flash to ActiveSync????
Ok got it going again.
I hade my HSPL as 2.08.0000 and cotula signs all over it. Flashed again and it again went to the same one. However apparently .0000 means it is stock (no idea why stock rom did not want load). Flashed it again to HSPL2 and then upgrade to 3 fixed it.
alesscam said:
Have you tried flash to ActiveSync????
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It would not help as I have done mtty before so no os on it.
no problem with mtty...
after mtty
you can press red botton for sofreset and press volume down for go to Bootloader
from bootloader you will see USB ,
this if your leo is connect to PC

[Q] Unable to flash any ROM!

I'm about six hours into the process of trying to revive a nonfunctional HD2 that I purchased. I'm going batty!
Here is my status:
1) have installed SPL-2.08.HSPL 8G XE (0x05, 0x40) Cotulla HSPL
2) Have downloaded a few different roms (Chucky, TMO official, Energy) but they either get stuck at 0% or 9% (the highest it's gotten)
I'm getting pretty good at pulling the battery - it's like a new skill I never hoped to have!
I'm getting pretty frustrated because I've read about a hundred different posts on this site and I see that people are getting around this, but I'm starting to wonder if my phone has an issue that I can't resolve?
The phone doesn't boot up at all - it just says "Upgrade ROM code error, Please try again". Prior to my goofing with it, it just got stuck at the "Stick Together" screen. (Unwittingly bought it that way)
If I use the HSPL3_PKG to install/remove HSPL, it only works (connects to the phone) about one out of ten times, and out of the ~ten times I have gotten it to work, it only completed twice with a "We Hacked It" screen. The rest of the time it errors out just as I think it's getting the job done.
If I boot to the bootloader screen, I can put the USB cable in and see it change from Serial to USB (I've tried the thick and thin cables as some have suggested and haven't noticd a difference yet)
Then I kick of a rom update using the update utility that comes packed with it, and either the update process stops at 0% or it has made it all the way to 9%.
I'm in a position to get a replacement from TMO via the person who bought it (two for one, wife didn't like it, I bought it off of him) but I would rather not.
Any suggestions?
The part number of the phone is 99HKY001-00 B
jimmyswinger said:
I'm about six hours into the process of trying to revive a nonfunctional HD2 that I purchased. I'm going batty!
Here is my status:
1) have installed SPL-2.08.HSPL 8G XE (0x05, 0x40) Cotulla HSPL
2) Have downloaded a few different roms (Chucky, TMO official, Energy) but they either get stuck at 0% or 9% (the highest it's gotten)
I'm getting pretty good at pulling the battery - it's like a new skill I never hoped to have!
I'm getting pretty frustrated because I've read about a hundred different posts on this site and I see that people are getting around this, but I'm starting to wonder if my phone has an issue that I can't resolve?
The phone doesn't boot up at all - it just says "Upgrade ROM code error, Please try again". Prior to my goofing with it, it just got stuck at the "Stick Together" screen. (Unwittingly bought it that way)
If I use the HSPL3_PKG to install/remove HSPL, it only works (connects to the phone) about one out of ten times, and out of the ~ten times I have gotten it to work, it only completed twice with a "We Hacked It" screen. The rest of the time it errors out just as I think it's getting the job done.
If I boot to the bootloader screen, I can put the USB cable in and see it change from Serial to USB (I've tried the thick and thin cables as some have suggested and haven't noticd a difference yet)
Then I kick of a rom update using the update utility that comes packed with it, and either the update process stops at 0% or it has made it all the way to 9%.
I'm in a position to get a replacement from TMO via the person who bought it (two for one, wife didn't like it, I bought it off of him) but I would rather not.
Any suggestions?
The part number of the phone is 99HKY001-00 B
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After HSPL Install RADIO 2.14.50_04 then TRY to install latest Energy ROM.. Should work.
netvpn7 said:
After HSPL Install RADIO 2.14.50_04 then TRY to install latest Energy ROM.. Should work.
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Even if it us a TMOUS HD2? I will give it a try, but I want to be sure before doing it!
Thanks for the reply
netvpn7 said:
After HSPL Install RADIO 2.14.50_04 then TRY to install latest Energy ROM.. Should work.
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Once you have Hard-SPL on the device you don't need to worry about that anymore. Flashing Roms and radios will not overwrite it, that's what makes it "Hard". To make sure it's on there go into bootloader and it should show 2.08.hspl.
As for the radio, for TMOUS, just make sure it's a x.xx.50.xx radio (not a .51) and you'll be fine. If you have radio 2.10.50.xx you shouldn't have to change it.
So now I would try downloading one of the stock shipped Tmo ROMs (2.13 or 2.14). Then remove Sim and SD and go into bootloader, connect USB to PC and make sure it says USB on the device (not serial) and run the ROM Update Utility (RUU.exe). See if that works.
i also got this problem ,will try ur method n c
after hspl ,cant flash finish radio 2.14 it says ERROR (290) INVALID COMMAND.
excelpass said:
after hspl ,cant flash finish radio 2.14 it says ERROR (290) INVALID COMMAND.
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You need HSPL..
HSPL done ,i tried a lot of files only Miri & Dinik n Duttys Leo Sense file can b flash successfully ,it went into menu once but now hang at htc startup again,,is this hardware problem?
i had the same problem last week. Drove me nuts.
i found there are more than one version of HPSL 3.
you have to download the latest one. for more info,
read my posts at
So you need HardSPL3 (the version is DarkForces Team HardSPL3 by bepe and Cotulla 21.06.2010)
If it still doesnt work, take a photo and post your screen
Still no go...
I have installed SPL-2.08.HSPL 8G XE (0x05, 0x40) Cotulla HSPL, the latest version I could find.
I just tried to flash RUU_Leo_1_5_TMOUS_3.14.531.0_Radio_15.42.50.09U_2.14.50.04_LEO_1.5_Ship and it consistently flakes out at 8%.
I charged the phone all night, booted to the tricolor screen, kicked off the update as an administrator in Win7, the phone got to 8% and then the update flaked out on the PC - "The ROM update encountered communication errors during the update process" (Error [276])
I genuinely think that this phone is bunk - I'm just going to have the fellow I bought it from call in for a warranty replacement.
Thanks for your help, everyone...
SD card flash...
I could not see it anywhere in this thread, and also I'm not certain if it is possible on a HD2. But on my xperia I'm usualy flashing from a SD card, copy the image over rename it as KOVSIMG.NBH (guess it would be something like LEOROM.NBH).
Than by pressing (and holding) volume down + power button while the device is off going to the boatloader screen which detects the card (must be inserted and flash from it IF there is the correct file loaded on the card.
Did you actually download the HardSPL3 version from DarkForces Team?
If not, dont second guess anything. And if it works, you'll get your phone back.
The file name to download is "HSPL3_PKG.exe". Its by bepe and Cotulla 21.06.2010
If you downloaded the right version. it will support ALL LEO types, and all the SPL versions below:
SPL 1.42.0000
SPL 1.62.0000
SPL 1.66.0000
SPL 2.07.0000
SPL 2.08.0000
SPL 2.10.0000
you just select which SPL version to install in the Choose SPL screen. This version also disables the CID Check.
Dont knock it before you try it ..
jimmyswinger said:
I have installed SPL-2.08.HSPL 8G XE (0x05, 0x40) Cotulla HSPL, the latest version I could find.
I just tried to flash RUU_Leo_1_5_TMOUS_3.14.531.0_Radio_15.42.50.09U_2.14.50.04_LEO_1.5_Ship and it consistently flakes out at 8%.
I charged the phone all night, booted to the tricolor screen, kicked off the update as an administrator in Win7, the phone got to 8% and then the update flaked out on the PC - "The ROM update encountered communication errors during the update process" (Error [276])
I genuinely think that this phone is bunk - I'm just going to have the fellow I bought it from call in for a warranty replacement.
Thanks for your help, everyone...
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Exactly in the same situation and dont know what to do...
snooffy said:
I could not see it anywhere in this thread, and also I'm not certain if it is possible on a HD2. But on my xperia I'm usualy flashing from a SD card, copy the image over rename it as KOVSIMG.NBH (guess it would be something like LEOROM.NBH).
Than by pressing (and holding) volume down + power button while the device is off going to the boatloader screen which detects the card (must be inserted and flash from it IF there is the correct file loaded on the card.
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Yes you are correct you can flash via SD card. You need a 4GB or lower SD card. This is not to say other higher GB SD card will not work, it is just that it has been stated many times the higher SD cards sometimes work to flash a ROM and sometimes don't. The card needs to be formatted with Fat 32. You have to find the RUU_(wharever).nbh and rename it to leoimg.nbh ( you almost got it righ tsnoffy lol) and copy it to your SD card. insert SD card into phone and hold the volume down botton down anx tap the power button keep holding the volume down button down until you see bootloader come up and say searching then let go of the volume down button. The ROM will flash.

[Q] Not able to go back to Stock ROM from WP7 - SOLVED

I loaded the WP7 yesterday and then wanted to go back to stock ROM today. While I am able to enter bootloader:
It says:
LEO1000 HX BC (2K)
MicroP (LED) 0x05
Now when I run the stock ROM it starts the update and then stops at 1%.
I have tried both 3.14 and 1.66 ROM and in both it says, Error (244): Invalid model ID (This update utility cannot be used for your PDA. Please check your update utility.
Any solutions?
Flash android?
nicedude_abad said:
I loaded the WP7 yesterday and then wanted to go back to stock ROM today. While I am able to enter bootloader:
It says:
LEO1000 HX BC (2K)
MicroP (LED) 0x05
Now when I run the stock ROM it starts the update and then stops at 1%.
I have tried both 3.14 and 1.66 ROM and in both it says, Error (244): Invalid model ID (This update utility cannot be used for your PDA. Please check your update utility.
Any solutions?
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It sounds like you have to run hspl and make it 2.08 hspl
There is a special thread here on How to get back to winmo from WP7, read it!
Did you reformat the card to FAT32?
lms1407 said:
It sounds like you have to run hspl and make it 2.08 hspl
There is a special thread here on How to get back to winmo from WP7, read it!
Did you reformat the card to FAT32?
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milli260876 said:
Flash android?
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When I run HSLP 2 or 3 it keeps on saying Critical error - bad model ID.
I will try flashing android and see if that works. I haven't come across the thread you are mentioning but have come across the Android flash thread where they explain in the details other issues but nothing relating to this HSPL critical error Bad model ID.
BTW, I even tried flashing from SD Card but the the bootloader sayd 'SD NONE'. Did format the card to FAT32
nicedude_abad said:
I loaded the WP7 yesterday and then wanted to go back to stock ROM today. While I am able to enter bootloader:
It says:
LEO1000 HX BC (2K)
MicroP (LED) 0x05
Now when I run the stock ROM it starts the update and then stops at 1%.
I have tried both 3.14 and 1.66 ROM and in both it says, Error (244): Invalid model ID (This update utility cannot be used for your PDA. Please check your update utility.
Any solutions?
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Where did you get the download from? It seems to have completely altered your model id in bootloader. You should either have PB81100, PB81110 or PB81120. To my knowledge those are the only model id's that hspl will work on. This is a very old thread I started which allowed hspl to run and bypass the device id check. You may want to try the steps there to see if they help. You will need to modify the steps slightly - in step 2 instead of entering "PB81110" enter "LEO1000". Please note this carries no guarantees and is at your own risk.
ClydeB1 said:
Where did you get the download from? It seems to have completely altered your model id in bootloader. You should either have PB81100, PB81110 or PB81120. To my knowledge those are the only model id's that hspl will work on. This is a very old thread I started which allowed hspl to run and bypass the device id check. You may want to try the steps there to see if they help. You will need to modify the steps slightly - in step 2 instead of entering "PB81110" enter "LEO1000". Please note this carries no guarantees and is at your own risk.
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Downloaded it from the forum itself. I tried to do what you suggested but now it's giving me an error ''Bad SPL version''.
Any solutions?
nicedude_abad said:
Downloaded it from the forum itself. I tried to do what you suggested but now it's giving me an error ''Bad SPL version''.
Any solutions?
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Seriously, where did you get your download from, that must have seriously screwed with your phone to change your model id and spl version like that. I installed WP7 yesterday and have just safely reverted back to Android without any hassles. Do you recall what values you had before the flash?
If there is a solution it ain't gonna be a simple one and will need some serious tech help, which is outside of my levels. Even Googling the spl version only returns this thread.
This (or something similar) happened to me. I powered down my phone but did not take out the battery and it restarted the part that loads the win 7 rom while I still got the screen with the coloured bands on.
Try, taking out the battery for 10 seconds or so then put it in while holding the volume down key and powering up.
Got stock ROM back in first time but kiss goodbye to the data on your SD card. I had to use a Canon camera to reformat the card to get back the 14GB it was hiding.
splinters69 said:
This (or something similar) happened to me. I powered down my phone but did not take out the battery and it restarted the part that loads the win 7 rom while I still got the screen with the coloured bands on.
Try, taking out the battery for 10 seconds or so then put it in while holding the volume down key and powering up.
Got stock ROM back in first time but kiss goodbye to the data on your SD card. I had to use a Canon camera to reformat the card to get back the 14GB it was hiding.
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This WORKED. Thanks a TON splinters69.
For future uses, this is what I did.
1. Took out the battery for about 30 seconds.
2. Put one of the LEOIMG.NBH on storage card
3. After putting the battery held the volume down button and pressed power button.
4. It went into HSPL mode straight away and started loading the win 6.5 OS.
You saved the day Splinters69. Thanks to Clydeb1 too for that modelIDcheckbypass.
nicedude_abad said:
This WORKED. Thanks a TON splinters69.
For future uses, this is what I did.
1. Took out the battery for about 30 seconds.
2. Put one of the LEOIMG.NBH on storage card
3. After putting the battery held the volume down button and pressed power button.
4. It went into HSPL mode straight away and started loading the win 6.5 OS.
You saved the day Splinters69. Thanks to Clydeb1 too for that modelIDcheckbypass.
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Phew, that must have been a scare. Glad to see you got it resolved and something so simple as removing the battery - nice one @splinter69.
ClydeB1 said:
Phew, that must have been a scare. Glad to see you got it resolved and something so simple as removing the battery - nice one @splinter69.
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Yea. It was scary but the only good thing was that I was able to get into MAGDLR so I knew that probably I could install another NAND Android ROM onto it. However, what I wanted was to go back to WinMO 6.5 and then re-learn.
Amazing what knowledge pool we have here, isn't it?
scary that. I think we all fear that at one point or another. thanks for the insight as to how u sorted it.when u said u put a rom back on was it a stock or custom rom.
It was a custom NRGZ ROM.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
cheers for that
Hi all !
I Had the exact same problem after installing WP7 and trying to go back to 6.5 :
Boot Screen was displaying :
LEO1000 HX BC (2K)
MicroP (LED) 0x05
Whenever i try to flash back to any stock / signed ROM it failed at 1%
splinters69 technic is working perfect .
1> Switch Off you phone
2> Remove Battery & wait for 30secs
3> Hold Vol Down + Place Battery back in + Press Power Btn
4> BootScreen Should display your previous version of HSPL.
5> Dont need GoldenCArd , just use RUU FLASH MODE
Thx guys !
I installed MagLDR 1.12 and WP7... after restarting the phone, it kept reseting after about 15 seconds of DFT screen, so i couldn't flash another rom.
After that i took out the baterry and flashed a 6.5 rom and then flashed MagLDR 1.13 and WP7. This time it worked.
Thanks everybody, for posting such helpful things.
Hi all, tried the above mention steps but still couldn't flash it back to stock rom.
It always stuck at 0%, anyone can help?
Is flashing back to WinMo from WP7 the same as from NAND android?

