Need Help Getting Out of Factory Reset - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I need help getting out of factory reset, it's been 1 hour since i did the reset and it's been on the same screen with "E: Missing bitmap indertermined (code -7)". Is there any way I can fix this?
Edit: I was rooted and had Auxara installed.

what's with people double posting in multiple sections today?
Odin back to stock. Check out the Vibrant Bible if you need help w/that.

Ok, I did Odin and followed every step but as soon as Odin finished it reset but my phone never turned back on. So now what happened? Is there any fixes or do I just have to go through warranty?

JN9391 said:
Ok, I did Odin and followed every step but as soon as Odin finished it reset but my phone never turned back on. So now what happened? Is there any fixes or do I just have to go through warranty?
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Does it still turn on? Meaning lights turn on or it says vibrant on the screen?
If not do a warranty, somehow u might have hard bricked

Oh god. Think I'm the first person to have hard bricked a Vibrant >=(

When my Vibrant wouldn't turn on like that I just left it plugged in to the wall for about 20 minutes and then tried download mode again and it worked. So let it sit on power briefly and see if that does anything. This phone is incredibly hard to brick.

Ok thanks for the help.
I'll try leaving my phone charged overnight and see what happens in the morning.

JN9391 said:
Oh god. Think I'm the first person to have hard bricked a Vibrant >=(
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Na there are others including me but the rest issues were complex, idk how this happened just like that.
Try charging may be out of battery?

I left my phone charging while I had issues during the factory reset issue, I'm starting to think it wasn't able to charge at the time and then when I did the Odin my phone died, so for some odd reason my phone might not be detecting the charger. =/


Touch screen problems

I just tried to flash my phone with the preroot GB flash and it installed and when I rebooted my phone my touch screen will not work. so I tried to flash it back with the sbf and now im at the activation screen but the touch screen wont work. Any advice of what I can do?
try booting into stock system recovery and doing a data format and then try booting.
Someone On Rootzwiki Is Also Having This Problem Can't Get The Droid To Register Touch.
i believe most if not all of us occasionally lose touch responsivness until the screen is turned off and back on which only takes 2 seconds. But this problem is different of course...possibly related...
MikeJ92YJ said:
Someone On Rootzwiki Is Also Having This Problem Can't Get The Droid To Register Touch.
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Thanks mike.
Ive been dealing with this same issue for atleast 5 hours now and im tired of sbf'ing............idk what to do.......
I booted into stock recovery and did a data reset and its still doesn't work. If I did a SBF will verizon be able to tell it was rooted? I don't want charged for a new phone I might just soak this one in some water.
vacobra1 said:
I booted into stock recovery and did a data reset and its still doesn't work. If I did a SBF will verizon be able to tell it was rooted? I don't want charged for a new phone I might just soak this one in some water.
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If you sbf they can't tell you were rooted
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
No Touch Response
Is you phone charging? I had the same problem, but when I unplugged from charger all worked well (until I plugged it back in). I unplugged, went into recovery, factory reset, then did SBF and presto changeo, My phone responded to my touch
I have sent many phones back to Verizon, still rooted, and have NEVER been charged. When I call I do not tell them it was rooted. With SBF, as long as you cleared data/Factory reset first, there will be no indication it was rooted ever.
my phone is charging I unplugged it and im going to do a factory reset with out it plugged in and see what happens
Thread moved to proper forum since this is not android development.
still nothing
Hardware problem, get a replacement
vacobra1 said:
still nothing
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i still can't get mine to do anything either.......................and i thought i had good phone because i have NEVER had 1 single problem out of it like all these other people on these forums......
I have a replacement on its way. So tomorrow ill be up and running I think ill just wait for GB to come from verizon this time.

[Q] HELP! Photon wont boot! (Stuck at red M)

So yesterday I was in a call with low battery when it shut off. Normally not a problem, just plug it into the wall for a while. Well when I tried to turn it on, it wouldn't even boot up. It was stuck at the red M logo. The LED showed amber colored as well. I left it plugged in and the light remained amber until 90% battery, where it turned green.
I tried to turn it on and its been stuck on the red M logo. Its been stuck for more than 12 hours now.
I CAN access fastboot, android recovery, etc. I already tried wiping the cache and even did a factory reset. Still wont work.
What can I possibly do? I luckily have a backup phone, but I've had my photon for less than a month, no warranty, and I'm a novice Android user. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
MooseV2 said:
So yesterday I was in a call with low battery when it shut off. Normally not a problem, just plug it into the wall for a while. Well when I tried to turn it on, it wouldn't even boot up. It was stuck at the red M logo. The LED showed amber colored as well. I left it plugged in and the light remained amber until 90% battery, where it turned green.
I tried to turn it on and its been stuck on the red M logo. Its been stuck for more than 12 hours now.
I CAN access fastboot, android recovery, etc. I already tried wiping the cache and even did a factory reset. Still wont work.
What can I possibly do? I luckily have a backup phone, but I've had my photon for less than a month, no warranty, and I'm a novice Android user. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Click on the software and tools link and use rsd lite to reflash the stock os onto the phone. If that doesn't work I would take it to the sprint store.
I assume you tried pulling the battery?
I'm downloading SBF now. Hopefully it works, because I live in Canada and we don't have Sprint stores.
And YES, I tried pulling the battery. Multiple times. With every combination (eg, plug in, turn on, then insert battery; put in battery, turn on, then plug in, etc)
the sbf should work but may i ask how you managed to brick your photon? when i just got mine i did everything wrong and i never got even a soft brick so i'm interested what i didn't mess up haha
Quick question: I should be downloading the most recent? Will it make a difference?
And damn, did I actually brick it?? I'm pretty new to this thing, this is my first Android and I've had it for less than a month...
And nothing should have triggered it. I added another line in build ( or something) and I added another setting in /system/etc/mediaprofiles.xml. I was trying to add 1080p to the camera (unsuccessfully). I didn't remove anything, and even after a reboot it was fine.
It wasn't until the battery died, where it stopped booting up. Just my luck :/
You should probably choose one of the newer ones, just becasue of bug fixes, etc. If you happen to know what version you were running before then I'd choose that. I cant stress enough, make sure the one you download is for the Photon and NOT Electrify! And technically yeah that is a brick lol but its extremely hard to legit brick beyond repair a photon due to the fact that we have RSD Lite and SBF files to bring it back.
Strangely, I found a thread depicting the same problem that I had, although with the electrify.
Anyways, the problem is fixed, by reflashing the SBF using RSD Lite, everything is back to normal! Well, almost, just have to restore my backup
Thanks so much for your help guys, I wouldn't have been able to fix it without you all!
can you fix a bricked phone??
My Photon has done the same thing! I rooted her and did the Bootstrap Recovery thing. Everything was kosher until I tried to load that stupid Beats Audio. Something happened between me flashing it and the reboot where it locks the phone. I tried to do the Android recovery screen, I wiped, I did about everything I could find. No bueno.
I followed this forum and clicked the software and tools link as instructed. I tried with RSD 5.6, and tried several iterations of SBF's located here and here. I was using SBF - 1FF-sunfire-user-2.3.4-4.5.1A-1_SUN-154_MR-3-CM.
It lets me go into boot mode, and when I try to flash the SBF it appears to go through, but it always fails at the end. Which, the posts state it will do, but my phone will not reboot afterwords. After trying everything I could for a couple days, I decided to just take it to a Sprint store. Mind you I've had this under 30 days, but longer than 14 so they stated it would have to be replaced. They tried to flash, but said they were getting stuck too.
I know that a replacement is pretty much the answer, but just wanted to check one more time to see if anyone had any other ideas, or could point me to other forums maybe? Appears I've done what few have been able to accomplish...brick this joker.

Vibrant Wont stay on

ok so my (edit) *Vibrant is not booting up...
I press the power button, the vibrant turns on, logo pops up, boot animation, Tmobile animation and galaxy s animation plus sound all happened, The phone gets to the lock screen and within 3 seconds just shuts down.
Anyone know what could be wrong.
Phone is stock, neither romed or rooted. is this a battery issue, hardware or software
Does it boot up when you have it charging? And which phone is it, the Vibrant or the Captivate? Those are 2 different phones.
djquick said:
Does it boot up when you have it charging? And which phone is it, the Vibrant or the Captivate? Those are 2 different phones.
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sorry simple mistake, it is a tmobile vibrant...
it boots up when plugged in and when not plugged in... gets to the lock screen and it just waits and then shuts down completely.
can boot into
stock recovery
download mode
Kontagious said:
sorry simple mistake, it is a tmobile vibrant...
it boots up when plugged in and when not plugged in... gets to the lock screen and it just waits and then shuts down completely.
can boot into
stock recovery
download mode
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If you can boot into stock recovery/download mode, just do a factory reset or flash the stock rom using odin
djquick said:
If you can boot into stock recovery/download mode, just do a factory reset or flash the stock rom using odin
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I tried the factory reset and it says cannot read
i tried the odin stock rom flash and same problem persists.
Kontagious said:
I tried the factory reset and it says cannot read
i tried the odin stock rom flash and same problem persists.
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Maybe you have a defective bootloader or phone. If it's still under warranty, just bring it back to T-Mobile and exchange it.
was trying to fix a vibrant for a friend of mine with a very similar problem
after many hours of work w/ odin & attempting to flash different things.. i concluded that it was hardware related bc i made it all the way to stock but it would just shut down randomly
does it give any sort of message when it shuts off? or just goes black?
have you dropped it a lot?
jonen said:
was trying to fix a vibrant for a friend of mine with a very similar problem
after many hours of work w/ odin & attempting to flash different things.. i concluded that it was hardware related bc i made it all the way to stock but it would just shut down randomly
does it give any sort of message when it shuts off? or just goes black?
have you dropped it a lot?
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im starting to think its hardware related as well. at time when i boot into stock recovery the battery logo just shows up, the android man with the the exclamation point. idk if up to a certain level of currect is drained the battery shorts out. how can i possibly test the battery??
There is no message or anything... as soon as it boots up to the lock screen it just goes black.
i just acquired this phone. I have a HTC Glacier that i use for my everyday. this used to be my friends old phone and it started doing this, he just got another one and gave me this said if i could fix it i could have it to mess around with. as far as i know it hasnt experienced much rough and tough life. on the outside it looks almost brand new.
So I bought a brand new battery and the vibrant won't even charge the new battery...
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA
sorry to revive this but did you try cleaning the battery contacts?
You probably moved on with life lol

Phone won't turn on after "system crash"

Hi, I have a galaxy s2 in what i believe is hard brick mode. A little backstory, i was watching some stuff online when i noticed the battery bellow 35%. So i pluged it to the usb charger. I left it there for like 20 minutes. When i came back, i unlocked the phone only to see tons of "error" messages and the force close window. Apperently it had to force close /system?... I was puzzled so i just pulled the battery off and on and tried turning it in. Stuck at the welcome screen. I tried ro acces recovery mode. The android icon was "dead" and some error messeges appeared in red, unable to mount /system, invalid argument. I turned it off, but the welcoming screen poped up without me touching anything. I left it for a few minutes. Then i pulled the battery off for a few minutes too. When i tried to turn it on again, the phone was dead. Nothing works, i tried:
Pressing the power button for a minute
Download mode
Recovery mode
Leaving the battery out for hours
Leaving it charging for hours
Nothing. Im stunned, mainly because i never rooted it or touched anything. Im desesperated at this point, any help will be great. I abused google and made tons of search, but everything related to my problem has to do with flashing and rooting failures. Which i never did with my phone.
If you've never messed with it, and assuming it hasn't expired time-wise, send it in for warranty service. If you don't have warranty, try another battery just in case, then try a jig. Then start looking for JTAG repairers (assuming it can be JTAG'd), and if it can't, take it to local mobile repair shops & have them take a look at it. If they can't/won't fix it, then send it to Samsung/authorised repairer.
I think i voided the guarranty by updating the phone to ICS a few months back... Im trying the battery swap now.
demian93 said:
I think i voided the guarranty by updating the phone to ICS a few months back... Im trying the battery swap now.
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That wouldnt void the warranty.
{go back to your iphone since you are an android noob}
theunderling said:
That wouldnt void the warranty.
{go back to your iphone since you are an android noob}
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It depends on how he upgraded to ics, if he did from an official update then is ok, but if he flashed a leaked or a custom rom based on ics then no more warranty if he can't flash the original samsung rom
Already tried changing batteries, didnt work...
You know what to do next then.
I still dont understand the cause of the brick, my phone is dead and it wont even charge. This is bogling my mind. And yeah im an adroid noob, this my first smartphone.

Weird situation, phone mysteriously not starting, any insights?

Hi there! Long time reader, first time poster (TL;DR below...but it should be a quick read anyways )
So I've been using this S2 of mine for almost 4 years now, haven't had any trouble (other than a couple of battery swaps). For the past 6 months or so I've been using CM 12.1 nightlies without issue.
The events:
- The other day, my phone froze (I wasn't using it when it froze, it was when I went to use it that I was on the wifi selection screen if it matters), so I held the power button to shut it down, and when I powered it back up, it just froze at the Samsung boot screen (with the usual yellow triangle).
- At this point, I was able to reboot into download mode at will, but any attempt to boot to recovery just led to the freeze at the Samsung boot screen. Also, the phone would automatically reboot itself at this point any time I inserted the battery (I was of course putting the battery in and out trying everything I could).
- I would have reflashed from Odin at this point, but since I was away for a few days I just kept trying to reboot into recovery, to no avail. On one of these attempts (power+vol up+ home) it showed the Samsung boot screen, and then immediately shut down and I haven't been able to get anything onto the screen since
I'm now home, and I can't seem to fix it. If I plug the phone into a charger, the top half or so of the phone gets warm, and it also seems to get warm if it isn't plugged in and I try to power it up. I was thinking maybe the phone was maybe doing the same thing as before and just not showing anything on screen, but I blindly do the steps to get it into download mode, and Odin doesn't recognize anything (drivers are definitely installed). I have also tried other batteries, no luck.
Any ideas of what I might try? I'm willing to do anything. For the record nothing happened to the phone at all when this all happened (no dropping or water damage or anything, just my attempts at booting into recovery). Maybe I should try a jig? I'm also open to opening the phone if there's something I can do, though I don't have experience with this.
Thanks so much for any suggestions!
TL;DR: phone froze (running CM 12.1 nightly), held power to shut it down, and then consistently froze at the boot screen on any attempts to power it on. After a few attempts at booting into recovery (the phone would only freeze or enter download mode) the screen suddenly shut off and I haven't seen anything on it since no matter what I try. I can't think of anything that happened to the phone I'm open to any and all suggestions! Thanks
One sentence amongst your description stands out like a 'sore thumb'.....
That the device heats up towards the top when you attempt to charge it.......
Until you try a jig I can't be certain, but that heating coupled with a dead/unresponsive screen along with a lack of recovery and/or download modes (download mode is 'hardwired' into the device, and NOTHING should be able to corrupt it) are the primary symptoms of a failed motherboard.......
That is my opinion based on my experience in these forums and personal experience with a (now dead) S2 (one of two that I own).........
Get the jig just to be sure, but I'd be surprised if it had any effect.....sorry to be typing something you don't want to read, but you said it yourself, the device is 4 years's been in service roughly twice as long as most smartphones, and they don't last forever....
Thanks dude! It's nice to have some idea of what happened. I am indeed very happy my phone has lasted me this long, and my friend is gonna give me an extra S2 she has anyways it seems so it's all good!
I'll try the jig and update here with the result (I ordered one online...will arrive in January sometime)...just in case anyone is curious.
smacsmac said:
Thanks dude! It's nice to have some idea of what happened. I am indeed very happy my phone has lasted me this long, and my friend is gonna give me an extra S2 she has anyways it seems so it's all good!
I'll try the jig and update here with the result (I ordered one online...will arrive in January sometime)...just in case anyone is curious.
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Click to collapse good to know the results.....If only to confirm or refute what I've suggested.....
keithross39 said: good to know the results.....If only to confirm or refute what I've suggested.....
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Sorry it took me a while...the jig was in the post haha. It didn't do anything at all (no response when I plugged it in) so I think it's safe to say you were bang-on and the motherboard failed! Happily using a new S2 (with CM13.0 now ) on behalf of my friend though.
Thanks again.
Sounds familiar. Happened to me also due to failed cyanogenmod update (CM13). Only thing that works is download mode, so i'm not given up hope yet.
I can't post a link but google ''Apply Update Failure samsung galaxy s II'' there's a thread about this on the cyanogenmod forum.
Elaias said:
Sounds familiar. Happened to me also due to failed cyanogenmod update (CM13). Only thing that works is download mode, so i'm not given up hope yet.
I can't post a link but google ''Apply Update Failure samsung galaxy s II'' there's a thread about this on the cyanogenmod forum.
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oh mine was just straight up download mode or anything visible on the screen (and nothing to do with CM13 either)
hope you get yours sorted out! have you tried reflashing anything via Odin while in download mode?
Its hard to tell you and hard to accept. You can almost give up the hope, your NAND Chip is just what we call " wear-out ". In the most cases no write is possible anymore, the funny part is -> sometimes read is still fine. If that is the case: The system is booting and working, but saving just nothing. The NAND is frozen to its state before it broke.
At our local store, customers come to us with issues like " Factory Reset impossible ", "Can't delete my Files" "Can't create files". All these Devices have inaccessible NAND's and inaccessible Recovery. Only Bootloader is working, but as the NAND is broken, flashing doesn't change anything.
smacsmac said:
oh mine was just straight up download mode or anything visible on the screen (and nothing to do with CM13 either)
hope you get yours sorted out! have you tried reflashing anything via Odin while in download mode?
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yeah, flashing with odin did the trick. now running cm13 and everything works fine. sorry to hear that your phone turned to brick.

