When I first used tapatalk I added the XDA forum and Slatedroid. Unfortunately, I reversed the passwords and now when I try to enter either forum, it automatically uses those passwords and reports them as incorrect. No matter what I try, even uninstalling and reinstalling, I can't reset my passwords. It always defaults to the incorrect ones.
Does anyone know how to clear these remembered passwords?
Also, if I select like a music or video file, and I choose an app and set it as the default player for that file type, is there any way to clear that choice later?
Hi all,
This may sound stupid but how do I clear out my browser's history? I'm running stock OS.
I have tried going to the web settings and click on the Clear cache, Clear existing cookies, Clear saved form data...
and none works.
Thanks in advance for any input.
To delete the browsing history for the viewsonic g tablet: from home screen touch settings tab, then find applications on far left which gives options that includes system applications. From here scroll down until u find 'web' and in here you'll have the option to clear data. Not as easy as it should b but like my viewsonic nonetheless.
There's a free app that allows you to delete history of all kinds like browser, pictures, market, etc.
Too many porn?
Hi there,
Because i ve seen the ipad2 from a friend i ve got a question because i dont like apple´s i really want android based phones/tablets.
He showed me after Facebook APP starting he could choose his profile or the girlfriends one and could set up many more profiles. he simply has to fill in his password for his account and he is logged in. This is a nice feature i really want to have for the galaxy tab.
because non of my close friends have one i ve to ask you here if you could set up a 2nd profile for FB or for the whole tab ?!?
couldnt find the answer anywere and yes i tried googling
thanks for your help
Get FriendCaster in the App market, better than the facebook app and you can have multiple profile associated to it.
you can try facedroid
Or try out SwitchMe. It will allow you to create multiple profiles that you can boot in to. It requires a reboot to get into the profile, but it allows each profile to have their own apps and settings. I'm currently using it to provide a profile just for my kids so that I can only install the apps that they want, but yet lock everything else down for them.
Vault—the Ultimate in Privacy Protection
Vault hides your confidential SMS messages, contacts, call logs, pictures and videos. It’s the BEST app for Android users to hide SMS messages and call history from prying eyes! It keeps your private stuff hidden, giving you complete control over your privacy and security.
With Vault, you can:
1. NEW in 2.0! Monitor who’s trying to see what’s on your phone and photograph them in the act. This feature requires an Android 2.3 (or higher) device with a front-facing camera.
2. NEW in 2.0! Hide your photos and videos so only you can see them. They’ll be encrypted and only viewable in Vault when you enter the correct password.
3. Import your sensitive SMS text messages to Vault. Strong encryption and password protection ensures they’ll be hidden from everyone but you.
4. Make your private contacts invisible. Simply add a number to Vault and any calls or messages from this number will only appear in Vault. They’ll no longer appear in your phone's native SMS folder and call logs.
TIP: We recommend adding your most commonly used contacts to
Vault. If your phone is lost or stolen, you won’t have to worry about anyone accessing your contacts or messages.
5. Protect your real Vault by creating one or more “fake” vaults. If someone insists that you give them your password and display your secret messages, you can show them the “fake” vault. Problem solved!
Check it on market Market link
Send me a PM for download link
what's this theme on the screenshots?
This app lost all of my contacts that I stored in it and since it deletes them from your android contacts I can't get them back. Photo/video seems to work but definitely would not recommend this app for anything you wouldn't want lost.
despotisminc said:
This app lost all of my contacts that I stored in it and since it deletes them from your android contacts I can't get them back. Photo/video seems to work but definitely would not recommend this app for anything you wouldn't want lost.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you must return to your settings before uninstall the app... i did the same mistake first time but my luck was that i chose to hide only the videos... so before uninstalling turn back to show contacts, videos, and other things that you selected to hide
I think you have a folder on your sdcard (the app folder) and there must be the things that you chose to hide.. cheek it
i have format my hp without backup my file on vault 1st...then after format i install vault back...my old file cannot open...please help me to recover back my file...
Does anyone know of an app that can actually hide other apps?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Premium App
free cannot, premium may offer additional feature
Needs a file explorer. I have videos that I need hidden, but the app can't find them.
I accidently cleared the Data of this app… I've reinstalled it, but it doesn't show the previous ones :'(
What should I do ?
I've searched that long time
Thanks a lot
Could anyone out there tell me if the S Note that you got with the ICS update - NOT downloaded from S Choice, or from the file that I saw floating around the forum, just the ones that came with ICS automatically - matches the following permissions?
- Your personal information
add or modify calendar events and send email to guests without owner's knowledge, read Browser's history and bookmarks, read calendar events plus confidential information, read contact data, read user defined dictionary, write Browser’s history and bookmarks, write contact data
- Services that cost you money
directly call phone numbers, send SMS messages
- Your location
coarse (network-based) location, fine (GPS) location
- Your messages
edit SMS or MMS, read SMS or MMS, receive SMS or MMS
- Network communication
control NFC, create Bluetooth connections, full internet access
- Your accounts
acts an account authenticator, manage the accounts list, use the authentication credentials of an account
- Storage
modify/delete USE storage contents
- Hardware controls
change your audio settings, record audio, take pictures and videos
- System Tools
allow Wi-Fi Multicast reception, bluetooth administration, change network connectivity, change WIF state, change WIMAX state, change your UI settings, delete all application cache data, disable keylock, format external storage, modify global system settings, mount and unmount filesystems, prevent phone from sleeping, retrieve running applications, write sync settings.
Why I want to know, if you're interested:
I didn't get S Note with my ICS update (SGH-i717R - Canadian, Rogers), and after a song and dance with support, was told by one agent/one email support to download it from the S Choice app store ... and by one call agent that I should stay away from it because it's not from Samsung and possibly malware.. Since S Note was supposed to come with the update, and only My Story needed additional downloading, I was a little wary.
My misgivings started with the bad grammar in the description, the different developer from the My Story app, and finally, the giant pile of permissions it wants. I've tried a slew of things to get S Note/Premium Suite to initialize, and am now at either reflashing the update, which I'd like to avoid since the phone works fine and I don't know what the hell I'm doing, or mailing it in “to the lab,” which I'd like to avoid because apparently not all of Samsung knows what it's doing either, judging by some of the answers I got. So I'd like to just do a comparison to see if the original S Note that comes with ICS also has these permissions. If it does, then I'm just going with the S Choice one and stop trying other things.
Thank you for any help!
Anyone? I know it's a bit of an oddball question, but..? (Unless nobody got it with ICS, which wouldn't surprise me, either.)
Matches what i have... I dont think its anything bad. Samsung proabably wants snote to have full functionality. Insert contacts and be able to call them from the app, geo tag your location etc... Look at the permissions of facebook... They are not that different.
Sent from my Samsung-I717
Stampaufaz said:
Matches what i have... I dont think its anything bad. Samsung proabably wants snote to have full functionality. Insert contacts and be able to call them from the app, geo tag your location etc... Look at the permissions of facebook... They are not that different.
Sent from my Samsung-I717
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Fantastic - thanks! I was mostly put off by the description of the app "this application is S note can make own note." doesn't exactly scream "I am legit software put out by Samsung, download me!" But if it's pretty much what the original has, then I'm fine.
Again, thanks!
So I have this case at work, employee that was leaving company returned company issued phone after a very long time of deleting this user's google account, covid situation made it hard to return the equipment back to the company earlier.
There was a screen lock that was forgotten by this user, what made removing de-facto non-existing google account from it's settings impossible.
Only option was to factory rest it through recovery mode and try to bypass it.
The problem is that every tutorial I found online is outdated.
- I tried using the talkback way but the option to show privacy policy is not even there now.
- using proxy method while connecting phone to the Wi-fi also doesn't work because the error message that should pop up after a while of no internet connection also doesn't show up.
- Trying to open up any app using "share" option on selected text also doesn't work, after pressing "share" a pop up window with apps is empty.
My question is does anyone by any chance knows another way or maybe there is a possibility to downgrade the system so above solutions might work again.
We even tried to re-create this users' gmail account only to log in with those credentials but it didn't work.