Emails not showing up - XPERIA X10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Anyone have any idea what might be the cause of this?
I Use Gmail and My University email, both sync to my notebook and my phone. Never had a problem with either before or after the 2.1 update until about a week or so ago. I use the stock X10 mail program (not the Gmail app) and all of the settings were not changed. The emails sync fine to my notebook so the mail providers are fine. I have it set to notify and check every 5 mins. I will get emails on my notebook and for hours it wont sync with my phone, until I actually go into the mail program.


Hero Email issue

I have original HTC hero Rom 1.5 Android, waiting for 2.1. My issue is, the email application doesn't check my emails as per schedule and I don't get notified of nothing although notification sound is on, send and recieve polling check is every 2 hours. I can send emails fine I cannot recieve most of the time. My hotmail account doesn't work at all, I got all the settings from hotmail website.
In k9mail, I get old messages as new every single day so I uninstalled it.
Check you dont have a task killer that is killing the mail app so its not checking like it should.
Failing that get your current email (hotmail, yahoo mail, whatever it is) to forward emails to a gmail account, that way you get push emails.

[Q] Strange email issue - Downloads "all" emails from Yahoo server

I have configured my Yahoo acct to download emails from last 30 days. It does fine for few hours/days. All of a sudden, I would have 1000+ emails in my email view and still downloading. The phone starts downloading "all" my messages from Yahoo server by itself and goes unresponsive until it has downloaded all the emails.
Then, I use 'Clear Yahoo' option to delete all the emails (this option deletes all Yahoo emails from the phone ONLY and not from the server). After few minutes, when the phone syncs with the Yahoo server, it then downloads only emails of last 30 days. But that's only until it starts to download your entire inbox, which may be in few hours or days.
Has anyone else encountered this?
It is annoying and any help/fix for this issue is appreciated.
ROM - I have the version offered by T-mobile 2 months ago.

Email app not syncing automatically?

I have two hotmail and one Gmail accounts set up in the HTC mail app. I set them up as generic POP3/IMAP accounts (meaning, I didn't click on the preset for hotmail/gmail when first creating the accounts). I set the up exactly the same as I always have on my Incredible.
I have them all set to update every two hours, however, only the first account (both the one created first and the one selected as primary), will actually sync automatically. The other two only sync when I manually prompt it.
I have deleted and re-set up the accounts multiple times, and even did a factory reset of the phone just in case I broke it somehow, but I get the same results. Is anyone else setting up multiple POP/IMAP accounts and having this issue?
I have also noticed that often, the led doesn't stop blinking after I check the email.... and the mail icon on my home screen will stop showing an unread number when I open it even if I don't open the unread mail....
I use the Hotmail app from the market. Notifies me as soon as I get an email. There is also a Gmail app if you need it.
Sent from my HTC
LTE 4G Rezound
I've had the notification light blinking with nothing pending to check with other apps, notably Talk. It seems that if I'm in the app when a new message comes in, so I read it immediately, and there's nothing in the notification bar, it will turn the blinky light on and not turn it off until you exit out and read it again. Not really a huge issue, if you know to look for it. What is more of an issue, however, is when the light never goes on when I have an unread message, and I have to check the screen manually. Had that same problem from time to time on my Incredible running a Sense 3.5 ROM, so I wonder if that's just a problem with the apps that come with the new Sense.
I can't stand the Gmail or hotmail apps. The hotmail app doesn't get emails past 30 days and the Gmail app, to me, is a mess. More than that, I really like having the unified inbox of the HTC mail app.
bast525 said:
I can't stand the Gmail or hotmail apps. The hotmail app doesn't get emails past 30 days and the Gmail app, to me, is a mess. More than that, I really like having the unified inbox of the HTC mail app.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't need email a month old.
Sent from my HTC
LTE 4G Rezound
I have a similar issue. I had a Thunderbolt and both email (the Native sense combined box) and the GMail client synced fine. I switched to the Rezound. Here is what I have found. If I use the Gmail client everything syncs with the gmail servers but the native sense combined box does not update as read or deleted. If I use the native client it all syncs correctly, including the Gmail client. Here is the problem. If I use the computer or my tablet, the email on the the Rezound client does not update as read or deleted. I know I can remove the account form the HTC/Android client, but I shouldn't have to and I like the combined in box. I don't know if this is a flaw in this version of Android 2.3.4 or something is set up wrong. I am using IMAP and have not changed any online settings since switching from the Thunderbolt.
I never found a solution, so instead I came up with a workaround. I just put the sync all widget on my home screen. Now, whenever I get new email in my primary account, which doses update automatically, I am in the habit to hit.the sync all widget. Not the best solution but it's all I could think of barring going with like k-9 mail or something.
Yes, had a problem initially, but now....
Bought my phone on opening day, and immediately noticed a problem with the stock email program (not syncing, only displaying 5 email accounts). Initially added 10 various email accounts (3 pop, 3 yahoo, 2 gmail, 1 hotmail and 1 aol), but only 5 would show up on the display, so I tried adding the missing accounts again and got a message saying that the account was already setup (weird). Now all of a sudden, in the last couple of days, all 10 email accounts are now visible. I suspect that HTC might be pushing software updates/fixes to correct some of the initial bugs in the OS.

[Q] Sense Email not syncing

Anyone else having problems getting the native HTC email to sync correctly? I have an Exchange account and 3 IMAP accounts and the IMAP accounts will not sync on a regular basis. I loaded up Enhanced Email and it works fine.
I checked as many setting as I could and all appears to be set correctly: wireless networks all set to never sleep, background data and auto-sync both checked
I can keep using Enhanced Email but it's aggravating that I can't get the HTC app to work correctly.
Anyone have any ideas?
I figured it out. When I first got the phone and went through the setup I got a 504 gateway error. I also got there 504 gateway error when initially trying to set up my email accounts. Called customer service and they said to skip out of the setup and do everything manually. She said there was a glitch in the software and that the Gmail and Yahoo account setups didn't work and that all accounts needed to be set up through the IMAP process. Needless to say this is what was causing my problem.
To correct the email sync issue I deleted all of my accounts and set them up through the Gmail and Yahoo account set up process and all appears to be working now.
I am having the same problem so I just tried this option of setting up my yahoo accounts through the set up process. It does appear to receive email much faster but there are some downsides.
My Yahoo inbox (on the website) and the inbox on my Rezound are not completely synced now. The app has the option of downloading up to 30 days of email. Mail older than 30 days doesn't show up on the phone even if it's in your inbox on the website. Conversely, email that I deleted or moved from my inbox some time ago has now magically reappeared on my phone.
Another problem is that my mail folders that I set up on the website do not appear on the Rezound mail app anymore.
Seems the negatives are too numerous to have better syncing. I'm switching back to the manual setup as all the problems I mentioned above are not there and I'll just put up with poor syncing for now.

[Q] Pop3 Email being deleted bug?

Recently I set up my work POP3 email address on my Nexus 5 on 4.4.2 in the stock email app. I set it to never delete email from the server, as I use Thunderbird at work and want ALL my email there. This seem to work fine until I went away for a few days. I received emails on the phone just fine. When I got back to work I opened Thunderbird and it found no new email on the server. I thought this was strange. On checking my phone, those emails I had received over the few days had disappeared - not in inbox where I left the, not in trash folder. I double checked my POP3 server again - not there either. Somehow I had lost all these emails without ever deleting them on my phone, or receiving them into Thunderbird (which is set to delete emails from the server on receiving them). Last week I went away again, and received lots of emails through the week on my phone, most I did not read and left in my inbox - there were probably 40 or so emails on my phone. This morning I come in, open Thunderbird expecting all my emails from the week to come in and nothing - just two emails from yesterday. Open my phone - NOTHING, just the same two emails from yesterday. An entire weeks worth of email has disappeared from my phone and the server (even though the phone has been set to NEVER delete from server).
Anyone got any idea what is causing this? I have now turned off sync because I can't afford to lose mass emails like this, driving me crazy.

