[Q] App to force "left handed"landscape mode? - Nook Color Themes and Apps

Any app for this? I like to keep my NC in its case. The cover would be an easy way to prop it up if you can force left handed landscape.

Same problem, although I never thought about an app to resolve the problem. I've been thinking more along the lines of putting it in "upside-down" and cutting new ports for the charger/headphones.


Is there any way to get 180 degree rotation?

Hi, I'm using a T-Mobile G2 with VillainRom 5. Just wondering if there was some kind of setting or an app which would allow me 180degree rotation.
In one way this would be cool. Like in my car, it would be helpful not to look an idiot when you put it the wrong way round and go "duhhh, why isnt it rotating" when in a rush using copilot. On the other hand, it's a nightmare keeping it to landscape when using the thing in bed for digg or the browser, so I tend to hold it the opposite way to how it would go back to portrait.
I've been looking about for this for a while now and still haven't found anything. Anyone have any suggestions?

[Q] Different orientation transition?

So a while back in the G1 launching days, I had a JesusFreke rom I believe and it had this option in Spare Parts where whenever the orientation would change, it would do like a zoom out, wiggle, and zoom back in kind of thing.
The Spare Parts app today doesnt have that option anymore and I've been lookin everywhere to find this!
Does anyone know what Im talking about/know where I can find it?
Thanks in advance!

[Q] 180-degree Screen Rotation

Coming from WM6, I find it odd that there's no manual screen rotation options in Android. Odder still, that there's no 180-degree rotation mode.
I have a universal Car Mount from my old phone that I like, mostly because it attaches to the air vents. I find this positioning is better than a conventional windshield mount on my car, and avoids the typical issues with suction cups continuously falling off (or melting into place).
The problem is that the dock blocks the USB charging ports on the corner of the Atrix. I can get around this issue by putting the phone in upside down, however to do so I need to 'flip' the display.
The Motorola Auto-Rotate feature does not support the 180-degree position out of the box. I've found several posts asking about this feature, but no answers except a vague reference to Cyanogen Mod, implying that this will take more than a standard app/widget can do.
So, is it possible to do this on the Atrix now that we have root and deodexing options available? This is my first Android phone, so I'm not yet familiar with its innards.
Alternatively, is it possible to flip the display on a given application, specifically Nav or one of the offline GPS programs?
Ideally, what I'd like to see is:
A Widget or shortcut to manually set and/or toggle screen rotation like what was standard on WM6. Outside of the car dock, this is also useful when using the phone on a desk or bed at odd angles.
Script/Shortcut/Icon that sets a specific rotation and then launches the car dock (or GPS app).
Use Launcher Pro.
Gives you full 360 screen rotation.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
No, unless I'm missing something, it does not.
LauncherPro does allow the home screen to be rotated (which is not what I care about right now), but it does not support rotating it 180-degrees (upside down).
Ahh you're right.
The dock will flip to 180, but the screen stops at 90.
Any ideas?
I don't mind playing with Androids internals (time permitting) if this is possible , but as I said my experience with Android so far is minimal (particularly compared to the xda experts).
According to http://developer.motorola.com/docst...at_runtime__Allow_the_user_to_set_preferences, the only options for application preferences are landscape or portrait. Not sure if this is applicable though.
I've found an old related thread for the G1 here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=449688&page=2 added screen rotation to that device. It does note though that not all rotations are implemented, and is probably also talking in the context of 2.1.
Another related thread at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/...e-rotations-by-90-but-enable-rotations-by-180 seems to imply that the 180-degree rotation won't work until we get the Android 2.3 update.
The android docs includes a ROTATION_180 definition for the Surface object with a setOrientation method on http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/Surface.html
It appears that CyanogenMod 7 adds this capability: http://nightly.posterous.com/rotate-180
Clearly we're not going to see CM on the Atrix for a while, but is there anyway we can backport this feature into the Atrix, or will this have to wait for the fabled 2.3 update?

[Q] Touch pad and pointer sensitivity adjustments?

My touchpad is way to sesitive. I keep opening links accidentally when typing. Is there any way to adjust sensitivty?
I don't know if there is an easy way to do this, but when I'm about to do some serious typing I'm in the habit of just switching the trackpad off with the function key at the top of the keyboard. (But then again, I don't mind the trackpad's sensitivity as a pointer, just its ability to screw up my screen's focus while i'm typing)
I hope Asus fixes it. Perhaps a one second deactivation while typing? Any other ideas?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Just another glaring shortcoming in the not-ready-for-primetime Honeycomb I guess.
It's kind of funny. Nearly every day I find some new, frustrating way in which Android completely swings-and-misses.

Possible to force landscape view without plugging in HDMI?

Hi there - is it possible to force the landscape option without plugging in the HDMI? I have a cradle that has the phone on its side due to the retarded layout of the ports from Sony I'd like not to have to twist my head to read it while it is in the dock....
Are you rooted?
Rotate to landscape, disable auto rotation.
Sent from my LT26i using XDA
waynekirby said:
Are you rooted?
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Click to collapse
Can be if needed, not needed to so far.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're asking about the landscape mode in the homescreen?
On my arc I remember someone created a theme that had this option in it but I don't know if the same exists for the XS
adsada arc said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're asking about the landscape mode in the homescreen?
On my arc I remember someone created a theme that had this option in it but I don't know if the same exists for the XS
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That is exactly correct - sorry I just realised this isn't clear. All things that are meant to be widescreen work fine (email, Music player etc...). But I feel a bit daft having a portrait phone docked on its side at my desk.
I may be able to help you out, but its a bit of a workaround. I have been playing with the different display modes and noticed the launcher does auto rotate, but only under some weird circumstances.
One that may help you is that if you activate car mode, then hit back until you return to the launcher, the launcher auto rotates.
So, how do you launch car mode? Well, I published this this morning
Get an NFC sticker from somewhere like rapidnfc.com, code it up to be an Xperia SmartTag (see the accessories forum for details) and have discovery of the tag launch the app "Car Mode On". Stick it to your dock and you are golden.
On a related note, if anyone knows how to activate dock mode programatically, I would be very grateful.
BigPhil said:
I may be able to help you out, but its a bit of a workaround. I have been playing with the different display modes and noticed the launcher does auto rotate, but only under some weird circumstances.
One that may help you is that if you activate car mode, then hit back until you return to the launcher, the launcher auto rotates.
So, how do you launch car mode? Well, I published this this morning
Get an NFC sticker from somewhere like rapidnfc.com, code it up to be an Xperia SmartTag (see the accessories forum for details) and have discovery of the tag launch the app "Car Mode On". Stick it to your dock and you are golden.
On a related note, if anyone knows how to activate dock mode programatically, I would be very grateful.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Awesome, thanks!!
Sent from my LT26i using XDA
BigPhil said:
I may be able to help you out, but its a bit of a workaround. I have been playing with the different display modes and noticed the launcher does auto rotate, but only under some weird circumstances.
One that may help you is that if you activate car mode, then hit back until you return to the launcher, the launcher auto rotates.
So, how do you launch car mode? Well, I published this this morning
Get an NFC sticker from somewhere like rapidnfc.com, code it up to be an Xperia SmartTag (see the accessories forum for details) and have discovery of the tag launch the app "Car Mode On". Stick it to your dock and you are golden.
On a related note, if anyone knows how to activate dock mode programatically, I would be very grateful.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
To help with coding up a tag, I wrote this today. I published it about 20 minutes ago
Perhaps the simplest NFC app ever?
If you want to dabble with NFC, its a good place to start.

