Has anyone been able to pull of Gingerbread screen off animation? - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

so yeah.....i don't really care about gingerbread, but i would like this animation.....if CM7 has it, i would imagine it could be extracted and flashed??
can someone out there look at CM7's code and find this, and make it flashable/metamorphed??
i've already searched it, and just seems like no one is really working towards it.....

thachosenone said:
so yeah.....i don't really care about gingerbread, but i would like this animation.....if CM7 has it, i would imagine it could be extracted and flashed??
can someone out there look at CM7's code and find this, and make it flashable/metamorphed??
i've already searched it, and just seems like no one is really working towards it.....
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CM7 has it because it is Gingerbread.

Ehh: Wrong section
Answer: Nope
Offtopic: Like Cookies?

It's impossible to get that animation on froyo
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I've always wondered why you can't just re-bind the power button to a simple app that displays that animation. Anyone know the answer?

psxpaul said:
I've always wondered why you can't just re-bind the power button to a simple app that displays that animation. Anyone know the answer?
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easier said than done.

psxpaul said:
I've always wondered why you can't just re-bind the power button to a simple app that displays that animation. Anyone know the answer?
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Cause its not that easy....
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I think it had something to do with voltage and stuff. It was complicated
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its built into the display driver within the kernel. Can't be ported

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Battery icon

Is there a way to use metamorph or ninjamorph to change the battery icon in the notification bar. I've done it before but that was a while ago.
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spacecasespiff said:
Is there a way to use metamorph or ninjamorph to change the battery icon in the notification bar. I've done it before but that was a while ago.
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This is not the Q&A board.
A simple search of this board will get your answer.
creator2456 said:
This is not the Q&A board.
A simple search of this board will get your answer.
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for crying out loud its still the theme forum, leave him alone....lighten up on each other honestly, friggen search police
OK so I put it on the wrong forum oops. There are a lot of people with questions on this forum. I thought it would be better answered if it were on this forum since I'm asking about something that can only be done on a rooted phone. I did do some searching but did not find much not saying that there isn't anything just didn't find it.
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TopShelf10 said:
for crying out loud its still the theme forum, leave him alone....lighten up on each other honestly, friggen search police
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Thank you. I just thought that it had something to do with customizeing the phone.
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spacecasespiff said:
OK so I put it on the wrong forum oops. There are a lot of people with questions on this forum. I thought it would be better answered if it were on this forum since I'm asking about something that can only be done on a rooted phone.
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youre fine, dont let wannabe searchsearchsearch mods get to you, people do ask questions all the time in EVERY section, and your question is perfectly relevant to theming. Q&A forum is more of a safe secondary option for people who dont know where to post
you may be able to actually change the .png through ninja morph but you wont be able to apply it. Ninja morph is a good concept, but until there is the option to sign through it, realistically it creates more steps than it eliminates.
With that said you can alter a Metamorph theme (thats what i do), just go to your theme that you use in /sdcard/Android Themes, and find the image/s that you want to edit, then just reapply the theme.
I'm sorry to ask you this but I'm a big time noob when it comes to this stuff. So it it easier to go that way or just flash it?
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spacecasespiff said:
I'm sorry to ask you this but I'm a big time noob when it comes to this stuff. So it it easier to go that way or just flash it?
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depends. if something you like is already in flashable format, and its compatible with your firmware/ROM, that would obviously be the best way to go. But if you have decent image editing software (GIMP), its not all that hard to access your sdcard from your pc and just edit a few .png files within a theme and then reapply the theme. Sometimes it can be a hassle to figure exactly which image you are supposed to edit to get the result youre looking for.
I'm looking at the battery icons in a thread just a few down from this one. Those I think a flashable. I'm running on the stock rom.
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You can find about 7 different battery icons using the gst app. All you do its download the icon you want and put it on the root of your sd card. Then use rom manager to boot into clockwork mod recovery and select the apply zip from sd option. The battery icon will show up on there.just click it and that's it.pretty easy huh
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Can I still do that on my modified notification bar. I'm using the clear with the modified icons that I got from one of the threads on this forum.
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TopShelf10 said:
for crying out loud its still the theme forum, leave him alone....lighten up on each other honestly, friggen search police
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TopShelf10 said:
youre fine, dont let wannabe searchsearchsearch mods get to you, people do ask questions all the time in EVERY section, and your question is perfectly relevant to theming. Q&A forum is more of a safe secondary option for people who dont know where to post
you may be able to actually change the .png through ninja morph but you wont be able to apply it. Ninja morph is a good concept, but until there is the option to sign through it, realistically it creates more steps than it eliminates.
With that said you can alter a Metamorph theme (thats what i do), just go to your theme that you use in /sdcard/Android Themes, and find the image/s that you want to edit, then just reapply the theme.
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TopShelf, I think you're way out of line here. The theming forum is obviously not the best place to ask questions about theming. People like "creator" shouldn't have to be bothered to click on threads that they don't have the desire, nor time to answer. Instead, creator and other busy people need to only see threads that they enjoy reading, and all questions pertaining to theming should never be asked in the theme forum.
His valuable time cannot be spent answering questions to threads he clicked on and read, and only in the severe ignorance of the OP can he be bothered to reply, and of course, only reply with a full paragraph explaining the ignorance of the OP.
I'll thank you, Top Shelf, to remember the forum etiquette in the future. If you're going to utilize the theming forum, then please remember to berate and belittle anyone that also utilizes it for questions pertaining to theming.
Thread moved to Q&A.

Nero 3 and adding/removing home screens??

Hello all! I got tired of waiting...and like all others that couldnt take it anymore. ..i jumped to nero3...so far its a huge improvement! Im curious if anyone knows how to remove some of the "homescreens" in nero3?...there are more than I can utilize...
Also, is there a way to make the home screen rotate when the device is held in a position other than the normal way?
There isnt a way to remove on stock. Search feature is amazing. Search for a modified touchwiz launcher. Or try adw ex launcher from market, they have a twiz clone setup.
Edit: made it easier for u. This is modified twiz launcher. Make backup first and then follow the page
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Excellant!! Thanks..I'm new to this stuff...but I didn't break anything when I went to Nero 3 I'll give it a shot!! Thx!
jdh2011 said:
Excellant!! Thanks..I'm new to this stuff...but I didn't break anything when I went to Nero 3 I'll give it a shot!! Thx!
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Vubrant is pretty much brick proof, but always-always make backup. Save you a future headache
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[Q] Looking for vanilla AOSP FroYo Rom

Sorry if this is a duplicate, search has failed me.
I'm looking to flash as close to AOSP foyo on my vibrant as I can get.
Most importantly I really want AOSP Contact/Dialer
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I know how to use CWMOD, and ODIN so any kind of rom will be fine.
Thank you in advance.
The closest thing your gonna get is vibrant aosp ish 1.1 jk11 I would link you but I can't right now (on xda app) its should be on second or third page in dev section
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is there a froyo theme to work on Nero v3?
Not that im aware of, but froyo is outdated honeycomb is where its at now
hoawrang said:
is there a froyo theme to work on Nero v3?
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T.C.P said:
The closest thing your gonna get is vibrant aosp ish 1.1 jk11 I would link you but I can't right now (on xda app) its should be on second or third page in dev section
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That was where I started my search, but it has touchwiz contacts/dialer
Thanks though may be where I wind up going if nothing else turns up...
daropedia said:
That was where I started my search, but it has touchwiz contacts/dialer
Thanks though may be where I wind up going if nothing else turns up...
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you can always try this , but its buggy

[q] how to get the stock samsung keyboard on vibrant?

Can someone help me in how to get the stock vibrant keyboard?? The samsung one )loooks like the iphone one
I've been asking the same question! I sadly have no idea but if I find out I will be sure to post it.
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Do this.
Settings > Locale and text > Select Input Method > Samsung Keyboard
Not that above...i have it but i took a folder from a rom iknow it was like TB90(its kind of like that) Idont remeber and then i placed it in the system folder and the flashed my rom and all done
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bosina said:
Not that above...i have it but i took a folder from a rom iknow it was like TB90(its kind of like that) Idont remeber and then i placed it in the system folder and the flashed my rom and all done
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i flashed this bionix-v 1.3.1 by team whiskey into my vibrant but it doesnt come with the keyboard (the samsung keyboard that looks like the one from the iphone) anyone have any ideas in how to get it back?
joselarajan87 said:
i flashed this bionix-v 1.3.1 by team whiskey into my vibrant but it doesnt come with the keyboard (the samsung keyboard that looks like the one from the iphone) anyone have any ideas in how to get it back?
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i got a post in theme and apps about that
I tried to do it but no luck can you give me more details in how to install it ?? Your description you put there its kinna not understandable well not to me sorry but if you pls help thanks
I tried to do it but no luck can you give me more details in how to install it ?? Your description you put there its kinna not understandable well not to me sorry but if you pls help thanks
You could download smartkeyboard pro and change the skin to galaxy theme
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Help porting lockscreens?

I'm trying to figure out where the lockscreen is located inside of a Rom. I would like to port over some lockscreens from other phones? Do I just need the lockscreen xml file and the .png images? Or is there a lot more to it?
Thanks in advance.
Boobie Watcher said:
I'm trying to figure out where the lockscreen is located inside of a Rom. I would like to port over some lockscreens from other phones? Do I just need the lockscreen xml file and the .png images? Or is there a lot more to it?
Thanks in advance.
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I'm pretty sure there is a lot more to it! If not we'd have roms with 10 locksreens like in Captivate Roms, etc. I'm sure its tougher than it seems otherwise devs would have done it already.
eep2378 said:
I'm pretty sure there is a lot more to it! If not we'd have roms with 10 locksreens like in Captivate Roms, etc. I'm sure its tougher than it seems otherwise devs would have done it already.
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I figured it was pretty difficult, but im sure it can be done!
Lol with a certain amount of knowledge anything can be done. What lockscreen are you referring too.
jivy26 said:
Lol with a certain amount of knowledge anything can be done. What lockscreen are you referring too.
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I'm wanting to do the galaxy note lockscreen, it's already built into one of the roms in the dev section so i figured it might be a little easier to just pull it out and put it any other roms? Not too sure though, still reading a little on it. Just hoping someone here with experience with that sort of thing could help me out.
Boobie Watcher said:
I'm wanting to do the galaxy note lockscreen, it's already built into one of the roms in the dev section so i figured it might be a little easier to just pull it out and put it any other roms? Not too sure though, still reading a little on it. Just hoping someone here with experience with that sort of thing could help me out.
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Just use a rom with the XILA2 base
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Boobie Watcher said:
I'm trying to figure out where the lockscreen is located inside of a Rom. I would like to port over some lockscreens from other phones? Do I just need the lockscreen xml file and the .png images? Or is there a lot more to it?
Thanks in advance.
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You have to edit several files to my knowledge... Most are framework files.. main file is probably res
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I would love a copy of the Sense 3.5 lockscreen without the problems of add on lockscreens like GoLocker.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk
AntwanL said:
I would love a copy of the Sense 3.5 lockscreen without the problems of add on lockscreens like GoLocker.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk
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Now that's almost impossible
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I wanted to know the same thing. I want the Galaxy Note Lockscreen, and rather stay on UnNamed. Is there anyway a backport can be done?
Nick281051 said:
Now that's almost impossible
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Well I'm not saying that specific one, just something along that line. I like the idea of opening to messaging or phone or camera. All in an elegant package.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk
First step is decompile res... And start looking around and switching out lockscreen pic xml and anything else applicable to lockscreen.
Another thing that might help is taking a look at jkay mod as it switches around lockscreen..
I have done lockscreen on other phone buy not on this one yet. my cimputer fried so when my laptop comes in the mail i will see if i can find time to help you.
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