[Q] Help needed to enable hdmi - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am about to get the atrix and i am wondering if there is a video that can show how to enable to hdmi webtop mod. I know nothing about adb or anything of that nature. A friend of mine into modding and stuff so he will be helping me. Any help or any detailed information will greatly be appreciated

Any you missed this thread how? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=980193

I saw that thread thats what turned me on to it. But i am looking for some detailed instructions on how to do it maybe a video thank anyways

sorry man, but if you cant do install method number 1, you probably shouldnt be hacking your phone

Pirateghost said:
sorry man, but if you cant do install method number 1, you probably shouldnt be hacking your phone
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agreed, as far as hacks go, it could not be easier

Step by step for method 1 in the thread.
Download the file
Unzip the file
Plug in your phone (usb debug + none in connection settings)
Run install.bat
Yeah that's about it. Pretty sure its in the OP but maybe some reiteration would help. After the install, I'd plug my cable in and nothing would happen, if that happens to you, shut the phone down, pull the battery, turn it back on and try again.
Have fun.

settings -> applications -> development -> USB debugging

Yeah I guess that would be a helpful tidbit as well.

Sent from my MB860 using XDA App


Nebie wanting some answers

Hey all.
I know i need to use the search tool but i don't have a clue of what to search for.
My Touch Dual can make calls once i turn it on but then after one call, i can call people but they can't hear me and i can't hear them.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Also, i've read about updating roms or radio's etc? and would someone please explain this to me.
I hope someone can give me the answers on how to fix the call problem and help with rom's/radio's.
tj_holt said:
My Touch Dual can make calls once i turn it on but then after one call, i can call people but they can't hear me and i can't hear them.
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If it has the original ROM, then it is time to return it to manufacturer for fix.
Also, i've read about updating roms or radio's etc? and would someone please explain this to me.
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In simple terms, ROMs are the operating system of your phone. Like your PC, you can modify or update the ROM. Custom ROMs can have features and programs built in that are not part of the standard ROM that your phone came with.
The radio is the low level drivers to control the hardware of your phone, eg making calls, camera etc.
It does have the original ROM in that case. But unfortunately, I got the phone from Ebay and thus no receipt so they won't touch it.
Would changing the ROM have the ability to fix the call problem.
Would I be able to change the Radio? One of these should work shouldn't they?
And if so... Would you be able to lead me in the right direction on how to do it?
hey i had same problem
not so long ago ..
where i call they cant hear me and i cant hear them either ..
all i did was remove srs wow hd (if you have it - first enable it make sure the speaker is set to internal.. try call if still doesnt work remove the app)
then did a soft-reset
if that doesnt work try a new radio like 1.65.xx.xx or 1.71.xx.xx
Haha, okay.
To start of with, i don't even know what "srs wow hd" is? And where will it be so i can remove it?
And secondly. How do i change the radio etc?
tj_holt said:
Haha, okay.
To start of with, i don't even know what "srs wow hd" is? And where will it be so i can remove it?
And secondly. How do i change the radio etc?
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haha lol yeh i only just learning two i ot my own touch dual just a few weeks ago
srs wow hd is sound driver you can find this in settings (if you have it installed) .. so go to setting it will be under system.
try putting it to use internal speaker(its the first option you cant miss it!) ..try call if it doesnt work ... change ur radio .http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=369502
download one of the 1.65 or 1.71 one's
next flash hardspl .. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=355730
..before you change radio it says you need to CID unlock your device .. so do that..(personally i did'nt do that even though it says it will stop on 99% ....i only didnt do this because my computer wouldnt run the software ..)
so still try to CID UNLOCK just so you dont mess your phone up ..
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=395945 < to get cid unlock + instructions.
so now you've done all that and you have downloaded the radio ... connect your phone to ur pc using active sync and run the file follow instructions( note it says it hard resets aka wipes your phone, it doesnt ) and wait awhile when its completed try to call ..
if that still doesnt work ask a expert
hope this helps ..
Thanks for the help mate, i did all of that but used a different radio previous to reading your reply.
I'll try using one of those now though cause the signal strength is really low on the "RUU Nike Radio Modded" one.
So i'll just have to see what happens
Thanks for the reply though mate, wish me luck! haha
okayy good luck
Cheers man, found a radio that did everything. So it's all good
This forum's pretty sweet.
Now i just need to get some cool apps and games on it and i'll be sorted!
Helpfull liam12189! Maybe a mod can change the title to something that's more suitable? This way it'll show up in searchresults (hopefully) and can be helpfull to others also.
yes .. that would be a good idea like : help with radio if you can't make calls or something!
tj_holt said:
Cheers man, found a radio that did everything. So it's all good
This forum's pretty sweet.
Now i just need to get some cool apps and games on it and i'll be sorted!
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oh and for some apps check out the genral section - development & hacking theres some nice apps 100% free

finally have my iMac controlling my Android phone!!!!

***UPDATED****** video tutorial made and link is below
It took me about 12 hours to figure this out because im not a super IT guy i just love computers and gadgets. But there was no tutorial about how to control the android from a mac Specifically, some forums/threads say "these instructions" work on mac/linux/windows. but not really
On a Mac it is actually very easy. its 6am and i have been up 16 hours.lol
But If alot of people respond to this post interested in how they can control the android from there mac and do screenshots thru the mac. Ill make a quick video.
all i got to say is i Love Windows 7 but wow, macs makes some things just so much easier to execute.
assuming u have debug mode enabled 'charge only' on the phone.
and assuming you have your sdk in the root of your hard drive "macintosh HD"
here is what you need to enter into the terminal.
double click adb file in the platforms-tools
just to make sure its running
open terminal and do the following assuming you press return(enter) after each line.
cd /
/AndroidSDK/platform-tools/adb devices
/AndroidSDK/platform-tools/adb shell
after the devices line you should see you device listed in the terminal if not check you connection (reboot phone if necessary)
after the "su" and you hit enter.
look at you device screen you should be asked for superuser
now run "androidscreencast.jnlp" and you should see you device and be able to control
let me know if you have any issues. im falling asleep ill check the thread when i wake up.lol
That's awesome I would love a video
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
No Problem
just woke up. lol. glad to see somebody is interested.
Let this be a little disclaimer, lol
this will be the first tutorial video i ever made. lol so i might sound super amateur. Give me a few hours i got to get somethings out of the way, then ill make video and ill post link here .
Uploading video tutorial now, it will be ready any minute now
Uploading it to youtube, full hd. enjoy i hope you like the tutorial it was my first
give it about 1 hour
Having a issue exporting video. Still working it out. Ill post link as soon as I figure the video out
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium

[Q] XFCE4 on Webtop

Hey Guys, Im trying to install XFCE4 on Webtop, everythings downloaded and installed, its just a matter of turning it on. I went into start-oshwt-2 and added the lines im supposed to, and put a hash in front of awn-autostart and webtop-wallpaper. Now, when its all booting and everything, it looks like its going well, then it goes blank, and Android returns to the phone screen (but without touch controls, they dont come back until I unplug the hdmi cord.) Whats going on here, how can I make this work? Thanks
I havent tried yet,but a good "how-to" would be appreciated as I would also like to install XFCE4.
Im going to say a fallacy:
Even though you are right posting your question here, your answer is already posted on the Development forum.
Sorry for not providing the url but if you search there, you'll find it.
Sent from my Atrix 4G using Tapatalk
how about this question then:
Can you install the base ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu-desktop packages and have them work?
If so,what startup items should be listed in that startup script?
Alright, hey guys, this is for anyone looking for an answer to this question. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1420376

[Q] SGS II USB Reverse Tethering

Hey everyone
I hope you answer me asap .
I've searched in the internet for usb back tethering & i found it & worked for me great , but now the problem is , when i installed the KJ2 rom the method wont to run , is there any way you guys know it to run the back tethering again ?
old way :
1. sharing internet from your network driver with samsung .
2.putting these ip addresses in the samsung network conn. : as main ip as Default GW
3.opening better terminal emulator from your device & adding the following commands :
ifconfig usb0 netmask up
route add default gw dev usb0
setprop net.dns1
now this way was working great for me but after the KJ2 ROM installation it didnt work atall.
i am waiting for an answer from you guys
& thank you
i am starting to bump since no reply till now
woops bump
hard to know that such a huge forums doesn't gave 1 guy knows waht am i talking about !!!
or they just read then meh ?
DADER said:
I've searched in the internet for usb back tethering & i found it & worked for me great , but now the problem is , when i installed the KJ2 rom the method wont to run , is there any way you guys know it to run the back tethering again ?
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The answer seems pretty obvious to me, revert to your previous ROM.
thank you for your obvious answer but i am sure that there are another more useful obvious answers in the forum .
& btw people upgrade their properties not downgrading them .
again , thank you for your obvious reply
I agree with the other guy... Return to your previous ROM if yu NEED this feature atleast until someone can give you a better answer.
What the heck is "usb back tethering"? When I do a google search for that exact term in quotes (which guarantees that only that exact phrase is found), the ONLY result I get is this very thread.
Are you trying to do tethering via usb to have your computer use the phone's 3g connection? Or trying to tether the phone to use your computer's network connection?
ctomgee said:
What the heck is "usb back tethering"? When I do a google search for that exact term in quotes (which guarantees that only that exact phrase is found), the ONLY result I get is this very thread.
Are you trying to do tethering via usb to have your computer use the phone's 3g connection? Or trying to tether the phone to use your computer's network connection?
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back tethering means u run internet in your phone from your pc internet , not the wifi- router or wifi card. & if u red my post you will understand what am i talking about !!!
DADER said:
back tethering means u run internet in your phone from your pc internet , not the wifi- router or wifi card. & if u red my post you will understand what am i talking about !!!
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I did read your post. It is barely comprehensible, which is why I had to ask what the heck you are talking about. And as I said, the term "USB back tethering" in a google search doesn't turn up any pages but this one.
well , a month ago there was a blog which i found in it this method , google is a moody search engine
what the **** , i've been posting this thread for a week & no reply from a mod or developer - i just want if there's a solution or not- ( btw with all of my respect to the members whom participated in this thread ).
i hope someone gives a look to the thread & gives me a decisive answer ....
Happy New Year XDA-Members
DADER said:
well , a month ago there was a blog which i found in it this method , google is a moody search engine
what the **** , i've been posting this thread for a week & no reply from a mod or developer - i just want if there's a solution or not- ( btw with all of my respect to the members whom participated in this thread ).
i hope someone gives a look to the thread & gives me a decisive answer ....
Happy New Year XDA-Members
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Check out android apps sub forum as is an application recently released.
I'd link but I'm mobile.
Sent from the valley of the shadows....
stylez said:
Check out android apps sub forum as is an application recently released.
I'd link but I'm mobile.
Sent from the valley of the shadows....
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i appreciate your answer but if u can give me more leads to the program such its name or in which page , thread's name ....
because the app forum is such a big one & cant search the threads one by one tho
DADER said:
i appreciate your answer but if u can give me more leads to the program such its name or in which page , thread's name ....
because the app forum is such a big one & cant search the threads one by one tho
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What you're talking about is called USB Reverse Tethering. That should clear a lot of things up.
Secondly, if you're not getting a reply, don't just continually bump the thread.
..and finally, take people's advice: if you really need this, then go back to the old setup. If not, stop complaining.
Your best bet would be to contact the original developer, not start a new thread.
.. Or why not take this as an opportunity to learn more about linux? The method you posted sounds like it should work if only you tweaked the commands to work with your new ROM. Start by getting familiar with ifconfig and linux network stack.
screamworks said:
What you're talking about is called USB Reverse Tethering. That should clear a lot of things up.
Secondly, if you're not getting a reply, don't just continually bump the thread.
..and finally, take people's advice: if you really need this, then go back to the old setup. If not, stop complaining.
Your best bet would be to contact the original developer, not start a new thread.
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Its the Q&A forum & i am not doing anything wrong except finding an answer , & no need to be so aggressive like that , if you dont know any answer then dont troll a post .
finally , who the hell are you to tell me stop or not to , mind with your own business ok .
juicejuice said:
.. Or why not take this as an opportunity to learn more about linux? The method you posted sounds like it should work if only you tweaked the commands to work with your new ROM. Start by getting familiar with ifconfig and linux network stack.
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well , thank you for your help i will try to be familiar with network commands .
i wish stylez could give me a name for that program & i will appreciate that alot
DADER said:
Its the Q&A forum & i am not doing anything wrong except finding an answer , & no need to be so aggressive like that , if you dont know any answer then dont troll a post .
finally , who the hell are you to tell me stop or not to , mind with your own business ok .
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I wasn't being aggressive, it's called common sense. Don't start acting as if you're entitled to help from people, when they do it in their spare time out of their own free will - the least you can do is not waste their time by doing some basic searching beforehand.

[Users][4.0]ICS 4.0.4 support/discussion thread

Well, that time has come. I feel like our ROM is stable enough that I can finally proide support for it without you guys (unintentionally) clogging up the dev thread.
If you have a question, POST IT HERE. If you want to ask about install issues, how to get into devving, or rabid toasters, POST IT HERE. I am closing off the dev thread now that this is created. If you post there without a constructive helpful comment (I will put up criteria there), you will get yelled at, beaten, and sent to slink back to your hole from whence you came.
Okay, now that that's over, I will be providing support in this thread. I am not mean, scary, nasty, or like to drown puppies for fun, despite what the impression the above may give you. I am actually a very helpful person (as most pre-existing members here will agree), and will try to help you, even if you think it's a stupid question.
One rule here: Search first!
I cannot emphasize how important this is. As I said, I am more than happy to answer questions, but for the love of god please don't post something like "wherez the ICS guyzz, I don;t see it in this thrad, this forum sukks". Please use search first before posting. Thank you, and have a nice day.
Well, have fun, and I will answer any questions you have (even if they don't directly relate to ICS).
Install instructions:
Special thanks to daniel644 for the video and his high praises of me .
Guides (thanks to goldflame for these):
Drm manager
Run this in terminal with su permissions
Open terminal Type su Accept the superuser request Follow the code from the post One condition if you reboot you have to repeat the third line of code.
This will fix the market
Here is rooting:
Download tsparky root on your computer from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=31067529
Extract the zip plug in your Samsung, turn on USB debugging which can be found in settings-devoloper-usb debugging and run the bat file.
For those of you like me that when you open super user it fcs, here is a guide on how to fix that:
I have rooted, super user won't open now
OK follow theses steps
1) download and install Android commander (Google it)
1a) plug in your device and make sure USB debugging is on
2) open android commander
3) on the right panel go to /system/app and delete super user.apk
4) then go to /system/xbin and delete busybox and su
5) reboot and root again
Worked for me and two other people so it should work for you.
This is a good idea ... hopefully we will see more people pop in here than the dev thread, like to see you guys progress whenever possible and not so much "I need help installing this". I read a few posts of one of your guys requesting people to PM for help but maybe this thread will alleviate that "burden"...
da1writer said:
This is a good idea ... hopefully we will see more people pop in here than the dev thread, like to see you guys progress whenever possible and not so much "I need help installing this". I read a few posts of one of your guys requesting people to PM for help but maybe this thread will alleviate that "burden"...
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Well, answering questions is not a "burden" more than it is something not 100% relevent to our dev thread, which (unfortunately) sometimes gets us off on a tangent. This way, I can help you guys, and we can still be productive in the original thread. Even if your question isn't relevant, pop me a PM, and I will be happy to help you, as long as you have researched first (meaning not stuff like "where's the stock rom"?).
hanthesolo said:
Well, answering questions is not a "burden" more than it is something not 100% relevent to our dev thread, which (unfortunately) sometimes gets us off on a tangent. This way, I can help you guys, and we can still be productive in the original thread. Even if your question isn't relevant, pop me a PM, and I will be happy to help you, as long as you have researched first (meaning not stuff like "where's the stock rom"?).
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This is simply a suggestion, but maybe you guys could make a skype group, if you guys don't do that already. I guess it's a good thing to post in the dev thread the little updates, but I think a skype may be more convenient.
euphoriaflow said:
This is simply a suggestion, but maybe you guys could make a skype group, if you guys don't do that already. I guess it's a good thing to post in the dev thread the little updates, but I think a skype may be more convenient.
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Between devs yes, we use Gtalk on a daily basis, and has been invaluable in getting work done quickly. It would be interesting to use skype and/or Gtalk for support, although we would need a dedicated account for that (and we are currently locked out of our Nova Gmail account, because we forgot the password ).
Not trolling here, but just wondering. Since when did discussion become development? Shouldn't this be in general?
In our one s forums all discussion threads are in the general section.
Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 2
Same at the epic 4g touch forums, but to be honest, I don't mind it being here at all. Not too late to move this over there, though.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
hanthesolo said:
Between devs yes, we use Gtalk on a daily basis, and has been invaluable in getting work done quickly. It would be interesting to use skype and/or Gtalk for support, although we would need a dedicated account for that (and we are currently locked out of our Nova Gmail account, because we forgot the password ).
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I do have the pass (I saved them in case we forget it). Also klin, it is considered for general but can be considered like dev too (in the sense of error reporting).
klin1344 said:
Not trolling here, but just wondering. Since when did discussion become development? Shouldn't this be in general?
In our one s forums all discussion threads are in the general section.
Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 2
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This is a subsection of our development thread, and while it may be better placed in general, it is best here, as we remove the chance of people who create accounts just to complain, and we obtain easier access for users. Plus, I believe I may have an idea to put the community to work, I just need to polish it a bit more.
hanthesolo said:
Between devs yes, we use Gtalk on a daily basis, and has been invaluable in getting work done quickly. It would be interesting to use skype and/or Gtalk for support, although we would need a dedicated account for that (and we are currently locked out of our Nova Gmail account, because we forgot the password ).
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Can't you reset it. Should be easy if you put a recovery email
Sent From My YP-G1 running ICS build 3.5
is this version (3.5) already better than the GB Roms out there? or is it better for domeone like me who likes gaming and music to stay on my current rom until HW and such things are fixed?
btw im using dream Ultra right now because my device makes weird noises when im using other roms
crancpiti said:
is this version (3.5) already better than the GB Roms out there? or is it better for domeone like me who likes gaming and music to stay on my current rom until HW and such things are fixed?
btw im using dream Ultra right now because my device makes weird noises when im using other roms
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I would hold off, but only for a little while longer, there are a few details (market download fix and proper sdcard support) that need to be added into the next ROM build so you don't have to ADB push things or use terminal to enter code after every boot, once those issues are fixed then it should be a good daily. But, if your comfortable and know how to ADB push files and stuff like that then go for it, just remember you WILL be charging it EVERY night due to the deep sleep bug inherited from the CM7 kernel that was used as the base for our CM9 kernel.
daniel644 said:
I would hold off, but only for a little while longer, there are a few details (market download fix and proper sdcard support) that need to be added into the next ROM build so you don't have to ADB push things or use terminal to enter code after every boot, once those issues are fixed then it should be a good daily. But, if your comfortable and know how to ADB push files and stuff like that then go for it, just remember you WILL be charging it EVERY night due to the deep sleep bug inherited from the CM7 kernel that was used as the base for our CM9 kernel.
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Is it possible to fix that deep sleep bug?
My milestones that need to be crossed for daily usage would be:
H/W Acceleration
SD Card fixed (internal and external)
Deep Sleep
Everything else either has already been added/fixed (Voodoo!!! Beats removed and optional ) or I could wait for (bluetooth, camera, gps).
You guys are doing a great job though, can't wait for the next build to see how you guys are doing.
da1writer said:
Is it possible to fix that deep sleep bug?
My milestones that need to be crossed for daily usage would be:
H/W Acceleration
SD Card fixed (internal and external)
Deep Sleep
Everything else either has already been added/fixed (Voodoo!!! Beats removed and optional ) or I could wait for (bluetooth, camera, gps).
You guys are doing a great job though, can't wait for the next build to see how you guys are doing.
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once oisis gets his sgp 4.0, he can port a 3.0.x kernal and all these will will be fixed.
da1writer said:
Is it possible to fix that deep sleep bug?
My milestones that need to be crossed for daily usage would be:
H/W Acceleration
SD Card fixed (internal and external)
Deep Sleep
Everything else either has already been added/fixed (Voodoo!!! Beats removed and optional ) or I could wait for (bluetooth, camera, gps).
You guys are doing a great job though, can't wait for the next build to see how you guys are doing.
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if/when Oisis gets a 3.0.x kernel up and going (after he gets his player) hopefully the deep sleep bug will be no more, since its a carry over from the CM7 base kernel and if we have a new kernel that should solve that issue, and should get us to where bluetooth, camera and H/W acceleration could all be possible aswell.
Han, while we wait for Oisis to get his player and do his magic can we get one more build that has the fixed vold.fstab to have both internal and external memory working normally without having to ADB push files to the player and the market fix (if there's an easy way to do it)?
daniel644 said:
if/when Oisis gets a 3.0.x kernel up and going (after he gets his player) hopefully the deep sleep bug will be no more, since its a carry over from the CM7 base kernel and if we have a new kernel that should solve that issue, and should get us to where bluetooth, camera and H/W acceleration could all be possible aswell.
Han, while we wait for Oisis to get his player and do his magic can we get one more build that has the fixed vold.fstab to have both internal and external memory working normally without having to ADB push files to the player and the market fix (if there's an easy way to do it)?
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A build with a fixed vold.fstab is possible but for the market fix, this is something related to the initrd that actually needs one more line of code for it to be activated lool.
goldflame09 said:
once oisis gets his sgp 4.0, he can port a 3.0.x kernal and all these will will be fixed.
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Hold up a sec, I'm unsure of the situation a bit here... does oisis HAVE a Samsung Galaxy 4.0?
If not, I'm willing to toss a couple Tens his way (won't mention how much here) with a stipulation. I'm talking about Amazon Credit (which I have alot of) here... An Amazon gift card (via email) would have to be used as Amazon being the purchase website. PM me if there is an interest oisis if this is the case of you not having an actual SGP 4.0 ...
Edit: Ok, I just read that oisis actually did order one from China (?) but if it takes too long I'm still willing to help money wise if needed for any of these great 4.0 devs here developing the ICS rom
zaclimon said:
A build with a fixed vold.fstab is possible but for the market fix, this is something related to the initrd that actually needs one more line of code for it to be activated lool.
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OK then, a build with fixed vold.fstab and a file browser like the free ES File explorer so I can sideload my apps.
daniel644 said:
OK then, a build with fixed vold.fstab and a file browser like the free ES File explorer so I can sideload my apps.
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A file explorer? I think I will just fix the kernel so that the drmserver can work on boot. As for the vold.fstab, I cleaned all my repo so it will take a long time before I can get one, I will get it more presumably on the weekend.
zaclimon said:
A file explorer? I think I will just fix the kernel so that the drmserver can work on boot. As for the vold.fstab, I cleaned all my repo so it will take a long time before I can get one, I will get it more presumably on the weekend.
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Yeah a file explorer (file browser) so I can access the LEGALLY obtained .apk's I've collected from the developers websites, to install them. for whatever reason there is NO file browser app in this CM9.

