[Q] people app - Thunderbolt Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I added a new contact today (time warner) and I noticed that I had options to save the number as company main, car, radio, assistant as well as the usual home, work, etc..
When I go to edit an existing contact these new (to me anyhow) options are not there.
Is there a way to get them there?
I think it may be handy to be able to save company numbers in their own category and I already have quite a few saved as contacts

Looks like it depends on the type of contact that you save it as. Exchange provides all the options. Google has most and the phone even less. Least options is the SIM.
Where are you saving them to?

I just looked and the time warner contact says phone and some others say google. So I guess that explains it.


Android and MobileMe compatibility?

Guys, I'm on the verge of jumping ship from an iPhone 4 to a One X (when released). But my only problem may be the fact that I have a MobileMe account - Mail, Calendar, Contacts etc - which I really can not afford to lose.
I need the possible new HTC to be able to do all that the iPhone does with MobileMe on the iPhone - Push Mail, Cal and Contacts. Is this possible?
I know some people have setup GMail accounts instead, but due to business needs I really cannot afford to change accounts right now.
Sorry guys. Have I asked a mega stupid question that no one wants to answer? Or is it because no one knows?
It's not gonna sync with iCloud and going from iPhone to Android is like downgrading from a BMW to a broke down scooter.
MobileMe is completely proprietary in the sense that it will only work with apple products nothing else, email has a chance of working but it will be fairly stripped down as it's not gmail. Also ignore the troll above me, not allowing you to use something you pay for on anything you want is just another one of the many many reasons to leave apple products.
cordell507 said:
MobileMe is completely proprietary in the sense that it will only work with apple products nothing else, email has a chance of working but it will be fairly stripped down as it's not gmail. Also ignore the troll above me, not allowing you to use something you pay for on anything you want is just another one of the many many reasons to leave apple products.
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You don't pay for iCloud, it's free. There is no reason to leave Apple for Android seeing how the OS is a fragmented mess. You have a better chance of winning a pottery then getting a timely update from an OEM.
Thanks for the replies guys
I've been doing some research and have had some help from other places, and it seems that MobileMe can be sync'ed but with the assistance of other desktop apps.
If these work well, then I will take the leap.
Alex2792, I would have agreed with your "downgrade" comment a year ago. But having seen some of these new Android phones in full flow... well, no restrictions, far cheaper, far more modifiable - it makes sense to
how i got contacts from mobileme
this is my solution.
1. login to mobileme
2. go to address book
3. select all entries in your address book
4. under setting select export contact
5. connect your HTC phone to your mac in disk mode (found under setting within the connect to PC menu)
6. once connected, open finder and copy your vcards.vcf file from your mac to the mounted phone's downloads directory
7. after copy is completed, disconnect phone
8. restart phone (I had to do this for the storage device to find the file)
9. open contacts on HTC phone
10. open contacts settings (top right corner)
11. select to import contact from phone storage
12. import should begin and all contact will be found under under in contacts under "phone"
a status window popped up showing the percentage complete until all 350 contacts were added. I got pics, email addresses, and names without issue.
I really don't understand this fragmented crap.
I have a 2 yearold HTC EVO4G which I've been completely happy with. It runs android 2.3.5, without any noticable bugs. I have decent battery life (newer phones have better due to better displays, and not using a 60nm chip), can run any app on the market, and can do all sorts of things that I can't do on iphone (such as change a freaking default browser). I use the go launcher, which is freaking pretty, and has all kinds of new fanciful effects. I don't even have the original launcher installed anymore. My contacts, photos and videos are automagically uploaded and backed up on google plus, dropbox, my desktop, and my netbook.
I have a very good experience on my "fragmented" phone.
Ignoring the obvious troll, I too have switched from android to iphone back to android and then iphone and am back to android. Since google backs up all your app data (who needs call logs backed up?) and there is an app to backup your texts, well I don't see any reason to blast google.
Also, do some research, there are some desktop appear that can help you switch everything over. Although it sounds like you've already done that.
For instance:
Dropbox will automatically upload your pictures to yourself and every device that has your account installed.
Google backs up all apps just like iOs.
You can most certainly have push email with android that is not gmail based. There are a ton of email clients in the play store.
sent from my nook tablet or sgh-i777, using string

S Note permissions comparison? (stock with ICS versus S Choice app store)

Could anyone out there tell me if the S Note that you got with the ICS update - NOT downloaded from S Choice, or from the file that I saw floating around the forum, just the ones that came with ICS automatically - matches the following permissions?
- Your personal information
add or modify calendar events and send email to guests without owner's knowledge, read Browser's history and bookmarks, read calendar events plus confidential information, read contact data, read user defined dictionary, write Browser’s history and bookmarks, write contact data
- Services that cost you money
directly call phone numbers, send SMS messages
- Your location
coarse (network-based) location, fine (GPS) location
- Your messages
edit SMS or MMS, read SMS or MMS, receive SMS or MMS
- Network communication
control NFC, create Bluetooth connections, full internet access
- Your accounts
acts an account authenticator, manage the accounts list, use the authentication credentials of an account
- Storage
modify/delete USE storage contents
- Hardware controls
change your audio settings, record audio, take pictures and videos
- System Tools
allow Wi-Fi Multicast reception, bluetooth administration, change network connectivity, change WIF state, change WIMAX state, change your UI settings, delete all application cache data, disable keylock, format external storage, modify global system settings, mount and unmount filesystems, prevent phone from sleeping, retrieve running applications, write sync settings.
Why I want to know, if you're interested:
I didn't get S Note with my ICS update (SGH-i717R - Canadian, Rogers), and after a song and dance with support, was told by one agent/one email support to download it from the S Choice app store ... and by one call agent that I should stay away from it because it's not from Samsung and possibly malware.. Since S Note was supposed to come with the update, and only My Story needed additional downloading, I was a little wary.
My misgivings started with the bad grammar in the description, the different developer from the My Story app, and finally, the giant pile of permissions it wants. I've tried a slew of things to get S Note/Premium Suite to initialize, and am now at either reflashing the update, which I'd like to avoid since the phone works fine and I don't know what the hell I'm doing, or mailing it in “to the lab,” which I'd like to avoid because apparently not all of Samsung knows what it's doing either, judging by some of the answers I got. So I'd like to just do a comparison to see if the original S Note that comes with ICS also has these permissions. If it does, then I'm just going with the S Choice one and stop trying other things.
Thank you for any help!
Anyone? I know it's a bit of an oddball question, but..? (Unless nobody got it with ICS, which wouldn't surprise me, either.)
Matches what i have... I dont think its anything bad. Samsung proabably wants snote to have full functionality. Insert contacts and be able to call them from the app, geo tag your location etc... Look at the permissions of facebook... They are not that different.
Sent from my Samsung-I717
Stampaufaz said:
Matches what i have... I dont think its anything bad. Samsung proabably wants snote to have full functionality. Insert contacts and be able to call them from the app, geo tag your location etc... Look at the permissions of facebook... They are not that different.
Sent from my Samsung-I717
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Fantastic - thanks! I was mostly put off by the description of the app "this application is S note can make own note." doesn't exactly scream "I am legit software put out by Samsung, download me!" But if it's pretty much what the original has, then I'm fine.
Again, thanks!

Which app for manage client?

a friend of mine bought a few days ago a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" to manage his clients (he's a doctor).
He started to build his contact library (he doesn't have an android phone and no gmail contacts) adding name, surname, eventually mail and phone number and in the "Note" field he wrote all the note he'd taken. BUT this field has a characters' limit, and he can't add even a letter anymore (for the most visited client of course).
I tried to search for an app for this purpose but I can't find anything. I don't even search ONLY an app, it can be enough another method using the in-build feature of the tablet and android.
I searched for some CRM app, but most of them are ugly (since it's not a power user the more simple and clean is the better) and not optimized for a tablet. I found Insightly, but it's only online, and if he does'nt have a wifi network around he can't, not only record the new data, but also access to the old ones! They MUST be always available.
I thought about a simple folder + text file in G Drive, but these are only online too. Dropbox, too.
If it can interact with the G Mail contacts (the Note field is very useful at this) it would be wonderful, otherwise he'll build up his library with his contacts.
How can I do to have these data always on the tablet (cloud sync is not absolutely necessary)??? Any idea for an app or an alternative method?
He bought a tablet to use for work, without any idea on how he would use it for work or if it would even do what he wanted? If he throws money around like that, why not recommend him to get an app written for his company and it's needs. There are many app developers who design and write custom apps for clients.

[Q] Display contacts in an auto expanded list. Is there an app?

I've been searching all over and can't seem to find a suitable app for this.
A family member has jumped from an endless parade of dumbphones to an Android based smartphone. Got all setup with a Google account and then I sat for about an hour or so manually entering names and numbers into Google Contacts, so they'll sync all nice and easily to the phone.
Now, no matter how I try to explain it, she doesn't quite get that if you open the contacts list on the phone and select a name, it presents you with all configured numbers, home, cell, work, etc, which you then just tap one to call.
No, she'd rather do extra work and create a separate contact, one for each possible number. "So that it looks like it used to...."
"Mr Contact One (home)"
"Mr Contact One (cell)"
"Mr Contact One (work"
So, does anyone know of a contacts app that displays all numbers in an auto-expanded list? Sort of like...
"Mr Contact One"
\_555-555-5555 (home)
555-111-5555 (cell)
555-222-5555 (work)

App picker needs to get a lot smarter and flexible

Sorry, the app picker falls several light years short for me in two specific fields - messaging and calling. If I select "always" in one of those cases this selection gets applied across all my contacts. Sorry, that's just daft.
I'll give you an example: I have Zoiper, Skype and WhatsApp installed on my phone. Now when I send somebody a message, I want to use WA for those as have it, Skype for those as have it and be able to select a preference for those cases where somebody has both. Also, if my preference is Skype, but person is not logged in, it should be smart enough to then go WA. If I am roaming or my data connection is disabled for other reasons, it should use SMS. It's called a Smartphone by Jove! Currently I feel like I am in the 70s. the device is that daft.
Similar rules apply for calls.
Oh and also I want to be able to make this choice individually for every contact, either rule based, as outlined above, or just on my personal whim. And I want to be able to override said choice on a case-by-case basis, or permanently, again based on my personal whim. Double tapping in order to avoid making an idiotic and not easily reset general setting is a kludge at best.
For a sec, I was wondering what the heck app picker was.
Yeah, it probably needs to be updated to a more convenient and smarter way. I wonder how the less advanced users get through processes like that. Seriously, if I were an 80 year old grandpa, I would not know how to manage the app picker for sure.

