Email program bug - Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini

I use the standard email app to check my work email - it's simple quick and does the job.
However I belong to 2 clubs and they both send email with a large "To" list. I've found that if I try and open the inbox with 1 of these emails in it - then the phone crashes and reboots.
It's something to do with either the number of recipients in the "To" list, or simply the number of chars in the "to" field - I have not been able to pin-point it exactly.
Receiving it via K9 mail is fine - so it's clearly something buggy in the SE app - and it never used to do it before I upgraded to the latest SE update...
Anyone found this problem before?


[Q] Samsung Email App

New to these forums so please bear with me.
I have had the SGS2 for about 3 weeks now and today I used it to forward an email from my Gmail account using the Samsung Email app (app with wax on envelope). Each time i tried to forward a msg the msg would come up and I added a email address to send too, then when I sent it the email arrived with just my covering text and no forwared email.
I am using a stock rom version KE2 and have checked its not my colleagues Iphone by sending myself a forwarded email and I can check also in the sent emails - none have the attached mail I wished to forward.
I have checked the setting and the tick is ticked for forwarding files. I have stopped and restarted the app whilst untickting and ticking the box but nothing seems to work. To forward the mail I have to enter the Gmail app and do it that way which works fine.
Whilst this isnt a major pain i just wondered if its me doing something wrong or there is a bug with the app??
Seems to be a bug in the email app. Seems it just refuses to include the original email body regardless if you use forward or reply.

Email Issue Star A3 2.3.5 V3.3MOD ROM

Have a strange issue, when I send email using the stock email app via my pop3 account the outgoing name does not display. I know how to set it, I can set it in the settings and it stays there I have changed it etc but whenever i send an email it does not get applied properly. The real issue is, on my outlook client when i receive the email it comes form an unknown sender (name AND email address is unknown) when i send an email to a exchange server it picks up the form email address but not the name. Now this plays HAVOC with spam because every spam filter in the world is going to mark an email with an unknown sender as spam.
It used to work just fine, the only change I made, (and I can't remember if it worked after the change or not) was that I went form the stock 2.3.4 ROM to bruno martins 2.3.5 V3.3MOD ROM.
Any advice? I could probably copy over a copy of the original email.apk file to see if it fixes it but anyone else experienced this?
phone is an adroid star a3 (also known as G11)

Strange SMS Problem... Random Characters...

Hello All,
I have been experiencing a strange problem for a long time and now I'd finally like to eliminate it.
When I first got my DS5 (bought directly from Dell at announcement!), I moved my contacts database over from a couple WinMobile2003 phones (HTC TyTN I & II). The conversion went smoothly except for the strange occurrence of extraneous characters - in particular commas! I've combed the contacts database on the DS5 and removed and corrected any and all problem entries.
After all this the native Froyo 2.2.2 ('351) SMS application sometimes shows commas in a thread for a particular contact, for example, if the messages for contact entry "John Doe" with number "+1-800-555-1212' is being viewed, the SMS app shows "John Doe <,18005551212>"! If I attempt to just reply from within the thread, I will get an error indicating there was a problem with the number (due to the",")! So, if I want to reply to a "corrupted entry", I have to use the phone app's contacts feature to send a SMS and strangely when my message is sent, it automatically opens the SMS app with the correct name and number without the extraneous comma... If I then exit the thread to top-level listing of all messages, then re-enter the previously correct thread - the comma is now shown! It seems whatever database the SMS program uses is screwed up. By the way, I have even deleted a corrupted thread and when a new message is sent or received, the comma comes back!
Before I attempt a complete reinstall of everything and a re-sync with my Gmail contacts. (along with backed-up SMS, MMS & Call Log using the Market App "Backup to Gmail") , I was wondering if anyone else had experienced the same problem and corrected it?
Thanks, in advance, for your all's help...

Work phone synced to work email Outlook/Exchange

I have a Android phone and have it hooked with my workplace email account which uses Microsoft exchange 2007.
I am getting my emails through on the phone but the issue I have is in my outlook I have rules setup so if someone sends me and email who is part of my team i have rules setup so their emails go into their own seperate subfolder.
The issue is if i get an email from one of these collesgues where i have setup a rule i dont get a email message alert on my phone that i have received an email.
However if anyone sends me an email straight to my inbox i get an alert without no issue.
What's odd is we have a network monitoring tool and if that alerts and sends me an email I have again set up a rule to filter those messages to a different subfolder. I seem to get alerted on the phone for these emails which I have found very strange. If this sub folder works why don't I get them for the rest is my question?
I have rechecked my rules in outlook and can confirm they all set up exactly the same.
Is this setup incorrect or can I not receive emails which are in sub folders?
Is there a way to solve this, could an android app sort this as i am just using the native email app which comes with the Galaxy S3.
ranjb said:
I have a Android phone and have it hooked with my workplace email account which uses Microsoft exchange 2007.
I am getting my emails through on the phone but the issue I have is in my outlook I have rules setup so if someone sends me and email who is part of my team i have rules setup so their emails go into their own seperate subfolder.
The issue is if i get an email from one of these collesgues where i have setup a rule i dont get a email message alert on my phone that i have received an email.
However if anyone sends me an email straight to my inbox i get an alert without no issue.
What's odd is we have a network monitoring tool and if that alerts and sends me an email I have again set up a rule to filter those messages to a different subfolder. I seem to get alerted on the phone for these emails which I have found very strange. If this sub folder works why don't I get them for the rest is my question?
I have rechecked my rules in outlook and can confirm they all set up exactly the same.
Is this setup incorrect or can I not receive emails which are in sub folders?
Is there a way to solve this, could an android app sort this as i am just using the native email app which comes with the Galaxy S3.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There must be some differences between the rules or the folders. It is normal on an email client that if you have a rule to move an e-mail to another folder on arrival, it will do so without an alert. The only thing i can think of is that your colleagues' rules are "server" rules (run on server before e-mail gets to outlook) and the alert rule is client based (arrives on server, delivered to Outlook then rule runs in outlook)....
One thing to test is if you change the alerts folder to be one of your colleagues, do you stop getting notifications?

Large text messages are received out of order for my contacts

I am a Project Fi user and have had this issue on both my Nexus 6 and Pixel 2. I typically use the stock Android Messages app, but have occasionally used GoSMS Pro with the same results. When I send a large text message that is split into multiple messages, everyone (as far as I know) says the messages are received out of order. Something tells me this isn't related to the app, but through the service itself, but I have no proof of that - just speculation. It would be nice if I could convert multiple SMS messages into MMS, but I don't see that option.
Any thoughts?

