Worms - Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini

Have anyone the data files and the apk from worms ?

i wonder about this too!

hey guys
berfore you post threads like this search for "worms.apk"
that would help^^
because google said 576.000 results

U don't need the cache. The apk will automatically download it over WiFi.

i writing this post just for help you
this is tested in x10 mini and work!
put data in sd/android

thanks milad10


[Q] X10 mini junk apps?

Can someone get me a list for safe apps to remove from x10 mini system/apps folder so that i don`t brick my phone. I`ve searched for this in the forum but it havent caught my eye. Or is there maybe a script or smth that removes them and maybe does a backup to the SD? I know that there is a script for the x10 big for it.
If you're talking about the system apps like Maps and stuff, I've also been looking for something to remove those...
Anyone please help us?!?
Look the wiki : Xperia X10 Mini Deleting Applications
Thank you! Looks like i didn`t do a thorough search
thx for the link!

GPS iGO Primo 2.0 (v9.6.7.2)

Hello guys i have managed to get iGO primo 2.0 or v9.6.7.2(something like that) on P500. I have installed it and it works superb, the only problem is that the resolution file which is a sys.txt is not properly optimised for our phone it is just a millimeter off it is 455X320 instead of 480x320.
Can someone help me optimize it and share it with you guys? I guess everyone is interested in upgrading to iGO primo 2.0 which i can tell you from 5 min of play with it that is way way better and more fun HA.
can you pm me, where did you get that? i've found a version, which starts to load, but after it displays basemap, and closes, like an fc, without warning.
ok so i got it working, i found a sys.txt for 320x480 and it works great the only problem is that i can't post here any file cause i gusess that is against forum rules and illegal... any suggestions ?
gafaysto said:
ok so i got it working, i found a sys.txt for 320x480 and it works great the only problem is that i can't post here any file cause i gusess that is against forum rules and illegal... any suggestions ?
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gafaysto said:
ok so i got it working, i found a sys.txt for 320x480 and it works great the only problem is that i can't post here any file cause i gusess that is against forum rules and illegal... any suggestions ?
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I think it's not illegal as it is modified by u to work on p500.
Upload it to a sharing site and post the link.Give full credit to original owners and those who deserve it.
Post it in Apps and themes section :good:
Sent from my LG-P500 running Ginger Snap
plz upload the sys.txt here, i foud something and i will test it in a few seconds..
the rezolution is the same..
Modding tools
Hello guys,
I've attached the tools necessary for modding iGO Amigo.
There are already working mods for HVGA resolution, but they aren't the best (e.g. text being displayed on top of each other, bad icon crop, etc). Otherwise these versions do work but they just aren't that good as the previous iGO 8 was for HVGA.
One thing is for sure: you have to get the iGOprimo_v9.6.7.235654_thin-v1.0.apk for our resolution (other version will hang with error message).
The files we can edit to make it smooth for our resolution are:
- sys.txt
- data.zip
-- uiandroid
--- multimode.ini
--- 800_480 --> contains encrypted bmp files which can be decrypted (and vice versa) with the enclosed tool.
Good luck!
iGO primo just from the phone
is there a way to make iGo primo to run ONLY from the phone?
to be precise. i need acces to my SD card in order to play music stored on the phones' SD card in my cars' stereo.
so i connect my phone to my stereo (phone is set as disk drive) so the SD card is unmounted from the android.
this means that iGo cannot access the maps and content from the SD card.
is there a way to move the content on my phone (i can create a sd-ext of 2 gb - enough for 3-4 maps i use)?
is there a way to alter sys.txt in order not to search for content on my SD card?
@gafaysto I sent you a PM.
thatnextdoorboy said:
pm from me also
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Can you send me it, too?
I have the same problem as described in first page: iGO Primo closes after loading bar goes to 70%. I tried
I have the same problem with all apk's
I have ROM cm-7-20121125-NIGHTLY-p500.zip which is working great.
How you solve that problem with iGO Primo.
Send me pls a PM with a working version if you have one.
Later edit: - I managed to combine some files from different versions and now i have a working version for my optimus one. I uploaded the basic files and apk here if someone needs them. I think this link will expire after 30 days.

package file is invalid - google play store

Hello guys,
First of all, i searched all the other treads i could find about the problem, and none of them could really help me ...
So the problem, whenever I try to install any app from the google play store, after the download was complete, i get this error : package file is invalid. I always download via Wi-fi ..
I have a LG optimus L7 and it is not rooted. I run android 4.0.3.
Many people say, clear cache/data from the play store, but that did not help.
Other people said clear the delvik cache , but I do not know how I can boot my phone in recovery mode ...
Could somebody please help me ?
Thanks !
p.s.:Sorry for my English :/
I also found out now that i have the same when i try to update my software.
An error pops up : invalid software package ...
Anyone any idea ? please help !
New Member
Dear Friends I am unable to post in some threads.
Its saying that you have no permissions or you have at least 10 post.
So, I am generating this post
anyone can help me, how to come out from this ...???
ear Friends I am unable to post in some threads.
Its saying that you have no permissions or you have at least 10 post.
So, I am generating this post
anyone can help me, how to come out from this ...???
Have you checked system update under settings/about as an update may help
Sent via that ninja standing right behind you
aabidhashmi said:
Dear Friends I am unable to post in some threads.
Its saying that you have no permissions or you have at least 10 post.
So, I am generating this post
anyone can help me, how to come out from this ...???
ear Friends I am unable to post in some threads.
Its saying that you have no permissions or you have at least 10 post.
So, I am generating this post
anyone can help me, how to come out from this ...???
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What about answering my question ?

X10 jarvis from pc to x10

spike lab​
hey guys i just wanted to let u know that i have great success in building jarvis my personal pc assistant and that it works fine now i just need help to make an adnroid apk.
what it can do:
*check weather
*search google,youtube,facebook etc.
*set alarm
*call*(not avaible it is on pc)
*learn stuff
*make arrangments
so if anyone is skilled enough to make an apk with my help or to port my program into an apk i would be very greatful.cuz we can make a costume google now aka siri for x10 and x10 only.
U can pm me with ur ideas and thougts and those who can help me with this can pm me to or reffer to dis post.
I am not skilled enough at making aplications for phones (android) but for pc i know some stuff
Hi Buddy....
Hey this seems to be very nice...
I'll wait for this to come up for our smartphones..
Good luck buddy :good: :good: :good:

[Q] Sencor Element 7 v3 hard reset

I would like to ask for help. I don´t know if this is correct thread but I have to try it.
Thanks to this forum I was able to repair my broken HTS Wildfire S an I learned how to work with this.
But now I have problem with Sencor Element 7 V3.
My son blocked this device and without internet access is impossible to renew Google account.
I search internet how to make hard reset but no combinations of button press is working.
Does somebody know how to help me, please?
Thank you very much, Martin
I tasted the "MaPan_MX713_Firmware_P20121112" version, and all component functioned properly!!
I'm a new user here, that is why I dont post link, but I will sending 2 link in e-mail for you... a tutorial and the rom list..
Sorry my bad english .
I hope so this helps for you!!
ruca333 said:
I tasted the "MaPan_MX713_Firmware_P20121112" version, and all component functioned properly!!
I'm a new user here, that is why I dont post link, but I will sending 2 link in e-mail for you... a tutorial and the rom list..
Sorry my bad english .
I hope so this helps for you!!
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Can you write down the links what are you talking about in your post? Thank you!
OS not Starting on Element Tablet
I am having problem with Element tablet. I break it root and from terminal executed reboot command.After this it is not starting OS.

