No Carrier Logo on Stock 1.83 (CWM) - Atrix 4G Themes and Apps

This is a theme that removes the carrier logo while keeping everything else stock!
I've always removed the carrier logo as one of the first steps after updating. Sounds like lots of people have been requesting this feature.
You must be deodexed and running 1.83 or 1.57. I believe this only works on AT&T and it sounds like most AT&T things don't work on other carriers.
Also, this will remove any themes that you may have installed currently.
I've used this with Kenthepenn's deodexed files as well as GladiAtrix deodexed files without any problems.
I take no responsibility if you mess up your phone while doing this.
0) Download the correct file!!! Double check this in About Phone if you are unsure.
1) Download to your SDCARD (Internal or External)
2) Install with CWM
3) Enjoy

This wont work on .57?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

trant01 said:
This wont work on .57?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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I've added the 1.57 files. Had it in the archives

I am not sure what CWM is but i will find it and do this mod to my 1.83 Atrix. Besides the AT&T logo, the other thing I really hate is the white status bar background. All of the roms I see that change it to black have some issues so they are not for me since I have learned to be cautious over the years. I would like the AT&T logo removed and change to a black status bar background, and have NO issues to deal with, now or for future upgrades (I am rooted). Willing to pay someone to get these features if it's possible. Other than these issues I love my Atrix and think it will be fine for quite a while considering 2.3 and unlocked bootloader is coming. Oh yes my other wish is that Skype will enable video chat and Motorola will release their music player that will enable the FM radio tuner.

It works like a charm!


[Theme] BNB for Eclipse 0.5

To begin... make a backup 1st.... not responsible for damages while left in the parking garage.. enjoy the game!
This theme was made with permission of "thebowers". It's his creation. I brought it into GB land for the X2. I don't know if I did everything he did but I can tell you that I have made image edits galore for resizing purposes and to get all the new GB images not yet themed. I have also edited the crap out of a lot of xml's so things should work 100% smoothly out of the box. I have also incorporated some inverted apps which, I had nothing to do with. Credit there goes to thebowers, ecsnead and B-Boy. I also made a few apps myself because once I got going on 0.2.2, I got carried away. Three of those apps incorporate to make the X2's first (that I know of anyway) Fully Functional and fully inverted Dialer. 0.4 had issues so, I started over at 0 and made the entire thing myself this time to make sure it all worked.
Also, I changed the boot animation. It matches the theme oh so well. Credit there goes to Versatile1 because he made it (on
Before we begin, I will list all the apps I have included. For ease of use, I highly recommend getting rid of any app on the list from your phones data folder first. For example, if you downloaded Facebook from the market, remove it from your data folder. Not saying you HAVE TO, just putting it out there if you run into issues, you know how to fix them.
Also for the market... this one you do HAVE to do... First, verify that you DO NOT have a vending app in \data\app!!!!! If you do this will not install!!! You will need to uninstall updates before flashing... Settings>Applications>Manage Applications>"ALL" tab>Market>Uninstall Updates
Will it break your phone if you don't do that? No, it just won't install a market... at all!
Lastly, I have taken the time to guide every .9.png file in the framework and in every app I touched. What this means to you.... If you want to make other changes, everything will decompile and recompile without error. Of course you need to add the dependencies if your editing systemui or settings but thats a blur thing. Not something I did.
Now.. onto the part anyone actually cares about..
The theme is located at the bottom of the deepest cave, surrounded by guardian flying pigs who crave bacon and eggs.
Ive also included a BNB style Icon Pack because, if you are crafty enough to figure out how to install them, I'm crafy enough to share them It's not a huge list, it just covers the basic ones most people stick on the main homescreen.
You can get that here.. but you have to go through the cave first.
If you see any issues please let me know.
Heres the cool list that got into the party....
Calculator (everyones favorite)
Contacts (Inverted)
Dialer (Inverted)
Phone (Inverted)
Facebook (Inverted)
Gallery 3D
Gmail (Inverted)
Google Quick Search (Inverted)
Keyboard (Black) .. whichever one is in 0.5.. hard to keep
Gtalk (Inverted)
Market (Inverted)
Google Voice (Inverted)
Music (Black) ##This is NOT the music app that came with Eclipse and it will erase that one##
Music app worked on my phone without skips or pops when multitasking.. hope yours does the same.
Battery icons are stock Eclipse.. 200 images to make from scratch takes time.
Settings (Manage Applications is white BG with Black text).. will fix that when I figure it out.
This theme is basically a complete inversion of stock (with different images too). It is dark. On the D1, it was a bit hard to see but with this glare resistant screen or the display quality or something, its quite easy. Plus is doesnt burn your eyeballs when using the phone in the dark.
The screens are from 0.4.... the unselected tabs in the screens now have black text
Lastly... if you like what I do.. hit the thanks button please. If you have issues, questions, trouble installing, suggestions for a new app to invert.. POST UP!!
I like it cannibal pigs lmao ;-)
Great update btw hahaha
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
My phone is stuck on installing update with this zip. I will have to do a battery pull in order to recover. I tried again and same thing this isn't installing properly or even coming close.
I will need some confirmation from someone else to see if they can or cannot instal it. In the meantime, I will reinstall Eclipse 0.5, download the file from the internet like everyone else has to, and, try installing it on my phone. Give me a few for the results.
Yeah I don't know man. Worked fine for me.
Tell me exactly how you are going about installing it. I will troubleshoot it with you.
I have .5 eclipse installed i reboot into recovery and flash zip from sd card it hangs on installing. Everytime I have tried it gives me the same thing. I haven't had any problems with any other themes either.
I installed fine had to dl twice the first was a "bad" zip but the second dl was fine
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
Ok I can't purchase anything from market replaced the black one with a regular version from xda and still no go not sure if its theme or rom
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
My understanding on that issue is the stock one is jacked up in that way as well. I have heard (but not tried) that there is a .dex file you can install and all will be well. It has something to do with the signature of the app and it not agreeing with Google purchasing market thing whatever it it is.
wdenker.. maybe try downloading the file again like xheavy did. You could have just gotten a bad d/l. I have this on XDA and DF and no ones having the issue. Also, did you try using this theme on 0.4 or 2.2?
Currently updating this theme some more. Nothing has been posted by me yet but.. I have settings now fully inverted no matter what you click on.. i.e. "Manage Applications". I am about 50% done theming Go Launcher, I have the power widget on status away from green and, lastly, (for now anyway), I will be making new battery images.
Also, I plan on pulling all of my apps and redoing their icons to match. If you have request for app shortcut icons, please let me know.
Thanks for the info bro but after searching I haven't been able to find anything. Would you be able to point me in the direction of that .dex file or thread that contains it? Lol I hate the search function on the xda app lol I miss my poor dr pepper soaked laptop lmfao
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
I asked about it... heres the info I got from a buddy,,, (the user names mentioned, except for the obvious are on DF)
there's no real fix... the certs files are an issue I think.. even the stock version is giving that error on some roms.. and my market works on most but some roms have the error.. bgill and BIGxie are both trying to figure it out also.. there's a user on XDA rujelus (I think) that has an inverted market also and his zip file worked on one of my roms that hadn't previously but then when I tried his again during testing, it wouldn't work anymore...
Ive themed every market since probably October of 2010. Best I can do is go backwards till one works, if any.. if you want.
Damn didn't even know there was this kind of problem lol its all good man it'll just force me to save money lmao
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
Don't feel bad. I didn't either til I started working on an orange theme and went to the market to buy a theme to see what orange would look like. FC and WTF! Checked around, apparently its hit or miss and no one can figure it out. Works on some ROMs, doesnt on others.
Was just going to update to v0.5 but I'll wait for your next release since i read your doing alot to it. I hope its not like first one was on my bad phone just kidding my old phone was just messed up read about a guy sending 7 DX2s back
I thought my 4 was bad

How do I remove all battery fully charged notifications

I am trying to disable the sound and the light mainly as it wakes me up.. I found this blog but I don't understand how to do what he says.. does anyone have an APK or anything else I could do that would be easier.. I have a Rooted (no roms installed yet) S2.. Thanks!
If a new Rom flash is the only way I will go that route but would rather not.. Are there any roms that don't require me to loose all my settings but do disable this useless feature.
If you understand that post and have the required programs (sdk etc), go for it. To do it you will need root. If you are going that far its not much further to just flash a custom ROM.
I think all the custom ROMs suppress that annoying message. Check the change logs to be sure. Plus with all the custom ROMs you will get tethering enabled and a host of performance tweaks.
I see you said you are already rooted. Taking the systemui.apk from a ROM that has already been tweaked may cause issues with your phone. There are many jar and apk files that are inter-related, and taking that one may bring broken links, or be reliant on links not there.
You choices are to mod it yourself manually, or flash a full ROM that already incorporates it.
Sent from my Galaxy S II (i777)
quarlow said:
If you understand that post and have the required programs (sdk etc), go for it. To do it you will need root. If you are going that far its not much further to just flash a custom ROM.
I think all the custom ROMs suppress that annoying message. Check the change logs to be sure. Plus with all the custom ROMs you will get tethering enabled and a host of performance tweaks.
I see you said you are already rooted. Taking the systemui.apk from a ROM that has already been tweaked may cause issues with your phone. There are many jar and apk files that are inter-related, and taking that one may bring broken links, or be reliant on links not there.
You choices are to mod it yourself manually, or flash a full ROM that already incorporates it.
Sent from my Galaxy S II (i777)
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Yeah sadly I don't understand it all that well and based on what you saying is if I am not 100% on it, flashing a custom rom will be easier and less BS.. Well time to research the best custom rom for SG2. Thanks for the info man!
Try them all, what's best for me may not be best for you. Sometimes you have to see the ROM running, because the screen shots don't do it justice.
Sent from my Galaxy S II (i777)
i've tried some and i think the closest one to original stock is "unnamed rom". (it retains touchwiz, but remove useless at&t apps and bookmarks, and also some tweaks).
harrishanifa said:
i've tried some and i think the closest one to the original stock is unnamed. (it retains touchwiz, but remove useless at&t apps and bookmarks, and also some tweaks).
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That could be said for all ROMs except CM7 and MIUI. Some of the others ditch the TW launcher, but they still have TouchWiz, and are based on stock, debloated and tweaked. It's a misnomer that TouchWiz is just the launcher and app drawer, that is only a small part of the deep integration TouchWiz has. The biggest difference between them is theming. UnNamed and Cognition are mostly stock, others like S8 and H8's are still TouchWiz, even if they don't look like stock.
Sent from my Galaxy S II (i777)
I used Battery Charged Silencer (free in the market) and it worked great. Now I'm using the UnNamed ROM, so I don't need it any more.
alacrify said:
I used Battery Charged Silencer (free in the market) and it worked great. Now I'm using the UnNamed ROM, so I don't need it any more.
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Snagged this last night, worked like a champ... thanks man.. Also with unamed is everything working for you? GPSs ect.. and is this really a huge improvement in battery life I am trying to decide to flash that rom or not.

Does kitchen work on stock rom?

Using the stock rom rooted. 1.02.605.6
Will Kitchen work with it? I wanted to make a few custom mods.
Thanks in advanced.
I used it and had issues with Google music afterward. I'm waiting a bit to take that plunge again.
Sent with Resounding success via tapatalk
Verizon Resound Unleashed - rooted and Senseless
MrSmith317 said:
I used it and had issues with Google music afterward. I'm waiting a bit to take that plunge again.
Sent with Resounding success via tapatalk
Verizon Resound Unleashed - rooted and Senseless
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I have already used UOT to change my battery icon (I have the stock that came with the phone; I haven't changed ROM's yet). You can see that thread here.
I did the same then like I said Google music started fc'ing. So I reverted back to stock..which I hate.
Sent with Resounding success via tapatalk
Verizon Resound Unleashed - rooted and Senseless
MrSmith317 said:
I did the same then like I said Google music started fc'ing. So I reverted back to stock..which I hate.
Sent with Resounding success via tapatalk
Verizon Resound Unleashed - rooted and Senseless
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Shouldn't have anything to do with Google Music. I've got it running post UOT mod.
The music player tried to access wifi
for a library but I ran it through the process and it found my library on the sd card. I have the stock rom rooted and used UOT Kitchen to make it.
It is a weird thing. Every time I access something through CWM, my ringtones get changed. But it is never the same ringtone. It is like it chooses a random ringtone to default to.
I do enjoy the battery icon. It does work and so does my stock music player.
Here is a circle battery icon with percentage that I 'cooked' for stock 1.02.605.6.
I cooked one up and haven't noticed any issues.
I also cooked up a slightly different circle icon that seems to be working perfectly fine for stock 1.02.605.6. However, when I tried cooking a different .zip to flash with a custom status bar and icons it didnt' seem to work properly.
Now I'm off to see if I can't find a way to customize those features manually (I'm sure there is). I'd really like to make my E911 notification gone for good and I'd like to make the rest of them dark red. Guess I'll see what I can find.

Creating a rom for the velociy micro cruz t408, help.?

Hey xda. Okay so I'm here yet again asking for help, both in general and directly from Finlessbob or Dochoppy. So I have finally determined what I want in my new ROM "SOSA-Tab 1.0 Apricot" (or for Phones, SOSA 1.0 Apricot). Here are some of the features:
For the Nextbook Premium 7 and Velocity Micro Cruz T408:
1. Beats Audio 2. Increased GraphicsQuality 3. Speed Tweaks 4. Settings Tweaks Integration (Hoping to integrate bottom status bar BEFORE release, If anyone can help me with that it would be much appreciated) 5. (NP7 only) Cover Flow Music Player
And the list goes on and on. I am not going to tell about the phone because that is not my mission at the moment. Right now I need some help building the ROM for the Velocity. I have rooted it, but I cannot integrate the root into a custom rom, or anything else for that matter. The tablet comes stock with a recovery image that allows you to flash thefirmwaredownloaded offof the velocity cruz website in it. Here is my problem. I took out and added some stuff (namely superuser, an ereader app, etc.) and flashed in the recovery. My tablet is then sent into a bootloop and it wont work until I wipe the device via recovery and non of the stuff I added is integrated. The link provided to the site directly links you to the place where you download the firmware, for those that want to take a crack at looking at the rom, have fun. Its not in some funny file format like a cramfs or ext3 system image, its just in a ".tgz" (fancy zip file,use7zip)and insidethatisa ".tar" file(again justanotherfancyform of a zip file, use 7zip also).
For the sake of time I am not going to go too deep into the directories of the system folders, as anyone who has taken a crack at deving for android knows whats insideof them. Hopethatdoesn't look like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, and likeI said if you want to take a crack at it, just download the firmware from the website linked above. I also want to know (from anyone with experience in this like dochoppy or finlessbob) can I convert something to expand the apps space like you all did for the Nextbook Premium 7, because 523mb of space is cool and all, but (hating to sound oh so greedy) I want MORE lol, so if there is a possibility for that I would love some assistance. And one last thing, how do I change the splash image for it, there is no ".rle" file like there was for the nextbook, so help would be appreciated for that also.
Thanks, Ognimnella
P.S. - if anyone knows how to build a custom cwm recovery for tablets like thiss that would be helpful also. Im working on custom roms but it wont let me flash.!
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D using XDA
I have a Cruz T410, and I hear they are releasing a new line with the exact same hardware but ICS. I'm pretty good at this modding stuff, but a novice in ROM or kernel cooking, so I will be little to no help most likely. I figure that if we can extract the ROM from the new one and modify it to update our T4XXs.
I have a friend who works retail that should have one I can play with soon, so if you know how I might extract it and get it to you to mod lemme know.
As for what I've done successfully to my Cruz is:
Full Root via Gingerbreak
LCD Density to 140
Removed Status Bar (Root Explorer to remove from system folder after titanium back up)
Remapped buttons, Vol up = Menu, Vol down = Back, Power = End
I used blade buddy to change end behavior to home then screen off so holding it down still brings the shutdown menu up as normal. Made a "Sound" shortcut on homepage.
ADW EX with ICS theme
Android PRO widgets with Lucid theme.
Latest Modded Google Play
(Was tricky but got it!)
Wave Launcher
(Awesome WebOS like gesture bar of shortcuts, with sound and screen off shortcut.)
SwiftKey Keyboard
(Best for tablets!)
Every Emulator Running Smooth
System Tuner
(Adjust SD Cache to 3 or 6MB, it gives a big performance boost. Also change the auto kill to aggressive, and clean cache)
All GAPPS (Lots of trial and error to get newest possible versions of everything)
Dolphin HD ofcourse
Fully functional remote desktop (Awesome without the ugly taskbar!)
Removed Bloatware
Once again, I'm noobish, but I make much better tablets jealous.
I got the tablet as a gift and really wish it was more popular because of its potential. I'm poor so this is going to be my tab until it dies.
I don't post much and I feel kind of silly, but it feels like there isn't much good information out there for how to make it cool. I'll explain how I did everything in detail for those who ask. And would love suggestions.
I have an adapter for USB in, is it possible to add a host controller for keyboards or gamepads?
Thanks in advance..
Well damn ur a hell of a let further than I am, I rooted it, and installed hcl launcher to give me a honeycomb feel. I modified the build prop to view me as a nexus s tablet and installed the play store too, took a lot of combination experiments but I have a zip with the needed files to install. I think rather than REMOVE the status bar, I just wanna move it to the bottom of the screen. I have Nova 3 and modern combat 2 black Pegasus installed, but the calibration is misaligned due to the persist ant and horribly placed status bar. If I could find the place in the code where I can move the status bar to the bottom of the screen rather than the top, this alone would make the thing a keeper.
Oh and Google host controller for android and report back whether or not we have USB hosting, if we do, I smell a game pad purchase in the future
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
Right on, we are on the same page with the taskbar. I have tried installing the default gingerbnread statusbar to make it where it can hide at least, but it still showed up as the crummy stock bar even after removing the SystemUI.APK from System folder. Another option:
Copy systemUI.APK to your SD. Remove it from system folder, uninstall, re install.
This makes it show up in services so you can disable it when you want to play games or watch videos.
I think you can do this with Titanium by converting it to a user app aswell.
I too have a back up of all the latest GAPPS and my modded bulid.prop if anyone needs em.
I'll keep working on it, glad I'm no longer alone, lol.
keeng james said:
Right on, we are on the same page with the taskbar. I have tried installing the default gingerbnread statusbar to make it where it can hide at least, but it still showed up as the crummy stock bar even after removing the SystemUI.APK from System folder. Another option:
Copy systemUI.APK to your SD. Remove it from system folder, uninstall, re install.
This makes it show up in services so you can disable it when you want to play games or watch videos.
I think you can do this with Titanium by converting it to a user app aswell.
I too have a back up of all the latest GAPPS and my modded bulid.prop if anyone needs em.
I'll keep working on it, glad I'm no longer alone, lol.
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Hey can you snd me the latest gapps for this and what device did you pattern your device after. Im looking for and anroid 2.3 tablet that is recognized by the play store as an actual tablet, i dont like phne version apps on a tablet screen.!
Sent from my Full Android on SMDKV210 using xda app-developers app
Subscribed.. I got the Zenithink zt282 and kinda dumped my t410... maybe I get to mod it to my liking with ur help / posts..
---------- Post added at 09:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------
Keeng james, 140 density crashes almost everything on me, went back to 160 (stock is 180)
How did you remapped the keys?
EDIT: I went to /system/usr/keylayout and edited qwerty.kl
Did you ever build the rom
ognimnella said:
Hey xda. Okay so I'm here yet again asking for help, both in general and directly from Finlessbob or Dochoppy. So I have finally determined what I want in my new ROM "SOSA-Tab 1.0 Apricot" (or for Phones, SOSA 1.0 Apricot). Here are some of the features:
For the Nextbook Premium 7 and Velocity Micro Cruz T408:
1. Beats Audio 2. Increased GraphicsQuality 3. Speed Tweaks 4. Settings Tweaks Integration (Hoping to integrate bottom status bar BEFORE release, If anyone can help me with that it would be much appreciated) 5. (NP7 only) Cover Flow Music Player
And the list goes on and on. I am not going to tell about the phone because that is not my mission at the moment. Right now I need some help building the ROM for the Velocity. I have rooted it, but I cannot integrate the root into a custom rom, or anything else for that matter. The tablet comes stock with a recovery image that allows you to flash thefirmwaredownloaded offof the velocity cruz website in it. Here is my problem. I took out and added some stuff (namely superuser, an ereader app, etc.) and flashed in the recovery. My tablet is then sent into a bootloop and it wont work until I wipe the device via recovery and non of the stuff I added is integrated. The link provided to the site directly links you to the place where you download the firmware, for those that want to take a crack at looking at the rom, have fun. Its not in some funny file format like a cramfs or ext3 system image, its just in a ".tgz" (fancy zip file,use7zip)and insidethatisa ".tar" file(again justanotherfancyform of a zip file, use 7zip also).
For the sake of time I am not going to go too deep into the directories of the system folders, as anyone who has taken a crack at deving for android knows whats insideof them. Hopethatdoesn't look like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, and likeI said if you want to take a crack at it, just download the firmware from the website linked above. I also want to know (from anyone with experience in this like dochoppy or finlessbob) can I convert something to expand the apps space like you all did for the Nextbook Premium 7, because 523mb of space is cool and all, but (hating to sound oh so greedy) I want MORE lol, so if there is a possibility for that I would love some assistance. And one last thing, how do I change the splash image for it, there is no ".rle" file like there was for the nextbook, so help would be appreciated for that also.
Thanks, Ognimnella
P.S. - if anyone knows how to build a custom cwm recovery for tablets like thiss that would be helpful also. Im working on custom roms but it wont let me flash.!
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA
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Did you ever build the rom and if so, where is it.. I would like to try it out.. My mom bought herself one of these t408 tablets and the stupid thing didnt even come with google play app store.. Now I would like to go all out on it..
Thinking1 said:
Did you ever build the rom and if so, where is it.. I would like to try it out.. My mom bought herself one of these t408 tablets and the stupid thing didnt even come with google play app store.. Now I would like to go all out on it..
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Get on for roms
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app

Clock on Verizon Note 2

OK, I've been searching all night both here and on Google, and my eyes are starting to blur.. I may be searching the wrong phrase I don't know.. But here's the deal.. I'm using a Note 2 that I got used for an awesome price ($25). It works like it's brand new and so far I'm loving it! I'm on the stock 4.3 mj9 firmware, rooted with saferoot, running safestrap 3.72 (twrp I don't have the funds to send it to Texas for the bootloader unlock, so I'm testing out other touchwiz ROMs in slot 1. I'm not new to the process of rooting and flashing, so I'm not concerned on that account..
But what has got me flummoxed at the moment is the irritating clock that comes stock.. Granted I used cm10 through 12 on my Droid RAZR for years before I got the Note so I got used to a few things and don't like change.. So my question here is, is there any way at all to install a status bar/notification clock that has the same functionality as the cm deskclock? Or even the same look? Right now I have a shortcut to the stock clock on my homescreen but that feels like a clunky workaround solution to me.. I pulled the deskclock.apk from the cm12 that's on the RAZR and sent it to my Note, but when I move it to system\app and install it, it says something like Clock has failed.. I installed it, and deleted every instance of the apk from internal memory but still have it on my SD card in hopes somebody will be able to explain it to me..
Also, is there any way to install a flashlight/torch tile to the notification panel?
Am I out of luck? Am I better off using widgets on the homescreen? Should I install a custom ROM? Any ideas and suggestions are appreciated.. So are ROM suggestions.. I know Dev on this phone has kinda halted due to the bootloader lock, but it's still an awesome device with a lot of power and potential!
Thanks in advance XDA!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using XDA Free mobile app
Also the phone is just being used as a WiFi device, so if there are any compatible ROMs out there that don't have the phone and messaging software I'd like to take a look at those.. Maybe I should just learn how to build my own ROM..
Sent from my SCH-I605 using XDA Free mobile app

