[Q] Minecraft - Atrix 4G Themes and Apps

I was wondering if anyone knows a way to get minecraft FULLY working on the atrix. I have kind of a water downed version (no night, no crafting). It was announced that is it coming later this year, I just didnt know if there was away already

full ubuntu, then java?
I haven't tried this, so take it with a grain of salt.
You could try making a full debian image, then installing java through apt-get, and then running the linux jar of minecraft. I'm sure that it won't be that easy, but it would be a good place to start.

They're going to develop it for Android, but it will initially only launch on the Xperia Play.
Wait until next week (E3) for more details I'm assuming.

KefkaticFanatic said:
They're going to develop it for Android, but it will initially only launch on the Xperia Play.
Wait until next week (E3) for more details I'm assuming.
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But will it ever be released on the Atrix and other phones?

Yes. I believe Notch said that it would only be a temporary period of exclusivity.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

I'm assuming that they will release an official Minecraft for other devices sometime around the time that the full game is released.


Android As A Computer OS?

I got to thinking... Android is awesome, and what if Google decided to develop a whole new OS specifically designed for a PC? I mean, Android is a phone OS, and with the introduction of Honeycomb it is the very first real tablet OS. They also have Google TVs that run the same OS concept. The next step would be to take over the desktops and the laptops, yes? I think it would be great to see. Ofcourse they would have to adapt a lot of things to make it work and feel like it was made for a computer, like how Honeycomb is doing now in the tablet world.
I can see this happening for sure. If it became a reality and got a stable release... would you think about dropping your Windows and Macs for it? I probably would! I love Google and everything they do. I want the complete Google experience for all my devices!
I wonder what it would be called? Google PC, Chrome PC/PC Chrome, Project Google, or just OS Google/Google OS? I haven't the slighest idea what it would really be called. Lol.
Thoughts? Ideas? Let 'em out!
Google has a hell of a lot to do before they can even compete in the full-blown OS. Mac has a foothold in the graphics design, while Windows has the PC gaming market secured aside from the usual office productivity stuff. Linux is trying (have been for decades), but can't really compete and thus relegated to a small niche market. The way I see it, if Google does enter into the OS fray then they'd just get some of the Linux share which isn't that big to begin with.
Google already has an os http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome_OS i was in the beta and it is really good but not at a level where I would drop ubuntu and Backtrack
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50-3 said:
Google already has an os http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome_OS i was in the beta and it is really good but not at a level where I would drop ubuntu and Backtrack
Sent from my Legend using XDA Premium App
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Well I'll be darned! The latest stable release was only a few days ago. I know I remember seeing something about a Google OS once before awhile back, and I couuuuld have done a Google search like I always do, but I wanted to post on the awesome xda forums before I did that! Cool thanks!
And I guess I was close at guessing the OS name huh? Lol.
Also, I saw Google Chromebooks at either CES 2011, or Google IO 2011. The Chromebook uses the internet as an OS. Apps, movies, writing up a text document... all done over the internet with web apps, unlike Windows which you can do this natively through the desktop itself. This concept seems like a neat idea... everything is done from the internet instead of the desktop.
theo80 said:
Google has a hell of a lot to do before they can even compete in the full-blown OS. Mac has a foothold in the graphics design, while Windows has the PC gaming market secured aside from the usual office productivity stuff. Linux is trying (have been for decades), but can't really compete and thus relegated to a small niche market. The way I see it, if Google does enter into the OS fray then they'd just get some of the Linux share which isn't that big to begin with.
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They have the potential to pull it off though. They are going through the same thing with Honeycomb tablets. Everyone seems to think the iPad is so amazing, but the OS is that of a iPhone, thus making it a ridiculously oversized phone. Honeycomb is the first to change that, and it will take time to perfect, but it will get done. And since Android is taking over, I can see them perfecting the Google OS for computers in due time. And when the time comes... I'm pretty sure it will have a nice impact, again considering Android is taking over and Google itself has always been boss status.
It won't happen in a day but it will happen. Windows did not become a household name in a day you know. Many people put the idea down and knocked it until... you guessed it! It became a hit, and it was all along. People just would not accept it at first.
Check it out.
Sent from my HTC EVO MikG 2.2
Anyone have any experience with chrome?
My laptop is getting old and I might look into putting chrome on it
Rom: Project-V
Kernel: Bali X 1.2
Love it.
Seems to me that the Google os is just opening up Google chrome browser and doing everything from there. Would love to see android on a desktop though. The status bar would be cool to see on my laptop!
Mister J said:
Seems to me that the Google os is just opening up Google chrome browser and doing everything from there. Would love to see android on a desktop though. The status bar would be cool to see on my laptop!
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That's what I was looking for. Because yes, Chromium OS, everything is done over the internet. I am looking for an actual desktop OS that makes use on the touch screen PCs. Seems logical and a good idea to me.
New Linux flavor
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Chrome os sucks. I got my cr-48, first chrome laptop made. And it sucks. I rarely use it. I take it to school to type documents and that's it.
Sent from my I500 using Tapatalk
tonu42 said:
Chrome os sucks. I got my cr-48, first chrome laptop made. And it sucks. I rarely use it. I take it to school to type documents and that's it.
Sent from my I500 using Tapatalk
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Indeed. It is pretty much a web OS that has no actual desktop. I wish they would make a real desktop OS like what Honeycomb is to tablets. They need to make that happen on the PC world with the Android Market and all.
Theres this company developing what they call the bluestack google a search for "bluestack" to find more out mroe about it. you can run android in ur pc with it. due for alpha soon
Rejinderi said:
Theres this company developing what they call the bluestack google a search for "bluestack" to find more out mroe about it. you can run android in ur pc with it. due for alpha soon
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Wow thanks! I signed up for the alpha testing. This is EXACTLY what I have been looking for! I'm getting my new beast AIO touchscreen PC very soon and I cannot wait until I will be able to boot up Android right along side Windows. What an awesome combination. This makes Windows even better compared to poor Mac. Android is the king, and bringing it to Windows PC's blows my mind. Lol. ^^
Thanks for to heads up!
diablo2224 said:
Wow thanks! I signed up for the alpha testing. This is EXACTLY what I have been looking for! I'm getting my new beast AIO touchscreen PC very soon and I cannot wait until I will be able to boot up Android right along side Windows. What an awesome combination. This makes Windows even better compared to poor Mac. Android is the king, and bringing it to Windows PC's blows my mind. Lol. ^^
Thanks for to heads up!
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woah.. new touchscreen pc how i wish i have that. lucky you haha. np
Rejinderi said:
woah.. new touchscreen pc how i wish i have that. lucky you haha. np
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Heh, yeah. It's a custom built PC with the best parts available to me.
The video for Bluestacks read me like a book when it said something like "Do you have a touchscreen PC and would like to run Android on it?" I am currently waiting for my custom built all in one touchscreen beast machine PC to be delivered in a few days. I wanna load Bluestacks up on this baby as soon as it becomes available.
It would be great if Android apps just ran natively inside Linux instead of having to use a crappy emulator from Google.
I want to be the first to make a custom rom for PC lol
whisking - fow

A way to have more than one app open?

Is there a way to have more than one app open? Side by side? Say a pdf doc and a blank document?
Get a Windows 7 tablet?
Crap. Nahh GTAB is good but the feature would be cool.
binaryhat said:
Is there a way to have more than one app open? Side by side? Say a pdf doc and a blank document?
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Great idea. Android 5...
I had a great idea: 2 tabs. It's like a $500 app that lets you multitask. I'm going to patent it.
there is an application but still in development and a beta videos were posted on youtube ,
here is the link http://www.onskreen.com/cornerstone/index.php see the gingerbread video for the real experience
binaryhat said:
Is there a way to have more than one app open? Side by side? Say a pdf doc and a blank document?
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Widgets do it.
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animatechnica said:
Widgets do it.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
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which widgets?
hoss_n2 said:
there is an application but still in development and a beta videos were posted on youtube ,
here is the link http://www.onskreen.com/cornerstone/index.php see the gingerbread video for the real experience
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Expect a release really soon ;-)
Sent from my Droid Incredible 2
ruvort said:
Expect a release really soon ;-)
Sent from my Droid Incredible 2
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That would really be great. I contacted the company and all they would tell me is that they are working with several, (unnamed), manufacturers to get this feature bundled with upcoming products.
True multi-tasking would fill a big void in the current Android offerings. I love my Tab but am reminded all the time that it is not quite the same as my Windows laptop. It does a great job doing what it can do but it cannot do everything... at least not yet.
I saw a while back someone had developed windowed apps for android. Could've sworn I saw a video but this is all I could come up with. I guess not much came of it.
Doomweaver said:
I saw a while back someone had developed windowed apps for android. Could've sworn I saw a video but this is all I could come up with. I guess not much came of it.
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Hmm I wonder what happened there....
Sent from my Droid Incredible 2
This showed up in my email this morning! It should not be long now.
Here is the text version of the message
Cornerstone now Open Source! Grab the code and get started. Is this email not displaying correctly?
View it in your browser.
Cornerstone is now Open Source!!
Over the last few months we've heard from so many of you. Companies interested in using Cornerstone in ways we never imagined, as well as users anxious to get Cornerstone on devices they already own. To get Cornerstone out to the community, and give everybody a way to contribute, we are excited to announce today that Cornerstone is being Open Sourced. We're anxious to share what we have been working on with you and are very excited to see how all of you can help make it even better.
There are a bunch of ways for you to get involved and learn more about Cornerstone:
Have a tablet device and want to put Cornerstone on it? We have an official ROM for the Motorola Xoom (WiFi) available. Download it and install on your device
Want to build a ROM for a different device? Grab the source and bake it into a ROM, then share it back with the community so others can enjoy also
Want to add new features or fix bugs? Grab the source and start working with code
Share a video of how you use Cornerstone! Upload it to YouTube and let others see also
Cornerstone Services
Along with the open sourcing of Cornerstone, Onskreen is announcing a package of services to help Organizations using Cornerstone in their devices, including:
Development Services
Learn more about how we can help you leverage Cornerstone for your Organization.
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[Q] Funding an ICS Version for the Streak 5

Hi all!
I sent DJ_Steve money for coffee a while ago, and I was hoping he would get us a nice ICS build for our devices. I still hope him to do so, but I want to ask two related questions here:
How many of you Streak 5 owners would chip in, say... 5 or 10 USDs to get us an ICS upgrade?
And for you skilled developers out there: how much money and kudos would you think would be necessary for you to continue the development?
I have two of these beasts. I really enjoy the user experience, and I don't want to have to buy a new device in a while. I would gladly put down another 5 or 10 bucks to see this happen.
Would you?
I'd already donated to djsteve when he got gingerbread out so I'd be down for another 20 bucks.
ye id sling him a 20
I would gladly donate 20 dollars to the developer who makes a working ICS port and disables the capacitive buttons.
Pledges like this have gone around and around for the last 6 months....
AFAIK ICS wont make it to the Dell Streak 5 any time soon because the drivers still need to be reverse engineered to make it work.
Unless Dell release the drivers ICS on the 5 wont happen
ashr said:
Pledges like this have gone around and around for the last 6 months....
AFAIK ICS wont make it to the Dell Streak 5 any time soon because the drivers still need to be reverse engineered to make it work.
Unless Dell release the drivers ICS on the 5 wont happen
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Ashr is on target (straight from DJ_Steve's twitter to this thread), unless there is somebody out there with lots of time on their hands to crunch code, not going to happen. Plus Steve said the other day he is getting close to the boiling point, because too many people are bugging him, that he might just stop ICS development all together. Good thought and all that, but think it is a bridge too far to see ICS on Dell Streak 5 and the fault clearly falls on Dell's shoulders. Dell could have released the code a long time ago, but chose’s not too and hides behind very weak excuses. Other companies have released their source code and very good ROMs are the result of it.
Is there an easy way to publicly ask Dell to provide all the necessary tools and code to allow the devs to get us an ICS for our Streaks?
The way I see it, Dell looses nothing by providing with such tools, and although indirectly continue to support the device which is a good thing. Not doing it doesn't make much sense, and I'd see it as *bad business policy*.
Obviously you hadn't seen the press release from Dell where they slammed their Android devices because of their unrealistic expectations regarding Android as well as their lack of any marketing whatsoever.
Dell doesn't care about "bad business policy" regarding Android, and even if they did there's nothing they can do about it. Reason why is they didn't develop the Streak. It was developed for them and the company that did the developing has shown absolutely zero interest in releasing the sources for their drivers. Sorry, but the only way the Streak is going to see ICS is if the drivers are reverse engineered.
It's really dell's job to get the whole driver source mess sorted out.
While Qisda did build the hardware and make the rom, they did it on contract for dell. Even if they wanted to they couldnt do it without dell's blessing.
It's the equivilent of flying on a plane, if your service was bad, something went wrong, plane crashed; you dont contact/blame boeing/airbus, you blame the carrier. Even if it was boeing/airbus's fault you're still supposed to blame the carrier as it's their problem. The only time you'd lay the blame on the plane maker directly is the short window (in a perfect world) where an issue is found but they have yet to notify the carriers that run that specific model.
Though there's also the fact that dell may not have the rights to release it, as who knows what the ownership situtation is with it.
A similar example would be if planes had some small piece of classified tech so that it cant be fixed by their guys, they'd have to mail it in and get a new one or something.
Keep in mind both examples are of course gross oversimplifications, there's always gonna be exceptions and whatnot.
The majority of the sources for each individial component is available in one form or another due to other devices using the same parts, but having the source and being able to glue them together into something worth using are two entirely seperate worlds. The gap to bridge is still pretty damn big. (also keep in mind drivers still have to be updated for ICS, gb source level drivers still arnt enough by themselves unless they're coincidentially unchanged from GB -> ICS)
Bump for some ics
I working since a few weeks on an ics rom, but I can't say how long it will take because I don't have much time to make further
I'm down, I'm holding off on getting the Note for two reasons... 1. Of the wack a** posts and newbies w/ the note that just refuse to believe the device has a flaw... The "Shipping" Thread/ Post had to be one of the g**** post I ever witnessed lol!... Plus the folks that swear its worth $300 bucks but cried a river to ATT/BB when it dropped to $150 within a day but then say they would pay $300 for it again : /
2. The Streak has served me well for the past 2yrs...I'm loyal to things that are loyal to me.
I want ICS on this Device big time... If not, further dev on CM7 and/or CM9.. If someone can make it happen, I will make that individual a happy person..pz
I'd happily donate $20+ for ICS or CM9!
Thanks to all the developers out there that have kept the streak alive!
bauner said:
I working since a few weeks on an ics rom, but I can't say how long it will take because I don't have much time to make further
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Any updates to your status? I'm holding off for dear life for a upgrade/update for CM7/CM9 or ICS..If not then it's fine and I greatly appreciate everyone's efforts, this just may be the last night I use my beloved streak as a full time phone... almost 2yrs, same device the entire time..
I'm bumping this thread because it looks like DJSteve may be up for the task. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1992263&page=2

[ROM?] Windows 8 ARM. Tegra 2 & Tegra 3 Driver available!!

Hey folks.
Now with the Release of Windows 8 for ARM Device @ 15th of August we are quiet possible to port Win8 to our lovly Transformer Prime.
We only need a custom bootloader where you can select which partition you want to boot. Windows 8 for ARM takes around 4 - 5 GB HDD Space.
Now Nvidia has released the needed Drivers for the Tegra 2 & Tegra 3 platform.
Here are the link for Tegra 3.
If we get hands on the ARM Version it is easy to include the cab with DISM.
Come on guys
Let the Windows 8 Porting begin!
+1 COME ON GUYS :laugh:
No f****** way... I'd certainly donate to a dev that could do that.
Intelmaster90 said:
Hey folks.
Now with the Release of Windows 8 for ARM Device @ 15th of August we are quiet possible to port Win8 to our lovly Transformer Prime.
We only need a custom bootloader where you can select which partition you want to boot. Windows 8 for ARM takes around 4 - 5 GB HDD Space.
Now Nvidia has released the needed Drivers for the Tegra 2 & Tegra 3 platform.
Here are the link for Tegra 3.
If we get hands on the ARM Version it is easy to include the cab with DISM.
Come on guys
Let the Windows 8 Porting begin!
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I don't think so. This has been discussed in many topics. And in no way belongs in development and should be in general. Basically the answer is no, because Win 8 is going to require an encrypted bootloader built on specific devices. Porting most likely isn't going to happen.
OMG after the Jelly Bean multi threads, here is a new bone to bite...
Mods, help! Move that thread!
Striatum_bdr said:
OMG after the Jelly Bean multi threads, here is a new bone to bite...
Mods, help! Move that thread!
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boo f'in hoo.
(thank tha godz ur here to monitor progressssss.)
excuse someone for being happy about something possibly TFP related
(that has a life outside of their Droid).
nothing EVAR gets hacked when it comes to Droid or Prime
(that's why this forum doesn't really exist.....
and why JB won't ever come to the ATP).
You aren't going to be able to acquire installable images of Windows 8 RT unless you are an OEM. August 15 is the Technet subs release.
And you sure as heck ain't going to be able to dd the bootloader off for the same reasons you can't now.
Not to mention the god awful hacks needed to get it to run on a device with less than min screen res, and obvious legal issues.
As for that linked driver release. It looks like ye olde nvidia unified driver architecture. It even includes the profiles for games that aren't even on the ARM platform. Not entirely sure why there is Tegra 2 support in there though.
Well, with the "so-called" security crap MS put into Windows regarding bootloaders... as @HydroSkillet said, unless someone manages to get a manufacturer signed, MS approved encrypted bootloader, changes are probably too slim to be considered...
One thing I learned here at xda is never accept the fact that a rom/port/app won't get created for our devices. We are blessed with outstanding devs.
Transmitted from my GALAXYSIII running Jelly Bean. XDA premium.
Since this is becoming more and more a discussion, I'll move it to General.
Diamondback said:
Since this is becoming more and more a discussion, I'll move it to General.
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EVEN if the port is technically feasible the legality of the port is at best sketchy and plainly put illegal. I hope after drinking the Android coolaid, you guys still remember that Windows is a proprietary OS. And on that grounds alone, I can bet that there is a snowball's chance in hell that that stuff will ever surface on XDA OR Rootzwiki.
In that light, there may be a popsicle's chance in hell that MS may do something to allow people to purchase a license and crap like that. Then may be if MS and the android devs or Asus can figure out a compromise and come up with a way to install it on the device with legally acquired software and a license then yes... But if you are SERIOUSLY expecting a port like an ICS/JB ROM, then I laugh at u! :laugh: LOL! It is M$ man! And u are asking for software piracy on XDA! lemme go and get a good laugh today! I needed it
End of Story. Good night!
One possibility is for Google and the Android Community to issue a challenge for MS to open source W8. It's about time Bill changes his name to Prometheus.
tedr44 said:
One possibility is for Google and the Android Community to issue a challenge for MS to open source W8. It's about time Bill changes his name to Prometheus.
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Pretty much a long shot. [Side note: I don't claim closed source is in any way less ethical or demeaning or whatever than open source... It is another valid software development model and I kinda hate some type of FOSS enthusiasts who just plain trash Windows from their high horse...] Anyway, Bill Gates doesn't really run the company no more! He is busy doing activism and philanthropic pursuits (he is a very nice guy actually.. But I must say, not the best orator)...
What were we talking about? Oh yeah. Windows 8 on our Tablet.. I think for the benefit of all, I suppose it is best for a proper dev to step in and just say why this can never happen, so that we don't see people asking this again and again only to be utterly disappointed by the reality.
tedr44 said:
One possibility is for Google and the Android Community to issue a challenge for MS to open source W8. It's about time Bill changes his name to Prometheus.
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Isn't this the reason why Linux exists? Because Microsoft wanted to keep their OS closed source?
tedr44 said:
One possibility is for Google and the Android Community to issue a challenge for MS to open source W8. It's about time Bill changes his name to Prometheus.
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So you want them to open source software that they spent millions developing and are currently charging people to buy?
Do you live in some strange world where Microsoft actually does nice things?
If you want iOS , buy an iPad.
If you want W8, buy Surface.
There are ports of Win Mobile to other phones but I don't think it will happen with W8. It's called frontal perseveration, a neurological trouble that makes you repeat the same behavior even if it's inappopriate or aimless.
Widows phones are a failure, but instead of changing things they will go on further and harder by closing more and more, with more sophisticated protections/activation procedures and so on.
This thread is nonsense.
tedr44 said:
One possibility is for Google and the Android Community to issue a challenge for MS to open source W8. It's about time Bill changes his name to Prometheus.
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yea, while at it why not write to One Infinite Loop in Cupertino as well?
don't know if to LOL or CRY when reading posts like this
Look good news, hope is going be true and full compatibily :good:
Dnakaman said:
Isn't this the reason why Linux exists? Because Microsoft wanted to keep their OS closed source?
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The existence of Linux has very little to do with Windows being closed source.
The popularity of Linux however, does to some small extent.
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Dnakaman said:
Isn't this the reason why Linux exists? Because Microsoft wanted to keep their OS closed source?
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Gnu/Linux exists for several reasons. Gnu is a materialization of Stallman's wish to have an open source OS, Linux is only the kernel part. It was historically a way to compile and use UNIX programs on PC computers.
It's true that it's a reaction to the world of Apple, windows, Sun (UNIX). But not specifically against Windows.
What is the most sad is that Apples took a UNIX bsd base, and made a now closed OS than Redmond's firm...

Strong hopes for ubuntu, can we build it?

As a long time fan/user of ubuntu based desktops (in reality ive only been using it since i believe fiesty fawn on and off of course) Im very excited to see this
Now, im having trouble seeing it stand out above the crowd, we've seen mobile os's come and go over the years.
Anywhom, to any dev's wishful thinkers, Do you think it will be possible for us to eventually build it for our photons?
I dont see it happening right away, but as someone who appreciates what ubuntu is about, and has been doing, i think its something worth working on if possible.
Hopefully its no flop like that firefox OS thing, looked and felt like a plastic doll house from china.
I guess we will find out more as it progresses, but, Im excited to see if it is a possibility.
Essentially looking at the basic system requirements, it seems the photon could run it somewhere between starter, and high end, so, who knows.
Lets get cookin! (obviously not yet)
I saw that as well and as a recent adopter of Ubuntu myself, I'm very interested to try this.
Sent from my MoPho
It's not a Mobile OS as the world knows mobile os's. It's Ubuntu 12/13 Desktop for ARM with a "Phone" desktop environment. On official Ubuntu phones, you plug it into a display (TV/Monitor) and it switches to Unity Desktop.
The best way to think of it is Ubuntu Desktop ARM. From there you get the idea as to how big this really is. There hasn't really been anything like this since the Zaraus C3000 from 8 years ago.

