I have had the SG2 for 5 days now and love the look and feel of the phone, but I am having a few problems with it.
When playing "Guns n Glory" and "Robo Defence" after about 5 or 6 minutes the screen freezes. I have to press and hold the home button and go into task manager to exit from these games before I can restart them, only for the same thing to happen again.
Also, I use wireless tethering during the day with the phone on charge but about every hour or more I lose tethering on my laptop although the phone still shows it as working and also shows a good charge. The phone is not rooted.
Any advice please.
Could anyone kindly have a go at playing an intense game to see if they have a problem with the screen freezing up after 5 minutes please. I only have 2 days left to sent my phone back if it is just mine with the problem.
Thanks for any help.
greigster said:
Could anyone kindly have a go at playing an intense game to see if they have a problem with the screen freezing up after 5 minutes please. I only have 2 days left to sent my phone back if it is just mine with the problem.
Thanks for any help.
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If it's faulty, you have at least 28 days.
In fact there's a 6 months rebuttable presumption that if a fault is discovered, it was present at the time of delivery.
Don't worry about the 7 days distance selling thing. That's only if you've changed your mind but there's nothing wrong with the phone.
lemoninfluence said:
If it's faulty, you have at least 28 days.
In fact there's a 6 months rebuttable presumption that if a fault is discovered, it was present at the time of delivery.
Don't worry about the 7 days distance selling thing. That's only if you've changed your mind but there's nothing wrong with the phone.
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Thanks for that.
Its just that I am not sure if it is faulty or if it is the fault of the game software. I have not seen other reports of these problems from other SG2 owners.
havent had any of these problems
been playing drag racer, tap fish, robot unicorns attack and robo defense
yes i have had the screen freeze in robo defense, i figure the program just crashed. clicking the home button got me back to android.
aceclaw said:
yes i have had the screen freeze in robo defense, i figure the program just crashed. clicking the home button got me back to android.
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Thanks for that. It seems that only the game freezes and not the phone. Like you said, a press on the home key allows me to go to task manager and close the game.........but does not save that level
Today I tried playing it without touching the edge of the screen and that seemed to help.
aceclaw said:
yes i have had the screen freeze in robo defense, i figure the program just crashed. clicking the home button got me back to android.
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Same issue here.
They've been doing a lot of updates with bug fixes and maybe they changed something that's causing it to hang since it's listed as one of the games that worked from an earlier post
also try out grave defense HD. I'm liking it much better than robo defense so far
I think what you are seeing here is a two-tiered issue:-
1. The Exynos & Mali are new and certain Games will have issues. Eventually these should be sorted either by the games developer or Samsung.
2. As you know Games go through period updates. Sometimes these updates are for the better but then there will be the occasion fixing a bug or bringing in new features will cause issues with certain phones.
Basically let the games developer know of the situation and if required send them a LogCat of your phone whilst playing the game.
Beards said:
I think what you are seeing here is a two-tiered issue:-
1. The Exynos & Mali are new and certain Games will have issues. Eventually these should be sorted either by the games developer or Samsung.
2. As you know Games go through period updates. Sometimes these updates are for the better but then there will be the occasion fixing a bug or bringing in new features will cause issues with certain phones.
Basically let the games developer know of the situation and if required send them a LogCat of your phone whilst playing the game.
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Thanks for that, its just that other people have said that they are not suffering the same problem playing this game.
I encounter same problem is few more games...
List of Game encountered freeze problem:
Mega Jump
There are more that I have uninstalled after it freeze.
I too have been having game freezes on my s2. Robo defence and guns and glory as the first poster said. also noticed cut the rope v1 at last box freezes alot. had my phone for almost a month, and have pushed these freezes aside as like most of you have said, most likely app fault. However im beginning to wonder if it is the phone. Its starting to become a trend. ie i get some games and some of them will freeze... really scared atm.
justusheng said:
I too have been having game freezes on my s2. Robo defence and guns and glory as the first poster said. also noticed cut the rope v1 at last box freezes alot. had my phone for almost a month, and have pushed these freezes aside as like most of you have said, most likely app fault. However im beginning to wonder if it is the phone. Its starting to become a trend. ie i get some games and some of them will freeze... really scared atm.
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At least for robodefense, it runs solid without sound turned on and same goes for handful of games. Also based on the description for robodefense, it sounds like sound issue exists on atrix as well.
Cut the rope has been rock solid but I haven't reached the last level yet
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Yea, on further reading, game developer for dungeon and dragons said it may have to do with a unstable sound system in the galaxy s2... Just got off the phone with samsung and they said that its got nothing to do with them..... looks like we'll just have to wait. Or play without sound.
Atleast i other people are having problems, so i guess its not just my phone.
Any of you have a problem with accelaration sensor after game freeze? Does your screen auto rotation work?
When typing real fast I notice that a lot of letters do not get inputed.
Also when playing multi touch games ( I really only have one of them ), Age of Zombies, I basically cannot play them due to the fact that only 50% of what I am trying to do (move and shoot) actually registers?
Could it be the ROM Im on or would that be a manufacturer defect. Also can any one think of any other methods of testing I can run through??
I had sent my phone back this week because an area of the touchscreen wasn't registering touches (near I, K, M on the keyboard in portrait). Just received my replacement phone and it seems to be working fine.
Download the multitouch test app and see what your screen is registering as you move your finger around it.
yeah i been having the same issue. while selecting a contact on my call log.
Have you guys seen this thread on fixing screen issues?
Might be worth a try.
tried that to no avail, I am having issues with the game Age of Zombies, can everyone else confirm that it works flawlessly on their phone???????????
I am either returning my Prime today or trading it for another (one more time). I have had to exchange at best buy a couple of times due to the horrible screen tearing on the first one in gallery, camera and several other apps. Second prime the bottom of the screen died in less than 3 days and would never come back. Factory reset/ cold boot/ soft boot/ you name it. So now im on my third prime and i am still getting artifacts on my home screen and other apps. I have done the whole factory rest, install from sd, cold boot, soft boot, and nothing will stop this dang artifacting. Is this a common problem with the prime and i should expect it from ALL primes, or am i a victim of bad luck and should try another prime? If the majority has issues with this, i am returning it, but if the majority never experiences it i would love to exchange it and get a good working tab that i can keep. Not to keen on anything else until the S4 Krait hits tabs.
thanks for as many replies as possible as i hope to get a good number of responses so i can determine if its a flaw in all primes or just the ones i have had the fortune of using.
Thanks for your time!
Edit, here is a test that anyone with the app can try and reproduce.
C4 Here and have them happen sporadically and easily produced in several apps and launcher. Beautiful widgets is the easiest. I have been wanting someone to test this but haven't had any luck. Just set the beautiful widget forecast (last widget in the list of BW's) on any screen. tap the widget to access the animated graphics. If you location does not have the moving clouds change it to San Diego as it has been cloudy here for a couple of weeks. While the clouds are moving click either the clock or the recent apps button and usually within seconds you will start getting severe artifacts. I have been able to reproduce this on every prime i have gotten my hands on. I also get screen tearing/flickering in androbench pretty regularly but it is different than the artifact. My first prime, before i had it replaced suffered horribly from the left hand side of the screen turning static in camera and other apps. After that replacement my prime and those i have access to suffer the artifacts on .28 in several apps. Someone please try the BW scenario to a tee and give it about 30 seconds at most and see if you receive the artifacts.
I can't blame the BW app though as i have it happen more randomly in several apps, its just that i can reproduce it easily with the BW animation.
Added a poll just for stats.
mine stopped for now. ever since I did a manual reinstallation of the firmware & did a full wipe, only saw it 2 times on random occasions. Gone after a reboot.
p/s : b4 reinstallation & wipe, reboot wouldnt solve a thing. the damn problem sticks around
MXR2 said:
mine stopped for now. ever since I did a manual reinstallation of the firmware & did a full wipe, only saw it 2 times of random occasions. Gone after a reboot.
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Thanks! That is exactly what i am after, just some confirmation that it is a wide spread issue. I hate being picky, but my unit gets them pretty bad and i am holding out hopes that this doesn't affect all primes. Im gonna update the OP with a test if anyone else that reads this can try. It almost always forces screen artifacts that can't be reproduced on any of my other ICS tabs or phones.
Thanks again!
Also, i did the whole factory reset, installed via sd, hard boot, soft boot, and nothing gets rid of them...
welrope said:
Thanks! That is exactly what i am after, just some confirmation that it is a wide spread issue. I hate being picky, but my unit gets them pretty bad and i am holding out hopes that this doesn't affect all primes. Im gonna update the OP with a test if anyone else that reads this can try. It almost always forces screen artifacts that can't be reproduced on any of my other ICS tabs or phones.
Thanks again!
Also, i did the whole factory reset, installed via sd, hard boot, soft boot, and nothing gets rid of them...
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This issue is a Graphics Driver Issue (I'm 99% Sure). It was almost gone in .21 (I never had it). The graphic drivers was cleaned up in this latest patch, and after that some users have been having this issue.
It's just a buggy driver / incompatibility with some apps.
No ;l
demandarin said:
No ;l
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Are you saying you have never had the issue?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app
welrope said:
Are you saying you have never had the issue?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app
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not really. I had it maybe once or twice. it was either from an update or overclocking. the home screen icon and recent apps looked like it was glitching. I rebooted the prime n never seen it again. I wouldn't call that a display issue. Only a 1 time thing. never had anything like you described where bottom of screen or whatever died out on me.
Overall, I've been very satisfied with my prime display. its been performing fine for me. very responsive.
demandarin said:
not really. I had it maybe once or twice. it was either from an update or overclocking. the home screen icon and recent apps looked like it was glitching. I rebooted the prime n never seen it again. I wouldn't call that a display issue. Only a 1 time thing. never had anything like you described where bottom of screen or whatever died out on me.
Overall, I've been very satisfied with my prime display. its been performing fine for me. very responsive.
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That gives me hope, I wonder if i should try replacing the one i have once more. The screen tearing is the only think keeping this from being a perfect pad for me. I get the tearing in androbench, my home screen, weather forecast and even when unlocking my prime. Also, after following your recommendations on improving performance, all i can say is wow, made it a new machine (-minus the screen artifacts that have always been there even on .21.) So, in your opinion, do you think i have a lemon and my problem is specific to my prime and should replace it? or do you think this is a common problem and should just return it?
Was very curious and decided to check it myself, but sorry mate, I wasn't able to reproduce it on beautifull widget. DO you have another app I could try to reproduce the issue ?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
I have the same problem with Apex Launcher the left side of the screen starts to glitch and the only solution is to restart. It goes away for some time but after a while it comes back. I figured it's a software issue and just stopped using apex launcher. I'm curious if the problem is still there with some of the non-stock roms, but if it's the graphics driver I presume it's there ... Let's hope that with the next update things are going to be better.
proziumwtf said:
I have the same problem with Apex Launcher the left side of the screen starts to glitch and the only solution is to restart. It goes away for some time but after a while it comes back. I figured it's a software issue and just stopped using apex launcher. I'm curious if the problem is still there with some of the non-stock roms, but if it's the graphics driver I presume it's there ... Let's hope that with the next update things are going to be better.
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The cheap solution when using Apex is to just rotate the screen, scroll and rotate it back... it will get rid of it
ThiaiZ said:
Was very curious and decided to check it myself, but sorry mate, I wasn't able to reproduce it on beautifull widget. DO you have another app I could try to reproduce the issue ?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
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It only does it for me if the weather forecast is cloudy.( which it has been here lately) lol. Change your location to Miami or San Diego as they are having some bad/cloudy weather. Once you have a location set with "mostly cloudy" conditions, watch how choppy the clouds move when you click on the widget for the forecast. While the clouds are scrolling, open settings by clicking the clock in the lower corner, let it expand, and just wait. Within seconds my screen will start artifacting all over the place.
Also, thanks and thanked!
Have a BCOKA unit purchased in Dec 2011 (received in Jan) and have never experienced any sort of screen artifacts or tearing. BW weather forecast screen has been showing clouds flowing across the screen for 15 minutes now and still going smoothly.
I've never had tearing or artifacts and I have an old Prime (BCOKAS arrive Dec. 27th, 2011).
I did have all the blacks on my screen turn red (search for my thread) and had to RMA for that to get fixed but it turned out to be a hardware problem and Asus replaced my main board. I don't think this is a problemwith all Primes though. Maybe you'll get a better one this time. Good luck man.
The screen tearing is not the Prime's hardware - it's Asus and their incompetence in putting out decent firmwares. I can just about guarantee this is the situation. I had my Prime since launch. It had terrible screen tearing when I first got it. One of their early firmware updates just about completely solved the issue, and it was working great all the way through .21. Then, as soon as I installed the .28 update, the screen tearing and artifacting came back again. So like I said, it's definitely not a faulty prime (hardware wise). I'd suggest either keeping your Prime and waiting for an update that fixes this, or just returning it and getting another tablet.
As for some of the other issues caused by Asus using a garbage LCD, such as LCD mura (, screen bleeding, and dead/stuck pixels, that's another story.
welrope said:
That gives me hope, I wonder if i should try replacing the one i have once more. The screen tearing is the only think keeping this from being a perfect pad for me. I get the tearing in androbench, my home screen, weather forecast and even when unlocking my prime. Also, after following your recommendations on improving performance, all i can say is wow, made it a new machine (-minus the screen artifacts that have always been there even on .21.) So, in your opinion, do you think i have a lemon and my problem is specific to my prime and should replace it? or do you think this is a common problem and should just return it?
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I tried your BW test. the animations look and move great on my prime. I let it sit and no screen artifacts turned up. I did see in the options for BW that it said animations were an experimental feature and could cause possible issues. but none on mines though.
as for your situation, I'm not sure. I would say try exchanging again. but I'm starting to think if its maybe an app or combo of apps you have that's causing this. so this happens randomly, no matter what you are doing or app you're using? or is this only occurring when using certain apps or whatever? its kinda sounding like its your apps. did your prime do this immediately out the box brand new? or did this only start occurring after you installed certain apps or Widgets?
just curious, you don't have force gpu on in developer options, do you? that has caused similar issues before.
like previous poster said, I think this is a software issue. which will be solved through an update. maybe even try a manual install of update through Asus website. its a more thorough install.
After .28 I had some of this but none since words with friends put out the update. No doubt a combination of running processes, video drivers and in my case ezoverclock.
Not all Prime have this issue... however, there are enough that DO have this issue.
Just return the device.... don't decide based on what the "future" update will do.. or hopefully will do.
Don't even bother taking a chance.
demandarin said:
I tried your BW test. the animations look and move great on my prime. I let it sit and no screen artifacts turned up. I did see in the options for BW that it said animations were an experimental feature and could cause possible issues. but none on mines though.
as for your situation, I'm not sure. I would say try exchanging again. but I'm starting to think if its maybe an app or combo of apps you have that's causing this. so this happens randomly, no matter what you are doing or app you're using? or is this only occurring when using certain apps or whatever? its kinda sounding like its your apps. did your prime do this immediately out the box brand new? or did this only start occurring after you installed certain apps or Widgets?
just curious, you don't have force gpu on in developer options, do you? that has caused similar issues before.
like previous poster said, I think this is a software issue. which will be solved through an update. maybe even try a manual install of update through Asus website. its a more thorough install.
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Glad you are helping so here are the steps i have taken. I do a lot of research before i post as to limit the amount of time i need to take up. I too thought the app was an incompatibility until i went through the process of removing and formatting my SD card and placing the update zip from ASUS. Booted into what i would call bootloader and factory reset my prime. Once booted, i inserted the sdcard and the went through the upgrade process. Once done i skipped login and allowed the system to settle and then did a hard reboot followed by a soft reboot. I then choose to not restore my apps and only downloaded the BW widget. once opened and set to a location where it was cloudy, clicked the settings launcher and expanded by clicking the clock, which left the animation in the background and within 10- 15 seconds the artifacts became worse and worse. Entire sections of the screen would turn white or green for a split second. I removed the app and downloaded other apps one at a time and found that i would get the same flicker/glitch when using androbench. Also had and issue, when using the gallery, that the screen started scrolling white horizontal lines and slowed to a halt before rebooting. I recently had to travel to San Diego for a week, (poor me) and had my girlfriend go by BB and outright buy another tablet and as i couldn't trust the one i had and figured i would return whichever one worked (Money isn't an issue, just want this prime's display to behave.) Well, as soon as i unboxed it, logged in, allowed it to update, downloaded BW as a test and guess what, same flicker. Granted neither of these had the issues the first two Primes i had to exchange had, when half or most of the screen either went to static or completely quit responding/working.
Now to the interesting part. Both Primes in my possession when i returned home i could test further. I went through the same process of manually wiping, wiping, updating, HB/SB, FR yada yada and only installed the BW app and both Primes behaved the exact same way. As soon as i would expand the recent apps or settings overlay the screen would start to produce odd geometric shapes and would continue every few seconds (the flash is noticeable but quick). Now some good news. The prime i currently have was kept for a few reasons. THE GPS WORKS WELL!!! I have no issues with WIFI, 3/4 bars from70 ft connected to a Cisco 1262. Streaming Netflix with a set of slim JB Bluetooth headsets is a breeze. All of my games (Nova 3, Adrenaline6, Gun Bros, and multiple others play wonderfully and i can honestly say i have never had a game reset/ act funny/ or ANR. My browser would occasionally ANR but it wasn't too bad. The Prime i bought in San Diego would not get a gps signal sitting beside the prime i kept that was getting 10 satellites. Wifi on one prime was -84 in a location that my current prime gets a -66 with a 72Mbps connection. Games would force close on the other prime, Browser would just randomly close. SOD EVERY MORNING. So needless to say i returned it and kept the current one i have. I have tested all i know to test, and no, i don't have force gpu ticked. I have worked with Android for a while and have a Xoom running EOS that doesn't suffer any of the mentioned problems. (one heck of a tablet i might add). But as someone who travels a lot, and the work i do, this can be my laptop replacement.
So all in all i have a tablet that works wonderfully in every area except the fact that it will (at will) artifact/tear using BW animation. It will randomly artifact using Androbench, gallery, camera, quadrant, and both stock launcher and apex pro. Last and notable thing is it seems to do it less if i set the brightness to a static level, say 50%. All of this happens/ bone stock/ root/ no root. Currently running root with your build.prop, the atp app, and sio and this guy is rocking a lot better in the user experience (I/O)
Sorry for the rant, just giving all the info i have. No noob here and wish i could just unlock it and dive into it but cant do it as i don't know if it is hardware.
Thanks for all of the opinions and as soon as my thanking well replenishes i will thank those that i missed!
shinzz said:
Not all Prime have this issue... however, there are enough that DO have this issue.
Just return the device.... don't decide based on what the "future" update will do.. or hopefully will do.
Don't even bother taking a chance.
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Bro, i know you have told me that and my gut says that what i should do as i have kinda been asking this same question in some of the other threads. Thought i would quit hi-jacking and create a post to just see how wide spread this is. I mean dang, i am on my 4th prim in exactly 30 days and only one of them functioned above 75 percent of expected performance. So scared that if i replace it again, i will be out of a 499 tablet as i will likely target practice with it with my 45. lol. Seriously though, i believe you got it right, too many of them have this problem. Sucky thing is i can seem to find an alternative that has what a really want, an S4 krait or a exynos quad and the same docking alternative that the prime has.
So you think there are primes out there that wouldn't have the screen issues i am having? I know i don't think anyone has said they have never experienced it.
Was this a problem when it was on GingerBread?
So I got my DNA on Sunday. So far, I'm pretty happy with it except for one issue. My multitouch seems messed up. If I'm trying to play a game that requires both thumbs, basically the two of them tapping the screen interfere with one another. For example, if I'm playing something like shadowgun, or GTA III, or max payne, or even the preinstalled diablo clone, if I'm moving a character and try to press an attack button at the same time(or in the case of GTA trying to actually steer while driving) the character movement "stick" resets to neutral. and sometimes the reverse will happen. Trying to move will cause the attack button to stop registering. The issue has been "confirmed" by me with multitouch visible test found in the play store. In the test, moving my thumbs around and making them cross axis screws up the touch registering. could anyone confirm or deny that this is happening on their device? Games are basically unplayable. I went into a VZW store today(the only one in my are with the phone in stock) and tried their demo unit and it exhibited the same problem. I was then promptly told by the sales rep that the one device they had was being held for a paid order. Nevermind the fact that I was told over the phone minutes before that the one phone was available and that they DO NOT hold devices for customers. A call to corporate may be in order... Anyway, any thoughts on the multitouch "issue" would be greatly appreciated.
Have you tried turning off HTC gestures in Settings -> Display & Gestures? I think the 3 finger swipe for HTC Media Link messes with multi touch
Generally speaking any issues with multitouch are software related. The sensors should be fine its a matter of callibration based on the software. Like the previous poster said it may be due to sense's gesture features. New kernels when they are released will likely fix this but I have never experiencedit. Gonna have to try and reproduce this today.
I've also noticed plenty of issues with multi touch. I've noticed while browsing, if I'm holding the phone with two hands and any portion of my one hand is touching the screen and I'm trying to scroll it won't respond till I remove that skin that is making contact.
n0code said:
I've also noticed plenty of issues with multi touch. I've noticed while browsing, if I'm holding the phone with two hands and any portion of my one hand is touching the screen and I'm trying to scroll it won't respond till I remove that skin that is making contact.
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I'm pretty sure every phone is like that.
I believe it is the game/app software related. I don't think a lot of them are set up to recognize the larger 5.0"+ screens running resolutions over 720p. We are kinda treading new territory here. I have heard of a few games that don't display correctly on our phones so I don't doubt controls/multi-touch could need some tweaking as well.
I may be wrong but that is my opinion.
Swifty31703 said:
I believe it is the game/app software related. I don't think a lot of them are set up to recognize the larger 5.0"+ screens running resolutions over 720p. We are kinda treading new territory here. I have heard of a few games that don't display correctly on our phones so I don't doubt controls/multi-touch could need some tweaking as well.
I may be wrong but that is my opinion.
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More than a few games simply do not work. Its annoying and I may return the DNA for that reason.
The early bird catches catches the worm has never been more true.
adrynalyne said:
More than a few games simply do not work. Its annoying and I may return the DNA for that reason.
The early bird catches catches the worm has never been more true.
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Are you becoming part of the "Now" generation that I saw you complain about in another thread?
Games will begin working once app developers start updating for 1080p screens.
Swifty31703 said:
Are you becoming part of the "Now" generation that I saw you complain about in another thread?
Games will begin working once app developers start updating for 1080p screens.
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No, LOL.
But I have seen these things before, where developers catch up 6 months later. A lot of the games I want to play are Gameloft or EA, and they both are terrible at updating. Horn hasn't been updated since September.
In that case, I can come back in 6 months with a newer device and will be content.
I am definitely patient, and can live with the Gnex a bit longer if I decide to go that route.
Thanks for the replies. I did try turning off HTC gestures last night with no success. I'll have to figure out a way to post a video of it. Basically, in the multitouch test app, If i hold the phone in landscape, as if I'm playing a game, then place both thumbs in the lower corners, it registers fine. However, if I slowly move my left thumb up and down then repeatedly tap the right corner(an action commonly performed in 3D action games) it trips it up and starts reversing the thumb inputs and occasionally introducing a third input even though I only have two fingers on screen. I can't believe that it's just an issue with software, or I'd assume reviews would have pointed to it. It makes games basically unplayable. And I've seen video online of people playing those types of games on the phone without the issue. A video would help. I'll try to figure something out.
Its been like that for some time the phones capability is more than the multi tasking allows I got 7 apps at once any load after that it won't show in recent. Though its slightly better with the app refresh upon switch its much better than my previous HTC the EVO LTE . Still when we got aosp based roms it was much better but with no limit or more on that device it slowed a lot but two gigs in this is great.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
So I've "solved" the issue. I actually swapped it out for another phone and then it worked fine and I was happy. Then I re installed holo locker from the play store and started having the same issue. So holo locker WILL break the multi touch capabilities of the DNA. I just e-mailed the dev and hopefully get a response. So again, for anyone using the phone, DO NOT INSTALL HOLO LOCKER. At least not until it's updated.
So i just wanted to know if anyone else out there/what i should do. I was one of the people whose edge stopped auto rotating but rather than exchange it i waited for a fix and i got one with this latest update. My phone auto rotates fine now but whenever playing a racing game or a game that uses the accelerometer it messes up.
For example, if im in a racing game (asphalt or real racing) my cars always turn to the right. Nothing makes it go left. So what should i do? (If anything) or is anyone else experiencing this?
kenny111008 said:
So i just wanted to know if anyone else out there/what i should do. I was one of the people whose edge stopped auto rotating but rather than exchange it i waited for a fix and i got one with this latest update. My phone auto rotates fine now but whenever playing a racing game or a game that uses the accelerometer it messes up.
For example, if im in a racing game (asphalt or real racing) my cars always turn to the right. Nothing makes it go left. So what should i do? (If anything) or is anyone else experiencing this?
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i had the same auto rotation problem and i waited for the update as well, but it wasnt resolved when i did. (i have sprint sm-g925p) so i loaded up every rom we have and firmware and checked the hidden diagnostic menu (dial *#0*#) and every time the gyroscope was stuck on the x axis, i also checked the app checkmyandriod which shows a little better diagnostic on all the axis's the gyroscope uses and 2 of them were frozen on a number. so after all that troubleshooting bull**** i called up samsung (i would have called sprint but i bought the phone from a guy on ebay) and told them all the steps i went through and they informed me that many, many s6 edges internals were poorly put together and the fast charge fried the gyroscope when it heated up above a certain temp. the update only masks the true problem of crappy build quality the first few batches somehow had. my suggestion is to bite the bullet and send it in to replalce it, or just keep having the same problem for the life of the phone. Just my 2 cents though.
TookRDerbs said:
i had the same auto rotation problem and i waited for the update as well, but it wasnt resolved when i did. (i have sprint sm-g925p) so i loaded up every rom we have and firmware and checked the hidden diagnostic menu (dial *#0*#) and every time the gyroscope was stuck on the x axis, i also checked the app checkmyandriod which shows a little better diagnostic on all the axis's the gyroscope uses and 2 of them were frozen on a number. so after all that troubleshooting bull**** i called up samsung (i would have called sprint but i bought the phone from a guy on ebay) and told them all the steps i went through and they informed me that many, many s6 edges internals were poorly put together and the fast charge fried the gyroscope when it heated up above a certain temp. the update only masks the true problem of crappy build quality the first few batches somehow had. my suggestion is to bite the bullet and send it in to replalce it, or just keep having the same problem for the life of the phone. Just my 2 cents though.
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When i updated the phone it fixed the auto rotate BUT i guess the accelerometer is all tripped. Im completely stock no root. Ive done the *#0*# and it says everything running. Id prefer not to replace it, i dont play games on the phone but id like the option too lol. Maybe another fix?
kenny111008 said:
When i updated the phone it fixed the auto rotate BUT i guess the accelerometer is all tripped. Im completely stock no root. Ive done the *#0*# and it says everything running. Id prefer not to replace it, i dont play games on the phone but id like the option too lol. Maybe another fix?
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I'm not sure if my findings are rare or if it could be something more, but this is what I found:
I ran into this issue after doing a factory reset. The screen would no longer rotate.
Went out to the market to look for a third party app to check the software for the Gyro. I downloaded "Screen Rotation Control"
While running this app, the screen rotated no problem. So I uninstalled the app. Now my screen rotates like it did the day I got it.
Hope this might help someone else.
Hi, did you install AOE3 by any chance?
mythos234 said:
Hi, did you install AOE3 by any chance?
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I have not
wildjeep said:
I have not
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Fellas it seems to me that your gyroscope is fried, due to overheating issue when using fast charge. Mine works fine, but when I charge mine I make sure it is cool.
nomad10002 said:
Fellas it seems to me that your gyroscope is fried, due to overheating issue when using fast charge. Mine works fine, but when I charge mine I make sure it is cool.
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My phone auto rotates now (update fixed it) but i just cant play games that require the phones accelerometer