[Q] IMAP E-Mail Issue - Optimus One, P500, V General

I setup my email account using IMAP. After getting my initial mail, the amount of messages I have in the Inbox stays the same, even after I delete them. Just for clarification, It says "4" (in the green circle) next to Inbox even though it's empty. It also says "4 new emails" on the screen-lock page. I tried deleting and recreating the account, but it stays the same.
I originally ran this account as POP3 (with "never delete from server" selected), but when my phone received a message, it would stop it from showing up on my computer's email client. It didn't just happen when I deleted the message on the phone.. the phone seemed to be taking it from the server.
I'd rather run the account as POP3, but I'd be happy with either if they worked properly. The only reason I have it setup in IMAP is because it allows me to receive the same message on my phone and computer.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?


Remote Tracker opens Outlook instead of sending email silently

Newbie here having trouble with Remote Tracker 0.4.2-0 on my TMOUS HD2 and haven't found an answer yet. When I send email commands to RT, such as rt2#egp, my phone just sits there in standby and when I unlock it Outlook is open with the email message ready to send. Anyone have an idea why and what I need to do? When I go to Outlook Contacts>Menu>Options I get an error report, "A problem has occurred with poutlook.exe," then comes up with List view settings, that's it, I don't know if there is supposed to be more and not sure if this has anything to do with the message not being sent. Everything is stock except for a few added apps and I just did a hard reset before reinstalling my apps after some experimentation. I don't use Outlook or even set up an email account on phone and haven't made any tweaks I can think of that would effect Outlook.
I also noticed that the CELLID shows me to be in New Jersey when I'm actually in Texas, this doesn't seem to be of much use at all but I haven't tried changing CELLID settings from default.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Pop45398 said:
I don't use Outlook or even set up an email account on phone and haven't made any tweaks I can think of that would effect Outlook.
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ummm,,, if you have no email set up, how do you expect it to send you an email?
samsamuel said:
ummm,,, if you have no email set up, how do you expect it to send you an email?
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I thought commands where you supply an email address (like, rt2#egp#[email protected]#password) would, if so configured, silently without intervention send to the supplied email addy without even having email setup in RT; however, I do have the email account in RT configured; I do not have Outlook, AOL, Yahoo, etc accounts set up in the HD2s mail app (I use Opera to go to my Hotmail account).
In RT's email setup I have only one option under Account, Activesync, is this correct?
Pop45398 said:
I thought commands where you supply an email address (like, rt2#egp#[email protected]#password) would, if so configured, silently without intervention send to the supplied email addy without even having email setup in RT; however, I do have the email account in RT configured; I do not have Outlook, AOL, Yahoo, etc accounts set up in the HD2s mail app (I use Opera to go to my Hotmail account).
In RT's email setup I have only one option under Account, Activesync, is this correct?
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no, you need an actual account set up that the phone can use to connect to an outgoing email server with. Just feeding it the email address you want to use is no good, as it has no m,eans to send to that address. Its a bit like giving a man with no telephone your phone number ad asking him to call you.
Choosing the activesync account wouldnt help either, as it would only send when the phone was copnnected and synced to outlook on a pc. (activesync isnt a real account, just an extension of teh outlook account on eth pc)

[Q] IMAP account won't work correctly in Sense Mail

I'm trying to get my IMAP college email address to work with the default mail app. I'm running inj3ct3dth3ory 6.01. The mail app is version 4.0.2 (the stock sense 3.0 version if I'm not mistaken). I have all the settings entered exactly how I have them in Thunderbird on my PC, which works flawlessly with the account.
The sense mail app downloads the folder names of the account, but only says "Get more messages, XX messages on server." When I press that "Get more messages" button, it opens the compose new message screen (wtf?) and doesn't download anything. This happens for all the folders: inbox, sent, trash, etc. The number of messages that it says are stored on the server is correct. I have sent test messages to it and the number increases accordingly, so it is accessing the server more or less correctly in that regard.
My POP3 accounts (hotmail and gmail) work perfectly on the app. I've already tried deleting the account and remaking it, with the same outcome.
Any ideas? I would prefer using the stock app, as it is the one with the shortcut on the sense 3.0 lockscreen, so alternative apps are a last resort.
Thanks in advance!
Bump! This problem is really driving me crazy!
nevermind, misread.

Email app problem: msg not shown in sent box

I am having problem with my Mail app. Whenever I send emails out the messages were supposed to be copied to the sent box, but they do not show up, even though they were indeed there. I need to use another mail program or another computer or my phone to see them
This is happening to both of the imap email accounts that I have, so it is a problem of the app, and not the smtp servers.
Same here ... Didn't found solution yet ...

[Q] Can K-9 be set to delete messages on the server after X days?

I have one email account that I check via POP with MS Outlook. I set it so that mail is left on the server and deleted after it is older than X days.
I use K-9 to read mail via POP for another account on my phone. I set K-9 to only keep last 100 messages and was under impression that everything older will be erased from the server automatically.
Today I found out it doesn't work like that - my mailbox on the server got full - messages were never deleted.
Can K-9 be set up similar to Outlook in that respect? I found multiple options like "Delete on a server if you delete message locally" but I don't want to delete anything locally by hand - this email is used only to receive status reports from automated jobs and I receive too many messages every day to delete them manually. I don't mind switching from POP to IMAP if this would help.

[Q] IMAP Email Gone?

Greets all,
Was wondering if anyone might have this issue. I setup my phone to grab my emails, I set it up as an IMAP so that this way I could get the emails but keep it on the server, so this way I can download it on my computer into outlook later on. Up until the One max, I never had an issue and always set it up the same way, I recently just noticed that after I read a email and if I delete it from the phone it seems to delete it off the server as well. I tested this out by sending myself an email and then deleting it, then going into outlook to receive the email but it wasnt there. If I got into the server its in the deleted folder and not in the inbox as it should be.
Anyone else notice this?
Well I just tried something else, I just set it up as a POP account, and it works as IMAP, Hmmm I wonder if they messed up and named them wrong, where Imap is suppose to be pop and pop is suppose to be IMAP.
Still curious to see others responses.
When i click Add account, it shows Other(POP/IMAP)
Screen shot attached for your reference, what do you get?
Same thing except I dont have Gmail or Yahoo in the list, just the other three, but thats not where the problem is, its after you pick Other/pop3. Long story short: I have my own email, I set it up through aol a long time ago when they were giving away domain names for free, then they dropped it and I had to get it registered through another place to keep it, but I still can use aol's mail settings in outlook to get me mail. The problem is I can see the email on aol's site, and download it to my outlook, but the first way I set it up on the phone I would see it on the phone and then delete it, when I go into outlook it would say no mail, but if I went to aol's site and looked in the trash it was in there where its not suppose to be, its suppose to be in the inbox to be downloaded to my outlook. But when I changed the setting to pop setting, it is working as Imap should.
AngelDeath said:
Same thing except I dont have Gmail or Yahoo in the list, just the other three, but thats not where the problem is, its after you pick Other/pop3. Long story short: I have my own email, I set it up through aol a long time ago when they were giving away domain names for free, then they dropped it and I had to get it registered through another place to keep it, but I still can use aol's mail settings in outlook to get me mail. The problem is I can see the email on aol's site, and download it to my outlook, but the first way I set it up on the phone I would see it on the phone and then delete it, when I go into outlook it would say no mail, but if I went to aol's site and looked in the trash it was in there where its not suppose to be, its suppose to be in the inbox to be downloaded to my outlook. But when I changed the setting to pop setting, it is working as Imap should.
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Ah okay, i got your problem... i don't know why imagined that you PC was missing IMAP, but was that not the IMAP was supposed to work..., 2 way communication = IMAP
If you're trying to decide between using POP and IMAP, we encourage you to use IMAP.
Unlike POP, IMAP offers two-way communication between your web Gmail and your email client. This means when you log in to Gmail using a web browser, actions you perform on email clients and mobile devices (ex: putting mail in a 'work' folder) will instantly and automatically appear in Gmail (ex: it will already have a 'work' label on that email the next time you sign in).
IMAP also provides a better method to access your mail from multiple devices. If you check your email at work, on your mobile phone, and again at home, IMAP ensures that new mail is accessible from any device at any given time.
Finally, IMAP offers a more stable experience overall. Whereas POP is prone to losing messages or downloading the same messages multiple times, IMAP avoids this through two-way syncing capabilities between your mail clients and your web Gmail.
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pradeepvizz said:
Ah okay, i got your problem... i don't know why imagined that you PC was missing IMAP, but was that not the IMAP was supposed to work..., 2 way communication = IMAP
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Okay you missed the whole point here. When I chose IMAP with my email on my phone, and then delete it from the inbox (select and hit trash can) its suppose to delete from the phone inbox, but should show up as new in my outlook 2010 on my pc as new. It doesnt show up at all. If I go to a web browser and login into my email, its in my trash folder and not in my inbox as it should be.
Now if I change the setting on the phone FROM IMAP to POP, THEN is works correctly as IMAP.
they way i have always thought of imap to work is , as the other poster mentioned: 2 way communication.
if i delete mail on the phone (imap), then on my web based email, that same email will be deleted there.
if i move an email from , say, inbox to some other folder on my phone, then on the server it too will get moved there.
this is how imap is supposed to work? at least that is how it has worked for me over the years...
i have 4 email accounts on my own email server. i use gmail to fetch that mail and i also use my web based interface to access it. the mail is synced everywhere its supposed to be.
i have the all set to imap, not pop.
marctronixx said:
they way i have always thought of imap to work is , as the other poster mentioned: 2 way communication.
if i delete mail on the phone (imap), then on my web based email, that same email will be deleted there.
if i move an email from , say, inbox to some other folder on my phone, then on the server it too will get moved there.
this is how imap is supposed to work? at least that is how it has worked for me over the years...
i have 4 email accounts on my own email server. i use gmail to fetch that mail and i also use my web based interface to access it. the mail is synced everywhere its supposed to be.
i have the all set to imap, not pop.
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me too... yes that's how IMAP works, i am guessing OP has some little confusion on it..
I do understand this, but coming from a samsung galaxy note, this wasnt the case. On computers it did work this way, but every phone I've had and including the Note did not work this way, this is the first time its functioning this way, which I thought was odd.

