Phone restarted by itself...... - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

after being on for 12 hours straight.
is this normal? or is it one of those automatic precautionary measures built in?

It happens. It's just part of owning a smart phone. iPhones do it, my old Blackberry did it, my wife's Motorola Backflip does it, and my Atrix does it. If it just reboots once in a blue moon don't alarm yourself. If it starts to reboot often like a couple of times a day then you may need to call Tech Support, visit a ATT Device Support Center, or exchange if you are during your 14 day window.

I have never seen any of the phones I have had, my wife has had, or my children have had randomly reboot. That doesn't mean they never did it, but as much as we use our phones, I think we would notice random reboots. Your phone shouldn't ever randomly reboot unless it's programmed in the software to make it do so. That being said, if it has only happened once and has no repetative nature, I probably wouldn't worry.

its happened one other time before. and it happened in the middle of the night while i was sleeping which made me very irritated when those "chimes" sounded

Do you have any apps installed which might be causing a reboot?
I have TiBu set to backup 3 nights a week, and then reboot the phone after the backup completes at 5am.
Is it possible you have installed something which has a setting enabling reboot?

No, I checked the apps thing already the first time it happened and thought it was all good until yesterday.
the last time it happened was over a month ago, so it might just be a totally random thing?

facetubespam said:
after being on for 12 hours straight.
is this normal? or is it one of those automatic precautionary measures built in?
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If you are in a troublesome signal spot, that is definitely prone to happen...

CaelanT said:
I have never seen any of the phones I have had, my wife has had, or my children have had randomly reboot. That doesn't mean they never did it, but as much as we use our phones, I think we would notice random reboots. Your phone shouldn't ever randomly reboot unless it's programmed in the software to make it do so. That being said, if it has only happened once and has no repetative nature, I probably wouldn't worry.
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A couple of years ago I lot track of how many people were having phone reboots in South Florida. This was mainly an AT&T/Nokia issue, but goofy signal areas can really screw with any phone.
Case in point, one of my friends has a local bar by him that we sometimes hang out. No matter which AT&T phone was used, the signal bar will go from 3G/Edge and sometimes give up and reboot over and over.
I though it was more of a switchover from 3G to EDGE, but even when I forced it to stay on 3G or EDGE it would still random reboot. Weird...


3VO Random Reboots, return?

So I got my Evo 3d and I'm very happy with the phone overall. The camera could be a bit better and the screen could have some better viewing angles, but other than that it's spectacular. However, I've been getting plenty of random reboots. It rebooted the first day I got it 4 times, then didn't reboot for a day and then it got into some weird reboot loop (5 random reboots right after each other). I did a full factory reset, no problems for a day, and then I turned on wimax and its back to rebooting.
Is this a software issue or should I just exchange it? My phone has a perfect screen with no dead pixels and am worried about losing that.
It seems a lot of evo 3d users are having some problems, how many of you suffer from random rebooting or freezing? I can tolerate minor bugs like the green camera thing, because I know HTC will fix those, but this rebooting is a bit much.
poweroutlet said:
So I got my Evo 3d and I'm very happy with the phone overall. The camera could be a bit better and the screen could have some better viewing angles, but other than that it's spectacular. However, I've been getting plenty of random reboots. It rebooted the first day I got it 4 times, then didn't reboot for a day and then it got into some weird reboot loop (5 random reboots right after each other). I did a full factory reset, no problems for a day, and then I turned on wimax and its back to rebooting.
Is this a software issue or should I just exchange it? My phone has a perfect screen with no dead pixels and am worried about losing that.
It seems a lot of evo 3d users are having some problems, how many of you suffer from random rebooting or freezing? I can tolerate minor bugs like the green camera thing, because I know HTC will fix those, but this rebooting is a bit much.
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I would absolutely exchange that thing. The amount of rebooting you're experiencing is definitely not normal at all. Especially if it continued to do it after a factory reset. I had one random reboot when I first got the phone, and have not had one since. It was actually the first time I turned it on, and the phone was like 125 degrees, because the UPS guy left it on my doorstep in the hot Las Vegas sun!! I attributed it to the phone being overheated, because it happened within 2 minutes after I booted the first time. I would say your situation warrants a trip to the Sprint store..
Yeah, I will take it back. I'm just a bit concerned with how many of these phones seem to do this though. Who here has had a Evo 3d that hasn't crashed and restarted? Surely so many people can't have faulty hardware. I hope it's only a software problem. All I want is a phone that will be stable. It's something I haven't had for sometime since my old phone loved to randomly reboot too.
This is exactly how my old HD2 died, it would start freezing and then rebooting, the reboots would become more and more frequent until the device became unusable. Though that probably had more to do with how much flashing, overclocking and kernel tweaking I would do to it.
crashing and restarting on occasion's one thing, a lot of time that is the fault of apps
My first 3vo did this though, it crashed 4-5 times a day and would even worse just lock up and require a battery pull
returned it and the new one hasn't rebooted once in 2 weeks
definitely return it though
Yeah, I'll get a new unit but does anyone feel that the random rebooting is unusually frequent on this phone? I seem to have heard a lot about it, but I'm not sure if that's just the frequent complaining on this forum or real.
poweroutlet said:
Yeah, I'll get a new unit but does anyone feel that the random rebooting is unusually frequent on this phone? I seem to have heard a lot about it, but I'm not sure if that's just the frequent complaining on this forum or real.
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I feel it's unusually frequent. After you did the factory reset, did you refrain from re-installing your apps for a day or two? If not, try that. Do a factory reset, and try to not install any apps. Just leave it bone stock for a few days. If you don't get any reboots during that time, then re-install your apps one or two at a time, and monitor your phone's performance. If you start getting reboots again after installing a certain app, then there is a good chance that it's an app causing your problems.
However, there certainly does seem to be a common problem of rebooting, based upon the number of threads I've seen, and the number of people which have posted within those threads. The Evo4G was also plagued with a random rebooting problem, which affected a number of users, but also the majority of people did not experience that problem. There was just a batch of faulty phones that rebooted, for no apparent reason. Perhaps there is a similar issue with the 3d (unfortunately). You could also try running the RUU for the 3d, and see if that clears it up. (that will reinstall all the software). If all that fails, then exchange it. (this assuming that you're up for trying a few things to correct it, if not then I'd just exchange it)
But again, to answer your question...I feel the amount of rebooting your having is indeed abnormal. If that was happening to me, I would certainly exchange it. This is a brand new phone you purchased, and it shouldn't be doing that.
Definitely exchange it. I've had one random reboot in the weeks that I've had it so far. If it was happening every day, I'd get a new one quick.
Not sure if anyone has tried this but it worked for me so far. I travel alot for work and I cant deal with my phone rebooting all the time. I noticed more times that I was doing something that would access the sd card then it would reboot. So I changed the card out and have had 0 reboots since. Might be worth trying.
The random reboots is an issue that htc is aware of and is actively working on a software fix. Mine will randomly reboot a few times in a row then be fine for a few days.....
The first major update will come in august
jbarajasp said:
The random reboots is an issue that htc is aware of and is actively working on a software fix. Mine will randomly reboot a few times in a row then be fine for a few days.....
The first major update will come in august
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Really? Do you mind posting where you learned of this? I really hope HTC is working on this. It's a shame that this otherwise awesome phone is being crippled by a few pesky bugs.

A Few Thoughts As I Return The Photon

Had the Photon for 29 days, installed the Maintenance Release 5 and continued to have the no audio on calls and random reboot issues. Based on the actions of the phone the last few days that I had it I came to a few conclusions.
When the no audio happened if I hit the mute button the audio would be there and I could hear the call just fine. I noticed that after a no audio call if I attempted to go into call history and click the person who just called and attempted to call the phone would always reboot. This lead me to conclude ( and I would appreciate it if someone who post some thoughts ) that no audio indicates the software has encountered problems and is no longer stable. The actions of the buttons are reversed and the system is on the verge of crashing. Any further action after the call will result in a system reboot. This leads me to believe the OS is prone to not being stable for whatever reason. Why this occurs is unknown.
I noticed that when the phone was flat on my desk, sometimes hooked up to power source, sometimes not, the phone would reboot on it's own. This indicated that even without user intervention the phone OS would become unstable, crash and reboot. What causes this is unknown.
I have since returned the phone to Sprint for a full refund with no restocking fee ( I suspect their technician was able to duplicate the no audio).
While the phone was fast, had a lot of storage space, great reception and great clarity the unstable OS caused me to return it.
Sounds like a hardware problem. I have yet to have a reboot and after the update, I have yet to get a muted call.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
LouieGrandie said:
Had the Photon for 29 days, installed the Maintenance Release 5 and continued to have the no audio on calls and random reboot issues. Based on the actions of the phone the last few days that I had it I came to a few conclusions.
When the no audio happened if I hit the mute button the audio would be there and I could hear the call just fine. I noticed that after a no audio call if I attempted to go into call history and click the person who just called and attempted to call the phone would always reboot. This lead me to conclude ( and I would appreciate it if someone who post some thoughts ) that no audio indicates the software has encountered problems and is no longer stable. The actions of the buttons are reversed and the system is on the verge of crashing. Any further action after the call will result in a system reboot. This leads me to believe the OS is prone to not being stable for whatever reason. Why this occurs is unknown.
I noticed that when the phone was flat on my desk, sometimes hooked up to power source, sometimes not, the phone would reboot on it's own. This indicated that even without user intervention the phone OS would become unstable, crash and reboot. What causes this is unknown.
I have since returned the phone to Sprint for a full refund with no restocking fee ( I suspect their technician was able to duplicate the no audio).
While the phone was fast, had a lot of storage space, great reception and great clarity the unstable OS caused me to return it.
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I had the reboot spam last night and the phone is completely face palmed.
Photon 4G, I really wanted to like you, instead you have given me the tross!
My Photon is perfect! No problems after OTA.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
newalker91 said:
There are two problems at hand here, user error and malfunctioning hardware. You should know full well that if you are having issues such as rebooting upon laying the phone down with a charger that something isn't soldered properly in the phone. Swapping it would alleviate this issue. With the final build (CM5) being available in SBF form, along with two very stable and powerful roms, very few people are having any issues of updated properly. It's unfortunate to see another user put this phone down instead of working through the issues, but I guess android isn't for everyone.
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User error? Really? Note I said I had the CM5 installed and still had the no audio issues. And since when does having the action of the mute button on a call being reversed happen as a result of something not being soldered properly? Note that the reboot happened when the phone was on the charger and when it was not. When it was laying flat and when I was holding it upright and looking through the contact list. I like Android just fine. Had an Evo for a year but upgraded because it lacked internal storage space. I plan on going to the Galaxy SII in a few weeks and last I read that's an Android phone.
LouieGrandie said:
User error? Really? Note I said I had the CM5 installed and still had the no audio issues. And since when does having the action of the mute button on a call being reversed happen as a result of something not being soldered properly? Note that the reboot happened when the phone was on the charger and when it was not. When it was laying flat and when I was holding it upright and looking through the contact list. I like Android just fine. Had an Evo for a year but upgraded because it lacked internal storage space. I plan on going to the Galaxy SII in a few weeks and last I read that's an Android phone.
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What he means is that you didn't even bother to have sprint replace this phone for you. You settled, thinking it was a software problem. Which any user here would most likely come to the conclusion after reading your post that it wasn't. Random reboots like that would have sent me back directly to the sprint store demanding another phone. Companies make bad batches, and stores get those bad batches. The fact is you just settled for a phone that was working sub par. I have gone through 3 phones, all with different problems, but I don't settle. They give you that 30 days for a reason.
Would you do the same thing had you went to best buy and bought a computer from them that did the same thing? Random reboots, no sound, etc etc....
Mine as well as most others phones on here work perfect, maybe the random force close from an app or something, but I don't get any muted calls, random reboots, and if I did you better bet I wouldn't settle for it.
Good luck to you in Samsung land.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
funny...Ive had no problems before or after the ota...the phone is stable as a quality is outstanding, no dropped calls like my old EVO..but im not sure the issues is random hardware problems per phone
This is killing me as I real think the photon hardware wise is one the all around best out...
Moto need to get off over their attuned about software... officially unlock the dam phone release the dam Kernel asap and let great independent software talent write and fix bugs for great hardware and so so code
Just do not think Moto puts the time in on thier code that then need too...
The only problem I've had with this phone was no audio a few times. After updating to 45.2.5, that problem has now been resolved. Photon is running like a champ.
Djspinister said:
What he means is that you didn't even bother to have sprint replace this phone for you. You settled, thinking it was a software problem. Which any user here would most likely come to the conclusion after reading your post that it wasn't. Random reboots like that would have sent me back directly to the sprint store demanding another phone. Companies make bad batches, and stores get those bad batches. The fact is you just settled for a phone that was working sub par. I have gone through 3 phones, all with different problems, but I don't settle. They give you that 30 days for a reason.
Would you do the same thing had you went to best buy and bought a computer from them that did the same thing? Random reboots, no sound, etc etc....
Mine as well as most others phones on here work perfect, maybe the random force close from an app or something, but I don't get any muted calls, random reboots, and if I did you better bet I wouldn't settle for it.
Good luck to you in Samsung land.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
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I did get a replacement phone and I experienced the same symptoms on both of them.
I do have information that confirms that Motorola was aware of the reboots and that MR5 was supposed to fix this. I did have MR5 on here.
I had an atrix before having this and put Alien Build 4. I was floored by the battery life and the ROM and device was rock solid.
I have a brick at the moment. This became a brick after rebooting loop similar to not wiping the davlik cache before a boot. It was stock. I was going to unlock and root to see if it helped the battery life.
I had been more excited about this phone than almost any other one. I have been a beta tester of Motorola devices, but I believe this one may have been pushed out the door a little too early.
I am glad people have this working well and I am glad for them. I will still love this phone even though I have experienced issues. It easily could have been a bad batch that is triggered by certain circumstances.
After the update - my silent call issue was 100% fixed. Maybe you need to a do a factory reset? I do that after all major OS updates.
Jeff_in_LA said:
After the update - my silent call issue was 100% fixed. Maybe you need to a do a factory reset? I do that after all major OS updates.
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That would be nice to be able to do that. I repeatedly flashed with RSLite/Fastboot more times than a single person on a drunken night in Vegas.
I will continue to apply forced love to my phone. When keeping it real goes wrong...
SnoopDawg said:
That would be nice to be able to do that. I repeatedly flashed with RSLite/Fastboot more times than a single person on a drunken night in Vegas.
I will continue to apply forced love to my phone. When keeping it real goes wrong...
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Haha, yea man that is great. Have you gotten your brick fixed? Let me know if you haven't, i'm sure there is a way to get it back. Have yet to brick a device. I would be amazed if you have, especially Android.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
SnoopDawg said:
That would be nice to be able to do that. I repeatedly flashed with RSLite/Fastboot more times than a single person on a drunken night in Vegas.
I will continue to apply forced love to my phone. When keeping it real goes wrong...
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You must have never flashed a galaxy s phone with about frustrating lol
Sent from my Motorola Photon 4g
coldblooded79 said:
You must have never flashed a galaxy s phone with about frustrating lol
Sent from my Motorola Photon 4g
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I never had anything I couldn't recover from ODIN even a partial flash(or even if it reset before it could finish flashing). I rooted both Epic 4G and Droid Charge with Odin. Just flashed a couple of Samsung Moments last week but they didn't require ODIN.
My phone will boot sometimes so it won't even stay booted. Doesn't matter what I do to it.
Djspinister - It will boot but not stay booted, it just reboots. I haven't ever had a bad flash that I couldn't recover from. I have flashed Windows Mobile devices, iOS devices that were eventually jailbroken. I have flashed several times right before going out to eat dinner only to have it fully recovered before the food came out. This just has to be a bad phone. It is a brick phone.
SnoopDawg said:
I never had anything I couldn't recover from ODIN even a partial flash(or even if it reset before it could finish flashing). I rooted both Epic 4G and Droid Charge with Odin. Just flashed a couple of Samsung Moments last week but they didn't require ODIN.
My phone will boot sometimes so it won't even stay booted. Doesn't matter what I do to it.
Djspinister - It will boot but not stay booted, it just reboots. I haven't ever had a bad flash that I couldn't recover from. I have flashed Windows Mobile devices, iOS devices that were eventually jailbroken. I have flashed several times right before going out to eat dinner only to have it fully recovered before the food came out. This just has to be a bad phone. It is a brick phone.
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You can't hold volume down and get to rsd? fastboot? anything? Even try holding down volume down while putting battery in, I heard someone got away from brick that way...
Djspinister said:
What he means is that you didn't even bother to have sprint replace this phone for you. You settled, thinking it was a software problem.
Good luck to you in Samsung land.
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After reading on numerous other sites of people on their 3rd or 4th Photon and still suffering from the same problem I decided not to bother. As for Samsung, before the Evo I had two Samsung products that were absolute rocks for me. Solid with no issues and performed well. Using a Samsung Instinct right now.
My Photon is 100% trouble free. Calls are clear, battery lasts, etc.
Te only real issue is that I do not love the bluish tint on the LCD. Anyone know how to alter the gamma?
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
I upgraded from an EVO on Friday. My new Photon began crashing and doing the no audio on Saturday. I exchanged it at the Sprint store later that day and have had no issues with the second Photon. I really like the Photon much better than the EVO.
Has no one else been told in the Sprint store that you can only exchange once and then you're stuck with the device???? They told me they only allow future exchanges through warranty (i.e., Motorola will ship me a new in-store exchanges).
Is this just wrong information?
Erislover said:
Has no one else been told in the Sprint store that you can only exchange once and then you're stuck with the device???? They told me they only allow future exchanges through warranty (i.e., Motorola will ship me a new in-store exchanges).
Is this just wrong information?
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Thats BS!!!! e-mail me at [email protected] and I will send YOU the e-mail I sent Sprint. Not only did I get my 3rd phone, my bill is cleared until October!!! The girls name and number will be in my e-mail!

[Q] have you gotten random restarts?

I've had the phone for 5 days, and I've gotten about 5 restarts.
It happens when I'm doing something. Playing with ring tones, playing a poker game app...
Just wondering if it's happened to anyone else, and if it's hardware or software related.
EDIT: 9/29/2011
I've had the phone for about 2 weeks now. The past week, I've not had any restarts. Don't know what's changed. I think there was an OTA update about last week. I"ve been using it as much as I had been - web browser, angry birds, email, etc...
Oh, about last week I also re-seated the battery. Don't know if that does anything, since the battery seem like it was seated fine. But someone recommended it. Could just be a fluke.
So, one way or another, the random restarts seem to have solved itself.
Me also
Had mine for about a week and has rebooted at least 5 times. Phone seems to hang and then rebooted.
I am coming from an EVO which never had these problems. Thought about trying a Samsung or another Photon
Yea, just yesterday when I was using my flashlight app for a few minutes. It has mostly happened when I used the led flash as a flashlight. It doesn't matter which app I use, it just restarts sometimes.
And also when I was playing a game today.
coachclass said:
I've had the phone for 5 days, and I've gotten about 5 restarts.
It happens when I'm doing something. Playing with ring tones, playing a poker game app...
Just wondering if it's happened to anyone else, and if it's hardware or software related.
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Had mine for over 2 weeks without any random restarts
Sent from my MZ604 using xda premium
Had mine over a month, no problems at all.
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
I have had mine for over a month also and have had one restart..... but then again every phone I have ever had restarted on its own at some point. By far this has been the best phone yet.
Had restarts and a few lock ups everyday. Got a replacement and no issues since.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
None for me after 3 weeks.
My EVO 3D used to do it once in a while when it would lose a signal.
Those who don't have random restarts hardly at all...are you installing apps and using the phone fairly heavily?
I'm wondering if this is a hardware of software issue.
Try re-seating your battery and make sure the back is on good.I was having the restart issue and it ended up being that the rep that initially started the phone up didn't put the battery door on correctly.
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
I have a lot of software installed and use the phone heavily, I am running stock unrooted rom.
cornelious2 said:
Try re-seating your battery and make sure the back is on good.I was having the restart issue and it ended up being that the rep that initially started the phone up didn't put the battery door on correctly.
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
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Exactly. I've only had one random restart, after the OTA, but I chalk it up to the heat wave where I was working. Poor Mo-Pho got up to 119 degrees.
I would also suggest a factory reset and wipe of the internal SD, a lot of times the testing of each phone before they're put in the box can cause issues.
Pew! Pew! Pew! From my Mo-Pho!
no problems here. love this phone!
Me I am facing this issue since I got the phone I am at that point of replace the unit or order other phone!
What do you think?
I am really so pissed how is that you see only good comments on this phone and no body mention this known issue on thos youtubbie crappy videos...
I cant believe that I paid good money for this phone and I am not the only one with the issue. Sad thing no body know if this is HW or Sorftware!
I have no problem fixing the software... we really need the hackers spending some time debugging this issue.
Had my phone for a month, and have had 3. I am a heavy user so I expect it. Best phone I ever had.
Sent from my MoPho using the XDA Premium app
Same has been happening to my friends phone
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Ive had my phone for about a month, probably had 7 or 8 restarts total since I got it, two in one day during the first week but it seems better after the second OTA update. For the past two weeks I've only had two restarts. Each time it restarted I was playing angry birds and had let the phone got to sleep while in the middle of playing. When I woke it up it restarted. Sounds software related to me. Im rooted but not unlocked. I love this phone!
I get over 1 a day. Its sad. Def gonna get a replacement when I get the time
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
I get atleast one a day. I don't notice because at home I set my phone down a lot. It gets worse when im on the phone surfing the web. Then it seems to do it more often. Yesterday it rebooted three times in one hour. It gets annoying but im past my 30 days to return plus Sprint doesn't have any other phone that interests me.
Sent from my Photon.
I have the reboot issue, but I have narrowed it down. DEVS TAKE A LOOK!!
So far I can get a 100% repro of this issue if
1. I am on WIFI for DATA and make or receive a call.
2. then leave WIFI area and attempt to call out, TXT or use 3G data.
3. phone will reboot every time when that occurs.
60% repro of reboot issue with the fallowing.
1. make or receive call with WIFI on but not attached to network.
2. go into WIFI range of a known(not new!) WIFI hotspot and phone attaches to WIFI on it's own.(this will sometimes cause the WIFI, 3G, and phone signal to all appear in the task bar at the same time)
3. make a phone call, txt or turn off WIFI then attempt to use 3G data and phone will reboot.
Also this is VERY IMPORTANT!! The conditions above will not cause the reboot on it's own. If you have data updates off or leave WIFI off all day then you might never see this. Also VERY important if you receive a call when attached to WIFI and then use your phone for data only you will not get the reboot right away it may take upto 30-40 min. Also important, if you attempt to do either repro above via making a phone call you will see the dialer get stuck at "connecting" in the upper left hand side, but it will never go to "connected" and hitting anything on the dialer or the back button will not help only home, but you will notice nothing on the phone will work anymore. This will ultimately lead to a reboot!
Here is the problem as I have trouble shot the living crap out of this and it seem that either the voice/3G radio is locking up or the dialer is crapping out.
Also on a side note that when the dialer is stuck on "connecting" if you force stop the dialer it does nothing, but if you force stop the "dialer storage" it will kill the dialer, but you will still get a reboot at some point after that.
So now we know where to look at for this issue. Can any of the devs look into this as I am not sure where to go from here, but this IS the problem everyone is seeing and can be hardware or software.

Random BRICK on GF Evo LTE

Phone shut off and will not turn on, will not charge, will not boot, nothing.... here's the backstory.
I root my girls EVO LTE for her just for the sake of backing up data and pictures and texts. She also enjoys Fresh ROM, but I never got around to putting it on this phone, bc at the time there was no need. Also, I never did get around to turning S-OFF, just rooted, stock rom, nothing else.
About 3 months ago, she had a random boot loop, which, after some googling, seemed to be a random problem that some people were experiencing, unrelated to root or anything. So we fixed her phone, updated it, at the time, and have since done nothing to it. A few weeks ago, she started have major problems. Texts would take 5 minutes to open, contacts would also, and sometimes she couldn't dial out. Problems that I hadn't gotten around to looking into.
Today, her phone just completely turned off and hasn't done anything since. Won't turn on, charging does not give it a light. I tried to boot into recovery etc. Is the phone completely BRICKED?
It's within the year warranty, but I know if sprint gets it back on and see it's rooted, they'll be assholes about it, even though it doesn't seem to be related.
jirafabo said:
Phone shut off and will not turn on, will not charge, will not boot, nothing.... here's the backstory.
I root my girls EVO LTE for her just for the sake of backing up data and pictures and texts. She also enjoys Fresh ROM, but I never got around to putting it on this phone, bc at the time there was no need. Also, I never did get around to turning S-OFF, just rooted, stock rom, nothing else.
About 3 months ago, she had a random boot loop, which, after some googling, seemed to be a random problem that some people were experiencing, unrelated to root or anything. So we fixed her phone, updated it, at the time, and have since done nothing to it. A few weeks ago, she started have major problems. Texts would take 5 minutes to open, contacts would also, and sometimes she couldn't dial out. Problems that I hadn't gotten around to looking into.
Today, her phone just completely turned off and hasn't done anything since. Won't turn on, charging does not give it a light. I tried to boot into recovery etc. Is the phone completely BRICKED?
It's within the year warranty, but I know if sprint gets it back on and see it's rooted, they'll be assholes about it, even though it doesn't seem to be related.
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Does it show in device manager when you connect to a pc?
njfoses said:
Does it show in device manager when you connect to a pc?
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Well I dont have the drivers installed bc I recently added an ssd and started from scratch, and like I said, I don't mess with her phone too often.
But it doesn't do anything when I plug it in via usb, doesn't make a sound, nothing pops up, and it doesn't try and connect. It's lifeless.
Some have had good results plugging into a wall charger for 6-8 hours and then it comes back to life.
It may work.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
Your timing is good, bricks tend to happen during major updates
Have your gf take her phone back to the Sprint store and say it won't turn on, charge etc. if the phone is truly bricked, they can't tell it was rooted or whatever. They should replace it because it's within the warranty period. If she has an SD card, take it out (especially if it had ROMs on it).
The key is have your girl friend do this, better would be to have someone's mother take it in.
bigmoogle said:
Your timing is good, bricks tend to happen during major updates
Have your gf take her phone back to the Sprint store and say it won't turn on, charge etc. if the phone is truly bricked, they can't tell it was rooted or whatever. They should replace it because it's within the warranty period. If she has an SD card, take it out (especially if it had ROMs on it).
The key is have your girl friend do this, better would be to have someone's mother take it in.
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This is exactly what I done when I bricked downgrading firmware. An OTA had just been released and I told them I took the update and the phone died. They replaced it immediately no questions asked.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Anyone else experiencing sleep of death?

I have been using my AT&T black Lumia920 for about 2 weeks now. It runs Portico out of box (maybe, dont actually remember). I have been a WP7 user since launch so I know how windows phone works.
The first 3 days on Lumia 920 were fine, everything went well, however starting from the 4th morning I noticed the phone wont wake up by pressing the power button, nor did the alarm sound. I had to soft reset to power up the phone. So simply it's sleep of death. This happens every night and occasionally happen during day time when I leave the phone for a few hours.
4 days ago I cant bear the problem anymore so did a hard reset then flashed Rogers ROM on it. However after I reinstall some of my previous apps the phone wont wake up again. I looked into the backgroud loading apps and uninstalled Engadget, the phone did make it to the next morning. However after I got a few other apps from the marketplace the phone is dead in mornings again. I cant figure out if this is an app issue or system issue this time.
Anyone else having this problem? Should I request a replacement phone?
amtrakcn said:
I have been using my AT&T black Lumia920 for about 2 weeks now. It runs Portico out of box (maybe, dont actually remember). I have been a WP7 user since launch so I know how windows phone works.
The first 3 days on Lumia 920 were fine, everything went well, however starting from the 4th morning I noticed the phone wont wake up by pressing the power button, nor did the alarm sound. I had to soft reset to power up the phone. So simply it's sleep of death. This happens every night and occasionally happen during day time when I leave the phone for a few hours.
4 days ago I cant bear the problem anymore so did a hard reset then flashed Rogers ROM on it. However after I reinstall some of my previous apps the phone wont wake up again. I looked into the backgroud loading apps and uninstalled Engadget, the phone did make it to the next morning. However after I got a few other apps from the marketplace the phone is dead in mornings again. I cant figure out if this is an app issue or system issue this time.
Anyone else having this problem? Should I request a replacement phone?
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I have this same issue but I on;y have it at home where cell signal is garbage.
If I'm at work (in the city) i have zero issues.
If I work from home the phone will SOD more than once in an 8 hour period.
I'm curious, do you have a strong signal all of the time?
quiksandjesus said:
I have this same issue but I on;y have it at home where cell signal is garbage.
If I'm at work (in the city) i have zero issues.
If I work from home the phone will SOD more than once in an 8 hour period.
I'm curious, do you have a strong signal all of the time?
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Signal is medicore at home where I charge, I use the phone a lot during the day so I cant really tell if SOD happens when siganl is good.
I don't think it has to do with the Signal. Me and my wife both have the Lumia 920 on the same Network, my wife never had this issue, I have it almost every day... I'm currently trying to get a replacement.
that happened to me once or twice before flashing portico, after flashing it never happened again
amtrakcn said:
I have been using my AT&T black Lumia920 for about 2 weeks now. It runs Portico out of box (maybe, dont actually remember). I have been a WP7 user since launch so I know how windows phone works.
The first 3 days on Lumia 920 were fine, everything went well, however starting from the 4th morning I noticed the phone wont wake up by pressing the power button, nor did the alarm sound. I had to soft reset to power up the phone. So simply it's sleep of death. This happens every night and occasionally happen during day time when I leave the phone for a few hours.
4 days ago I cant bear the problem anymore so did a hard reset then flashed Rogers ROM on it. However after I reinstall some of my previous apps the phone wont wake up again. I looked into the backgroud loading apps and uninstalled Engadget, the phone did make it to the next morning. However after I got a few other apps from the marketplace the phone is dead in mornings again. I cant figure out if this is an app issue or system issue this time.
Anyone else having this problem? Should I request a replacement phone?
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I've had this issue, I really never payed too much attention to it but its happening more often lately, with my wife having power button issues on her iphone 5 I began to think that mine was too having the same problem. But I can actually feel the button clicking which is something I can't feel with my wife's phone.
Nokia store updates to blame?
I've been having the same issue since I bought the device. It only wakes up after pressing the VolDown-Power combination.
My device has been running the Portico update out-of-the-box (8.0.10211.204).
To see if I could pinpoint the issue, I have been wiping my device and start all over. The wipe has been done last Friday night.
About 30 minutes after initial installation it prompts me for 6 Nokia updates:
* access Point
* network+
* accessories
* audio
* display+touch
* extras+info
This time, for the first time, I have NOT applied any of these updates, and until now it has not hung.
Another thing I noticed in the past is that when I disconnect from the charger (either cabled or wireless) it makes a sound.
After applying these updates in the past that sound was gone.
I will see if my phone keeps working throughout the week and then install the updates to see what happens next.
Loki1973 said:
I've been having the same issue since I bought the device. It only wakes up after pressing the VolDown-Power combination.
My device has been running the Portico update out-of-the-box (8.0.10211.204).
To see if I could pinpoint the issue, I have been wiping my device and start all over. The wipe has been done last Friday night.
About 30 minutes after initial installation it prompts me for 6 Nokia updates:
* access Point
* network+
* accessories
* audio
* display+touch
* extras+info
This time, for the first time, I have NOT applied any of these updates, and until now it has not hung.
Another thing I noticed in the past is that when I disconnect from the charger (either cabled or wireless) it makes a sound.
After applying these updates in the past that sound was gone.
I will see if my phone keeps working throughout the week and then install the updates to see what happens next.
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I tried the same, didn't work. Then what I did was uninstalling each one of those apps (my update list was bigger but some i couldn't uninstall as they were system settings) and then installing them back on the device instead of updating. No "SOD's" since, and i've had a lot. Hope it stays this way Either way I'm hoping the next update from nokia will fix these kinds of things.
mateusm said:
I tried the same, didn't work. Then what I did was uninstalling each one of those apps (my update list was bigger but some i couldn't uninstall as they were system settings) and then installing them back on the device instead of updating. No "SOD's" since, and i've had a lot. Hope it stays this way Either way I'm hoping the next update from nokia will fix these kinds of things.
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I have the same problem but I think that is related to notifications, after uninstalling apps that used push notifications the phone last longer before it goes to SOD. If I use skype and whatsapp a lot the phone SOD more often and more frecuent too when I have it in my pants pockets.
I've never tried not installing the updates and the phone is wih the carrier so I can't test
I had several issues with this, and here on the forums I have made several posts thinking it was because the Keep WiFi on. But it is not!
I think it might be Battery App related. Or some other app, as some1 noted, possibly because of push notifications.
I had the last SOD several days ago, I have turned on Keep WiFi on, no SOD so far, yet before it was like several hrs after it was turned on. Also, I had overheating of the device on 2 occasions, then I have uninstalled EverNote, and everything worked fine. Again 4-5 dasys ago I had the second overheating issue, and the phone was in stand-by whole the time, I turned it off, waited 30 secs, turned it back on, no issues so far.
So, for now I cannot say what the trouble is except it is NOT OS related, it is APP related (probably an app with push notification).
The solution? Pretty unpopular, but that is the only 1, except for hard reset. Uninstall all the non-system apps from the phone, and install them back 1 by 1, and testing each app at least 24 hrs.
So far, the "safe apps" are:
[My] Windowsphone
2013 FIa Formula 1
Any Converter
App Deals
Assistant WP7
Cloudy Box
XE Currency
HERE (all of them)
Michelin travel
NFC Interactor
PDF Reader (from pompolutz)
Shift Scheduler
Shrink Storage
Wake My PC
Ofcourse this list is far from final, but it will give u some idea what I am using, and so far I have no SODs (Thank God)
How long has it been since the last SOD?
miodrage said:
I had several issues with this, and here on the forums I have made several posts thinking it was because the Keep WiFi on. But it is not!
I think it might be Battery App related. Or some other app, as some1 noted, possibly because of push notifications.
I had the last SOD several days ago, I have turned on Keep WiFi on, no SOD so far, yet before it was like several hrs after it was turned on. Also, I had overheating of the device on 2 occasions, then I have uninstalled EverNote, and everything worked fine. Again 4-5 dasys ago I had the second overheating issue, and the phone was in stand-by whole the time, I turned it off, waited 30 secs, turned it back on, no issues so far.
So, for now I cannot say what the trouble is except it is NOT OS related, it is APP related (probably an app with push notification).
The solution? Pretty unpopular, but that is the only 1, except for hard reset. Uninstall all the non-system apps from the phone, and install them back 1 by 1, and testing each app at least 24 hrs.
So far, the "safe apps" are:
[My] Windowsphone
2013 FIa Formula 1
Any Converter
App Deals
Assistant WP7
Cloudy Box
XE Currency
HERE (all of them)
Michelin travel
NFC Interactor
PDF Reader (from pompolutz)
Shift Scheduler
Shrink Storage
Wake My PC
Ofcourse this list is far from final, but it will give u some idea what I am using, and so far I have no SODs (Thank God)
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In the last 3 weeks I had 1 SOD, that last one 8 days ago. And that happened very strangely, I have received an email (heard the sound), and since my phone was in my hand I immediatelly pressed the power button, and the screen didn't come on. Tried 2 more times, and I knew what happened, so I did a soft reset and that was that. From that time, no SODs.
Is this issue limited to certain ROMS or non AT$T models? I have had mine for 3 months now and have yet to have the SOD and I have even recently ran the OTA update and still no SOD two weeks after that OTA.
I got the same issue with my Lumia 920 (European network/sim unlocked). Happened once after night and already twice during the day... . Phone has all latest updates installed... no idea what to do...
galtom said:
I got the same issue with my Lumia 920 (European network/sim unlocked). Happened once after night and already twice during the day... . Phone has all latest updates installed... no idea what to do...
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Review what apps u have installed. I think I have proven that it is push, and app related. Possibly even some battery app is responsible for this. Try uninstalling some apps, and to see what will happen.
Well, basically I got my phone back from the carrier it passed 5 days of monitoring without SOD and after 24 hours in my hands it happened. I did a hardreset to my phone to clear all my info before giving it to the carrier and now I'm sure that is some kind of app or at least a function that isn't often used by the OS.
I don't know if a flash could fix the issue since not everyone is experiencing the problem.
In my case it seems that the issue is increasing in its frequency...
I think I will have to go to Nokia Care Centre
1308 update seems to have solved this issue. At least 4 me.
My phone does not show any updates available
Got my phone yesterday and today it was in SOD. Luckily I woke up earlier than planned. Have a meeting today and things like this is fatal.
I need to be able to rely on the alarm on my phone.
Is there some way of disabling push notifications for apps, like in iOS? That would help a lot in this case, as it seems it's caused by push notifications.

