3VO Random Reboots, return? - HTC EVO 3D

So I got my Evo 3d and I'm very happy with the phone overall. The camera could be a bit better and the screen could have some better viewing angles, but other than that it's spectacular. However, I've been getting plenty of random reboots. It rebooted the first day I got it 4 times, then didn't reboot for a day and then it got into some weird reboot loop (5 random reboots right after each other). I did a full factory reset, no problems for a day, and then I turned on wimax and its back to rebooting.
Is this a software issue or should I just exchange it? My phone has a perfect screen with no dead pixels and am worried about losing that.
It seems a lot of evo 3d users are having some problems, how many of you suffer from random rebooting or freezing? I can tolerate minor bugs like the green camera thing, because I know HTC will fix those, but this rebooting is a bit much.

poweroutlet said:
So I got my Evo 3d and I'm very happy with the phone overall. The camera could be a bit better and the screen could have some better viewing angles, but other than that it's spectacular. However, I've been getting plenty of random reboots. It rebooted the first day I got it 4 times, then didn't reboot for a day and then it got into some weird reboot loop (5 random reboots right after each other). I did a full factory reset, no problems for a day, and then I turned on wimax and its back to rebooting.
Is this a software issue or should I just exchange it? My phone has a perfect screen with no dead pixels and am worried about losing that.
It seems a lot of evo 3d users are having some problems, how many of you suffer from random rebooting or freezing? I can tolerate minor bugs like the green camera thing, because I know HTC will fix those, but this rebooting is a bit much.
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I would absolutely exchange that thing. The amount of rebooting you're experiencing is definitely not normal at all. Especially if it continued to do it after a factory reset. I had one random reboot when I first got the phone, and have not had one since. It was actually the first time I turned it on, and the phone was like 125 degrees, because the UPS guy left it on my doorstep in the hot Las Vegas sun!! I attributed it to the phone being overheated, because it happened within 2 minutes after I booted the first time. I would say your situation warrants a trip to the Sprint store..

Yeah, I will take it back. I'm just a bit concerned with how many of these phones seem to do this though. Who here has had a Evo 3d that hasn't crashed and restarted? Surely so many people can't have faulty hardware. I hope it's only a software problem. All I want is a phone that will be stable. It's something I haven't had for sometime since my old phone loved to randomly reboot too.
This is exactly how my old HD2 died, it would start freezing and then rebooting, the reboots would become more and more frequent until the device became unusable. Though that probably had more to do with how much flashing, overclocking and kernel tweaking I would do to it.

crashing and restarting on occasion's one thing, a lot of time that is the fault of apps
My first 3vo did this though, it crashed 4-5 times a day and would even worse just lock up and require a battery pull
returned it and the new one hasn't rebooted once in 2 weeks
definitely return it though

Yeah, I'll get a new unit but does anyone feel that the random rebooting is unusually frequent on this phone? I seem to have heard a lot about it, but I'm not sure if that's just the frequent complaining on this forum or real.

poweroutlet said:
Yeah, I'll get a new unit but does anyone feel that the random rebooting is unusually frequent on this phone? I seem to have heard a lot about it, but I'm not sure if that's just the frequent complaining on this forum or real.
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I feel it's unusually frequent. After you did the factory reset, did you refrain from re-installing your apps for a day or two? If not, try that. Do a factory reset, and try to not install any apps. Just leave it bone stock for a few days. If you don't get any reboots during that time, then re-install your apps one or two at a time, and monitor your phone's performance. If you start getting reboots again after installing a certain app, then there is a good chance that it's an app causing your problems.
However, there certainly does seem to be a common problem of rebooting, based upon the number of threads I've seen, and the number of people which have posted within those threads. The Evo4G was also plagued with a random rebooting problem, which affected a number of users, but also the majority of people did not experience that problem. There was just a batch of faulty phones that rebooted, for no apparent reason. Perhaps there is a similar issue with the 3d (unfortunately). You could also try running the RUU for the 3d, and see if that clears it up. (that will reinstall all the software). If all that fails, then exchange it. (this assuming that you're up for trying a few things to correct it, if not then I'd just exchange it)
But again, to answer your question...I feel the amount of rebooting your having is indeed abnormal. If that was happening to me, I would certainly exchange it. This is a brand new phone you purchased, and it shouldn't be doing that.

Definitely exchange it. I've had one random reboot in the weeks that I've had it so far. If it was happening every day, I'd get a new one quick.

Not sure if anyone has tried this but it worked for me so far. I travel alot for work and I cant deal with my phone rebooting all the time. I noticed more times that I was doing something that would access the sd card then it would reboot. So I changed the card out and have had 0 reboots since. Might be worth trying.

The random reboots is an issue that htc is aware of and is actively working on a software fix. Mine will randomly reboot a few times in a row then be fine for a few days.....
The first major update will come in august

jbarajasp said:
The random reboots is an issue that htc is aware of and is actively working on a software fix. Mine will randomly reboot a few times in a row then be fine for a few days.....
The first major update will come in august
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Really? Do you mind posting where you learned of this? I really hope HTC is working on this. It's a shame that this otherwise awesome phone is being crippled by a few pesky bugs.


Random Reboots, I'm baffled

Hey guys, is anyone else getting these random reboots? Its happened several times now and I got the phone on Friday morning. Last time it happened ( 10 min ago), i was in XDA app. When it reboots the red charging LED comes on for a second. I have no idea why its doing this.
Return it.
Are you sure I should return it already? I was wondering if maybe it was common among many people.
Sounds like a faulty phone, simply go get another one. Sprint knows there is going to be issues and will be happy to replace them. I nor my friends have had a problem with it yet.
yeh sounds defective...i haven't had a single non-initiated reboot since wednesday...
CAxVIPER said:
Sounds like a faulty phone, simply go get another one. Sprint knows there is going to be issues and will be happy to replace them. I nor my friends have had a problem with it yet.
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Ehh alright i really didn’t want to have to return it or anything. Guess I'll take it to sprint later this week
At least do a clear storage first. Then see. That's probably the first thing they would do... and then they would tell you to come back if the problem continues. This way, you have at least eliminated that as a possibility. Also, what all did you install? This could be an app doing it.
Yuppers...no reboots here. Not since the Hero days I'd say its an app or your phone.
-- Sent from my 3VO Shooter --
Hmm true, Im guessing an app is eating my ram because I constantly.have over 50% used
edufur said:
At least do a clear storage first. Then see. That's probably the first thing they would do... and then they would tell you to come back if the problem continues. This way, you have at least eliminated that as a possibility. Also, what all did you install? This could be an app doing it.
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Shot from my L96A1
I just got a random reboot while using speedtest.net app. I ran like 4 in a row, then suddenly it shut down and booted up. I am pretty sure I'll be returning mine, as I've had a slew of other random bugs/issues going on. I was trying to determine if it's just buggy software, or if there is a problem with the phone.
What other issues do you,have? I noticed one otjer thing that htcs task.manager and the built in running services from the settings app show different amounts of memory and amt used/free. I'm betting this is just software issue. I really dont want to have return and resetup my phone
k2buckley said:
I just got a random reboot while using speedtest.net app. I ran like 4 in a row, then suddenly it shut down and booted up. I am pretty sure I'll be returning mine, as I've had a slew of other random bugs/issues going on. I was trying to determine if it's just buggy software, or if there is a problem with the phone.
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Shot from my L96A1
Have you taken the ota's
Bussin Caps from my 3D shooter
I had a random reboot before I did any updates, and now no issues that I didn't cause with my own ignorance so far
Bussin Caps from my 3D shooter
Yeah, iv only had one reboot after otas
ktrotter11 said:
Have you taken the ota's
Bussin Caps from my 3D shooter
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Shot from my L96A1
Get all the updates and then do a factory reset and see how it works after that.
I had the random reboots. I tried hard reset without any apps and without setting up email and I'd still get the reboots randomly. I exchanged it for another one at Bestbuy and I haven't had a single reboot since. Even with all my apps, email, and calendars setup. I'd return it! Also, I did not install the updates on either phone. I just tried the speedtest.net app four times in a row and I did not get any reboots. Let me know if you want me to check out anything else.
I was having the same problem before and after otas. I was also getting a blank screen once in a while too. I got mine wed and probably pulled the battery about 20 times. Finally broke down and did a factory reset by holding the volume key down when powering on and selecting factory reset. Its been fine so far. I also wiped 16gb sd card from evo, formated it in phone and only copied media files over.
dmacias said:
I was having the same problem before and after otas. I was also getting a blank screen once in a while too. I got mine wed and probably pulled the battery about 20 times. Finally broke down and did a factory reset by holding the volume key down when powering on and selecting factory reset. Its been fine so far. I also wiped 16gb sd card from evo, formated it in phone and only copied media files over.
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I did the same as you too. It seemed better at first but then it started again. I also found that after erasing the sd card with the phone I had folders that where inaccessible after android created the new ones. I ended up formatting the card with windows and deselected the quick format option. That fixed the problem with the sd card. Note all this stuff was with my first phone. The replacement has been flawless.
I'm gonna hold out another week, if I get any reboots in that time, it's back to sprint for a new one.
I got mine on Friday, then all of a sudden out of no where I started getting random reboots last night about every 10 minutes, then when I was able to get it to stay on for a while the screen would just go black and the buttons stay lit up though. Oddly enough it was doing that all last night and all this morning, until about 9 this morning and since then it's been running fine. I was able to track down my problem somewhat at least, for some reason it kept trying to sync my exchange account and it was unable to sync, and every time i tried to open up that email account to delete it, the screen would go blank. Even though everything is working know I'm still going to the sprint store today to see if they will exchange it.

Phone restarted by itself......

after being on for 12 hours straight.
is this normal? or is it one of those automatic precautionary measures built in?
It happens. It's just part of owning a smart phone. iPhones do it, my old Blackberry did it, my wife's Motorola Backflip does it, and my Atrix does it. If it just reboots once in a blue moon don't alarm yourself. If it starts to reboot often like a couple of times a day then you may need to call Tech Support, visit a ATT Device Support Center, or exchange if you are during your 14 day window.
I have never seen any of the phones I have had, my wife has had, or my children have had randomly reboot. That doesn't mean they never did it, but as much as we use our phones, I think we would notice random reboots. Your phone shouldn't ever randomly reboot unless it's programmed in the software to make it do so. That being said, if it has only happened once and has no repetative nature, I probably wouldn't worry.
its happened one other time before. and it happened in the middle of the night while i was sleeping which made me very irritated when those "chimes" sounded
Do you have any apps installed which might be causing a reboot?
I have TiBu set to backup 3 nights a week, and then reboot the phone after the backup completes at 5am.
Is it possible you have installed something which has a setting enabling reboot?
No, I checked the apps thing already the first time it happened and thought it was all good until yesterday.
the last time it happened was over a month ago, so it might just be a totally random thing?
facetubespam said:
after being on for 12 hours straight.
is this normal? or is it one of those automatic precautionary measures built in?
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If you are in a troublesome signal spot, that is definitely prone to happen...
CaelanT said:
I have never seen any of the phones I have had, my wife has had, or my children have had randomly reboot. That doesn't mean they never did it, but as much as we use our phones, I think we would notice random reboots. Your phone shouldn't ever randomly reboot unless it's programmed in the software to make it do so. That being said, if it has only happened once and has no repetative nature, I probably wouldn't worry.
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A couple of years ago I lot track of how many people were having phone reboots in South Florida. This was mainly an AT&T/Nokia issue, but goofy signal areas can really screw with any phone.
Case in point, one of my friends has a local bar by him that we sometimes hang out. No matter which AT&T phone was used, the signal bar will go from 3G/Edge and sometimes give up and reboot over and over.
I though it was more of a switchover from 3G to EDGE, but even when I forced it to stay on 3G or EDGE it would still random reboot. Weird...

Anyone else experiencing random locks/reboots?

My Photon has been acting up today. It has frozen on a black screen four or five times, requiring a battery pull each time. Also a couple of random restarts. The same thing happened once yesterday, but it has come back with a vengeance today.
Anyone else experiencing this? Bad phone? Not rooted, updated prl/profile, etc. Been on the road, so no chance to try the MR, so I don't know if that would solve anything or not.
I'm a Sprint Launch Ambassador supporting the Photon. I have seen reboots on my own device but it was due to a 3rd party live wallpaper I had downloaded and was running. When I removed it, the device was stable again. Does your device do this in a factory reset state with nothing installed 3rd party app wise and no SD card?
never had that type of issue with mine
mattvalenz said:
I'm a Sprint Launch Ambassador supporting the Photon. I have seen reboots on my own device but it was due to a 3rd party live wallpaper I had downloaded and was running. When I removed it, the device was stable again. Does your device do this in a factory reset state with nothing installed 3rd party app wise and no SD card?
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Matt - thanks for your quick response.
I am not running third party or live wallpapers. Just a pretty static experience.
I have installed quite a few apps, of course, but I haven't had the time, at the moment, to do a factory reset (and frankly, doing a factory reset is a pain, and I'd rather not have to do it). My installed program list is also pretty standard (Google apps, Facebook, Pandora, Angry Birds).
I do, however, have a SD card mounted, which I actually considered might be the problem. Is there any clue about why this might be causing the problem?
Interestingly, it hasn't happened in the past few hours.
Are there any reports of specific applications that are causing issues, or reports that this is a widespread problem? I could forgive it a bit more if it restarted more than hard crashed, but the lockups with no warning on my primary business phone are rather problematic.
Also, any word you might be able to give on updates that might come out in the next week or two?
My main concern is just that I don't have a bad piece of hardware. I love the phone - as something to make phone calls, it's one of the best pieces of hardware I've ever had. If it's an issue where I need to switch the phone out for a different one, I'm fine with doing that, but I'd like to know before the warranty runs out.
Me too
I just want to chime in and report that I have seen some random black screen lockups on my new Photon. It usually requires battery removal to fix, but once while I was trying to pry the back cover off (it's a very stubborn cover), the phone came back to life.
No SD card, stock wallpaper.
Google voice
Google +
Swiftkey X
Locked up after five minutes off the charger this morning. For what it's worth, the phone seems to get very warm when it is locked, possibly indicating a high power/processor usage.
I don't know if others have experienced this as well.
Random lock twice today when I went to answer the phone..and one time at 6 AM it was my 84 year old mother who had fallen.
I saw the #, grabbed my wife's EPIC and called my mom.
This is not a good thing on a 2 day old phone.
Apply the leaked Maintenance Release. There's a thread in the Dev sub-forum.
Beknatok said:
Apply the leaked Maintenance Release. There's a thread in the Dev sub-forum.
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Do you know if this actually solves the lockup issues?

Random Rebooting

I know this is a common problem as I've seen it in other threads on other sites, but I haven't been able to find a cause/solution. My Evo 3D randomly reboots, frequently. It has happened with every firmware version since I got the phone, and with every rom/kernel I have installed. It doesn't seem to be an overheating issue. I've tried uninstalling a few apps to see if they might be the cause. Basically I'm ready to call it a hardware defect. Does anyone have any idea what causes this or how to fix it? I bought my phone unsubsidized online so it isn't easy to return, but I may have to try anyways. My 3D is useless as it is right now.
Return it.....
Sent from my EVO3D
I bought it from eBay so that's not an easy return. HTC wants me to pay to ship it to them and they want my credit card number, then if they decide it's not an issue covered by warranty then they will charge me both for looking at it and also to send it back. Basically they will hold my phone hostage if they decide they want money from me. I have filed a complaint against HTC with the Better Business Bureau over their warranty policy.
If on stock ROM, return it. Sometimes on custom roms it reboots like crazy for me when using browser.
It reboots on stock and custom roms.
Return it...
I've talked to three people at Sprint and they won't accept it as a return. They say I have to take it back to the store it was purchased at, and though I've talked to the person I bought it from, he's in another state, so Sprint says I'm SOL.
SeeNev said:
I've talked to three people at Sprint and they won't accept it as a return. They say I have to take it back to the store it was purchased at, and though I've talked to the person I bought it from, he's in another state, so Sprint says I'm SOL.
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Try different Roms. My buddies had the same problem. Flashed supra and flashed silver needle kernel. Flashing a custom kernel can easily fix it. The stock kernel argues with the stock OS and the phone is tricked into thinking there is harm. Therefore reboots to try and save your phone from any damage. For sure switch the rom and kernel.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
I reboot alot also and its been on all my roms and stock but better now on synergy rom
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
tnh196 said:
I reboot alot also and its been on all my roms and stock but better now on synergy rom
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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Most reboots are due to using unstable software or user error, if these aren't in question then your phone is a bad apple
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Have a look at the battery contacts. I have read of some people solving reboots by wedging in a piece of thin cardboard on the opposite end of the battery to give it more solid contact.
SeeNev said:
I know this is a common problem as I've seen it in other threads on other sites, but I haven't been able to find a cause/solution. My Evo 3D randomly reboots, frequently. It has happened with every firmware version since I got the phone, and with every rom/kernel I have installed. It doesn't seem to be an overheating issue. I've tried uninstalling a few apps to see if they might be the cause. Basically I'm ready to call it a hardware defect. Does anyone have any idea what causes this or how to fix it? I bought my phone unsubsidized online so it isn't easy to return, but I may have to try anyways. My 3D is useless as it is right now.
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replace your sd card.
*EDIT.... just for the sake of being a little more informational and contributing.... a bad sd card will cause this. your phone, like a computer, can detect a bad disk and will reboot itself to check it.
i had the same problem when i first got my phone... i had my old sd card in there... random reboots. replaced the sd card, problem went away immediately.
i KNEW it was the sd card, though, as soon as i powered up the phone with the new sd card installed because on my old phone whenever i would transfer apps to sd i would get this error pretty often "failed to move application" and i would do it again and it would work.
so after i put the old one in my new 3d i would get that same error... along with the reboots, and thats how i figured it was the card.
so when i powered the phone up with the new card, i went to move my apps from the internal disk to the card and EVERY single one of them moved over the first try. and the phone has not rebooted itself once since then.
also, i heard somewhere that HTC sent some phones out with bad sd cards.... so if you are using the one that came with the phone, that could still be your issue. replace the card.
I had a horrible time with my 3vo rebooting, then got a replacement through Sprint TEP (a new one, thank goodness; ##786# tells you refurbished status) but I had the new one do the same.
Once either of mine had a single reboot, it would then continue to a complete load (booting properly) but would then reboot again after 1-5 minutes. After pulling/reconnecting the battery, it is fine for a day.
The old one had the initial reboot WAY more often than the replacement (the old one had several in a day, this one has had only one per day for the past 2 days).
How to fix: You cannot fix it. You can, however, get a good day before it begins its rebooting sequence. To so this, you have to pull the battery. I have waited until it has rebooted, then I hit shutdown and disconnect-reconnect the battery before restarting.
I hope the issue is taken care of and the initial reboot is gotten rid of.
This has happened on bare stock unrooted and rooted cleanrom 2.1 and 2.2. Also, with 2 different SD cards and 2 different batteries and 2 different 3vos. I have HTC's fastboot off.
Cause: My best guess is that HTC fastboot is not completely off even when unchecked--something differentiates what is loaded during a random reboot from what is loaded after a battery pull, but I don't know what. That, or something differentiates a shutdown and the reboot that the phone does when it reboots randomly. I could be wrong. My sample size is only 2 corrections, but it literally rebooted 12 times then stopped completely after the battery pull and the same thing happened one additional time.
I appreciate the insights you guys have given. I have pulled the battery several times and I don't believe it has done any good, though I will test that further. I am using a 32gb sd card that I purchased when I had my evo 4g and it always worked before, but I will try using the 8gb that came with the phone. The battery is snug and I even 2 two spare battery that also don't fix the problem when being used. I had a lucky 2 days without any reboots, then back to about a dozen reboots a day. So far it's happened with every rom I've tried.
I have noticed that the problem seems to get worse in areas where there is no reception. I took it into the hoover dam and it rebooted like 20 times. Also at Disneyland in different ride buildings where there's no reception it would often reboot.
Yes, marginal reception areas are usually, but not exclusively, where mine starts its reboot routine. The other is during the airvana handoff.
Neither the battery or SD card made any difference. It seems to be getting worse now. All I have to do is run an application and half the time it will reboot. I've tried wiping the system and cache and reinstalling roms. Nothing works.
I was wrong before. It is the shutdown that makes the difference. Difference got home and it began to reset itself every 5 minutes or so. I pulled tjw battery during startup and it did not break the rebooting.
After it finished reboting, I selected shutdown then poweres it back on. After it came back up, it stayed up and has been stable since.
It looks like this might be something I have to get used to. If it begins to reboot, I have to give it a clean shutdown to relieve the issue (well, for 20 hours or so, at least). Again, HTC fastboot is always off.

Reboot while making call

I have a galaxy note that reboots while making phone calls.in the middle of conversation about ten minutes in, it reboots. I flashed different roms.went back to stock through Odin.everything.still the same. I even ejected the memory card thinking that was it but it wasn't. I'm now leaning towards a hardware failure of some sort. Other than rebooting during phone calls it functions perfect. I can sit and play games on it all day and it doesn't reboot. Just wondering if anyone else came across this problem?
I'll be back on Howard forums
I understand your frustrations with this rebooting issue. It happened to me all the time and drove me nuts, especially while on semi-important calls. Since upgrading to 4.2 and flashing the UVDLE radio it has become less frequent, but still happens spontaneously at some point every week.
maττ said:
I understand your frustrations with this rebooting issue. It happened to me all the time and drove me nuts, especially while on semi-important calls. Since upgrading to 4.2 and flashing the UVDLE radio it has become less frequent, but still happens spontaneously at some point every week.
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Ok well I'll try that out first before I get rid of it
I'll be back on Howard forums

