Poll: How many times have you exchanged your evo 3d - UPDATE OVER 70% - NO RETURNS - HTC EVO 3D

There are a lot a people arguing about flaws, build quality quality control and so on. Let's see how bad things are.
Edit: so ass this poll is going, we can see that many people either got a flawless or an acceptable condition phone the first time. Another factor is we have to remember that the average user does not go on XDA at all, I would tend to think people that go on forums like this are the more demanding users.
Maybe the quality of those phones is not as bad as some people describe, I personally had many returns, but I have to say that my last one seems to be flawless. I think that people should not bash this phone as much, some even predict that all of our phones will eventually have problems. I mean what can I say i don't think HTC messed up more then apple on the iphone 4 release. correct me if I am wrong.
Check out this post if you want to make absolutely sure your phone is good ( I have the light leakage, and i don't care I don't see how this is a problem).
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1144616. Thanks vWvSTATICvWv for the suggestion and #Winning# for creating the post
Just to clear things out, while there are many possible things that are "technically wrong" with your phone i still think that if it doesn't bother you, who cares they exist. On another hand many people will say that if we let things go by htc will only go down hill.

Haven't had to. Only issue I have is light leakage which I am going to deal with myself.
No tilted screen, overheating, green pictures, or anything major that would warrant a return by me.
Are We Not Phones?
We Are D3VO!
Are we not phones?!

Never. Got lucky
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App

3. This one is good finally, just need to fix light leakage
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

Once and only once because I just returned it and will return to the Evo3d once root and build quality is stepped up some. I like the phone but the build quality is subpar right now. I know the Evo had issues but the build quality on the Evo3d seems to be lower than what I experienced with the Evo.
I had the tilted screen, dot of white light near the search button, wifi 4g and radio issues and light bleed from the bottom to half way up the sides. That's enough to say that maybe I will have to wait till better builds start coming out. I'll stick with the Evo for now.
Didn't vote since it was a straight return.

No returns for me. Haven't had a single problem people post about except the green tint on pictures thing which I fixed myself by turning off the auto-lighting feature and setting it to what the lights are in the room. Haven't had a bad picture since. So that tells me a software update to that part of the camera code can fix that...but until then I just select.
No light leakage, tilted screen, signal issues, nothing... I'm very happy with it.

No returns for me....
Sent from my Evo3D

first time was a charm for me!

No returns for me. I did have to do a hard reset but that fixed my problem (was not receiving voice mail messages).
Sent from Evo 3d using XDA premium app.

None here
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None here.
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On my third.
First was a camera issue and second had bad light leakage.
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none .........

none for me..............

None, although I do have one dead pixel but I'm living with it.

On my fourth..but the first 3 were from the same batch and my rep told me almost all of the first batch came back for similar reasons as mine..this 4th one is from a new batch and is perfect..although I think all phones have some light leakage it doesn't bother me at all..and don't know why it would bother anyone really ..I can't see it with my case..btw I love my pt kickstand case...nice and thin but protects well

firmbiz94 said:
On my fourth..
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Honestly, if I got one and it was bad, I would exchange it. If the second one I got was bad, I would return it and be done with the product. You are a glutton for punishment. LOL

30 days of awesomeness here.


Version 02 - Display is crooked

It seems that HTC has done it again... I know the possibility for defects are possible when mass producing anything, but my new EVO 3D display is crooked. Though it may be slight, once it is noticed you can't stop seeing it every time you use the phone. Went to Sprint corp store and with much hesitation from the manager, I was able to get them to exchange the phone. The only bad thing is, my new phone also has a slight lean to it (though better than the previous.) Really disappointed with HTC
Yup didnt notice it for weeks then one day i noticed it and i was like wow!
Sent from my Dual Core HTC 3vo 3d
Dang. I was just hoping it was me...
I think I got it to but its very slight scared to return and be even more messed up Idk what's wrong with the people who make the screen for the EVO
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Didnt notice it till yesterday!!! Fuuuudge
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
I noticed the same thing on mine although I dint notice to I carefully looked
Maybe it was designed like that for better viewing 3d angles
Is the version 3 the same thing?
Dunno what u guys are talkin about mine is 02 hardware no crooked ness to it.
What do you mean the display is crooked? pic?
Theres pics somewhere in that thread
ninja984 said:
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oops, sorry bout the double posts.
ninja984 said:
Theres pics somewhere in that thread
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Those pics illustrate it perfectly...I had no idea wtf everyone was talking about.
Well, I'm happy to say that I'm on my 2nd E3D and I've got yet another perfect unit. Thank god.
no tilt here
Mine is slightly crooked. I took it to best buy for the exchange and the replacement had a less crooked screen and a dead pixel. I kpt my original phone and don't even notice it Amy mote.
tapa tapa tapa
daneurysm said:
Those pics illustrate it perfectly...I had no idea wtf everyone was talking about.
Well, I'm happy to say that I'm on my 2nd E3D and I've got yet another perfect unit. Thank god.
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You bought another one? What brought you back?
tapa tapa tapa
Damn it...thanks to the picture I notice it now.
Not like its a huge deal...I notice it but I can't get my brother to see it.
mlin said:
You bought another one? What brought you back?
tapa tapa tapa
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The fact that the NS4G (despite having an equal-or-better meter) dropped and bounced even more calls....which sucks, cuz that screen and camera are awesome...even though it feels cheap. It was fast...mega fast for a 1single core...roms a plenty...AOSP to the core...everything I wanted except a god damned signal.
It's nice to have a weighty phone in my pocket again...reminds me that I have a phone in my pocket at all times, lol.
It's good to be back. Lessons learned, etc etc etc. Plus that puts me that much closer to unlock day....and I'll probably trade this up ($350 trade in value) for an Nprime when it comes out--unless Samsung manages to bungle yet another radio.
I have version 0002 and my screen is fine. Man, I keep reading about all the problems you guys have and I think I understand what is happening. When you guys order your phones or go into a store to get one, they run a retinal scan on you to identify you as an XDA user and then get your phones from the reject bin or something.
I mean statistically speaking, there is no fricken way so many of you could have so many problems. It would mean like 1 out of 3 phones are defective or something.
ExploreMN said:
I have version 0002 and my screen is fine. Man, I keep reading about all the problems you guys have and I think I understand what is happening. When you guys order your phones or go into a store to get one, they run a retinal scan on you to identify you as an XDA user and then get your phones from the reject bin or something.
I mean statistically speaking, there is no fricken way so many of you could have so many problems. It would mean like 1 out of 3 phones are defective or something.
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I have a version 2 hardware phone and the screen is perfect.
Between myself and my friend, we have four Evo 3D's, all 0002 hardware and all four have the crooked screen. The worst part about the crooked screen is that it throws off the touch, especially toward the bottom edge of the screen. When you touch a part of the screen, the touch point is actually off just a little because the digitizer where you touch is straight but the LCD underneath is a little off.
From what I've seen, only 20% to 30% (at most) of the 0002 units have a straight screen. The majority are crooked.
****, I got it. I never noticed it before. I wish I never started reading this thread. Probably would of never of seen it. Maybe its in my head. But it does look like its kind of tilted to the right in portrait position. Is that what yall have?
Sent from my 3rd Dimension of Evolution

Evo 3d quality control

I'm not trying to bash the phone or troll so please don't violate my thread.
I'm looking to get the Evo 3d tomorrow but reading over this forum, one would think this phone has pretty bad quality control. I've heard about tilted screens, dust under the screen, dead pixels, loose buttons, yellow tinted images etc.
Every phone has its issues and there will always be some phones that should have ended up in the reject bin that somehow get shipped out but I'm worried that the Evo 3d may be worse than usual. Does this seem to be the case or are these issues simply being exaggerated on this forum?
poweroutlet said:
I'm not trying to bash the phone or troll so please don't violate my thread.
I'm looking to get the Evo 3d tomorrow but reading over this forum, one would think this phone has pretty bad quality control. I've heard about tilted screens, dust under the screen, dead pixels, loose buttons, yellow tinted images etc.
Every phone has its issues and there will always be some phones that should have ended up in the reject bin that somehow get shipped out but I'm worried that the Evo 3d may be worse than usual. Does this seem to be the case or are these issues simply being exaggerated on this forum?
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No loose buttons or anything of the nature on my device , so far so good, and yeah they always find something wrong with the phone , you should been last year for the EVO 4G forums were hammer about it last year, just get the device and judge it on your own terms after 3 weeks if you think is no for you just get another device which most likely will have some problems too, I do recomend insurance tho cause you never know what could happen
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
poweroutlet said:
I'm not trying to bash the phone or troll so please don't violate my thread.
I'm looking to get the Evo 3d tomorrow but reading over this forum, one would think this phone has pretty bad quality control. I've heard about tilted screens, dust under the screen, dead pixels, loose buttons, yellow tinted images etc.
Every phone has its issues and there will always be some phones that should have ended up in the reject bin that somehow get shipped out but I'm worried that the Evo 3d may be worse than usual. Does this seem to be the case or are these issues simply being exaggerated on this forum?
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No trolling...
Don't judge a phone by its forums. Simple as that. If you do, every phone looks like its riddled without issues. People go to forums looking for answers about issues with the phone. Just get one. If you happen to have one of the issues (check before leaving the store) just hand it back over and ask for another. It really is that easy. That's what I did. I got one without issues first time though. But I went through a standard checklist I have in my head before leaving the store.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Well the tilted screen is nothing, I am a perfectionist, and Im able to get over the slightly and barely noticable tilted screen. In fact I didnt notice till people complained about it. the loose 2d 3d button is also no biggie. Yellow tinted screen? I dont think you would realize you had it unless its next to a blue tinted screen in which case you may prefer the blue over the yellow, but alone it make no difference.
Unfortunately alot of is true I replaced one for stuck green pixels and this ones screen has a slight tilt , a tiny missing spec of paint bye the menu button and light bleed at the bottom . Lots of folks here would return it for just one of these issues but I can live with it not a big Deal unless your putting it under the microscope .
I say inspect it well before you leave the store and if nothing jumps out at you don't look for it
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
This same issue keeps me from buying one. I am off contract and would like to buy one off of eBay because they run for about 350 NIB there but I am afraid to get a bad one.
But also granted as some posters said the og evo also had problems during release as well. Maybe it's best to wait until they get through the first gen releases
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it is no worse than any other phone that i have been a part of.. there are always bad eggs in a batch, you just pray you dont get one.. when the hero came out forever ago, it had the dust under the screen issues, i know people that had all kinds of issues with the orig evo.. the problem in the 3d forum is you are getting a lot of very vocal people, all coming from multiple devices.. and there is a lot of ignorace floating around too.. as well as people are looking for things not to like since we dont have permenant root yet..
i personally have no issues with the phone, i know several other people who have it as well, and they have no issues.. i wouldnt worry about it, if you get one with an issue, take it back..
felacio said:
No trolling...
Don't judge a phone by its forums. Simple as that. If you do, every phone looks like its riddled without issues. People go to forums looking for answers about issues with the phone. Just get one. If you happen to have one of the issues (check before leaving the store) just hand it back over and ask for another. It really is that easy. That's what I did. I got one without issues first time though. But I went through a standard checklist I have in my head before leaving the store.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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+1 this.
I'm on my 2nd completely perfect E3D. I went through a bunch trying to find one with a good radio and couldn't. They all suck...but not as bad as the Samsung radios...trust me. It is likely that it is mostly cosmetic in nature anyway.
...and those other ones I had them open up and turn on? All perfect in all of the ways that are typically mentioned as fubar on this forum. The only thing I noticed was vary levels of screen-tilt. Nothing major. I'm anal about stuff like that, but, I didn't even find any of them distracting...though I did make it a point to take one without any.
That's how forums are. When I went looking for a new truck I looked around, 95% of the people there are people who just had **** luck...the other 99.5% of the people who purchased these trucks had none of those problems. But, when you get something and it performs as expected you don't tell everyone about it--but when something is screwed up you tell everybody.
Same for my current apartment. I read on all the rental sites and you would think this place was a vermin infested ghetto that had piss-smell in the hallways, ceilings caving in, holes in walls and daily knife fights in the parking lot....even though it they are actually the luxury apartments with every amenity...I have not once seen "garbage in all the halls all the time" that was mentioned, nor have I ever once "smelled them smoking drugs" in the stairwells. The dumpsters are never "over flowing with trash" and not only is the parking lot not "full constantly i have to park a mile away from my house" as stated by many people, there is in fact 4-5 times more parking than tenants....
When I ran a computer repair shop it seemed obvious that compaq couldn't make a computer that ran to save their goddamned life...cuz I only saw the broken ones.
Complainers complain because they got something that doesn't work how they thought it would/is supposed to. You can't blame them for being upset and loud...but the vast majority all got something that does exactly what it is supposed to (for the most part) so has no need to go on and on about it.
Ide do craigslist not ebay ide have to see it my friend at radio shack let me inspect 2 the first time and three the next they all had (dust ?) Under the screen . So I've got the best of five and have the issues mentioned above
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
All valid concerns. I don't think the phone has bad quality control, just some really minor stuff that perfectionists (xda-ists) notice. When you go to the store, ask them to take it out of the box and tell them you want to inspect the screen BEFORE it is activated. Don't let them tell you they can't power it up without activating it. That's not true. If you see it first, you can judge for yourself.
Here's a tip launch the camera app on 3d and cover the lens to make the screen black . The first one slipped bye because the Green specs where only visible on 3d weird I know . Didn't notice till I watched the stupid green lantern movie
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Thanks for the responses.
I plan to ask the sprint store to let me inspect the phone before activating. I should be able to check for dead pixels easily along with loose buttons. To be honest I can't even notice the tilted screen from the pictures posted here and I certainly didn't notice it on the evo 3d on display at the sprint store. I hope I get a good unit.
An awesome phone
I guess I'm lucky -- hardware-wise, my 3D seems perfect.
Firmware-wise, I could give you a list of (mostly minor) areas where IMHO the 3D is a step backward from the EVO 4G. However, I acquired my 4G only in January of this year, by which time HTC and Sprint must have ironed out most or all of the issues. With a few more OTA updates the 3D should be unstoppable.
For me, the speed of the new CPU and Sense 3.0 are reason enough to get the 3D. When you go to test the phone, check out the new weather app, for example -- sweet!
jasmithers said:
I guess I'm lucky -- hardware-wise, my 3D seems perfect.
Firmware-wise, I could give you a list of (mostly minor) areas where IMHO the 3D is a step backward from the EVO 4G. However, I acquired my 4G only in January of this year, by which time HTC and Sprint must have ironed out most or all of the issues. With a few more OTA updates the 3D should be unstoppable.
For me, the speed of the new CPU and Sense 3.0 are reason enough to get the 3D. When you go to test the phone, check out the new weather app, for example -- sweet!
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Yeah, I'm not too terribly worried about software issues. For that we have HTC which will probably address most issues with OTAs and also the great community here to offer further support.
I am on my second... First one was perfection except 3g reception was non-existent. This one has much better reception, but all the hard buttons are mushy and non responsive and the ****ing 2D/3D button rattles like a banshee. None of these were issues in first one. Looks like I am gonna chance a third try tomorrow.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Quality control on these phones is aweful. I've been through 3 in 4 days. I would have had my 4th today but I'm sick of returning phones. First phone took green pics. 2nd one took blotchy pics and the cameras were not even close to being centered properly and my 3rd and current one is having problems with the screen becoming unresponsive.
I was the first person in my town to own a EVO 4g and that phone was awesome from day one.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
I agree with what most of you guys have said. To add to that tho, I think with anything tech related, the people with problems are only a small minority, and because they do have problems they're gonna be the loudest, and that's all you'll ever hear esp. on a site like this. It's like eating out at a restaurant. I'm betting money that 9 times out of 10 you're more likely to go out of your way to write a novel online abt a restaurant you got horrible service from, than you are to even think abt reviewing the restaurant at all if you got average service. So I would say that you see more complaint threads because the majority of us with good EVO's don't start threads abt how average our EVO's are. Although if people do have legit problems, by all means they should be allowed to let the world know. It just sucks when their problems come from them being OCD, then it really is like a bad apple spoiling the barrel or however that saying goes.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Simply put if you get it you'd better check it out before you even leave the store. HTC's QC on this phone was absolutely terrible. How they managed to miss the tons of phones with tilted screens is beyond me.
i agree this tread
Optimus 3d have only battery problem= no problem
It seems like everyone at XDA has something in common. We are all OCD and we will find something wrong with almost everything.
To a normal person, not one issue here would have any effect on them or would they even know what we were talking about.

Poll: If you worked for Sprint, Best Buy, or RadioShack...

How many times would you allow a single customer to return an Evo3d before you finally said:
"Get the F**k out of my store, and don't let the door hit you in the ass?"
Because after listening to all these people complain, and talk about being on their 6th or 7th phone, I just gotta ask:
Hom much of this crap should a retailer have to put up with?
Just Curious.
Sent from my 3DeeVo
mazook98 said:
How many times would you allow a single customer to return an Evo3d before you finally said:
"Get the F**k out of my store, and don't let the door hit you in the ass?"
Because after listening to all these people complain, and talk about being on their 6th or 7th phone, I just gotta ask:
Hom much of this crap should a retailer have to put up with?
Just Curious.
Sent from my 3DeeVo
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would depend i would more then likely do it as often as i had to cause i wouldnt want to loose my job; but if i could depending on what the problem was. id get fed up and kick them out over a little light leakage and ****. i know people have OCD but get over it get some meds lol smoke a bowl something.
I just find it hard to believe your phone could be a defect after so many times. That is frickin ridiculous. I call BS on alot of them. I would lose my job real quick I can tell you that.
Sent from my 3rd Dimension of Evolution
mattfmartin said:
I just find it hard to believe your phone could be a defect after so many times. That is frickin ridiculous. I call BS on alot of them. I would lose my job real quick I can tell you that.
Sent from my 3rd Dimension of Evolution
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I not to ocd I have light leak paint missing from the captive buttons and a titled screen , I returned one and examined six in total and this was the best one so as picky as these guys are I'm not surprised
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
mattfmartin said:
I just find it hard to believe your phone could be a defect after so many times. That is frickin ridiculous. I call BS on alot of them. I would lose my job real quick I can tell you that.
Sent from my 3rd Dimension of Evolution
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+10. I would HATE to deal with EVO3D customers, because, for every one I was assigned to help, there would be a much higher probability that I would be losing my job that day.
"What's that you say? A dust speck?... Oh, no, wait...A dead PIXEL you say? And you've come back to return it HOW many times?"...
<<quick look around for heaviest, heavable gadget, and nearest escape route, after calculating amount of emergency $ saved. > >
Sent from my 3DeeVo
mcmikecruz1 said:
I not to ocd and I'm living with light leak paint missing from the captive buttons and a titled screen , I returned one and examined six in total and this was the best one so as picky as these guys are I'm not surprised
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How do you cope?
What would you consider the toughest part of your day?
When you were a child, did you ever imagine that this kind of thing could happen to you?
Sent from my 3DeeVo
mazook98 said:
How do you cope?
What would you consider the toughest part of your day?
When you were a child, did you ever imagine that this kind of thing could happen to you?
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Fuk off lol
Maybe I shouldn't if said living with
I have those issue and really don't care along with a warmer color screen than my friends our the one at my local sprint store . Like I said I'm not surprised
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
The true complaint I would be cool with is stuff under the screen and a dead pixel light leak peg get over it and tilted screen also get over it unless it effects the phone or something lol
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
I'd be okay with one phone return, maybe two (if both were legitimate reasons), but if you come in a 3rd time for the same phone then I'd probably hand you to another employee. If it's giving you that many problems, then you probably shouldn't be using an Android phone to begin with.
I worked at Best Buy and I never cared tbqh. My manager also never cared. Said it was the manufacturer's fault for having issues in the first place and it's better to just do the exchange so the customer will be happy.
I remember one guy got his EVO 4G replaced 6 times. I did the exchange for him each time, I didn't care as long as they were in their 30 days.
I think I would have to ask the person "Dude, you are on your >3rd phone. If you have so many problems, why do you keep buying it?"
I mean honestly, if you are so unlucky as to get 6-7 "defective" phones in a row, perhaps it is a sign from God you are not meant to have this phone. Get your money back and move the hell on. But before you move on, come on to XDA to ***** about it...then move on.
Honestly, I would never have more than 2 bad phones. First one...yeah, I can see it and I would exchange it. Second phone is bad...screw it, I would get my money back and wait for something else I like.
I've only returned my phone once. Only because it came shipped with a crack in the screen. Not cool. Stupid former employer. >_> (that would be UPS)
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I've been getting a new htc phone from sprint every year for as long as I can remember, 8 years?
Not one return or repair.
For my wife too.
mswlogo said:
I've been getting a new htc phone from sprint every year for as long as I can remember, 8 years?
Not one return or repair.
For my wife too.
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guess you didnt have a touch pro then huh? dear god those things were probably a financial disaster for all involved. loved it though!
Yeah I would have lost my job after the second return.. LOL
Dead Pixel - Exchanges Unlimited as this is a true defect
Major Light Leakage - Same as above
Other Major Issues - Crooked LCD, No Power, etc. - Same as above
Now on to the bull**** issues -
Very Minor Light Leakage - No exchange... Return if you wish or contact HTC
Dust - Unless the screen is totally blocked off.. Same as above
Screen not as big as 4g evo - Same as above
Battery die to fast - Its a dual core phone .. duhhh
My mom said its too expensive - Get the **** out the store
4G does not work everywhere - So use 3g
3D picture does not come out of the phone - Man **** this **** I quit after I slap u.
Yeah fire me already because it would not be pretty.
DomSim said:
guess you didnt have a touch pro then huh? dear god those things were probably a financial disaster for all involved. loved it though!
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+1. I had a touch pro. So many problems.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
So, you are all complaining about having something to do at work.....
It's called job security my friends.
The phone does appear to have some quality control issues such as dead pixels, screen crooked enough that it interferes with the blackout, and maybe a loose button here and there, BUT...
Unfortunately I've seen people returning the phone for what I believe are software issues that will be fixed with (hopefully the next) OTA. Things like the camera freezing, green tint in some camera shots, wifi signal dropping, and the phone going crazy when you plug something into the headphone jack are all software related and exchanging the phone will just land you another one with the same problems. In fact, some problems are intermittent so you may think the new one is fine and then somehow "broke" later. Even a weak radio signal and yellow screen could be software.
You can't expect the average consumer to know whether or not a problem is hardware or software though. To them, they were sold a product that simply doesn't work properly. So they take it back. They want it, but they want it to work, so they exchange it. That's not really a consumer issue: it's an issue for HTC. I'm not making light of software issues either, because those are interpreted as defects just like hardware problems. This is really an issue with HTC. IMHO, they released a product that was clearly not quite ready for prime time.
im a former radioshack employee and i gotta admit... these pplz come with the weirdest problems ever and the craziest stories to get them phones exchanged, mysefl im on my 3rd evo3d, my first one lost 4g completely, second one lost screen sensitivity and it was pressing letters by itself so im in my third one so far is good, so if they are within the 30 days i will exchange it as long as they have a real problem with it, one day i had a guy coming with the phone wanting an exchanged the phone was all scratched up and when we told him we cant cause of the scratches he said it wasnt his fault, that it was raining and the water scratched his phone lmaoooo ... see what i say lolz
I want whatever I spend my hard earned money on to work as expected to. Why should people settle for mediocre build design or software ? I don't care if I have to exchange an item 10 times, if I am paying for it and I'm within a return grace period, you bet I'm going to make sure I'm satisfied with my item.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App

quality build indeed

I spent about an hour tonight checking out the Amaze at my local tmo store and I was impressed with the feel and build quality. I compared it to the Samsung and while it's display was nice the rest of the phone left me wanting, the default dpi is way off (I'm not legally blind) and the UI was lacking as well. On the other hand Sense was not as bad as I thought it would be, I can feel ok knowing that HTC has stated that ICS will be released for my phone, where on the other hand Samsung has a poor track record on updates comparatively. The kicker is I can pick it up for 99 bucks through our corporate rep with no activation and a 10% discount on the monthly. Bye bye Optimus-T, hello Amaze 4G.
Also hoping for s-off soon which should allow for more ROMs.
zPacKRat said:
I spent about an hour tonight checking out the Amaze at my local tmo store and I was impressed with the feel and build quality. I compared it to the Samsung and while it's display was nice the rest of the phone left me wanting, the default dpi is way off (I'm not legally blind) and the UI was lacking as well. On the other hand Sense was not as bad as I thought it would be, I can feel ok knowing that HTC has stated that ICS will be released for my phone, where on the other hand Samsung has a poor track record on updates comparatively. The kicker is I can pick it up for 99 bucks through our corporate rep with no activation and a 10% discount on the monthly. Bye bye Optimus-T, hello Amaze 4G.
Also hoping for s-off soon which should allow for more ROMs.
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That is a very big trade up, hope you are enjoying your Amaze as much as the rest of us
Good choice.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
zPacKRat said:
I spent about an hour tonight checking out the Amaze at my local tmo store and I was impressed with the feel and build quality. I compared it to the Samsung and while it's display was nice the rest of the phone left me wanting, the default dpi is way off (I'm not legally blind) and the UI was lacking as well. On the other hand Sense was not as bad as I thought it would be, I can feel ok knowing that HTC has stated that ICS will be released for my phone, where on the other hand Samsung has a poor track record on updates comparatively. The kicker is I can pick it up for 99 bucks through our corporate rep with no activation and a 10% discount on the monthly. Bye bye Optimus-T, hello Amaze 4G.
Also hoping for s-off soon which should allow for more ROMs.
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You don't actually need S-Off.
You can flash any rom available for the Amaze 4G.
The only problem is that you may have to manually flash the kernel (boot.img) file.
Has anyone noticed any screen bleed from the capacitive buttons? I bought a slightly used one from the market to use on attand it has horrible screen bleed.
I wish I could send it in to htc for a replacement but I don't think they would allow it. Other than that the phone is basically new. It's a shame but guess I'll either keep it as a backup to my vivid or sell or trade it.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
donharden2002 said:
Has anyone noticed any screen bleed from the capacitive buttons? I bought a slightly used one from the market to use on attand it has horrible screen bleed.
I wish I could send it in to htc for a replacement but I don't think they would allow it. Other than that the phone is basically new. It's a shame but guess I'll either keep it as a backup to my vivid or sell or trade it.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
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Very well known already.
donharden2002 said:
Has anyone noticed any screen bleed from the capacitive buttons? I bought a slightly used one from the market to use on attand it has horrible screen bleed.
I wish I could send it in to htc for a replacement but I don't think they would allow it. Other than that the phone is basically new. It's a shame but guess I'll either keep it as a backup to my vivid or sell or trade it.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
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Use screen filter app.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
TheSneakerWhore said:
Use screen filter app.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
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Interesting.. SO the bleed comes from those buttons. Maybe HTC will release a patch to dim them a little. I have the Evo 3 and there is no screen bleed.
Htc makes really solid devices and ive been really happy with what ive seen but.. dunno how to say this
Htc make amazing devices and probably the best but they always have a flaw. Ive had:
touch pro 2- overall not that gr8
Nexus one - screen multitouch problem
Htc hd 2 - screen broke easily (atleast for me cuz i broke 3)
Htc mytouch 4g - actually that was the best phone as far as build quality ive seen (of all time)
Htc sensation - dust bunnies all over ...well everything to be honest
And now screen bleed from the buttons.
Maybe we should write a letter to htc and tell them to check their phones one more time before selling them.
Dont get me wrong regardless of those issues i still think that Htc makes the best phones.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA App
getrdy said:
Htc makes really solid devices and ive been really happy with what ive seen but.. dunno how to say this
Htc make amazing devices and probably the best but they always have a flaw. Ive had:
touch pro 2- overall not that gr8
Nexus one - screen multitouch problem
Htc hd 2 - screen broke easily (atleast for me cuz i broke 3)
Htc mytouch 4g - actually that was the best phone as far as build quality ive seen (of all time)
Htc sensation - dust bunnies all over ...well everything to be honest
And now screen bleed from the buttons.
Maybe we should write a letter to htc and tell them to check their phones one more time before selling them.
Dont get me wrong regardless of those issues i still think that Htc makes the best phones.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA App
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I'll take screen bleed over lack of long term support software-wise.
TheSneakerWhore said:
I'll take screen bleed over lack of long term support software-wise.
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Really you paid good money for this phone and would take 1 issue over another. It's people like you that encourage these OEM to not gave a damn about quality control . But HTC insist on pushing a multitude of devices every month trust me quality control is the last thing on their mind if it's even there to began with. Didn't mean to come out rude.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
trizzle21 said:
Really you paid good money for this phone and would take 1 issue over another. It's people like you that encourage these OEM to not gave a damn about quality control . But HTC insist on pushing a multitude of devices every month trust me quality control is the last thing on their mind if it's even there to began with. Didn't mean to come out rude.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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I wouldn't even call this screen bleed. The light comes from those buttons and not the lcd screen itself. I am sure it can be solved if they lower the brightness but either way it doesn't bother me. Disable the button light and you wouldn't see it.
rasstar said:
I wouldn't even call this screen bleed. The light comes from those buttons and not the lcd screen itself. I am sure it can be solved if they lower the brightness but either way it doesn't bother me. Disable the button light and you wouldn't see it.
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Yea I notice that too, plus my friend has actual light leakage around corners of the screen.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
trizzle21 said:
Really you paid good money for this phone and would take 1 issue over another. It's people like you that encourage these OEM to not gave a damn about quality control . But HTC insist on pushing a multitude of devices every month trust me quality control is the last thing on their mind if it's even there to began with. Didn't mean to come out rude.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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Hate to shatter your tiny rose-colored world, but nothing in life is perfect. No matter how much you spend on something, it inherently has flaws [see:luxury items]. Find me one (1) perfect, tangible, man-made object that will get physical use, and I will buy you a rock to throw through the walls of a glass house.
Just one.
TheSneakerWhore said:
Hate to shatter your tiny rose-colored world, but nothing in life is perfect. No matter how much you spend on something, it inherently has flaws [see:luxury items]. Find me one (1) perfect, tangible, man-made object that will get physical use, and I will buy you a rock to throw through the walls of a glass house.
Just one.
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"That will do" is your moto i asume? Next time you are spending 500 bucks think about it.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA App
getrdy said:
"That will do" is your moto i asume? Next time you are spending 500 bucks think about it.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA App
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Again, find me something perfect--you can't. TBBH, it is just a phone--$500 is a lot of money to you? I'd hate to think of the hell you will raise once you can afford to spend $180k for a house, and it doesn't wipe your @ss for you.
And yes, life is about settling for the things that make you happy, as well as get a job done.
TheSneakerWhore said:
Again, find me something perfect--you can't. TBBH, it is just a phone--$500 is a lot of money to you? I'd hate to think of the hell you will raise once you can afford to spend $180k for a house, and it doesn't wipe your @ss for you.
And yes, life is about settling for the things that make you happy, as well as get a job done.
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Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
I think this phone is the best built i have ever had, and thats coming from two moto devices. I love this phone!
TheSneakerWhore said:
Again, find me something perfect--you can't. TBBH, it is just a phone--$500 is a lot of money to you? I'd hate to think of the hell you will raise once you can afford to spend $180k for a house, and it doesn't wipe your @ss for you.
And yes, life is about settling for the things that make you happy, as well as get a job done.
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Really?? Thats your example? No i would not expect my house to whipe my @ss but i would like it to have windows... And regardless of how much money you make 500 bucks means something.
Htc/Samsung/Motorola make really good phones and we pay a good amout of money for them but lately the have been halfassing on the quality control and thats not good. We have to tell them to fix it because we are the final consumer.
Im pretty sure that if there was no screen bleed we wouldve found something else to be unsatisfied about but this is xda. We are here to improve the user experience and in order to do that we cant think like you.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA App
Back to the reason I started this thread, After 4 days with my Amaze I have to say I love it, my Optimus-T feels like a toy in comparison now. I do however notice the bleed from the capacitive buttons and would like to be able to set a time out regardless of lighting situation, which would take care of any real complaints since you would most likely only notice it while viewing some sort of media.

Camera WONT focus..

Just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues? My phone is brand new and has never been dropped. It's like the camera will NEVER focus for taking pictures. It makes the sound like it's focusing but still stays blurry no matter zoomed or not.
Any ideas or suggestions?
A few members suggested trying this as a possible fix:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2306462 Camera not auto-focussing - Possible fix
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
girlygirl00 said:
A few members suggested trying this as a possible fix:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2306462 Camera not auto-focussing - Possible fix
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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That didn't fix anything for me. I finally e-mailed HTC and this was their response which also did not fix anything.
Safe Mode
1. Please turn off the phone.
2. Then briefly press the Power button to turn on the phone.
3. While the phone powers on, press and hold the Volume down button until phone loads the OS and "Safe Mode" should appear on the lower left part of the screen.
After you put it in safe mode, try using your phone, if it works perfectly, then the problem may be caused by an application your phone. Which you will need to remove the applications one by one to see which one is causing the issue. If the issue persists, please reply to this email so we can further troubleshoot and have this issue solved.
All I know is I'm about ready to sell/return this HTC One and go get the Galaxy S4. My S3 treated me fine and the camera was far superior.
Was told it's a software issue and the update isn't expected for at least a month. So until then I have a $600 phone with a useless camera. Returning this and going to the S4. Not sure why I doubted it when I loved my S3. Figured I would give HTC a try again from my Sensation 4G days but what a waste of time. I can say the build quality of the phone along with the screen were definitely the things that attracted me.
What about an exchange, since you just got it? Did you get it in store? If so .. you could test out the one they exchange it for while at the store. Mine works awesome, and many others are very happy with theirs. So it sounds like you got a lemon camera. And we all know there are some bad ones in all the phone models.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
girlygirl00 said:
What about an exchange, since you just got it? Did you get it in store? If so .. you could test out the one they exchange it for while at the store. Mine works awesome, and many others are very happy with theirs. So it sounds like you got a lemon camera. And we all know there are some bad ones in all the phone models.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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True. I actually returned it and went with the S4. I'll give HTC another shot once their next big phone comes out. I did find myself missing a bigger screen also. It may be lacking a few PPI compared to the One but it's just as nice. Thanks for the kind words guys.
Chicago281 said:
Was told it's a software issue and the update isn't expected for at least a month. So until then I have a $600 phone with a useless camera. Returning this and going to the S4. Not sure why I doubted it when I loved my S3. Figured I would give HTC a try again from my Sensation 4G days but what a waste of time. I can say the build quality of the phone along with the screen were definitely the things that attracted me.
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I see that you already returned the One. But I do not see how it could have been a software issue. If you were stock, you should have had build 1.27.531!8. I have that build and my focus works fine. Sounds like you should have exchanged it because it was clearly defective. Too late now, though.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for repeating our conclusion from three days ago. lol
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
girlygirl00 said:
Thanks for repeating our conclusion from three days ago. lol
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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Sometimes repetition aids in understanding.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Chicago281 said:
Just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues? My phone is brand new and has never been dropped. It's like the camera will NEVER focus for taking pictures. It makes the sound like it's focusing but still stays blurry no matter zoomed or not.
Any ideas or suggestions?
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In my phone this strongly correlates with heat. Once the phone gets hot from being at high brightness or doing something graphically intensive it will not focus. Sometimes you can get it to work by giving it a sharp slap or pressing gently on the glass in front of the camera. If you let it cool down for a few minutes then it works. But it is definitely a physical problem.
I'm having the same issues. My first HTC One was fine but had a power issue so it was replaced with this one that will now not focus. I contacted HTC and T-Mobile and was told that there would be a software update in the future to fix the issue but there are no specified dates. I asked T-Mobile if they could exchange it since it's only 2 months old and was told I would have to wait on an upgrade or purchase at full price. I'm really not pleased about any of this.

