Sort this out!!!! - XPERIA X10 Android Development

Come on mods maybe you should help sort out the problem with Rendeiro and Emir Arke, this must be in your remit, these are two good hard working members of our community, its not right, sort it out. (No doubt you will close this thread). Can other members please note your support in this thread enough is enough.
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I'm going to steal your thread now and open my own with the same title.

briandevlin said:
Come on mods maybe you should help sort out the problem with Rendeiro and Emir Arke, this must be in your remit, these are two good hard working members of our community, its not right, sort it out. (No doubt you will close this thread). Can other members please not your support in this thread enough is enough.
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Good initiative Brian, but this may just be the wrong place to post this...

briandevlin said:
Come on mods maybe you should help sort out the problem with Rendeiro and Emir Arke, this must be in your remit, these are two good hard working members of our community, its not right, sort it out. (No doubt you will close this thread). Can other members please not your support in this thread enough is enough.
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Ye agree 10000000000% the mods should be seen to be doing something, we need these Guy's effort.
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javagreen said:
I'm going to steal your thread now and open my own with the same title.
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They need to sort it out because it is causing lots of people inconvenience.
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The best way is to PM the mods themselves.
Nominated for lock.
EDIT : Also, it's not the mods problem, those guys are the ones who need to solve their problems THEMSELVES. All the mods do is moderating the forums, nothing else, they are not into personal problems of the members.

Hzu said:
The best way is to PM the mods themselves.
Nominated for lock.
EDIT : Also, it's not the mods problem, those guys are the ones who need to solve their problems THEMSELVES. All the mods do is moderating the forums, nothing else, they are not into personal problems of the members.
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Nominated for lock, what sort of a fool are you, nobody is asking you ANYTHING, I agree with op so why say anything when you have NOTHING to say.
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You are the one who is acting foolish here. This is not the mods' job. They don't deal with personal problems of the members. Why do I have to repeat it?
And yes, nobody is asking me anything, you're the one who said and concludes that.
I hate to repeat this but... here goes nothing:-
THIS is what I have to say, I won't bother replying to this thread if I don't have anything to say.

Hzu said:
You are the one who is acting foolish here. This is not the mods' job. They don't deal with personal problems of the members. Why do I have to repeat it?
And yes, nobody is asking me anything, you're the one who said and concludes that.
I hate to repeat this but... here goes nothing:-
THIS is what I have to say, I won't bother replying to this thread if I don't have anything to say.
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I would rather that you do not remark further as I think your manner is likely to start trouble.
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Yes, I thought so too. But I still stand by what I said, it's the best way if you want the mods to notice.
It's up to you.

Ok, we have noticed this situation and will act accordingly. I will encourage all members to continue their daily activities and move on. We are hoping also that these 2 great guys and contributors can solve this issue in the upcoming days.
I will flag this to the moderation team and see what we can do.

Mr. Clown said:
Ok, we have noticed this situation and will act accordingly. I will encourage all members to continue their daily activities and move on. We are hoping also that these 2 great guys and contributors can solve this issue in the upcoming days.
I will flag this to the moderation team and see what we can do.
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im on with discussions now


[ANGRY] Stop flaming developers

Ok, I've had it with some of you. To me, it seems most of you spend your day flaming our dear developers. As soon as they make one little mistake, you rage on them till your heart's content.
Yesterday, nobdyAtall made a little mistake of not including a certain system file in the CWM and some flamed him for it. So what that some of us (me included) had to flash with SEUS and start all over?
You need to stop flaming the developers and complaining. Unless you donate to them, you aren't entitled to anything. If you dislike the ROM or whatever it may be, then don't use it anymore. We don't care if you dislike it and you don't need to share that piece of irrelevant information with us. They spend their day making sure their ROMs work well, and there are always bugs to encounter, even though a ROM seems flawless.
I know these forums are rarely moderated, and because of this we need to sto posting senseless **** (Even me, I know). The main purpose of a ROM's thread, is to post bugs and general questions, and not just say "omg dis roms greeeeet"
I realize now that this was posted in the Development section. My bad.
I agree
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Oh, he snapped. But I agree. They have to stop overreacting on this kind of matter like you said regarding the CWM thing. Sure the developer made a little mistake but it's not a reason to flame the developer so badly. It's not like he/she destroyed your phone anyways. But what can we do? I'm sure after all these things, there's some people who never learn. Just tossing my opinion.
Sorry for terrible english
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o2gulo said:
Oh, he snapped. But I agree. They have to stop overreacting on this kind of matter like you said regarding the CWM thing. Sure the developer made a little mistake but it's not a reason to flame the developer so badly. It's not like he/she destroyed your phone anyways. But what can we do? I'm sure after all these things, there's some people who never learn. Just tossing my opinion.
Sorry for terrible english
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You're right, nobody's prefect. Erare humanum est.
+1.....I agree.....
Cadeo said:
I agree
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Lol at that, i think im gonna steal it
The dev sections the best place to post this because its where most of the flamers lurk. I hope that people read this thread before they start throwing their toys out of their cots and spitting there dummies out! I don't have anything useful to add except for respect to all the devs for putting up with the tards and babies while still sharing their hard work!
christophermaisch said:
The dev sections the best place to post this because its where most of the flamers lurk. I hope that people read this thread before they start throwing their toys out of their cots and spitting there dummies out! I don't have anything useful to add except for respect to all the devs for putting up with the tards and babies while still sharing their hard work!
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I agree with your every word. I would of posted this in the appropriate section but I forgot where I was.
Theshawty said:
You're right, nobody's prefect. Erare humanum est.
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You're right, you're human. In fact, it's Errare.
teorouge said:
You're right, you're human. In fact, it's Errare.
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Ah well, my bad. Another example of us not being perfect, eh?
Theshawty said:
Ah well, my bad. Another example of us not being perfect, eh?
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I agree this 100%, it's not normal the post of some
I frankly don't understand why did anyone flash the ClockWork recovery now when there are absolutely no roms to be flashed & all the current ones need xrecovery.
Kulik said:
I frankly don't understand why did anyone flash the ClockWork recovery now when there are absolutely no roms to be flashed & all the current ones need xrecovery.
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froyocomb 1.4 needs CW
oh right...i forgot it's not exclusively for mini...
nobody is perfect, nobodyAtall is.
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DAXGr said:
nobody is perfect, nobodyAtall is.
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Lol, very true. There were also cases of ppl repeatedly asking for ETA for minicm 7 2.0.1 and bugging nobodyatall for camera fix.
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Alright...I think you have a valid point. Use the report post function, and any flames will be handled in short order. Better yet, send Mr. Clown or me a pm. My infraction hammer is ready.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
And from now on, more order is in place.
Sent from my X10mini using XDA App

JayKay for unnamed 2.0 exist?

Anyone know by chance? Thanks!!
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no and this thread is pointless because its been brought up a few times in the unnamed thread
Nick281051 said:
no and this thread is pointless because its been brought up a few times in the unnamed thread
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youre pointless for responding to it then
mmtrago said:
youre pointless for responding to it then
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I answered the question didn't I? I also gave some advice so no it wasn't pointless.
mmtrago said:
youre pointless for responding to it then
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No, his response has a point cause it will inform people who don't know( like yourself).
theres only three people i like around here..gtg..jivy and entropy..the rest of you just answer questions like jerks cause you think you contribute so much but you really dont and you just **** on the new people...this includes the people that run this site as well
I have a dream...... That we'll all get along. Approved by Martin Luther King.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I see and impending closing of this thread. XD.
Let's keep it alive by spreading more hate (Now that was a pointless post)
I don't try to make it seem like I contribute a lot. I just answer questions to the best of my ability because I don't know how to theme/dev I'm not ****ting on new guys
This explains why I said what I said in my first statement:
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mmtrago said:
theres only three people i like around here..gtg..jivy and entropy..the rest of you just answer questions like jerks cause you think you contribute so much but you really dont and you just **** on the new people...this includes the people that run this site as well
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this meaningless derp supposed to be a "contribution????" if all that is "contributed is peace of mind for a few, than its far more than any of your posts good sir. this is not a bashing / flaming board. please check your disposition towards our fellow members
what? the only people you like here are ROM devs? you make me laugh at you
You all sound like a bunch of nagging women.... Just saying
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Amplified said:
what? the only people you like here are ROM devs? you make me laugh at you
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I've always known Entropy more for his Kernel.
Gotta thank Zedomax too, he contributed quite a bit with his root walk-through.
I don't understand how this thread is still open.
My understanding was it was [Q] "Does JKay mod work on UnNamed 2.0.0?" [A] "No, its been answered, search before asking"
Based on that layout this belongs in Q/A anyway
How did it all turn into a **** storm??
AntwanL said:
I've always known Entropy more for his Kernel.
Gotta thank Zedomax too, he contributed quite a bit with his root walk-through.
I don't understand how this thread is still open.
My understanding was it was [Q] "Does JKay mod work on UnNamed 2.0.0?" [A] "No, its been answered, search before asking"
Based on that layout this belongs in Q/A anyway
How did it all turn into a **** storm??
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People get offended when you tell them to look before creating threads
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mmtrago said:
theres only three people i like around here..gtg..jivy and entropy..the rest of you just answer questions like jerks cause you think you contribute so much but you really dont and you just **** on the new people...this includes the people that run this site as well
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Says the master of all contributors on this site, with your 59 posts. Get a life and go back to reading instead of posting. Obviously you have no clue what goes on here.
What is jaykay?
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mmtrago said:
theres only three people i like around here..gtg..jivy and entropy..the rest of you just answer questions like jerks cause you think you contribute so much but you really dont and you just **** on the new people...this includes the people that run this site as well
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Cool, infraction given for flaming.
Thread also closed due to... well a number of things, but most importantly we dont need another one of these threads since this topic has been brought up several times in the UnNamed thread in the Development forum.

Help - Noob installed ROM and no voice on S2

Accepted that I am really a fool. I installed a new ICS ROM on my AT&T Galaxy S2 and now when I make or receive calls, I get no voice!!!!.
I must have bricked this phone...
Can some good soul help this noob to fix it back!!!. If you need me to reinstall Stock ROM, then I do not have that....
I would greatly appreciate a step by step and links to fix this.
Thank You
phoneman108 said:
Accepted that I am really a fool. I installed a new ICS ROM on my AT&T Galaxy S2 and now when I make or receive calls, I get no voice!!!!.
I must have bricked this phone...
Can some good soul help this noob to fix it back!!!. If you need me to reinstall Stock ROM, then I do not have that....
I would greatly appreciate a step by step and links to fix this.
Thank You
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1st question. why wouldnt you follow the rules and make a nandroid backup? because if you did, you wouldnt be having this issue.
2nd question. why wouldnt you give the necessary information as to what you flashed and from where?
its almost impossible to help you out when you give no information. you also havent bricked your phone if you can turn it on still.
This is what happens when you put the cart before the horse.
More info on what you did so we can:
figure out your problem for you
showed you where you went wrong
make fun of you
try and help you fix it
here man this is all q and a you need
hey man i am sorry to hear that you are having trouble. You are having enough trouble and you come in here for help then you get two replys above me. Thats just sad. You can imagine just if you was starving and you asked them to give you $.
i thing this link will help you. try it i did same thing long time ago and this solved my in call sound.
basically all you have to do is download and flash it with cwm.
most likely u didnt flash a I777 modem
Terminator12 said:
hey man i am sorry to hear that you are having trouble. You are having enough trouble and you come in here for help then you get two replys above me. Thats just sad. You can imagine just if you was starving and you asked them to give you $.
i thing this link will help you. try it i did same thing long time ago and this solved my in call sound.
basically all you have to do is download and flash it with cwm.
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No, that won't work.
The rules of XDA are clear - Search before posting, never post before reading the FAQ.
Not flashing anything until you have done research is just plain common sense.
How to flash I9100 firmwares, and WHICH ones can be flashed, is covered in the FAQ topic. The original poster CLEARLY did not read the FAQ.
Assuming that you're still on the ICS depends on what exactly you flashed but this could be the solution. Flash the correct modified kernel based on what base ICS ROM you flashed(if you don't know then look at settings->about phone). You will then need to flash a correct i777 modem as well(depends if it is Samsung or AOSP based). Without knowing more about what you flashed I can't really help you further.
Possible kernels:
Terminator12 said:
hey man i am sorry to hear that you are having trouble reading. You are having enough trouble reading and you come in here for help then you get two awesome replys above me. Thats just sad that you can not read. You can imagine just if you was starving and there are signs warning you not to eat poison but yet you do not read the sign and still eat it.
i thing this link will help you. try it i did same thing long time ago and this solved my problems of not reading.
basically all you have to do is READ.
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10 characters
Entropy512 said:
No, that won't work.
The rules of XDA are clear - Search before posting, never post before reading the FAQ.
Not flashing anything until you have done research is just plain common sense.
How to flash I9100 firmwares, and WHICH ones can be flashed, is covered in the FAQ topic. The original poster CLEARLY did not read the FAQ.
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He is admiting he made mistake ok. I do aprreciate you and all you done for us entropy but he is learning hard way. Hopefully he will learn from mistake. If someone is asking for help in my eyes we should help him not like most of us on here use that to argue or tell then few good words. Just help its not hard.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Terminator12 said:
He is admiting he made mistake ok. I do aprreciate you and all you done for us entropy but he is learning hard way. Hopefully he will learn from mistake. If someone is asking for help in my eyes we should help him not like most of us on here use that to argue or tell then few good words. Just help its not hard.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Its not hard to read either, but apparently its easier to spoonfeed than to read THE STICKY THREAD THAT HAS ALL THE INFORMATION AND LINKS THAT HE NEEDED.
I dont know why its so hard for some people...
Red5 said:
Its not hard to read either, but apparently its easier to spoonfeed than to read THE STICKY THREAD THAT HAS ALL THE INFORMATION AND LINKS THAT HE NEEDED.
I dont know why its so hard for some people...
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Red5 you use this site in really wrong way. You banned my friend for no reason no warning. Is that how mods should be around here most of them are like robots you make mistake you ban. Trust me no one comes in here to cause trouble its just that we are different each and everyone of us.
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Terminator12 said:
Red5 you use this site in really wrong way. You banned my friend for no reason no warning. Is that how mods should be around here most of them are like robots you make mistake you ban. Trust me no one comes in here to cause trouble its just that we are different each and everyone of us.
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Dont know what you're talking about, I cant ban people. If a person gets enough infractions then the higher ups ban people because they cant follow the rules. All infractions are looked at then double looked at, so if your friend got banned, then he deserved it.
Terminator12 said:
Red5 you use this site in really wrong way. You banned my friend for no reason no warning. Is that how mods should be around here most of them are like robots you make mistake you ban. Trust me no one comes in here to cause trouble its just that we are different each and everyone of us.
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I think you have the wrong attitude here. Yes, it's good to help people that KNOW how to help themselves. But when they blatantly ignore all the help already available they become more of a nuisance than any real development of this forum. I'm sorry If that seems a bit harsh. But this place was not started to spoon feed people that don't know what they are doing. It's been stated time and time again. This is NOT a help desk forum. Respect the rules, respect the mods and above all READ THE STICKIES!!!
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mfreywald said:
I think you have the wrong attitude here. Yes, it's good to help people that KNOW how to help themselves. But when they blatantly ignore all the help already available they become more of a nuisance than any real development of this forum. I'm sorry If that seems a bit harsh. But this place was not started to spoon feed people that don't know what they are doing. It's been stated time and time again. This is NOT a help desk forum. Respect the rules, respect the mods and above all READ THE STICKIES!!!
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Terminator12 said:
Red5 you use this site in really wrong way. You banned my friend for no reason no warning.
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Your "friend" = You
wonner said:
Your "friend" = You
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Yep, more than likely the case.
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Some of this junk in here should not have cells or comps they looking hard how to be XDA bi..h.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Terminator12 said:
Some of this junk in here should not have cells or comps they looking hard how to be XDA bi..h.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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Did that make any sense to anyone?
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mfreywald said:
Did that make any sense to anyone?
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Yea... he censored the last word.
No, I got that part, I kind of meant the whole thing. Is he calling US junk? And are WE trying to be XDA b'tches? Red please close this thread its no longer productive nor necessary.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium

Willing to Help I'm a new member to this forum, but have been browsing it for at least a few months now; since having gotten my GSII (I777) in October. I'm not much into programming but am willing to give my honest (and in my opinion tasteful opinion) if anyone needs a tester for certain things; themes, what have you. I'm new, but willing to help out any developers or anything who need some help in this category. Cus I've got some time to devote, I figured I'd offer. Take care everyone!
VanillaCracker said: I'm a new member to this forum, but have been browsing it for at least a few months now; since having gotten my GSII (I777) in October. I'm not much into programming but am willing to give my honest (and in my opinion tasteful opinion) if anyone needs a tester for certain things; themes, what have you. I'm new, but willing to help out any developers or anything who need some help in this category. Cus I've got some time to devote, I figured I'd offer. Take care everyone!
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You really felt the need to make a thread about this?
Nick281051 said:
You really felt the need to make a thread about this?
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And double-posted it. Not very helpful or respectful.
Miami_Son said:
And double-posted it. Not very helpful or respectful.
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He was so willling that he wanted to let us know twice
Wow you guys felt the need to bust his chops..
What a bunch of asshats.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
Yeah, that's how this forum rolls, a bunch of mean people...
So it would seem.. He's just trying to be helpful..
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Stevenrogers_420 said:
Wow you guys felt the need to bust his chops..
What a bunch of asshats.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Because it is totally unnecessary. What if everyone started threads like these? We would have a million to wade through. That's why we're being "asshats." I wish people wouldn't go right to name calling when neither Miami nor I did anything wrong.
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Stevenrogers_420 said:
So it would seem.. He's just trying to be helpful..
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How is it helpful to start not one, but two basically useless threads just to say, "Here I am!" If you want to help and can, then just do it instead of trying to make yourself look like the forum's savior. There is a forum for introductions because they don't belong anywhere else.
Man you guys have serious issues..
The reason I went right to name calling is that is exactly how your behaving. You don't want his help then shut the **** up and let it pass.
You wanna be moderators need to get a hobby...
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How else is someone going to make it known that he wants to help besides making a thread? Go through messaging all the developers and message random people he may think could start developing? Oh and by the way... If anyone wants a mirror to some file i'd be happy to upload to my dropbox and give a link. Just to help out..
Stevenrogers_420 said:
Man you guys have serious issues..
The reason I went right to name calling is that is exactly how your behaving. You don't want his help then shut the **** up and let it pass.
You wanna be moderators need to get a hobby...
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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No actually we aren't wanna be moderators, they have enough work. We just try to lessen their load. Posts likr this simply should not be made. Yeah the cursing really gets your point across. Nice job there dude.
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obtained said:
How else is someone going to make it known that he wants to help besides making a thread? Go through messaging all the developers and message random people he may think could start developing? Oh and by the way... If anyone wants a mirror to some file i'd be happy to upload to my dropbox and give a link. Just to help out..
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They don't. If the developers offer it that's all well and great and if you ask in their thread has usually okay too but making a thread is simply not necessary.
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Nick281051 said:
They don't. If the developers offer it that's all well and great and if you ask in their thread has usually okay too but making a thread is simply not necessary.
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I understand it's not entirely necessary. but why not? I just read all the rules and there's absolutely nothing that says anything against this thread. The rules do mention things against what has been said about the guy starting this thread. And rule #10 seems to make starting this thread perfectly ok, right?
You want to help? Then find a thread where you have expertise or desire and post in it. Starting one of these threads is unnecessary and starting two just shows how clueless you are. I won't even comment on the racial undertones of his member name.
Alright folks...
Yes, he shouldn't have posted this in a new thread, and certainly not twice. However, XDA is a place for CIVIL discourse.
We can politely point out his error, then report the thread for a Mod and move on. All the junk that follows is nearly as bad as the OP.
Simply ignoring bad posts/threads is a lot easier than flaming the OP then flaming each other.
Now let's all move on...
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Ugh. I understand the OP was just trying to be helpful and thats commendable, but its not necessary to make a thread about it. At the very lest, a post can be made in the rom/kernel threads donating his time to help.
Trolls be trollin...

[Rant]best this that etc

Can we stop with the questions along this line.
Best is subjective, what suits one person will not necessarily match someone else. You may as well substitute favorite with best.
It's like shoes, even though we have the same basic feet, how we use them is different, therefore the best shoes for me are not best for you.
Our neo/v are the same, not all silicon chips are the same, even though they may be manufactured the same way so some of us can oc to 1600+ with no issues others will get reboots, they all meet the same average performance, but not the same max or minimum, its also true of tweaks and init scripts for the same reason, as even though the software is the same the hardware capabilities are not.
Btw I'm a boot person......
Most threads with best in the title are just after donations, as the chef clearly doesn't understand the above.
Just remember this next time you see best in the title........
Sent from my MT11i using XDA
Agree with you there about the concept of best,but I don't see much of a problem like each chef claiming his is the best & argue or something in Neo forums
No intention to argue, just we've had a surge in posts asking what is best. Just wanted to post to clarify that best is subjective.
I've edited the 1st as it was a little inflammatory.
Sent from my MT11i using XDA
mpiekp said:
No intention to argue, just we've had a surge in posts asking what is best. Just wanted to post to clarify that best is subjective.
I've edited the 1st as it was a little inflammatory.
Sent from my MT11i using XDA
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you should've kept that line about best in thread title,it is true and I've seen few guys spamming like that with just modifying few apps and upping a rom and asking for donations.I think that is disgusting
And i'm a flash junkie.
Sharing what i have mod during my free time with others.
Lately it has become my hobby.
Even that i am not getting/asking for any payments/donations, at least pay with some respects.
Here are an exact person that i would like to specify:
darky22 said:
same with me , stuck there .... dev provide solution
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darky22 said:
Dev sucks,useless
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Where are this guy manner??
Sounds like he give me a paycheck every month. lol
Sorry if it was off-topic or post on the wrong thread, don't want to open a new one.
sent from my digital typewriter
Nah this can be a let off steam thread
But no one else has said what shoes they prefer......
Sent from my MT11i using XDA
emannxperia said:
And i'm a flash junkie.
Sharing what i have mod during my free time with others.
Lately it has become my hobby.
Even that i am not getting/asking for any payments/donations, at least pay with some respects.
Here are an exact person that i would like to specify:
Where are this guy manner??
Sounds like he give me a paycheck every month. lol
Sorry if it was off-topic or post on the wrong thread, don't want to open a new one.
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Some forget were not sony
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mpiekp said:
Nah this can be a let off steam thread
But no one else has said what shoes they prefer......
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Just shocking to find a person like that.
And the steam is off..
kormatoes said:
Some forget were not sony
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I am number 1001 to hit yours..
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emannxperia said:
And i'm a flash junkie.
Sharing what i have mod during my free time with others.
Lately it has become my hobby.
Even that i am not getting/asking for any payments/donations, at least pay with some respects.
Here are an exact person that i would like to specify:
Where are this guy manner??
Sounds like he give me a paycheck every month. lol
Sorry if it was off-topic or post on the wrong thread, don't want to open a new one.
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stop providing any help for ppl like this mate,no appreciation what so ever
mpiekp said:
Can we stop with the questions along this line.
Just remember this next time you see best in the title........
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u kicked some butt there mate..
that guy still left you speechless... the 2.0 oc guy..
Originally Posted by emannxperia
And i'm a flash junkie.
Sharing what i have mod during my free time with others.
Lately it has become my hobby.
Even that i am not getting/asking for any payments/donations, at least pay with some respects.
Here are an exact person that i would like to specify:
Where are this guy manner??
Sounds like he give me a paycheck every month. lol
Sorry if it was off-topic or post on the wrong thread, don't want to open a new one.
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stop providing any help for ppl like this mate,no appreciation what so ever
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That too couldn't be done mate...bcoz these fellows are part of the mob...and they will get the same thing that others thing would be to give few warnings and then forfeit the membership ...of course this could be done by the moderator only...but this is my suggestion ...I have seen many posts from members with same disgusting attitude.
Sent from my MT11i using XDA
unisol107 said:
That too couldn't be done mate...bcoz these fellows are part of the mob...and they will get the same thing that others thing would be to give few warnings and then forfeit the membership ...of course this could be done by the moderator only...but this is my suggestion ...I have seen many posts from members with same disgusting attitude.
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I suggested when questions like this are asked stop giving any respond to these sort of members.Just hit the report button and ignore these guys & let the moderator take care of them
unisol107 said:
That too couldn't be done mate...bcoz these fellows are part of the mob...and they will get the same thing that others thing would be to give few warnings and then forfeit the membership ...of course this could be done by the moderator only...but this is my suggestion ...I have seen many posts from members with same disgusting attitude.
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That would just a waste of moderator time, monitoring every posts. Maybe open a new thread, like krom does in his thread.
'hall of shame' thread. lol
Any bad attitude will be post there, and it will stay there until 'apology
accepted'. It will be a good reminder to others too on how to behave in our xda community.
Just a suggestion..
sent from my digital typewriter
emannxperia said:
That would just a waste of moderator time, monitoring every posts. Maybe open a new thread, like krom does in his thread.
'hall of shame' thread. lol
Any bad attitude will be post there, and it will stay there until 'apology
accepted'. It will be a good reminder to others too on how to behave in our xda community.
Just a suggestion..
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and by creating a new thread for misbehaviour will also help the moderator to keep vigil at one place just by looking those posts and the offenders...this is the best solution if the miscreants have any sense of selfrespect...they themselves will apologize.
unisol107 said:
and by creating a new thread for misbehaviour will also help the moderator to keep vigil at one place just by looking those posts and the offenders...this is the best solution if the miscreants have any sense of selfrespect...they themselves will apologize.
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Totally agree with you.
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Name and shame best way we get them in our thread we repost it in first post till they stop commenting or say soz only way
Sent from my Xperia neo using xda premium
Korm...... I liked that idea....!!!
Any bad attitude must be weeded out and
"the hall of shame"thread is perfect for the situation!
Btw it would be indeed good way to keep such ill mannered people from posting crap!
If someone implements it.....
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Fitting to raise this thread one last time, my comments are still valid, my contact is complete so off to pastures new.....
Thanks to those, who I have worked with or whose work I've used.
Emman keep up the great work
Sent from my MT11i using xda app-developers app
This is superb.. i mean as the number of members on xda is increasing, crap is increasing too with it.. the noobs should be greatfull to our senior members, who keep their calm and answer the same question 1000 times.. and give the best they can.. still some blame them for fu*king their cell phones.. help them and hear them yelling at us too.. what the hell??:banghead:
This is a good idea bro..:thumbup:
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