[Q] Possible Brick; RSD won't work; Help? - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Alright here goes
So my question is, what options do i have? I can't access any recovery options (Fastboot, android recovery, etc) and my RSD lite wont connect.
Short Story
Every time i try to boot my Atrix (after trying to update CherryPi), I get the Failed to boot 2, Starting RSD mode. Unfortunately, when I plug my phone into a computer RSD doesn't see it. It's like its not even phased.
Long Story
Okay, so I got my atrix not too long ago. Got my phone rooted at proceeded to use gingerblur. Then shortly there after, I attempted to upgrade to the Gingerbread OTA update, which got me stuck in a boot loop. (Now I'm a little confused, I don't think that I have unlocked my phone at all. I don't ever recall "unlocked" being on the boot screen at all). From this point I don't think RSD was working. I spent about a week trying to get it to work. Then I was able to fastboot flash the stock img files for gingerbread to my phone. So now I had a working gingerbread atrix. I sat stock for a little while, figgured out how to root via fastboot (again, no rsd support at this point). After I was rooted I installed CherryPi 0.3 via CWM. It worked great, a couple of days later I went to do the CherryPi 0.X > 0.5 and it flashed with CWM "successfully" got to the AT&T logo on bootup and then crashed and has been giving me the failed to boot 2.
I hope i've given you guys enough info. If any of you super hackers live in San Diego, I'd be more then willing to bring my phone over for you to figure out. So I just really need to know what my options are. If I take it back to AT&T will they likely give me a new one? (I'm good at playing dumb). I traded my phone originally so I don't know what kind of warranty is in place. Can I contact Motorola and get a new handset? Just looking for suggestions.
Thanks guys

Have you tried to reinstall the motorola driver?

Yes, when I first "lost" RSD support and since the current "Failed to boot 2" message.
It has the flash interface when I plug it in, but the motorola software dosent see it, same with RSD. just like nothing is plugged in.

Why not put it into fastboot mode when it reboots and then flash a different file?

phobos512 said:
Why not put it into fastboot mode when it reboots and then flash a different file?
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It won't boot into any other mode, upon putting the battery in, it shows the dual core logo for about 1.5-2 seconds that pops up the "Failed to boot 2" message and starting RSD mode.

Judging by your first post u mentioned that u never unlocked your boot loader, unless I'm reading this wrong. These ROMS weren't meant to be flashed with the Bootstrapped version of CWM (The one that requires u to be plugged in to AC power) so not sure if that sheds any light on the subject or not. Again, if I read your post wrong, I apologize.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App

Phalanx7621 said:
Judging by your first post u mentioned that u never unlocked your boot loader, unless I'm reading this wrong. These ROMS weren't meant to be flashed with the Bootstrapped version of CWM (The one that requires u to be plugged in to AC power) so not sure if that sheds any light on the subject or not. Again, if I read your post wrong, I apologize.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
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Ya, from what I can tell its Motorola locking me out for using an modified rom. But I think that I should be able to return to a stock firmware using RSD lite or the Motorola software restore from thier site, but neither see my phone connected. This leads me to belive that somewhere in the process the RSD protocol got messed up. Now I really don't know much, just enough to be dangerous. So if theres anyone that can tell me if I'm even looking the right direction.
And if I am right is there anything I could possibly do?

gjRabbit said:
Alright here goes
So my question is, what options do i have? I can't access any recovery options (Fastboot, android recovery, etc) and my RSD lite wont connect.
Short Story
Every time i try to boot my Atrix (after trying to update CherryPi), I get the Failed to boot 2, Starting RSD mode. Unfortunately, when I plug my phone into a computer RSD doesn't see it. It's like its not even phased.
Long Story
Okay, so I got my atrix not too long ago. Got my phone rooted at proceeded to use gingerblur. Then shortly there after, I attempted to upgrade to the Gingerbread OTA update, which got me stuck in a boot loop. (Now I'm a little confused, I don't think that I have unlocked my phone at all. I don't ever recall "unlocked" being on the boot screen at all). From this point I don't think RSD was working. I spent about a week trying to get it to work. Then I was able to fastboot flash the stock img files for gingerbread to my phone. So now I had a working gingerbread atrix. I sat stock for a little while, figgured out how to root via fastboot (again, no rsd support at this point). After I was rooted I installed CherryPi 0.3 via CWM. It worked great, a couple of days later I went to do the CherryPi 0.X > 0.5 and it flashed with CWM "successfully" got to the AT&T logo on bootup and then crashed and has been giving me the failed to boot 2.
I hope i've given you guys enough info. If any of you super hackers live in San Diego, I'd be more then willing to bring my phone over for you to figure out. So I just really need to know what my options are. If I take it back to AT&T will they likely give me a new one? (I'm good at playing dumb). I traded my phone originally so I don't know what kind of warranty is in place. Can I contact Motorola and get a new handset? Just looking for suggestions.
Thanks guys
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Hey man, I have the same problem with you.. have you some progress for that..
I find some infor from forum that this kind of hard brick can be solved by using the developping cable to reflash the sbk file, this method is pending at the SBK file is unavailable which is not released out by MOtorola.. I find a one of my friend who is working in MOTO (Tianjing, CHINA) to see my device, I hope he can help me to unbrick my phone.. when i have good news, I'll update it.


[Q] Failed to Boot 2 and startup RSD Mode message

On My atrix I download latest update sent by ATT for Gingerbread, Atrix was rebooted after that and Now I am stuck at error message "Failed To Boot 2" and "Startup RSD Mode". I cannot do anything at this screen. I took out the battery and phone was started but after starting up, immediately will show message "Power off, shutting down" and it will shut down and start in boot mode with the same error messaage "Failed to boot 2". Please help what should I do to come out.
I beleive I can use Motorola PC method to update my phone but since I cannot come out from boot mode, I am not able to even us PC mode.
I had GingerBlur installed, rooted phone before updating the latest ATT update.
I had the same problem. I used rsd to flash froyo with pudding and the problem was solved. I too had tried to unlock the bootloader while on gingerblur. Hope this helps.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
lordofthering said:
On My atrix I download latest update sent by ATT for Gingerbread, Atrix was rebooted after that and Now I am stuck at error message "Failed To Boot 2" and "Startup RSD Mode". I cannot do anything at this screen. I took out the battery and phone was started but after starting up, immediately will show message "Power off, shutting down" and it will shut down and start in boot mode with the same error messaage "Failed to boot 2". Please help what should I do to come out.
I beleive I can use Motorola PC method to update my phone but since I cannot come out from boot mode, I am not able to even us PC mode.
I had GingerBlur installed, rooted phone before updating the latest ATT update.
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I used RSD to load the factory SBF ("beta" 5.9.1") and it got me working again. I was running on a stock ROM, though, only rooted.
I have the same problem as the op but wanted to ask a real quick question in regards to this topic. How did you manage to flash back to the orginal sbf? When the phone is plugged in and powered up at this screen, RSD (5.3.1) is unable to detect the phone making it impossible to flash it.
I'm not trying to hijack this post but looking to shed a little insight in case the op is having the same issue.
mikedaman34 said:
I have the same problem as the op but wanted to ask a real quick question in regards to this topic. How did you manage to flash back to the orginal sbf? When the phone is plugged in and powered up at this screen, RSD (5.3.1) is unable to detect the phone making it impossible to flash it.
I'm not trying to hijack this post but looking to shed a little insight in case the op is having the same issue.
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I thought it wasnt connected either when looking in the upper left pane of RDS. However, the status section under the 2 upper windows showed connected, so I went forward from that. Progress was indicated in the same lower section entry.
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psyop1 said:
I thought it wasnt connected either when looking in the upper left pane of RDS. However, the status section under the 2 upper windows showed connected, so I went forward from that. Progress was indicated in the same lower section entry.
Sent from my android!
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Thanks for the follow-up. I will give it a shot tonight and let you know how it goes. I think it was Rom Manager that screwed it up. When it forced the recovery software install, i'm pretty sure that is what caused it. I did have gingerblur installed so might not have been compatible. Just an FYI.
mikedaman34 said:
Thanks for the follow-up. I will give it a shot tonight and let you know how it goes. I think it was Rom Manager that screwed it up. When it forced the recovery software install, i'm pretty sure that is what caused it. I did have gingerblur installed so might not have been compatible. Just an FYI.
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I had overwritten my stock recovery image as well, which is what caused me to do it this way. Should work for you.
Sent from my android!
psyop1 said:
I had overwritten my stock recovery image as well, which is what caused me to do it this way. Should work for you.
Sent from my android!
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So I came home tonight and tried it once more on my PC and nothing showed connected. I figured I would give it one more try by installing a fresh copy of RSD Lite and the Moto drivers on my laptop. I plugged in the phone with the error on the screen and it did detect it!
It's currently installing the image (1.8.3 SBF) and at about 6% the error is now gone. Going to cross my fingers and hope for the best. Thanks for all the info and Ill make one final post with the results.
interesting im in the same boat lol
so how does one find a sbf file for the atrix i have the same issue
There are links in the forum to the "prerelease" version which turned out to be the same as the released version.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
I had the same problem using 01.97.00R SBF and installing the AT(HoneyComb)RIX with ClockWorkMod.
I solved with the file "ATT 2.3.4 pudding+root" and RSD 5.3.1, it installed Gingerbread plus 01.77.30P SBF
very good
FENZ-IT said:
I had the same problem using 01.97.00R SBF and installing the AT(HoneyComb)RIX with ClockWorkMod.
I solved with the file "ATT 2.3.4 pudding+root" and RSD 5.3.1, it installed Gingerbread plus 01.77.30P SBF
very good
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Could you explain how to do that?
I run Install update and then it's show "Failed to boot 2.. " everytime
I'm Android newbie and have no experience to fix this.
nuboat said:
Could you explain how to do that?
I run Install update and then it's show "Failed to boot 2.. " everytime
I'm Android newbie and have no experience to fix this.
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Is your phone unlocked?
Do you have a recovery (CWM) installed?
Edit: I see it has to be...Please give more information about what you´re doing.
If so, just download another rom and follow the flash-instructions using CWM.
As long as you can access the Recovery/Fastboot etc., you can fix things.
DO NOT BLINDLY USE RSDlite and SBF!!! It can turn your phone into a very expensive letter-weight.
I do not know what to do anymore ...
My phone is Hard Brick, AT & T, have no guarantee of any account, and live in the EU.
Jel is worth it in the United States sent in for repair and how much will we charge??
Atrix, or to throw against the wall and forget it ....

How I unbricked my hard bricked (0x1000) failed to boot atrix

Well last night I tried to unlock my brothers Atrix 4G on 2.3.4 using zomgunlock-lite.sbf using RDS Lite.
It failed and the phone was unable to boot with the error code 0x1000.
So basically I thought it was for sure bricked, but I kept looking around. I found nothing.
However I did find this file:
Which is apparently like a restored bootloader(or something, i'm new to android), so i plugged the phone into the computer, arrowed down to RSD support or whatever on the phone, and using RSD lite 5.3.1 I managed to flash that file onto the device and get it working again.
Maybe I was never hard bricked in the first place but everyone I found on the internet thought so.
Hope this helped some people, it was a great relief when it worked for me.
After flashing the "zomgunlock-lite.sbf" you could have pulled the battery (then put it back in) and without turning it on just plug back into the computer and it would have turned on by itself and given you a menu in which you would have selected fastboot and then entered the commands for unlocking the bootloader.
I'm glad you got yours working and appreciate the info but there is a way out of it. Actually, someone has created an automatic script for just that occasion here:
Just follow the directions for the error.
ravicus said:
Well last night I tried to unlock my brothers Atrix 4G on 2.3.4 using zomgunlock-lite.sbf using RDS Lite.
It failed and the phone was unable to boot with the error code 0x1000.
So basically I thought it was for sure bricked, but I kept looking around. I found nothing.
However I did find this file:
Which is apparently like a restored bootloader(or something, i'm new to android), so i plugged the phone into the computer, arrowed down to RSD support or whatever on the phone, and using RSD lite 5.3.1 I managed to flash that file onto the device and get it working again.
Maybe I was never hard bricked in the first place but everyone I found on the internet thought so.
Hope this helped some people, it was a great relief when it worked for me.
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glad you're phone is ok, but yea you were not hard bricked. You just had to redo the OEM unlock command in fastboot one more time. The hard brick is when trying to downgrade, not from flashing pudding and it takes away the ability to RSD or fastboot. If those options are there then there's a way out.
I think a mod should change title so people aren't getting false hope.
You were soft bricked. Unlocking a stock 2.3.4 phone always results in a 0x1000 No OS error, at which point you are supposed to choose fastboot before the 5 seconds are up (or reboot into fastboot mode if you miss the 5 second window) and run fastboot oem unlock once to get the unique key and then again with the key followed by a fastboot reboot.
I repeat, all unlock attempts on stock 2.3.4 OTA Atrices will result in this temporary soft brick.
This thread really did me a massive favor in telling me exactly what I was searching for when google was being useless. Thank you guys. Particularly the post above mine about soft bricks.
ravicus said:
Well last night I tried to unlock my brothers Atrix 4G on 2.3.4 using zomgunlock-lite.sbf using RDS Lite.
It failed and the phone was unable to boot with the error code 0x1000.
So basically I thought it was for sure bricked, but I kept looking around. I found nothing.
However I did find this file:
Which is apparently like a restored bootloader(or something, i'm new to android), so i plugged the phone into the computer, arrowed down to RSD support or whatever on the phone, and using RSD lite 5.3.1 I managed to flash that file onto the device and get it working again.
Maybe I was never hard bricked in the first place but everyone I found on the internet thought so.
Hope this helped some people, it was a great relief when it worked for me.
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Massive n00b post, nothing but misinformation.
soft brick could be fixed.. my phone is hard one, can not be read by PC.. it is always booting loop.
and blemeIf
I have also hard bricked my Atrix. I have read many post on this forum and on google that phone can not be recovered after hard brick. Is it confirmed that there is no way to recover after a hard bricked? Please help.
mysticdrew said:
glad you're phone is ok, but yea you were not hard bricked. You just had to redo the OEM unlock command in fastboot one more time. The hard brick is when trying to downgrade, not from flashing pudding and it takes away the ability to RSD or fastboot. If those options are there then there's a way out.
I think a mod should change title so people aren't getting false hope.
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So, i did try to downgrade using RSD lite since nothing seemed to work when i was stuck at the unlocked M screen despite flashing 3 different roms via CWM. Now i get the error message failed to boot 0x1000, but there are no options at all and my phone just goes to black after 1sec. this is considered hard bricked correct? and there is nothing i can do other than send it into motorola
patsprobst said:
So, i did try to downgrade using RSD lite since nothing seemed to work when i was stuck at the unlocked M screen despite flashing 3 different roms via CWM. Now i get the error message failed to boot 0x1000, but there are no options at all and my phone just goes to black after 1sec. this is considered hard bricked correct? and there is nothing i can do other than send it into motorola
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Try http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1648947
dcarpenter85 said:
You were soft bricked. Unlocking a stock 2.3.4 phone always results in a 0x1000 No OS error, at which point you are supposed to choose fastboot before the 5 seconds are up (or reboot into fastboot mode if you miss the 5 second window) and run fastboot oem unlock once to get the unique key and then again with the key followed by a fastboot reboot.
I repeat, all unlock attempts on stock 2.3.4 OTA Atrices will result in this temporary soft brick.
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I can't believe it was so hard to find these particular instructions and that it is not listed anywhere on the sbf file. Thank you so much for your answer and the last sentence should be added to the sbf file. Actually your whole statement should be there. Thanks a lot. Saved me a lot of anguish.

[Q] Failed to Boot 4 after Bell 2.3.4 OTA upgrade

Hi all,
first up, after having spent three days going through the forums I've come up empty on a problem I'm currently experiencing. I'm not a complete n00b on this stuff but currently I'm stuck so hopefully someone can help me.
Bell Atrix, with root but a locked bootloader received and successfully installed the OTA 2.3.4 update last week.
I'm in Australia so am running on the Telstra Network. (not in Canada on the Bell).
After the upgrade, I had the problem with 3G+ Data, so started to investigate.
Tried to follow the instructions given here:
(fastboot) 2.3.4 OrangeFR (Jul5: 4.5.2A-11) w/ RAM fix for Intl. unlocked
So, I tried unlocking the bootloader to flash the files mentioned (system.img). Ultimately I've now concluded that I mustn't have unlocked the bootloader successfully.
After system.img had moto-fastbooted across, when booting I currently get the 'famous':
Failed to boot 4
Starting RSD
So, off I went to RSDLite, with the latest install, the latest moto drivers, and armed with the IHOP_Bell.sbf, I thought I'd try RSD'ing that to my phone.
It gave me SUCCESS, but still no fastboot access.
So I tried intl-fix-try1.sbf [inside the IHOP_Bell.rar] with the same results.
Still Failed to Boot 4.
Now, from all the reading it sounds like I need to flash an entire sbf to my phone.
That's OK, but I can't find one that I feel safe dropping on there.
All of the talk is that flashing a Froyo SBF to a phone that has been OTA updated to 2.3.4 is Baaaaaaad (ie hard brick), and the only 2.3.4 available appears to be the ATT one.
Am I missing something incredibly obvious here?
I've been through the pudding thread, and the SBF thread at length but remain none the wiser. Until I can either unlock my bootloader, and have fastboot access, there's not much I can do.
Seems the way to do this is with a full ROM.
Any of you good people out there able to help a fella?
Sorry, I should also add that I can't seem to get to fastboot either.
When I plug in the phone to USB, green light comes on.
Then, I press power button again, green light is brighhter and it starts the moto screen.
After about 8 sec the Failed to boot 4 message comes up.
So I tried fastboot, power on with vol down button held.
Exactly the same outcome, no fastboot access it seems.
can you get into RSD lite mode by starting up the phone with the volume UP button and power held?
Phalanx7621 said:
can you get into RSD lite mode by starting up the phone with the volume UP button and power held?
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Thanks for the reply mate.
Whether I hold vol-up during the boot doesn't seem to make a difference - it still boots to:
Failed to Boot 4
Starting RSD Mode
From there though RSDLite (windows 7/latest version/latest moto drivers) does recognise the phone via USB.
I am able to flash that pudding IHOP sbf to the phone (but after doing so it seems to have no effect. I can't get to the next step due to a lack of fastboot access).
So I'm comfortable that I can make an RSD connection from PC to phone, but from there can't seem to make much progress.
Just wondering if anyone's got any clues on how to fix this one? I've been quoted $180 to fix but if anyone's happy to do it for less I'll pay... I'm in Australia...

[q] Atrix not starting past M Dual Core screen - Long boot time

Hey all,
I did my searching for the last several hours, and am feeling pretty weak. I know there are several other posts with this error - but please let me explain my situation.
Phone was running 2.3.6. I am unsure how it was originally unlocked (carrier unlocked) and bought it used. To my knowledge it did not have root access... (though the advert said it did - running SU in Terminal to show if it had access failed)
I tried doing a factory reset on the phone because it kept acting weird. Just rebooting 10 times a day, and wifi not working either.
Since the reset the phone has not made it past the M Dual Core screen.
Edit as I type: As I type this, I FINALLY got into recovery mode. It took a long time... is that normal? I mean.. loongggg. Now i see other posts state I just need to click the bottom right corner above the search key and I should be on the way to recovering the device...
This however is not working...
I will keep the phone plugged in over night and see if it just needed more time I suppose. Can you guys recommend anything?
I am on win7 - should have the device drivers installed (though, Windows doesn't seem to recognize this with a notification bubble). I know the phone was not on USB Debug Mode when I clicked 'factory reset'.. would it have retained this?
I will update as i have more information.. otherwise if I am missing something please let me know.
Thanks again,
Try booting into recovery mode by holding volume down while turning on. When the menu appears keep pressing volume down until it says android recovery and then press volume up to select it. If an android Guy with a warning sign shows up, press volume down and up. A menu should appear soon. Try to do a data wipe and factory reset from there.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Hi ar31791, thank you for the reply.
That worked to put me into a recovery mode - very nice. Is the button combo different depending on the version of android your'e running, or just phone dependent? I appreciate that.
Couple follow up questions if you guys don't mind and can help
- after the factory reset - my boot time is incredibly slow.... like 30 minutes to boot kinda thing. I tried to factory reset several times since, and its the same issue.
- my data is not working on the phone. I used the apn suggestions from all sites I've found, rebooted (took a while) tried data roaming, etc, but it just doesn't work. I have a decent idea that the apn's are correct because the mms apn worked fine with a test picture message.
My main concern is the incredible lengthy boot time and the data no longer working. The issue with wifi still showing 'error' when enabling it was not resolved by the reset (I didn't think it would - I was reading other posts where it is suspected as a hardware issue).
Thanks again for the reads, and replies. I appreciate the help!
You need romracers or cwm. Unless yer going to stay stock.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Is this an att or a rogers/international phone? Best bet would be to flash pudding and than cwm + custom roms
hey again- thank you for the replies.. seriously. much appreciated.
phalanx, i dont mind staying stock but would that not allow the data connection to work correctly? i found a few posts based on the romracer. i lack the hands on experience, but it looks like i just need to follow the steps for an adb push and then install eh?
you mention staying stock, is that an option? info on my setup below
crnkoj, i am running a bell phone on a fido network in canada. bought on ebay pre unlocked. i do not bekieve it is rooted. phone, mms and text work fine, it seems to be a problem finding a data network at this moment.
thanks again guys, ill be taking a look into the tutorials for romracer and cwm, and giver a shot. lemme know if you have any further ideas, questions or anything you think i might need to know.
edit.. also, whats the deal with the crazyyyyy long boot up time?
(send from a mobile.. please excuse any typos or punctuation errors)
No its just that with an unlocked bootloader you can flash a new.recovery and that makes it easier to flash roms and also kernels and radios. Kernels and radios can affect your ability to connect with data and can even affect the speeds.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
I had a similar situation. So, i did a full wipe installed the rom did another full wipe then installed the appropriate kernel and booted it up. I believe you nedd to install the right kernel per the instructions. It will mot boot if the kernel is not correct.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Thanks again guys,
Man it's a funny issue. I am always able to get in and factory wipe the device, but it seems that sometimes that damn M screen will sit forever. I left it over the course of a movie and a half (probably 3 hours) and that screen was still just sitting there.
I get into the fastboot menu easy enough before that screen hangs, and sometimes i can get into the Boot Android (without BP) (I believe it's called) and sometimes it hangs, and sometimes it works.
Other times, like right now, it boots just fine and kinda fast.
I am having an issue with the RSDLite application recognizing my phone. It did once - then hung at 94% flash of the pudding tutorial. I didn't realize the tutorial says to keep the phone plugged in for 10 minutes even after a fail to see if it actually completes. I havent been able to have the software recognize the phone since- I've installed and reinstalled the motorola drivers, set the phone to usb debugging, and was able to try 2 computers, and 2 different cables. I'll giver another shot though.
I am pretty sure my boot loader was unlocked (as I said I had this all done from an ebay purchase) so I think I can just proceed to the flashing, but if there is a way to confirm that it is indeed locked, I'll take the advice.
The more I read though, it looks like I might just need to send this beast in for a service call with Motorola, because of that damn wifi "error" error. I'd hate to go through all this and realize it still will not work.
Thanks for the replies, I'll always take more suggestions, and if you guys think I'm on the wrong path, let me know. I'll keep searchin dem' forums
If your bootloader is unlocked it will say unlocked in white letters on that M boot logo screen. Did you run "fastboot oem unlock" after the rsd flash?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

[Q] odin failed, flash recovery.bin cwm

i was trying to root a phone for someone and after odin completed it said it had failed.
the phone is a telus samsung t959d running froyo.
I followed the instructions from (I would post the url for the link but i am not allowed to.)cyanogenmod's wiki, after it failed I rebooted the phone and it got stuck on the screen in the attached pic. I have tried to boot back into download mode to no avail. From the screen it's stuck on I cannot get any tool to register the device as being present, adb, heimdall, zdiag, etc... I even tried fastboot out of desperation.Before I used odin I tried to get the phone to boot into the bootloader but it only ever went to either recovery or a normal boot and I tried every button press combo I could think of and found and nada.
Even running adb reboot bootloader just made the device boot normally. I think that if I could get it to boot to fastboot usb i could then try fastboot. I am new to rooting devices and have successfully rooted my HTC EVO3D and got s-off and simlock removed for any carrier. So I do know how to follow instructions properly, why flashing the recovery.bin failed I don't know and every fix I seem to find says BOOT TO DOWNLOAD MODE. if I could do that I wouldn't be having this problem lol. Anyway can someone please help me figure this out. Thanks. ANd if you need any further info please let me know. I don't want to have to give my friend my phone due to a software issue.
And YES I did pick PDA not anything else.
machv5 said:
i was trying to root a phone for someone and after odin completed it said it had failed.
the phone is a telus samsung t959d running froyo.
I followed the instructions from (I would post the url for the link but i am not allowed to.)cyanogenmod's wiki, after it failed I rebooted the phone and it got stuck on the screen in the attached pic. I have tried to boot back into download mode to no avail. From the screen it's stuck on I cannot get any tool to register the device as being present, adb, heimdall, zdiag, etc... I even tried fastboot out of desperation.Before I used odin I tried to get the phone to boot into the bootloader but it only ever went to either recovery or a normal boot and I tried every button press combo I could think of and found and nada.
Even running adb reboot bootloader just made the device boot normally. I think that if I could get it to boot to fastboot usb i could then try fastboot. I am new to rooting devices and have successfully rooted my HTC EVO3D and got s-off and simlock removed for any carrier. So I do know how to follow instructions properly, why flashing the recovery.bin failed I don't know and every fix I seem to find says BOOT TO DOWNLOAD MODE. if I could do that I wouldn't be having this problem lol. Anyway can someone please help me figure this out. Thanks. ANd if you need any further info please let me know. I don't want to have to give my friend my phone due to a software issue.
And YES I did pick PDA not anything else.
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I kept reading other threads and sadly I din't pully the battery first before disconnecting the usb and repartition may have been checked as I see that it does the as default for my version. Also i turned off ODIN as I was hoping a reboot of my computer might help. I will keep trying to find an answer till someone gets back to me. this post may not even show up if I can't do a second post if no one has replied first.
Everyone was a nub at one time wasn't it FUN hahahahahaha sob cry
machv5 said:
I kept reading other threads and sadly I din't pully the battery first before disconnecting the usb and repartition may have been checked as I see that it does the as default for my version. Also i turned off ODIN as I was hoping a reboot of my computer might help. I will keep trying to find an answer till someone gets back to me. this post may not even show up if I can't do a second post if no one has replied first.
Everyone was a nub at one time wasn't it FUN hahahahahaha sob cry
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I tried a jig and that didn't work. There must be some way of getting the device to give up on completing a task i no longer can give it due to ODIN being shut off.
Why is it that the "how to root/unlocks" never have the "if x fails then do these steps etc..." Had the how to had "pull the battery before disconnecting USB and don't reset or shut off ODIN" I wouldn't be in this mess. I realize that it's user beware but a few important steps like that in case of a fail would go a long way to you guys not shaking your heads. Instead of "silly nub hahahahahaha". No offence but I get that a lot and try to remember that when I teach someone how to use a computer. I am new at phones not at everything.
Further Developments Please can someone help?
I was giving someone a new memory card and they had a Samsung SGH-I896 it has an EB575152VA battery and the one I have the T959D has an EB575152VU battery. I exchanged my battery for hers by accident somehow and when I plugged my phone in it didn't go to the phone triangle computer logo screen it booted to recovery and said it couldn't charge the battery and kept rebooting to recovery. I got my battery back and it booted back to the phone triangle computer logo again. Grrrr....
The other thing I saw while the recovery screen was an error message that said
E:/data/fota not accessible
(may not be 100% accurate I don't have the battery to check right now but can get it again if need be) anyway I now see that there may be some light at the end of the tunnel. i have the correct stock firmware for the device I tried flashing it while in recovery but the phone kept rebooting before anything got done. My question is how can I get the dang phone to stop asking for Odin and go to recovery so I can flash stock firmware and ROM back to it? As I cannot as far as I know give it what it wants because I reset Odin and nothing seems to see that the phone is connected to the computer. I am going to try the other battery on a full charge to see what that does.
I am new at all this and want to get it fixed. I cannot afford to send it off to a service center and besides that I want to do it myself as I want to become a developer and droid technician. I would gladly donate to anyone but am still trying to get Google to accept my pay-as-you-go credit card and I don't have PayPal either. Which is really frustrating when it comes to giving back. I posted a Q&A on how to without PayPal or CC but as of the last time I checked no one has gotten back to me about it.
The CyanogenMod guide is flat out WRONG. I've tried to change it, but anything I do is reverted in an instant. I also tried to use it to install the ROM only, ended up bricking my phone and it took me hours to unbrick. That's how I became acquainted with XDA.
So, to get this straight:
1. you're using the stock USB cable
2. you remove the battery
3. you hold volume down
4. you plug in the usb cable
5. after a few seconds, you release volume down
6. the screen does not display a yellow triangle with an android
Posted from my Galaxy Tab with CM10
MultipleMonomials said:
The CyanogenMod guide is flat out WRONG. I've tried to change it, but anything I do is reverted in an instant. I also tried to use it to install the ROM only, ended up bricking my phone and it took me hours to unbrick. That's how I became acquainted with XDA.
So, to get this straight:
1. you're using the stock USB cable
2. you remove the battery
3. you hold volume down
4. you plug in the usb cable
5. after a few seconds, you release volume down
6. the screen does not display a yellow triangle with an android
Posted from my Galaxy Tab with CM10
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That is correct. If you think that my idea below is a bad one or if I downloaded the wrong firmware package please let me know and /or you have a fix that will work? ty
I have though come up with an idea that may work. I am going to charge the "wrong" battery in erm the right phone lol and then use it to trick the device into booting into recovery instead of the cellphone triangle computer (CTC, for want of a better acronym) The I896 battery ends in a V not an ? (sorry can't rem don't have it on me) from the I896 model I think it is, plugging it into USB with the power off sends it to recovery with the "battery cannot be charged " message instead of the CTC screen.
I tried it but the charge in the battery was too low and rebooted. I am hoping that with a full charge (as long as I don't power on the phone first as this will make it go to CTC logo again.
I am hoping that I can install the update.zip that I made by first unzipping the T959UVJFD_firmware.tar I downloaded then unpacked and then repacked into an update.zip as I don't think that it will read the package as a tar file and if it's not called update.zip The recovery is still stock. If I get the phone working I am not going to try unlocking and rooting it again. I will just post two separate adverts one as a carrier locked device and the other one (higher of course to cover buying the unlock from Telus) as carrier unlocked and then I will buy the unlock code if the blah blah you get the drift. sorry for rambling on.
oh and I can't rem if I said this or not, In recovery it "E:/data/fota not accessible" I don't know what that means yet I have been busy with other things and haven't looked it up yet.
Since you can get into at least some version of recovery, your bootloader is intact and you should be able to unbrick it. You ought to be able to get into download mode using a download jig. You can get one on ebay for a few bucks or you can make one yourself. There's a guide floating around here somewhere that lets you make one from a microusb cable.
Posted from my Galaxy Tab with CM10

