[Q] Failed to Boot 4 after Bell 2.3.4 OTA upgrade - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
first up, after having spent three days going through the forums I've come up empty on a problem I'm currently experiencing. I'm not a complete n00b on this stuff but currently I'm stuck so hopefully someone can help me.
Bell Atrix, with root but a locked bootloader received and successfully installed the OTA 2.3.4 update last week.
I'm in Australia so am running on the Telstra Network. (not in Canada on the Bell).
After the upgrade, I had the problem with 3G+ Data, so started to investigate.
Tried to follow the instructions given here:
(fastboot) 2.3.4 OrangeFR (Jul5: 4.5.2A-11) w/ RAM fix for Intl. unlocked
So, I tried unlocking the bootloader to flash the files mentioned (system.img). Ultimately I've now concluded that I mustn't have unlocked the bootloader successfully.
After system.img had moto-fastbooted across, when booting I currently get the 'famous':
Failed to boot 4
Starting RSD
So, off I went to RSDLite, with the latest install, the latest moto drivers, and armed with the IHOP_Bell.sbf, I thought I'd try RSD'ing that to my phone.
It gave me SUCCESS, but still no fastboot access.
So I tried intl-fix-try1.sbf [inside the IHOP_Bell.rar] with the same results.
Still Failed to Boot 4.
Now, from all the reading it sounds like I need to flash an entire sbf to my phone.
That's OK, but I can't find one that I feel safe dropping on there.
All of the talk is that flashing a Froyo SBF to a phone that has been OTA updated to 2.3.4 is Baaaaaaad (ie hard brick), and the only 2.3.4 available appears to be the ATT one.
Am I missing something incredibly obvious here?
I've been through the pudding thread, and the SBF thread at length but remain none the wiser. Until I can either unlock my bootloader, and have fastboot access, there's not much I can do.
Seems the way to do this is with a full ROM.
Any of you good people out there able to help a fella?

Sorry, I should also add that I can't seem to get to fastboot either.
When I plug in the phone to USB, green light comes on.
Then, I press power button again, green light is brighhter and it starts the moto screen.
After about 8 sec the Failed to boot 4 message comes up.
So I tried fastboot, power on with vol down button held.
Exactly the same outcome, no fastboot access it seems.

can you get into RSD lite mode by starting up the phone with the volume UP button and power held?

Phalanx7621 said:
can you get into RSD lite mode by starting up the phone with the volume UP button and power held?
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Thanks for the reply mate.
Whether I hold vol-up during the boot doesn't seem to make a difference - it still boots to:
Failed to Boot 4
Starting RSD Mode
From there though RSDLite (windows 7/latest version/latest moto drivers) does recognise the phone via USB.
I am able to flash that pudding IHOP sbf to the phone (but after doing so it seems to have no effect. I can't get to the next step due to a lack of fastboot access).
So I'm comfortable that I can make an RSD connection from PC to phone, but from there can't seem to make much progress.

Just wondering if anyone's got any clues on how to fix this one? I've been quoted $180 to fix but if anyone's happy to do it for less I'll pay... I'm in Australia...


Droid 2 Global: Reverting to Stock

Just got my workphone, Droid 2 Global. No stranger to flashing droid phones (my personal phone is a Captivate) I just had to flash it. I mucked it up once or twice flashing Droid 2 Roms on it and needed to get it back to stock. I know a few people have asked about recovering the Droid 2 Global but I haven't seen any instructions to that effect, so here goes:
Droid 2 Global Return to Stock
1. Download RSD Lite 4.9 - http://www.mediafire.com/?ufxs9lft9q2xwnu
2. Download DROID2WE_X6_2.4.29_FULL SBF - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MD5K1YY8
3. Download Motorla Drivers - http://www.motorola.com/staticfiles...al_Drivers/MotoHelper_2.0.40_Driver_4.9.0.exe
4. Install RSD Lite 4.9 and the Motorla Driver software. Unzip DROID2WE_X6_2.4.29_FULL to a convenient location, i.e. Desktop.
5. Shut off your Droid 2 Global, unhook it from USB or the AC adapter charger.
6. With the phone off, slide open the keyboard, hold the UP ARROW key on the keyboard and hold the power button. This puts the phone in Recovery mode. The screen will display white text and say something to this effect: "Bootloader D0.11, Battery OK, OK to Program, Connect USB Data Cable."
7. Start RSD Lite by clicking on the desktop icon, this brings up the GUI. Click the ellipse (...) next to the Filename dialogue box. If you put the DROID2WE_X6_2.4.29_FULL SBF file on the desktop, scroll down and select it and click Open. The File Properties box should populate with information about the SBF file.
8. Hook your USB cable to your phone, the text on the display will change. Click the Start button and have patience, this takes a while. RSD Lite will extract files to your desktop and begin flashing your phone. Do not interrupt the flash at any point or you will most likely have as nice paperweight.It takes roughly 5 minutes to flash the default rom and RSD Lite will reboot your phone.
9. If the Reboot fails and your phone loops through the starting animation. Pull the battery and put it back in.
10. Slide open the keyboard on the phone, hold down X on the keyboard and push the power button. This puts the phone in Recovery mode. You know you're in recovery mode when you see a triangle with a yellow exclamation and the green android logo.
11. Hit the Search magnifying glass key, this brings you in to the actual menu. You use the Volume Up and Down to navigate here and the Camera button for enter. Power button exits. Use Volume down until you get to the entry which reads Wipe Data/Factory Reset, push the Camera button. This will wipe your data and cache, I had to tap the OK button (The four little square button on the touchscreen) While it was running because the progress bar would stop. Your milage may vary. After it finishes, select the first menu option to reboot and push the Camera button.
That's it in a nutshell pretty much, let me know if I missed anything.
I've been trying to do this all day. My husband installed Liberty on my phone last night and forgot that it was a D2G, so of course it's all kinds of buggy. I'm trying to revert back to stock to try to properly install Liberty on the phone, but I can't get past the RSD Lite section. It keeps telling me "Failed Flashing Process 0x7100."
I've read a few forums about this issue and tried everything I could find. I'm running Windows 7, have run RSD lite as administrator, changed compatibility to Windows XP, moved the sbf file to every folder mentioned, moved RSD lite to the desktop, etc etc. I've also rebooted, uninstalled, reinstalled, in every fashion I could think of.
This is what I get when I check the error log:
17:01:30, May 03, 2011
Line: 868
ERROR: \\?\c:\users\user\downloads\droid2we_x6_2.4.29_full.sbfuèá contains an invalid path.
File: D:\GitProjects2\hdt_windows_flash\flash\code\flashdll\PST_FP_FlashFileIO.cpp
17:01:30, May 03, 2011
Line: 552
ERROR: The superfile specified does not exist
File: D:\GitProjects2\hdt_windows_flash\flash\code\flashdll\FlashHdlr.cpp
Device ID: 0
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I'm not sure what it means because most of the errors I've seen for RSD lite have been "was not found."
Any suggestions?
Also, I don't know if this is connected (I think it probably is), but for some reason when I plug in the phone it tells me MTP USB driver installation has failed. Each and every time.
Should I try to flash Fission over top of Liberty?
At first glance, i'd say to check the filename. There looks to be a space in what you copied from the errorlog, in the word full. Secondly, i'd redownload the SBF file, it's possible your download is corrupt. You can also try uninstalling and reinstalling the Moto software, it should install the drivers properly in recovery mode. I have windows 7 64bit and did not have to do anything other than what's in my directions.
Shorten the name of the SBF. Like - d2g.sbf for example. Put the SBF in c:\ and let RSDLite look for it there. It is known not handle well long paths or spaces in file name.
Is this supposed to put the phone back at original stock settings with no apps and everything? I can't find any videos of this, but the Droid X sbf guid it leads you back to the touch the android new out of the box screen. I followed this guide and when my phone rebooted, it had all my apps and widgets and stuff still, the only thing that was different was the firmware version had gone back down.
Nevermind, I somehow skipped the last few steps, I must be really out of it, ignore me.
i flashed it twice now and updated it. both times while flashing it told me to restart the device manually and when i did no change, so i closed the rsd and hit ok when it warns me of damaging my phone. phone was already on and running at the time.
Now i cant get my wifi to connect, it authenticates, then goes straight ot disconnected and then trys again.....any ideas of why this is happenning?
Did you follow steps 9-11?
What terrigan said. If you didn't do the last steps, then your phone will maintain all of its settings, but it will revert to the old firmware, 2.4.29 which is what I initially did. I believe that firmware has buggy wifi to say the least which might be the cause of your problem. You should do steps 9-11 and then after that go to settings, about phone, and system updates, and update to 2.4.330
Thank you for the post! You are awesome. Like a noob, I messed up my phone wile rooting/bootstrapping it and couldn't download from the marketplace, get updates installed etc. This fixed it all and I'm back up and running!
No prob, Wish there were more ROMs for the D2G though.
Worked like a champ, thanks!
Thanks muchly! Now that D2G Gingerbread is available, I'm reverting in the hopes to get the OTA update. Just waiting for the stock SBF to finish atm, will let you know how it goes..
Were not going to get the update until a couple more weeks...
Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using XDA App
Does anyone know if this works for the Droid 2 (NOT GLOBAL)...?
Chenoaem said:
Does anyone know if this works for the Droid 2 (NOT GLOBAL)...?
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The steps and the RSDLite software will, you will need to find an SBF for your phone.
Droid 2 (Non Global) SBF: http://www.multiupload.com/R6VS5FFISB
I take no responsibility if this bricks your phone.
failed flashing process?
Hey, I was trying to revert my phone back, and while running RSD Lite, it got to 100% then it said that the flashing process failed?
the status came out as:
"Failed flashing process: Failed flashing process: Phone[0000]: Error switching phone to BP Pass through mode (0x70BE); phone disconnected"
help please?
Is there a reason why this would work on one phone but not another? I keep getting a failed on one phone with RSD lite I get code error FEBE 0047. I search and says not compatible software, doesn't make sense. Phone stays in boot loop.
thanks for any help.
Hey guys,
Here's my story:
Just bought a brand new D2G from a friend who likes to waste money...he tried to root it using a D2 rom, and gets the bootloader error. I bought it off of him for $50.
Flashed back to the SBF file in the first post, and then I got a message saying a new update was available. It downloaded on the phone, installs, the phone reboots and I saw the android green robot logo with a box, and a status bar. Once it hit 100%, the phone rebooted again, and to the bootload error said "code corrupt, insert data cable"
Tried holding X and power button to go into recovery mode like I did before, but it just boots to this screen....
Battery just died too, so I had to take it to a verizon store where they are awfully kind to recharge it for free.
Any help is appreciated, otherwise I'm just re flashing back to the rom in the first post again, and never updating the phone!
Find the .330 D2G SBF file and that should solve your problem I think....
Sounds like the update corrupted during install or download.. theres a .330 sbf try it like the above post stated make sure its fully charged low battery can cause major issues

[Q] HELP! Bricked Atrix...for real this time.

Hi all.
I'm in dire need of help...
I was glad to see the gingerbread update popping up on my atrix...so i got home (better internet) and did the update. Everything seemed fine until i tried to put the phone to sleep (pushed the power button). The thing just rebooted. Tried it again and the same thing happened...next time it turned on i just waited for it to go to sleep mode by itself and again it booted.
Searching the forums, the answers pointed me to the direction of a factory reset...and away i went...to no new results. It just kept on booting. So i decided to do a rollback do the previous version and that's when it got ugly. RSD gave me a FAIL in the flashing process and now i cant boot the phone.
Thing is...it gives me the black and white screen saying it couldn't boot, but as soon as the RSD mode msg shows up it just turns of. I can't get it to stay on for the usb to pick the phone up...
how am i supposed to retry to flash it again?!
ANY help would come in handy...i'm about to loose hope.
Thanks in advance!
are you getting a screen with just...
(SVF message: 105:1:2 failed to boot 0x1000)
or something like this?
No OS detected, going to rsd mode in 5seconds press a key to stop count down available modes are:
4)Bp HW Bypass rsd
5)BP HW bypass QC Dload
6)BP HW diag & Boot AP
7)BP HW Bypass BP only
8)BP SW Bypass RSD
9)Android recovery
10)boot android (no BP)
11)Device UID
13 Early USB enumeration
14)BP tools
Did you not read the WARNING thread? It's stickied and is called WARNING for a reason.
[WARNING] Hard Brick with Official 4.5.91 Update
If the error is indeed (SVF message: 105:1:2 failed to boot 0x1000), you are SoL.
Defnow...i keep getting the first msg. followed by a REALLY quick one about RSD and then the phone shuts off...to the point where i need to take the battery out so i can look at the msg again. Edgeicator was right on target with the link.
Edgeicator, you got it right...unfortunately i didn't read the post...the shock of loosing a phone like this (specially living in Brazil) was enough to have me trying everything i could...i did read a couple of posts where people was being told to try the rollback...i was stupid and unlucky...a dangerous combination.
So i guess there's no solution in sight? should i just prepare myself psychologically to buy ANOTHER phone?
Thanks for the answer guys.
hard brick man. Sorry.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
if u can somehow get the phone to stay on and be recognized in RSD u could try to flash the pudding sbf then fast boot and load the system and boot.img files from the fruitcakes thread. Otherwise ull be buyin a new phone if u cant get a warranty replacement.
GeekIndustries said:
Defnow...i keep getting the first msg. followed by a REALLY quick one about RSD and then the phone shuts off...to the point where i need to take the battery out so i can look at the msg again. Edgeicator was right on target with the link.
Edgeicator, you got it right...unfortunately i didn't read the post...the shock of loosing a phone like this (specially living in Brazil) was enough to have me trying everything i could...i did read a couple of posts where people was being told to try the rollback...i was stupid and unlucky...a dangerous combination.
So i guess there's no solution in sight? should i just prepare myself psychologically to buy ANOTHER phone?
Thanks for the answer guys.
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I believe if its still under warranty you call up the ATT guys which will direct you to the Moto guys and they will ask you to ship your phone to them to fix since its a software related issue.
And how the hell do you manage to HARD BRICK your phone even with all these threads and warnings.
One question though, when you boot up the phone does the computer recognize it? I believe if it does you still can fix it.
Yeah i thought so...it sucks, but its good learning.
As i said before, searched around the web and got a couple posts, all pointing in the direction of a rollback, even if already updated to 2.3.4 ...bad luck for me.
I already sent msgs to those threads so they post a big ass red warning so no one will follow the same path.
...time to ponder my next buy...should i go for a replacement Atrix...should i try the galaxy 2s...should i get a crappy phone and wait for Atrix2?
GeekIndustries said:
Hi all.
I'm in dire need of help...
I was glad to see the gingerbread update popping up on my atrix...so i got home (better internet) and did the update. Everything seemed fine until i tried to put the phone to sleep (pushed the power button). The thing just rebooted. Tried it again and the same thing happened...next time it turned on i just waited for it to go to sleep mode by itself and again it booted.
Searching the forums, the answers pointed me to the direction of a factory reset...and away i went...to no new results. It just kept on booting. So i decided to do a rollback do the previous version and that's when it got ugly. RSD gave me a FAIL in the flashing process and now i cant boot the phone.
Thing is...it gives me the black and white screen saying it couldn't boot, but as soon as the RSD mode msg shows up it just turns of. I can't get it to stay on for the usb to pick the phone up...
how am i supposed to retry to flash it again?!
ANY help would come in handy...i'm about to loose hope.
Thanks in advance!
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Another one bites the dust...Sounds like a HARD Brick. Ginger*ucked!!
GeekIndustries said:
Hi all.
I'm in dire need of help...
I was glad to see the gingerbread update popping up on my atrix...so i got home (better internet) and did the update. Everything seemed fine until i tried to put the phone to sleep (pushed the power button). The thing just rebooted. Tried it again and the same thing happened...next time it turned on i just waited for it to go to sleep mode by itself and again it booted.
Searching the forums, the answers pointed me to the direction of a factory reset...and away i went...to no new results. It just kept on booting. So i decided to do a rollback do the previous version and that's when it got ugly. RSD gave me a FAIL in the flashing process and now i cant boot the phone.
Thing is...it gives me the black and white screen saying it couldn't boot, but as soon as the RSD mode msg shows up it just turns of. I can't get it to stay on for the usb to pick the phone up...
how am i supposed to retry to flash it again?!
ANY help would come in handy...i'm about to loose hope.
Thanks in advance!
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Another one bites the dust...Sounds like a HARD Brick. Ginger*ucked!!

How I unbricked my hard bricked (0x1000) failed to boot atrix

Well last night I tried to unlock my brothers Atrix 4G on 2.3.4 using zomgunlock-lite.sbf using RDS Lite.
It failed and the phone was unable to boot with the error code 0x1000.
So basically I thought it was for sure bricked, but I kept looking around. I found nothing.
However I did find this file:
Which is apparently like a restored bootloader(or something, i'm new to android), so i plugged the phone into the computer, arrowed down to RSD support or whatever on the phone, and using RSD lite 5.3.1 I managed to flash that file onto the device and get it working again.
Maybe I was never hard bricked in the first place but everyone I found on the internet thought so.
Hope this helped some people, it was a great relief when it worked for me.
After flashing the "zomgunlock-lite.sbf" you could have pulled the battery (then put it back in) and without turning it on just plug back into the computer and it would have turned on by itself and given you a menu in which you would have selected fastboot and then entered the commands for unlocking the bootloader.
I'm glad you got yours working and appreciate the info but there is a way out of it. Actually, someone has created an automatic script for just that occasion here:
Just follow the directions for the error.
ravicus said:
Well last night I tried to unlock my brothers Atrix 4G on 2.3.4 using zomgunlock-lite.sbf using RDS Lite.
It failed and the phone was unable to boot with the error code 0x1000.
So basically I thought it was for sure bricked, but I kept looking around. I found nothing.
However I did find this file:
Which is apparently like a restored bootloader(or something, i'm new to android), so i plugged the phone into the computer, arrowed down to RSD support or whatever on the phone, and using RSD lite 5.3.1 I managed to flash that file onto the device and get it working again.
Maybe I was never hard bricked in the first place but everyone I found on the internet thought so.
Hope this helped some people, it was a great relief when it worked for me.
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glad you're phone is ok, but yea you were not hard bricked. You just had to redo the OEM unlock command in fastboot one more time. The hard brick is when trying to downgrade, not from flashing pudding and it takes away the ability to RSD or fastboot. If those options are there then there's a way out.
I think a mod should change title so people aren't getting false hope.
You were soft bricked. Unlocking a stock 2.3.4 phone always results in a 0x1000 No OS error, at which point you are supposed to choose fastboot before the 5 seconds are up (or reboot into fastboot mode if you miss the 5 second window) and run fastboot oem unlock once to get the unique key and then again with the key followed by a fastboot reboot.
I repeat, all unlock attempts on stock 2.3.4 OTA Atrices will result in this temporary soft brick.
This thread really did me a massive favor in telling me exactly what I was searching for when google was being useless. Thank you guys. Particularly the post above mine about soft bricks.
ravicus said:
Well last night I tried to unlock my brothers Atrix 4G on 2.3.4 using zomgunlock-lite.sbf using RDS Lite.
It failed and the phone was unable to boot with the error code 0x1000.
So basically I thought it was for sure bricked, but I kept looking around. I found nothing.
However I did find this file:
Which is apparently like a restored bootloader(or something, i'm new to android), so i plugged the phone into the computer, arrowed down to RSD support or whatever on the phone, and using RSD lite 5.3.1 I managed to flash that file onto the device and get it working again.
Maybe I was never hard bricked in the first place but everyone I found on the internet thought so.
Hope this helped some people, it was a great relief when it worked for me.
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Massive n00b post, nothing but misinformation.
soft brick could be fixed.. my phone is hard one, can not be read by PC.. it is always booting loop.
and blemeIf
I have also hard bricked my Atrix. I have read many post on this forum and on google that phone can not be recovered after hard brick. Is it confirmed that there is no way to recover after a hard bricked? Please help.
mysticdrew said:
glad you're phone is ok, but yea you were not hard bricked. You just had to redo the OEM unlock command in fastboot one more time. The hard brick is when trying to downgrade, not from flashing pudding and it takes away the ability to RSD or fastboot. If those options are there then there's a way out.
I think a mod should change title so people aren't getting false hope.
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So, i did try to downgrade using RSD lite since nothing seemed to work when i was stuck at the unlocked M screen despite flashing 3 different roms via CWM. Now i get the error message failed to boot 0x1000, but there are no options at all and my phone just goes to black after 1sec. this is considered hard bricked correct? and there is nothing i can do other than send it into motorola
patsprobst said:
So, i did try to downgrade using RSD lite since nothing seemed to work when i was stuck at the unlocked M screen despite flashing 3 different roms via CWM. Now i get the error message failed to boot 0x1000, but there are no options at all and my phone just goes to black after 1sec. this is considered hard bricked correct? and there is nothing i can do other than send it into motorola
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Try http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1648947
dcarpenter85 said:
You were soft bricked. Unlocking a stock 2.3.4 phone always results in a 0x1000 No OS error, at which point you are supposed to choose fastboot before the 5 seconds are up (or reboot into fastboot mode if you miss the 5 second window) and run fastboot oem unlock once to get the unique key and then again with the key followed by a fastboot reboot.
I repeat, all unlock attempts on stock 2.3.4 OTA Atrices will result in this temporary soft brick.
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I can't believe it was so hard to find these particular instructions and that it is not listed anywhere on the sbf file. Thank you so much for your answer and the last sentence should be added to the sbf file. Actually your whole statement should be there. Thanks a lot. Saved me a lot of anguish.

[Q] Possible Brick; RSD won't work; Help?

Alright here goes
So my question is, what options do i have? I can't access any recovery options (Fastboot, android recovery, etc) and my RSD lite wont connect.
Short Story
Every time i try to boot my Atrix (after trying to update CherryPi), I get the Failed to boot 2, Starting RSD mode. Unfortunately, when I plug my phone into a computer RSD doesn't see it. It's like its not even phased.
Long Story
Okay, so I got my atrix not too long ago. Got my phone rooted at proceeded to use gingerblur. Then shortly there after, I attempted to upgrade to the Gingerbread OTA update, which got me stuck in a boot loop. (Now I'm a little confused, I don't think that I have unlocked my phone at all. I don't ever recall "unlocked" being on the boot screen at all). From this point I don't think RSD was working. I spent about a week trying to get it to work. Then I was able to fastboot flash the stock img files for gingerbread to my phone. So now I had a working gingerbread atrix. I sat stock for a little while, figgured out how to root via fastboot (again, no rsd support at this point). After I was rooted I installed CherryPi 0.3 via CWM. It worked great, a couple of days later I went to do the CherryPi 0.X > 0.5 and it flashed with CWM "successfully" got to the AT&T logo on bootup and then crashed and has been giving me the failed to boot 2.
I hope i've given you guys enough info. If any of you super hackers live in San Diego, I'd be more then willing to bring my phone over for you to figure out. So I just really need to know what my options are. If I take it back to AT&T will they likely give me a new one? (I'm good at playing dumb). I traded my phone originally so I don't know what kind of warranty is in place. Can I contact Motorola and get a new handset? Just looking for suggestions.
Thanks guys
Have you tried to reinstall the motorola driver?
Yes, when I first "lost" RSD support and since the current "Failed to boot 2" message.
It has the flash interface when I plug it in, but the motorola software dosent see it, same with RSD. just like nothing is plugged in.
Why not put it into fastboot mode when it reboots and then flash a different file?
phobos512 said:
Why not put it into fastboot mode when it reboots and then flash a different file?
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It won't boot into any other mode, upon putting the battery in, it shows the dual core logo for about 1.5-2 seconds that pops up the "Failed to boot 2" message and starting RSD mode.
Judging by your first post u mentioned that u never unlocked your boot loader, unless I'm reading this wrong. These ROMS weren't meant to be flashed with the Bootstrapped version of CWM (The one that requires u to be plugged in to AC power) so not sure if that sheds any light on the subject or not. Again, if I read your post wrong, I apologize.
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Phalanx7621 said:
Judging by your first post u mentioned that u never unlocked your boot loader, unless I'm reading this wrong. These ROMS weren't meant to be flashed with the Bootstrapped version of CWM (The one that requires u to be plugged in to AC power) so not sure if that sheds any light on the subject or not. Again, if I read your post wrong, I apologize.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
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Ya, from what I can tell its Motorola locking me out for using an modified rom. But I think that I should be able to return to a stock firmware using RSD lite or the Motorola software restore from thier site, but neither see my phone connected. This leads me to belive that somewhere in the process the RSD protocol got messed up. Now I really don't know much, just enough to be dangerous. So if theres anyone that can tell me if I'm even looking the right direction.
And if I am right is there anything I could possibly do?
gjRabbit said:
Alright here goes
So my question is, what options do i have? I can't access any recovery options (Fastboot, android recovery, etc) and my RSD lite wont connect.
Short Story
Every time i try to boot my Atrix (after trying to update CherryPi), I get the Failed to boot 2, Starting RSD mode. Unfortunately, when I plug my phone into a computer RSD doesn't see it. It's like its not even phased.
Long Story
Okay, so I got my atrix not too long ago. Got my phone rooted at proceeded to use gingerblur. Then shortly there after, I attempted to upgrade to the Gingerbread OTA update, which got me stuck in a boot loop. (Now I'm a little confused, I don't think that I have unlocked my phone at all. I don't ever recall "unlocked" being on the boot screen at all). From this point I don't think RSD was working. I spent about a week trying to get it to work. Then I was able to fastboot flash the stock img files for gingerbread to my phone. So now I had a working gingerbread atrix. I sat stock for a little while, figgured out how to root via fastboot (again, no rsd support at this point). After I was rooted I installed CherryPi 0.3 via CWM. It worked great, a couple of days later I went to do the CherryPi 0.X > 0.5 and it flashed with CWM "successfully" got to the AT&T logo on bootup and then crashed and has been giving me the failed to boot 2.
I hope i've given you guys enough info. If any of you super hackers live in San Diego, I'd be more then willing to bring my phone over for you to figure out. So I just really need to know what my options are. If I take it back to AT&T will they likely give me a new one? (I'm good at playing dumb). I traded my phone originally so I don't know what kind of warranty is in place. Can I contact Motorola and get a new handset? Just looking for suggestions.
Thanks guys
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Hey man, I have the same problem with you.. have you some progress for that..
I find some infor from forum that this kind of hard brick can be solved by using the developping cable to reflash the sbk file, this method is pending at the SBK file is unavailable which is not released out by MOtorola.. I find a one of my friend who is working in MOTO (Tianjing, CHINA) to see my device, I hope he can help me to unbrick my phone.. when i have good news, I'll update it.

[Q] "Failure to Boot 2" after installing CWM

Hi XDA, been lurking for a while and today decided to start posting, beginning with a relatively urgent question.
My brother's been marveling at the ability to flash custom ROMs onto my Galaxy S2, and decided he wanted to root his Atrix today. Rooting process went well (he used Pete's Motorola Root Tools) and then flashed CWM through ROM Manager, but did NOT unlock his bootloader. After CWM was purportedly done, he put a ROM onto his HDD, turned the phone off, and attempted to boot into CWM. He was greeted with an error message, "Failure to Boot 2, Starting RSD Mode", which pops up whether he tries to turn on the phone normally or by holding the volume button down. Taking out the battery doesn't help.
Now, my assumption is that because he didn't unlock his bootloader, he's getting this error, but my experience with Android dev is limited. So, how would I go about fixing this? My only concern is getting the phone back to a working state, we don't care about the data on it.
Thank you for the time taken to read and answer this question, any and all help is appreciated.
Warm Regards,
EDIT: Just want to make sure, I did a fair amount of searching before I made this thread and found a bunch of answers, just not sure which one I should do. One thread champions just unlocking the bootloader, others suggest flashing an OEM ROM, which I'm not sure how to do without CWM. Essentially I'm just looking for some guidance and would deeply appreciate any help I can get.
EDIT 2: Forgot to add - he was running 2.2.1 stock. Root was successful. Feel free to ask any questions if necessary.
UPDATE: I've been trying to use these instructions to unlock the bootloader, but I'm stuck on the step that asks you to reboot your phone into RSD mode. The phone doesn't boot without being plugged in, and gives me the following error when I do:
Failed to Boot 2, Starting RSD Mode
"Battery is too low to Flash". Right now the phone's plugged into the wall with this message displaying,
It also goes without saying that RSD Mode, in fact, is never started .
Added some more information (apparently new members aren't allowed to post links, so added the information as UPDATE in the original post).
Again, thanks for your help and suggestions.
Bump, somebody please weigh in.
- Leo
Sent from my i777 using Tapatalk, on ICScrweD 2.1
FatalFlaw said:
Hi XDA, been lurking for a while and today decided to start posting, beginning with a relatively urgent question.
My brother's been marveling at the ability to flash custom ROMs onto my Galaxy S2, and decided he wanted to root his Atrix today. Rooting process went well (he used Pete's Motorola Root Tools) and then flashed CWM through ROM Manager, but did NOT unlock his bootloader. After CWM was purportedly done, he put a ROM onto his HDD, turned the phone off, and attempted to boot into CWM. He was greeted with an error message, "Failure to Boot 2, Starting RSD Mode", which pops up whether he tries to turn on the phone normally or by holding the volume button down. Taking out the battery doesn't help.
Now, my assumption is that because he didn't unlock his bootloader, he's getting this error, but my experience with Android dev is limited. So, how would I go about fixing this? My only concern is getting the phone back to a working state, we don't care about the data on it.
Thank you for the time taken to read and answer this question, any and all help is appreciated.
Warm Regards,
EDIT: Just want to make sure, I did a fair amount of searching before I made this thread and found a bunch of answers, just not sure which one I should do. One thread champions just unlocking the bootloader, others suggest flashing an OEM ROM, which I'm not sure how to do without CWM. Essentially I'm just looking for some guidance and would deeply appreciate any help I can get.
EDIT 2: Forgot to add - he was running 2.2.1 stock. Root was successful. Feel free to ask any questions if necessary.
UPDATE: I've been trying to use these instructions to unlock the bootloader, but I'm stuck on the step that asks you to reboot your phone into RSD mode. The phone doesn't boot without being plugged in, and gives me the following error when I do:
Failed to Boot 2, Starting RSD Mode
"Battery is too low to Flash". Right now the phone's plugged into the wall with this message displaying,
It also goes without saying that RSD Mode, in fact, is never started .
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You are correct in just trying to unlock the BL. Unfortunately, you will need a charged battery to do so. If you don't have access to a different battery, you can go to an AT&T store and they should charge it for you.
The OEM you're referring to is a full .sbf, instead of just the smaller "unlock" .sbf. That is an option, but in all honesty, unlocking the BL should be the quickest way to fix your situation.
If you run into any problems, let us know.
Thanks for the advice, it's immensely reassuring. He went to an AT&T store and they were unhelpful, refused to charge it for him I'm going to order a battery charger off Amazon and charge it that way, and will post here when I have results.
In the meantime if anyone else has something to add it would be quite appreciated.
Sent from my i777 using Tapatalk, on ICScrweD 2.1
Alright, we've run into a problem.
The screen never gets past the error message "Failure to Boot 2, Starting RSD Mode". We turn it off, hold power and up at the same time, and it still boots to that message. I press the power button and hold the volume up button, nothing changes.
The battery is charged.
Is there something I'm missing here?
FatalFlaw said:
Alright, we've run into a problem.
The screen never gets past the error message "Failure to Boot 2, Starting RSD Mode". We turn it off, hold power and up at the same time, and it still boots to that message. I press the power button and hold the volume up button, nothing changes.
The battery is charged.
Is there something I'm missing here?
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The .sbf's are flashed while your phone is in RSD Mode
in order to charge your battery (to fix the "Battery is too low" message) you will need to sacrifice any USB cable, cut it open and tape the red and black wires to the battery. (Red goes on +, Black goes on -)
ghost_og said:
The .sbf's are flashed while your phone is in RSD Mode
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Yep, I realized that. I thought "Starting RSD Mode" would at some point subside, and it would say something along the lines of "In RSD Mode" or something. But he flashed an unlock SBF and got it unlocked. He now has a beautiful Atrix running ICS MIUI.
Thank you all for the help.
Same problem but the solution does not work for me
I am in the same boat. I downloaded RSD 5.9 and used the file in pudding.rar. After I loaded the file, RSD said it passed with 100% load but the phone is still stuck in the same place. Can anyone help?

