CM7 nightlies -- 3G issues - Fascinate Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is anyone else having issues related to their 3G connection on CM7 nightlies? And if so may I have some help?
When it happens I cannot connect to anything; internet, twitter, facebook, etc.
ROM version: CM7 Nightlies v12
How long used: Since 8/9 but had the same issues with version 9
Flashed via: manual flash through supplied CWR
Downloaded via: link in OP
Previous ROM series: prior to GB i was on froyo evil fascination
SD Card: stock 16gig

Nightlies always have some kind of bug. So you can try a different rom to see if that would fix the issue.


[SOLVED] How to get from NAMELESS v4.1 to andmer's new MIUI

Since this is a Q and I didn't want to clog the newly started Andmer thread I'd ask here.
I am currently on NAMLESS v4.1 and with all the SD card problems I plan on taking the plunge to MIUI until the bug is fixed. What I want to know is how I would go about getting to MIUI. Since EC09 Leak had its own kernel and modem and recovery(provided by navenedrob), would I just have to Flash [ROM] AOSP MIUI FascinateMTD 1.6.24 > Flash [KERNEL][06.20.11][cm7 or miui] OTB (fascinatemtd) > Reboot. Which would get me the ROM, working Kernel, and keep my EC09 radio.
Just wanted to make sure before ruinning things.
Thanks for any help.
I guess my impatience got the best of me. From NAMELESS v4.1 I odined back to stock DL09 > odined latest recovery > flashed latest MIUI and instead of pulling the battery after the first countdown (when it waits for sdcard to mount) I just let it sit and after a few minutes later it finally mounted and finished the install. Hope this helps anyone else who is running into any problems.
i would like to do this too.. i love nameless.. but i need my video player.. plus super mario rpg is very laggy
and i dont think the radio will work with miui.. prolly have to odin back.. to dl09 n go from there
I just went back to ComRom from EC09. Odin Froyo EB01 and then rebuid what you want from there.

Wifi sleep issues with Eugene's EB7 Kernel

Given I have fewer than 10 posts, I cannot post in the specific thread applicable to my issue.
I have flashed eugene's EB7 with BLN over CMV stable with a KB5 radio and I'm still getting wifi sleep issues. It's been happening consistently over several days regardless of CPU governor settings. Has anyone replicated this issue and/or found a solution?
eugene373 EB7 kernel:
cyanogenmod stable rom:
KB5 radio:

[Q] Question about cyanogen

Well i put the stable version of Cm7 on my s2 and i've been having a problem with the sound not working sometimes.
1) Is this normal for the stable version or should i start using the nightlies?
2) would there be a chance that my s2 would brick since its unstable?
3) Whats the biggest Pro for nightly users?
4) And would i lose my app once i flash a nighty version?
Use the nightlies. The build bot has some issues, so there were no nightlies for several weeks. #116 is the latest.
Not really, unless you mess up the flashing, by not following the instructions.
You get new stuff / fixes faster?
Nope, unless you wipe before. Which is recommended if you're not coming from CM.

[Q] Stock rom instability

Good morning everyone
Seems to be that my GSII has serious issues running his stock rom (continuous reboots, not-working 3g etc.). I tried several factory resets, but nothing worked 100% . CM fixes some of my problems, but the only full-working custom rom is MIUI, that seems to be stable and very neat. Despite that I still prefer the custom rom (yes I'm probably insane), or a more traditional one like CM and I really would like to understand what kind of problems can generate such a massive amount of errors and reboots.
Could be a hardware problem? MIUI works fine, I can't explain why I still got problems with other ROMs.
Sorry for my bad English, thanks in advance
Without telling us the version of the stock rom you are using, we can never give you any answers.
I'm currently using [email protected] #2 Kernel
Gingerbread.xwkj3 Build
That's not the original stock ROM, just one I found (here on xda I guess...)
Is there some kind of hardware-check I can run by myself, just for exclude manifacturing defects?
if you want to check to exclude hardware defects, u could go to the dialer and press *#0*# .. it will give u a list of tests which allows u to pinpoint any hardware defects ( if it exists) .... but if the problem is with the 3g, you could reflash your modem..
Initial problems were strictly connected with 3g's use, after a few hours of use i've noticed slowdowns using sms, then it started crashing and random rebooting. That's the same reason why I initially switched from original ROM to CM. I mean, I know that Samsung's ROM is not the best one at all, but I can't figure why it's so instable on my device.
fra beone said:
I'm currently using [email protected] #2 Kernel
Gingerbread.xwkj3 Build
That's not the original stock ROM, just one I found (here on xda I guess...)
Is there some kind of hardware-check I can run by myself, just for exclude manifacturing defects?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
As that the oldest stock rom try a newer one .
Updating: now my GSII works with latest stable Cyanogen, except for the 3g that's still not working. Should I reflash modem, as suggested by roophz?
That old kernel is known to cause random reboots.
Update to a newer stock rom.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Update 2: I switched from the old stock rom to the latest cyanogen stable version, then to a newer stock rom and then back to MIUI again. Still no life signals from 3g.
How is that possible?

GPS issues on slimbean 2.1 & 2.5

Sorry for opening a new thread, but i'm not allowed to post to the dev thread.
I'm on slimbean 2.5 and can't get my GPS to work. It's searching and searching, but does not find signal. I've installed 2.1 with romnuke script (fullwipe) and then upgraded without wipe to 2.5 but had the gps issues already in 2.1. Tried fasterfix and set it to my region Germany without success.
Never had gps probs on any of my previous roms, tried resurrection, revolt, omega and alliance, so i think this is rom related.
Any suggestions on what do do? Might a kernel switch help? I've tried several dorimanx versions in the past, but had stability issues with all of them. Are there other jb/aokp kernels out there?
Thx for your help!

