Wifi sleep issues with Eugene's EB7 Kernel - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Given I have fewer than 10 posts, I cannot post in the specific thread applicable to my issue.
I have flashed eugene's EB7 with BLN over CMV stable with a KB5 radio and I'm still getting wifi sleep issues. It's been happening consistently over several days regardless of CPU governor settings. Has anyone replicated this issue and/or found a solution?
eugene373 EB7 kernel: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1324212
cyanogenmod stable rom: http://download.cyanogenmod.com/get/update-cm-
KB5 radio: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1110500


[Q] Question about baseband versions

So when I had my D1, the general consensus with baseband versions was "try the different ones available and use what works best for you and your phone." The baseband versions did not match the ROM versions, so it wasn't a big deal.
In reading the Fascinate forums, the general consensus seems to be "use the baseband that matches your ROM base (i.e. DJ09, EB01, EA28, etc). Has anyone actually had problems using mismatched basebands and ROMs? My phone updated to EA28 right after I got it (about a month ago), and I've been on the EA28 baseband since then. I flashed to DL30 the night I got it, and have been running SC 2.3 for a couple of weeks (just updated to 2.6 yesterday).
Anyway, I'm just curious if there are any real issues that have occurred with this. Thanks,
Mismatched baseband & ROM has been known to cause loss of vibrate & haptic feedback.
[email protected] said:
Mismatched baseband & ROM has been known to cause loss of vibrate & haptic feedback.
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I can verify that this can happen. I also had DL30 build and EB01 baseband for a few days and didn't notice any problems at all, though. I think it depends on the mix that you have.
The only issue you should have with a mismatched baseband would be sms/mms not working properly, and potentially poor battery life.
Loss of haptic feedback/vibrate usually comes from using an incorrect kernel for the rom you're on.
Sent from my Froyo Fascinate

CM7 nightlies -- 3G issues

Is anyone else having issues related to their 3G connection on CM7 nightlies? And if so may I have some help?
When it happens I cannot connect to anything; internet, twitter, facebook, etc.
ROM version: CM7 Nightlies v12
How long used: Since 8/9 but had the same issues with version 9
Flashed via: manual flash through supplied CWR
Downloaded via: link in OP
Previous ROM series: prior to GB i was on froyo evil fascination
SD Card: stock 16gig
Nightlies always have some kind of bug. So you can try a different rom to see if that would fix the issue.

Unnamed 1.32 vs 2.1

Is battery life.better on 1.3.2? I am using gokhan 2.3.7 with unnamed 1.3.2 at the moment. Are there any advantages to new unnamed Tom?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
UnNamed v1 is KH7 based while v2 is KK6 based. That being said, 1.3.2 won't have the battery drain issues associated with KK6 that v2 will have. Entropy512 details the KK6 firmware bug a little bit in his known identified battery drainers thread.
Nitox, i saw from your signature that you are on 1.3.2. I work in a place that has low signal and usually prefer to stay on wifi all day but I have noticed more drain on wifi than on data. Have you tried 2.2.1?
I'm just debating if I should go to the KH7 version of unnamed.
Any opinion or imput?
I did switch to v2 when gtg released it, but ran into the wifi associated battery drain issue every once in a while (which drained 6-7% per hour overnight). It was stable for the most part but I decided to revert back to 1.3.2 to avoid the issue entirely, especially since I didn't notice any real functional difference between the two.
Solution to your problem maybe?
Interesting thread... so should there still be wifi drain if we install 2.2.1, but then flash the KH7 modem on instead? I personally see quite a bit of wakelock with this setup but i don't know if it is more than is normal.
I guess I dont really understand whether KK6 is somehow built into 2.2.1, or if it is a completely separate entity that just comes with the rom.
Every ROM is based on a certain version of Android (KH7, KK6, etc). What this means is that the developer creates the ROM with that version installed. KH7 is the version of Android that was shipped with the phone, so everyone who bought the phone was running KH7. So at the time that gtg first started developing UnNamed (ie. UnNamed 1.x.x), he was building his ROM off of KH7.
After the KK6 source was leaked, he finalized v1 with UnNamed 1.3.2 and released UnNamed 2.0.0 based on KK6.
I don't think the KK6 bug is modem-related: I'm actually running the KK6 modem on 1.3.2 and haven't come across the wifi bug. I don't know much about the root of the problem, but I'm assuming it has to do with some coding issues within KK6 itself. This thread has some more details about the bug.
I'm not going to pretend like I'm an expert on the bug. In fact, I know barely anything about it, besides the fact that it exists, is KK6 related, and that I've experienced it before. Reverting back to 1.3.2 was mostly just me heeding Entropy's advice to abandoning KK6 and avoid the problem entirely.
Correct me if I am wrong but here is the way I understand the versions. There are three variables at play here: the modem (KK6, KH7, ect.), the Android version (2.3.4, 2.3.5, etc.) , and the kernel version.
I asked about WiFi performance in another thread in Q&A and Entropy responded saying WiFi is controlled by kernel and Android version. The WiFi bug is actually associated with the Android Version 2.3.6. Avoiding rom's based on this version will ensure you do not encounter this bug.
I currently have UnNamed 1.3.2, which is based on Android 2.3.4, running Entropy's latest kernel and I have had better battery life than compared to running 2.3.6 based roms (UnNamed 2.2.1 and SHOstock 1.8.1).
My advice for best battery performance: find a rom based on Android Version 2.3.4, flash Entropy's latest kernel, and choose a modem that works best in your area.
splttingatms said:
Correct me if I am wrong but here is the way I understand the versions. There are three variables at play here: the modem (KK6, KH7, ect.), the Android version (2.3.4, 2.3.5, etc.) , and the kernel version.
I asked about WiFi performance in another thread in Q&A and Entropy responded saying WiFi is controlled by kernel and Android version. The WiFi bug is actually associated with the Android Version 2.3.6. Avoiding rom's based on this version will ensure you do not encounter this bug.
I currently have UnNamed 1.3.2, which is based on Android 2.3.4, running Entropy's latest kernel and I have had better battery life than compared to running 2.3.6 based roms (UnNamed 2.2.1 and SHOstock 1.8.1).
My advice for best battery performance: find a rom based on Android Version 2.3.4, flash Entropy's latest kernel, and choose a modem that works best in your area.
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I'm fairly sure it's a bug with only samsung builds, namely KK6
Nick281051 said:
I'm fairly sure it's a bug with only samsung builds, namely KK6
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Yeah it's a samsung build problem but what I mean is that it's a bug that is found in the Android 2.3.6 build provide by samsung.
Thanks everyone, it all makes sense now! Especially great explanation by nitox.n2o ... still trying to figure out how to use the "thank" function in these forums
Ill try 1.3.2 and see if that helps with my wakelocks! Its probably also due to the fact that I have poor reception at work and my phone is trying to constantly trying to find the best cell-tower to use

Bluetooth wont turn on

i just upgraded to litening rom v3.1 from v2.9 and now my bluetooth wont switch on.
i've tried various different kernels to resolve the problem, but they don't make any difference (siyah, speedmod, abyss)
currently running ICS 4.0.3
litepro kernel v2

GPS issues on slimbean 2.1 & 2.5

Sorry for opening a new thread, but i'm not allowed to post to the dev thread.
I'm on slimbean 2.5 and can't get my GPS to work. It's searching and searching, but does not find signal. I've installed 2.1 with romnuke script (fullwipe) and then upgraded without wipe to 2.5 but had the gps issues already in 2.1. Tried fasterfix and set it to my region Germany without success.
Never had gps probs on any of my previous roms, tried resurrection, revolt, omega and alliance, so i think this is rom related.
Any suggestions on what do do? Might a kernel switch help? I've tried several dorimanx versions in the past, but had stability issues with all of them. Are there other jb/aokp kernels out there?
Thx for your help!

