[Q] Phone number format - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I gave the forums a quick search but didn't find anything relevant, so here goes:
Currently my phone app displays phone numbers (when calling/receiving calls) in the USA style: XXX - XXX - XXXX
I would like for it to display it the way it's done for France: XX-XX-XX-XX-XX instead.
I looked around in the phone settings but couldn't find anything related to this. Does anyone know how to change this?

Settings- Language & Keyboard- Select language to English UK.
But I don't know what format is used in France. There is France listed too.


[Q] Phone number hyphens

Is it possible to stop the contact list from automatically showing hyphens in my contacts phone numbers? My SGS2 is set to US and I suspect that because of that it hyphenates numbers in the following way: 123-456-789, but I am Dutch and we hyphenate in a different way.
I know it is a small detail, but I want my phone to be perfect
Try to change phone language from English USA to English UK. It should work.
(10 char)

Japanese texts sent from SGSII and "readable" on other devices (iphone4 for example)

Japanese texts sent from SGSII and "readable" on other devices (iphone4 for example)
Hi all,
So here is my problem. I'm running on Cognition 1.5 and since I do not have japanese nor french on this ROM I decided to download smart keyboard.
However most of my japanese friends use devices such as iphones (yeah nobody is perfect ) and when I try to send them texts, they see "question marks" whereas I can read perfectly the texts they send me in japanese.
Since Iphone has japanese in native language and after having tested different applications other than smart keyboard, it is highly likely that the "problem" is coming from my system.
So I had a look at the thread listing official firmwares.
And it seems that, as it is said in the thread, CSC DOES have nothing to do with the keyboards available (tried out of despair to flash the ones including DCM )
It indeed added japanese in the language settings, but did not add the japanese keyboard.
However I was wondering if texts typed via a third-party app like "smart keyboard" would be readable on other devices as long as "Japanese" is available in "language settings" and, if necessary, if I select it.
PS : I am sorry to create another thread about this issue, but all threads about this issue are obviously dead/unanswered and my problem is slightly different than the ones adressed in those threads.

S-Voice language issue?

Hi all,
I've just been playing around on my new Galaxy S III and thought I would have a go on S-Voice.
Has anyone else from the UK realised that it will answer more questions if the language in the settings is set to US rather than UK??
For example on UK language I asked 'do you like me' and got the answer 'I'm not sure what you mean by Do you like me' But if I asked it the same question with the language set to US I get 'Absolutely' or 'What's not to like' or 'probably'. I can ask a whole load more questions when it's set to US but it pretty much only recognises the weather request when set to UK
What's the deal with this?? It seems S-Voice has more answers if the language is set to american? :/

[Q] [HELP] TTS in Google Now/Voice Search

Hi Everyone.
I'm hoping someone will have a solution for me coz this problem is driving me mad now. Anytime I use Google Now/Voice search, the response is being read out in US English, as opposed to UK English, it used to be in the UK variant but something, somewhere must have changed.
I've resorted to restoring a UK ROM and wiping the device totally, including local storage so it got returned to being a device straight out of the box.
No matter have many settings to do with region that I find and make sure is set to English UK, it always speaks in US. Whats even more frustrating is, it's only this that's doing it, anything else that uses TTS speaks in the correct English, UK.
Any help would be great, even if someone knows what the language data is stored so I can delete it and see if it's then forced to use the UK variant. I've checked all around my actual Google account to see if it's getting a language setting from that, but again, everything is set to UK.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app

what the text me

Can someone tell me what the following text in the image means or translate it for me? I don't have any Chinese apps installed. Everything is in English except this. Model #SM-G965F
Where did you purchase your phone?
I've seen similar things from clone knockoff devices.
No I got it from parallel import, its a legal phone as I have registered with Samsung. I get all the updates and what not. Everything is English except for this app or whatever they are.
I cant find them in "Apps" menu but I was playing with bxmapper and at the bottom those shown up.
I would just flash english official rom.

