[Q] Phone number hyphens - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is it possible to stop the contact list from automatically showing hyphens in my contacts phone numbers? My SGS2 is set to US and I suspect that because of that it hyphenates numbers in the following way: 123-456-789, but I am Dutch and we hyphenate in a different way.
I know it is a small detail, but I want my phone to be perfect

Try to change phone language from English USA to English UK. It should work.

(10 char)


[Q] Phone number format

I gave the forums a quick search but didn't find anything relevant, so here goes:
Currently my phone app displays phone numbers (when calling/receiving calls) in the USA style: XXX - XXX - XXXX
I would like for it to display it the way it's done for France: XX-XX-XX-XX-XX instead.
I looked around in the phone settings but couldn't find anything related to this. Does anyone know how to change this?
Settings- Language & Keyboard- Select language to English UK.
But I don't know what format is used in France. There is France listed too.

[Q] Spell-check with different input/system language problem

I have a problem with the spelling correction build within ICS. I’ll try and explain as good as possible.
Device: Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Android: Stock, unrooted, 4.0.1
Build: ITL41
My system setting is set to English while my keyboard/input language is set to Dutch. I prefer it this way since it’s much easier to look up problems and answers with English as a system language then Dutch (should a problem arise, the chances someone has asked it somewhere online in English are ‘a bit’ larger). However most of my texts are to Dutch friends, so the input language is Dutch. So far, so good.
If I mistype a word, the auto-correct does correct the word to a Dutch word. If I type words correctly, the auto-correct does nothing (and rightfully so). However, here’s my problem. The correct word remains correct, however ICS feels the need to underline it in red, showing it’s wrong. Touching the ‘wrong’ word gives suggestions for correct words, all of them in English.
Is there anyone who knows how to have the system language and the input language be two different languages, yet not have the spellcheck use the system-language?
I hope I’ve explained it clearly, such things are always more clear in your own head then when you type them out!
(If this has previously been discussed, my apologies, I couldn't find it)
Anyone? Having the same issue here. Thanks!
@ppdebie do you have the solution already?

[Q] Numbers shown as links. Need to fix that

Hey there
got a really strange problem with Android starting from 4.3
Every number with two or more numbers is shown as a link (like a telephone number) but it seems like this is just the problem when the language is changed to german.
Switching the language to english solved it but i want to keep it in german.
so any suggestion how i might fix this problem?

[Q] Contact Names Sorting Problem

Hello. I am using Sony Xperia Z2 (Official Android 5.0.2).
My phone is in English (Hong Kong).
I would like my contacts in Traditional Chinese could be sorted by number of strokes instead of Mandarin (This is not Hongkongers' language).
Or if it can be sorted by Cantonese (Hongkongers' language), I don't mind. (But I guess it is not yet available)
How can I do this:
English Android but No. of Strokes is used to sort names in Contacts.
Because in Chinese (Hong Kong) Android, contact names are sorted by no. of stokes.
Can I set it?
Thank you. I searched for so long.

Buying s9+ snapdragon edition for use in eu

Hi i live in greece and i want to buy the s9+ with the snapdragon for several reasons... radio, call recording e.t.c. i mean the g9650 model and i have several questions.... apart from the frequencies which i already check i want you to tell me any problems i may face. Can i add greek language??? If not will text on greek apps websites etc apear without probles??? Will i be able to receive sms mails etc in greek??? What about greek keyboard for texting goolge search storing contact names etc???and finaly i know some people here with xiaomi's are unable to make calls to police ambulances firefighting number which are 3 digit numbers will i have such a problem???? Thanks in advance
dextergsxr said:
Hi i live in greece and i want to buy the s9+ with the snapdragon for several reasons... radio, call recording e.t.c. i mean the g9650 model and i have several questions.... apart from the frequencies which i already check i want you to tell me any problems i may face. Can i add greek language??? If not will text on greek apps websites etc apear without probles??? Will i be able to receive sms mails etc in greek??? What about greek keyboard for texting goolge search storing contact names etc???and finaly i know some people here with xiaomi's are unable to make calls to police ambulances firefighting number which are 3 digit numbers will i have such a problem???? Thanks in advance
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There is a ελληνικά language option in Language Settings on the SM-G9650 Snapdragon. The set language will be displayed in all apps preinstalled on the phone, even keyboards. Text on Greek apps or websites shouldn't be an issue since you can chose almost any language in your web browser. Not sure about emergency calls however my SM-G9650 does allow 3 digit calls.
thanks man... and a last one can i install apps that require root access or its only aveliable on exynos variants???
dextergsxr said:
thanks man... and a last one can i install apps that require root access or its only aveliable on exynos variants???
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Either variant should allow root access but be careful, once certain apps gain root access you've surrendered critical security abilities and the app may be accessing more than you realized.

