[Q] Numbers shown as links. Need to fix that - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey there
got a really strange problem with Android starting from 4.3
Every number with two or more numbers is shown as a link (like a telephone number) but it seems like this is just the problem when the language is changed to german.
Switching the language to english solved it but i want to keep it in german.
so any suggestion how i might fix this problem?


[Q] Phone number hyphens

Is it possible to stop the contact list from automatically showing hyphens in my contacts phone numbers? My SGS2 is set to US and I suspect that because of that it hyphenates numbers in the following way: 123-456-789, but I am Dutch and we hyphenate in a different way.
I know it is a small detail, but I want my phone to be perfect
Try to change phone language from English USA to English UK. It should work.
(10 char)

[Q] Spell-check with different input/system language problem

I have a problem with the spelling correction build within ICS. I’ll try and explain as good as possible.
Device: Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Android: Stock, unrooted, 4.0.1
Build: ITL41
My system setting is set to English while my keyboard/input language is set to Dutch. I prefer it this way since it’s much easier to look up problems and answers with English as a system language then Dutch (should a problem arise, the chances someone has asked it somewhere online in English are ‘a bit’ larger). However most of my texts are to Dutch friends, so the input language is Dutch. So far, so good.
If I mistype a word, the auto-correct does correct the word to a Dutch word. If I type words correctly, the auto-correct does nothing (and rightfully so). However, here’s my problem. The correct word remains correct, however ICS feels the need to underline it in red, showing it’s wrong. Touching the ‘wrong’ word gives suggestions for correct words, all of them in English.
Is there anyone who knows how to have the system language and the input language be two different languages, yet not have the spellcheck use the system-language?
I hope I’ve explained it clearly, such things are always more clear in your own head then when you type them out!
(If this has previously been discussed, my apologies, I couldn't find it)
Anyone? Having the same issue here. Thanks!
@ppdebie do you have the solution already?

Some MIUI questions and bugs

I'm a long time MIUI user on my old VIVO, but now installed it for the first time on my S3. I'm having a couple of issues though. The most important one for me is that the dutch dictionary doesn't work. Where can I download an external one? Preferably one I can flash or install... Another thing, and I'm wondering if any one else is experiencing this because this is just a major bug, is that search in the browser doesn't work. Whenever I type a query in either one of the top bars (the adress bar or the search bar) it just goes to the google startpage, without searching for my query. So I have to type it all over again every time... Is there a fix? Or am I alone in this? Also, is there a way to remove the search bar? It's obsolete in stock android; you can just type a query in the address bar...
Many thanks in advance,
Installing the UK version from miuiandroid.com fixed the browser issue, but removed the option to install dictionaries for the keyboard, but it seems to come with Dutch installed. I have English and Dutch as input languages enabled, but only English typing has spelling correction. When I try Dutch, it only shows my contacts as suggestions..??
No one having similar issues?
Try MIU forum .

[Q] 4.1.2 on U9508 bugs

Hi i recently bought a rooted huawei u9508 i discovered some bugs.
First when i send messages in greek language when they are big in length(more than 60 chars) the receiver reads them in chinese language.
Another thing is that, when i answer my incoming calls(sliding to green icon) this doesnt answer it and continue to rings.
I tried factory reset settings now and the problem with the answering solved but i dont know what caused it(i only installed apps from google playstore)
And last when i install apps they make two icons instead of one. Is this a software problem or hardware?
Honor 2 supports android 4.2?
Sorry for the long post.
Many thanks in advance

Keyboard changing language after sending a text

Hey guys,
just got my S6 Edge, loving it so far. (As much as i hate TouchWiz ... )
I do have a one single problem that freaks me out. (the other like lags and extremely high Ram usage .. well i can live with that..)
I've seen it happen only while i text i WhatsApp , the things is when i send a text it changes to English language automatically.
i use two main languages, and yes the phone itself set to English. so it might be it, but is there a solution for this one ?
Thanks in advance.
I got this problem too..
Somebody have a solution for that?
I thought it happened because i installed allience network.... strange
Same problem 4 me on regular s6

