[Q] Contact Names Sorting Problem - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello. I am using Sony Xperia Z2 (Official Android 5.0.2).
My phone is in English (Hong Kong).
I would like my contacts in Traditional Chinese could be sorted by number of strokes instead of Mandarin (This is not Hongkongers' language).
Or if it can be sorted by Cantonese (Hongkongers' language), I don't mind. (But I guess it is not yet available)
How can I do this:
English Android but No. of Strokes is used to sort names in Contacts.
Because in Chinese (Hong Kong) Android, contact names are sorted by no. of stokes.
Can I set it?
Thank you. I searched for so long.


x10 mini pro aabic harware keybroard

does any one know if the x10 mini pro available with a arabic hardware keyboard in the middle east.
in arab countries normaly the key pads have the arabic letters on them.
i live in uk.
If you find anything please post an update.
On my minipro there is no Arabic text support, which is annoying for some of my work emails. I think once rooted we may be able to install fonts / language packs / etc to remedy that.
UPDATE: Sorry I forgot to say, there are some places on Edgware Road in London that do a button printing service and can label the buttons professionally with Arabic letters - but you will need a confirmed key map first unless they already have one (which is unlikely since it's so new).
ayewhy said:
If you find anything please post an update.
On my minipro there is no Arabic text support, which is annoying for some of my work emails. I think once rooted we may be able to install fonts / language packs / etc to remedy that.
UPDATE: Sorry I forgot to say, there are some places on Edgware Road in London that do a button printing service and can label the buttons professionally with Arabic letters - but you will need a confirmed key map first unless they already have one (which is unlikely since it's so new).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I searched the mobile shops x10 mini pro does not come in arabic even in saudi arabia.other handsets do e.g x2

[Q] How to add other language input methods ?

I bought my Xperia X10 Mini in Hong Kong.
Now the problem is that the only input language is Chinese. I can still input latin characters but it's a real hassle as my phone only has a Chinese dictionary for the word predicting function.
How can I add the English and French input method?
Thanks in advance!
I am having the same problem did you manage to resolve this?

[Q] Phone number hyphens

Is it possible to stop the contact list from automatically showing hyphens in my contacts phone numbers? My SGS2 is set to US and I suspect that because of that it hyphenates numbers in the following way: 123-456-789, but I am Dutch and we hyphenate in a different way.
I know it is a small detail, but I want my phone to be perfect
Try to change phone language from English USA to English UK. It should work.
(10 char)

[Q] Adding UI Language to Android.

Hi everyone,
Thank you for taking the time to read my thread, and sorry in advance for writing so much. Now I have searched EVERYWHERE, for about 3-4 hours now, with about 200 tabs, and still have found nothing. What I really want is to be able to ADD (sorry about capitalization, just everywhere I look it's always is change, not add) UI language (like the ones in Settings>Language & keyboard>Select language), not adding a keyboard as I already have done that, but a language itself, like Spain Spanish. I have a HTC EVO 3D running Android 2.3.4, now this phone originated in China, so when I do go to the settings and check the languages, there are two languages in Chinese characters, and one in English (Hong Kong SAR China), so a total of three, now when I look at people who bought their phones from other places have so many languages like English, German, Italian and French, but I only have two, I tried using MoreLocale 2, but all it does it replace not add, and when I change the language it returns to default (so I changed the Hong Kong English to NZ English via morelocale, as I am in NZ, and it did change it, but when I changed the language from NZ English to one of the Chinese ones, and then back to English, via the settings menu, it returned to Hong Kong English), I am not too worried about that problem, but all I want to do is add UI languages, would prefer without rooting, but if I MUST, then I am up for it. So is there a way of doing so, if there is, could you PLEASE tell me, I would SOOOO GRATEFUL.
Thank you again and I hope you enjoy your day
I'd like to know this as well.
Running android on my HTCHD2 (does the exact firmware matter?)
and I would like very much so to alter the UI language to Thai.
I realize Thai is not a very common language but my family there just can't read english, especially the kids. I tried some locale changers like Morelocale 2 and it helps make alot of things into Thai, but not the most important thing I need, the UI such as settings and menus. All of that is still in english.
I tried to see if i can download some sort of patch or rom but come up with nothing. So now I'm just gonna bite the bullet and would like to do it myself. Is there a way to just add in or perhaps alter one of the other languages(i'm not gonna use Korean for example) so I can actually make it all into Thai myself?

[Q] My Mozarts Display language

Hi, I want to debrand my Mozart, I've done it before however it had a really annoying "feature" although the generic European ROM has hundreds of lovely languages to choose from when it comes to the keyboard and I can change my region format to UK my display language is "English" which is american english not real english. Is there anyway to change the display language to UK English? I don't quite understand why they would put american english in the european model to start with!

