Problem w inline images on HTC EVO 3D stock Mail app w Google Apps as Exchange - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So here's my problem....
With my old EVO 4G, this worked fine.
I get the EVO 3D, and set up my Google Apps account as an Exchange Mail Account and go about my day. I eventually start to realize that inline images (like a screenshot pasted into the sender's message body) will not show. I get a grey box outlining where the image should be. Clicking the option to "Download Images" goes through the process like it's downloading something, but when that completes, I don't see any images. Leaving the message / mail app and coming back also changes nothing.
I call up HTC and ask. Turns out the first guy I talked to could not find that topic in his help topics lists, and had to go ask people. He came back with the suggestion for me to use a 3rd party mail app like K-9 or TouchDown in order to get my mail. ...HTC saying to use another program because theirs doesn't work... weird.
That is not acceptable to me. (plus the fact that I couldn't get K-9 to connect to a Google Apps Exchange account.)
Other apps like TouchDown just seem silly and impractical, and I don't like the idea of adding some 3rd party app to do something that my phone is supposed to be able to do to begin with. (excessive)
I talk to HTC again after I figured out that it's just with using Google Apps accounts as an Exchange account on the phone, because if I set up the same email address as a POP account in the stock HTC Mail app, I see those images. If I have it set to prompt me to download images, then I'll see a blue ? in place where the image is recognized to be, and it shows when the images are downloaded. (No blue ? was shown when set up as Exchange, and no image was shown after 'download' finished.)
This guy seemed to actually understand what I was talking about, even tested it himself with his own setup, but ended with feeding me the phrase that he was going to be escalate my 'ticket.' (No, I haven't heard back on the topic)
Long story short. I recently had an issue where a client sent an email with a screenshot and a description in the body that referred to the image. I received this on my phone, and since this client hasn't had the best reputation of providing details when explaining things, I replied asking for details that were already in the image.... ...the image that I had no idea was there.
SO. Does anyone know how to get inline images to work with the HTC EVO 3D using Google Apps as an Exchange account?
I've resorted to using the Gmail app but that is also undesireable, because that is now mixed with my personal account and I have to manually switch accounts within the app each time I check mail. Also, you can't create an Android shortcut to a Gmail account inbox like you can with the HTC Mail accounts.
Also, with the latest update to the EVO 3D (I'm using the de-odexed stock ROM update of 2.08.651.2), I've noticed has removed a few things from some key settings menus:
1. Camera options no longer has Shutter Sound = off option
2. HTC Mail app settings for POP account no longer has option to choose HTML vs. Plain Text even though 'format' is listed in the decription for the "Send & Receive" menu)
Again, my EVO 4G didn't have this issue. I understand the versions of the Mail apps are different, but shouldn't things get better with time?
Thanks for your time, hopefully someone can help figure out the images problem, By not being able to see/know about content, it's starting to affect work, and that is a problem.


Best email app? POP and gmail?

I'm looking for a basic but functional email app for pop and gmail. The only requirement is really support for pop accounts and gmail. Live account support would be a plus but not required. Also it needs to clean up after itself. Like when I delete an email instead of leaving it in the trash I want it to empty them. Don't want it to ever delete emails from server unless I specify it in settings.
OK. I just named a bunch of requirement. LOL
By the way, free or really cheap also. Whatever the default email app in Task 14 Fat is haa all my wanted options except for emptying the trash when I exit it or even if I could just press one button to empty all trash it would be great.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using one finger.
I've yet to find an email app on tablet that I would like. I use inomail on my samsung galaxy s2 phone but it doesn't work as well on tablet. I've tried k9, maildroid, moxier mail, kaitlen mail, enhanced mail, stock email and touchwiz. I want something similar to email app on my iPad but haven't found anything so far. All the email clients I've used works but I didn't like the ui.
Benzoman said:
I'm looking for a basic but functional email app for pop and gmail. The only requirement is really support for pop accounts and gmail. Live account support would be a plus but not required. Also it needs to clean up after itself. Like when I delete an email instead of leaving it in the trash I want it to empty them. Don't want it to ever delete emails from server unless I specify it in settings.
OK. I just named a bunch of requirement. LOL
By the way, free or really cheap also. Whatever the default email app in Task 14 Fat is haa all my wanted options except for emptying the trash when I exit it or even if I could just press one button to empty all trash it would be great.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using one finger.
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Can I suggest an alternative that makes the gmail app better, and makes email much easier to work with?
Instead of having the app aggregate your different email addresses, have gmail do it. I have 7 addresses (work, school, personal, spam, other work, old, and really old). Gmail checks the pop addresses every 10 minutes or so, the others just forward. Then I set a filter for each (to:[email protected]) to tag it. Make the tags different colors. When you load up the gmail app, you'll see the tags (so you can immediately see which email address it's coming from). Advantages: 1) never mess with more than one email address no matter what computer/phone/tablet you use; 2) shared address book; 3) security; 4) ease of use; 5) awesomeness.
You know what? I've thought about it for a while now, so I'll make a how-to post about it. I'll link when I finish.
A how to would be sweet. I also use too many email addresses so this sounds like a wonderful idea. I've just been figuring out too too many thing lately to really want to hop about this without complete reference in one place. Thanks mate for the idea even if you dinner get around to the how to.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using one stinky finger.

[Q] Location of E-Mail Account Files

Does anyone know where the E-Mail account settings files are kept? A replacement phone is scheduled to hit me on Wednesday, and if I can help it, I would prefer not to setup my myriad of e-mail accounts all over again. It sure would be nice if I could just copy them to my computer and copy them back to the replacement phone.
I solved that problem by forwarding all my email accounts through gmail.
I prefer to have separate accounts, as discussed in posts #11 and #13 of the thread below:
xv-6800 said:
I prefer to have separate accounts, as discussed in posts #11 and #13 of the thread below:
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So in other words, you can't simply use gmail because its too much hassle to remember to select the correct account to reply from?
I believe most settings info is stored like this:
What do you mean? The way I have it set up ENABLES me to select the proper account to reply from. Google does not offer this capability.
Regarding the path:
I have a .data folder on the root. Inside that is a nested mail folder which contains nothing but another empty nested folder entitled attachthumb.
Do I need a special app to see what I need to see?
xv-6800 said:
What do you mean? The way I have it set up ENABLES me to select the proper account to reply from. Google does not offer this capability.
Regarding the path:
I have a .data folder on the root. Inside that is a nested mail folder which contains nothing but another empty nested folder entitled attachthumb.
Do I need a special app to see what I need to see?
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Don't know what you're talking about because i'm using the stock Android AOSP version of the gmail app and I have 5 accounts set up on it and can select which one to reply from. It automatically selects the correct account if I simply hit "reply" from an email, however I can force it to reply from any other of my accounts too. Not all gmail accounts either. I can send mail from my account directly from the gmail app on my phone.
Anyways, you need a root file explorer. You will go to the "/data/data/" directory, then look for a directory containing the name of your email app (like /data/data/ for gmail, etc)
That directory contains the settings and data from that app. Copy it, place on your new device in the same folder after installing the app on the new device.
a.mcdear said:
Don't know what you're talking about because i'm using the stock Android AOSP version of the gmail app and I have 5 accounts set up on it and can select which one to reply from. It automatically selects the correct account if I simply hit "reply" from an email, however I can force it to reply from any other of my accounts too. Not all gmail accounts either. I can send mail from my account directly from the gmail app on my phone.
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I think there may be a misunderstanding here. My phone has 2 apps. One is entitled Mail, the other entitled GMail. The GMail app only allows for GMail accounts. I am using the other Mail app. KZOODROID said he was forwarding his other accounts to a GMail account, which does NOT allow what you and I are doing with the Mail app. Not even logging into GMail via a web browser allows you to do this, because on the web replies still go with GMail text saying "Sent of behalf of..."
FWIW, the Mail app on the phone does NOT select the correct account if you are using your GMail account to POP another account, or you have other accounts set to forward to your GMail account, and those messages are pushed via GMail. In both those instances, when you hit Reply, the reply will be sent via your GMail address. You MUST select the desired account you want to reply from (provided you have it setup in the Mail app), if you want the reply to be seen as being sent from the same address that it was originally sent to.
Now, if you truly are pulling mail from your other non-GMail accounts (or the messages are being pushed from those mail accounts' servers), then yes, when you hit Reply on any of those messages, it's just like hitting reply on a regular mail client on a desktop computer, and the replies take on reply information from the respective mail accounts.
Anyways, you need a root file explorer. You will go to the "/data/data/" directory, then look for a directory containing the name of your email app (like /data/data/ for gmail, etc)
That directory contains the settings and data from that app. Copy it, place on your new device in the same folder after installing the app on the new device.
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I figured as much. Does the root file explorer get installed on a PC, or is it an app you download to the phone, and then use on the phone to copy such values to an SD card?
Any suggestions on which root file explorer?
In the gmail app, hit menu then compose, at the top of the new email is a pull down menu with your account listed first and a down arrow. If you open this menu all your email accounts linked to gmail are listed with the option to send as for any account. I believe you can only add the accounts to gmail from a PC, at least that is how I set it up under the settings button, check mail from other accounts, send mail as, import mail and contacts, its all there. This way you never have to worry about adding multiple accounts again or copy files, its always there from now on.
Root Explorer is an app in the market, cost a buck I think, well worth it. ES File Explorer does the same thing and can connect wirelessly to other devices and is free. I use both.
Edit: calling it forwarding was probably the wrong term to use as you are granting gmail permission to check for email on the other accounts and if it finds new emails it grabs them and pushes them to your phone. You can then repond to them either using the account they came from or with your gmail account as I described above.
kzoodroid said:
In the gmail app, hit menu then compose, at the top of the new email is a pull down menu with your account listed first and a down arrow. If you open this menu all your email accounts linked to gmail are listed with the option to send as for any account. I believe you can only add the accounts to gmail from a PC, at least that is how I set it up under the settings button, check mail from other accounts, send mail as, import mail and contacts, its all there. This way you never have to worry about adding multiple accounts again or copy files, its always there from now on.
Root Explorer is an app in the market, cost a buck I think, well worth it. ES File Explorer does the same thing and can connect wirelessly to other devices and is free. I use both.
Edit: calling it forwarding was probably the wrong term to use as you are granting gmail permission to check for email on the other accounts and if it finds new emails it grabs them and pushes them to your phone. You can then repond to them either using the account they came from or with your gmail account as I described above.
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Yes, what you're describing must be set up on the PC. And, when you send an e-mail you can select which account you want it to SAY it's being sent from. But, the header on the message will still show your GMail account.
When you grant permission to have GMail check your others accounts, you're telling GMail to "POP" or pull the mail from the other account. Problem is that GMail again puts its "spit" on the message, instead of maintaining the original message header. That becomes a problem for me, and likely others in business, in that because of this, when you reply using the GMail convention of selecting a particular address, the recipient sees plain as day that the message was sent "on behalf of" whatever email address you chose to send from. Not very professional.
But, when you have multiple accounts setup in the AOSP Mail app on the phone, when you choose a different address to reply from, the app actually sends the message from that e-mail account, so the recipient sees only the info from that account, which is the way it should be.
Don't get me wrong, GMail is great for personal use, but when it comes to professional environments, you don't want people you're doing business with to see some generic e-mail address, you want them to see something coming from the company's domain. For example, would rather do business with someone with an e-mail address like [email protected], or [email protected]?
In fact, that's the biggest complaint with GMail and Android in the business world. Not enough native business support. And, that's fine for Google because there are more individuals in the world than companies, meaning more unit sales at higher prices. Problem for people like me is that cell carriers have heavily adopted Google's OS, which right now limits how much we can rely on Android phones in the work place. It's sad, because the hardware is technically awesome these days, and the OS itself has a lot going for it, but it's little things like the mail issue that show much of a babe in the woods Android is in the business world, and that makes it not quite ready for business prime time use... yet! It is getting there, though. Whoever wrote the Mail app is obviously an early business adopter who recognized the need, and as more people start to see things like what I've been able to do with it, albeit it's a workaround, I'm sure more business-savy developers will jump on the wagon, and make it easier to do more things conducive to "business" in the future. The ironic thing is that individuals are the ones driving Android because people with real jobs don't have time to dive in and figure out the workarounds that would show them the potential, you know?
I think Microsoft and a lot of the business world has realized that Google has not done enough to demonstrate an keen interest in the business world, and I predict that at the end of the year when Windows Phone comes back, it will likely come back with a vengeance and address all the stuff Android is lacking at the moment. After all, Microsoft ruled the business world for so long, they know what needs to be done. With the economies suffering, they've been smart not to try to bring something to market in an industry hampered by business spending freezes. But, the time is near.
Anyway, thanks for pointing me to the root file explorers. Will I need to root the phone before being able to use them to save those email account settings, or will they work on an unrooted device since I am only copying files? I ask because I don't want to go to the hassle to root and unroot again since I have to send the phone back to VZW when the new one arrives, does that make sense?
You have to be rooted to access the files using a file explorer.
When I send emails through gmail on my phone using the send as function I'm not getting anything like you are talking about in my emails. They show up as being sent from the account I choose not from gmail. However if you right click the email, select properties then open up details you see that it came from the gmail account but its buried in all the lines of code. And how many people actually do this? My clients that I work with don't really care where an email came from just that I answered. If I worked for a larger company like say Verizon than I could see that it matters but then again I'm not having that problem with gmail it works just as described for me.
xv-6800 said:
I think there may be a misunderstanding here. My phone has 2 apps. One is entitled Mail, the other entitled GMail. The GMail app only allows for GMail accounts. I am using the other Mail app. KZOODROID said he was forwarding his other accounts to a GMail account, which does NOT allow what you and I are doing with the Mail app. Not even logging into GMail via a web browser allows you to do this, because on the web replies still go with GMail text saying "Sent of behalf of..."
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I don't know what I did, but mine no longer say "sent on behalf of..". I believe it was something I configured on the gmail settings from the website, not from the app on the phone, but the settings have carried over.
If I send email from my cox account, it comes to you from [email protected]. If I send you an email from my work address, it similarly comes from [email protected].
I use the stock gmail app for all emails. I've removed all else, exchange, mail, etc. So I know for a fact that gmail will work the way you want it to, its just been so long since I've set it up that I can no longer tell you what I did.
as far as copying your files from one phone to another, you will need to be rooted, and you will need a file explorer. This is something like ESFile Explorer from the play store. Its installed on your phone, not the computer. You shouldn't need a computer for anything, actually, after you're rooted. All of this stuff can be done with simple apps and your sdcard and your phone(s).
Re: a reply e-mail sent from a different address set up on your GMail account:
I've tested this many times over the the years, as well as again last night. Regardless of whether the message is sent from GMail on the web or the GMail app on the phone, the result is the same, GMail ALWAYS inserts that "on behalf [email protected]". That's part of their marketing strategy, and there is no option to remove that. Period.
If you look at a reply sent in this way in a REAL e-mail program, not a mail applet on your phone or a web browser, you see that statement plain as day. For example, below are 2 snippets of what you see when you view such a message received in Outlook. No right-clicking or anything, I just open the message to read it. One was sent from the GMail app on the phone, the other from GMail via a web browser. You cannot help but see this statement, because that's what Google wants people to see to further their market awareness strategy.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Let's put this particular issue to bed, shall we? I am not criticizing anyone's use of this "feature". I am simply showing the facts of how it works. If the option works for you, fine. I own multiple companies, and personally, I don't want people to whom I send messages see some gimmick like that on any of my e-mails, nor do I want any of employees sending company messages like that either. And, many businesses obviously feel the same way.
Again, I am not here to criticize users of GMail. The "on behalf [email protected]" is undeniably inserted in any reply sent from a different address set up on your GMail account. The only reason I ended up hijacking my own thread is because someone suggested I use my GMail address for everything, and I stated why I preferred not to. A misunderstanding of the option's behavior came up, and I figured I would show how the option REALLY works so that anyone else who happens upon this thread doesn't get misled by Google.
So back to the original topic of this thread:
Thanks for the info on the file explorers. I think I better just re-enter the email account info again on the new phone. This is a warranty replacement issue, and it's not worth risking something going wrong on the phone being sent back, or Verizon seeing some trace that I modded it. I'm sure they would have no problem blaming me for the original problem with the unit, then sticking me with the cost, which would likely be that so-called phony $600 retail price. :crying:
xv-6800 said:
Re: a reply e-mail sent from a different address set up on your GMail account:
I've tested this many times over the the years, as well as again last night. Regardless of whether the message is sent from GMail on the web or the GMail app on the phone, the result is the same, GMail ALWAYS inserts that "on behalf [email protected]". That's part of their marketing strategy, and there is no option to remove that. Period.
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I use a "real email program", both Outlook 2003 and Windows Live Mail and neither of them show "on behalf of gmail". It only shows the send as email account that I choose. Something is either wrong with the way you set up gmail to use send as or the email program you are using is doing it. Its not a conspiracy by Google as you seem to be the only one having this issue.
I wasn't here to start an argument with you. Check the image in my attachment and tell me if you see a "on behalf of" in there cause I can't find it...
LOL I didn't say it was a conspiracy. And, I doubt I am the "only one" that has this problem. ;-)
Google obvious does it for market awareness, which is understandable. As a company, they SHOULD try to brand everything they can, just like companies do.
Anyway, I used to use Outlook 2003, and am now on 2007. I also checked my GMail settings (again). The only options you have in regards to send as are:
When replying to a message:
Reply from the same address the message was sent to
Always reply from default address
And, I have the first one checked.
I don't want to continuer to beat this dead horse, but out of curiosity, in your Outlook can you see the From field in the spearate section above the message itself?
Aha! I just discovered that on January, 2012, Google added a new option that supposedly addresses the aliasing "on behalf of". Of course, it's not where you would think it is. It was added to the spot where you setup the Send As address to begin with. I will check it out.
If you know how to set up a basic mail server, there's also a simple workaround for you:
1) set up an smtp server, perhaps just in a virtual machine on a home computer, and then create the necessary rules on your router so that you can access it from the web.
2) Configure this smtp server to accept all your various email login credentials and send email from all your various addresses.
3) create a line in your /system/etc/hosts file on your phone to redirect to your IP address at home. Do not modify anything for
4) profit?
This should essentially force anything on your phone that tries to send any email from (mainly the gmail app) to reroute to your own smtp server, which is now configured to send emails from any of your addresses.
xv-6800 said:
Aha! I just discovered that on January, 2012, Google added a new option that supposedly addresses the aliasing "on behalf of". Of course, it's not where you would think it is. It was added to the spot where you setup the Send As address to begin with. I will check it out.
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Now I feel like an ass, I used Windows Live Mail on my laptop to test this, sent emails from all my accounts and never saw anything except the send as address and I never saw the "on behalf of gmail". So for giggles I sent a test message to my work account on Outlook on my desktop and there it was plain as day. Now why does Outlook show it but Windows Live Mail doesn't?
I feel like an ass, too, so don't worry.
When I sent that last message, I went in and set the "no alias" thing, then sent a message, and am STILL waiting for that test reply message to arrive. I wonder if it ever will, now that I set it with the new option.
I should clarify that the new "anti-alias" thing also adds other options, like whether or not you want the reply sent via google's servers or through your own. Problem with sending via your own is that Google only offers certain sending ports, which are different than those which my companies use, and Google only allows you to choose from 3 ports. So, that's useless to me. I opted to use the Google servers, but now I'm not sure if that throws yet another kink into things, because I am STILL awaiting the test message arrival. It's been 30 minutes now. So much for using the new feature for time-sensitive communication, never mind of the message is sent at all! ;-)

[Q] Can someone help me find an email client with these basic features please?

I've been on Android about 6 months now. First I had a Galaxy Note & now I have a Galaxy Note 2. In that time I've tried around 30 email clients (some free & some paid versions) but I've still not some across a client that can offer me some (what I consider) very simple features.
What I'd like the client to do is:
1. Be able to resize within the email view so I can see the whole email (or at least the width of it if the mail is longer than one page length). This is such a simple thing but the only one I've found that does this is the official Hotmail client but that brings with it a whole load of other issues... Even the Gmail client doesn't let you do this & you're forced to scroll around the screen trying to put together a virtual jigsaw puzzle in your head of what the whole email should look like.
2. Be able to set an option in the settings to always allow images. Again a simple feature. Something similar to the Gmail app would also be OK where you set it for each sender separately.
3. Always display as HTML.
4. Push notifications that display the message title/sender in the notification.
Hopefully someone knows of such a client but I haven't found one yet.
Thanks for your help people.
Nuwidol said:
I've been on Android about 6 months now. First I had a Galaxy Note & now I have a Galaxy Note 2. In that time I've tried around 30 email clients (some free & some paid versions) but I've still not some across a client that can offer me some (what I consider) very simple features.
What I'd like the client to do is:
1. Be able to resize within the email view so I can see the whole email (or at least the width of it if the mail is longer than one page length). This is such a simple thing but the only one I've found that does this is the official Hotmail client but that brings with it a whole load of other issues... Even the Gmail client doesn't let you do this & you're forced to scroll around the screen trying to put together a virtual jigsaw puzzle in your head of what the whole email should look like.
2. Be able to set an option in the settings to always allow images. Again a simple feature. Something similar to the Gmail app would also be OK where you set it for each sender separately.
3. Always display as HTML.
4. Push notifications that display the message title/sender in the notification.
Hopefully someone knows of such a client but I haven't found one yet.
Thanks for your help people.
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Have you tried Enhanced Email? It does all these things that you're looking for.
omitav said:
Have you tried Enhanced Email? It does all these things that you're looking for.
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Thanks. I downloaded Enhanced Email from the play store. It does most of the stuff but doesn't let you know the source or title of the incoming mail. Just tells you that you have new mail.
Also having some problems with formatting emails in mobile view.
It's probably the best I've tried though.
You probably won't find an email client that tells you the sender and title because usually people receive multiple emails at a time from various senders.
And try K 9 mail
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
Having used enhanced email for a few days I can say that it's definitely not up to use full time. When ever I reboot my phone it deletes my Hotmail account, it doesn't notify properly, has no push for Gmail, can't format html into mobile view effectively & has a poor gui. Very expensive for why it does.
I have tried K9 before & unless it's been updated recently there isn't an option to resize an email so that the while mail is displayed at once is there?
Nuwidol said:
Having used enhanced email for a few days I can say that it's definitely not up to use full time. When ever I reboot my phone it deletes my Hotmail account, it doesn't notify properly, has no push for Gmail, can't format html into mobile view effectively & has a poor gui. Very expensive for why it does.
I have tried K9 before & unless it's been updated recently there isn't an option to resize an email so that the while mail is displayed at once is there?
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What do you mean resize your email? You can pinch to zoom in it though, I used it a week or so ago
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
gagdude said:
What do you mean resize your email? You can pinch to zoom in it though, I used it a week or so ago
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
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Yes, you can pinch to zoom but I'd like to display the whole email on screen at once & then decide which part of the email I'd like to zoom into (if any). K9 & most other Android clients don't allow this. The only app that I've found that can do this at all is the official Hotmail app but the rest of the app is so basic its shocking. It doesn't allow you to always show images & on my current phone its a 3 click process to show images (in every mail you view). It also truncates all mails to a maximum of 100kb do anything over this takes a further 3 clicks to display properly. Very poor.
Try Aquamail. I absolutely love it, and it has all these features. Their mobile view is the main reason I use it. Make sure you pick up the latest beta version 4 here:
The mobile view used to be incorporated into the appstore version. The developer took it out temporarily, and it is only in the latest beta.

[Q] Email Question?

For the HTC Email stock JB 4.1 app, on some emails with web links in the body of the email the email app doesn't give hyperlink. I have to copy it then open a web broswer, then paste, etc. Also, say i get a package confirmation email with a tracking number. On my iPhone the tracking number was a link directly to UPS and my package so i can just tap that tracking number, web browser opens and shows tracking status. Again HTC mail app fails here and have to copy tracking number, open web browser, to to, paste tracking number, etc to do the same thing. Is the HTC stock email app just not that smart for such simple requests/features that i would think would be standard by now?
The reason why i use the stock email is because i have both yahoo and gmail accounts so this email app groups them into one inbox so it's easy to read having this one app in the dock. If i didn't use the HTC email app then i would have to put both yahoo app and gmail app in the dock wasting a spot since the dock only allows 4 apps.
Anyone know a way around this or maybe a better email app that can group several accounts into 1 inbox like the HTC email app and offer hyperlinks to all web addresses included in the email body? Maybe asking for a tracking number hyperlink is too much with this device, lol? Thanks
I think you can blame Apple for that. Lots out there about it.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
droidiac13 said:
I think you can blame Apple for that. Lots out there about it.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
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Blame Apple for spoiling me with their email app. Wish this HTC one had more features or could find one that does :/
Didn't know there were links problem with HTC stock mail app, but, i've also notified that this app is not as smooth as it looks since you can't choice push synchronization, you have to choice a period of time or the smartsync (wich works like a ****)
I'd prefer to use HTC mail app than Gmail app, since htc looks better, but well... gmail default's app works much better.
Maybe you can try other mail apps like K-9, for example
I have never had this issue with HTC's mail app.
On my old phone, I would use Enhanced Email. This is a very nice paid email app that can deal with the security that some exchange serves have.
I poked around in my settings looking for something that might cause your problem, but I couldn't find anything. If no one here suggests something useful, try stopping in the ATT store and having them look at it, or call 911 and explain the problem there.
Having played with my girl friends iPhone from time to time, I have always found the Android to be a bit better.
Also, afaik, the only way you get true push mail is with an MS exchange account, or using a Blackberry.
joshua43214 said:
I have never had this issue with HTC's mail app.
On my old phone, I would use Enhanced Email. This is a very nice paid email app that can deal with the security that some exchange serves have.
I poked around in my settings looking for something that might cause your problem, but I couldn't find anything. If no one here suggests something useful, try stopping in the ATT store and having them look at it, or call 911 and explain the problem there.
Having played with my girl friends iPhone from time to time, I have always found the Android to be a bit better.
Also, afaik, the only way you get true push mail is with an MS exchange account, or using a Blackberry.
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Found enhanced email and using the trial version right now. Offers a lot of features the htc stock email doesn't and seems like a winner so far. Thanks guys
deeznuts said:
Found enhanced email and using the trial version right now. Offers a lot of features the htc stock email doesn't and seems like a winner so far. Thanks guys
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HTC email app provides the best features. Try to sync reply status on the iPhone, or try to set out of office with any exchange email client. Push is no longer a problem since the original HTC One X issues. Also, the productivity lockscreen (which is the only reason I have a HTC phone other than any other android phone) only works with the stock email app. I used EE for push while HTC fixed their issues, but I couldn't see my messages without unlocking my phone and I hate to go through putting in my unlock code to realize it was just the latest junk email. I have found that the stock app has more features than EE especially with an exchange server. (Except for bypassing security, which is not a good idea anyway.)
deeznuts said:
For the HTC Email stock JB 4.1 app, on some emails with web links in the body of the email the email app doesn't give hyperlink. I have to copy it then open a web broswer, then paste, etc. Also, say i get a package confirmation email with a tracking number. On my iPhone the tracking number was a link directly to UPS and my package so i can just tap that tracking number, web browser opens and shows tracking status. Again HTC mail app fails here and have to copy tracking number, open web browser, to to, paste tracking number, etc to do the same thing. Is the HTC stock email app just not that smart for such simple requests/features that i would think would be standard by now?
The reason why i use the stock email is because i have both yahoo and gmail accounts so this email app groups them into one inbox so it's easy to read having this one app in the dock. If i didn't use the HTC email app then i would have to put both yahoo app and gmail app in the dock wasting a spot since the dock only allows 4 apps.
Anyone know a way around this or maybe a better email app that can group several accounts into 1 inbox like the HTC email app and offer hyperlinks to all web addresses included in the email body? Maybe asking for a tracking number hyperlink is too much with this device, lol? Thanks
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I'm actually using a Droid DNA on Verizon, but I found this thread while searching for an answer to this same question. I came from an HTC Thunderbolt and the hyperlinks in emails worked perfectly. I'm trying to find out what changed to remove that feature!
deeznuts said:
Blame Apple for spoiling me with their email app. Wish this HTC one had more features or could find one that does :/
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Well they sue everyone under the sun. I'm shocked they haven't sued anyone for having a store with 4 walls.
The patents in question include: (1) the ability to unlock the phone by sliding an image; (2) the ability to search for information via voice commands; (3) making use of data as hyperlinks; and (4) searching across multiple sources to find information. Apple argues that all of these features are ones that customers expect from Apple products. In other words, they are unique to Apple products.

[Q] Gmail app crops photos from ads etc..

Hi all,
I witnessed an issue regarding all android phones/versions between 2.1-4.2 without any solution, and I couldn't find any thread that talks about it in the proprietary+google search.
The issue: pic's get cropped, and I'm forced to click the "can't view properly? click here" link to the web page.
Here's a screeenshot:
The issue isn't for all mails, and there are some mail that can be viewed properly within the Gmail app itself.
I'm currently running the latest Gmail app as you can see with the top nav buttons.
Anyone else experiencing this issue ?
Go into : Menu -Settings - General settings - Auto -fit messages. Check it, and back out. The message should now be entirely seen in the screen. To Zoom in just tap the screen, or use the two finger spread method.
Tried that already...just forgot to mention.
any other ideas?
It's something a bit more complicated than a just a setting or wrong usage.
Other than that, the only other thing I can suggest is to unistall mail. Then reinstall.
MikROMs Since 3/13/11
Thanks again for your answer !
Well I've uninstalled the gmail several times when tried the leaked Gmail apps(the first one that supports swipe to archive+pinch to zoom, and obviously the last one who supports the new tabs interface).
I'll just mention it's not a specific problem but cross device and cross android+Gmail versions.
I tried every version of android/gmail combo(forwarding lots of mail to friends etc) but each time they all get the same problem.
The only thing I figured out who kinda gave me an alternative is use the stock mail client and not the gmail one, but in that case I'm loosing lots of the Gmail app functionality.
This is really something that just myself noticed? this is not one mail or a specific sender.
In the OP you mentioned that it does not happen on all your Gmail Email. Is it just from certain People / Companies ?
No, it's usually when I get promotion emails from my bank or some online shopping websites that uses big photos that are basically links.
Moreover, it's always from automated mails BUT I think that's only because I'm not receiving large photos in personal emails.
I would recheck settings. I know sometimes when I'm frustrated, I miss stuff.
MikROMs Since 3/13/11
Thanks again for your effort, I'm really certain that I haven't miss an option as every new app version that releases I'm scanning all of the features.
Here's a screen shot of my settings, I've highlighted the only possible option that can affect this, by my understanding:
BTW In case that I'm not clear enough with the issue I can forward(if you want to PM me with your mail) you one of those mails, I got lots of them. Of course if it's ok by you...
I'd love to hear any other ideas

