Is there a way to make the GPS not suck? - HTC EVO 3D

Ok so whether stock or custom ROM, the GPS is slow to respond accurately to the location I am in. Sometimes it drifts, sometimes signal is lost completely.
Is there a fix for this? It seemed there was a GPS fix for the OG EVO.
Search isn't helping... just a few others with issues but no real answers.

edufur said:
Ok so whether stock or custom ROM, the GPS is slow to respond accurately to the location I am in. Sometimes it drifts, sometimes signal is lost completely.
Is there a fix for this? It seemed there was a GPS fix for the OG EVO.
Search isn't helping... just a few others with issues but no real answers.
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try this... go into /system/etc and locate the file "gps.conf", open it with a text editor and add this line directly underneath C2K_PORT=0
then put a line underneath it. You could also try disabling the intermediate positioning feature by editing the line that allows intermediate, from "=1" to "=0"
I have no idea if this will help, but it helped back in the day for aosp ROMs on the htc heroc. Good luck

Not that this is exactly a fix and I'm not sure the area you're in but in previous phones and my old TomTom, trying to use GPS in the downtown area of Chicago was impossible. The buildings interfered with signal. Wondering if you could be experiencing something similar. I'm sure there are fixes and mods to improve this sorta thing. I have zero issues with my E3D's gps. instantly finds me, never thrown off. I haven't taken it to the city yet, though, to see how it compares to my older devices though.

there was a gps radio reset for the OG evo and I was hoping there was something similar for the 3d.

update to the newest firmware 2.3.4 with fixes and other misc updates from's an OTA update...settings->system updates->HTC Software Update

edufur said:
there was a gps radio reset for the OG evo and I was hoping there was something similar for the 3d.
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##4772579# - Reset the GPS

My GPS works very well, locking on quickly and accurately. Especially coming from a Samsung Vibrant which was notorious for having extremely poor GPS.


[Q] GPS signal lost on multiple roms

So I've done a lot of searching and haven't really found anything definitive. I've found that with some roms I'll lose GPS signal after a certain amount of time (say 10-30 minutes) and have to turn GPS off and back on or reboot the phone. I saw something about flashing a different radio may make a difference. Kinda just wanted to see other peoples thoughts on the issue or if maybe there is something else I can do before I go flashing a different radio.
Currently running CELB 4.1 and baseband and I have the issue.. I've had it with most of Tazz's roms as well. KaosFroyo is the only one Ive used that I've never seen the issue with, but I'm really diggin CELB right now and this is the ONLY issue I've got with it.
Have you tried GPS status in the market? I know it will help you lock in a signal, so it would make sense that it would also help keep your GPS locked in.
Bayhill Jacket said:
Have you tried GPS status in the market? I know it will help you lock in a signal, so it would make sense that it would also help keep your GPS locked in.
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I have now.. I did the reset and download options in the program. Too bad this isn't something I can quickly test. I'll report back with the results. Thanks!
I have noticed this as well. Last time it happened to me it was 4:30 in the morning, and the "GPS lost" message came up about 180 seconds before I had to make two freeway changes in an area I'd never been before. (CELB 3.9 and same radio as your case). Fortunately for me I had reviewed the route, so I more or less knew what to do.
If I recall correctly, it has always happened after the Nav app had been running for a fair bit of time - at least 30 minutes or more.
However, I don't know if it is something about the root ROMs or not - I started using rooted ROMs back in March or so, so I really don't have a tremendous operating baseline on stock 2.1 ROMs to compare it to. Maybe it is a problem there, too!
If I recall correctly, the last time it happened, I just pulled up GPS Status and asked it reload the aGPS state (without exiting the Nav app), and the Nav app seemed to gracefully recover.
Annoying? Yeah. I don't know what can be done about it, though - like the "undead calls" problem, it happens so infrequently that it is hard to know whether or not a ROM change actually fixes the problem.
I had the same problem with every 2.2 rom I used GPS with. I decided to go back to 2.1 because I have been needing GPS alot more often lately but I havent tested it out since I made the switch. I'll try it out today and report the results tonight.
This same thing seemed to happen on the 2.1, CyanogenMod 5 based ELB by Conap as well. If it is happening with all of the 2.2 ROMs, I wonder if it's just a CyanogenMod issue?
See (this was not the only person reporting it, if you search that thread.)
I really don't think it's ALL 2.2 CM roms though. I've gone on 7 hour car trips with Kaos Froyo without a single drop.. to and from. I've seen another theory somewhere around here about it being certain hardware revisions that act this way with certain software builds. At lease we've got a thread dedicated to this issue now.. maybe we can get something figured out.
Still don't know if the GPS status program helps.. I left navigation turned on for a bit sitting in my house and it stayed connected for the half an hour I left it, just don't think that's gonna be an accurate test with not moving around and all. If it doesn't work I will try a different radio.. I saw somewhere one guy had good luck with a specific older version radio. If that's what it comes down to I'll try.
I have been having issues with the GPS working on both of my phones while using 2.2 roms. I switched to 2.1 a few days ago and I used the GPS on my way to work this morning and didnt have any issues. I also had to flash Senseable a couple of months ago while on a road trip because I was tired of loosing the GPS signal every half hour. It may be a CM thing.
Im having the same issues as well. Haven't found a fix yet..
I've had this issue, after I flashed KaosFroyo(v36), and XTR(4 i think). I recently unrooted using Flashback21 v1 and flashed with the radio included. I have gone back to xtr 5 now and have had no lost gps in over a week. Don't have a clue as to why. hope it helps someone.
deadbot1 said:
I've had this issue, after I flashed KaosFroyo(v36), and XTR(4 i think). I recently unrooted using Flashback21 v1 and flashed with the radio included. I have gone back to xtr 5 now and have had no lost gps in over a week. Don't have a clue as to why. hope it helps someone.
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give us another update. is the gps problem still fixed for you? Thanks!
I have flashed the radio directly with the verizon zip file that is around and I still get inconsistent results But it always drops a signal eventually in about a 1/2 hour
Jrocker23 said:
I have flashed the radio directly with the verizon zip file that is around and I still get inconsistent results But it always drops a signal eventually in about a 1/2 hour
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I've seen it on several ROM's as well. From what i've messed with, it doesn't seem to be dependent on the autokiller memory preset, radio firmware, or amount of overclocking i'm doing. It doesn't seem to be dependent on how many programs are running either. I usually have nav and pandora running while i'm in the car, and sooner or later, the gps poops out.
I feel like it seems to happen less, now that i'm back to using the on-demand governor. but that could just be in my head.
I've had to go back to a 2.1 rom because of it. Its very annoying when the goa signal gets lost right before the exit ramp.
Sent from my Eris using XDA App
Im thinking of going back to a 2.1 rom as well...
I have also seen the same results on any 2.2 or higher rom. I have since returned to XTRRom 5.0 and have not had a single problem with GPS on any of my jogging runs. I definitely think it is a CM thing. At least on my phone.
Using kaosfroyo v39 and I flashed that sprint phone radio on my eris and haven't had any gps issues. In fact, just the opposite. Mine would lock up before the v39 and the radio flash
I flashed that radio as well and today not one issue at all. Will test more tomorrow
I'm using the sprint radio and still seeing it drop out.
Sent from my GSBv1.1 using XDA App
haganme said:
I'm using the sprint radio and still seeing it drop out.
Sent from my GSBv1.1 using XDA App
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Today I even flashed back to the July 2010 version ( the gps dropped out almost every 5 minutes while i was driving around. that's the worst i've seen. So i flashed back to the sprint radio again. I haven't seen very good navigation performance on the v1.1 gingershedbread overall, actually. my position on the gps nav doesn't update very often, although it seemed like the voice instructions were still pretty well timed as usual.

[Q] Proper GPS hardware diagnostic

Here's the story:
Had a vibrant, put Axura (Axura 205 Vibrant) on it. Worked great for many many months, until I broke the screen. I tried to replace it but that's another story.
Fast forward to now, I have a new Vibrant, with the same ROM on it, (flashed from stock).
I have tried 6 or 7 different ROMS of various release (Froyo/GB), but the GPS never shows satellites. I have done the access LBSTest fix as suggested elsewhere in the forums, but still not seeing satellites.
On my old phone this specific ROM (Axura) worked great. Same ROM, another phone, doesn't work.
It feels like the gps hardware is bad (I bought the phone used) but my business partner's phone does the exact same thing.
ANY diagnostic steps or outline would be great! I don't know how to determine if the GPS hardware is functioning properly or not. A link, list or other from someone who has dealt with this before would be a wonderful help.
(The only odd thing I have noticed is the stock rom won't connect to any cellular networks. Putting Axura (or any ROM) corrects that issue.)
EDIT: I should note that enabling "Use wireless networks" allows some data to be used, but I assume this is based off of hardware mac addresses of the wireless routers and google's location database rather than actual satellite data
I should also note the manufacture date is 10.10 and the current modem is JK2.
I have been researching various fixes (in spite of the anomaly stated above) and it seems the hardware soldering fix only relates to pre 10.10 and suggests a modem higher than JI6.
I am tempted to try some other ROMs but have exhausted my attempts and feel maybe this isn't something I can fix anymore. Help still appreciated.
sounds like you'll need to open it and do the HW mod for the GPS antenna contacts to be firm together, I used a piece of shaped plastic to keep the tab in an elevated position so it wouldn't lose tension after its snapped back. then DL heathens GB GPS fix , it works awesome for me, best GPS lock ever
Oh an one more thing, Aurora isn't the best choice of ROM, unless that's what you like. JMHO
Thanks. I'll do both, I am kind of apprehensive about soldering the gps, I have broken things before, although I am ok with a solder gun.
Any suggestions on ROMS? I am open for them, have tried a few (Cm7, SIMPLE, Revolution, + others) but since I couldn't get the gps to work I assumed it was rom related.
You might also try a new modem with a Froyo ROM. Any of the KAx or KBx modems with a Froyo ROM should be an improvement.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
dseldown said:
sounds like you'll need to open it and do the HW mod for the GPS antenna contacts to be firm together, I used a piece of shaped plastic to keep the tab in an elevated position so it wouldn't lose tension after its snapped back. then DL heathens GB GPS fix , it works awesome for me, best GPS lock ever
Oh an one more thing, Aurora isn't the best choice of ROM, unless that's what you like. JMHO
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Something I've noticed with the hardware fix is the author of the post here states that the manufacture date is 9.10 or before, and mine (10.10) shouldn't need it. Is this true?
shrapnelx said:
You might also try a new modem with a Froyo ROM. Any of the KAx or KBx modems with a Froyo ROM should be an improvement.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Running KB5 now. Which app do you recommend for seeing what/how many satellites have a lock? The one I am using now (Gps Status) just has a spinning icon on the bottom, with no info.
I am at a loss as to why this phone won't lock. I'm willing to paypal anyone who has the time and gumption to assist with a true repair.
Edit: Just went outside with the GPS Test app (disabled use WiFi for location) and it could "see" 1 satellite, but was using 0. Does this help in giving an idea as to why it won't work?
Maybe the antenna issue can still exist post the 9.10 manufacturer date.

Holy GPS Batman! Why are you skip terrible?

I'm excited about the new Batman movie.
Anyway, my GPS SUCKS! It takes forever for Google Maps to find my location. This wasn't a problem on my old EVO.
Is anyone else experiencing it? Have you figured out how to make it better?
Sent from my New School EVO LTE
I can't say I've had any issues.. Granted I had problems with my old EVOs in Chicago, lol
My GPS actually works better then on my OG!
I still have the reboot issue, though less now then in the beginning.
cubbieswin said:
I'm excited about the new Batman movie.
Anyway, my GPS SUCKS! It takes forever for Google Maps to find my location. This wasn't a problem on my old EVO.
Is anyone else experiencing it? Have you figured out how to make it better?
Sent from my New School EVO LTE
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What are your location settings?, I have outstanding service and operation from my GPS.
"Skip".... Sorry, auto correct. I noticed other posts about bad signal on the LTE. I may be mistaken about it being GPS related but may be a combination of poor data speeds and GPS.
For instance, I was driving today and pulled up Google Maps to look up a destination. It took a while before it actually finished the search. I can't tell if it was the GPS or data that was holding it up.
As for location settings, are you talking about the ones in Google Maps? The only option I have turned on in there is location history.
Under Location in the system settings, I have everything checked.
Sent from my New School EVO LTE

gps fix????!!!!

How can i easily fix the gps on this thing. It will either never find my location and therefore wont navigate, or it is off by a couple of streets rendering it useless. I dont want to do any technical stuff like roms or what not
MultipleMonomials said:
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Can you describe with more details?
What ROM, kernel? Stock or custom?
Do you have internet Connection? Wi-Fi?
When it occurs? Did you ever have this problem before?
A-L31 said:
Can you describe with more details?
What ROM, kernel? Stock or custom?
Do you have internet Connection? Wi-Fi?
When it occurs? Did you ever have this problem before?
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all i have is root and it was the same story before root.
i have internet, wifi works, i dont see why that would affect gps though
99% of the time gps cannot locate a signal and when it does it hops around
i have always had trouble with gps since i got this pile of junk. in the beginning it was better though
fupamobile said:
all i have is root and it was the same story before root.
i have internet, wifi works, i dont see why that would affect gps though
99% of the time gps cannot locate a signal and when it does it hops around
i have always had trouble with gps since i got this pile of junk. in the beginning it was better though
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I have the same issues too, gps is junk right now, used to work, slow but work but now it just keeps trying to locate a signal and nothing happens. My droid incredible pulls in 9-11 sats in 10-15 seconds while in the same spots.
Really, that link I posted covers Froyo and Gingerbread, so it is not outdated. Also upgrading to ICS will fix your GPS.
MultipleMonomials said:
Really, that link I posted covers Froyo and Gingerbread, so it is not outdated. Also upgrading to ICS will fix your GPS.
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ya but the instructions dont work. cant get into that gps settings with the dialer function and it sounds like it was written for a different phone. i dont know what ics is
Try this one.

Software update!?

when i had my evo 3d, there were 3 subsequent software updates that came out to fix bugs and optimize the sense experiance; however, htc hasnt released a software update yet to fix bugs... whats up with this, are they getting lax on customer support issues, i really dont want to root the smartphone, but im thinking i might have to... what rom really cleans the device up, any suggestions would be nice, considering, i didnt want to root, because the device is top notch, hardware wise, but maybe our devs are cleaning things up that i dont know about.. devs and bros... let me know what you think
For your issues with HTC I would just recommend that you contact support and tell them whatever you think needs fixed.
As far as custom roms meanrom is great.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Yeah they're taking an awfully long time. It better be substantial!
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
The phone has barely been out a month to the masses. Have a little patience.
Well, there is no major bugs. I seen worse. I don't understand why everyone is bitc*ing. But I recommend Flex's stock with goodies or mean rom.
njfoses said:
The phone has barely been out a month to the masses. Have a little patience.
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We got spoiled with the Evo 3D and there being a software update on what, day one? I think we really need a software update for the E4GLTE already. The inconsistent signal is really starting to be annoying.
If they needed a software update for the EVO 3d on day one, there must have been some serious problems with it.. plus look at the support from HTC and Sprint now for the EVO 3d.
kiewee3 said:
If they needed a software update for the EVO 3d on day one, there must have been some serious problems with it.. plus look at the support from HTC and Sprint now for the EVO 3d.
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Ya no kidding that why left my 3d for the LTE today. Hoping its better over here!
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
For what's worth (and I know this is a stupidly minor bug) I do hope an OTA comes to fix the "Productivity" lockscreen. If you have hyphenated phone numbers in your contacts list, and one of them texts you, the Productivity lockscreen shows their phone number instead of their name. The One-X has already been updated to fix this, among other things.
Again, I know it's small, but it's something. One can only hope they allow for the "Mail" widget on the Productivity lockscreen can at some point show GMail instead of main mail. That would be awesome.
I'm with ya, there needs to be an update to address some of the minor issues...
There are a few
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
No major bug?!?!?!
The wifi on this thing is a major bug! I'll use it on my home wifi network and leave, when I check my phone later far away from home it says it is still connected to my home wifi network, while the entire I'm not getting data because it doesn't connect to the mobile network.
When the 3D came out, HTC had a bug fix that very same day to correct quick apps disappearing from the lock screen. Even the original EVO 4G had a bug fix out within the first week to correct problems.
Samsung had a bug fix out the second week for the Galaxy S3 to correct problems.
HTC is losing it and if they keep this up those shrinking revenue numbers will keep coming.
BamAlmighty said:
No major bug?!?!?!
The wifi on this thing is a major bug! I'll use it on my home wifi network and leave, when I check my phone later far away from home it says it is still connected to my home wifi network, while the entire I'm not getting data because it doesn't connect to the mobile network.
When the 3D came out, HTC had a bug fix that very same day to correct quick apps disappearing from the lock screen. Even the original EVO 4G had a bug fix out within the first week to correct problems.
Samsung had a bug fix out the second week for the Galaxy S3 to correct problems.
HTC is losing it and if they keep this up those shrinking revenue numbers will keep coming.
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I'm glad I'm not the only one having the issue of my wifi not disconnecting. My wifi also randomly drops while connected unless I have the "best wifi performance" box checked.
I think there are slight bugs with the new sense, but can be delt with. However, I do believe all "my" major issues (i.e. missed calls, missed sms when using stock or 3rd party sms apps) is a Sprint issue. Sprint's network here in Sacramento (Rancho Cordova), CA. obviously conflicts with the new LTE antena located in the EVOLTE.
wuestsider said:
I think there are slight bugs with the new sense, but can be delt with. However, I do believe all "my" major issues (i.e. missed calls, missed sms when using stock or 3rd party sms apps) is a Sprint issue. Sprint's network here in Sacramento (Rancho Cordova), CA. obviously conflicts with the new LTE antena located in the EVOLTE.
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rancho? what's up neighbor
bug with font sizes?
Has anyone seen the font sizes change randomly? Mostly happens in Messaging and Mail app. The mail app will sometimes have giant text, and sometimes medium sized text even tho I have the setting set to small. It also doesn't let me pinch to increase or decrease the size of the text... Its really annoying!
dozybolox13 said:
Has anyone seen the font sizes change randomly? Mostly happens in Messaging and Mail app. The mail app will sometimes have giant text, and sometimes medium sized text even tho I have the setting set to small. It also doesn't let me pinch to increase or decrease the size of the text... Its really annoying!
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I have the same problem, but the pinch-to-resize works for my text.
Well if it's any consolidation we'll probably get an OTA by this weekend if not next. LTE is scheduled to go live on Sunday and there were talks and reports of there being LTE connection issues (the same as how the 3g connection constantly drops for no reason) and an OTA to correct the issue. Now there is also some wording on the Google Play Store under Google Wallet correlating that there will be an OTA in July that will restore Google Wallet functionality. Makes sense since the GSIII had an OTA about the same time as the 7/1 update and that fixed Google Wallet for them. So ours will probably be encompassing a decent amount of bug fixes if at least not those two.
Fix the Wi-Fi disconnects and the multi-tasking essentially keeping nothing running in the background, and I'm good.
A fix for bluetooth audio would be fantastic.
A fix for this stupid multi tasking would be REALLY appreciated.

