[Q] Samsung Vibrant Doesn't Start - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was just upgrading my vibrant t959 firmware 2.2 froyo, while upgrading there is a message appears that its failed and there after i remove usb cable and battery after that i was trying to put my phone in Download mode. but My phone Doesn't starts. So would anybody help me what to do, my phone doest start no screens, nothing

Have you tried getting into recovery or download mode? and what exactly were you doing?

Here we go again!!!
OK, looks like another possible Hard bricked scenario using KIES again!!
I'm assuming you were using KIES, because you didn't say anything about ODIN or Heimdall program during what you say was an up grade scenario!!
Ok, first of all, if you plug in the charger, do you see any LED's at the bottom or any signs of life to the phone, IF NOT = Very probable HBrick
Now before you give up, make sure you do every possible senario, to get it to at least turn on in some type of fashion, Whether it be DL mode, Recovery mode, and so on!!
There are different combinations that can get the phone into DL or recovery mode!! Read and research what they are in the Bible, its got everything!!
Link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=99126
LinK: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=954509
Also make sure you have your tools ready, meaning ODIN 1.71 and up, also Baywolfs AIO program is very good at getting phones into DL mode and reflashing it back to stock JFD, where you can at least rebuild your phone.
Now if everything totally fails to even get an LED or any signs of life to your phone, then either you Trully HBricked, and you have 2 optons.
1st Call TMO and tell them you were just talking on it, PERIOD do not say you were flashing with KIES, or they will immediately tell you its a Samsung problem, and you will be W/O your phone for about 3 +_ weeks, after sending it to Plano,TX where they will attempt to JTAG it.
As long as you just stick with the senario of it just died, Period and it wont turn on Period, I tried pulling the battery back out, and power it on Period, and end with a it does absolutely nothing, it seems totally dead, then they will RMA it for you, if you choose insurance for a month itll only cost ya $5.00 for Overnite shipping, and youll have a new phone in about 24 to 36 hours, TMO is very quick to get out of a replacement if they can pass the buck to Samsung, otherwise, its off to Samsung in Plano,Tx and your screwed for a long time, YOUR CHOICE!!
Or send it to josh at: http://mobiletechvideos.mybigcommerce.com/samsung-vibrant-jtag-brick-repair/
he does very good turn times, and is very professional.
Just remember, make sure your phones really HBricked, a soft bricked phone turns on in some type of mode, and is then recoverable by YOU!!
If it doesn't do a ****ing thing, NO LIFE to it, then most likely the BL.bin and the SBL.bin files got corrupted and it will not turn on no matter what you do, and that's a HBricked situation, and only JTAGing it will get it to power back on again, short of a burned out CPU or worst = HW failure!!
MOD's We need a sticky about forewarning people about the dangers of using KIES, there's been a rash of HBricked phones lately using this POS from Samsung!!

I was doing just firmware upgrade
HI, During upgrading i have wrong ODIN software which was for t959V that is for samsung galaxy s4g, and i use that odin software and .tar file was correct for vibrant and i start the process thats why i got this, but now my phone doesnt show any screen, i tried hard so many thing to put into Dmode and Rmode but nothing worked out for me, battery is fully charged and even though there is nothing comes on screen, its completly dead. Please Do Me some trick to fix this


Samsung Vibrant is DEAD after OTC update

Today received an upgrade sms on my Samsung Vibrant. Unsuspecting any trouble I accepted the download and installation. The installation screen was unusual, - white progress bar in a blue box. When it was done the phone literally DIED. Black screen, pressing buttons does not have any response. The phone would not even power up for me to be able to do any of the fixes. It is completely DEAD. Any solution to my problem? (Except throwing it into the dumpster)
ihackall said:
Today received an upgrade sms on my Samsung Vibrant. Unsuspecting any trouble I accepted the download and installation. The installation screen was unusual, - white progress bar in a blue box. When it was done the phone literally DIED. Black screen, pressing buttons does not have any response. The phone would not even power up for me to be able to do any of the fixes. It is completely DEAD. Any solution to my problem? (Except throwing it into the dumpster)
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TMO's OTA bricked your phone, they may have some responsibility. Check with you local retailer.
This might help. It was posted in another thread
To get in to download mode
1. Make sure battery is out.
2. Plug usb in to computer
3. Put batter in(DO NOT POWER ON)
4. Hold vol. up AND vol. down
5. Plug usb into phone.
That should bring you in to download mode. Maybe something something wrong with the update and thats why it wont boot? Maybe the phone just wigged out and thats why it wont boot... but if you can get it in to download mode, from ther eyou can go to stock with odin.
The same thing happened to me. I called TMo, they ask the normal questions...
Was it rooted
Did you install a lag fix
Did you install any 3rd party firmware
They shipped me a replacement
Complain and get free shipping
Nothing works, it seems that no power is being fed to the circuits.
I wander if USB JIG will work?
the usb jig wont work, I tried it a couple of times... it just doesnt do anything at all...
Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant Dead after Official Upgrade
I had upgraded my Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant (T-Mobile T959) using the official software (Kies Mini) and after the progress bar reached 100%, the phone completely died.
Now it won't even go into Download Mode. Won't charge, won't even blink a tiny bit. I think, it's completely dead.
Any ideas, fixes will be much appreciated.
jawadji said:
I had upgraded my Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant (T-Mobile T959) using the official software (Kies Mini) and after the progress bar reached 100%, the phone completely died.
Now it won't even go into Download Mode. Won't charge, won't even blink a tiny bit. I think, it's completely dead.
Any ideas, fixes will be much appreciated.
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Well if you purchased the phone from T-mobile or an authorized t-mobile retailer new T mobile is at fault here. Provided you haven't rooted or done anything software wise to ruin the warranty you are fine. contact t-mobile tech support and they will send you a new phone as your phone was rendered useless after an official update by samsung and t-mobile.
jawadji said:
I had upgraded my Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant (T-Mobile T959) using the official software (Kies Mini) and after the progress bar reached 100%, the phone completely died.
Now it won't even go into Download Mode. Won't charge, won't even blink a tiny bit. I think, it's completely dead.
Any ideas, fixes will be much appreciated.
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did you try what koko said?
maybe this will help
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33I-aNCypVM
I've looked at that but the phone won't even go into Download Mode. It seems as if it's completely dead.
What if i passed the 30 days warranty ?
sad2903 said:
What if i passed the 30 days warranty ?
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One year hardware warranty. Just call and have t-mo replace it.
what about the data that still inside? don't they search for that?

[Q] Not sure if bricked Vibrant or something else

Hello all -
My "bricked" situation appears to be unique as I've searched all over and have only found others with at least a phone that has a display.
Had SimplyHoney 4.0 installed (I believe Voodoo Lagfix was enabled). Decided it was time to go back to stock. ODIN'd back to stock (doesn't that wipe any VooDoo?). Re-rooted phone and connected to Kies for giggles to see if it would actually work this time for an "Official" update. (Last time I connected the phone it would not recognize the phone as the appropriate phone for an update) This time it saw it as a Vibrant and proceeded to do the Froyo update. Once it was completed, the Vibrant's screen never turned on.
It feels warm to the touch when you turn on the phone after a few minutes like it typically does, but I can't see anything on the screen.
Did this update do an extreme brick to my phone that it is now a lost cause?
I appreicate any advice you have.
BTW, tried the download button combos that are out here and none of those worked.
When I last had my phone open to fix the GPS contact, I see there is a small battery. Would popping that help reset anything?
It's the same scenario in this video on YouTube - "Video of hard bricked vibrant" by htcpro1212
Sorry can't post links yet.
I had a similar situation with a friends Vibrant this is what I did...pull out battery, plug phone to computer with usb, do the three button combo (volume up down &power) while holding replace battery and that should put phone in recovery mode... hope this helps good luck!
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App
no point rooting if you're going to update with kies, it wipes root
you could have just used whitehawkx stock 2.2 rom, kies has a history of hard bricks after you've been on a few custom roms
keep trying button combo's (vol + and power with the GB bootloades) but chances are its hard bricked, if it doesnt work phone samsung or t-mobile and say you tried updating with kies and it doesnt do anything now
Pm sent I can fix this for you...
You should always try ODIN back to stock. Its such an Relief.
I'm not sure if this will work in this case or not. When I thought I had bricked my Vibrant, I had a picture looking like a phone-triangle-computer on the screen, so it wasn't blacked out.
I got a "jig" (search the forums or google it.) They cost less than $10 and have saved me several times when I've messed up to get me to download mode so I can use odin.

What to do now?

Please forgive me for the long arse post, details are sometimes a good thing. At this point Im positive I have techherpes. I got a bad Modem last week and on the same day this. Last week I got the test letting me know ICS was available for my note so I followed all directions and downloaded Kies, after 4 attempts finally got a good DL. During the ICS update I got an error and was prompted to use the recovery feature. No dice on recovery so I took the phone to the ATT service center and they set up a return. I got my new phone on Friday and call Sumsung support to get a walk through. The tech said it would be advisable to wait until today before trying the upgrade which I did. I tried it again and the end result was the same as the first. I don't consider myself a technology dullard, hell its what I do for a living but I'm obviously doing something wrong?
At this point I still have the original phone in the return box waiting to be shipped and another phone showing:
Below that is a pic of a phone, yield sign, pc
Firmware upgrade encountered and issue. Please select the recovery mode in Kies and try again.
I spoke with another Samsung tech tonight who tried to walk me through a factory reset, vol up+down+power which brings me back to the same screen above briefly flashing the Samsung logo. She went ahead and setup a RMA and told me that it would be 5-7 days plus shipping. I said hell I'm in Austin can I drive up and have you fix it I can do the vol down+power buttons which will take me to the screen letting me know a custom OS will cause critical problems bla bla blah and when I press the up vol button I go back to the ODIN MODE screen.
Should I simply take it back to the ATT service center again, not sure they will be so accommodating since I have been down this road once already. Ive only had the original phone for just over a month and I have the insurance plan through them. All data was backed up before both attempts.
Maybe you got a bad Kies download. It's my impression it's a little squirrely, from my own experience and reading of others'. Why don't you remove and reinstall it. It seems unlikely that you got 2 bad brand new phones.
That is very possible. I had to DL it 4 times before I finally got a DL that would complete. Ill go that route and see what I can do. Does the current status of the phone mean that its bricked?
I don't know much about that, but I think it would be pretty bad to be able to brick a phone that easily following manufacturer's directions. In Kies there is an option for something like an emergency firmware fix, in case you need to try that. But I'd go the normal route first. I had some trouble with mine when I did the download, and had to try more than once. The download took forever, and I understand the servers were swamped when AT&T put out the notice. Also had to disconnect the phone and try more than once, but in the end everything was fine. Good luck.
kat3k said:
I don't know much about that, but I think it would be pretty bad to be able to brick a phone that easily following manufacturer's directions. In Kies there is an option for something like an emergency firmware fix, in case you need to try that. But I'd go the normal route first. I had some trouble with mine when I did the download, and had to try more than once. The download took forever, and I understand the servers were swamped when AT&T put out the notice. Also had to disconnect the phone and try more than once, but in the end everything was fine. Good luck.
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Yep, I tried the night I got the text and the first DL took 45 minutes with a 30mb connection. When I tried the installer it failed so I wiped it and tried again. After 4 similar attempts all taking the same amount of time to DL I finally got one that launched. The result was where Im at now with the first phone. Fortunately ATT had me one the next day and I was able to restore. I called Samsung support and the tech told me to wait until Sunday or Monday before I tried it again since Kies would be going down Sat night.
I wiped Kies and installed it this am, 3 minutes to DL and it launched the hotfix. It seems to have gone through several more steps this time so I think I know where the issue was, or at least I wont blame myself 100% for now. When I removed Kies it appears to have also removed my backups? I did another backup using two other software options just to be safe.
When I connected the phone after the new install Kies wont connect to it. I previously tried the emergency recovery since the phone directed me to go this route with no success. Im off to the ATT service center in a few and Ill see if they will go the extra mile again.
Kies wouldn't connect to my phone either at time of update, so I ended up going through the Emergency Firmware Recovery which worked. Then I had to restore my backup. I'd try that again if I were you.
Refs. rehistr
Took the phone into the ATT service center today and as soon as they looked at me they said ICS failed? They told me that their entire day had been spent on skyrockets and notes. They weren't able to correct mine so they are sending me another. I wont be attempting the update on this one for awhile. It would be nice if the replacements came with ICS so that I didn't have to worry about it. I tried the emergency firmware update which would get to 27% and also fail.
just root your phone, no more worries about bricking

Phone won't turn on after "system crash"

Hi, I have a galaxy s2 in what i believe is hard brick mode. A little backstory, i was watching some stuff online when i noticed the battery bellow 35%. So i pluged it to the usb charger. I left it there for like 20 minutes. When i came back, i unlocked the phone only to see tons of "error" messages and the force close window. Apperently it had to force close /system?... I was puzzled so i just pulled the battery off and on and tried turning it in. Stuck at the welcome screen. I tried ro acces recovery mode. The android icon was "dead" and some error messeges appeared in red, unable to mount /system, invalid argument. I turned it off, but the welcoming screen poped up without me touching anything. I left it for a few minutes. Then i pulled the battery off for a few minutes too. When i tried to turn it on again, the phone was dead. Nothing works, i tried:
Pressing the power button for a minute
Download mode
Recovery mode
Leaving the battery out for hours
Leaving it charging for hours
Nothing. Im stunned, mainly because i never rooted it or touched anything. Im desesperated at this point, any help will be great. I abused google and made tons of search, but everything related to my problem has to do with flashing and rooting failures. Which i never did with my phone.
If you've never messed with it, and assuming it hasn't expired time-wise, send it in for warranty service. If you don't have warranty, try another battery just in case, then try a jig. Then start looking for JTAG repairers (assuming it can be JTAG'd), and if it can't, take it to local mobile repair shops & have them take a look at it. If they can't/won't fix it, then send it to Samsung/authorised repairer.
I think i voided the guarranty by updating the phone to ICS a few months back... Im trying the battery swap now.
demian93 said:
I think i voided the guarranty by updating the phone to ICS a few months back... Im trying the battery swap now.
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That wouldnt void the warranty.
{go back to your iphone since you are an android noob}
theunderling said:
That wouldnt void the warranty.
{go back to your iphone since you are an android noob}
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It depends on how he upgraded to ics, if he did from an official update then is ok, but if he flashed a leaked or a custom rom based on ics then no more warranty if he can't flash the original samsung rom
Already tried changing batteries, didnt work...
You know what to do next then.
I still dont understand the cause of the brick, my phone is dead and it wont even charge. This is bogling my mind. And yeah im an adroid noob, this my first smartphone.

Weird situation, phone mysteriously not starting, any insights?

Hi there! Long time reader, first time poster (TL;DR below...but it should be a quick read anyways )
So I've been using this S2 of mine for almost 4 years now, haven't had any trouble (other than a couple of battery swaps). For the past 6 months or so I've been using CM 12.1 nightlies without issue.
The events:
- The other day, my phone froze (I wasn't using it when it froze, it was when I went to use it that I noticed...it was on the wifi selection screen if it matters), so I held the power button to shut it down, and when I powered it back up, it just froze at the Samsung boot screen (with the usual yellow triangle).
- At this point, I was able to reboot into download mode at will, but any attempt to boot to recovery just led to the freeze at the Samsung boot screen. Also, the phone would automatically reboot itself at this point any time I inserted the battery (I was of course putting the battery in and out trying everything I could).
- I would have reflashed from Odin at this point, but since I was away for a few days I just kept trying to reboot into recovery, to no avail. On one of these attempts (power+vol up+ home) it showed the Samsung boot screen, and then immediately shut down and I haven't been able to get anything onto the screen since
I'm now home, and I can't seem to fix it. If I plug the phone into a charger, the top half or so of the phone gets warm, and it also seems to get warm if it isn't plugged in and I try to power it up. I was thinking maybe the phone was maybe doing the same thing as before and just not showing anything on screen, but I blindly do the steps to get it into download mode, and Odin doesn't recognize anything (drivers are definitely installed). I have also tried other batteries, no luck.
Any ideas of what I might try? I'm willing to do anything. For the record nothing happened to the phone at all when this all happened (no dropping or water damage or anything, just my attempts at booting into recovery). Maybe I should try a jig? I'm also open to opening the phone if there's something I can do, though I don't have experience with this.
Thanks so much for any suggestions!
TL;DR: phone froze (running CM 12.1 nightly), held power to shut it down, and then consistently froze at the boot screen on any attempts to power it on. After a few attempts at booting into recovery (the phone would only freeze or enter download mode) the screen suddenly shut off and I haven't seen anything on it since no matter what I try. I can't think of anything that happened to the phone I'm open to any and all suggestions! Thanks
One sentence amongst your description stands out like a 'sore thumb'.....
That the device heats up towards the top when you attempt to charge it.......
Until you try a jig I can't be certain, but that heating coupled with a dead/unresponsive screen along with a lack of recovery and/or download modes (download mode is 'hardwired' into the device, and NOTHING should be able to corrupt it) are the primary symptoms of a failed motherboard.......
That is my opinion based on my experience in these forums and personal experience with a (now dead) S2 (one of two that I own).........
Get the jig just to be sure, but I'd be surprised if it had any effect.....sorry to be typing something you don't want to read, but you said it yourself, the device is 4 years old....it's been in service roughly twice as long as most smartphones, and they don't last forever....
Thanks dude! It's nice to have some idea of what happened. I am indeed very happy my phone has lasted me this long, and my friend is gonna give me an extra S2 she has anyways it seems so it's all good!
I'll try the jig and update here with the result (I ordered one online...will arrive in January sometime)...just in case anyone is curious.
smacsmac said:
Thanks dude! It's nice to have some idea of what happened. I am indeed very happy my phone has lasted me this long, and my friend is gonna give me an extra S2 she has anyways it seems so it's all good!
I'll try the jig and update here with the result (I ordered one online...will arrive in January sometime)...just in case anyone is curious.
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Yeah....be good to know the results.....If only to confirm or refute what I've suggested.....
keithross39 said:
Yeah....be good to know the results.....If only to confirm or refute what I've suggested.....
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Sorry it took me a while...the jig was in the post haha. It didn't do anything at all (no response when I plugged it in) so I think it's safe to say you were bang-on and the motherboard failed! Happily using a new S2 (with CM13.0 now ) on behalf of my friend though.
Thanks again.
Sounds familiar. Happened to me also due to failed cyanogenmod update (CM13). Only thing that works is download mode, so i'm not given up hope yet.
I can't post a link but google ''Apply Update Failure samsung galaxy s II'' there's a thread about this on the cyanogenmod forum.
Elaias said:
Sounds familiar. Happened to me also due to failed cyanogenmod update (CM13). Only thing that works is download mode, so i'm not given up hope yet.
I can't post a link but google ''Apply Update Failure samsung galaxy s II'' there's a thread about this on the cyanogenmod forum.
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oh mine was just straight up dead...no download mode or anything visible on the screen (and nothing to do with CM13 either)
hope you get yours sorted out! have you tried reflashing anything via Odin while in download mode?
Its hard to tell you and hard to accept. You can almost give up the hope, your NAND Chip is just what we call " wear-out ". In the most cases no write is possible anymore, the funny part is -> sometimes read is still fine. If that is the case: The system is booting and working, but saving just nothing. The NAND is frozen to its state before it broke.
At our local store, customers come to us with issues like " Factory Reset impossible ", "Can't delete my Files" "Can't create files". All these Devices have inaccessible NAND's and inaccessible Recovery. Only Bootloader is working, but as the NAND is broken, flashing doesn't change anything.
smacsmac said:
oh mine was just straight up dead...no download mode or anything visible on the screen (and nothing to do with CM13 either)
hope you get yours sorted out! have you tried reflashing anything via Odin while in download mode?
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yeah, flashing with odin did the trick. now running cm13 and everything works fine. sorry to hear that your phone turned to brick.

