Spy application - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello XDA community, I wanted to know if there is a spy application out there that will allow me to record for at least an hour. I ask because I suspect my girlfriend is cheating on me and worst of all I think she's doing it in my crib. I tried out both the stock camera and spy phone but neither seems to record more than 20 or 30 minutes. She starts work latter than me and I think she's had another man in my house.
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Lol... I think you need more than a app.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium

Dam bro. You need to go to your nearest spy shop. Heck buy a digital voice recorder at Super Wally World aka WalMart and leave it recording when you leave. That can record for a couple or more hours. Good luck pal.

Or just go home early if you can?
Isnt there an app for this purpose? I something on current affair where they spy on you thru your own phone.

Thanks for all the feedback so far fellas.
Sent from my T959 using xda premium

Call that show Cheaters

mentalityx said:
Dam bro. You need to go to your nearest spy shop. Heck buy a digital voice recorder at Super Wally World aka WalMart and leave it recording when you leave. That can record for a couple or more hours. Good luck pal.
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This is probably what I would do. It's small, it's descrete, and it will record while hidden, unlike a camera. Best of luck!

Wow, that sucks! Have you tried the old fashioned method of talking to her?
And if I recall, some of those digital recorders will sit in "standby mode" and only start recording when it detects sound; you can test is with some moaning (sorry, just had to do it).
Best of luck to you...and, don't do anything stupid; no woman is worth jail time

Dunno if you still need help but just stick a camera on record for a ton of hours and hide it in something. A mate of mine cut a little hole in a Mc Donalds drink and popped his camera in there. Caught his wife messing around.
Something real discrete. That or you could just talk to her..
I hope you get it all sorted out soon though. A regular camera set on record for a long time would work fine. Just make sure to use fresh batteries.

Perhaps your phone isn't what you should be using to fix your issue. It'd probably be better for you to talk it out with her, quietly.

Thanks for all the suggestions. Much appreciated
Sent from my T959 using xda premium

Any updates?

i want to know 2

You can use "securet livestream" to see your camera from another place. you can put it even in hidden mode. Or if you have a laptop or a PC with a webcam you can use "vitamin D" its a program that records when a specific point in the screen moves like a dog moving, someone crossing the door or things like that.


accessing evos cameras from a computer or another android

I am looking to be able to access the cameras on my phones from another android phone or computer. Lets say one gets stolen (I have 3, an evo 4g, an evo 3d, and and epic 4g) I want to be able not to only track them but also access them from another device or computer and see what the people are doing on it or at least be able to access the front and rear cameras with out their knowledge and be able to snap pics from the camera. Not sure if that makes much sense it does in my head and I would really like to know how. I am sure it can be done over wifi or tethered but I won't be either of those. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like a pretty cool idea
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cody_cummins said:
Sounds like a pretty cool idea
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Yep, sounds like a very cool idea.
If you are planning stalking the hell out of someone.
I very seriously doubt u can just tune into your camera from another device without any action on the phone u want to look through. A cool idea it is but can't see it being possible.
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I think it could be done make a prog that has root access n can access the camera. Idk tho deff great idea.
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Look up app called "android lost". It once u activate it from web site it will ask user of stolen phone to enter a passcode. Every time they do it takes a picture of them. I believe it also takes pictures every few minutes and gives u GPS, address location, and let u turn on microphone and view outgoing and incoming calls and texts. Bad ass program. And the best part of it all its free
Use the app "webkey" you can do everything you want to your phone from a computer
+1 on androidlost. I use it, its outstanding
Do you have to be rooted to use android lost?
animal7296 said:
Do you have to be rooted to use android lost?
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I don't believe so
I think the app "gotcha" has similar features... you can also use it for surveillance if you suspect that someone is using your phone when you are not looking.
Androidlost is pretty awesome. You access its functions from a web browser, and you can have it use both the front facing and back cameras to take pictures. That being said, it would be nice if there was a dedicated app that did this. Real-time video would be an awesome addition too. It'll be like your lil'personal security camera.
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Uchennadi said:
Androidlost is pretty awesome. You access its functions from a web browser, and you can have it use both the front facing and back cameras to take pictures. That being said, it would be nice if there was a dedicated app that did this. Real-time video would be an awesome addition too. It'll be like your lil'personal security camera.
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Could u imagine putting this on ur kids phones or ur spouses phone. I'm sure people take advantage of it that way
As mentioned previously there are already several apps that do this. Obviously it isn't always going to be tractable, because the phone has to be on, have GPS signal (or at very least a connection to three towers) to get a small enough radius of its position. It would need either wifi or a 3G connection. Realistically for live video it will need a good, stable 4g connection (unless you are satisfied with a low resolution, low frame rate video feed). It needs to also use as little resources as possible, and be somewhat hidden so it doesn't make someone suspicious or find it to turn it off, or kill the task or service.
It is a great tool to have if your phone is stolen for sure. I'm not sure that it would be really useful though in the event that your phone is stolen, not lost. I don't know about other people but I am thinking if my phone was stolen the first thing I would do is have my account suspended. I would be worried because people can use your phone bill to buy things, and call some phone whores at 800 an hour.
I am pretty sure I read one of those apps have the ability to format your data so it isn't stolen too. The other function I might want to count on, is the ability for the app to lock the phone down. Make it impossible to unlock the device, at all, or maybe with a password. Of course the last important feature would be to have all this start even after reboot and battery pull.
I can imagine this being used maliciously by some people. Anyway, that is my two cents on the matter.
I remember seeing something with somewhat the same function. When lost, you go to the website, lock it, it shows gps location, and takes a pic using front camera if possible. Don't remember the app right now...
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
guyandhisdog said:
+1 on androidlost. I use it, its outstanding
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I just downloaded and played with it, my new favorite app, I almost want someone to try and steal my phone now so I can catch them so red handed!!!! And you cant beat free!! Everyone should try this app, better yet they should start including this into stock phones
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[Q] "Password to shut down" option

I had my iPhone 4 stolen (right in front of my eyes) before I switched to GNote.
I was wondering if there is an app/mod to enable password entry before a phone could be shut down. I guess you can simply take out the battery, if you really wanted to shut down even with this app/mod.
If it is possible, I might consider superglue-ing the backplate to the phone. So, if my phone is stolen, I will hopefully have more time to track my phone and recover it.
Then how would you access your sim or SD card? I would highly suggest just keeping it in your pocket when you go out from now on.
And if you're held up at gunpoint just give it to him and chalk it up to the cost of staying alive.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
P.s. this is coming from a guy that's had a gun put to his head for $80 and a phone.
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jpoirier587 said:
Then how would you access your sim or SD card? I would highly suggest just keeping it in your pocket when you go out from now on.
And if you're held up at gunpoint just give it to him and chalk it up to the cost of staying alive.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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I was at McD's with my brother and my girlfriend. My brother was sitting across from me, and the phone was on the table inches away from me.
This teenager came up behind my brother, reached over him across the table to grab my phone and took off. We chased after him outside. He sprayed us with a bear spray (stronger than pepper spray), but I had glasses on, so I still caught him. But while we were struggling, he tossed the phone to another kid and I chased after him. By this time, I was too tired and they both got away.
I lost my phone, ruined a very nice coat and shoes because bear spray won't come out of it, and police lost my driver's license while taking my statement.
It was a very sh***y day, and if you don't have anything constructive to say in response to my question, don't reply. I know I won't be able to access the SIM card and SD card, but I rarely ever need to anyways, unless there is a major issue. I will deal with it then.
Jesus man thats terrible I am really sorry to hear about that. Ill keep my phone much closer to me now.
As for those kids you should have gave the one you caught something to remember. Something he will remember for the rest of his life.
I would have taken his left eye with my thumb.
Get a pistol for next time and he'll stop one way or the other. Preferably the other imo. One less wannabe thug making babies.
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^ yep.
Got my CCW last year havent looked back since.
Well, in any case, is this type of mod possible?
Or, maybe a fake shutdown mod? It looks like the phone is shutting down, but it is not?
ddochi11 said:
Well, in any case, is this type of mod possible?
Or, maybe a fake shutdown mod? It looks like the phone is shutting down, but it is not?
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I'm sure you could write an app to do it.
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There are apps where you can find GPS coordinates. Might help if someone steals your phone.
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djxcee said:
There are apps where you can find GPS coordinates. Might help if someone steals your phone.
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You are missing my point. If someone powers off the phone or pulls the battery, GPS tracking stops.
I want to make it as hard as possible to power off the phone.
Try Visidon - it's a face unlocking app - i use it to lock my settings, play, email and other apps you want to face lock
ddochi11 said:
You are missing my point. If someone powers off the phone or pulls the battery, GPS tracking stops.
I want to make it as hard as possible to power off the phone.
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Personal Phone issues!!!

I'm soo depressed my 2 year old did something to my Note on friday night and I still have yet to find it. Came in from work placed phone on high dresser went to sleep, woke up on saturday and phone is gone! I just found out that she can climb dresser!! So I'm here thinking damn thats $600 down the drain including my 64gb micro sd!!! I just wanna cry!!!!
Go to play.google.com, sign in and search cerberus, install it and start an alarm/track the phone.
Call phone?
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Tx Redneck said:
Go to play.google.com, sign in and search cerberus, install it and start an alarm/track the phone.
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Assuming the battery is still alive -- this (along with the standard have you tried calling it) is a brilliant plan.
My guess however is that it's a two year old. It's stuffed somewhere in the house (check the toy box because kids put everything BUT the toys in there).
Down the drain? It's not like you lost it outside
I'm praying that it wasn't placed in the garbage can!!!
That's pretty funny. Hope you find it. I like the install an app from the web store option to find it
My cat occasionally sits directly on top of my phone when alarms go off. It's surprisingly effective at muffling the sound. I've set my phone down on a bed and then forgot about it and couldn't hear it when calling to find it, until I threw the cat off. She hates phones.
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klee2000 said:
I'm praying that it wasn't placed in the garbage can!!!
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With cerberus (assuming the phone was on) you could get GPS location to know for sure. You could even snap a picture from the front or back camera and have it sent to your email. Cerebus is the best app I have on my phone.
jpeg42 said:
With cerberus (assuming the phone was on) you could get GPS location to know for sure. You could even snap a picture from the front or back camera and have it sent to your email. Cerebus is the best app I have on my phone.
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If the kid took it, I'm sure the GPS would show the house, but not exactly where in it
I mean if the kid is not old enough to tell you where the phone is then they shouldn't have left the house alone
And why wonder? Just check the trash. It might be dirty but so what?
Have you tried giving your kid some laxatives? Maybe it got eaten.
burhanistan said:
Have you tried giving your kid some laxatives? Maybe it got eaten.
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thats gold !!!!
I tried the cerebus trick .. but can't figure out how to create the account without the phone..
Step 1: Take Teddy (or other favorite toy)
Step 2: Explain to child that Teddy's gonna get it unless you get your phone back.
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ekerbuddyeker said:
Step 1: Take Teddy (or other favorite toy)
Step 2: Explain to child that Teddy's gonna get it unless you get your phone back.
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TO FUNNY!! to OP ..i feel your pain (a little) the other day my 3 year old pulled my note of the counter and down it went to the tile!!!:crying:
luckily it landed on battery cover and no harm was done!! (yes i rock this b#$%h in its birthday suit!!!
Behind the dresser.
Or between the mattress and the box spring.
Check in her diaper.
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klee2000 said:
I'm soo depressed my 2 year old did something to my Note on friday night and I still have yet to find it. Came in from work placed phone on high dresser went to sleep, woke up on saturday and phone is gone! I just found out that she can climb dresser!! So I'm here thinking damn thats $600 down the drain including my 64gb micro sd!!! I just wanna cry!!!!
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Hmmm. Unless she flushed it down the toilet, you should have found it by now. Out smarted by a 2 year old girl? *Cue conspiracy theory thoughts* Who else was in the house that Friday night/Saturday morning?
*Omnipresent* said:
Hmmm. Unless she flushed it down the toilet, you should have found it by now. Out smarted by a 2 year old girl? *Cue conspiracy theory thoughts* Who else was in the house that Friday night/Saturday morning?
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It's surprising the amount of places a small kid can hide things. I know they don't seem to be smart enough.. but when you find your keys jammed half-way into the floor vent in their room, you have to wonder.
I'm sure I believe this story but...
Tell her to call daddy and pick up your house phone. She'll go get yours to call you.
This reminds me of a similar experience. In my case the remote of the blu-ray player was missing. We founded it after a year, our son have put in our floor-standing tower woofer firing port. I remember shaking the damn thing, but since it has insulation in it i could not hear any rattling. One day i lifted the speaker for whatever reason and the remote fell off of the woofer port.
I know it is not helpful, but felt the need to share the story ... I guess you should look at some unusual places ...

someone suggest a good app for this

basically my mother has developed a extremely terrible seizure disorder and needs eyes and ears on her even when she is just setting in the living room watching television. My father is there to be those eyes and ears but since that consumes most of his time he no longer gets to go to his upstairs workroom and build his radio controlled quadcopters which seems to be the only hobby he still has or enjoys so to speak. I'm looking to get some suggestions on a good app to view the camera of one android phone from another android phone so that either while he is up in the room he has the ability to see and hear her aeither at the touch of a button or widget. I'm searching for something somewhat parent friendly to set up (not to complicated) as all I can do is call and give him the name of it. if anyone has any suggestions on something that might fit the description of this situation please leave a reply with your opinion. thanks for anyone's time, Robert
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baby phone mobile
Two Smartphone = Baby Phone (Baby Monitor, Baby Alarm), also Windows XP/Vista/7
Connect two android phones and/or Windows XP/Vista/7 devices to a mobile baby phone (baby monitor / baby alarm). One device is the sender and placed near the baby. The other device is the receiver taken along. The two devices connect with one another over the internet resulting in a virtually unrestricted transmission range as long as an internet connection is available.
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You may find a few more options if you search baby monitor at GooglePlay
electricpete1 said:
You may find a few more options if you search baby monitor at GooglePlay
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I very much appreciate your reply as I feel this all I can do to help my parents out in there current situation. I am really hoping that the app works without a wifi network because they also do not have Internet from there ISP, they only have basic cable. I very much thank you for your reply and I'll definitely call my dad and tell him to try that app out. Thank you once again.
I told my father about the app and he attempted to set it up but said it wouldn't work without the licence, atleast on one of his phones. does anyone know of a similar app that might be easy to set up and doesn't require wifi home network? it can be paid or free, he just can't do in app purchases on his setup, but he can buy them outright if they happen to be paid and not free. thanks
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Man, I never thought I'd use the TV app...

...but I don't even use my cable remote anymore. It is so damn convenient being able to browse movies and shows on my phone and just tap on what I want to watch. HTC really nailed this function, it works flawlessly for me. The IR blaster is insanely strong, I don't even need to point the phone even remotely at my TV or cable box. It also makes playing with my phone while watching TV perfectly justifiable. Brilliant!
Plus, I get to mess with my friends when I'm at their places... "WHY DOES THE CHANNEL KEEP CHANGING?!?!?" mwahahahahaha :victory:
Lol i did that at bestbuy and there like our guy is in the back playing with the wires and im like ok dumbass
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
Oh man I don't think I could've kept a straight face haha
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
I busted out laughing when i walked away and the employee just stared at me and I did it at my house when the kids were watching tv and there like wtf
No more looking for a lost remote since it's always in my pocket.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Wish there was a way to change TV providers with each remote setup... I stay at my girlfriends house 1-2 nights a week and I have to change from Directv to Time Warner every time. It only takes a minute but it's still annoying.
Awesome functionality/app otherwise! Use it all the time!
yup! the tv app is fun and useful.
In a few months time I am expecting restaurants and some business establishments to forbid people holding a Galaxy S4, HTC One & Xperia Z in their hands upon entering the premises
I was surprised at how well it works. Better than universal remotes - some of them can't change the input (i.e., hdmi, TV, etc.). Soo good - hard to believe this isn't getting more attention. This one excellent feature is better than the S4's several gimmicky ones.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1
Grumpy Bob said:
Wish there was a way to change TV providers with each remote setup... I stay at my girlfriends house 1-2 nights a week and I have to change from Directv to Time Warner every time. It only takes a minute but it's still annoying.
Awesome functionality/app otherwise! Use it all the time!
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I haven't tried multiple remote setups yet. So if you make a second remote profile you can't set it as a different provider from the first?
Simba501 said:
I was surprised at how well it works. Better than universal remotes - some of them can't change the input (i.e., hdmi, TV, etc.). Soo good - hard to believe this isn't getting more attention. This one excellent feature is better than the S4's several gimmicky ones.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1
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I haven't tried the GS4's but I agree that the One's should be getting more attention. It is a great feature that actually feels fully fleshed out. They really did a bang up job with it. The only thing I would like them to add is custom buttons and programmable macros. Then it would be perfect.
The ir blaster on the one works better. Seems stronger and better placed.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Loving the blaster, been real fun at peoples houses. Also very practical at home.
Does anyone know if it can control the DVR? I currently have DirecTV.
FlipCup said:
Does anyone know if it can control the DVR? I currently have DirecTV.
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It can control the DVR on my Comcast box so I'm assuming it'll control the DirecTV one just fine. One thing I just noticed though is that there is no option to record directly from the guide in the app (at least I don't think), which is a feature I think HTC could easily implement.
FlipCup said:
Does anyone know if it can control the DVR? I currently have DirecTV.
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Yep! Controls my Directv DVR just fine. Just go to your remote and it's one of the pages available on the bottom.
Controls my DirecTV DVR fine as well.
jeebuz said:
Controls my DirecTV DVR fine as well.
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even if it doesnt recognize the device it can always learn from the remote of the device, thats super useful
I'm in a bar right now changing the bulls games on all the TVs and everyone is bugging out. Hahha
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graffixnyc said:
I'm in a bar right now changing the bulls games on all the TVs and everyone is bugging out. Hahha
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Thats a dang good idea! Genius!
skunkbandit said:
Thats a dang good idea! Genius!
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It was so funny. I was turning off TVs and changing the channels. They were freaking out. They even called the cable company and reset the cable boxes. It was so hard to sit there with a straight face and just act like I was playing on my phone. They kept changing it back to the bulls game and I would change it to golf. lol.
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