[Q] "Password to shut down" option - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note I717

I had my iPhone 4 stolen (right in front of my eyes) before I switched to GNote.
I was wondering if there is an app/mod to enable password entry before a phone could be shut down. I guess you can simply take out the battery, if you really wanted to shut down even with this app/mod.
If it is possible, I might consider superglue-ing the backplate to the phone. So, if my phone is stolen, I will hopefully have more time to track my phone and recover it.

Then how would you access your sim or SD card? I would highly suggest just keeping it in your pocket when you go out from now on.
And if you're held up at gunpoint just give it to him and chalk it up to the cost of staying alive.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium

P.s. this is coming from a guy that's had a gun put to his head for $80 and a phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium

jpoirier587 said:
Then how would you access your sim or SD card? I would highly suggest just keeping it in your pocket when you go out from now on.
And if you're held up at gunpoint just give it to him and chalk it up to the cost of staying alive.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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I was at McD's with my brother and my girlfriend. My brother was sitting across from me, and the phone was on the table inches away from me.
This teenager came up behind my brother, reached over him across the table to grab my phone and took off. We chased after him outside. He sprayed us with a bear spray (stronger than pepper spray), but I had glasses on, so I still caught him. But while we were struggling, he tossed the phone to another kid and I chased after him. By this time, I was too tired and they both got away.
I lost my phone, ruined a very nice coat and shoes because bear spray won't come out of it, and police lost my driver's license while taking my statement.
It was a very sh***y day, and if you don't have anything constructive to say in response to my question, don't reply. I know I won't be able to access the SIM card and SD card, but I rarely ever need to anyways, unless there is a major issue. I will deal with it then.

Jesus man thats terrible I am really sorry to hear about that. Ill keep my phone much closer to me now.
As for those kids you should have gave the one you caught something to remember. Something he will remember for the rest of his life.
I would have taken his left eye with my thumb.

Get a pistol for next time and he'll stop one way or the other. Preferably the other imo. One less wannabe thug making babies.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium

^ yep.
Got my CCW last year havent looked back since.

Well, in any case, is this type of mod possible?
Or, maybe a fake shutdown mod? It looks like the phone is shutting down, but it is not?

ddochi11 said:
Well, in any case, is this type of mod possible?
Or, maybe a fake shutdown mod? It looks like the phone is shutting down, but it is not?
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I'm sure you could write an app to do it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2

There are apps where you can find GPS coordinates. Might help if someone steals your phone.
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djxcee said:
There are apps where you can find GPS coordinates. Might help if someone steals your phone.
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You are missing my point. If someone powers off the phone or pulls the battery, GPS tracking stops.
I want to make it as hard as possible to power off the phone.

Try Visidon - it's a face unlocking app - i use it to lock my settings, play, email and other apps you want to face lock
ddochi11 said:
You are missing my point. If someone powers off the phone or pulls the battery, GPS tracking stops.
I want to make it as hard as possible to power off the phone.
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Spy application

Hello XDA community, I wanted to know if there is a spy application out there that will allow me to record for at least an hour. I ask because I suspect my girlfriend is cheating on me and worst of all I think she's doing it in my crib. I tried out both the stock camera and spy phone but neither seems to record more than 20 or 30 minutes. She starts work latter than me and I think she's had another man in my house.
Sent from my T959 using xda premium
Lol... I think you need more than a app.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
Dam bro. You need to go to your nearest spy shop. Heck buy a digital voice recorder at Super Wally World aka WalMart and leave it recording when you leave. That can record for a couple or more hours. Good luck pal.
Or just go home early if you can?
Isnt there an app for this purpose? I something on current affair where they spy on you thru your own phone.
Thanks for all the feedback so far fellas.
Sent from my T959 using xda premium
Call that show Cheaters
mentalityx said:
Dam bro. You need to go to your nearest spy shop. Heck buy a digital voice recorder at Super Wally World aka WalMart and leave it recording when you leave. That can record for a couple or more hours. Good luck pal.
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This is probably what I would do. It's small, it's descrete, and it will record while hidden, unlike a camera. Best of luck!
Wow, that sucks! Have you tried the old fashioned method of talking to her?
And if I recall, some of those digital recorders will sit in "standby mode" and only start recording when it detects sound; you can test is with some moaning (sorry, just had to do it).
Best of luck to you...and, don't do anything stupid; no woman is worth jail time
Dunno if you still need help but just stick a camera on record for a ton of hours and hide it in something. A mate of mine cut a little hole in a Mc Donalds drink and popped his camera in there. Caught his wife messing around.
Something real discrete. That or you could just talk to her..
I hope you get it all sorted out soon though. A regular camera set on record for a long time would work fine. Just make sure to use fresh batteries.
Perhaps your phone isn't what you should be using to fix your issue. It'd probably be better for you to talk it out with her, quietly.
Thanks for all the suggestions. Much appreciated
Sent from my T959 using xda premium
Any updates?
i want to know 2
You can use "securet livestream" to see your camera from another place. you can put it even in hidden mode. Or if you have a laptop or a PC with a webcam you can use "vitamin D" its a program that records when a specific point in the screen moves like a dog moving, someone crossing the door or things like that.

[Q] A little Help, NO GPS

Ok, here's the deal. I haven't been able to get a GPS lock in months. I've tried everything.
Right now I'm running stock 198_6. Rooted, unrooted, doesn't matter.
I've done several resets, I've wiped through recovery, I've wiped my internal storage, tried several SBF's etc.
I've been working on this problem for months and I'm finally frustrated enough to ask for help. No amount of googleing or flashing has helped thus far. On my old galaxy S phone, there was a GPS restore program that worked beautifully. I'm hoping for either a comparable program for my MOPHO or a way to COMPLETELY return to stock. Every file, every directory, every partition. Flashing SBF's isn't working.
Any help or insight would be amazing. Thanks in advance
Download gps status from the market see if you get any locks. You've already did all the steps needed but aren't working.
Again though clear all data including on the SD or just switch out to a empty one. factory data reset then sbf and do not restore your data when you log back into gmail. It could be a app conflicting with the GPS you never know.
Try out the rocko rom he has a locked version now so try it out and see if that helps
I tried gps status and a couple others, it won't even see a satellite, much less get a lock. Trying the long road workaround for alien with 4g, see what happens. Thanks for the advice, I didn't think about a new sd. I'll give that a shot.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda premium
I have a question to ask you do you have the GPS turned on in settings? If so have you ever dropped your phone? Because the only time I've had problems was when GPS wasn't Turned on. I'm sure that was the first thing you looked at but it can be overlooked
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Though I do appreciate your input, I can absolutely assure you after working on this issue for a long time, the gps is not turned off. Besides, it would just turn back in after a wipe.
I did drop my phone once as I got out of the car, but I keep it in an otter box commuter case and the fall from the seat of my tC didn't hurt it.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda premium
Don't mean to be a pest, but how about a bump in hopes somebody with an answer will see
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda premium
How long are you waiting for a lock? I have seen some devices take quite a while (15 mins) to lock after being moved a long way from where the last fix was stored. I am thinking that the almanac or ephemeris data may be corrupt for some reason.
Did you try the agps assistance within GPS status?
Is your date and time set correctly?
Do your other sensors work correctly in the GPS status app? Gforce and rotation?
Do you have an absolutely clear view of the sky at a wide angle?
Is there anything transmitting withinin the 1227.6—1575.42MHz range nearby? It doesn't even need to be that close to that frequency range as a strong VHF (30-300 MHz) can overpower a GPS signal if the transmitting station is radiating enough Watts. Imagine the emi nightmare it is packing radios in the HF VHF shf and uhf spectrum on a boat mast. Along with GPS, RADAR, DirecTV and such.
I believe that you have one of the following:
1. EMI from a rogue emitter.
2. Corrupt almanac/ephemeris/date and time
3. Broken GPS hardware inside the device.
Sent from my MoPho. All typos are the phones fault.
Thanks for the info. It's not an issue with interference as I've tried it over 100 miles from home.
So, is there a way to fix the almanac info?
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda premium
F.Y.I., I just got GPS Test from the Market. I like the Globe View where it shows exactly where each one is!
Hmm as someone said before it can take time to get a lock and it can be a hardware problem too did you drop it recently or has it been exposed to any big amount of pressure?That can be a problem.
Sent from my LG-P350 using XDA premium
http://www.danasoft.com/ sig/****yeah287168.jpg
Unfortunately it's sounding like you may have to bring it in and have it checked out by a phone tech. It definitely sounds like a hardware issue. If it's still under warranty then you're in luck.
In case you have the warranty just make sure to unroot and be on stock.Otherwise they won't accept it.
Sent from my LG-P350 using XDA premium
Yeah, it's under warranty and I had it unrooted. The sprint store wanted to charge me $35. I laughed and left. I figure I'll port the number to my verizon phone and send it in to Moto. I considered looking for a GS2, but I'm not spending more money on wimax phones since sprint will be converting to LTE.
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hedcayce said:
Yeah, it's under warranty and I had it unrooted. The sprint store wanted to charge me $35. I laughed and left. I figure I'll port the number to my verizon phone and send it in to Moto. I considered looking for a GS2, but I'm not spending more money on wimax phones since sprint will be converting to LTE.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using xda premium
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Lol fkin thieves why the hell would they charhe you for a warranty repair.Tou have done the right thing by going out.I hope you can fix your phone soon.Good luck!
Sent from my LG-P350 using XDA premium
So, after an hour and a half on the phone tech support finally decided that what I told them in the first 30 seconds was right. They're sending me a new phone. I have a feeling it's going to end up on craigslist.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium

Personal Phone issues!!!

I'm soo depressed my 2 year old did something to my Note on friday night and I still have yet to find it. Came in from work placed phone on high dresser went to sleep, woke up on saturday and phone is gone! I just found out that she can climb dresser!! So I'm here thinking damn thats $600 down the drain including my 64gb micro sd!!! I just wanna cry!!!!
Go to play.google.com, sign in and search cerberus, install it and start an alarm/track the phone.
Call phone?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Tx Redneck said:
Go to play.google.com, sign in and search cerberus, install it and start an alarm/track the phone.
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Assuming the battery is still alive -- this (along with the standard have you tried calling it) is a brilliant plan.
My guess however is that it's a two year old. It's stuffed somewhere in the house (check the toy box because kids put everything BUT the toys in there).
Down the drain? It's not like you lost it outside
I'm praying that it wasn't placed in the garbage can!!!
That's pretty funny. Hope you find it. I like the install an app from the web store option to find it
My cat occasionally sits directly on top of my phone when alarms go off. It's surprisingly effective at muffling the sound. I've set my phone down on a bed and then forgot about it and couldn't hear it when calling to find it, until I threw the cat off. She hates phones.
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klee2000 said:
I'm praying that it wasn't placed in the garbage can!!!
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With cerberus (assuming the phone was on) you could get GPS location to know for sure. You could even snap a picture from the front or back camera and have it sent to your email. Cerebus is the best app I have on my phone.
jpeg42 said:
With cerberus (assuming the phone was on) you could get GPS location to know for sure. You could even snap a picture from the front or back camera and have it sent to your email. Cerebus is the best app I have on my phone.
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If the kid took it, I'm sure the GPS would show the house, but not exactly where in it
I mean if the kid is not old enough to tell you where the phone is then they shouldn't have left the house alone
And why wonder? Just check the trash. It might be dirty but so what?
Have you tried giving your kid some laxatives? Maybe it got eaten.
burhanistan said:
Have you tried giving your kid some laxatives? Maybe it got eaten.
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thats gold !!!!
I tried the cerebus trick .. but can't figure out how to create the account without the phone..
Step 1: Take Teddy (or other favorite toy)
Step 2: Explain to child that Teddy's gonna get it unless you get your phone back.
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ekerbuddyeker said:
Step 1: Take Teddy (or other favorite toy)
Step 2: Explain to child that Teddy's gonna get it unless you get your phone back.
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TO FUNNY!! to OP ..i feel your pain (a little) the other day my 3 year old pulled my note of the counter and down it went to the tile!!!:crying:
luckily it landed on battery cover and no harm was done!! (yes i rock this b#$%h in its birthday suit!!!
Behind the dresser.
Or between the mattress and the box spring.
Check in her diaper.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
klee2000 said:
I'm soo depressed my 2 year old did something to my Note on friday night and I still have yet to find it. Came in from work placed phone on high dresser went to sleep, woke up on saturday and phone is gone! I just found out that she can climb dresser!! So I'm here thinking damn thats $600 down the drain including my 64gb micro sd!!! I just wanna cry!!!!
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Hmmm. Unless she flushed it down the toilet, you should have found it by now. Out smarted by a 2 year old girl? *Cue conspiracy theory thoughts* Who else was in the house that Friday night/Saturday morning?
*Omnipresent* said:
Hmmm. Unless she flushed it down the toilet, you should have found it by now. Out smarted by a 2 year old girl? *Cue conspiracy theory thoughts* Who else was in the house that Friday night/Saturday morning?
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It's surprising the amount of places a small kid can hide things. I know they don't seem to be smart enough.. but when you find your keys jammed half-way into the floor vent in their room, you have to wonder.
I'm sure I believe this story but...
Tell her to call daddy and pick up your house phone. She'll go get yours to call you.
This reminds me of a similar experience. In my case the remote of the blu-ray player was missing. We founded it after a year, our son have put in our floor-standing tower woofer firing port. I remember shaking the damn thing, but since it has insulation in it i could not hear any rattling. One day i lifted the speaker for whatever reason and the remote fell off of the woofer port.
I know it is not helpful, but felt the need to share the story ... I guess you should look at some unusual places ...

[RANT]Press the top button while recording and lose footage!

Was recording Ron Paul at an event and accidentally pressed the top button. Lo and behold it quit the camera app and I instantly lost 20+ minutes of footage. Way to go HTC!
This should serve as a warning to those LTE users out there, if you're recording something, don't accidentally press any buttons!
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Why would you be pressing buttons when you're recording stuff? I think that having things turn off when you press the power button is a good thing...isn't that the idea behind it?
Pressing the wrong buttons is not a manufacturer's problem -- they didn't hide the button, it's not a secret. That's one of those PEBDAU (Problem Exists Between Device and User -- sue me, I can't think while at work). Sucks that you lost footage on Ron Paul though.
As I already stated in the OP, it was accidental. A friendly warning "are you sure you want to close this while recording?" would have been nice... or just save the footage and then close. Instead, it closed abruptly and without warning and happily discarded the last 20 minutes of footage. Not cool!
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
stiv2k said:
Was recording Ron Paul at an event and accidentally pressed the top button. Lo and behold it quit the camera app and I instantly lost 20+ minutes of footage. Way to go HTC!
This should serve as a warning to those LTE users out there, if you're recording something, don't accidentally press any buttons!
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Highlighted in red. You made a user error, and you're blaming it on the phone manufacturer.
That's like driving a car, and you want to stop, but instead of the brake, you hit the gas, and then get upset at your car manufacturer.
That's like eating a sandwich, and you want to take a bite, but instead of putting it in your mouth, you shove it up your nose, and blaming your body for not chewing it.
That's like walking down the sidewalk, and you want to cross the street, but instead of turning left, you turn right, and blaming the people who laid the street.
I understand that it sucks, as I mentioned before -- unless the manufacturer does something completely opposite of how it's normally done (i.e. car maker switches gas and brake pedals / you eat through your nose / left becomes right) then don't get on them for it. Not their fault any way that you try to explain it. It should read something like this:
Was recording Ron Paul at an event and accidentally pressed the top button. Lo and behold it quit the camera app and I instantly lost 20+ minutes of footage. Way to go FINGERS! FML for pressing buttons!
This should serve as a warning to those LTE users out there, if you're recording something, don't accidentally press any buttons!
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They've pretty much always put their power button at the top. It's a popular place to put a power button. Not every phone does it, but the majority do.
Still sucks that you lost Ron Paul footage.
not htc it was the democrats lmao
stiv2k said:
As I already stated in the OP, it was accidental. A friendly warning "are you sure you want to close this while recording?" would have been nice... or just save the footage and then close. Instead, it closed abruptly and without warning and happily discarded the last 20 minutes of footage. Not cool!
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Crazy thing happened to me too, I was watching tv today and accidentally pressed the power button and my tv turned off. Sorry, couldn't resist, but the reason you lost your footage is because the camera app does not save your video to the sdcard until you press the stop recording button. So when you accidentally hit the power button all of the footage that was in the video cache was lost. I don't know if it would behave differently if you set you camera up for internal memory instead.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
jkrlvgn said:
Highlighted in red. You made a user error, and you're blaming it on the phone manufacturer.
That's like driving a car, and you want to stop, but instead of the brake, you hit the gas, and then get upset at your car manufacturer.
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Your car analogy doesn't quite apply. It would be more like accidentally kicking it into reverse while driving on the freeway. The car should realize that's not an intended function while driving 80mph forward and not allow it. News flash, it does just that! Furthermore, the top button is not exclusively used to power off the phone. Even when you do want to power off the phone, it gives you a warning! It doesn't just instantly power itself off. So why should it be any different when doing other crucial tasks such as recording video (say in a more dire situation, evidence for use in court or something)?
cruise350 said:
the reason you lost your footage is because the camera app does not save your video to the sdcard until you press the stop recording button. So when you accidentally hit the power button all of the footage that was in the video cache was lost.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
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Yes, precisely the reason of the rant. The software should at the very least save the video before closing, it's a pretty reasonable suggestion. Don't you think?
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stiv2k said:
Your car analogy doesn't quite apply. It would be more like accidentally kicking it into reverse while driving on the freeway. The car should realize that's not an intended function while driving 80mph forward and not allow it. News flash, it does just that! Furthermore, the top button is not exclusively used to power off the phone. Even when you do want to power off the phone, it gives you a warning! It doesn't just instantly power itself off. So why should it be any different when doing other crucial tasks such as recording video (say in a more dire situation, evidence for use in court or something)?
Yes, precisely the reason of the rant. The software should at the very least save the video before closing, it's a pretty reasonable suggestion. Don't you think?
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I agree with most of your argument I don't think it would be very hard to add in a prompt before closing while recording however I think that it probably wasn't thought of because its not something that typically happens
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
stiv2k said:
Was recording Ron Paul at an event and accidentally pressed the top button. Lo and behold it quit the camera app and I instantly lost 20+ minutes of footage. Way to go HTC!
This should serve as a warning to those LTE users out there, if you're recording something, don't accidentally press any buttons!
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I think you are on to something that is a simple oversight by HTC. But more importantly why bother telling us your at a Ron Paul event. People not being sympathetic to your ineptitude is one thing, and trust me I can relate. However being a Ron Paul supporter may put a bigger target on your back than you just being silly with a smarty phone.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Were you recording in portrait? If so there's your first problem. One should not simply record video on a cellphone in portrait.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
stiv2k said:
Your car analogy doesn't quite apply. It would be more like accidentally kicking it into reverse while driving on the freeway. The car should realize that's not an intended function while driving 80mph forward and not allow it. News flash, it does just that! Furthermore, the top button is not exclusively used to power off the phone. Even when you do want to power off the phone, it gives you a warning! It doesn't just instantly power itself off. So why should it be any different when doing other crucial tasks such as recording video (say in a more dire situation, evidence for use in court or something)?
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It applies fine -- the power button did it's function as it was designed to do. A quick tap closes the app or puts the phone to hibernate/sleep/whatever. A long hold gives the prompt to turn of the phone, reboot, etc. It's a power button -- that's what it does. if you pressed the power button and it started dialing someone, then I'd agree with you. If you pressed the power button and it turned the volume all the way up or down, then yeah, that'd be a problem. But it did what it's supposed to. You were the boob that pushed it, even if it was by accident. You threw the car into reverse (which you can do, but you shouldn't!) while you were driving 80mph down the road. The problem is not HTC, it's you. You were the one who used it inadvertently, and dun goofed up. I don't have that problem, and lots of people don't have that problem. There are plenty of times that I went to reboot the phone and then realized I didn't want to -- why can't I undo the reboot command? How about when they updated my phone at the store when I bought it, and it is now at hboot 1.15? why can't I undo that? Because it's not designed to allow for it. That's the way it works. Maybe the app should consider it's users before it allows you to use it, have you do some practice stuff first, so you can painstakingly learn how to keep your fingers away from the buttons. If your finger/thumb got in the way of the lense, would you be upset at HTC because the lense caught your finger? No. No, you wouldn't. Because you put your finger there, you did everything, it is and always will be your fault.
stiv2k said:
Yes, precisely the reason of the rant. The software should at the very least save the video before closing, it's a pretty reasonable suggestion. Don't you think?
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No, it shouldn't, because you turned it off.
DCWS6 said:
Were you recording in portrait? If so there's your first problem. One should not simply record video on a cellphone in portrait.
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...unless you're a hobbit!
skw5115 said:
I agree with most of your argument I don't think it would be very hard to add in a prompt before closing while recording however I think that it probably wasn't thought of because its not something that typically happens
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Make a camera app and figure in all the stupid things people do, then make the options to undo them. You won't win that battle, because they're always someone who will do something stupid.
Ryno_666 said:
I think you are on to something that is a simple oversight by HTC. But more importantly why bother telling us your at a Ron Paul event. People not being sympathetic to your ineptitude is one thing, and trust me I can relate. However being a Ron Paul supporter may put a bigger target on your back than you just being silly with a smarty phone.
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Hey now. I like Ron Paul.
That being said, it's not an oversight, unless you think someone can figure all of the ways that things can be messed up. I want my phone to float and gently land on the ground if I drop it, but they don't have that. I want to not misdial numbers that I've called before, and I don't want my Spotify to play a song that sucks in the Radio option.
You're going just *a little* to far I think. I agree with you in general, this isn't an issue, a button was mispressed at an inopportune moment, and the consequences sucked.
With that being said, I'm sure it's not too much for HTC or android to prompt when in video mode recording and the power button is hit to show a prompt. Especially if it's not going to be saved.
Going in the opposite direction of your examples: wouldn't a more accurate comparison be anytime, on every OS ever, if you try to delete a file you're prompted with "are you sure you want to delete this file?" That's there to catch mistakes. If we never made mistakes, they'd never have to build that prompt into virtually EVERY operating system. And in essence, when you hit the power button while recording, you're deleting that video. From a technical standpoint, it's not saved, I know, just cached, but close enough.
Again, I do, in general, agree. But no reason to get so extreme explaining why the OP is a "boob"
With that being said, OP, you ARE a boob. Jk. I look at this post as more an fyi, but wouldn't consider this any sort of defect.
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If you're writing something up in Microsoft Word, and you turn your computer off, unless it autosaved (which it only does when you don't need it!!!) you're the boob that pushed the power button on the computer. Plenty of times that I've saved a file that was in the temp folder originally, and then when I went to open what I thought was the right file, none of my changes were there. I was the boob that didn't pay attention. Boob is not a horrible term -- stuff happens. We all do stupid things. I don't, however, hold Asus responsible for my goofs.
If I save a file on my USB drive and then I pull the drive out before it's done, that's my fault. It'd be great if it said something like "looks like you dun goofed, friend! Please insert the drive to try again!", but it doesn't. The file either ends up being corrupt or not there at all.
Just a minute ago, I was changing some groups on my work messaging Jabber client, and I goofed something. I did something to it that it's not supposed to do, and now I suffer the consequences of my actions. I take responsibility for my actions.
If there were a way to circumvent screw-ups (which we all do!!) then the world would be a better place. Unfortunately, there isn't a real "easy" button, or a "rewind life" button. You can't give for every situation, and when you start compensating for one person's screwup and not another, you end up having massive, unneeded bloat.
Do you really need text on your coffee cup to tell you that the hot cup of coffee you ordered is hot?
Do you really need a bottle of poison to have a warning label in small print that no one but an older child/adult can read tell you that it's bad for you to drink it?
I'll tell you something -- I learn from my screwups. Grab a burner while it's flaming hot, you can guarantee that I won't touch it again. If it automatically turned off when human skin comes close to it, that would be freakin' awesome, and the technology is available (with a few modifications), but they don't make stoves that way. Sucks, but that's the world.
And yes, it is a bit far, but...I didn't start off that way. If you want something to work that specific way, then sure, make it work. But I don't want extra weight on my app. I don't hit the button, and if I do by accident, then it's on me.
mattemer said:
You're going just *a little* to far I think. I agree with you in general, this isn't an issue, a button was mispressed at an inopportune moment, and the consequences sucked.
With that being said, I'm sure it's not too much for HTC or android to prompt when in video mode recording and the power button is hit to show a prompt. Especially if it's not going to be saved.
Going in the opposite direction of your examples: wouldn't a more accurate comparison be anytime, on every OS ever, if you try to delete a file you're prompted with "are you sure you want to delete this file?" That's there to catch mistakes. If we never made mistakes, they'd never have to build that prompt into virtually EVERY operating system. And in essence, when you hit the power button while recording, you're deleting that video. From a technical standpoint, it's not saved, I know, just cached, but close enough.
Again, I do, in general, agree. But no reason to get so extreme explaining why the OP is a "boob"
With that being said, OP, you ARE a boob. Jk. I look at this post as more an fyi, but wouldn't consider this any sort of defect.
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If I have something not saved in Word open, and go to turn off the computer, as Windows is shutting everything down it will prompt if I want to close Word without saving my changes.
And just like you learn from your mistakes, we'll all learn from the OPs mistake, bc he gave us all a warning.
I don't see why asking for a prompt is that big of a deal.
And I don't find the term boob offensive at all, but it's definitely not a compliment.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
I can see the reason for wanting a warning message about closing when you power off in the middle of using the camera. That said, I have an actual camcorder; a dedicated device for taking video. It has an On/Off button. If I press that button the camcorder powers off. It appears to work as designed.
E: To clarify, it does this regardless of whether I'm recording at the time. There is an understood assumption that I knew that I was pressing the On/Off button. I have yet to lose footage due to this.
Go Ron Paul! The other choices aren't great, Obama has already proven it and Romney you can just tell
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Maybe something wrong with my phone but, I just tested video recording something then pressed my power button and it recorded up to the point of power off. I'm rooted Rejuvenated ROM so maybe that's the difference.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
I'd like ron paul as my grandpa, that's about it.
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puhiniho said:
Maybe something wrong with my phone but, I just tested video recording something then pressed my power button and it recorded up to the point of power off. I'm rooted Rejuvenated ROM so maybe that's the difference.
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Hahaha I just tried this too, and mine was saved as well. And I'm definitely saving to my storage card.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
I was walking in to the kitchen and smashed my pinky toe on one of the legs of the table chairs... DAMN YOU IKEA FOR NOT MAKING THE LEGS OF THE CHAIRS A TINY BIT SMALLER.
I also went to grab the my bottle of water off of the desk next to my computer but forgot my headphones were on. well they got ripped off my head because i ran out of cord...i ended up ripping the usb plug out of the usb port and now the headphones dont work any more... DAMN YOU TURTLE BEACH! YOU SHOULD HAVE MADE THE CABLE LONGER!


Perhaps I really just do have bad luck but thought I would share my experiences... I got the One through pre order and the device was solid except for a small gap at the bottom that I could live with. However, about 3 weeks in I was using my speakers to listen to some music using google play all access my device was burning hot when I picked it up from my bed (hot enough to a point in which I actually felt the burning sensation in my palm) I immediately ended all processes and did a restary just to be safe, when the device restarted I noticed there was no boot animation sound and soon realized that my speakers were inoperable and wouldnt generate a sound for anything. Then when I got my warranty replacement I noticed that my screen had a warm tint and flickered quite often and after about an hour of using it thw device shut off and wouldnt turn back on no matter what key combination I tried, and the led wouldnt turn on either. I visited a local at&t store that happened to be the store that the regional manager was visiting that day (the only piece of goodluck) where he just took the device (without box or anything at all just the phone) reversed my upgrade and let me pick any device of the same value for free.. (which I couldnt believe because even customer retention said I was out of luck and would have to try again with another refurb, btw I grabbed a gs4 which im ok with for now, might be back to the One once these issues are sorted out) sorry for the rant but this experience with at&t has definitely instilled some faith for me that at&t isnt always useless.
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this needed a WHOLE nother thread there is 3 or 4 threads about the "defects" on the phone ...
Ok so the point of this thread isss?
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
shook187 said:
Ok so the point of this thread isss?
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He's letting others know and maybe asking if its common. People who don't have the One yet, like me, want to know how detective the phone can be. I'm not gonna use my upgrade until later when all of this is fixed with the future batches. Thanks for the info OP!
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