Personal Phone issues!!! - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note I717

I'm soo depressed my 2 year old did something to my Note on friday night and I still have yet to find it. Came in from work placed phone on high dresser went to sleep, woke up on saturday and phone is gone! I just found out that she can climb dresser!! So I'm here thinking damn thats $600 down the drain including my 64gb micro sd!!! I just wanna cry!!!!

Go to, sign in and search cerberus, install it and start an alarm/track the phone.

Call phone?
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Tx Redneck said:
Go to, sign in and search cerberus, install it and start an alarm/track the phone.
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Assuming the battery is still alive -- this (along with the standard have you tried calling it) is a brilliant plan.
My guess however is that it's a two year old. It's stuffed somewhere in the house (check the toy box because kids put everything BUT the toys in there).

Down the drain? It's not like you lost it outside

I'm praying that it wasn't placed in the garbage can!!!

That's pretty funny. Hope you find it. I like the install an app from the web store option to find it
My cat occasionally sits directly on top of my phone when alarms go off. It's surprisingly effective at muffling the sound. I've set my phone down on a bed and then forgot about it and couldn't hear it when calling to find it, until I threw the cat off. She hates phones.
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klee2000 said:
I'm praying that it wasn't placed in the garbage can!!!
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With cerberus (assuming the phone was on) you could get GPS location to know for sure. You could even snap a picture from the front or back camera and have it sent to your email. Cerebus is the best app I have on my phone.

jpeg42 said:
With cerberus (assuming the phone was on) you could get GPS location to know for sure. You could even snap a picture from the front or back camera and have it sent to your email. Cerebus is the best app I have on my phone.
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If the kid took it, I'm sure the GPS would show the house, but not exactly where in it
I mean if the kid is not old enough to tell you where the phone is then they shouldn't have left the house alone
And why wonder? Just check the trash. It might be dirty but so what?

Have you tried giving your kid some laxatives? Maybe it got eaten.

burhanistan said:
Have you tried giving your kid some laxatives? Maybe it got eaten.
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thats gold !!!!

I tried the cerebus trick .. but can't figure out how to create the account without the phone..

Step 1: Take Teddy (or other favorite toy)
Step 2: Explain to child that Teddy's gonna get it unless you get your phone back.
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ekerbuddyeker said:
Step 1: Take Teddy (or other favorite toy)
Step 2: Explain to child that Teddy's gonna get it unless you get your phone back.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
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TO FUNNY!! to OP ..i feel your pain (a little) the other day my 3 year old pulled my note of the counter and down it went to the tile!!!:crying:
luckily it landed on battery cover and no harm was done!! (yes i rock this b#$%h in its birthday suit!!!

Behind the dresser.
Or between the mattress and the box spring.

Check in her diaper.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA

klee2000 said:
I'm soo depressed my 2 year old did something to my Note on friday night and I still have yet to find it. Came in from work placed phone on high dresser went to sleep, woke up on saturday and phone is gone! I just found out that she can climb dresser!! So I'm here thinking damn thats $600 down the drain including my 64gb micro sd!!! I just wanna cry!!!!
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Hmmm. Unless she flushed it down the toilet, you should have found it by now. Out smarted by a 2 year old girl? *Cue conspiracy theory thoughts* Who else was in the house that Friday night/Saturday morning?

*Omnipresent* said:
Hmmm. Unless she flushed it down the toilet, you should have found it by now. Out smarted by a 2 year old girl? *Cue conspiracy theory thoughts* Who else was in the house that Friday night/Saturday morning?
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It's surprising the amount of places a small kid can hide things. I know they don't seem to be smart enough.. but when you find your keys jammed half-way into the floor vent in their room, you have to wonder.

I'm sure I believe this story but...
Tell her to call daddy and pick up your house phone. She'll go get yours to call you.

This reminds me of a similar experience. In my case the remote of the blu-ray player was missing. We founded it after a year, our son have put in our floor-standing tower woofer firing port. I remember shaking the damn thing, but since it has insulation in it i could not hear any rattling. One day i lifted the speaker for whatever reason and the remote fell off of the woofer port.
I know it is not helpful, but felt the need to share the story ... I guess you should look at some unusual places ...


Seals On Evo 3d Box Were Broken When I Received It.. WTF!?!

Hey guys I noticed when I opened the package from UPS today that have my Evo 3d inside.. That the two clear seals on the phone box were already broken... Did anyone else notice this?
Mine too,but i didn't think much of it since everything was inside
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
They probably had to open it to activate it before shipping? just a guess here.
bronxknight28 said:
Mine too,but i didn't think much of it since everything was inside
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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Was battery inside the phone already? I found that kind of odd...
Same here
sent from my 3D
spalding1028 said:
They probably had to open it to activate it before shipping? just a guess here.
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Wont be activated till he calls to activate it. But they may have used theirs as "Testers" randomly
spalding1028 said:
They probably had to open it to activate it before shipping? just a guess here.
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That is what I was told when I called CS, I was just shocked that it was opened. Didn't activate just yet they are going to call back tomorrow to confirm that is the case. I don't want to activate a phone that has been tampered with.
Seals broken, battery shipped inside the compartment with plastic around it preventing contact. Entire phone was wrapped in the protective plastic. Everything was in with the phone, so I didn't think anything of it.
My guess is that they popped the box to put the info in for hands-free activation. Lotta good that did anyway cuz I had to call Sprint with my MEID so they activate it.
Mine came like that too but didn't really bother cos everything was inside lol and its working
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Well I feel a little better knowing that it wasn't just me. Sounds like an activation deal but I will post an update tomorrow incase anyone is wondering like myself. You would think that this message would be relayed to CS so they would know that it is normal lol
I had one seal broken, one intact. Weird, huh?
Everything intact inside, except for the power button
mevensen said:
I had one seal broken, one intact. Weird, huh?
Everything intact inside, except for the power button
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Your power button is broken?
mevensen said:
I had one seal broken, one intact. Weird, huh?
Everything intact inside, except for the power button
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Were the seals perforated? They looked as if they were, I also thought maybe that they may have split during shipping.
O and my Condolences for your power button, what a big tease Sprint played on you.
watch this video. pretty interesting. go to 3:26 and itll explain why the boxes were opened already.
ak2pacalypse said:
watch this video. pretty interesting. go to 3:26 and itll explain why the boxes were opened already.
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I kinda feel like an idiot now... lol guess I will call to have it activated now.
ak2pacalypse said:
watch this video. pretty interesting. go to 3:26 and itll explain why the boxes were opened already.
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Good video, and good find. Reminds me of the Newegg facility with UPS.
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The tabs being broken is because of shipping. None of the 3Ds were activated or opened before shipping that is up to you when ordering online, part of why there isn't a activation charge. UPS just handles packages sooooo gentle.
There is a reason a phone in a box needs to be in another bigger box with padding that costs more to ship.
The UPS guy opened it and was play with your phones on the trip to deliver it.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
It's got the date rape drug, don't touch it
Greenfieldan said:
It's got the date rape drug, don't touch it
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It probably does, haven't even activated the phone yet and just from touching it I am feeling all sorts of crazy.
BTW good to see you here Green!

[Q] why and how many times have you change your 3d?

sup guys. i just wanna know what i put in the title, in my case 3 times, and going to the 4 one tomorrow
1-tilted screen, creamy white
2-sd card reader didnt work
3-current using, and and it has a tilted screen from the upper left and the lower right.
i got it from best buy and when the rep. gave me the last one (#3) the ****er told me that thats gonna be my last, one no-matter if it was bad. so i just finish a wonderful talk wit bestbuy mobile and the store mannager from bestbuy and they told me to go tomorrow and exchange it and they suspend the demm guy lol
so tell me guys ur history wit this ****er 3d
el_chamuco said:
sup guys. i just wanna know what i put in the title, in my case 3 times, and going to the 4 one tomorrow
1-tilted screen, creamy white
2-sd card reader didnt work
3-current using, and and it has a tilted screen from the upper left and the lower right.
i got it from best buy and when the rep. gave me the last one (#3) the ****er told me that thats gonna be my last, one no-matter if it was bad. so i just finish a wonderful talk wit bestbuy mobile and the store mannager from bestbuy and they told me to go tomorrow and exchange it and they suspend the demm guy lol
so tell me guys ur history wit this ****er 3d
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Zero, First one runnin like a pro.. love the phone but may return in 20 days if no S-Off
mid3vil said:
Zero, First one runnin like a pro.. love the phone but may return in 20 days if no S-Off
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What he said but without the whineburger and french cries over s-off
sent from a 3devo
nate420 said:
What he said but without the whineburger and french cries over s-off
sent from a 3devo
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DDiaz007 said:
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Like mcdonald's says, bada bah bah baaaah. I'm lovin it! (first on still)
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
DDiaz007 said:
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ditto the ditto Got scared yesterday though. When the Red ring started to peel away. went back to sprint he said do you want a new one? Reply. You can't just give me a back cover? Sorry but 3D camera works great both in good focus, I have the White whites. runs flawlessly. so no unless I can hand select my new one No... Long story short. he walks in back teck hands him a new back out the door I went.
Mine rubs great. Camera switcher button thing a bit loose....but so is the 5 different display models I have seen.
I might have to exchange mine though... Mine is starting to do some freaky things with my widgets and a hard reset didn't fix the problem... I'm scared to trade it in though because it is perfect!
Edit: well it was perfect.
First 3vo had ****ty call quality. No one could understand me.
This second one seems like a keeper.
hope I keep this. 002 HW phone as long as I had my .002 HW evo4g
sent from a 3d fone
Hmm... Did anyone return theirs because of scrolling lag in the market and some apps? It's annoying as hell
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
First phone's battery was exteremly hot, to the point where I couldn't even hold it without discomfort.
Second and current phone keeps rebooting and turning off randomly. I also noticed today that the screen dims in and out regardless of battery level.
Going to exchange on Monday. Hopefully the whole local sprint store's stock isn't all messed up. If replacement doesn't work for me then I will probably sit on my upgrade for a bit.
I've not had any reason to replace this. I doubt I will have to take it back more than my epic. 8 times.
mid3vil said:
Zero, First one runnin like a pro.. love the phone but may return in 20 days if no S-Off
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same, ZERO, first time's a charm for me! same with s-off, returning it if no s-off. i need free wifi tether.
Neo3D said:
same, ZERO, first time's a charm for me! same with s-off, returning it if no s-off. i need free wifi tether.
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You need home internet
sent from a 3devo
Wingilot said:
I also noticed today that the screen dims in and out regardless of battery level.
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The screen seems to dim randomly because you probably have Auto Brightness on.
Why would you return your phone because it lags a bit when you scroll in a list? Rediculous.
Edit: My phone ran perfectly from the box. Now I'm running it soft root and overclocked to 1.8 GHZ and it hasn't even flinched.
Too bad our phones are put together by poor underpaid workers in Asia. Otherwise, our experiences would have been a lot more similar. :/
From my 3VO
My phone was absolutely perfect, but lately when I call my parents in Chicago they can't hear me -- keep breaking up -- as I travel 270 South from Olive to 255 and Telegraph in St. Louis, MO. Now today I charged it fully overnight, used it maybe 30 minutes total today, and when I went on my next break, it was HOT and DEAD! This is making me mad! I will try the charger to see if just dead battery or if entire unit is dead, but this light usage is unacceptable to me with a full charge even if the battery just died.
On my 2nd e3d. As soon as it got put in my hands on launch day at radio shack I looked the screen over and had a pixel out. I have come to expect this from now on, as my launch day vizio 50 inch (on my 4th one now), htc touch, eVo, and eVo 3d all had this problem. Sucks but I wasn't even pissed about the 3d cause I knew it was gonna happen. This e3d is perfect though.
Swyped from my eVo 3d
On second on here, first wouldn't reboot only power off.
Sent from my PG86100
On my 2nd - first one froze with a weird white line down the right side of the screen. Wouldn't power up or down, couldnt get into recovery. Sprint customer service was sweet though, they gave me a new one on the spot.

[Q] Anyone get that rattling fixed ?Shake ur phone slightly u will hear it :D?

Anyone ever get the rattling fixed caused by the 3D button the rattle is inside the phone mine got worse as time went on still have 4 days left till I either keep it for good or swap to another phone love the new EVO 3D wonder if anyone got sprint to fix there's.
Also when i ordered mine thru Sprint launch day phone when it came in the mail it was already opened. Weird since never seen that before even on my og EVO I ordered .
The net speeds are also slow as hell compared to the EVO not my area dunno why .
Hope sprint can fix the issue or give me a new unit . Sucks lol.
Anyone else get there's fixed? Love the phone so far
Wow I didn't even know about the rattle until I read this.....thanks lol....
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Never heard any such noise amigo
Lol there is about 100 folks on here that have the issue its a known hardware issue. Asking if anyone has it if u don't have the issue don't waste the thread . Wasn't doggin the phone just a annoying issue lol like the folks that bought there's from breast buy had dead pixles .
unkn0wnz said:
Wow I didn't even know about the rattle until I read this.....thanks lol....
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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Nice not lookin for a smart ass remark man anyways if you don't have it ur lucky .
I went to Sprint and they told me that,basically;"it is what it is"!!!!I will say this,every one of the phones they had on display and the two employees all had this rattle.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
I put an Otterbox on mine.....Noise gone, but now my phone's the size of a mini van.
hockeyfamily737 said:
I put an Otterbox on mine.....Noise gone, but now my phone's the size of a mini van.
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LOL i did the same thing fixed it for awhile now its a mushy boot sound like walking in mud lol gonna see what sprint says lol not takin no for a answer wrote HTC about it.
reaper24 said:
Nice not lookin for a smart ass remark man anyways if you don't have it ur lucky .
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It wasn't a smartass remark lol,i was serious I never heard of that until I read this and shaked my phone to find out my phone rattles too....
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
unkn0wnz said:
It wasn't a smartass remark lol,i was serious I never heard of that until I read this and shaked my phone to find out my phone rattles too....
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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Thanks man just talked with few other folks they swapped there phones out still had same issue. Case muffles the sound but still there . Sorry about the smart ass thing man some folks due drop troll remarks didn't know if u were serious thanks tho . Anyways hope they fix it . Mine sounds like a boot stomping in mud at times never dropped it still in a defender case.
Hey Reaper, how goes my friend! Every one I've had have rattled, every demo I've looked at also! Sprint won't start cracking them open until the 30 day mark, right around July 22. Hopefully they can do something about it. It's not that big of a deal, unless in your case it gets worse, but it is annoying...$600 device shouldn't rattle, still lovin the device though!
-Apollo- said:
Hey Reaper, how goes my friend! Every one I've had have rattled, every demo I've looked at also! Sprint won't start cracking them open until the 30 day mark, right around July 22. Hopefully they can do something about it. It's not that big of a deal, unless in your case it gets worse, but it is annoying...$600 device shouldn't rattle, still lovin the device though!
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How's it going bud long time hope your doing good. Ya I love my phone just that rattle makes it feel like a China product nothin USA made anymore love the phone tho better then my og EVO that I miss still lol this phone is sexy as can be even with the rattle . Hope they get a fix out would suck if they give a refurbished unit for a phone u had less then a month brand new .
No other issues beside s that you can shake ur phone slightly and you will here the rattle folks . Just like Apollo said . thanks man hope your doing good mayne.
hockeyfamily737 said:
I put an Otterbox on mine.....Noise gone, but now my phone's the size of a mini van.
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Hehe so true
Sent from my 3rd Dimension of Evolution
I just got my third one today. I think I finally have a keeper. First one was perfect, but no 3g reception. Not a hint of rattle. Second one sounded like a baby on meth shaking a rattle. Third one... somewhere in the middle of the first two. My noise originates from the play in the 2D/3D switch and not the shutter as others have stated.
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theinternot said:
I just got my third one today. I think I finally have a keeper. First one was perfect, but no 3g reception. Not a hint of rattle. Second one sounded like a baby on meth shaking a rattle. Third one... somewhere in the middle of the first two. My noise originates from the play in the 2D/3D switch and not the shutter as others have stated.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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Lmao a meth baby shaking a rattle so they just swap u out with a new unit?
Actually, the first two I bought at one particular store. Then thinking maybe I would try a different store's stock, I proceeded to a different one and was met with some d-baggery by the sales guy saying I could only exchange it once. Went to the store close to my work and was in and out with a new one in ten minutes. That store has always treated me well. Should've just went there to begin with...
reaper24 said:
Lmao a meth baby shaking a rattle so they just swap u out with a new unit?
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theinternot said:
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Well played!! I love it.
I wouldn't call it a "hardware defect" as you say, alot of electronics that use those sliding style switches have some rattle/looseness to them. Just look at any PSP or a DSLite/DSi/3DS all the slide switches make noise. I'm not saying it's not annoying, because it is, but I am saying live with it because I think they are all gonna do it...just my opinion.
Good luck
Jeremiah239 said:
I wouldn't call it a "hardware defect" as you say, alot of electronics that use those sliding style switches have some rattle/looseness to them. Just look at any PSP or a DSLite/DSi/3DS all the slide switches make noise. I'm not saying it's not annoying, because it is, but I am saying live with it because I think they are all gonna do it...just my opinion.
Good luck
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You're probably right, it is what it is. Reaper might have a problem phone if it has gotten significantly worse though.
Reaper, go to a Sprint store and compare to the demo. If your phone is worse then grab one of those brilliant Sprint employees and make them swap it. That's where I'd start!
Jeremiah239 said:
I wouldn't call it a "hardware defect" as you say, alot of electronics that use those sliding style switches have some rattle/looseness to them. Just look at any PSP or a DSLite/DSi/3DS all the slide switches make noise. I'm not saying it's not annoying, because it is, but I am saying live with it because I think they are all gonna do it...just my opinion.
Good luck
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Not the switch somethin inside the phone itself hardware issue lol not a switch lol. Mine ratttles like a meth baby playing with a rattle as the other guy said its not normal to have a phone rattle this bad.
EVO 04 hardware in the past had all issues fixed hope they fix the 3D up.

I just droped it!

Ok my atrix just slid off my leg and hit the concrete now the screen is busted its unlocked and rooted but I still have insurance on it
The screen is only cracked on the lower leftside along the home buttons and stops before the search button still works ok just
Wondering if its better for me to replace the screen myself or take my chances and send it in on insureance
Im running cm7 Gina reflash something close to stock so it looks stock EXept for the unlocked on the 1rst screen
Is everything still working on it? Only thing is the cracked screen? Then follow this:
1. Use Fruit Cakes or Pudding to go back to stock build.
2. Find your nearest At&t Device Support Center. (Don't worry the Atrix is always in stock there, scroll to the bottom of the page where it says step 3, find your state, a pdf will open with a list of DSC's in that state...)
3. Take it there and get it replaced!
Yes I'm on AT&T AND every thing still works fine just that its cracked down by the 4 little squares over past the home button but they all still work just looks ugly now problem is its unlocked and rooted if I take it in I might get some greef about that stuff from at&t
But I gess that's what all the warnings were about
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ltdanno360 said:
Yes I'm on AT&T AND every thing still works fine just that its cracked down by the 4 little squares over past the home button but they all still work just looks ugly now problem is its unlocked and rooted if I take it in I might get some greef about that stuff from at&t
But I gess that's what all the warnings were about
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
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Don't look all glum.... You can flash your phone back to stock and re-lock it again, it'll be like you never unlocked or flashed it. Search it up, there's a guide out there!
Ok cool lol yep I'm pretty bummed that the gorrilaz in the glass lost the battle lol i found out that i can get a replacement touch screen cheeper than what at&t is gona charge me so ima going that route
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
It's just advertising, I never believe any of that crap they say about taking hits an not cracking!
I'm not too sure what droping a phone means... Someone care to elaborate?
g2tegg said:
I'm not too sure what droping a phone means... Someone care to elaborate?
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Don't be an idiot...
Alaq said:
Don't be an idiot...
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No just suggesting to proof read, instead of making yourself look like the idiot. Little tip for ya! And good luck with the phone. Next time get a Otterbox case. Have been using them for years and they have saved my phones plenty of times. Even dropped a iPhone from 15 feet onto concrete and it was perfectly fine.
soke it in water and claim you dropped it in a puddle on a rainy day or something to that effect, now screen is broke and it will not turn on......problem solved.
ltdanno360 said:
Ok my atrix just slid off my leg and hit the concrete now the screen is busted its unlocked and rooted but I still have insurance on it
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g2tegg said:
No just suggesting to proof read, instead of making yourself look like the idiot. Little tip for ya! And good luck with the phone. Next time get a Otterbox case. Have been using them for years and they have saved my phones plenty of times. Even dropped a iPhone from 15 feet onto concrete and it was perfectly fine.
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He explained it pretty well, plus half the people here have horrible spelling and grammar! And yes the Otterbox case is a phone-saver! When I went with my cousin while she was getting her iPhone 4, the salesman threw his iPhone 4 across the store to get them to buy an Otterbox case!

[Q] "Password to shut down" option

I had my iPhone 4 stolen (right in front of my eyes) before I switched to GNote.
I was wondering if there is an app/mod to enable password entry before a phone could be shut down. I guess you can simply take out the battery, if you really wanted to shut down even with this app/mod.
If it is possible, I might consider superglue-ing the backplate to the phone. So, if my phone is stolen, I will hopefully have more time to track my phone and recover it.
Then how would you access your sim or SD card? I would highly suggest just keeping it in your pocket when you go out from now on.
And if you're held up at gunpoint just give it to him and chalk it up to the cost of staying alive.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
P.s. this is coming from a guy that's had a gun put to his head for $80 and a phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
jpoirier587 said:
Then how would you access your sim or SD card? I would highly suggest just keeping it in your pocket when you go out from now on.
And if you're held up at gunpoint just give it to him and chalk it up to the cost of staying alive.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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I was at McD's with my brother and my girlfriend. My brother was sitting across from me, and the phone was on the table inches away from me.
This teenager came up behind my brother, reached over him across the table to grab my phone and took off. We chased after him outside. He sprayed us with a bear spray (stronger than pepper spray), but I had glasses on, so I still caught him. But while we were struggling, he tossed the phone to another kid and I chased after him. By this time, I was too tired and they both got away.
I lost my phone, ruined a very nice coat and shoes because bear spray won't come out of it, and police lost my driver's license while taking my statement.
It was a very sh***y day, and if you don't have anything constructive to say in response to my question, don't reply. I know I won't be able to access the SIM card and SD card, but I rarely ever need to anyways, unless there is a major issue. I will deal with it then.
Jesus man thats terrible I am really sorry to hear about that. Ill keep my phone much closer to me now.
As for those kids you should have gave the one you caught something to remember. Something he will remember for the rest of his life.
I would have taken his left eye with my thumb.
Get a pistol for next time and he'll stop one way or the other. Preferably the other imo. One less wannabe thug making babies.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
^ yep.
Got my CCW last year havent looked back since.
Well, in any case, is this type of mod possible?
Or, maybe a fake shutdown mod? It looks like the phone is shutting down, but it is not?
ddochi11 said:
Well, in any case, is this type of mod possible?
Or, maybe a fake shutdown mod? It looks like the phone is shutting down, but it is not?
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I'm sure you could write an app to do it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
There are apps where you can find GPS coordinates. Might help if someone steals your phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
djxcee said:
There are apps where you can find GPS coordinates. Might help if someone steals your phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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You are missing my point. If someone powers off the phone or pulls the battery, GPS tracking stops.
I want to make it as hard as possible to power off the phone.
Try Visidon - it's a face unlocking app - i use it to lock my settings, play, email and other apps you want to face lock
ddochi11 said:
You are missing my point. If someone powers off the phone or pulls the battery, GPS tracking stops.
I want to make it as hard as possible to power off the phone.
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