[Q] Missing Emails - Exchange - HTC EVO 3D

Strange missing emails. Since yesterday various emails have disappeared form my inbox on my EVO 3D. Normally my inbox on my desktop and on my phone look the same. For example this morning I deleted the exchange account on the phone, then remade it. Everything downloaded correctly, by the time I got to work I was missing 2 emails. Now in the afternoon I am missing 8 emails. No rhyme or reason. we have rebooted the server and I have tried every combination of settings on the phone. Does anyone have any ideas? TIA

mattxm47 said:
Strange missing emails. Since yesterday various emails have disappeared form my inbox on my EVO 3D. Normally my inbox on my desktop and on my phone look the same. For example this morning I deleted the exchange account on the phone, then remade it. Everything downloaded correctly, by the time I got to work I was missing 2 emails. Now in the afternoon I am missing 8 emails. No rhyme or reason. we have rebooted the server and I have tried every combination of settings on the phone. Does anyone have any ideas? TIA
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How old are the emails and how many days do you have exchange set to sync?

I have only checked back a few days so I am not sure about anything older. My phone will show say 20 emails in the morning, and this matches my inbox for outlook. Then 2 hours later I will check it and my phone will be missing 12 emails. Even if I sync they don't show up and never do. They are just gone, they are still in my outlook, even outlook web. I have the sync setup for 30 days right now but have tried 7 and 5 I think. Have also deleted account and reestablished a few times. Everything will sync up and look good for say half a day and then emails start disappearing. About ready to do a hard reset. What do you think?

Reset the server again and reestablished the exchange account on the phone. Everything was good until about 2:30 today. Now i am missing 11 emails... Maybe I should shoot the phone with my 357?

Lost everything but one email today. Everything is on my computer but just disappears off the phone. Can't figure this out...

I wish I had the expertise to help you further but I am stumped as well! Is there anyone else in you office that maybe has an Android phone? You maybe can check their settings against yours to see if they match!

Thanks for your help. One other guy has Android and has no issues. I think it is the phone. I will try a hard reset over the weekend and let people know if that worked.

No luck with the hard reset. also borrowed a friends Samsung and set it up with my email and no issues. sprint is sending a replacement phone in the next day or two. I will let you know if that fixes the problem?

Ok, went to sprint service center, they ordered a phone for me. One week later, phone shows up. I get home reset all my stuff and am excited this is going to fix my problem. Next day go to work, sure enough early afternoon Emails start disappearing. I am ready to shoot this phone. Also had the IT guys download and install the software to manage the wireless accounts on the server. had them delete all my accounts and reset them.
still having the same problem... Help

mattxm47 said:
Ok, went to sprint service center, they ordered a phone for me. One week later, phone shows up. I get home reset all my stuff and am excited this is going to fix my problem. Next day go to work, sure enough early afternoon Emails start disappearing. I am ready to shoot this phone. Also had the IT guys download and install the software to manage the wireless accounts on the server. had them delete all my accounts and reset them.
still having the same problem... Help
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Sounds like possible an issue with HTC software. What app are you using? Have you tried another one.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

OK, I have narrowed this down but still no fix. I experimented by not opening my outlook and just worked out of outlook web access for two days. NO MISSING EMAILS. WTF!
Went back to using my outlook and started loosing emails again.

Check all your settings in outlook. Is Outlook only keeping so many days of emails. Since I've never messed with Exchange, I'm not sure how it works, but it could be because outlook imonly shows so many days of emails if set that way, or maybe the app is set to only show so many days.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App


xv6850 stopped sending emails! Ideas?

I configured my phone with Gmail out of the box, it functioned perfect for a few weeks, and now for some reason it will check and download my email, but will error when trying to send any emails.
Any idea why this could be?
Yah, that's happened to me too, I just deleted that gmail account, made another one that checks the same account, and it worked again...kinda annoying, but it's a 2 min process.
Maestro Nobones said:
I configured my phone with Gmail out of the box, it functioned perfect for a few weeks, and now for some reason it will check and download my email, but will error when trying to send any emails.
Any idea why this could be?
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I have seen so many repoorts of this over at PPCG and from firends of mine with the TP.
Maybe a GMAIL issue? Not sure but your not alone.
i've tried remaking the account on the phone to no avail. good to know at least I'm not alone!
I started seeing this problem with IMAP servers on WM 6.1, have compiled some info on it here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=374663
I haven't had to recreate any mail accounts after applying the MS WM 6.1 patch linked in that thread. A soft reset is all that's been needed since.
I've got my fingers crossed for WM 6.5 to be a real fix. I'd like to give that 5.2.21014 a try too if it ever comes around again...
go to mail2web.com create a free account (Exchange Support)
go to Gmail settings forward ur gmail incoming mail to [email protected]
now setup push e-mail on ur phone through active sync
ull get the e-mail within 5 seconds of it being received, and u'll save some battery juice cuz ur phone is not checking for new e-mails every now and then.
IMHO it works flawlessly, i have my hotmail and gmail going through push, as u can forward as many e-mail accounts as u want
As it turns out a second soft reset and delete>remake the account on the phone got my email working again.

Exchange (corporate) calendar sync problem after factory reset

I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for me. I have a Fascinate which has worked fine up until I did a factory reset. I did this reset after picking up the Froyo update. The phone and calendar worked fine after getting Froyo, it was only after the reset that the exchange calendar stopped showing events...
I have never rooted or otherwise messed with my phone. It has picked up any available OTA updates and is running 2.2.1 and build ED04.
Here's some more info:
My corporate exchange calendar refuses to show any of my calendar events (but fortunately exchange email is fine).
I have been through multiple levels of support at both VZ and Samsung. I have also received a replacement phone from VZ (which behaves exactly the same).
No other Andriod phone hitting our exchange server seems to have this problem. I'm in our IT department so I know that all the account config settings are fine.
As I look at the timestamp for the corporate calendar it seems current but the calendar remains empty.
Both VZ and Samsung simply told me to use Touchdown as a "solution". I'd really, really like fix this and go back to using the stock calendar.
Any suggestions out there?
Welp, im just wondering all over today and i saw your question with not much of a response so i figured i'd throw in my "2 cents" as to what has solved that for a few people i work with.
First thing i'd like you to try (if you haven't already) is removing your account and creating your account again from scratch.
If that doesn't seem to fix it check and see if your calender events and such are going to your exchange moto calender...not google (Google doesnt sync with the Exchange were moto does)
All else fails, touchdown isn't the "stock" app but by standards, it's very effiecent and works just as well as the stock!
Sorry i couldn't be of more help, but i would love to know if any of my 2 suggestions above solved your problem, or if you've already done both and it still fails!
Best of Luck!
Same problem here...
On Friday, June 24th, while I was traveling on business I discovered to my horror that all of the corporate calendar items on my Samsung Fascinate suddenly disappeared and will no longer sync with my Exchange server. Almost a month and a half later, and I still can't find a solution. My corporate emails and contacts are still coming through like always, but it just won't sync the calendar anymore, even though the spinning disc beside the calendar indicates that it is. I've re-booted the phone, double-checked all of the settings, and even uninstalled and reinstalled the link to my Exchange, but always the same result: I can get my email and contacts, but not my calendar.
After all of my DIY ideas failed, I called Samsung's toll-free customer support number, and to her credit, the representative was very friendly and personable, but honestly, she was not very knowledgeable. I explained to her that my Fascinate suddenly lost all of my work calendar data and won't re-sync, even though my contacts and emails are still coming through. Her first question was what operating system I was running on my desktop at work. I told her that I'm running Microsoft XP, but I felt that it was necessary at that point to clarify that I don't sync my Fascinate to my desktop computer-- it syncs to my account on my employer's Microsoft Exchange, so my data gets pushed to my Fascinate through the Exchange server 24/7, even when my desktop computer is shut down. It took a little more explaining before she finally grasped it, but in the end, she agreed that the operating system was not relevant to my calendar sync issue. But then she asked me what version of Microsoft Outlook I'm running. Again, I was more than happy to give her the information that she requested (Outlook 2002 SP 3), but I felt compelled to explain yet again that the shell programs on my desktop doesn't matter, because my Fascinate syncs to Exchange (2003), and not to my desktop. I was respectful and patient, but unfortunately, there was simply no way to get her to comprehend that my desktop computer has nothing to do with the problem, and her parting advice before ending the call was that I must upgrade my Outlook to resolve the syncing issue. Face slap. When I told the IT director what she said, all he could do was laugh. I wish I could do the same. I'm very frustrated, because I really depend on my phone to manage my work calendar, and a few weeks ago, it worked perfectly for over six months. Like the OP says, none of the other Android/Fascinate who share my Exchange server are having syncing issues with their corporate calendars or other features.
When I went to a Verizon store, the rep listened to me, skeptically double-checked all of my settings, and then, stumped, suggested the nuclear option: reset the phone to the factory settings. I don't want to do that, for two reasons: one, it would take me days to reinstall all of my apps, data and media files, and two, I don't think that it would work anyway. According to others on the internet who have reported the same problem, even a replacement phone hasn't fixed the problem. So with that in mind, I again uninstalled my corporate account, and had the IT department delete my Exchange account as well. Later, we both re-established the account, and it still didn't work.
Finally, last night, the 2.2.2 update was pushed to my phone, and I thought, "Yes! At last, this could be the fix I've been waiting for!" But no such luck. Calendar still empty, and won't sync. I'm very disappointed. I need to access and manage my calendar while I'm on the go, so this is really affecting me. If anyone comes across the solution, PLEASE post. Thanks.
I we must have been talking to the same reps at VZ. They could not get their mind around syncing directly with exchange.
I still have not found resolution to this problem either. I have even been lucky enough to have VZ replace my phone with another fascinate. Still the same problem.
I have installed Touchdown as means of getting my calendar info. It works but I HATE it.
I came really close to rooting and installing another ROM on my phone but I just don't have the time or energy to do this now. Minimally it IS functional...
Good luck and maybe someone smarter than us can figure out a way to get the native calendar working!

Email App used 1200mb of data since 9/4/2011

On Saturday I had used 426mb of data on my AT&T plan and my cycle ends tomorrow. Purchased Galaxy S2 phone on Sunday at around 11:30am. The guy at BestBuy original set up my accounts email etc.. Yesterday I got a text from AT&T stating that I had used 80% of my data plan. This morning at 9:27 I got another text from AT&T stating that I had used 90% of my data plan. I then recieved another text at 11:13 stating that I went over my limit and was going to be charged $10. Now the kicker is my cycle starts tomorrow so I was not that worried about the 90% limit that I hit earlier because I figured tomorrow it would reset anyways. Well after the last text I tried to figure out what app may be causing the issue and I downloaded an app called "My Data Manager" it showed that my email app was the culprit. The amazing thing is I kept refreshing the app every few minutes and It showed that my email app was averaging 8mb of data used per minute. I quickly did a hard reset and started using the gmail version of the mail app and I have not had a problem. Funny thing I was wondering over the course of the last 2 days why my battery life was horrible and my phone would get extremely hot sometimes. Earlier today I even took a risk and purchased the only extended battery I could locate for this version of the Galaxy on Ebay. Come to find out the email app that comes on the phone could have been the cause for all of my issues. I have also noticed such a drastic change in battery life since I reset my phone.
I also want to say that I did go into settings and made sure back ground sync was turned off before resetting the phone. When I opened the email app to go into the settings to remove my account information the data literally started churning away immediately I had a Samsung Captivate prior to this phone and I have never ever had this problem before. Called AT&T to see if they could at least get rid of the charge based off the fact that I typically only use 1gig of data monthly and they should be able to tell that using 400mb per day was not normal based on my past. No dice but I am just glad I was able to figure out the problem.
It totally depends what types of email account you set up and whether or not you're using Push email (GMail is push email). And what email server you're hitting. Yahoo, for example, has been blamed for its faulty IMAP server implementation in the past.
Thanks. I did have my yahoo mail account synched as well so may that was the culprit. I may try and use the native application again this weekend to see if I can replicate the problem again and since I will be home I won't have to worry about burning thru my data plan.
If you have million emails all left in the inbox, they all have to be synced over to the phone when you first connect, especially you're not using GMail or any Exchange ActiveSync. Gmail will only sync recently mails until you need to read more. Exchange ActiveSync only syncs last 3 days of emails out of box unless you set it to sync all. You don't have that kind of control on other email types like POP3/IMAP emails.

Google email issues

Started having this problem today w HTC Titan. Google email acct keeps asking for the password. To verify it's correct I logged into it on PC but it won't sync on phone. I deleted and recreated the acct but no luck. Anyone else experience this?
from Titan on XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Not sure about Google, buy my Live/Hotmail account did this on my phone, but it corrected itself after about a day. Hasn't acted up since. My friend's LG Quantum did it too, but also cleared up after a day.
I would just wait and see if it comes back up. For whatever reason, the email will flake out on these phones and then come back up. Fortunately, it doesn't happen often.
This happened to me in Winmo 6.5.x, wait a day and try again.
This is definitely an issue with gmail. I have seen reports of this happening with people connecting to gmail on Android using the Exchange client as well as people using Outlook and lots of other programs.
Some people report that disabling SSL on your gmail account fixes it. Others say a more complex password fixes it. I havent found either useful.
You can always go to this webpage: https://accounts.google.com/b/0/DisplayUnlockCaptcha and enter your details. It always makes things work immediately for me.
Thanks. I turned off and on and so far so good.
from Titan on XDA Windows Phone 7 App

Possible Gmail sync Fix? This did it for me!

So I too had syncing issues, sometimes it would take days to get an email even when I would manually refresh it. But I decided to go through and manually delete EVERY email in my gmail account, I went through and made copies of text and saved attachments through the last 7 years with google and just deleted. Everything. Sent, archieved, everything...and then hit the trashcan and deleted permanently...
What is interesting though is within MINUTES of completely wiping it all my gmail sync started working again. No joke.
I had my girlfriend send me a message, and she sent it and I recieved it while it still showed "sending" on her screen. I then went to craigslist and sent an email to myself through yahoo and got it instantly. I then emailed someone who had something I wanted and you know people never like to respond but they responded within a 2 minutes and I got it no problems.
So is this a sync conspiracy? My gmail seriously wouldn't sync but then does perfectly again just like it should.
If you have the time I recommend trying it. The whole process for me took about 30 minutes because I had to disconnect my yahoo from gmail and go back to seperate apps. But everything works great.
Let me know if this works for you!
Also, Dirty Unicorns, Franco 14e, latest PN gapps.
So I've got a kind of weird question for you, did you happen to enable the star wars theme for your Gmail account? The one that would change like everything in Google to something star wars related?
I don't think that's the case. Sometimes or receive emails instantly, other times, it syncs randomly. My email only has maybe about 8 emails that I didn't delete while the rest of it is clean.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
While what you're saying may be true, 1) The syncing problem seems to be random in regards to when it starts happening, I can install the app and have it work fine for a week or two and then it stops, and 2) Even if that DID fix the problem, it's not something I'd be willing to do.
It's pretty freaking embarrassing that Google email works totally fine on iOS devices and has big issues on Google devices.
I also have the syncing issue, sometimes it's fine, other times, no email until I manually refresh.
i feel like i've read somewhere before that this may be related to the battery optimization feature in 6.0 (doze mode), and if it's disabled for the gmail app then the syncing issues should go away. but i'm not 100%, maybe this will spark an idea from someone else as to what's causing that for you.
So no ones willing to take the leap and delete everything and try it? My gmail has been great for days...
Maybe your email was full that's why it wouldn't sync.
I faced the same sync problem when my Gmail got close to full. Once I made room, everything worked well. Since you deleted your emails that created more space, hence it started syncing.
I have to say that Inbox doesn't suffer the sync problem.
Nexus 6P with Chroma rocks!
hubono said:
Maybe your email was full that's why it wouldn't sync.
I faced the same sync problem when my Gmail got close to full. Once I made room, everything worked well. Since you deleted your emails that created more space, hence it started syncing.
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I had less than 700 emails...total. Sent/everything. Idk I tested it on my friends Moto X Pure and he gets emails now too...and he barely had 50 emails.
I just don't get it.
CyberZeus_Viva said:
I have to say that Inbox doesn't suffer the sync problem.
Nexus 6P with Chroma rocks!
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+1. The Inbox app has always synced fine for me. I switched to it last year after having intermittent sync issues with the Gmail app.
I added my gmail account to the Outlook app, that seems to be working fine, bit easier to get used to than Inbox too!

