Lost wifi until a reboot - TouchPad General

I was happily playing with it tonight. It's been on since yesterday without a reboot.
I switched the screen off for about 2 hours while I went to watch a couple of programs. Turned it back on and wifi had gone. It would not reconnect.
I had previously (just before I turned the screen off) been adding and removing widgets. I had also put the speed up to 1.5Ghz using CPU Master Free. I had also managed to play a video for the first time using MX Video player.
A reboot fixed it and it's there now.
Anyone seen this?

Hey Alan, yeah WiFi problems are an issue. But can you try to limit questions to the Q&A section. This is really all about developement. I am working on a fix for it.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

once again - apologies for posting in the wrong section.
Is there a guide for this?

alan sh said:
once again - apologies for posting in the wrong section.
Is there a guide for this?
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Cmon dude, once its a mistake, twice done on purpose to get quick answers. Please post in the right section or else this section will be a mess.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium

alan sh said:
once again - apologies for posting in the wrong section.
Is there a guide for this?
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1. Turn off wifi using the wifi toggle in the notifications bar
2. from the homescreen, hit menu>settings>wireless&networks>wifiSettings
3. turn on wifi and tap n hold on your saved network, select "Forget" (may take a little bit to register your touch, don't worry it will)
4. turn off wifi using the wifi toggle in the notifications bar again.
5. turn wifi back on, select your network and enter the password.

alan sh said:
once again - apologies for posting in the wrong section
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Since your incapable of following rules why not just sell your tab and stay out

Thats a bit rude. Are you all like this over here?

Nope. Some people just don't know how to handle themselves when development slows down. Seems to happen in any slow sub forum. Don't add fuel to the fire and just brush it off.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App


[Q] Closing bootanimation needed.

I am wanting to know how I can get hold of the closing bootanimation I have managed to get on my SGS2. Basically its like a tv screen when you switch it off, it closes down into a line just like the old tv's used to. I think it must be when I upgraded to the KE7 kernal or firmware but I just want to know if its possible to manually install it on a desire?
its known as the crt off effect, i think you can install it manually, search in google or in xda for crt off effect
Why are you digging up old threads?
scayre32 said:
Why are you digging up old threads?
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Oh wow I didn't even notice the date, I just went in the q&a forum and sorted it so the ones with less replies appeared first and then I started answering lol haha
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app

Gtabcomb wifi sleep

Anyone know how to stop wifi from going to sleep? I have it set to never turn off yet it always does.... Thanks
Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk
Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk
Try REGPON wifi Keepalive from the market.
nixie2121 said:
Anyone know how to stop wifi from going to sleep? I have it set to never turn off yet it always does.... Thanks
Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk
Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk
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Have you checked the Gtabcomb Q&A thread for an answer? If it's not there, ask there and somebody that's usign Gtabcomb might answer you.
TJEvans said:
Have you checked the Gtabcomb Q&A thread for an answer? If it's not there, ask there and somebody that's usign Gtabcomb might answer you.
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For some reason i cant post there. I get some kind of permission!?
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darren1 said:
Try REGPON wifi Keepalive from the market.
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So far seems to be working... Thanks
Sent from my GtabComb using Tapatalk
Nothing seems to work.... Help Please
nixie2121 said:
Nothing seems to work.... Help Please
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When does the WiFi turn off? Immediately after the screen does, or 15 minutes after that, or after a few hours?
There is a trade-off between keeping devices like WiFi on and extending battery life. Android prefers the latter and tries to go into suspend mode if it can. If you want to keep WiFi on all the time, you'll have to keep a wakelock active using some of the apps from Market which are designed to do this.
To see what I mean, try this:
Start the default Android music player and set it to play something in a loop. The default music player will set a wakelock and prevent the system from going into suspend mode. This should keep your WiFi active as long as the music plays.
Thanks.. Any suggestions on a app?
Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk
nixie2121 said:
Thanks.. Any suggestions on a app?
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I never use such apps, so I can't recommend any. You can, of course, also set a wake lock from the command line. Install the Superuser app from Market, if not already installed, and then inside a Terminal Emulator window, type:
To set a wake lock:
$ [B]su[/B]
# [B]echo user_lock > /sys/power/wake_lock[/B]
To remove the (same) wake lock:
$ [B]su[/B]
# [B]echo user_lock > /sys/power/wake_unlock[/B]
The "user_lock", above, can be any word you want, but, you have to use the same word for both setting and then unsetting the lock. Ie., don't use "user_lock" when setting and "xyzzy" when unsetting. Also, only type the stuff in bold.

cm7 Alpha 4 being worked on alpha 3 released

go take a look, maybe a thanksgiving present?
EDIT: released
curtis8523 said:
go take a look, maybe a thanksgiving present?
EDIT: released
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Flashing A3 in about 30 mins.
Alpha 3 hasn't fixed my charging issues
Sent from my Incredible 2 HD using XDA App
hi why i install the alpha 3. i finished. but when i turn off the screen and turn on. it dont have the lock screen. it go direct to desktop. some way to fix that. thanks lot
philong641576 said:
hi why i install the alpha 3. i finished. but when i turn off the screen and turn on. it dont have the lock screen. it go direct to desktop. some way to fix that. thanks lot
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It's disabled by default.
To enable it go to settings->Cyanogenmod Settings->Tablet Tweaks
then under interface uncheck "Disable lockscreen"
Still no wifi for me. This is getting frustrating.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
sonjohn1 said:
Still no wifi for me. This is getting frustrating.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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i have a same issue. no wifi. darnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
try changimg ur wifi channel to 1 or 6
The link is currently down but i will flash and see how it works out.
mputtr said:
try changimg ur wifi channel to 1 or 6
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It's been on channel six from the beginning. I'm wondering if it has something to do with U Verse. My WebOS wifi works great.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
No wifi fix? That's like the only thing I was looking forward too.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Wow...deal breaker for me if no wifi. I will wait for a decent beta....if it ever appears.
Wifi fix
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Krunk_Kracker said:
Wifi fix
Sent from my Touchpad using Tapatalk
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The (only) interresting part of your link, also in the RootzWiki original thread :
If you find that your wifi is "strobing" on and off, or you wish to completely wipe out all wifi settings, you can do this in one of three ways:
adb shell rm -rf /data/misc/wifi && reboot
(this will remove the settings and then force a reboot)
From the Terminal app.
# rm -rf /data/misc/wifi && reboot
(similar command as above. The # is a prompt-- don't type that part. If you see a $ prompt instead, type "su" (no quotes) and it should become a #)[/INDENT]
Boot into clockworkmod recovery. Do a factory reset. This will remove your wifi settings... along with ALL your personal settings and apps. Only use this if you understand that you will effectively be resetting CM7 to the first time you ran it."
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Didn't got the time to install A3 this noon, I hope wifi will work with and this fix (already known but not personnaly tested, I was waiting the next alpha)
Édit : install and wifi ok for me.
markwebb said:
Wow...deal breaker for me if no wifi. I will wait for a decent beta....if it ever appears.
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wow...most people don't have a wi-fi issue, but your welcome to miss out on what has been a godsend...besides you still have webOS if it doesn't float your boat.
Not sure what people are complaining baout WiFi works perfectly.
Awesome release thanks for the hard work!!
sonjohn1 said:
It's been on channel six from the beginning. I'm wondering if it has something to do with U Verse. My WebOS wifi works great.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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then try changing it to channel 1. the point is that sometimes the channel gets really congested (as in everyone in your apartment area is using the same channel) and sometimes it just refuses to work.
Mine was originally at 11 and it took forever to connect. i swapped it out to channel 1 (i think) and now it's a snap
sonjohn1 said:
It's been on channel six from the beginning. I'm wondering if it has something to do with U Verse. My WebOS wifi works great.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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I'm on Uverse and have no wifi issues FWIW
No wifi issues here. Rocking the ICS theme and loving it!!!
I installed A3 and it worked fine but then I got a wifi FC problem
it wasnt even turned off the screen wasnt off

Does the app 'Tasker' not work with Verizon GS4?

I tried 2 profiles so far and they both don't work. The "lockscreen off when connected to certain wifi" and the "turn wifi on when near a specific cell tower". I follow video guides for both, and they're simple enough, that I don't believe I made any mistakes. Yet, they're not working.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a setting I need to enable first?
Did our install secure setting and it's helper?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
works great on my GS4. It may help if you elaborate on what exactly isnt working. did you update the profile with your SSID?
You need to install secure settings plugin from play store.
I currently have tasker setup to disable my pin lock when connected to my home network
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
itsmejson said:
You need to install secure settings plugin from play store.
I currently have tasker setup to disable my pin lock when connected to my home network
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Can you explain exactly how you did yours? Because I downloaded secure settings and I have no idea what to do.
arozer said:
Can you explain exactly how you did yours? Because I downloaded secure settings and I have no idea what to do.
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Do you have a pin or pattern lockscreen?
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Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
itsmejson said:
Do you have a pin or pattern lockscreen?
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Yes I do. I have a pattern.
arozer said:
Yes I do. I have a pattern.
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I created a profile in tasker. This should work but I have not tested it.
You will need to import the project.
- press/hold home button in tasked
- click import: pattern
- click untrusted
- not WiFi connected
- ssid: "input wireless network name"
- click trusted
- not WiFi connected
- ssid : "Input wireless network name"
- turn both profiles on
Hope that works
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Have you tried Llama? It's a more powerful app.
wryun said:
Have you tried Llama? It's a more powerful app.
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Hmm. I'll have to look into that one. But I use Automateit instead. So far I really like it, I feel it's got a more user friendly interface than tasker, but my only complaint is that when I set it to silence my phone at work, and at the end of the day it sets the volume back, text messages are still silent, so it takes a reboot to get it back. So I just set it to reboot 1 minute after the sound is set to turn back on.
wryun said:
Have you tried Llama? It's a more powerful app.
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I'm sorry, but Llama is in no way more powerful.
It may be easier to use, but as far as power goes, Tasker has much more. It has the ability to do more things based on more "states".
wolfgrrl said:
I'm sorry, but Llama is in no way more powerful.
It may be easier to use, but as far as power goes, Tasker has much more. It has the ability to do more things based on more "states".
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I was going to say... Lol
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2

Liquid smooth v3.1 ***solved***

Dunno if this has been mentioned or not I rarely have time to read through all the posts sorry. I've been using this ROM about a week and its great, I love it. I've flashed pollutions patch, issue I'm having is when I'm on home screen or lock screen the wallpaper disappears and I get these crazy lines that flash across the screen. It's impossible to take an ss cause every time I try it goes away and the wallpaper reappears. I thought my screen was going funky at first so I reflashed padawan and it didn't happen. Do I need to reflash pollutions? Is this considered the "screen flicker"? Has anyone else had this issue? I've only had my note for about 2 months and between two jobs I don't get much forum surfing in (my lady hates me being on the phone) any help is greatly appreciated!!!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Free mobile app
EDIT:: I've noticed it happens almost everytime I touch the screen while its locked. I had my coworker take pictures with his phone I'll upload as soon as he send them to me lol
First pic is my wallpaper 2nd & 3rd are the crazy lines, 4th is build info. Thanks again guys!
***solution*** conflicting lines in the build.prop removed conflict and all is well. Thanks to "rsfinsrq"
Solved, admin please remove. Or close whatever's easier
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Muhff said:
Solved, admin please remove. Or close whatever's easier
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Free mobile app
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How did you solve this?
MoronDroid said:
How did you solve this?
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in the build.prop there's multiples of the same item with different values. Just go through and double check everything in your build.prop, I'm not entirely sure what causes it. Bad luck i guess lol. Feel free to PM me with any other questions. Sorry it took so long to answer
Muhff said:
in the build.prop there's multiples of the same item with different values. Just go through and double check everything in your build.prop, I'm not entirely sure what causes it. Bad luck i guess lol. Feel free to PM me with any other questions. Sorry it took so long to answer
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I have encountered the exact issue, and it is driving me nuts...Sometimes it would hang as well.
What did you do to the build.prop to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
bb320 said:
I have encountered the exact issue, and it is driving me nuts...Sometimes it would hang as well.
What did you do to the build.prop to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
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I read through it top to bottom and removed any conflicting entries. There was only 2-5 not a big deal but enough to tweak out the system. For example, two entries of the same thing but one says "mm.enable.smoothstreaming=true" and the following says "mm.enable.smoothstreaming=false" just remove one or the other. Not saying that's one of them I just grabbed a random entry from my build.prop

