[Q] help.. accident T959 wrong flash - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I find a lot on t959v with wrong flash but can't find the other way around. I accidentally flashed T959V stock rom to a T959. I flashed it back to Stock T959 rom but it will keep restarting at vibrant logo. anyway I can fix it? I can still get to download mode. :/ any help?

Try odining to stock, search the forums on how to odin to stock JFD.

protohamster said:
Try odining to stock, search the forums on how to odin to stock JFD.
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already tried that

Try http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HKRP4FCH i personally use this flash when customer brings the brick phone or pattern lock to bring it back to stock

if that doesn't work I would give one click unbrick and Heimdall a shot. Can you get the phone into download mode? If not might have to buy a JIG or send it off.

protohamster said:
If not might have to buy a JIG or send it off.
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when you say JIG i suppose you mean JTAG.. he can already get into dl mode

Odin to JFD again - just make sure its JFD and click repartition.

younix258 said:
when you say JIG i suppose you mean JTAG.. he can already get into dl mode
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Jig and jtag are two entirely different things.
Sent from my T959 using xda premium


My SGS2 doesn't want to work after repartition with odin

I received today my new SGS2 locked. I tryed to install firmware 3 files+pit so i can unlock it. At the pit file Odin stopped and after about 3 mins I unplugged the data cable.
Now I can't turn it on, charge or anything else!
Can anyone help me ?
mboncalo said:
I received today my new SGS2 locked. I tryed to install firmware 3 files+pit so i can unlock it. At the pit file Odin stopped and after about 3 mins I unplugged the data cable.
Now I can't turn it on, charge or anything else!
Can anyone help me ?
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Can you get it back into Download mode so you can re-flash firmware?
Why did you flash the pit in the first place? (All tutorials tell you not to do this)
If you cant get it to boot into anything (download or recovery) then I don't know if its possible to restore it...
You might also want to try taking the battery out and putting it back in again if you havent already
You install the wrong pit file .?????
What instructions are you following .
It is possible to repartition but you would need the proper set of files that support it.
If i'm right (not sure though) you can do it with a set that contain the "_user_low_ship" in the pda name.
The download on samfirmware of the I9100XWKF1 does have this, containing odin 1.85, a 3 set for pda, modem and csc, and pit file.
JJEgan said:
You install the wrong pit file .?????
What instructions are you following .
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I used Odin3 v1.7 with s1_odin_20100803.pit and I9000XWJS3...
mboncalo said:
I used Odin3 v1.7 with s1_odin_20100803.pit and I9000XWJS3...
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Thats a partition and ROM for the original galaxy S...
Can you get back to download to flash one for the GSII?
You can download the .PIT from here http://www.samfirmware.com/WEBPROTECT-i9100.htm
Also update Odin to 1.83
Epic-Emodude said:
Thats a partition and ROM for the original galaxy S...
Can you get back to download to flash one for the GSII?
You can download the .PIT from here
Also update Odin to 1.83
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It's useless now because the phone is dead. I can't enter download or recovery mode. I can't turn it on or charge it...
What can I do now ? I guess it's not possible to be completely broken
mboncalo said:
It's useless now because the phone is dead. I can't enter download or recovery mode. I can't turn it on or charge it...
What can I do now ? I guess it's not possible to be completely broken
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Send it for a repair and hope it won't be a too costly one or the repair guys cannot turn it on either to find out you tried to flash a SGS firmware on it. Also Odin is now going in version 1.8x so you should update your flashing software too.
Pume said:
Send it for a repair and hope it won't be a too costly one or the repair guys cannot turn it on either to find out you tried to flash a SGS firmware on it. Also Odin is now going in version 1.8x so you should update your flashing software too.
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Someone from another board told me to try with an USB JIG to start in download mode... Do you guy think it could work this way since I can't turn on my phone in any way ?
Yes you can use a jig check this out
Hope it helps, order one online and goodluck
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
mboncalo said:
Someone from another board told me to try with an USB JIG to start in download mode... Do you guy think it could work this way since I can't turn on my phone in any way ?
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The JIGs are like £4 on ebay, so its worth a try, and if it doesnt work then you can sell it on or something.
USB jig any Odin should work flash stock firmware but follow instructions to the letter and read what you are doing first .
Good luck with the jig hopefully it will work and you can get your phone working again.
I am amazed it let you flash it as well being a totally different ROM!
Take the battery out then press and hold the power key for 10 seconds.
then press and hold home and vol down, do not let go of the keys while doing below
then insert the USB cable
then insert the battery
Does it now go into download mode and get recognised by the PC?
I went to a phone service and the guy there told me that the boot loader was completely erased, everything...there's nothing...
Just wondering why would you try flashing sgs pit and sgs firmware on sgs2.
Sent from my GT-I9100
Idan73 said:
Just wondering why would you try flashing sgs pit and sgs firmware on sgs2.
Sent from my GT-I9100
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I think he was high when he did it.
Idan73 said:
Just wondering why would you try flashing sgs pit and sgs firmware on sgs2.
Sent from my GT-I9100
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I'm a newbie in this area and didn't do more research. So that's why i didn't knew there is a difference. I hurry and here I am. What can I do now ?
zxz0O0 said:
I think he was high when he did it.
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yea, I can say i got high seeing SGS2 in my hands...
mboncalo said:
I'm a newbie in this area and didn't do more research. So that's why i didn't knew there is a difference. I hurry and here I am. What can I do now ?
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If the bootloader is gone then you would need special equipement to repair.
Sorry to say this but if there is no way to load the bootloader from sdcard or something then you are screwed.

[Q] USB jig not working

Me and my fiance both have Samsung gs2's, both rooted the same way using the same rom. I bought a USB jig to reserved the counter and it worked fine on my phone but when I tried to use it on hers it wouldn't clear the custom counter. And the top of the screen in download mode it says odin mode on my phone but on hers it says factory mode. Could that be the reason it's not letting me reset the counter? If so how do I get hers to say Odin mode?
Thanks Adam
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
adam1741 said:
Me and my fiance both have Samsung gs2's, both rooted the same way using the same rom. I bought a USB jig to reserved the counter and it worked fine on my phone but when I tried to use it on hers it wouldn't clear the custom counter. And the top of the screen in download mode it says odin mode on my phone but on hers it says factory mode. Could that be the reason it's not letting me reset the counter? If so how do I get hers to say Odin mode?
Thanks Adam
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Flash old bootloader and try
Where can I find that?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
adam1741 said:
Where can I find that?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Download it from here
Flash in PDA or bootloader section of odin and then try to use the jig.I am sure it will work
For future reference, please try using the almighty search tool first.
chetan_mohanty said:
Download it from here
Flash in PDA or bootloader section of odin and then try to use the jig.I am sure it will work
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Thank you very much. I'll try that when I get a chance to. I'll report back later. And also, I did try a search but I wasn't sure if there were different boot loaders for different firmwares. So I didn't want to make the problems worse. So that's why I asked..
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Sorry to bump this thread, but I thought it better than creating a new one!
I've just bought a USB jig and encountered the same issue ('Factory Mode', etc). I figured that I may have to flash the old bootloader to get it to work, but I've got a couple of questions first...
1) Does it matter what bootloader I use? I'm currently running ICS 4.0.3 (the XXLPB leak).
2) What are the differences between flashing it via 'bootloader' and 'PDA'?
3) What are the odds of bricking my phone? I've read that bootloaders are what cause most issues.
4) Do I need to re-flash my current bootloader (wherever I'd find that) or will my phone run the same/differently with the old one?
Thanks in advance to anyone that can help. Still a bit new to all this!
Pepski said:
Sorry to bump this thread, but I thought it better than creating a new one!
I've just bought a USB jig and encountered the same issue ('Factory Mode', etc). I figured that I may have to flash the old bootloader to get it to work, but I've got a couple of questions first...
1) Does it matter what bootloader I use? I'm currently running ICS 4.0.3 (the XXLPB leak).
2) What are the differences between flashing it via 'bootloader' and 'PDA'?
3) What are the odds of bricking my phone? I've read that bootloaders are what cause most issues.
4) Do I need to re-flash my current bootloader (wherever I'd find that) or will my phone run the same/differently with the old one?
Thanks in advance to anyone that can help. Still a bit new to all this!
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I am desperately trying to get LQQBRQVJUD but it appears multiupload.com is not working..(Sits on 'connecting' or directs t0 ilivid download)
Anywhere else I can get this?
If you can't find it on Samfirmware, AndroidFirmwares.net or Samsung-updates.com, you probably won't find it at all.
https://db.tt/KdwOUIwW Here are the BootLoaders. Just flash them on PDA with ODIN.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app

[Q] Heeelp, I think I broke it, Stuck on ATT logo.

I was going to put my Note back to factory, so I was about to flash a stock rom. But my dumb a$$ didn't pay attention and I opened the Skyrocket folder, and flash the stock Odin, but for the skyrocket on my Note. Now I tried to put back the Note one, but my device doesnt boot up, it stays at the ATT white "rethink possible" screen. and is looping there. Do you guys think there is no solution?
I dont see why it wont boot up if youre able to use odin to flash the note stock tar.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
Can you get to download mode? If so check repartition in Odin before flashing it back to stock.
Corvette Dave said:
Can you get to download mode? If so check repartition in Odin before flashing it back to stock.
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How do I check that? I work with Odin all the time, but never had to do anything than flashing roms the regular way. Can you give me more specifics? I'll appreciate it.
Corvette Dave said:
Can you get to download mode? If so check repartition in Odin before flashing it back to stock.
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I check mark re-partition and it fails.

[Q] Question about returning phone

Hey guys I need to return my phone to be fixed, but have a slight problem. The firmware is all stock except for when it boots up it says it is a GT-I9100. This is left from a previous flash that I did, but I went back to stock and never bothered to fix that, because it didn't really bug me. Now my phone won't recognize a charger or any usb plugs. My question is will Samsung/AT&T still accept my phone for replacement with this? If not is there anyway I can fix the boot screen without plugging my phone in? Thanks guys sorry for the noob question, but I am not really sure what to do and this is kind of a specific problem, so I couldn't find anything in the search. Once again really appreciate any help!
Play dumb and say it's always said that you didn't know the model number of your phone was a 727 lol
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crusecontrl said:
Play dumb and say it's always said that you didn't know the model number of your phone was a 727 lol
*** No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. ***
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777 you mean? This isn't the skyrocket forums
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
crusecontrl said:
Play dumb and say it's always said that you didn't know the model number of your phone was a 727 lol
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No, don't do that.
You can either use Mobile Odin to remove it, or do a complete Return to Stock using Odin.
mattdm said:
No, don't do that.
You can either use Mobile Odin to remove it, or do a complete Return to Stock using Odin.
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Can I use Mobile Odin with a stock firmware? Seems like you shouldn't be able to flash your phone from your device.
snowcamo said:
Can I use Mobile Odin with a stock firmware? Seems like you shouldn't be able to flash your phone from your device.
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You're absolutely right. For some reason I thought you were stock rooted...my mistake. Use my second option then.
As long as you root it, you can use Mobile Odin. Not like it matters anyway, you just need to get rid of the GT-I9100 and then flash back to stock again, thus eliminating root.
Did Odin one-click back to stock not work for you? Because it sounds like you might have flashed I9100 bootloaders and flashing I777 bootloaders should fix it (which if I'm not mkstaken, the one click does include). Someone correct me on both points if I'm wrong , I'm simply conjecturing.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA
It would be great if I could just flash the bootloaders, but I can't connect my phone to my computer
Some folks have reported that they could get their phone to connect via usb after cleaning the usb port with alcohol. Have you tried that?
Can you get into dl mode?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA
creepyncrawly said:
Some folks have reported that they could get their phone to connect via usb after cleaning the usb port with alcohol. Have you tried that?
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Yea I tried this, didn't work. I could probably get it into download mode, if I borrowed someones battery, but I am not sure why that matters if the computer won't detect it.
I finally got my phone to connect after cleaning it for like an hour, I just have to hold it at a certain angle. Everytime I try and flash the bootloader I get a fail though, I am using odin 1.8.5 and the bootloader here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=18859438&postcount=199. After it fails I have to reflash using the one click no bootloader here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=18859438&postcount=199. Is there any one click with the stock bootloaders someone could please link me to? Thanks once again guys
Both links appear to be the same.
Anyway, why would you flash the bootloader?
votinh said:
Both links appear to be the same.
Anyway, why would you flash the bootloader?
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That was my suggestion, I thought it might be an I9100 bootloader that he flashed which causes the GT-I 9100 to show up on boot, and he wants it back at stock for returning. Again I could be wrong, and of course flashing bootloaders is very dangerous, especially with your faulty USB connection (I didn't know it was faulty when I posted before).
EDIT: Did you ever try rooting so you can go the Mobile Odin route (which would be much safer)?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA
karate104 said:
That was my suggestion, I thought it might be an I9100 bootloader that he flashed which causes the GT-I 9100 to show up on boot, and he wants it back at stock for returning. Again I could be wrong, and of course flashing bootloaders is very dangerous, especially with your faulty USB connection (I didn't know it was faulty when I posted before).
EDIT: Did you ever try rooting so you can go the Mobile Odin route (which would be much safer)?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA
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No I never tried that, would you recommend that? This is the screen I get when it boots http://img2.garfield.in/images/garfield/logoold_350x583.jpg, but my phone is a sgh-I777. That means it is the wrong bootloader right? Or am I misunderstanding something? Feel so useless haha, thanks guys.
votinh said:
Both links appear to be the same.
Anyway, why would you flash the bootloader?
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Meant to post this for bootloader link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=20229527&postcount=46, and I want to get it back to the stock loader so I can send it in for repair.
snowcamo said:
No I never tried that, would you recommend that? This is the screen I get when it boots http://img2.garfield.in/images/garfield/logoold_350x583.jpg, but my phone is a sgh-I777. That means it is the wrong bootloader right? Or am I misunderstanding something? Feel so useless haha, thanks guys.
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I know that's the screen you're referring to, bootloader is just my random guess.
mattdm said:
No, don't do that.
You can either use Mobile Odin to remove it, or do a complete Return to Stock using Odin.
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Since your USB connection is buggy, and since flashing bootloaders is really dangerous anyway, I'd try this instead. If it doesn't help, let us know.
EDIT: what does your flash counter say when you boot in to download mode?
karate104 said:
what does your flash counter say when you boot in to download mode?
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This first, please. This will tell you which bootloader you currently have.
If the usb connection is lost while the bootloader is flashing, the phone will hard brik, and will require jtag repair to recover, which costs about $50 to $60. Therefore, it is necessary to know what the phone status really is before taking that risk.
If you determine that you really do have the I9100 secondary bootloader, then you put the I777 UCKH7 sbl.tar in the PDA slot of Odin3 v1.85. Or you could flash the I777UCKH7-CL503881 FULL Odin3 One-click Downloader which includes the param.lfs and the secondary bootloader.
Mobile Odin will not flash bootloaders or param.lfs
creepyncrawly said:
This first, please. This will tell you which bootloader you currently have.
If the usb connection is lost while the bootloader is flashing, the phone will hard brik, and will require jtag repair to recover, which costs about $50 to $60. Therefore, it is necessary to know what the phone status really is before taking that risk.
If you determine that you really do have the I9100 secondary bootloader, then you put the I777 UCKH7 sbl.tar in the PDA slot of Odin3 v1.85. Or you could flash the I777UCKH7-CL503881 FULL Odin3 One-click Downloader which includes the param.lfs and the secondary bootloader.
Mobile Odin will not flash bootloaders or param.lfs
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Where can I get the full one click? On the download custom binary: no. Samsung official. Model: GT-I9100. Thanks
snowcamo said:
Where can I get the full one click? On the download custom binary: no. Samsung official. Model: GT-I9100. Thanks
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Huzzah, I guessed right! You flashed I9100 secondary bootloaders.
Read this thread (I suggest reading the OP closely), paying special attention to 3) Special Problems. The downloads you need are here.
karate104 said:
Huzzah, I guessed right! You flashed I9100 secondary bootloaders.
Read this thread (I suggest reading the OP closely), paying special attention to 3) Special Problems. The downloads you need are here.
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Whenever I try to do this with odin it fails . I think I just need the one click with bootloaders, but I can't find it.

S3 probably Hard bricked

I have a GT-19300 with Stock Sammy 4.1.3 Rom with Siyah Kernel. So basically i use the siyah recovery as the main recovery. I booted up into recovery and just plainly explored through the options without doing anything! Then I just threw my phone on the bed after restarting it and went away to get water, when i came back it went into some mode which was similar to download mode but showed something like flashing from sd( I dont exactly remember) and also it showed that it was completed, I took out the battery and tried to turn it on but it didn't, also tried charging it. HELP!
Your description is no help at all.
Can only suggest you flash stock rom via odin.
boomboomer said:
Your description is no help at all.
Can only suggest you flash stock rom via odin.
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only if it goes to download mode!
If no download mode then jtag or new motherboard.
boomboomer said:
If no download mode then jtag or new motherboard.
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Jtag's pretty proffesional, plus i live in New Delhi(India), you wouldn't find a jig here
Can your phone go to download mode or not? If can, you can flash stock rom via odin
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
changbh88 said:
Can your phone go to download mode or not? If can, you can flash stock rom via odin
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
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neh it cant
Usb Recovery Jig to access download mode and flash stock rom is option number one .
is there a specefic jig for every phone because i could only find the S2 version of it on ebay (for my country)
TheGreatNoob said:
is there a specefic jig for every phone because i could only find the S2 version of it on ebay (for my country)
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No that will work you will either get download mode or not and is worth a try at the price .
It will not reset rom counter on S3/
thanks i'll try to go to the service center as well, in case i need to replace the motherboard how much will it cost?
About 1/3 to 1/2 of the original phone cost.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

