I was going to put my Note back to factory, so I was about to flash a stock rom. But my dumb a$$ didn't pay attention and I opened the Skyrocket folder, and flash the stock Odin, but for the skyrocket on my Note. Now I tried to put back the Note one, but my device doesnt boot up, it stays at the ATT white "rethink possible" screen. and is looping there. Do you guys think there is no solution?
I dont see why it wont boot up if youre able to use odin to flash the note stock tar.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
Can you get to download mode? If so check repartition in Odin before flashing it back to stock.
Corvette Dave said:
Can you get to download mode? If so check repartition in Odin before flashing it back to stock.
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How do I check that? I work with Odin all the time, but never had to do anything than flashing roms the regular way. Can you give me more specifics? I'll appreciate it.
Corvette Dave said:
Can you get to download mode? If so check repartition in Odin before flashing it back to stock.
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I check mark re-partition and it fails.
I find a lot on t959v with wrong flash but can't find the other way around. I accidentally flashed T959V stock rom to a T959. I flashed it back to Stock T959 rom but it will keep restarting at vibrant logo. anyway I can fix it? I can still get to download mode. :/ any help?
Try odining to stock, search the forums on how to odin to stock JFD.
protohamster said:
Try odining to stock, search the forums on how to odin to stock JFD.
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already tried that
Try http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HKRP4FCH i personally use this flash when customer brings the brick phone or pattern lock to bring it back to stock
if that doesn't work I would give one click unbrick and Heimdall a shot. Can you get the phone into download mode? If not might have to buy a JIG or send it off.
protohamster said:
If not might have to buy a JIG or send it off.
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when you say JIG i suppose you mean JTAG.. he can already get into dl mode
Odin to JFD again - just make sure its JFD and click repartition.
younix258 said:
when you say JIG i suppose you mean JTAG.. he can already get into dl mode
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Jig and jtag are two entirely different things.
Sent from my T959 using xda premium
Ok this is what I done
GT-I9300 UK 2 weeks old. I install I9300XXDLI 7_I9300OXADLI7_I9300XXDLI7_BTU with Odin all went fine and been using it for about a week but too many bugs on this OTA. So I wanted to downgrade back to I9300BVBLG 2_I9300ORABLG1_ORA everything went fine and I got a green PASS in Odin but when restated the phone would go no further then Samsung welcome screen and then just flashed with the blue led flashing very slow, I left it for 10mins but nothing, just the same. I closed Odin and then tried to reboot the phone..again nothing!! A friend told me to try again but this time with re-partition ticked and use this PIT GT-I9300_mx_20120220.pit with I did..hmm I wish I never!! That is when it all went Pete Tong
The phone started to re-partition got a big blue line and STOPPED!! I left it like that for 10mins before closing Odin. Now when I try to flash the phone Odin start but nothing happens!! I have a screenshot of Odin hanging but can not post it here yet
Can someone pls help me :crying:
Have you tried wiping caches/dalvik cache? Can you go t download mode? If yes, then flash the firmware again or flash another firmware.
I hope this helps
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
XTCRadioUK said:
Ok this is what I done
GT-I9300 UK 2 weeks old. I install I9300XXDLI 7_I9300OXADLI7_I9300XXDLI7_BTU with Odin all went fine and been using it for about a week but too many bugs on this OTA. So I wanted to downgrade back to I9300BVBLG 2_I9300ORABLG1_ORA everything went fine and I got a green PASS in Odin but when restated the phone would go no further then Samsung welcome screen and then just flashed with the blue led flashing very slow, I left it for 10mins but nothing, just the same. I closed Odin and then tried to reboot the phone..again nothing!! A friend told me to try again but this time with re-partition ticked and use this PIT GT-I9300_mx_20120220.pit with I did..hmm I wish I never!! That is when it all went Pete Tong
The phone started to re-partition got a big blue line and STOPPED!! I left it like that for 10mins before closing Odin. Now when I try to flash the phone Odin start but nothing happens!! I have a screenshot of Odin hanging but can not post it here yet
Can someone pls help me :crying:
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First power down your device, Go to stock recovery(Home+power button+volume up), Select factory data reset there, Then go into download mode and flash the stock ics firmware..
Do not select re partition.
saywhatt said:
Have you tried wiping caches/dalvik cache? Can you go t download mode? If yes, then flash the firmware again or flash another firmware.
I hope this helps
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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I don't know to wipe caches/dalvik cache on this phone cos I have never had to to it before. I flashed my S2 many times without any problems. I can go into download mode but every time I try and flash the phone Odin just hangs
saywhatt said:
Have you tried wiping caches/dalvik cache? Can you go t download mode? If yes, then flash the firmware again or flash another firmware.
I hope this helps
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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saranyan said:
First power down your device, Go to stock recovery(Home+power button+volume up), Select factory data reset there, Then go into download mode and flash the stock ics firmware..
Do not select re partition.
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saranyan, I have just tried to go into stock recovery and all I get is the starting up with the white Samsung GALAXY S III etc it flashes and come back to the same white Samsung GALAXY S III start up. No Recovery mode but the phone will go into download mode
XTCRadioUK said:
saranyan, I have just tried to go into stock recovery and all I get is the starting up with the white Samsung GALAXY S III etc it flashes and come back to the same white Samsung GALAXY S III start up. No Recovery mode but the phone will go into download mode
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Then your best bet is to connect to samsung kies, If it detects your phone it'll go to recovery mode and will try to restore it, Try connecting it to kies.
And NEVER EVER AGAIN flash the pit file if you don't know what you are doing.... This is the fastest way to brick your shiny toy ...
There are different pit files for different SGS3 models which will destroy your phone.
ultramag69 said:
And NEVER EVER AGAIN flash the pit file if you don't know what you are doing.... This is the fastest way to brick your shiny toy ...
There are different pit files for different SGS3 models which will destroy your phone.
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I have learned the HARD WAY! I will never flash a pit file again as long as I live!! I am GUTTED!! :crying:
XTCRadioUK said:
I have learned the HARD WAY! I will never flash a pit file again as long as I live!! I am GUTTED!! :crying:
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Did you get it fixed now by flashing another firmware?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
saywhatt said:
Did you get it fixed now by flashing another firmware?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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No every time I try and flash the phone Odin just hangs at this point "NAND Write Start" and nothing happens after this and my SG3 just as a blue line across the screen, plus Odin takes ages to start the upgrade
you probably used the wrong pit file, there are ones for the 16, 32,64Gb models
Find correct pit
Flash it on its own with repartition ticked, no auto reboot
Flash stock 3 part firmware
Hopefully this will sort it
slaphead20 said:
you probably used the wrong pit file, there are ones for the 16, 32,64Gb models
Find correct pit
Flash it on its own with repartition ticked, no auto reboot
Flash stock 3 part firmware
Hopefully this will sort it
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Mine is 16Gb I9300 from Orange UK if someone can point me were I can get these 3 part file and pit from I will give it a go the phone is only 2 weeks old
XTCRadioUK said:
Mine is 16Gb I9300 from Orange UK if someone can point me were I can get these 3 part file and pit from I will give it a go the phone is only 2 weeks old
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First I read all the stickies and tried every installation to go back to stock but Odin just freezes up. Also tried different USB ports and and computers and same results. I can only go into download mode.
You may need to repartition. Not knowing the history of how your phone got to where it is now, I can't be sure. Can you give me a complete rundown of your issue?
creepyncrawly said:
You may need to repartition. Not knowing the history of how your phone got to where it is now, I can't be sure. Can you give me a complete rundown of your issue?
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How would I go about repartitioning the phone? I full wipe and flashed the new Shostock3 and it was doing fine. The next day when I woke up my phone had the sleep of death. The Galaxy S2 logo was stuck and I tried to get into recovery and it only showed half of the screen and was frozen. Now the screen says Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again.
Go to the Download Repository. The link is in my sig.
First, try flashing full stock Gingerbread. Use the download under the heading I777UCKH7-CL503881 Stock Binaries. This is the full distribution which contains the bootloaders. It doesn't matter whether you use the one-click downloader, or the tar.md5 file with Odin stand alone. If this flash completes, then you're recovered. Follow the guides to root and install a custom Gingerbread kernel, then flash back to SHOstock3 or whatever firmware you want.
If this flash does not complete, then download the I777 UCKH7 PIT and use that in Odin stand alone with the above tar.md5 file. Insert the tar in the PDA slot, the pit in the PIT slot, and check repartition, then flash.
creepyncrawly said:
Go to the Download Repository. The link is in my sig.
First, try flashing full stock Gingerbread. Use the download under the heading I777UCKH7-CL503881 Stock Binaries. This is the full distribution which contains the bootloaders. It doesn't matter whether you use the one-click downloader, or the tar.md5 file with Odin stand alone. If this flash completes, then you're recovered. Follow the guides to root and install a custom Gingerbread kernel, then flash back to SHOstock3 or whatever firmware you want.
If this flash does not complete, then download the I777 UCKH7 PIT and use that in Odin stand alone with the above tar.md5 file. Insert the tar in the PDA slot, the pit in the PIT slot, and check repartition, then flash.
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So I tried both the one-click downloader and flash doesn't not complete, same goes for odin and PIT file.
selw0nk said:
So I tried both the one-click downloader and flash doesn't not complete, same goes for odin and PIT file.
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If you didn't try it already, now go back and flash just the tar.md5 file without the pit, again, and see if it will complete.
creepyncrawly said:
If you didn't try it already, now go back and flash just the tar.md5 file without the pit, again, and see if it will complete.
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Just did and it is stuck at NAND Write Start!! My phone might have a hardware issue.
selw0nk said:
Just did and it is stuck at NAND Write Start!! My phone might have a hardware issue.
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Yes, I was hoping that the problem is not hardware, but it was a thought from the beginning, given the sequence of failure. Is the phone by chance still under warranty?
Let's don't give up yet, though.
Things to try, then try to flash the full firmware in between.
1. Use Odin stand alone to flash just the I777 secondary bootloader.
2. Use Odin stand alone to flash just the param.lfs.
Try the instructions in this post.
creepyncrawly said:
Yes, I was hoping that the problem is not hardware, but it was a thought from the beginning, given the sequence of failure. Is the phone by chance still under warranty?
Let's don't give up yet, though.
Things to try, then try to flash the full firmware in between.
1. Use Odin stand alone to flash just the I777 secondary bootloader.
2. Use Odin stand alone to flash just the param.lfs.
Try the instructions in this post.
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No it isn't anymore. My upgrade isn't until May. Do you think a usb jig will work?
Thanks I will try that and will let you know how it comes along.
selw0nk said:
Do you think a usb jig will work?
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You can already get into download mode. I don't believe there is any difference in the download mode produced by a jig. A jig is really helpful if the wrong secondary bootloader was flashed by accident (or ignorance), and you can't get the phone into download mode any ohter way.
selw0nk said:
No it isn't anymore. My upgrade isn't until May. Do you think a usb jig will work?
Thanks I will try that and will let you know how it comes along.
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Tried those these you mentioned and still stuck. I'm already losing hope and want to get a new phone or spare already. I think I have a few things saved in the phone too.
Update: My screen is stuck at the Samsung Galaxy S2 screen with the yellow triangle.
Same problem
selw0nk said:
Tried those these you mentioned and still stuck. I'm already losing hope and want to get a new phone or spare already. I think I have a few things saved in the phone too.
Update: My screen is stuck at the Samsung Galaxy S2 screen with the yellow triangle.
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I am having the exact same problem and my update isn't until May too!! Is this a common hardware failure?
kunalm123 said:
I am having the exact same problem and my update isn't until May too!! Is this a common hardware failure?
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What rom were you on if I may ask? I'm not sure, but I'm about ready to give on trying everything. I started using my old Nokia phone and have to manually add my contacts lol. Sad panda
selw0nk said:
What rom were you on if I may ask? I'm not sure, but I'm about ready to give on trying everything. I started using my old Nokia phone and have to manually add my contacts lol. Sad panda
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I was using a stock unrooted SGS2. It just stop working out of the blue..back to nokia it is
So I think I am going to send my phone to Mobile Tech Videos and hope they can unbrick it. http://mobiletechvideos.mybigcommerce.com/samsung-galaxy-s-ii-at-t-jtag-brick-repair/
selw0nk said:
So I think I am going to send my phone to Mobile Tech Videos and hope they can unbrick it. http://mobiletechvideos.mybigcommerce.com/samsung-galaxy-s-ii-at-t-jtag-brick-repair/
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I think I have a similar issue on my phone (stalls in odin, I haven't flashed any PIT files yet), were they able to unbrick it?
Same issue here, The phone's stuck on Nand flash in Odin. Had tried all recommendations suggested here... Any updates on the phone sent to mobiletech guys?
SOLVED Flashing stock with odin http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2289325
After a couple hours of searching I haven't had any luck fixing what i've mistakenly done to my phone.
I made a new account and am first posting because I am at witts end.
The status of my phone is-
it will not boot.
It hangs at the Samsung Custom screen.
I can only get into download mode.
When I try to boot into recovery the blue text top left says it's booting but it doesn't boot into recovery.
I suspect I corrupted my recovery somehow.
I've tried flashing different kernels with odin and the few that ive tried successfully flash but same thing still happens.
I think I need a CWM recovery or TWRP recovery that I can flash with odin? Is that a thing?
Any point in the right direction would greatly be appreciated.
You can try that I don't know if it'll work in download/odin.
I suggest just flashing the stock update via odin and re root..
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
notstevek said:
You can try that I don't know if it'll work in download/odin.
I suggest just flashing the stock update via odin and re root..
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
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Those files do not work with ODIN.
I dont have a stock update file to flash with odin nor have I been able to find any for download.
The mdk stock firmware file is located in the dev section, flashable via odin.
SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
This is the MDK image that will take you back to bone stock, out-of-the-box. Just open ODIN, put the phone in download mode, put this file in PDA only section, and you're golden.
Hethor said:
This is the MDK image that will take you back to bone stock, out-of-the-box. Just open ODIN, put the phone in download mode, put this file in PDA only section, and you're golden.
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I'm pretty sure this is exactly what I need.
Downloading and flashing now.
You all were very helpful!
Phew!!! Solved.
Hethor said:
This is the MDK image that will take you back to bone stock, out-of-the-box. Just open ODIN, put the phone in download mode, put this file in PDA only section, and you're golden.
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It's nice to have my phone back , I was getting really worried there for a bit..
I had TWRP and CleanRom Running just fine but after a few mods and a reboot it hung on me.
I wonder if anyone is aware of these issues or if I'm just 'special' Hmmm
I really wanted to have a LIGHT TouchWiz rom that I can add mods to myself.
Any suggestions?
I was trying to flash back my I605 Note 2. I'm coming from CM11. Downloaded original 4.1.2 firmware and ran through Odin. Everything passed and worked through Odin, but when the phone restarted it was flashing the Galaxy Note 2 screen....... Any ideas? About to sell the phone. Really need some help. Any comments would be appreciated. Thank you.
Worst case scenario Jtag brick repair $50. I would try everything thing 1st. Try to Odin root66. Try Odin again, maybe with the vram, or vrall down load. Can you get into recovery? Or download mode?
madmuthertrucker said:
Worst case scenario Jtag brick repair $50. I would try everything thing 1st. Try to Odin root66. Try Odin again, maybe with the vram, or vrall down load. Can you get into recovery? Or download mode?
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download mode yes. recovery no.
khipps16 said:
download mode yes. recovery no.
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I think I've had this problem before. I flashed the root66 4.1.2 file and it got stuck. From there I put it in download mode and flashed TWRP through Odin. Then I went into recovery and flashed a ROM and from there I got it to boot. Since you're selling it, I would say flash creanrom and then flash sophisticated 4.3 to give them a stock experience.
- Your phone fitting in my phone's screen is nothing new to me.
After NAND write, Odin fails..... Now what?
khipps16 said:
After NAND write, Odin fails..... Now what?
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Haven't seen that one. I did some research and the things I found are pretty bad. I read theres a problem where your phone storages are set to R/O rather than R/W and its not allowing it to write anything. The last thing I found to fix it was a fix for the VZN GS3, but I'm gonna guess the same will for the the Note 2. I would suggest using the unrooted stock firmware since root is unimportant right now. You can get that somewhere in another thread because I don't have the link handy. Get that, and get the pit file and load that into Odin with your phone in download mode. Go ahead and make sure repartition is checked as well and give that a try. Using the pit file should reset the data tables (or something like that) to the proper R/W permissions. Hope everything works out for you!
EDIT- Here's the thread you can use to get the firmware and pit file. All the files you should need are in section 1b. I know I said not to use the root66 file, go ahead and try it first because the firmware files are huge. If root66 doesn't work, go for the one that says it'll return it to "out of the box conditions." From here, hopefully it'll boot. If you run into the endless boot issue from here, go back to the first post I posted and do that.
Another Edit - I'm an idiot. Forgot to paste the link. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2024207
- Your phone fitting in my phone's screen is nothing new to me.