[HELP] USB drivers installed but not recognising phone? - Optimus One, P500, V General

Okay so hi guys, I wanted to flash the new baseband yesterday. I know how to do it, and I've done it before. The weird thing is, when I plugged in my phone to my PC, it says that the device is not recognised. So I tried it on my Mac ( bootcamped). still doesn't work. So i found some drivers from this forum and tried to install. The Bluetooth modem installed, but not the united drivers. Anyone have any ideas?
Anyhelp will be much appreciated.
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Oh yea, I'm on mik's 6.6.1 with fk kernel 2 Oct. Now I'm on Andy's rom though. ( lol) might try again later to see if it works...
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have you tried this?

Oh! If I had plugged in my phone while installing, do I have to reinstall?
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not sure if it would make a difference, but if your is still not being recognized, i would reinstall

Have just reinstalled... Nothing though. Still unrecognised. It used to work though...


Help asaappppp!!!

Guys im freeeaakiin ouut my phone isnt charging anymore wtf??
What i did is install the new firmware whit the baseband .67 and then i moved on whit wolfbreak v006 and the tw patch and i saw that it wasnt charging so i just simply rebooted didnt help then i tried another wall didnt work tried my pc it still didnt work then i went back onto the new firmware and still couldnt charge?!?! I think im gonna have to buy a new extended battery ? But i know my usb port isnt broken it was working all good before that :'( pleease help asap i ran out of charge actually what it does is when i plug in it boot up for a second it then just shut down and it keeps doing it over and over ?!?!!?
I think I know you've done...you may have actually deleted(full wipe) everything via xrecovery,
I did that once and it kept doing what you described.
Just connect to Sony Ericsson Update Service (SEUS)and reinstall firmware.
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Also then leave your phone alone, on charge on wall for a while
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jayman1986 said:
I think I know you've done...you may have actually deleted(full wipe) everything via xrecovery,
I did that once and it kept doing what you described.
Just connect to Sony Ericsson Update Service (SEUS)and reinstall firmware.
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well i backed up the firmware whit xrecovery now it doesnt even have that but in order to do what you said i need to make my phone charge right? well my phone doesnt even do that ! :O
flash bb .54 first, wipe in xrecovery, after that reinstall Wolfbreak TW7.
if it can not fix your problem, try to using another charger (with the same micro usb port like original charger).
hope this help
Never mind. Just repaired everything.
(Mod, please delete this thread.)
shahkam said:
well i backed up the firmware whit xrecovery now it doesnt even have that but in order to do what you said i need to make my phone charge right? well my phone doesnt even do that ! :O
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Just leave it connected on wall charger for about 45 minutes coz you'll probably know SEUS won't do anything if battery is below 50%. Then do what I said.
I reckon it IS still charging, so even though it keeps rebooting it should still charge.
Finally after leaving on charge you'll need to pull the battery out to turn phone off. Then connect to SEUS in flash mode like normal.
Worth a try, like I said I had something familiar.
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shahkam said:
Never mind. Just repaired everything.
(Mod, please delete this thread.)
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How did u do it?
Also No need to delete thread it can be useful for other people if they need help.
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He ran his battery down completely and then freaked out cuz it would not switch on.
But if you just leave the phone charging for a hour it will charge and it will switch on.
Not really.. I've actually just tried what he did. I tried to flash bb67, and got a bootloop as he did. I'm using wolfbreaks Rom and it doesn't load up the Rom.
I fixed it by pulling the battery out and then reflashing bb49 which was what I was on before.
Confused..is anyone else managed to get bb67 on wolfbreaks?
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jayman1986 said:
Not really.. I've actually just tried what he did. I tried to flash bb67, and got a bootloop as he did. I'm using wolfbreaks Rom and it doesn't load up the Rom.
I fixed it by pulling the battery out and then reflashing bb49 which was what I was on before.
Confused..is anyone else managed to get bb67 on wolfbreaks?
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Do you have a X10a?
I have a x10i BB.67 wolfbreaks rom and it's perfect no bugs or problems.
OmegaRED^ said:
Do you have a X10a?
I have a x10i BB.67 wolfbreaks rom and it's perfect no bugs or problems.
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No, I'm 10i as well. Mine is actually an original unbranded model as well.
Did you have to do a clean install?
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Flash clean stock.
Flash BB.67
Flash WB rom.
Reboot a few times or crash system server.
Flash 007 update
OmegaRED^ said:
Flash clean stock.
Flash BB.67
Flash WB rom.
Reboot a few times or crash system server.
Flash 007 update
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Yeah I had a feeling about clean install, to be honest I can't be bothered to do clean install again..I've done it so many times. It takes too long to set up my phone again to the way I like it.
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[Q] PC not recognizing phone

ok so i went from com rom the version b4 this most recent one. to jts cm7. i dodnt install ec09 bc i didnt do my research and was half asleep. now my phone when connected to pc it doesnt recognize my phone and odin doesnt either. i have drivers installed . didnt have this prob last night so i doubt its my cable. i have fascinate drivers installed to be more clear. i read some post saying if i on cm7 i might need to use nexus drivers. i am not sure if that true or not since i have also trie that route. any input or guidance is greatly apprecviated
davzava said:
ok so i went from com rom the version b4 this most recent one. to jts cm7. i dodnt install ec09 bc i didnt do my research and was half asleep. now my phone when connected to pc it doesnt recognize my phone and odin doesnt either. i have drivers installed . didnt have this prob last night so i doubt its my cable. i have fascinate drivers installed to be more clear. i read some post saying if i on cm7 i might need to use nexus drivers. i am not sure if that true or not since i have also trie that route. any input or guidance is greatly apprecviated
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I'm on cm7 and my pc recognizes my phone...I'm using vista home edition and odin v1.7 I don't know if that matters but my pc at work runs xp pro and I haven't tried to hook up to that one yet..what version of windows are you running??
I'm still on the original drivers I downloaded a year ago when I flashed my first custom rom and I also didn't go to ec09, I came straight from ukb2.1 which was ed01 or ed04...can't remember
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I am also on windows7 ...hmm but I using the old Odin 1.3 I guess I need to switch to newr one
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davzava said:
I am also on windows7 ...hmm but I using the old Odin 1.3 I guess I need to switch to newr one
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Just want to make sure you didn't mis-read it...I'm on vista home, not windows 7...I would think it is more a problem with your pc's current
o.s. more then with your odin version...I'm just trying suggestions just because I'm running the same setup other then windows difference between us, but have never had that problem
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Flashtool driver related issues.

Hi, recently i had to switch to an xp laptop. I downloaded the latest Flashtool and pc companion and a few kernels. Upon trying to flash an ftf, i got an error saying drivers not installed. So i went to the drivers folder and tried to install with the tool. Said installation was complete. I tried to flash the kernel again, gave me the same error about no drivers installed. I then tried to use pc companion and also installed every possible driver in the provided tool. Still get the same error. So what now? I really wanna switch roms.
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Galcactus said:
Hi, recently i had to switch to an xp laptop. I downloaded the latest Flashtool and pc companion and a few kernels. Upon trying to flash an ftf, i got an error saying drivers not installed. So i went to the drivers folder and tried to install with the tool. Said installation was complete. I tried to flash the kernel again, gave me the same error about no drivers installed. I then tried to use pc companion and also installed every possible driver in the provided tool. Still get the same error. So what now? I really wanna switch roms.
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Did you try to reboot? Remove the driver from device manager, reboot, install drivers, reboot.
Galcactus said:
Hi, recently i had to switch to an xp laptop. I downloaded the latest Flashtool and pc companion and a few kernels. Upon trying to flash an ftf, i got an error saying drivers not installed. So i went to the drivers folder and tried to install with the tool. Said installation was complete. I tried to flash the kernel again, gave me the same error about no drivers installed. I then tried to use pc companion and also installed every possible driver in the provided tool. Still get the same error. So what now? I really wanna switch roms.
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Have you tried with flashtool->driver->driver.exe in ft folder ? Along with adb selected?
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You need to choose from the Flashtool-drivers.exe to install "adb" and "flashmode" drivers.
Before connecting to flashtool put your phone in flashmode (power off phone, hold back key and plug in the cable while holdin, gren lite will lid).
Then you will see the cpomputer to insatlling some drivers. After that you'll be ready to go.
Yep, that's one of the first things I did. As for the second suggestion it starts installing the drivers but then my phone phone just turns back on and leaves flash mode. the computer freezes up and i have to reboot it... how can i install the flash drivers manually? The drivers.exe doesn't work, my phone misbehaves like i said above. Thanks so far guys!
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Try it on another PC !
I can't, my main computer is fracked up, so I'm stuck with this craptop...
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So, maybe you can try to preinstall windows :cyclops:
Galcactus said:
I can't, my main computer is fracked up, so I'm stuck with this craptop...
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Hmmm... Is xp recognizing your device as unknown device in devices manager? Try if it possible, to install it manual (going to unkonown device, install from cd as say (I do not remember) , and choose the .inf from the SEMC_signed folder in the flashtool drivers.) Are you sure that debugging is enabled?
NikitoGR said:
Hmmm... Is xp recognizing your device as unknown device in devices manager? Try if it possible, to install it manual (going to unkonown device, install from cd as say (I do not remember) , and choose the .inf from the SEMC_signed folder in the flashtool drivers.) Are you sure that debugging is enabled?
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Xp recognises it as a semc device. Debugging is enabled. I'll try the manual method and get back with the results!
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Galcactus said:
Xp recognises it as a semc device. Debugging is enabled. I'll try the manual method and get back with the results!
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I may be wrong but what kernel are you using, cm9 roms install phone driver as semc device and then I can't connect to pc either hehe
Maybe I'm wrong, just a suggestion
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I'm on cosmic kernel v3 i believe, on cm7 release 128 or 129. I like the rom and the performance is unparalleled (no offence rom makers!) But i want a bit of cool ice cream sandwich for this summer
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Galcactus said:
I'm on cosmic kernel v3 i believe, on cm7 release 128 or 129. I like the rom and the performance is unparalleled (no offence rom makers!) But i want a bit of cool ice cream sandwich for this summer
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Try to get into the recovery.
Wipe dalvik and cache partition
Fix permissions
Maybe will help this? Otherwise if it is a kernel issue as the friend wrote, we will try something different Also make sure, pc companion and SEUS are not running (check it through the task manager)
Edit: Which rom and kernel will you use? I'm using the xperia S ICS... it's amazing...
It's driver related i believe, I'll try that regardless... I'm on cm7.2 fxp 128 or 129, can't remember. Using cosmic ui kernel v3 with data extension enabled (or something like that)
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Flash stock 2.3.3 ftf file.
Flash the desired ROM.
The hell dude? I said that I'd like to flash but can't! Flashtool isn't working for me!!
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Oh, I stopped flollowing
OK, have you tried differet USB port?
See if there are some Wondows updates pending and install them.
Try to install flashmode driver manually. You will find one in the package here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1582554
Okay, major update: the x10 drivers are fine as far as i can tell, however it is the Flashtool driver which is broken despite the drivers installation tool saying installation complete. To further compound the problem, after half a minute of my phone being connected in flash mode, the computer freezes up so only rebooting recovers it. So how can I manually install the drivers without connecting my phone? I've got a copy of the Gordongate folder, what next? Cheers!
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Maybe your pc HDD has an issue,
Run "chkdsk / r" in a cmd prompt
And press Y when prompted
Just to make sure your drive hasn't gone dirty lol
That will do a disk check at next startup
Also try fully reinstalling flashtool 9
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How do I root my AT&T LG Optimus G with the software number E97020J

I seem not to be able to root my Optimus G. Is it because my software number ends in 20J? I'm kinda new at this. Please help
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onebaddeck said:
I seem not to be able to root my Optimus G. Is it because my software number ends in 20J? I'm kinda new at this. Please help
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you need fiddy's universal root from the sprint section. It'll work fine.
I already tried it. It keeps saying abd isnt a command or something like that. And when it did say it rooted it didnt install superuser. Amd it wasnt rooted either
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onebaddeck said:
I already tried it. It keeps saying abd isnt a command or something like that. And when it did say it rooted it didnt install superuser. Amd it wasnt rooted either
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The root method works, sounds like you need to educate yourself on how to use ADB correctly.
onebaddeck said:
I already tried it. It keeps saying abd isnt a command or something like that. And when it did say it rooted it didnt install superuser. Amd it wasnt rooted either
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I have used it twice, and it took many tries before it worked. I just kept restarting current root bat. over and over until it worked.
gunnyman said:
The root method works, sounds like you need to educate yourself on how to use ADB correctly.
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i know i do, Like i said, Im kinda new at this so im not really sure how everything works.
1. Make sure usb debugging is turned on
2. Install lg usb drivers
3. Plug in phone via usb to pc in charge only mode.
4. Run bat file.
5. Switch to mtp mode..... Wait a minute for phone and pc get done what they are gunna do.... Ignore pc prompts and on phone prompts...
6 follow prompts on PC and there u go rooted jb
Via LG OG running Rootbox 4.2.2

[Help] Error in LGNPST

I tried to update to the stock JB rom using LGNPST. I followed the instructions to a T. However, I kept getting "ERROR: Fail changing to Diag Mode". It never progressed past 0%. Any help would be appreciated.
ME Android said:
I tried to update to the stock JB rom using LGNPST. I followed the instructions to a T. However, I kept getting "ERROR: Fail changing to Diag Mode". It never progressed past 0%. Any help would be appreciated.
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Never mind. It looked like it was caused by the USB 3.0 port. My laptop has 2 USB3.0 ports and one USB2.0 port. I tried both of the USB3.0 ports and it failed. I didn't try the USB2.0 one since it was occupied by my mouse. But after trying the USB2.0 port, everything went smoothly and now I have the 4.1.2.
I have lgnpst 1.1.3 ...it wont recognize my phone at all. I used freegee to unlock my bootloader so I'm rooted also. My HUGE problem is I can't flash any 4.2 ROMS because I'm not recognized on lgnpst and I cant finish installing the at&t update because my bootloader is unlocked...I'm not sure what to do at this point. I'm stuck with the older ROMS!! =/
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That version will not work. You need 2.2.3? I believe
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mainomain2 said:
I have lgnpst 1.1.3 ...it wont recognize my phone at all. I used freegee to unlock my bootloader so I'm rooted also. My HUGE problem is I can't flash any 4.2 ROMS because I'm not recognized on lgnpst and I cant finish installing the at&t update because my bootloader is unlocked...I'm not sure what to do at this point. I'm stuck with the older ROMS!! =/
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I have the same issue so I wonder what is to be done. I have 2.2.3 lgnpst and it shows unknown item on com 3. I select the dll and tinybin. When I click start it does nothing phone stays in stand by in lgnpst. And stuck at 0% and no further. I have installed drivers for usb twice. And wiped lgnpst 1.3 and fresh install 2.2.3 with v5.0 of the other two files. Still same.
And your in download mode on phone? And unknown on com3 worked on mine. Just made sure dll was lge970, and bin was selected.
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Ciloteille said:
I have the same issue so I wonder what is to be done. I have 2.2.3 lgnpst and it shows unknown item on com 3. I select the dll and tinybin. When I click start it does nothing phone stays in stand by in lgnpst. And stuck at 0% and no further. I have installed drivers for usb twice. And wiped lgnpst 1.3 and fresh install 2.2.3 with v5.0 of the other two files. Still same.
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Make sure the phone is connected to a USB2.0 port, not USB3.0.
Edit: I tried again on my laptop now and it says it cannot load module in cmd. Missing something? ( I have tried to see if I needed to register the dll but it won't even work. Any insight )
files installed:
lgnpst 2.2.3
models 5.0
other one 5.0
usb drivers
I don't have any usb 3.0 on my developer/lab laptop
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---------- Post added at 11:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 AM ----------
iceman99393 said:
And your in download mode on phone? And unknown on com3 worked on mine. Just made sure dll was lge970, and bin was selected.
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That correct I used the... lg-ls970.dll like file and tiny.bin
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Wen u get to 85% do a hard reset it should work fine after that ive seen all errors so trust this unplug phone after 85% and hold volume down or up and power button and do a hard reset ive done it atleast 10 times so goodluck i hope this helps out
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