Your Smartphone Is Spying on You - Motorola Droid X2

This sucks but it does not suprise me. Should be a law suit.

Hopefully this will be deemed illegal. I've not looked at Motorola's and Google's user agreements closely but if it isn't in there I sure as hell didn't agree to this.
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium

Verizon and Rogers don’t use Carrier IQ, Vodafone and O2 “don’t collect info”
"and they’re now joined by iPhone users who discovered pieces of Carrier IQ code in all current models."

I've read that installing a custom ROM would get rid of this (if it had it at all). I installed the app that checks to see if it's installed on your phone and it wasn't on mine. Not that I don't trust Verizon (but I don't trust Verizon). I can't post links yet, but google Carrier IQ and look for "Carrier IQ: How To Find It..." article at That has the link to the app that will check your phone to see if you have. But like Alan Wolfe posted, Verizon "says" they don't install it, but still handy to check friend's phones.

Yea Vz did say there not using Carrier IQ, I don't trust them either.
I would not put it past them to use some other way to spy on it's user's.
The app is right here on XDA and Developer is one of are own.

ImgBurn said:
Yea Vz did say there not using Carrier IQ, I don't trust them either.
I would not put it past them to use some other way to spy on it's user's.
The app is right here on XDA and Developer is one of are own.
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Thanks for posting those links....I would've if I could've

Supercurio posted a CARRIER IQ detection app in the market. Seems like verizon has not been lying to us.
I would longer to think that verizon its watching us some other way though. Maybe they have their own proprietary way of doing so?

I wouldn't doubt VZW has stuff on our phones or are trying to get stuff on our phones. Who knows, maybe moto is in on it too. Its a game between users and carriers, going back and forth, they make it, we root it, they patch the root, we find another way and get bl unlocked, they patch both, we start again. In my mind its almost fun haha
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App

I agree with the fun factor. But for me the
fun end's when they start spying and stealing
my personal information. What's the point of
having password's, firewall's , anti-virus etc.
When they (meaning Moto,Google,Verizon,
Comcast, Micro$oft,AOL,Apple and on & on)
have full access to everything on your phone,
And it's bad enough they have access to all
this but to store and build data base's that they
sell or get compromised is totally unacceptable.
But that's just My opinion I could be wrong

Probably why our bootloaders are locked. Something in the kernel? </tinfoilhat>

Yeah, its a little far over the line, but the rooting and bootloaders is kinda fun. But VZW doesn't use caller IQ or what ever it is. So until we find out for sure VZW/moto is or isn't spying on us, I don't really care. I'm not mad about the latest spying thing because it doesn't effect me. I still wouldnt put it past them though.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App

The harassing of TrevE by CIQ is every bit as disgusting as their product deployment.

Not on me, Verizon doesnt have carrier IQ


Carrier IQ

Carrier IQ seems to be on all of the android carrier roms. Some of the custom roms have an opt-in option. There are some posts in other forums. I figured that I would show this to the photon users.
Check it out.
Yea saw the video on Et4g forum. Left me wondering if we have it too.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Qbking did a lengthy video as well.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
its not
shabbypenguin said:
its not
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Whats not?
I ran a scan with the app that was provided to check for it, and it didn't find anything. Here's to hoping that it really isn't there!
no really its not guys. im buddies with k0nane.. some of you may remember him from here or here? or any one of these other no-ciq mods
anyways ciq doesnt appear to be on this phone.. my best guess? its a global phone.. other carriers prolly dont want tracking metrics being run thru their network back to sprint..
thats just my take on it all tho
But it does have an ad service apk which does almost the same thing. Ever notice random ad text messages or crap in the notification dropdown. It was the first thing to go in skinnyrev0
sprintzone? yea thats common across devices tho
Sprint zone is technically not advertising though. It's designed to "provide important sprint information" though yes, most of that involves advertising for carious sprint services and partners. There is a setting in sprint zone to turn off notifications.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
Fox News
Fox News just reported on CIQ and that they "say" they do not capture keystrokes but some tests have proven this incorrect. They may be capturing alot more then we think. so, that being said, we need to make sure to block or remove CIQ from android builds if present.
Fox news huh...lmao
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lucidvtec said:
Fox news huh...lmao
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HAHA I remember the excellent treads on the Epic forums. The guy who shall not be named
I just found "Data Collection 1.0" on the phone. Look at the permissions, very scary looking just like CIQ. And there are "Data Collector Service 1.0" and "Data Collector Provider 1.0" to go with it.
Its already been confirmed that the photon doesn't have carrier IQ
stop it and see what happens. you lose your connection to google immediatly and even then the service stops. ciq is a service taht cant be stopped so easily
i saw this on msn's home page today
there is an app to test if u have it but, u have to be rooted.
idk why everyone is freaking out....this has been on the phones FOR A WHILE NOW!!! it's like injecting yourself with poison, nothing happening for years, then someone walks up to you and says, yeah, poison can kill you, then you go nuts....come on people....
A2CKilla said:
idk why everyone is freaking out....this has been on the phones FOR A WHILE NOW!!! it's like injecting yourself with poison, nothing happening for years, then someone walks up to you and says, yeah, poison can kill you, then you go nuts....come on people....
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Its cause now we're aware of it. That's like you bang a hooker, get an STD that has no immediate symptoms like the silent killer syphilis, then 1 year later you get a panel and it shows positive. What's not to understand? People had some sort idea that Google was keeping location based stats but many didn't know all of our keystrokes were being monitored at such a deep level hidden in our phones.

Sprint orders H/W partners to remove CIQ ASAP
In an attempt to distance themselves from the increasingly volatile Carrier IQ situation, we’ve been told that Sprint has ordered that all of their hardware partners remove the Carrier IQ software from Sprint devices as soon as possible.
This comes after a number of dramatic turns over the past few weeks. During that time Carrier IQ was called a lot of things, from a harmless mobile intelligence company to a vicious rootkit designed to steal our personal data and sell it to the ne’er-do-wells. In my opinion, Carrier IQ is a company that provides a service that benefits everyone with a cellphone by giving information to the carriers about when their network has problems that affects our service. Unfortunately, this software was installed in such a manner that, when discovered, there was a significant panic. This is understandable because the software was forced onto unsuspecting users with no real oversight to speak of.
That panic was made worse when the company responded by trying to silence the person who discovered the software, instead of trying to explain what was actually happening. So here we sit, a month away from a Senate hearing on whether or not Carrier IQ is doing anything illegal, on top of a barrage of lawsuits against all of the companies involved.
Sources at HTC have told us that, as a result of the lawsuits targeting Carrier IQ, Sprint, and other CIQ-using OEMs, Sprint has asked all of their partners to get rid of Carrier IQ. Starting with the high-volume and high-profile devices on the network, each of the OEM’s has been asked to quickly release binaries that do not contain Carrier IQ so that over-the-air updates can be pushed to those devices as quickly as possible. The eventual plan is to remove Carrier IQ from all of the devices on Sprint’s network.
This is being done as soon as possible and, according to our source at HTC, anyone who is working with Sprint in testing labs have even had their vacation time over the holidays seriously restricted. No official rollout plan for these updates has been devised, but it has been made clear to everyone involved that this change needs to happen soon. I would assume that we will see updates for devices including the iPhone, HTC Evo 3D, and the Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch before 2012.
At this time, Carrier IQ, Samsung, and Apple all refused to comment on any developments in this matter.
Some may view this as a classic “too little, too late” situation. Sprint waited until there were lawsuits to start removing Carrier IQ from their network, where previously they had been defending their use of the mobile intelligence service. This could possibly even be seen as an admission of guilt, as them removing the software in an attempt to make amends for what they have been caught doing.
Even so, Sprint could have just as easily made a public statement announcing that they were turning off the servers that collected the information, pending the results of the trial and the Senate inquiry. At that point a simple test from any of the security researchers that have gotten involved would confirm Sprint’s cancellation of CIQ and they wouldn’t have to involve every manufacturer on their network.
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TrevE > CIQ
Nuff said!!!
Another victory!!!! TrevE is forever my hero!
While this is nice and all the article seems to be lacking some knowledge in itself on some things. mainly the fact it included iPhone in the list of devices that would be getting updates. I'm pretty sure Apple commented on this long ago stating they do not use CarrierIQ in their devices anymore at all.
And I can't really see Sprint able to force Apple to load it on the device either...
Awsome just hope we didn't make it worst for sprint
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tech7 said:
Awsome just hope we didn't make it worst for sprint
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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I just had to laugh I mean Sprints network already sucks how could it possibly get worse. CarrierIQ is not going to fix 4G or even poor 3G speeds due to network congestion. They know they have a problem doubt they need an app to confirm it.
Can you say Pwned! TrevE is the man!
Tons of idiots. Ciq is made to learn how you do things, so they can make it better. Yet, you complain about things your phone can't do. How the **** are they supposed to know what you want if you don't tell them? Oh yeah HTC is supposed to troll the forums and sees that one person doesnt like sense and remove it bc one person doesn't like it. Or they could use ciq, see that 50% of people who have sense, use a different launcher and then rethink their approach. You guys are pathetic.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
bloodrain954 said:
Tons of idiots. Ciq is made to learn how you do things, so they can make it better. Yet, you complain about things your phone can't do. How the **** are they supposed to know what you want if you don't tell them? Oh yeah HTC is supposed to troll the forums and sees that one person doesnt like sense and remove it bc one person doesn't like it. Or they could use ciq, see that 50% of people who have sense, use a different launcher and then rethink their approach. You guys are pathetic.
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How are we pathetic..... Ciq is the one that is pathetic. They had the chance to explain what CIQ does but instead they try to silence TrevE. On top of that they install CIQ without even letting you know.
I understand that it's probably used to make phones and services better, but they should at least give you a disclaimer, an opt out option, and an explanation of what CIQ does and maybe then so many people wouldn't be angry at CIQ.
I think the *****ing and complaining is like he said...the fact they covered it up, tried to silence someone. Not that its probably bad software but bad business ethics. Agreed?
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bloodrain954 said:
Tons of idiots. Ciq is made to learn how you do things, so they can make it better. Yet, you complain about things your phone can't do. How the **** are they supposed to know what you want if you don't tell them? Oh yeah HTC is supposed to troll the forums and sees that one person doesnt like sense and remove it bc one person doesn't like it. Or they could use ciq, see that 50% of people who have sense, use a different launcher and then rethink their approach. You guys are pathetic.
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Oh please, its fine that you are ok with invasive measures that reduce your personal security, freedom, and privacy but criticizing other's opinions based on your lack of knowledge is crap. When your life is ruined because data isn't protected and you didn't authorize or get the choice in giving that info up I hope you remember your BS logic that the risk is fine and dandy because they were "trying" to gather data to improve things.
So naive, yeah they want to mine and transfer data to make your life better. Wrong, bottom line is the almighty dollar. They make millions doing what they do, they could give two ****s less about you and your experience
+1 so true
Information was still being withdrawn from my phone without my permission. Individual info should never be given out for free nor taken without consent.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
CIQ might have done the right thing collecting error logs on the phone to troubleshoot. But installing it on devices without user permission or any kind of disclosure of the software being install is just "unethical".
P.S. the reason why they are being sued was due to unethical practices.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
The fact that it was capable of reading texts, emails, URLs, passwords is what the problem is. We're just supposed to believe they aren't using it for that? Why the hell is it even possible to do so then?!
Cuss all you can be a tool. I'll go with the crowd that wants it gone.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Sad Panda said:
Oh please, its fine that you are ok with invasive measures that reduce your personal security, freedom, and privacy but criticizing other's opinions based on your lack of knowledge is crap. When your life is ruined because data isn't protected and you didn't authorize or get the choice in giving that info up I hope you remember your BS logic that the risk is fine and dandy because they were "trying" to gather data to improve things.
So naive, yeah they want to mine and transfer data to make your life better. Wrong, bottom line is the almighty dollar. They make millions doing what they do, they could give two ****s less about you and your experience
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LOL! When my life is ruined? They aren't stealing credit card and social security numbers, they are just reporting what apps and hardware is used during the day. Huge difference. Yeah, CIQ didn't do the right thing with the lawsuit, boo hoo life goes on.
You know people at your local bank track everything you do, have access to your credit cards and social security number. They can tell you where you've spent your money, what you bought, and all your personal information, yet nobody cries about that. But its a huge deal to report to Sprint that your playing angry birds at 1pm.
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bloodrain954 said:
You know people at your local bank track everything you do, have access to your credit cards and social security number. They can tell you where you've spent your money, what you bought, and all your personal information, yet nobody cries about that. But its a huge deal to report to Sprint that your playing angry birds at 1pm.
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That's because by choosing the bank you opt into that, and go in knowing that they can track your money. And for the record they don't know what you bought, just that you spent so much money here and so much money there. The cc from the bank gets an amount taken not an itemization of funds spent per transaction. CIQ was added without knowledge, why can't you grasp the differences?
Learn what it really does before you jump on the zomg my personal info is compromised!!1! Bandwagon.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
bloodrain954 said:
Learn what it really does before you jump on the zomg my personal info is compromised!!1! Bandwagon.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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First of all I never said anything about personal info. I don't like how it was forced onto us without control. Second, just because they say (AFTER they were found out about) that their software does do anything with personal data doesn't mean it's true. The US Gov said there were weapons of mass destruction and we should go to war, there wasn't and we were there for oil only. Don't believe something especially when the company has their back against the wall trying to fish their way out.
wardfan220 said:
The US Gov said there were weapons of mass destruction and we should go to war, there wasn't and we were there for oil only.
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Iraq war is a great analogy for Carrier IQ....

FBI says not to root to avoid malware. Should I be concerned?

Saw this article today on BGR about Android security.
I understand about using safe apps and will probably try and Anti-Virus software. I love using ROMs and the last part of the article caught my attention about rooting the phone.
Usually we root to install ROMs. Could there be malicious ROM makers who build ROM's that steal information? I know I am being paranoid but could some hacker build a ROM that secretly sent your information to a hidden server? Is there any way people can check if the ROM is safe?
I go on the threads to read about how fast it is, how little space it uses, the modifications, etc but I never read to check up on the safety of the ROM. I am not trying to accuse any ROM makers and I am grateful to the community for having the ability to change our phones. However this article got me thinking about it.
FBI says a lot of things.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
The 2 pieces of malware the FBI discovered are from phishing. One ad was for finding wealthy Asian males and the other for something else stupid.
Both require u to install an app on your phone as well. So, if your rooted u can install adaway and not worry about phishing ads in the first place. Second, if your dumb enough to click on ads u deserve a lil ass kicking.
A rom maker could feasibly do some pretty bad things. In fact back in the day, when mui was first getting some attention, there were people who wouldn't run it and were convinced the rom was malware, just because it was something new and it was chinese. That of course turned out to false. As long as you know and trust the dev, you should be okay. Especially here on xda, what with the recognized titles, or other sites where a dev has built up a following. I might be a little wary of someone with a low post count and no title posting a rom, but still, the chances of a dev going rogue, and building a rom just to get you to run some piece of malware are pretty slim.
The reason they warn against rooting is more along the lines of preventing malicious apps from getting superuser access, in order to do things they shouldn't.
BGR is an apple biased tech blog and says whatever to put android down. They're like NBC news if you're Republican or Fox News if you're Democrat. Seriously, ran by fan boys
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
fpineda101 said:
BGR is an apple biased tech blog and says whatever to put android down. They're like NBC news if you're Republican or Fox News if you're Democrat. Seriously, ran by fan boys
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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i think it is actually the other way around for FOX and NBC isnt it :silly:
bog3nator said:
i think it is actually the other way around for FOX and NBC isnt it :silly:
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I meant if you're Republican then you take what nbc says with a grain a salt and demo same thing with fox. I know man lol
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Using common sense when going to websites, viewing emails with links, or downloading and installing apps is the best way to stay safe..
All I need is for your phone to install apps from unknown sources and some clever java script. Doesn't matter if you're rooted or not
You don't need root to browse shady website, download warez and sideload them. I think Apple is paying the FBI.
Yeah I feel safer with Android, I know exactly what my phone is doing 98% of the time. Who knows what kind of 'skynet' stuff is going on behind the scenes at apple. There must be a reason that all of their equipment can only be used by their other equipment (no micro usb cable for instance)
metalfan78 said:
Yeah I feel safer with Android, I know exactly what my phone is doing 98% of the time. Who knows what kind of 'skynet' stuff is going on behind the scenes at apple. There must be a reason that all of their equipment can only be used by their other equipment (no micro usb cable for instance)
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Some guy in Germany or somewhere around there hijacked a bunch of iPhones using a built in remote feature for developers and charged everyone affected (I forgot how much) to release their phones. I believe they had to be jail broken but that still doesn't excuse allowing such a huge security flaw.
Yeah, I remember hearing about that awhile ago.
It's about like the never ending gun control issue. No matter how many people die from guns in "gun-free" zones, they still try to say that guns are dangerous and making a rule that only the good people will obey, and being forced to wait 45 minutes for a cop to show up, who often then shoots the wrong people when he does finally get there, somehow makes people safe from guns.
Being under your own control, and having everyone else under their own control, is always better than giving control over many to a few.
Most people are not bad, so even though it's true that some always are bad, and they will always be a problem, they are always the minority, and so as long as everyone has an equal footing, the bad guys can never win and they will always be a small problem, roughly equal to their percentage of the total population.
It's only when some relatively small group of power-holders convince everyone else to give up their equal footing, that the bad guys have a way to co-opt that unnatural imbalance and take advantage of it for themselves, allowing a few bad guys to harm everyone else.
Anyone who tries to remove fundamental control from you, either has an angle or is incompetent, no matter what good-sounding rationalizations they try to hide the truth in.
In other words, root is just, and the FBI trying to scare you away from root is unjust.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Well said, well said
Do you listen/believe everything our government tells us? Lol! (J/K)...Kind of...
The U.S government wouldn't lie to us....would they?
It's like anything, just be sure you know what you are downloading and stay away from shady stuff. If you download cracked apps odds are you're going to get malware, likewise you'll never see me using MIUI on any of my devices.
xHausx said:
It's like anything, just be sure you know what you are downloading and stay away from shady stuff. If you download cracked apps odds are you're going to get malware, likewise you'll never see me using MIUI on any of my devices.
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A rom built in a communist country that regulates all forms of communication and is now the official ROM for a company that has to follow the regulations, I really don't blame you
Get a free mobile antivirus, like McAfee
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
om4 said:
Some guy in Germany or somewhere around there hijacked a bunch of iPhones using a built in remote feature for developers and charged everyone affected (I forgot how much) to release their phones. I believe they had to be jail broken but that still doesn't excuse allowing such a huge security flaw.
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Sounds like what my neighbor went through but w/his pc. The rouge software directed him that the FBI wanted him to goto walgreens to buy some prepaid $ card/software if he wanted control of his pc again. Different platform, same concept I believe.
The U.S government wouldn't lie to us....would they?

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

The Librarian of Congress has announced some new rules that take effect on Oct 28th that I think should strike fear and disgust in the hearts and minds of everyone in the XDA community.
To put it simply, you will no longer legally be able to root or jailbreak your phone UNTIL your contract with the carrier is over.
I for one see a conspiracy by the carriers in this matter.
Here's the link to the Fox News article
And here's a link to the story on Android Police and their take on the matter:
Wow. So everybody buy their next phone by Jan 30. And also a tablets
Should not be considered a game console. And how would they catch you rooting it?
Sent from my MB870 using xda app-developers app
Just purchase your products outright, off contract.
That's what I did. Only limit I have is no 4g phones available through Verizon on prepaid.
Sent from my MB870 using xda premium
I'd be moderately alright with this if it also meant they couldn't legally lock phones either without contract or after the contract expires.
They can go straight to hell. I will do what the hell ever i want to with MY device that I PURCHASED. a bunch of *****es....glad my upgrade is the first of January...but probably won't use it....unbranded device here I come.
Droid X2 CM10 A2
I dont get why its not as simple as "If you root your phone and mess it up, dont come to us for help. Thats your fault." Whats so hard about that? Instead they are making it so you cant do what you want with your device. Luckily, I have an HP TouchPad thats fully open and rooted by default. Its not even an official Android device. I dont think it even counts. lol. My Droid X2 is already rooted and I bought it a year ago so I guess it doesn't fall under that category. And whatever phone I get next will be a phone that is unlockable by the manufacture. I'll do my research this time. Most manufacturers are doing that anyway. HTC unlocks their devices. Motorola is starting to. Obviously Google does. So I dont know how this even affects me yet.
jsgraphicart said:
I dont get why its not as simple as "If you root your phone and mess it up, dont come to us for help. Thats your fault." Whats so hard about that? Instead they are making it so you cant do what you want with your device. Luckily, I have an HP TouchPad thats fully open and rooted by default. Its not even an official Android device. I dont think it even counts. lol. My Droid X2 is already rooted and I bought it a year ago so I guess it doesn't fall under that category. And whatever phone I get next will be a phone that is unlockable by the manufacture. I'll do my research this time. Most manufacturers are doing that anyway. HTC unlocks their devices. Motorola is starting to. Obviously Google does. So I dont know how this even affects me yet.
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I see this as an attack by the carriers against the openness of Android. The part about tablets concerns me as well. I have an Acer A200, wifi only. It's rooted, running CM10 and a custom kernel. The language doesn't discriminate by wifi only vs 3G/4G enabled tablets.
Google should have gone to bat for all devices. I see no difference in a phone or tablet running Android OS. (cr)Apple products are a whole different kettle of fish. But for Android products, there should be no distinction as to rooting or running custom roms/kernels. But somehow, the Librarian of Congress has meddled without a good technical background just as the jury in the Apple/Samsung trial did.

Why is verizon so determined to block root?

I havent even gotten the phone yet, it's in the mail. Thankfully i came in here to read and now i know to block ota if i want any hope of getting root.
But it leaves me wondering why do they hate rooting so much? Wireless tether is legal on Verizon and most anything else i can think of would hurt google and app devs before verizon...
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it's not just verizon. the sprint s4 has the same going on. at least according to someone i know that has one. it supposedly has something to do with the knox crap and possibly the lojack stuff they're trying to add to the phones.
i haven't bothered to confirm any of this. just got it from a bit of skimming. work's picking up a bit so i haven't been able to read as much.
It is all about security. Rooted phones do not work well with secure environments. I mean if you really think about it. With the right set up any app can be given root permissions without the user even knowing.
Wayne Tech Nexus
It also voids warranty. If I were selling a product and the consumer rendered the device useless through mods and what have you, I wouldnt want to warranty it either. One of many reasons.
SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
I can totally understand it---there could be a lot of headaches for the carrier. That said, I wish Verizon would not block it so much as give the user a Verizon-approved way to root with copious warnings about all the terrible things that can happen. It seems to me that would be sufficient.
Macknzie said:
I can totally understand it---there could be a lot of headaches for the carrier. That said, I wish Verizon would not block it so much as give the user a Verizon-approved way to root with copious warnings about all the terrible things that can happen. It seems to me that would be sufficient.
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Yeah but that brings its own worries. They did give at least an option. The Dev Edition.
zelendel said:
Yeah but that brings its own worries. They did give at least an option. The Dev Edition.
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Very true, and it's pretty clear from the name that you're getting something different.
It also presents a problem with technical support. A standardized system is far easier to troubleshoot than one wroth dozens of unknown variables.
Also, the OP is only partially correct regarding wireless tether. While Verizon cannot block users from using third party tether apps, they also have the FCC's explicit blessing to require a separate tethering fee for unlimited plan holders
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
HTC lets you unlock the bootloader via a code on their website specific for the individual phone's serial number. One clicks to waive the warranty to get the unlock code, and anyone can boot the phone into bootloader mode to see "unlocked" or "tampered" displayed. That means no warranty.
Verizon was OK with it for HTC phones.
Its all about the money they lose so much money as a company.. even though they make billions monthly they still are all about making the consumers pay more
For the s4 its all about security. Samsung is trying to get into the corporate phone market. They released this new locked down bootloader to make companies feel all warm and fuzy. My company allows me to access my work email on my phone but to do so I have to have the phone encrypted with no root.
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onfigTr which
Verizon Blocks Users from Root
Yeah, I'm having that issue myself. I have rooted my previous devices but just purchased a Motorola Turbo from VZW which is LOADED with bloatware that won't go away. So, I thought I'd go the "decent" route and see if they may be nice in return and help me unlock my phone. Holy cow, you'd think I was trying to hack Fort Knox or the Fed! The Mod at the Verizon Community Website summarily deleted my question regarding this. Well, admittedly, I probably was stupid for doing that but, again, I thought I would be "nice" about it but they decided to get nasty and tried scaring me by tell me I was "in violation of FCC regulations and my terms of service" if I even attempted to root my device and he was going to "open an investigation into my "hacking" activities." Wow, talk about a Mod with delusions of god-hood! Okay, illegal to root MY phone, which I PAID for. So, I called VZW CS (I hate talking) and explained my issue and got a complete dolt (as expected) who didn't have a clue even what the Verizon Community Website was...fact is, my only desire is to remove the damn bloat-ware, ads, etc. and increase the battery life. This phone has such potential and they lock it down to such extremes, it's really disappointing. Finally, I got fed up and asked for her supervisor, who was not much better. Supposedly, she is escalating this to Tier 3 Support. Permission to have root access to MY own phone. I was a sys admin for 25+ years and never had to ask permission for root access for my computers...
qballrail said:
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Buy a Nexus 6p or 5x.
A little late for that.
I thought the new Droid Turbo just got root and bootloader unlock... I think it was RootJunky or DroidModderX who just put up a video on that...
That said, like smitchell said, it's Samsung trying to capture the corporate market from Blackberry, and Verizon wanting money from users, combining to screw over people like us who want to flash custom software.
qballrail said:
A little late for that.
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No. They're still being sold.
mike.s said:
No. They're still being sold.
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You misunderstand, Friend. I meant that I had purchased my Motorola Turbo too recently, so the prospect for purchasing another would be impossible at this time.
---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 PM ----------
XxD34THxX said:
I thought the new Droid Turbo just got root and bootloader unlock... I think it was RootJunky or DroidModderX who just put up a video on that...
That said, like smitchell said, it's Samsung trying to capture the corporate market from Blackberry, and Verizon wanting money from users, combining to screw over people like us who want to flash custom software.
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From what I've read, Verizon has made it impossible to do, unless you want to pay $20 for mofo, and that's no guarantee. Where is this video?
Verizon is evil. I have a Galaxy Note Pro from them that I can't even put linux on due to the locked bootloader and kernel without chroot. It's a sad state of affairs. The government should have laws for giving consumers rights to use their devices as they wish
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
qballrail said:
You misunderstand, Friend. I meant that I had purchased my Motorola Turbo too recently, so the prospect for purchasing another would be impossible at this time.
---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 PM ----------
From what I've read, Verizon has made it impossible to do, unless you want to pay $20 for mofo, and that's no guarantee. Where is this video?
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