Help! Can't stop sound playing. - Motorola Droid X2

I flashed the latest iteration of Eclipse, being sure to do a wipe data first. After reinstalling my apps, I rebooted, and the damned phone started playing this ringtone that I don't even use, and it won't stop!! I don't know what app or service is causing it, I've gone in and killed all the likely apps including DSP manager, and it still plays. Even after several reboots. It's driving me nuts! Help!

If this happened to me id simply load something like tasker, (id use the widget from golauncher) and kill everything, then watch what starts up and starts the ringtone
from my X2 roaming the north

Okay, I found the perp. It was Volume Locker, an app I use because I tend to hit the volume buttons a lot without noticing. In this case whenever it started up at boot it would start playing that notification tone -- god knows how it picked that one, because it was so awful I'd never pick it myself -- and simply NOT stop. I killed the process and uninstalled the app, and now the phone is blessedly quiet once again. I still need something to lock in the volume, though ...

try to use advance task manager if the program hangs
works good for me


[Q] Lite'ning No Screen Time-Out?

I've just flashed the Lite'ning Rom v1.5 and all is fine apart from the screen time-out...
The screen doesn't automatically go into time-out/suspend/lock unless I press the power button . I've checked the setting and tried setting it to 15sec, 30sec etc, but it doesnt seem to be working?
Had anyone else come across this? Anyone got any ideas?
Do you have Titanium Backup installed? I had this when Titanium had been running.
Reboot of the phone sorts it out, but it would happen again after the next scheduled Titanium Backup.
I am using often titanium and never had this issue.
Another possibility, have you plug headphones? Try remove them.
Same issue, no clue whats causing it. It doesnt happen all the time either, it is intermittent.
Me too... usually - it happens not really often - this is when I am arriving at my office after listening andro radio, I cut data connection and I am listening mp3 instead because data is not reachable inside the building. In that situation, I need to unplug my headphones and things go alright for the rest of day
Litening ROM is launching music play when headphones are plugged.
Mmmm...well for the past couple of days the screen time-out seems to be working?! I've not changed a thing!....don't think its anyting to do with headphones as I've not been listening to music or radio.
Did find another glitch the other evening when I woke to find my phone (which had been left on charge) very warm and not charging?? Quick reboot sorted it but another gremlin none the less!

[Q] Stop asking for a command and play my music!

Been using a Droid RAZR MAXX for a few months now and haven't had a problem until recently.
I listen to music a lot while riding bike to and from work. I find it necessary as it helps with my cadence and focus. Recently though, it started interrupting my music and asking for a command... I've gotten to the point, I will stop, cancel the damn voice command prompt and continue once my music starts playing again. Once I get in a nice rhythm, it happens again...
This has pissed me off so freakin' much, I actually removed the button on my headphones, however it has not helped...
I do not have another pair of headphones I can test yet. Depending on the type of responses I get, I may get a pair without a freakin' button on it...
Is there any way I can kill this damn voice command crap from interrupting my music?! I'm not gonna freakin' use it anyway.
On a rooted stock VZW MAXX.
Try: Use titanium backup to FREEZE voice commands.
@psychot3ch, are you sure the problem is in your headphones?
My razr came with an annoying thing like you describe, and when I look after it, I found out that touching home buttom twice trigger voice actions too.
Go to Menu > Settings > Applications, and there you'll see how to change this configuration.
If the problem persists, @Nikorasu solution is the best thing you can do about it, I guess.
I'm pretty sure it's my headphones as when this happens, my phone is in my pants pocket and I've not touched any buttons. I've even taken it out of my pocket, and wiggled the plug a lil and have been able to reproduce the problem.
I've already disabled the double home button press, but it still persists. One of the first things I did.
I'll try the Titanium freeze. Thanks for the idea.

losing system sound after the latest Tmo update

I got this problem after applying the Tmo update. The system sound (the water ripple sound on lock screen, sound when restart/reboot) randomly goes muted. There is a slash across the system icon in settings/volume. There is no way I can turn that on again unless I restart the phone (set all the way up doesnt help since there is a slash indicating that it's muted). And this happened to me 3 times now. After restarting, the slash disappears and the system volume goes to Zero. Pretty sure the update causes this since I didnt have this problem before the update. anyone has the same issue?
P/S: all other sounds work fine, just the system sound messes up and now it works again...randomly.. gosh what happened to my phone (
Im suspecting the app "hide it pro" causes some kinda conflict since it also has the function as audio manager... not really sure...

[Q] Sound disappears! No idea when someone rings me!

A rather annoying issue has started to plague my Z2 and I was wondering if anyone else has come across it?
For the past two or so weeks it I've been having a number of missed calls (important one as well), this is despite the fact the phone as been three foot away from me. I've not heard it ring. Which is defeat the whole point of the thing.
I've now found out that occasionally it seems to want to stop making any sound. No notifications, ringtones etc. During one of it's tantrums I tried to play a MP3 via Doubletwist and it simply skipped through all of the album in record time without a single sound being played.
The only way to rectify this PIA issue is to reboot the phone.
I've also noticed that the vibrate is also occassionaly turned off, which is equally annoying.
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
My phone is on 402 and rooted.
Thanks for any advice.
Do you have any apps installed like "sd card fix" or something like that? An app that should bring back the Feature to write on sd card with other then system app? For me these apps are making similiar problems. After deinstalled, everything working as it should be.
Thank you for your reply!
I've gone through and checked, and I don't have anything like that on my phone.
My old Galaxy S3 used to play up at times by refusing to receive calls and I found out it was down to my ringtone which seemed to be 'corrupt'. A reboot and it was back up and running.
This though is odd, as I don't have ANY sound. It's as if the sound part of the phone has given up the ghost!!!
I'm not even sure what makes it happen, which is REALLY annoying. At least then I could rectify it. It just happens.

Ringtone stops and starts again with incoming call

I already have this problem for a while.
It already began when I was still on Android 8.
The major problem is with a car it since it connects and then disconnects from the buetooth carkit when the ringtone is interrupted, when the ringing starts again it does not reconnect.
I can always try a full reset of the phone but not in the first weeks.
And even when I reset it, it can reappear, I'd like to know the cause.
I already uninstalled call recorders but this does not help. I started uninstalling apps I can live without but still no solution.
Did this happen to anybody else and what is the solution?
Well I did a hard reset and the problem showed up again when I installed volume manager from Bytehamster. Uinstallng Volume manager did not help
So I mailed bytehamster and he replied
"Such behavior can not be caused by my app. The app is only active while you use it and the only thing it ever does is setting volume (just like the hardware volume buttons do). The app does not cause permanent changes to the system. The fact that the problem does not even go away if you uninstall the app shows that the app is not causing the issue. There must be a coincidence and something other was changed.
I tried again and once again it was Volume manager causing the problem.
I also restored a backup with Volume manager installed and than I did not have the problem but my calendar could not synch.
So after all I looked for an alternative for volume manager (because I was not sure if Volume manager was the cause).
This seemed to solve the problem so I reinstalled all my apps and everythng worked fine.
In the end after installing a new app the problem arose again, uninstallng this app did not solve the problem.
Now I restarted in safe mode and the problem is gone.
So if I'm correct the problem is caused by one of the apps installed after the hard reset because the problem was not there in safe mode
So I think I have to find he app(s) causing this problem.
I know I can do this by installig one by one and try to make a call after every installation.
But this will be very time consuming, is there no way to find this out from the log (adb logcat), can you see in this log which app interrupts the call?
Any other way to find the cause is welcome.
Please correct me if my reasoning is faulty

