[Q] Battery/Phone problems. - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

Alright heres one for the experts. Plugged my phone in last night before i went to bed. Woke up and unplugged it. Phone said it was still charging. My thoughts of course were simply "awesome -_-". So proceeded to turn the phone off. Even when the phone was off, it still claimed it was charging. The cable wasn't even plugged in. So I pulled the battery and put it back in, giving me the same result. So I plugged the charger back in and unplugged it and that temporary fixed the problem. I unplugged it and then would keep hearing beeping notifications claiming i was plugging my charger in and unplugging it. Now naturally im thinking its a hardware issue and thinking it may be best to take my phone to an AT&T problem and work towards a warranty replacement. I just dont know how that works so ill have to read about it. I dont want to have to go a few days without a phone is the only thing.
If it helps im on unnamed 1.3.1 using entropys latest kernel with the blue monkey theme.
Also if anyone would like to chime in on a warranty replacement process please feel free.
Thanks in advanced XDA members.
EDIT: My phone was reading 88% and now its going up. Is currently at 91% and not plugged in.

FREAKING awesome! Perpetual energy phone.
Lol, ok, not. Does indeed sound like a usb port gone bad. Seems complaints like these are popping up more often. Must have been a few bad batches. I'd say take it back to stock and return it. Not worth worrying about total failure.
Though I'd recommend taking it to a place farther away from where you first got it, less chance of getting one from the same batch. Or ask if they have gotten a new shipment of sgsii's in.
Sent from my páhhōniē

Lol that literally made me laugh. But thanks for the reply. Planning on returning to stock and taking it back. Should i go to one of AT&T's device support centers or just go to an AT&T retailer?
EDIT: flash counter is at 1 but no "!" ...guess ill have to wait my jig to reset it to 0 before i try and do a warranty exchange?

Any place will work fine, corporate or not, as long as they have sgsii in stock. Worth calling before hand to make sure.
Nobody has yet reported being denied warranty from the flash counter being tripped. But I say better safe than sorry. Just make sure to follow the directions exactly. Some have reported their phones being really jacked up after using it. By far the minority, but nonetheless.
Sent from my páhhōniē

Update : went too a dscand they saw the same problem
. They restored my phone to what it was out of the box. The problem is currently not happening. We shall see what happens when I get home and attempt to root the phone.
Update II : got 5 minutes away from the at&t store turned the phone off, would not turn back on, went back to the At&t store and they said it was a hardware issue and they gave me a replacement

Thanks for the update. Talk about happy the phone didn't die through the night. That would have been super frustrating.
Sent from my páhhōniē


FFC modded Vibrant warranty exchange?

I currently have a FFC modded vibrant and its acting up. I know this is an issue with some phones where it thinks the usb cable is plugged in when its not.
This just started happening yesterday after getting the phone on the day it was released. I have Odined back to stock, changed usb settings and multiple reboots the problem still exists in addition it needs to be plugged in to boot up. I got on the phone with TM and they thought it would be a good idea to replace it. So the rep proceeded to give me all the terms and asked me to give her the IME number and so forth. I then turned the phone back on and now its working fine. The replacement phone is on its way already. When she was reading me the terms she specified if the phone is damaged in anyway I will be charged $400+ for it and by doing this I have waived them replacing it for the insurance deductible.
Has anybody successfully covered that hole up so its not noticeable? And what steps were taken?
Should i just take a chance with my current phone and keep it although the problem might come back?
EDIT: It just started happening again after plugging it in with the official cable which feels kinda loose, I used a BlackBerry one which feels nice and tight right before and it was fine.
If it acts fine send them the new one back call them and tell them you figured it out you might not be able to replace it if it acts up again though cause you will be passing this replacement up
Still flashing , thanks to odin & tw
You opened the phone, which voided the warranty. I can't see any way of you easily covering the hole in a way that they won't notice it. You're likely going to be coughing up the $400.

[Q] vibrant randomly turns itself off

Its been doing this for a while. I'll go to check it and it's off, but the battery hasn't died. Last night it did this so my alarm didn't go off for work this am. Everything is stock on my phone. N
stock everything so please don't ask what rom/kernal/whatever ..
Any suggestions? I can't be late to work again because this phone is for ****
If you are absolutely sure that your phone is completely stock, then the problem is probably your battery. Does this only happen when the phone is not plugged in?
It does it when its on the charger too. Like I woke up this morning and found it off but it was on the charger when i found it like that. i havent flashed anything or changed any roms or kernals which is why I say its stock. otherwise people ask me what rom im using or whatever.
It could possibly be a lose battery. Generally people will notice it when there is movement to the phone i.e. shaking it or dropping it. If the phone is completely still when it randomly shuts off chance are that a lose battery is not your issue. Still its worth looking into. Most people fix a lose battery with a small piece of cardboard wedged between the battery and case.
Good luck!
Probably not a loose battery. I just had it charging for the past hour and went to check it to find it turned off. Any suggestions as to why it happens when its just sitting there charging?
My phone did the same thing, and with my wife having the same phone I was easily able to rule out battery. Since your complety stock it sounds like a problem with the phone. If your with Tmobile give them a call and see if they will replace it, they did for me.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
My phone is already a year old tho. i think my warrenty is gone,
(At least in my case) the warranty didn't matter. I had a 100% bricked vibrant and I told them that "it just happened" and no one was the wiser. I got a replacement and all I had to pay for was shipping. So my advice, tell the T-Mobile rep: my phone is broken through no fault of my own and I want a replacement.
Edit: that stuff happened like a year ago so I don't know if that policy still applies. Hope this helps though.
I did download Load Monitor and made the settings a certain way. so far it hasnt shut off. We will see if I am late to work again tomorrow.
even some stock Samsung roms (like kb5 and ka5) lately have had the same turning off problem for me as well. i think it has to do with some of the older vibrant's when the hardware (battery) becomes charged or is depleting slowly, triggers a software issue like a discharge error forcing an emergency shut-down to prevent damage. the only thing i can recommend it to take the advice of previous posters and get a replacement or upgrade if you are nearing the end of your contract.
just a few things to consider.
Have you tried, I know this sounds odd, a drastic ROM change? Not just switching between Froyo ROMs, but moving to a Gingerbread ROM like MIUI? Could help isolate the problem if it keeps happening under a different OS.
my problem is gone now that i use custom roms. the same could help you thread starter.
Edit. i know you refer to developers as op's but do you do the same to a thread starter?
Pretty sure OP stands for "Original Poster", as in the person who started the thread. Developers start a lot of threads which is probably why you thought it referred only to developers.
Since installing Load Manager my phone hasnt shut off by itself. Seems to have fixed the problem!

Rebooting, Overheating, and Problems (oh my!)

Morning, gentlemen.
I'd like to give you a break down of the 44~ hours I've had this phone as of right now and the troubles I've had with it. I'll preface this post with the fact that I work a corporate IT job and even as I may believe everything posted to be correct, please correct me if I state anything incorrectly. Thanks
I received the HTC Rezound around 3PM EST on Friday. Out of the box, I was unable to active the phone. I was coming from a 3G Droid X via an alternate line upgrade, and I had played with the Droid Bionic and had some issues activating there. I'll chalk up activating issues to needing to activate the 4G SIM card over the phone because of it being a corporate account. After 25 minutes on the phone with our Verizon representative, we were successful in activating the phone. Immediately afterwords, the phone rebooted. I believe that it did because of the PRI programming, but I'm also not terribly familiar with the back-end of the 4G activation.
At 3:30 PM EST it was at 35% out of the box after activation. I figured that I'd let it drain entirely to zero out the battery and charge it to 100% later on that night. After getting home and around 7:30 PM, the phone battery gave up and shut down. I plugged in the phone (HTC charger, HTC cable, surge protected outlet) and at 9:00 stood in front of the phone watching it go from off, to the HTC white boot screen, to the unlock screen where it would be completely frozen, and approx. 30 seconds later, would loop that process again and again until I pulled the battery. I go to pick up the phone and it's very hot. Not uncomfortable just yet, but hotter than any phone since the droid 1 had gotten in my hand. Pulled the battery, let it cool down, and booted to the HTC recovery (power + vol. Down) and wiped the phone. After booting, the battery was only at 14%. Strange since it had been on the charger, but I supposed bootlooping might hinder the ability to charge. After verifying that it was not bootlooping any further and using my old fascinate charger (same voltage, same microUSB connector), I went to bed.
Saturday morning 8AM, the phone was bootlooping again. Pulled the battery, let it boot up afterwords after and it was at 100% battery. Strange. Fast forward to 5PM: Phone has rebooted twice throughout the day maybe around noon and 2PM, but no looping. Battery was at 50%, and at 5:15 PM it begins to bootloop again. Pull battery, turn it back on, battery is at 9%. I plug it into the HTC charger using the HTC cable again to a grounded power strip. Plug it in at 5:30 PM and walk away.
At 7PM, I go to pick up the phone and it's bootlooping again and it is so hot it's literally uncomfortable to hold for more than literally a couple seconds. Immediately unplug it from the cable and pull the battery, also very uncomfortable to hold. I decide that the HTC charger is having many problems, and put it away so I don't use it by accident. I've uploaded a video on my Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1661452940302) so that you can see what the screen was doing after it heated up that much. I didn't have any other problems with the phone after one FINAL reboot for last night.
This morning, I placed it on the charger: Same deal of massive overheating and the screen doubling. EDIT: I've also noticed that for the most part, it overheats if it charges past 50%
Simply put: This is a beautiful phone, a wonderful speakerphone, great at texting. But seriously: I haven't seen anything else like ANY of this online anywhere yet. Anyone else seeing issues like these?
Dan Manners
Try pulling the battery and putting it back. Do not power up. Connect to charger and let it full charge. Disconnect charger and boot it
If it is super hot during any of that take it back.
DanManners said:
Morning, gentlemen.
I'd like to give you a break down of the 44~ hours I've had this phone as of right now and the troubles I've had with it. I'll preface this post with the fact that I work a corporate IT job and even as I may believe everything posted to be correct, please correct me if I state anything incorrectly. Thanks
I received the HTC Rezound around 3PM EST on Friday. Out of the box, I was unable to active the phone. I was coming from a 3G Droid X via an alternate line upgrade, and I had played with the Droid Bionic and had some issues activating there. I'll chalk up activating issues to needing to activate the 4G SIM card over the phone because of it being a corporate account. After 25 minutes on the phone with our Verizon representative, we were successful in activating the phone. Immediately afterwords, the phone rebooted. I believe that it did because of the PRI programming, but I'm also not terribly familiar with the back-end of the 4G activation.
At 3:30 PM EST it was at 35% out of the box after activation. I figured that I'd let it drain entirely to zero out the battery and charge it to 100% later on that night. After getting home and around 7:30 PM, the phone battery gave up and shut down. I plugged in the phone (HTC charger, HTC cable, surge protected outlet) and at 9:00 stood in front of the phone watching it go from off, to the HTC white boot screen, to the unlock screen where it would be completely frozen, and approx. 30 seconds later, would loop that process again and again until I pulled the battery. I go to pick up the phone and it's very hot. Not uncomfortable just yet, but hotter than any phone since the droid 1 had gotten in my hand. Pulled the battery, let it cool down, and booted to the HTC recovery (power + vol. Down) and wiped the phone. After booting, the battery was only at 14%. Strange since it had been on the charger, but I supposed bootlooping might hinder the ability to charge. After verifying that it was not bootlooping any further and using my old fascinate charger (same voltage, same microUSB connector), I went to bed.
Saturday morning 8AM, the phone was bootlooping again. Pulled the battery, let it boot up afterwords after and it was at 100% battery. Strange. Fast forward to 5PM: Phone has rebooted twice throughout the day maybe around noon and 2PM, but no looping. Battery was at 50%, and at 5:15 PM it begins to bootloop again. Pull battery, turn it back on, battery is at 9%. I plug it into the HTC charger using the HTC cable again to a grounded power strip. Plug it in at 5:30 PM and walk away.
At 7PM, I go to pick up the phone and it's bootlooping again and it is so hot it's literally uncomfortable to hold for more than literally a couple seconds. Immediately unplug it from the cable and pull the battery, also very uncomfortable to hold. I decide that the HTC charger is having many problems, and put it away so I don't use it by accident. I've uploaded a video on my Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1661452940302) so that you can see what the screen was doing after it heated up that much. I didn't have any other problems with the phone after one FINAL reboot for last night.
This morning, I placed it on the charger: Same deal of massive overheating and the screen doubling. EDIT: I've also noticed that for the most part, it overheats if it charges past 50%
Simply put: This is a beautiful phone, a wonderful speakerphone, great at texting. But seriously: I haven't seen anything else like ANY of this online anywhere yet. Anyone else seeing issues like these?
Dan Manners
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I watched that video. I have NEVER seen anything like that and I have seen some weird stuff on my phone trying some weird modifications. (I have gotten massive screen tear and other stuff but that is due to the things I have done).
I would suggest returning the phone and getting a new one. I imagine that one is a lemon. You could try restoring the phone via the RUU in the shipped rom thread in the developement section but I think you should just return that one.
Unless you have messed with it aside from what you have told us (I doubt it though) I would return that one.
Return it.
My first Incredible did this, and my current incredible is doing this. Something in your phone is causing a thermal overload, which triggers a reboot, which gets only so far in the reboot until the thermal protection loads, it notices it is hot, and triggers a reboot [repeat].
In my case, the hardware radio (on both Dincs) was damaged/defective/finally gave way. 10 seconds on the internet will do this to me.
Return it. Do not diagnose it. Do not follow other peoples recommendations for testing. Return it. You must get rid of a phone like this.
Of course, this is one of my huge fears because I am leaving my Dinc for this phone; and now I am seeing that lemons are in this batch as well.
jdmba said:
Return it.
My first Incredible did this, and my current incredible is doing this. Something in your phone is causing a thermal overload, which triggers a reboot, which gets only so far in the reboot until the thermal protection loads, it notices it is hot, and triggers a reboot [repeat].
In my case, the hardware radio (on both Dincs) was damaged/defective/finally gave way. 10 seconds on the internet will do this to me.
Return it. Do not diagnose it. Do not follow other peoples recommendations for testing. Return it. You must get rid of a phone like this.
Of course, this is one of my huge fears because I am leaving my Dinc for this phone; and now I am seeing that lemons are in this batch as well.
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Definitely what I'm planning on doing. Debating on whether I want to hold of until tomorrow so I can show my boss though. I usually mess with my droid phones (Alternate roms, overclocking, undervolting, etc) and he always gets annoyed. For once, STRAIGHT OUT OF THE BOX it's acting like this. I suppose it's Karma
DanManners said:
Definitely what I'm planning on doing. Debating on whether I want to hold of until tomorrow so I can show my boss though. I usually mess with my droid phones (Alternate roms, overclocking, undervolting, etc) and he always gets annoyed. For once, STRAIGHT OUT OF THE BOX it's acting like this. I suppose it's Karma
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Just show him that video haha. That convinced me immediately. If it is really getting that hot there is a real problem and I would be getting it out of my hands ASAP.
you either just got a faulty phone or a faulty battery. as the others are saying, return/exchange it.
I personally got a dead pixel and the touch screen is a tad off(I'll click on a link and it'll think I clicked on the link right above(or below).... not all the time though.
right now I'm just sitting in front of Verizon waiting for them to open.
Mine gets fairly warm, especially when working while being plugged.
My first phone had a problem with the bezel coming apart, but it also ran warmer then the second one I have, it was always warm in my pocket, the new one isn't.
If you guys use LTE OnOff you can turn off the antenna you don't need/use be it CDMA or LTE. It will run cooler and battery life will last longer.
AtLemacks said:
If you guys use LTE OnOff you can turn off the antenna you don't need/use be it CDMA or LTE. It will run cooler and battery life will last longer.
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I always leave it off, LTE really is overrated. A wonderful nicety, but I don't NEED it.
With total and complete respect for the immediately preceding couple of posters, I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH ... do not use tricks to cool your phone down.
You do not want to wind up on the other side of the 14 days with a phone which otherwise overheats from general use. DO NOT FOLLOW ADVICE SUCH AS TURNING OFF LTE.
Sure, if you have a working phone, and you think that will help your battery, then go for it. If you have thermal issues do NOT use bandaids.
(This has been a public service announcement).
LOL. I'm watching this very closely.
If the device isn't currently overheating turning LTE off isn't going to hurt it, lmao. They wouldn't bake in a feature that is going to make your phone melt down. Now, if you have problems CURRENTLY then you should warranty replace it. But 14 days doesn't have anything to do with it, you can call and warranty your phone anytime in the first year, 2 if you have the extended warranty. So it is NOT bad advice to turn it off if it is of no use to you. Don't scare people into killing their batteries just because they don't currently have an issue.
To the OP: I am currently on my SECOND DEFECTIVE Brand new Rezound.
The first one gave up on having any sort of vibrate function whatsoever (yes, the battery was pulled, factory reset, blah blah). Haptic feedback, softkey vibration, and all vibrations in general were completely dead. I took it back and got a brand new one since it's only 6 DAYS old. It only started having this problem this morning.
Got the new one at about 11AM today, and it starting having the power cycling issue that you're having about an hour ago. The phone is literally 7 HOURS old and wont stay on for more than 30 seconds before it reboots itself. I am VERY disappointed. Now I have to find the time to go in yet AGAIN to Verizon. I was on the phone with the tech and tried battery pulling it and factory data resetting it to no avail. It wouldn't even Factory Data Reset from HBOOT!
voxigenboy said:
you either just got a faulty phone or a faulty battery. as the others are saying, return/exchange it.
I personally got a dead pixel and the touch screen is a tad off(I'll click on a link and it'll think I clicked on the link right above(or below).... not all the time though.
right now I'm just sitting in front of Verizon waiting for them to open.
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Why don't you go in and calibrate the keyboard if it's off?
I think you should have added a "None of the above" as a selection for your poll. would have a lot more than 2 people.
My first phone and my second phone are set up the same, both factory reset both with LTE on and the second one makes little to no heat when idle, the first was warm all the time.
zeroxg4 said:
To the OP: I am currently on my SECOND DEFECTIVE Brand new Rezound.
The first one gave up on having any sort of vibrate function whatsoever (yes, the battery was pulled, factory reset, blah blah). Haptic feedback, softkey vibration, and all vibrations in general were completely dead. I took it back and got a brand new one since it's only 6 DAYS old. It only started having this problem this morning.
Got the new one at about 11AM today, and it starting having the power cycling issue that you're having about an hour ago. The phone is literally 7 HOURS old and wont stay on for more than 30 seconds before it reboots itself. I am VERY disappointed. Now I have to find the time to go in yet AGAIN to Verizon. I was on the phone with the tech and tried battery pulling it and factory data resetting it to no avail. It wouldn't even Factory Data Reset from HBOOT!
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I tried to go to Verizon today, but they refused to do anything since it's a corporate account and 48 hours old. I'm really up in the air about whether I'm going to stick with the Rezound or go back to the Droid X.
DanManners said:
I tried to go to Verizon today, but they refused to do anything since it's a corporate account and 48 hours old. I'm really up in the air about whether I'm going to stick with the Rezound or go back to the Droid X.
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Wow, that's ridiculous. They had no issues whatsoever replacing mine (and the one I'm replacing tomorrow) because it's within the first 14 days of purchase. I guess it works differently for corporate accounts.
Honestly, though.. I can't imagine them saying anything other than "Sorry, we'll give you a new one". How can you be sold a product that is OBVIOUSLY defective (and certainly NOT cheap) and be told that there's nothing that can be done? It just doesn't make any sense to me.
I'm actually pretty upset that I keep having to go get replacements, even though they're new. I've been looking forward to getting this phone for a while and actually would like it to work correctly. It's just disappointing to see that 2/2 have been defective so far. Hopefully it ends there.
zeroxg4 said:
Wow, that's ridiculous. They had no issues whatsoever replacing mine (and the one I'm replacing tomorrow) because it's within the first 14 days of purchase. I guess it works differently for corporate accounts.
Honestly, though.. I can't imagine them saying anything other than "Sorry, we'll give you a new one". How can you be sold a product that is OBVIOUSLY defective (and certainly NOT cheap) and be told that there's nothing that can be done? It just doesn't make any sense to me.
I'm actually pretty upset that I keep having to go get replacements, even though they're new. I've been looking forward to getting this phone for a while and actually would like it to work correctly. It's just disappointing to see that 2/2 have been defective so far. Hopefully it ends there.
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Corporate allocation and stock is different than the consumer market.

[Q] [ help needed ] Galaxy s 2 wont power on

OK so my friend dropped her sgs 2 today. Now the screen won't work
It won't power on and can't access download and recovery modes. Would a USB jig help at all or is she a paperwieght?
Didn't think that it might be because the screen is dead?
Sent from my GT-P7510
thteddieboii said:
OK so my friend dropped her sgs 2 today. Now the screen won't work
It won't power on and can't access download and recovery modes. Would a USB jig help at all or is she a paperwieght?
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if the screen is not working, it can be replaced.. jig would not help if the problem is with the screen..still the phone is under warranty?
Swyped from: GT-I9100
Sent using: XDA Premium App
Thanks guys
Thinking it might be the screen cause it does warm up when it charges..
Guess its not the screen! Doesnt make any sounds whatsoever.. just heats up during charging thats it.. can i save this phone or is she dead? picking it up today or tommorow to see if i can fix it.
cheers for helping guys xD.
Same issue from a lend out phone at JB Hifi
Having the same issue only the phone is a spare lend out phone from JB Hifi while my SGS2 i9100T, which I purchased about a week ago brand new, is in for a screen assessment (bad blue tint) just so I can get a refund. I powered up the lend out phone no problems, worked for a while then stopped working, won't power up or anything. Download, recovery, usb jig, battery out 5 mins, battery charged seperately in charger, phone is dead.
Shame on you JB Hifi Canberra!
Shades of **** Smith's new *coughsReturneDcoughs* external hard drives
Wish I had a fix for you Unfortunately, given it's a loan phone, you're a bit limited so far as flashing something else goes (I wouldn't risk it, put it that way).
Slither2006 said:
Having the same issue only the phone is a spare lend out phone from JB Hifi while my SGS2 i9100T, which I purchased about a week ago brand new, is in for a screen assessment (bad blue tint) just so I can get a refund. I powered up the lend out phone no problems, worked for a while then stopped working, won't power up or anything. Download, recovery, usb jig, battery out 5 mins, battery charged seperately in charger, phone is dead.
Shame on you JB Hifi Canberra!
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It could be a problem with a faulty SD card - Remove it and try and switch on.
It could be a problem with the screen - If any of the key-lights come on, then that is likely the problem.
It could be a problem with a very flat battery - I had this problem with an old HTC. The solution was to remove the battery, plug in the phone to the charger (not USB to computer), leave it for a couple of minutes, plug in the battery and leave for a couple of hours. Finally try and power it on.
MistahBungle said:
Shades of **** Smith's new *coughsReturneDcoughs* external hard drives
Wish I had a fix for you Unfortunately, given it's a loan phone, you're a bit limited so far as flashing something else goes (I wouldn't risk it, put it that way).
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Turned out that the "loan phone" they gave me was a returned faulty phone from a previous customer. They gave it to me simply to shut me up!!! I came back the next morning and confronted them and they gave me a motorola defy loan phone????!!!!! I swear they will bend over backwards to avoid having to refund a phone. He asked another sales person why it was returned and was told that the phone was randomly powering down!!!!!! I asked them what happened regarding the previous customer and the store person said JB lost that claim and had to give in to the customers request(whatever that was). That gives me evidence that a refund at JB may exist?
Yeah ? That's disgraceful And Australian retailers honestly wonder why Australian consumers avoid buying from them at every possible opportunity. There's one more reason right there.
**** em. If a phone starts playing up badly within a week like that, the retailer should replace it no questions asked. At the end of the day they're going to be reimbursed by Samsung, them doing the right thing like that just saves you the grief of having to go thru hoops with Samsung.
And given they couldn't/wouldn't do that with you in the first instance, I'd demand a "decent" lend phone i.e a brand new SGS2 (which they should have given you in the first place). If they refuse to play ball, make a scene in front of other customers. Get management involved. Threaten them with consumer affairs, etc.
Slither2006 said:
Turned out that the "loan phone" they gave me was a returned faulty phone from a previous customer. They gave it to me simply to shut me up!!! I came back the next morning and confronted them and they gave me a motorola defy loan phone????!!!!! I swear they will bend over backwards to avoid having to refund a phone. He asked another sales person why it was returned and was told that the phone was randomly powering down!!!!!! I asked them what happened regarding the previous customer and the store person said JB lost that claim and had to give in to the customers request(whatever that was). That gives me evidence that a refund at JB may exist?
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I have a similar issue
Hello, Im not sure if i am having the excact same issue, but this thread seemed similar to what im expereincing.
i bought a S2 6 days ago, reached into my pocket today to find my Display wont turn on.
did some standard stuff, power cycled.
removed the battery, soft and hard reset.
i got the screen to work for a second when i booted into download mode and it prompted to confirm this is what i wanted to do, but otherwsie the screen seems dead. when i power it on, nothing happenson the screen.
did i somehow like turn my brightness to 0? or like turn off the display?
i dunno i just upgraded from a Galaxy Spica, so im not super familiar with the handset yet.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
dpaterso said:
Hello, Im not sure if i am having the excact same issue, but this thread seemed similar to what im expereincing.
i bought a S2 6 days ago, reached into my pocket today to find my Display wont turn on.
did some standard stuff, power cycled.
removed the battery, soft and hard reset.
i got the screen to work for a second when i booted into download mode and it prompted to confirm this is what i wanted to do, but otherwsie the screen seems dead. when i power it on, nothing happenson the screen.
did i somehow like turn my brightness to 0? or like turn off the display?
i dunno i just upgraded from a Galaxy Spica, so im not super familiar with the handset yet.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
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if you can get into download mode, then flash stock fw using odin.. otherwise go to service center...
hope you have warranty..
Swyped from: GT-I9100
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[Q] [Advice] Galaxy SIII completely dead?

Guys I owned a Galaxy SIII white GT-19300... had it for 3-4 months, bought it brand new. used really carefully, only had one or two falls that's it.
Finally it decided to crap all of a sudden like it had a silent heart attack, just a couple of hours ago. It wasn't charging or was in process of updating or anything. Just that I was sitting and having a sms conversation where in the middle it just won't budge at all. It just went completely pulseless.
These are the symptoms:
-No display
-Won't power up by any means
-No charging light
-No sign of booting up
What I tried:
-Hard reset
-Remove SIM and SD card, still no activity
-Swapped battery of working S3
What should be the next step?. Thankfully warranty period hasn't elapsed yet.
How should I approach now?. Will the warranty company replace the set or more likely create some unsolvable obstacles, like them assuming fall or label the phone rooted etc?
Thanks for your time
saadxe said:
Guys I owned a Galaxy SIII white GT-19300... had it for 3-4 months, bought it brand new. used really carefully, only had one or two falls that's it.
Finally it decided to crap all of a sudden like it had a silent heart attack, just a couple of hours ago. It wasn't charging or was in process of updating or anything. Just that I was sitting and having a sms conversation where in the middle it just won't budge at all. It just went completely pulseless.
These are the symptoms:
-No display
-Won't power up by any means
-No charging light
-No sign of booting up
What I tried:
-Hard reset
-Remove SIM and SD card, still no activity
-Swapped battery of working S3
What should be the next step?. Thankfully warranty period hasn't elapsed yet.
How should I approach now?. Will the warranty company replace the set or more likely create some unsolvable obstacles, like them assuming fall or label the phone rooted etc?
Thanks for your time
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Warrant may be void if its rooted or custom rom or modified status or rom counter above zero .
No way to reset those on a non booting phone .
Dropped damage incurred again who knows until they take the phone apart .
JJEgan said:
Warrant may be void if its rooted or custom rom or modified status or rom counter above zero .
No way to reset those on a non booting phone .
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If the phone's truly hard-bricked, there's no way the service center would be able to discern that. Dead is dead.
Agreed, if the phone is truly dead no one in the sammy repair could able to detect that.
Sent from my GT-I9300
I'm sorry but I have to disagree, just because the power port has died, by no means means the memory/storage, or anything else for that matter really is down.. (not that it'll come up, just making a point)
it sounds like you really did everything right to troubleshoot it huh.. well let me just throw a few things out, you probably didnt, but hopefully did overlook..
the cord you're trying to charge it with, could it be not working/charging it?
have you tried another cord, or maybe even a USB cord? was it plugged in when it died? some low quality/defective cords can have some weird effects on phones, like less responsive digitizers, or even short out a phone
did you have any custom CPU settings? over/under clock/volt? had you played with you min/max CPU settings?
it doesn't turn on, did you determin this by seeing no display? seeing if there's any hapticfeedback, or even calling it from another phone and seeing if it rings on the callers side.
I know it seems silly but I'm just throwing out things from personal expirence ..
so now your phone really is dead, well having it under warrenty is great. having worked at an AT&T corporate retailer, I can tell you what happens on our side when you bring in a damaged phone.. well try it ourselves, well ask what happened, if you don't know well ask things like, 'did you drop it', 'or it was in contact with water'. (were actually required to ask, since these things aren't covered under warranty. which let me say, is so broken that we push the extended warranty on you, because it covers basically nothing.. we have a quota that says we need to sell X amount of a list of product/services each month.. but I digress).. anyway, once you tell us it just died out of nowhere we take your phone, put it in an envelope and ship it back to the manufacturer. in the mean time well offer you a loaner phone if you need one (just whatever we have on hand at the time, usually phones we get from trade-ins) (you keep your battery and sim) , and we put a 50 dollar hold on your card (yes on a creditcard, not your account) until your phone comes back in and we get our loaner phone. they'll send you a phone back to us, not yours, usually a refurbished version, then we call you and let you know your phones ready.
NEVER have I ever seen or heard anything ever of checking for root. most of our reps don't even know what that is.. once we submit a replacement form, the new phone is on transit to our shop usually by the next day (meaning they send out the replacement before they get the one we sent).
my advice is once you're sure the phone is dead, take it in to your retailer, tell them it died out of nowhere while you were texting, and it won't turn back on. you don't need to go into anymore detail than that..
clearly I have a problem with rambling this morning haha so ill stop talking there. if you have anymore questions tho, ill be happy to answer. goodluck!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
soraxd said:
I'm sorry but I have to disagree, just because the power port has died, by no means means the memory/storage, or anything else for that matter really is down.. (not that it'll come up, just making a point)
it sounds like you really did everything right to troubleshoot it huh.. well let me just throw a few things out, you probably didnt, but hopefully did overlook..
the cord you're trying to charge it with, could it be not working/charging it?
have you tried another cord, or maybe even a USB cord? was it plugged in when it died? some low quality/defective cords can have some weird effects on phones, like less responsive digitizers, or even short out a phone
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Didn't mention it. I underwent much thoroughly then what I typed.. Yup tried 3 different cables, couple of chargers, usb cable.
And no it really wasn't plugged in. I really was expecting a sms at that time, when it took too long, I took it out from the pocket and voila DEAD!
soraxd said:
did you have any custom CPU settings? over/under clock/volt? had you played with you min/max CPU settings?
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No didn't.. was too scared to try that!
soraxd said:
it doesn't turn on, did you determin this by seeing no display? seeing if there's any hapticfeedback, or even calling it from another phone and seeing if it rings on the callers side.
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Tried everything you mentioned and even more then that!
yup lifeless like a brick.
** By the way an incidental finding found before claiming warranty. While having the battery in the phone. It was still warm. Removed it. Became cooler, upon reinstall, it became warm again. What gives??!
It's more like a phone in coma!
soraxd said:
I know it seems silly but I'm just throwing out things from personal expirence ..
so now your phone really is dead, well having it under warrenty is great. having worked at an AT&T corporate retailer, I can tell you what happens on our side when you bring in a damaged phone.. well try it ourselves, well ask what happened, if you don't know well ask things like, 'did you drop it', 'or it was in contact with water'. (were actually required to ask, since these things aren't covered under warranty. which let me say, is so broken that we push the extended warranty on you, because it covers basically nothing.. we have a quota that says we need to sell X amount of a list of product/services each month.. but I digress).. anyway, once you tell us it just died out of nowhere we take your phone, put it in an envelope and ship it back to the manufacturer. in the mean time well offer you a loaner phone if you need one (just whatever we have on hand at the time, usually phones we get from trade-ins) (you keep your battery and sim) , and we put a 50 dollar hold on your card (yes on a creditcard, not your account) until your phone comes back in and we get our loaner phone. they'll send you a phone back to us, not yours, usually a refurbished version, then we call you and let you know your phones ready.
NEVER have I ever seen or heard anything ever of checking for root. most of our reps don't even know what that is.. once we submit a replacement form, the new phone is on transit to our shop usually by the next day (meaning they send out the replacement before they get the one we sent).
my advice is once you're sure the phone is dead, take it in to your retailer, tell them it died out of nowhere while you were texting, and it won't turn back on. you don't need to go into anymore detail than that..
clearly I have a problem with rambling this morning haha so ill stop talking there. if you have anymore questions tho, ill be happy to answer. goodluck!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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Thanks for the detailed reply man, really appreciated. Especially since I was already trying to read the minds of these warranty dealers!
So just a while ago I gave it in for warranty. I was adamant of it going dead while I was doing an sms (although true!).. just said no to whatever cause they tried to find (wasn't any, honest!). They were pressing me though for the graze it got (a month ago).. I said 90% of the phones are scratched, and how many do die? He went okay we'll see then, 'yeah you are right we buy that, most that gets damaged from a fall is a phone with shattered screen!"'. Next question, the tricky one!. Did you modify/update software?
I was like, I keep my phones as stock and was totally acting alien to terms like 'rooting' 'firmware' 'kernel' etc (not being honest, but i'm sure that's not the cause)
He was like okay hand it over, we'll do the rest!
Hopefully they don't ever get to revive the mobo or i'm screwed for real!
my phone just died after flashing morfic A10 kernel. i am running stock rooted rom and the best part my sgs 3 was bought 11/18/12 from target, cant go to download mode, cant go to recovery i even tried adb recovery and download mode hoping to turn on nada, charge for an hour no led flashing. my sgs3 totally dead. called target and they said just bring it and they will replace it with new one if the phone wont turn on. is that mean i will be okay even my phone is rooted?
Thank God.. got my SIII fixed in warranty, now it's back to life!
Just had a motherboard replacement, no further details given.
Hence kind of proven!:
if the phone is truly dead no one in the sammy repair could able to detect that.
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