[Q] voice no longer working - HTC EVO 3D

First of all. Thank you to all and any who can provide any advice/tips/help. I searched around but never found anything specific to my issue.
Devices that use Voice:
ASUS Transformer TF101
Chrome extension on home laptop and work machine
The way I have it set up is:
my EVO gets SMS the standard way.
My Transformer and Chrome(naturally) receive the texts through voice.
Phone calls are handled by the device.
Voice mail is handled through voice.
I've had my Sprint number integrated with Voice since pretty much day one(dont remember if i signed up for a beta). I added a Iphone 4s on a second line the other day and right around that time, voice stopped functioning for me. My TF, the extension, or /voice no longer receive them. I have also lost what seems like all settings to take a look at anything also.
Only thing I can think of was that I was about a week late paying my bill and received the "pay your damn bill text". I payed it this morning(about 8 hours prior to this thread) and still see no changes. Couldnt think of anything else.


Going on Cruise....Best way to avoid large fees?

Going on a cruise that will take me to Key West and then Cozumel, Mexico. Anyone with cruise experience that can share the best way to avoid crazy fees?
phone fees? airplane mode. cruise fees? there are none. all you pay for is drinks and tips and sometimes your tips are even paid in advance. pour tequila in an empty listerine bottle (brown kind) to offset drink prices.
craig.pulliam said:
phone fees? airplane mode. cruise fees? there are none. all you pay for is drinks and tips and sometimes your tips are even paid in advance. pour tequila in an empty listerine bottle (brown kind) to offset drink prices.
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Yea phone/data fees.
This is what I found on Sprint's website:
All cruise ship calls: $2.99/minute
Data: $0.020/kb (with capable device where available)
Text Pricing: Send: $0.50/recipient; Received $0.05/msg
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So looks like the phone will be left off and only turned on once or twice a day to check and see if any important text messages come through. I'll have to tell my friends to avoid texting me unless it is extremely important.
Transfer your cruise tickets to me... I'll take care of the charges...
Edit: seriously tho have fun!
Sent from 3D A.W.E.S.O.M-O
Some cruises also offer wifi. Turn on airplane mode then connect via wifi to check your email and websites. Not sure what the price for wifi is, but I'm sure it's not cheap.
Google Voice, if enabled, can be used over WiFi for your text messages... So if you have access to WiFi on the cruise..?
I thought the point of a cruise was to get away from it all?
When I was camping in the Sierra Nevada, I didn't expect and in fact enjoyed not having a signal.
Kept mine in airplane mode. While docked in St Thomas, was using it. Make sure you are away from the ship while in U.S. territory before you use a phone.
WiFi was close to unusable and a total wallet-rape on RCL's Oasis of the Seas.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
3 minute call on my account was $8 when I went on a cruise last year. I didn't use my phone at all.
I think Internet access is at least 1 per minute at the computer kiosks, which you have to buy in at least 15 or 30 minute packages. Google Voice would be useful for texting here.
Remember to change your mobile network setting to Sprint only if you don't want the phone to use the ship's transmitter when a Sprint tower is available. This can especially happen in port if the cruise ships cell phone transmitter is not turned off. Change it to roaming as needed.
Cheaper solution is to look into buying a gsm phone and pre-paid international sim card for use on the ship and in port. It's also useful to have a couple of these phones between a couple or group of people as its easy to get separated on the ship and while on excursions in port.
Cheapest solution is to turn the phone off and experience the cruise lifestyle for a few days. It's a vacation!
walk to room...enter...open closet....open safe...put in your cell phone...close and lock safe....go outside to lido deck and proceed to drink and eat.
enjoy your cruise
I did the airplane mode the whole time it wasnt worth the cost and it was nice to not worry about calls or text.... On another note my Original Evo lasted 5 days in airplane mode with no charging and still used it for games.
Funnel deck, no phone, no clothes, no worries
Check out google voice if they have wifi (they should) They charge like $.02 for mexico and like $.06 for japan(not sure if that applies for both incoming and outgoing but I know they say google voice is US only right now). Not exactly sure how it works, but its worth looking into. You can definitely use google voice to text though, keep yourself in airplane mode with wifi on. That's if they have free wifi on the ship, I havnt been on a cruise in many years.
We tried to stick to just texting on board ship. Saves a little.
Watch out though, we would send a text and it would repeat 10-20-30 times and they bill you for it! Receiving texts was the same deal.
When we got back last December, there was more than $100 worth of texts on our bill!!! Called Sprint and they could see the problem and said that it was a "known problem," it took me three tries to get it back to what it really was, about $20.
I would just leave it at home.
heres what i dont understand, if your going on a cruise why would you even want to use your phone, if i was going I wouldnt be touching my phone unless it was for emergencys
you can also call up sprint and ask them to put a bill cap on your account, so it can not exceed 100 or whatever you tell them
Surely the boat has wifi. You could then intergrate with Google voice while on the boat so atleast u can text and see any important calls. Then use gmail to call people I suppose
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
ITS A VACATION.. LEAVE YOUR DAMN PHONE AT THE DOCK.. that is all. all contact information for loved ones is left on the kitchen counter for contact via the ships administrators. Forget the damn phone and have good time. lol
What I did when we spent some time in Mexico is use wifi for Google Voice texts and emails and use Groove IP to make calls. This uses your Google Voice account/number and your phone to make VOIP calls.
Best single app on my phone IMO. Both for these international issues as well as when I can get a 4G signal but no 3G/Voice.

Google voice lag

Quick question about Google voice on the TP. When ever I'm receiving a text or sending one GV will freeze for a second and the lag for about 3 seconds. Is this due to the network or is it the app?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201
dont have a prime yet, hopefully tomorrow ill pick it up, but heavy user of gv. I have had issues of non responsiveness, usually due to my wifi because of a week signal, when that happens, i turn off my wifi and use hsdpa+ to make sure its just the wifi. If it persists then i know its the gv servers. There are so many variables its just tough to know!! I would reassure you its not your tfp!
With receiving messages thats even more of a problem!!! Then you never know if its gv or its the carrier your getting the message from.
If youre even more unlucky you probably have a roommate who bit torrents almost a terabyte a month worth of crap and doesnt know how to tweak his settings!
Good to know. So far I love it cause I don't have to fish for my phone if I get a text. I can just use my tablet. The only difficult thing is making sure my gv number is the one my friends r seeing. I just recently gave them all my gv number instead of the Verizon one so well see how it works as I use it more. Do u mind if I pm u if I have any questions instead of posting a new thread?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201
Yeah. I've been stricty gv for about 2 years now. If you ask me what my current cell number is I'm clueless. I've changed carriers three times since so you can imagine why.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

[Q] Ticket started-Not recieving text/calls

I cannot recieve texts or calls. Making calls and sending texts work perfect, even data works fine. I am unlocked and rooted, but everything else is factory stock.
For kicks and grins, I run "fix permissions" in TWRP. I've had the phone for 12 days and this problem just started yesterday evening (6/12/2012).
I called Sprint, they did everything they could, and they started a ticket for the "engineers." Said they would get a hold of me within 72 hours. Sprint said it was a network problem and not my phone, but I don't think she found any "outages" .
However, I am wondering if I should relock and unroot, or if that even makes a difference? I don't see how it could, but wanted advice from the community.
And, Has anyone had this problem, any other advice anyone has i would be much appreciative to hear it..???
edit: I was in my 14 days so I went up to my local Sprint store and they said that the Sprint CS should never have started a ticket, I should just exchange for a new phone, so I went home and relocked, run RUU and went back and exchanged. And the new phone works fine!!! It was not the network. Just wanted to tell you my experience.
Me and John over at GoodandEVO had the same issue, ours was a google voice integration issue (we're assuming)
uninstall google voice
go to google.com/voice, settings de-integrate
call from a landline, see if suddenly you're not getting calls
wait 15 minutes
wait a couple of minutes
install google voice on the phone
that either fixed it for both of of or it was a freaking random occurance.
Yeah I've also had issues in the past with google voice such as prompting me to press one to take a call. I imagine as said it can be fixed on the gv website
Sent from your moms basement
My girlfriend has a similar issue with her evo 3d. She doesn't receive texts from non sprint customers. I was told by tech support they were doing upgrades in the area and they have been having a few issues like this. He opened a case with the engineers for her as well. Maybe they are upgrading you area as well?
i read the article at Good and Evo. I've never used Google voice though. That is an awesome site!! I went to that site you referred to . It doesnt have the "de-Integrate" option. It does have "activate" though. Like i said, i've never used google voice. so it looks like that isn't it???
maxdamage2122 said:
My girlfriend has a similar issue with her evo 3d. She doesn't receive texts from non sprint customers. I was told by tech support they were doing upgrades in the area and they have been having a few issues like this. He opened a case with the engineers for her as well. Maybe they are upgrading you area as well?
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That is interesting. I hope it is something as simple as this. How long did that take before her phone was working properly? they told me that engineers would be in touch with me within 72 hrs! That is a long time with a messed up network!
mtg981 said:
That is interesting. I hope it is something as simple as this. How long did that take before her phone was working properly? they told me that engineers would be in touch with me within 72 hrs! That is a long time with a messed up network!
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Well yesterday was 72hrs but sprint did call and say they found and are fixing the issue and that she should be getting another call when it is fixed for her to test and make sure its fixed. If it isn't fixed but tomorrow morning I'll be giving them a call again.

[Q] GT10.1 as a phone

Hey guys, I know there are other threads like this in the 7 inch but "this may be crazy, so call me maybe." but all terrible pop culture jokes aside, I am planning on using a GT 10.1 as a phone. I current have a Droid Charge on Verizon, which I am fond of, but I am always looking for something new/different.
My plan is to save lots of money by doing this, be quite unique, and functional.
Yesterday I purchased a GT10.1 with service capabilities (Is that the 10.1v?) and it should be here next week. And no I did not pay $800 from Verizon. Also, my main reason for this is I'm that weird person that doesn't like their phone in their pocket. I am always checking for it because I can't feel it. With this, I will always have it in my hand or somewhere close. *NOTE* I'm not attached to it, I just like to know where it is at all times.
I was mainly posting to see if anyone has done this with the 10.1 and any problems they ran across, or tips, tricks, anything to help me out on this transition. I will be dropping my unlimited plan to save money, and getting a 1 or 2GB plan, seeing as I am on WiFi 99% of the time being at a college campus.
If anyone has other program suggestions than the following, please step in. That is why i'm posting! If all possible I would like to keep my phone number, I'm not sure if that is possible due to me switching contracts and not having a mobile plan.
As of now, I plan on doing the following:
Galaxy Tab 10.1 16GB
-Caller: GrooveIP (Uses Google Voice) (Or should I use something along the lines of skype?)
-Messenger: N/A (Need one, Not sure what yet)
-3G/4G card from my Charge
I will root and theme etc, that's a given!
I know this is a giant wall of text, I tried to break it up a bit, but thanks for reading and I hope I get some good feedback and helpful tips.
I do something similar but not on the tab. I have an unlocked galaxy nexus gsm phone, no contract needed. I use tmobile prepaid, $30 per month for 5gb, at 4g (hspa) speed, then unlimited throttled. But it comes with only 100 minutes per month, so must be supplemented with calls over data. I have used grooveip and talkatone. The free talkatone app seemed to be about the same quality as grooveip. The monthly $2 high quality talkatone may be a little better. The quality of Skype is much much better than both, and since most everyone I talk to have Skype I just use that for free. But if you get a google voice number, you can use grooveip or talkatone as a phone too. Google voice will also work for sms. I only use that app, never the phone messenger app, I like it so much. No mms though. Also keep in mind data speeds matter. With 4g speeds you are ok. May have trouble in a moving car, I'm not a big talker so I haven't really noticed. At 3g speeds it will probably still work but quality will be worse. No way to use it if you drop to edge. So this is what I do on the phone. If I need data on the tab, I turn on the wifi widget in the nexus phone and voila I have data on my wifi tab. No expensive tablet/contract, no expensive monthly bills, $30/ month gets me what I need. You do have to pay a premium to escape the carrier contract, but think how fast you make back the extra cost of the phone. The galaxy nexus with jelly bean is only $350 in the google play store, not a bad deal at all.
Thanks a ton Kisrita, I bought my GT10.1v for $350, which seemed like a pretty good deal. And TMobile in our area does not have 4g, and what little service they have, sucks. And that helps me out a lot, I'd like to use skype a lot, but the hassle of this day and age at least for my generation, is not a lot of people USE the Skype on their phone. They have it, but they don't have it open to be "online" everyone just texts via messenger, so in theory, to communicate, I also have to be on a "Messenger" but knowing that GV can work for SMS is a good thing.
Sorry, nevermind, didn't read carefully enough.
All is good. Thanks for the free bump atleast!
Well, My tablet gets here today. Still looking for some answers!
I don't know if you knew this, but the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (GT-P51xx) works as a phone and for SMS.
However, if you must go with the 10.1v, you have the option of doing the SMS mod on it and using Whatsapp as a primary messenger. It's fairly popular and a lot of people have it. For phone calls, I believe work is on to enable phone calls, and it may be possible some time in the very near future. Until then, you could always use Skype with a Skype paid number for incoming and outgoing calls through 3G/4G. Google Voice also has some interesting similar options.
Sent from my GT-P5100 using xda premium
No SIM card?
I'm not sure if this applies. Have 10.1, but it has no visible SIM or SDCard setup. Would like to see if some kinda way to run my T Mobile service through it. Is this possible if I can't put in a sim card?

Nexus 6P and Project Fi

Anyone using bought nexus 6p with project Fi deal. If so how was your experience
I did, I am actually using the Fi network and financing the device through Fi. To start with, the Fi network seems to be great so far (could be just my area though). I have full signal no matter where I go and haven't dropped a call yet. Download speeds seem to be anywhere between 20-30Mbits down and 10-20 Mbits up.
The ordering process was simple, the app is great, and Google upgraded me to overnight shipping free of charge. I already installed TWRP and PureNexus custom ROM, everything works flawlessly! All-in-all I'm very impressed with Google and Fi. As long as it stays like this, I will more than likely use Fi for the foreseeable future.
RPelham said:
I did, I am actually using the Fi network and financing the device through Fi. To start with, the Fi network seems to be great so far (could be just my area though). I have full signal no matter where I go and haven't dropped a call yet. Download speeds seem to be anywhere between 20-30Mbits down and 10-20 Mbits up.
The ordering process was simple, the app is great, and Google upgraded me to overnight shipping free of charge. I already installed TWRP and PureNexus custom ROM, everything works flawlessly! All-in-all I'm very impressed with Google and Fi. As long as it stays like this, I will more than likely use Fi for the foreseeable future.
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What are the benefits of ordering the phone as a bundle with Fi?
Loving Fi with it.
I pre-ordered through Fi the very day I got my invite from them on 10/16. I bought a 32gb graphite outright. I have LTE more or less everywhere and I get similar speeds as posted above. Google also upgraded me to overnight shipping free of charge. Honestly not bad.
Aside from that, when I signed up on their site there was no option for nexus protect like when you order from play store. I inquired with Google and Fi does not yet have device protection, but when it is available it will be a monthly charge on your bill (no price available yet). It will cover the device as long as you have it on the service from what I was told.
He had no other timeframe besides a few months. You can also call to have your email added to a list to be notified when device protection is available.
Call quality is never an issue and I really love the phone. I love the FI app as well. It makes everything pretty simple. No complaints so far.
anglerstock said:
What are the benefits of ordering the phone as a bundle with Fi?
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There are no added benefits, order through Google/Fi or Huawei, it's all the same phone, only difference was I was looking to get out of my current Carrier and decided to try out Project Fi. So far I do not regret my decision.
RPelham said:
There are no added benefits, order through Google/Fi or Huawei, it's all the same phone, only difference was I was looking to get out of my current Carrier and decided to try out Project Fi. So far I do not regret my decision.
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I will try it end of this month. I suppose it is worth it only if you use low amount of data.
Ordering through Fi gives you the option of 0% financing for 24 months.
anglerstock said:
I will try it end of this month. I suppose it is worth it only if you use low amount of data.
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Bingo. I love the concept and used fi for a few months, however the economics do not make sense if your data hawg just quite yet IMO.
I already have an unlimited plan w/T-Mobile and coverage for where I travel didn't merit the switch at this time.
I got on Fi with my 32GB Nexus 6P.
I was previously on AT&T on a friend's account since he got a pretty good discount through his previous employer, and splitting a shared data plan ended up being pretty good for me too. I was only paying hi $60 a month. I barely used any data, so I went with Fi.
I requested the invite and ordered the SIM right before I purchased the 6P. I bought the phone through the Play Store instead of through Fi. I was debating going with the 5X, but went with the 6P. Since I had the SIM before I had the phone, I just filled out the account information on the Fi webpage and when I got the phone, slapped the SIM in it, fired it up and went through the transfer. Took about 2 hours to be complete, but it went smoothly.
Since I'm mostly at home or at the office, I haven't had much time outside. Works fine on wifi. Only made a couple calls, so far it's been fine. I've got a coworker that likes the idea so much, he's getting on it soon, too.
i bought my 6p outright from google with the plan to transfer my work account to it, but verizon gave me the run around. i figured i'd try FI since it so cheap, but worrried about service since it uses tmobile and sprint towers. Fortunately it had far exceeded my expectations. the week i have had it has had full service when my verizon note 3 has had very little or no service. only once has it lost service, in the middle of nowhere, which is also a complete dead zone for everyone else . i have no complaints, and love the fact my boss gets angry everytime his verizon s6 edge doesnt have service and he has to use my phone. my experience is in the triangle area in north carolina.
I had a few hiccups setting up the service and getting SMS to work with Messenger instead of Hangouts, but Google Support was available immediately on chat and helped resolve the issue (I figured out the SMS problem before them). Their email support is definitely not as knowledgeable as the chat folks from my experience.
I haven't ventured anywhere too crazy to make an in-depth statement about the service quality, but I had TMO before... so I wasn't expecting it to be significantly different.
My biggest complaint so far is not having a standard greeting option for voicemail... meaning you have to leave an actual voice recording for the greeting. More of a personal annoyance I suppose. The nice thing about their voicemail service is that the visual voicemail translates the message to text.
One other thing I noticed... I couldn't list files on my FTP server running at home via the project fi network, but I could over a remote wifi network. Also, seems to be an issue connecting to my VPN configuration at my house over the fi network which I believe has to do with IPv6 implementation on TMO. There is a way to modify the APN on TMO to correct this, but I don't think there is a way to do this with Fi.
I ordered the SIM card separate from the phone.
Does call forwarding work on project fi? I plan to forward all calls of another line to my project fi account
teknomar7 said:
I had a few hiccups setting up the service and getting SMS to work with Messenger instead of Hangouts, but Google Support was available immediately on chat and helped resolve the issue (I figured out the SMS problem before them). Their email support is definitely not as knowledgeable as the chat folks from my experience.
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What did you do to fix the SMS issue on Hangouts, I've got the same problem, slow or no SMS unless I use Messenger.
jawmail said:
What did you do to fix the SMS issue on Hangouts, I've got the same problem, slow or no SMS unless I use Messenger.
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That wasn't exactly my issue. Basically, I found that there was two settings to change to make Messenger the SMS app. Even though I had Messenger set at the default, I was still receiving incoming messages in Hangouts. If you go in the Hangouts app, settings, your account ([email protected]), then uncheck the box next to 'Messages' under where it says "Project Fi calls and SMS - your phone number". That wasn't intuitive because where I was originally going was in the settings of Messenger and setting that as the default app for SMS... which I believe is still necessary.
Not sure if this will solve your issue, but I haven't had problems since changing it. Maybe clear the hangouts and/or Messenger data too?
Edit: Sorry, seems like you want to use Hangouts as the SMS app? I wanted to use Messenger.
I ordered the 6p 128gb direct from Fi they upgraded shipping to over night for free. Had a few problems with Boost mobile porting my number but the Fi rep conferenced called them to port it over. A few hours later everything worked. I live about 80 miles from DC and travel there quite a bit. I noticed on my LG F7 because of all the wifi connections I use I was only using about .5 gb per month even though I listen to a lot of music and watch a lot of video. The last month i experimented with the F7 and turned off wifi and I used 2.5 gb of data. I figured why pay Boost for the extra 2gb when I am not using it, and Boost phone suck even though their rate is good. With Fi I only pay for the Data I use so it should average about 25 per month instead of the 35 I was paying Boost. The Nexus 6p wifi connects faster than the f7 also so that might save an additional amount. I have travelled to DC several times and my Data usage was 49 mb next to nothing since every where I go has wifi. The connections were flawless and the features on the phone are fantastic. FI also says it has a relationship out there for wifi networks. I dont know who that is but Google should have a lot of connections available. I also have a xfinity password from my best friends network so that should increase coverage.
I would recommend Fi to anyone that has the coverage of the Sprint and Tmob. networks. It would help to have a concentrated area such as Wash DC so as to take advantage of Wifi. I am not looking back.
I am using Fi right now in Louisiana.....been only a few days but so far it has been good.
I'll be using Fi in Puerto Rico tomorrow. I'll be posting a review soon.
Even though I got invited to Fi, my data usage is the issue for me. I currently have "unlimited" data with T-Mobile which is why I haven't budged yet. On average a month, I use 12-15 GB's a month. I do a lot of web surfing and watching videos.
And its 2 lines for $100 for unlimited text,talk and data. Can't beat that at the moment. If Fi offers unlimited data in the future, I might consider it.
I ordered my phone through FI. But they have a big issue with numbers ported to FI from Google Voice. You can get SMS messages, but you can't send to some carriers. You can send if you use the GV app to send, but that's clumsy. They are working on it, but have no ETA for an actual fix yet. So I cancelled.
But the whole 'pay for only what you use' thing sounds great. But it makes you very conscious of every MB you use. Do you want to stream music on this trip? It's going to cost you a dollar. It just felt too much like the old days of paying 35 cents per minute for every call you made.

