Google voice lag - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

Quick question about Google voice on the TP. When ever I'm receiving a text or sending one GV will freeze for a second and the lag for about 3 seconds. Is this due to the network or is it the app?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201

dont have a prime yet, hopefully tomorrow ill pick it up, but heavy user of gv. I have had issues of non responsiveness, usually due to my wifi because of a week signal, when that happens, i turn off my wifi and use hsdpa+ to make sure its just the wifi. If it persists then i know its the gv servers. There are so many variables its just tough to know!! I would reassure you its not your tfp!
With receiving messages thats even more of a problem!!! Then you never know if its gv or its the carrier your getting the message from.
If youre even more unlucky you probably have a roommate who bit torrents almost a terabyte a month worth of crap and doesnt know how to tweak his settings!

Good to know. So far I love it cause I don't have to fish for my phone if I get a text. I can just use my tablet. The only difficult thing is making sure my gv number is the one my friends r seeing. I just recently gave them all my gv number instead of the Verizon one so well see how it works as I use it more. Do u mind if I pm u if I have any questions instead of posting a new thread?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201

Yeah. I've been stricty gv for about 2 years now. If you ask me what my current cell number is I'm clueless. I've changed carriers three times since so you can imagine why.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App


[Q] voice no longer working

First of all. Thank you to all and any who can provide any advice/tips/help. I searched around but never found anything specific to my issue.
Devices that use Voice:
ASUS Transformer TF101
Chrome extension on home laptop and work machine
The way I have it set up is:
my EVO gets SMS the standard way.
My Transformer and Chrome(naturally) receive the texts through voice.
Phone calls are handled by the device.
Voice mail is handled through voice.
I've had my Sprint number integrated with Voice since pretty much day one(dont remember if i signed up for a beta). I added a Iphone 4s on a second line the other day and right around that time, voice stopped functioning for me. My TF, the extension, or /voice no longer receive them. I have also lost what seems like all settings to take a look at anything also.
Only thing I can think of was that I was about a week late paying my bill and received the "pay your damn bill text". I payed it this morning(about 8 hours prior to this thread) and still see no changes. Couldnt think of anything else.

Delayed SMS issue

Anyone getting this on their evo3d? I get these intermittently with people outside the sprint network but now I get them ALL the time on our family plan with my family.
That makes no sense on why texts are delayed for hours when we are in the same house or miles down the road from each other on the same sprint plan. Has this issue been identified and fixed yet?
I am rooted running Titan HD and my wife has a galaxy s2 not rooted.
Yes mine is delayed often. I have google voice and have to check the website periodically to see if I got a text that my phone hasn't yet received. Kinda annoying.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
my messages are very often delayed. my friends call me and ask if i received their sms. kind of sad.
Call and ask they check your towers. I get that if I'm roaming. Also gingerbread ghostly sms is an app that pulls delayed or un received messages for you. I used it allot on my Evo, but haven't on my 3d..
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
I'm having the problem with my texts randomly not being sent until hours or days later. My phone shows the time I actually sent it, but google voice shows the time the recipient actually gets it. I don't know of its sprint or google voice, but it doesn't seem to happen with another phone on my plan that doesn't use google voice.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
when mine are delayed my girlfriend thinks i banging someone else if i dont answer her immediately. i think its time for a new girlfriend. thanks sprint network!!!!!
t3project said:
when mine are delayed my girlfriend thinks i banging someone else if i dont answer her immediately. i think its time for a new girlfriend. thanks sprint network!!!!!
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Dude, drama like that is not worth it. She will only get worse.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
KB112 said:
Dude, drama like that is not worth it. She will only get worse.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Lol... truth.
10 char
Gotta stop giving them the D so much bro. Only makes them jealous D mongers and if a girl were to tie you down with a gun to your head and blow you... it was somehow your fault.
cobraboy85 said:
Lol... truth.
10 char
Gotta stop giving them the D so much bro. Only makes them jealous D mongers and if a girl were to tie you down with a gun to your head and blow you... it was somehow your fault.
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^^^ true story lulz
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Does anyone have this problem that isn't on Sprint? Reason I ask is that I just bought this phone and I'm hoping I won't have problems. I'm in the UK by the way, on Vodafone network.
When my wife first got her 3D it wouldn't get most of text messages, just prior to that Sprint sent us an AirRave to try because we had extremely weak signal at our house, once we returned the AirRave the text messages worked ok on the 3D.
Still a no go. That ghost sms doesnt help much either
Tuoni said:
Does anyone have this problem that isn't on Sprint? Reason I ask is that I just bought this phone and I'm hoping I won't have problems. I'm in the UK by the way, on Vodafone network.
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It is most definitely the Sprint network problem and Verizon's problem while roaming on their network. We may be able to roam but they definitely dont give our traffic or calls any sort of priority. If I am roaming I will not only have messages not sent or received but calls dont even go through and I will just get a notification that I have a missed call at some point.
A verizon phone on Verizon network doesnt have this problem and ATT doesnt have this problem (hasnt for years). Only Sprint and sometimes TMobile have these issues.
I have narrowed it down a bit. I send a text via the stock messenger and I go online to GV and the text I sent is not there.
If I send a text from GV or WhatsApp then everything works as it should.
There seems to be some sort of miscommunication between the stock app and pushing it to GV
I've been having this problem for about ten days, but I'm on a cdma hero with Sprint. I've had Google Voice for about 2 months, but have never used it for sending sms. I only got to this thread because I've been on google trying to figure it out...
happens to me every few weeks.
i have GV on sprint.
randomly people will tell me they suddenly got 10 or so texts and suddenly the recent chat we had the day or two before make a whole lot more sense.
and i also get the random texts that never arrive to me that i can see on google voice though
So a couple of days ago I disabled Google Voice to troubleshoot, and I haven't had a single problem with sms since... The issue (for me at least) is in Voice forwarding my texts (since it unfortunately integrates with sms as well). I do like Voice as my voicemail service, so I'm thinking I will try to re-integrate Voice with my phone to see if it functions properly. I may get around to it tomorrow, and I'll post back a few days after using it with results when I do.

[Q] GT10.1 as a phone

Hey guys, I know there are other threads like this in the 7 inch but "this may be crazy, so call me maybe." but all terrible pop culture jokes aside, I am planning on using a GT 10.1 as a phone. I current have a Droid Charge on Verizon, which I am fond of, but I am always looking for something new/different.
My plan is to save lots of money by doing this, be quite unique, and functional.
Yesterday I purchased a GT10.1 with service capabilities (Is that the 10.1v?) and it should be here next week. And no I did not pay $800 from Verizon. Also, my main reason for this is I'm that weird person that doesn't like their phone in their pocket. I am always checking for it because I can't feel it. With this, I will always have it in my hand or somewhere close. *NOTE* I'm not attached to it, I just like to know where it is at all times.
I was mainly posting to see if anyone has done this with the 10.1 and any problems they ran across, or tips, tricks, anything to help me out on this transition. I will be dropping my unlimited plan to save money, and getting a 1 or 2GB plan, seeing as I am on WiFi 99% of the time being at a college campus.
If anyone has other program suggestions than the following, please step in. That is why i'm posting! If all possible I would like to keep my phone number, I'm not sure if that is possible due to me switching contracts and not having a mobile plan.
As of now, I plan on doing the following:
Galaxy Tab 10.1 16GB
-Caller: GrooveIP (Uses Google Voice) (Or should I use something along the lines of skype?)
-Messenger: N/A (Need one, Not sure what yet)
-3G/4G card from my Charge
I will root and theme etc, that's a given!
I know this is a giant wall of text, I tried to break it up a bit, but thanks for reading and I hope I get some good feedback and helpful tips.
I do something similar but not on the tab. I have an unlocked galaxy nexus gsm phone, no contract needed. I use tmobile prepaid, $30 per month for 5gb, at 4g (hspa) speed, then unlimited throttled. But it comes with only 100 minutes per month, so must be supplemented with calls over data. I have used grooveip and talkatone. The free talkatone app seemed to be about the same quality as grooveip. The monthly $2 high quality talkatone may be a little better. The quality of Skype is much much better than both, and since most everyone I talk to have Skype I just use that for free. But if you get a google voice number, you can use grooveip or talkatone as a phone too. Google voice will also work for sms. I only use that app, never the phone messenger app, I like it so much. No mms though. Also keep in mind data speeds matter. With 4g speeds you are ok. May have trouble in a moving car, I'm not a big talker so I haven't really noticed. At 3g speeds it will probably still work but quality will be worse. No way to use it if you drop to edge. So this is what I do on the phone. If I need data on the tab, I turn on the wifi widget in the nexus phone and voila I have data on my wifi tab. No expensive tablet/contract, no expensive monthly bills, $30/ month gets me what I need. You do have to pay a premium to escape the carrier contract, but think how fast you make back the extra cost of the phone. The galaxy nexus with jelly bean is only $350 in the google play store, not a bad deal at all.
Thanks a ton Kisrita, I bought my GT10.1v for $350, which seemed like a pretty good deal. And TMobile in our area does not have 4g, and what little service they have, sucks. And that helps me out a lot, I'd like to use skype a lot, but the hassle of this day and age at least for my generation, is not a lot of people USE the Skype on their phone. They have it, but they don't have it open to be "online" everyone just texts via messenger, so in theory, to communicate, I also have to be on a "Messenger" but knowing that GV can work for SMS is a good thing.
Sorry, nevermind, didn't read carefully enough.
All is good. Thanks for the free bump atleast!
Well, My tablet gets here today. Still looking for some answers!
I don't know if you knew this, but the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (GT-P51xx) works as a phone and for SMS.
However, if you must go with the 10.1v, you have the option of doing the SMS mod on it and using Whatsapp as a primary messenger. It's fairly popular and a lot of people have it. For phone calls, I believe work is on to enable phone calls, and it may be possible some time in the very near future. Until then, you could always use Skype with a Skype paid number for incoming and outgoing calls through 3G/4G. Google Voice also has some interesting similar options.
Sent from my GT-P5100 using xda premium
No SIM card?
I'm not sure if this applies. Have 10.1, but it has no visible SIM or SDCard setup. Would like to see if some kinda way to run my T Mobile service through it. Is this possible if I can't put in a sim card?

Can't Make Calls or Text until Oct. 14th

Just got off the phone with Sprint, and they said I won't be able to make a phone call, receive phone calls, or even text messages until October 14th because they are in the process of upgrading their towers to the new LTE network in the Fort Worth area. It's weird to own a phone that I can't use for the most basic features. GO Sprint GO.
P.S. Any recommendations on how to make a phone call or text over data so I can still make calls/text?
NoClemency said:
Just got off the phone with Sprint, and they said I won't be able to make a phone call, receive phone calls, or even text messages until October 14th because they are in the process of upgrading their towers to the new LTE network in the Fort Worth area. It's weird to own a phone that I can't use for the most basic features. GO Sprint GO.
P.S. Any recommendations on how to make a phone call or text over data so I can still make calls/text?
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Seems to me you were fed a line. Call back and see if the answer changes. If it doesn't, your are entitled to a credit. No questions asked.
roids87 said:
Seems to me you were fed a line. Call back and see if the answer changes. If it doesn't, your are entitled to a credit. No questions asked.
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Yeah, they gave me a $10 credit, if that ain't a joke.
NoClemency said:
Just got off the phone with Sprint, and they said I won't be able to make a phone call, receive phone calls, or even text messages until October 14th because they are in the process of upgrading their towers to the new LTE network in the Fort Worth area. It's weird to own a phone that I can't use for the most basic features. GO Sprint GO.
P.S. Any recommendations on how to make a phone call or text over data so I can still make calls/text?
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Sounds fishy... It's hard to believe that a carrier would just deny services and continue to charge for them. I assume this would mean no service for anyone in the ft worth area since you're not the only one who uses those towers. I don't think Sprint would risk the class action lawsuit.
Sent from my EVO LTE
premo15 said:
Sounds fishy... It's hard to believe that a carrier would just deny services and continue to charge for them. I assume this would mean no service for anyone in the ft worth area since you're not the only one who uses those towers. I don't think Sprint would risk the class action lawsuit.
Sent from my EVO LTE
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No arguments there. I'll probably call back in a few days to see if they have anything better for me. Right now I'm sick and lost my voice, so I just don't want to deal with it. But once I get my voice back, I'll see if I can't get anything better out of them. Especially since I'm still paying for when I can't even use my phone which is kind of stupid.
NoClemency said:
No arguments there. I'll probably call back in a few days to see if they have anything better for me. Right now I'm sick and lost my voice, so I just don't want to deal with it. But once I get my voice back, I'll see if I can't get anything better out of them. Especially since I'm still paying for when I can't even use my phone which is kind of stupid.
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Why would you call back in a few days? I would all over them about this if it were me and I wouldn't let up until I had a real explanation. Tell them to fix your **** or let you out of your contract (as not providing service to you while I assume you are in good standing and not violation the TOS on their part)
However, there are at least 3 sides to every situation what you say, what sprint says, and what really going on. Not calling you a liar it just seems like there is more to the story.
That's my 2 cents.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
NoClemency said:
Just got off the phone with Sprint, and they said I won't be able to make a phone call, receive phone calls, or even text messages until October 14th because they are in the process of upgrading their towers to the new LTE network in the Fort Worth area. It's weird to own a phone that I can't use for the most basic features. GO Sprint GO.
P.S. Any recommendations on how to make a phone call or text over data so I can still make calls/text?
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Sounds like a load of BS to me. I haven't had a problem with service around the area... I haven't actually been into "Fort Worth" in a few days, but I live pretty damn close. There is no way they could just shut off all services like that for almost two months. That rep must have been new or lied or something, because that doesn't even SOUND reasonable.
lol if they couldnt provide me service until Oct. 14th i would have just said i want to cancel without a fee immediately because i do business with my phone. and they can't really do squat because i pay for a service and they don't even let me do the most basic of functions.
OP needs to call back and get clarification. Only thing I have found:
I might try to call again tonight once I get off of work. But again I'm not entirely sure what to say. Plus right now, I've lost my voice, so I can barely talk, as a result, I can't even show anger in my voice, so getting made isn't much of an option. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do yet.
I'm like on day 5 of this **** it reallllly sucks. I live in Irving an have been having everything except the "can't make calls". Sprint needs to give a free month or something better.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Same here. Today is day 5 for me as well. But according to Sprint, I still have a lot of days left in front of me since the tower won't be back on until October 14th.
sobaked2921 said:
I'm like on day 5 of this **** it reallllly sucks. I live in Irving an have been having everything except the "can't make calls". Sprint needs to give a free month or something better.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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Send me a pm. I am in dfw, work for sprint and glad to take a look at what's going on.
Pm me your number and some random addresses where you are having issues
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
sobaked2921 said:
I'm like on day 5 of this **** it reallllly sucks. I live in Irving an have been having everything except the "can't make calls". Sprint needs to give a free month or something better.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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You should see if you can get an Airrave which makes your phone work over wifi... that really sucks tho. That only works at home tho...maybe they can send you a 2nd one for work.
I just got off the phone with the a Sprint manager last night, who then connected me to her EVO specialist. She was also unable to solve the problem, so she told me that she will get the towers in the area looked at and try to determine what is going on in the area and give me a call back within 72 hours. That said, they said they were going to do this once before 5 days ago now, but I still haven't got a call back from then. However, one good thing that I got out of it all is that they are crediting my account for the past 6 days and how ever many days more it takes to get my phone back on the network. So at the very least, now I'm not paying for phone service that I'm not getting, so that makes me happy. I'm sure they will figure something soon with the towers if not maybe they can give me Airrave so I can at least make phone calls while I'm at home which would make things more liveable. I'll keep everyone posted on what they discover and what they decide to do.
In addition, my location is the TCU campus in Fort Worth. I live close by and go to school there. In both areas I get no cell service. But once I drive about 5 miles away I have no problems. Let me know if anyone else in the area is experience the problems on XDA. The sprint store nearby between Berry and Hulen St. said they have had a few customers coming the past few days with the same problem, but I was curious if anyone on here was also experiencing my pain.
NoClemency said:
I just got off the phone with the a Sprint manager last night, who then connected me to her EVO specialist. She was also unable to solve the problem, so she told me that she will get the towers in the area looked at and try to determine what is going on in the area and give me a call back within 72 hours. That said, they said they were going to do this once before 5 days ago now, but I still haven't got a call back from then. However, one good thing that I got out of it all is that they are crediting my account for the past 6 days and how ever many days more it takes to get my phone back on the network. So at the very least, now I'm not paying for phone service that I'm not getting, so that makes me happy. I'm sure they will figure something soon with the towers if not maybe they can give me Airrave so I can at least make phone calls while I'm at home which would make things more liveable. I'll keep everyone posted on what they discover and what they decide to do.
In addition, my location is the TCU campus in Fort Worth. I live close by and go to school there. In both areas I get no cell service. But once I drive about 5 miles away I have no problems. Let me know if anyone else in the area is experience the problems on XDA. The sprint store nearby between Berry and Hulen St. said they have had a few customers coming the past few days with the same problem, but I was curious if anyone on here was also experiencing my pain.
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I will try and pull up that area today
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
NoClemency said:
I just got off the phone with the a Sprint manager last night, who then connected me to her EVO specialist. She was also unable to solve the problem, so she told me that she will get the towers in the area looked at and try to determine what is going on in the area and give me a call back within 72 hours. That said, they said they were going to do this once before 5 days ago now, but I still haven't got a call back from then. However, one good thing that I got out of it all is that they are crediting my account for the past 6 days and how ever many days more it takes to get my phone back on the network. So at the very least, now I'm not paying for phone service that I'm not getting, so that makes me happy. I'm sure they will figure something soon with the towers if not maybe they can give me Airrave so I can at least make phone calls while I'm at home which would make things more liveable. I'll keep everyone posted on what they discover and what they decide to do.
In addition, my location is the TCU campus in Fort Worth. I live close by and go to school there. In both areas I get no cell service. But once I drive about 5 miles away I have no problems. Let me know if anyone else in the area is experience the problems on XDA. The sprint store nearby between Berry and Hulen St. said they have had a few customers coming the past few days with the same problem, but I was curious if anyone on here was also experiencing my pain.
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No problems here in the Arlington/Mansfield/Kennedale area so far... I guess if that changes I will be reporting on here and raising hell with Sprint as well.
00mred00 said:
Send me a pm. I am in dfw, work for sprint and glad to take a look at what's going on.
Pm me your number and some random addresses where you are having issues
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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Pm sent. I've been all around north dallas to Arlington an I still havin issues. Any help would be great man. I'm thinkin this is only for LTE phones cuz my brother is on my line an he use an epic touch with no problems
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
sobaked2921 said:
Pm sent. I've been all around north dallas to Arlington an I still havin issues. Any help would be great man. I'm thinkin this is only for LTE phones cuz my brother is on my line an he use an epic touch with no problems
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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If that is the case it is either a provisioning error, phone isn't set to cdma only or bad phone.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
sobaked2921 said:
Pm sent. I've been all around north dallas to Arlington an I still havin issues. Any help would be great man. I'm thinkin this is only for LTE phones cuz my brother is on my line an he use an epic touch with no problems
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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I don't think you have the same problem that I do, because if I leave my area my phone works, fine. I'm only having trouble when I'm at TCU or at my house which is right next to TCU. But who knows, maybe they are related.
P.S. I've already changed my phone to CDMA only to see if it would help but got no change. Plus I've already taken it into the Sprint store, and they said everything was fine with the phone and factory reset it and everything, but saw no problems because their building is outside of my tower radius, as a result the phone worked perfectly there.

Is there another solution to talk and surf on the S8+ Sprint

So im loving my S8+ so far coming from a glitchy Note 5.
I have been using the Hangouts dialer app to be able to talk and surf at the same time with Sprint. It works but it sucks for business.
It sucks because it drops calls all the time. Especially if Im on the phone with an automated system or big company. It will just hangup. Ebay is the worst with this. As soon as it hears hold music it seems to hangup or disconnect
Or if im on a call using Hangouts dialer app. If i get an incoming regular call it will automatically drop the Hangouts call without warning.
Any other apps or solutions to try????? I need to talk on the phone and look up things on the web or get data notifications while im on the phone sometimes.
There's no way to use data and phone service on Sprint. That's the way that the network is made.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S8+ using Tapatalk
It's just one reason Sprint is the worst network in america by far
Switch to tmobile ....... lol
But yea nothing can be done its how there data is setup its on the same line as calling.
954wrecker said:
It's just one reason Sprint is the worst network in america by far
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It was a stupid decision, made by people who don't work there anymore. Sprint has made major improvements in my area with service and gave me a good deal to stay with them. No, they are far from perfect but they work for me.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S8+ using Tapatalk
Katt50 said:
It was a stupid decision, made by people who don't work there anymore. Sprint has made major improvements in my area with service and gave me a good deal to stay with them. No, they are far from perfect but they work for me.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S8+ using Tapatalk
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Tried them for free for over a year. In my area(top 10 city in the country by population) they suck and I feel like it was not even worth the $0 price I paid.
You can do it with the hangouts dialer....
Its just i was wondering if there was a similar app that worked better.
Sprint does suck but im not going to pay 15-20 more a month for T mobile
I had sprint for many years suffering with all the black holes in my city. Went with a new provider that has 22gig unlimited on the Verizon network. While sprint has awesome speeds if you are next to the tower , you might as well not have a cellphone if you aren't. I got mostly 3g wherever I went, and this is a top 25 market. You could talk and use data on a note 3. That's long gone.
gn4life84 said:
So im loving my S8+ so far coming from a glitchy Note 5.
I have been using the Hangouts dialer app to be able to talk and surf at the same time with Sprint. It works but it sucks for business.
It sucks because it drops calls all the time. Especially if Im on the phone with an automated system or big company. It will just hangup. Ebay is the worst with this. As soon as it hears hold music it seems to hangup or disconnect
Or if im on a call using Hangouts dialer app. If i get an incoming regular call it will automatically drop the Hangouts call without warning.
Any other apps or solutions to try????? I need to talk on the phone and look up things on the web or get data notifications while im on the phone sometimes.
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There is a special SPRINT-section of the S8+ on this forum: ask there...
henklbr said:
There is a special SPRINT-section of the S8+ on this forum: ask there...
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I've had it this way for a while, so just is what it is. I get better service with sprint that verizon or att offer here (co workers have one or the other and its really sad) and tmobile...they are a joke.
That said, i'd love to find a legit app solution to this, I can't have anything sketchy (dropping calls due to others, etc) due to the nature of my job.
They will be enabling a solution to allow data usage while in a call sometime this year. It's an important feature so I believe it's a high priority.
MrClean69 said:
They will be enabling a solution to allow data usage while in a call sometime this year. It's an important feature so I believe it's a high priority.
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Anything in writing or did you just make that up? It's been this way for over 3 years but now it's important enough to fix?
954wrecker said:
Anything in writing or did you just make that up? It's been this way for over 3 years but now it's important enough to fix?
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I don't have anything in writing, but it's been complained about for a long time and the people in charge now, actually care and listen. I don't believe it's easily fixed but they are committed to making it work like it should.
MrClean69 said:
I don't have anything in writing, but it's been complained about for a long time and the people in charge now, actually care and listen. I don't believe it's easily fixed but they are committed to making it work like it should.
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I'm calling BS on everything you just said. Unless sprint gets purchased by T-Mobile and goes GSM like Metro PCS did.
954wrecker said:
I'm calling BS on everything you just said. Unless sprint gets purchased by T-Mobile and goes GSM like Metro PCS did.
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Well I've been employed there for 16 years and these are the only executives that have actually known what they are talking about, cared about what customers and employees think and delivered on what they said. They were handed a big ol turd and from my perspective, they've done more good in less than 3 years than the previous regime did in 10.
I'm not on the wireless side so I don't know much about that tech and how it works.
Google sprint VoLTE. Sprint needs to update to voice over lte for voice and data to work simultaneously. Supposedly they are going to update to Volte soon. I'm not holding my breath though
MrClean69 said:
They will be enabling a solution to allow data usage while in a call sometime this year. It's an important feature so I believe it's a high priority.
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The only solution with the state of current hardware is for sprint to switch to voice over lte, there won't be any other solution.
---------- Post added at 09:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 AM ----------
Katt50 said:
There's no way to use data and phone service on Sprint. That's the way that the network is made.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S8+ using Tapatalk
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Well actually you can but its device specific, all the latest phones over the last several years don't support that feature but older phones did at one point. Phones like the evo lte and gs3 and possibly gs4 and a few others supported svlte, which is voice and data at the same time. If you had one of those phones now, you will still get voice and data but its due to the hardware set up of the device and not the network.
I KEEP Getting told they're reconstructing the networks. Should be done by end of year.
I keep saying HOW THE HECK do you expect to compete when the biggest feature is missing.
I'm not understanding how it could be hardware though. When they sell the same thing as Verizon.
They will do testing this May 31, but i read only is in two model of phone, and GS8 not appear.

