thinking of buying - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

just read about all the issues but its seriously putting me off as I was previously sold on a windows 7/8 tablet PC now I saw this and read it can be rooted only to find out about the build flaws
its a shame cause I do really want one. windows it is then

mox123 said:
just read about all the issues but its seriously putting me off as I was previously sold on a windows 7/8 tablet PC now I saw this and read it can be rooted only to find out about the build flaws
its a shame cause I do really want one. windows it is then
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cool story bro.
Sounds like youve made up your mind, so why even bother posting here?
Do you need someone to talk you out of it?

Just read the "Positive Transformer Thread". it'll make you think twice about the real issues and so called nit picking issues. Prime only has one semi important issue across the board and that's GPS. everything else is subjective to user and isn't widespread.

did you mean to write this in your personal Blog?? this is XDA.. not .blog


[q] b o s = b f d !!

ok downloaded bos 4.1 and thought it would be a good change for the ole g tab.....wrong!! now i have no camera it wont play vids so i assume my flash 10.3 wont realy install , i cant go into recovery and now none of my root tools work. i just dont get it. could some one pls help me?
jackbreezeusa said:
ok downloaded bos 4.1 and thought it would be a good change for the ole g tab.....wrong!! now i have no camera it wont play vids so i assume my flash 10.3 wont realy install , i cant go into recovery and now none of my root tools work. i just dont get it. could some one pls help me?
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I don't get it. It is spelled out very clearly that BoS does not have camera yet and there have been some glitches. It's an ALPHA version, which mean it is only recommended for people who want to do some testing and hacking. It is NOT for mainstream usage or for people who like to whine.
My suggestion is for you to nvflash and then sell your device. Then go out and buy an ipad. I'm sure apple's got a department to deal with whiners like yourself.
Lol at someone with the screen name 'good intentions' talking that much smack; but he's right, the issues the op complained about are spelled out in the release post.
(1) The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Didn't they teach you that in grade school?
(2) Look at my other posts. If the questions are genuine, then I am more than happy to spell out the solutions. For example, take a look at this thread.
(3) The OP might as well complain about the lack of 4g or 5g or 6g or that the gtab can't sing and dance on its own.
This is exactly the reason why I recommend the ipad to most people.
Goodintentions has it right here.
I'm not sure what else I can do besides spell it out in my posts on SLD and TR. Smoke signals?
Btw, alpha 5 tonight. Still an alpha, btw!
roebeet said:
I'm not sure what else I can do besides spell it out in my posts on SLD and TR. Smoke signals?
Btw, alpha 5 tonight. Still an alpha, btw!
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Thanks for the "smoke signal".
The fact that the OP began a post here on XDA about BOS shows that he did VERY little research before trying it out.
and paople can say what they will about goodintention's posts, but he's probably THE MOST honest person on this forum...
There are a few different types of G-Tablet users:
There's me, the people that wish they could afford an iPad or other more expensive stable, supported tablet. They found the G-Tab, thought it was affordable, bought it, flashed a stable rom and are happy where they are, even if it is still a Froyo rom.
There's the people that can't resist messing around with technology. These people would even take a toaster apart to see if they could get "MORE POWER" out of it. They are familiar with Linux, or even any generic programming, and they have fun experimenting with the G-Tablet. These people can throw it against a wall, burn it in a bon fire, and still figure out a way to recover from the soft brick that it caused.
Then there are people like the OP. They find this cheap tablet, read all the reviews, negative and positive. See that there is potential if they flash a custom rom. They read up on the basics, then blame the rom developers when something breaks or doesn't meet their expectations. As Goodintentions explained, these are the people that should have saved up for an iPad. it does everything they want it to do, without any user customization whatsoever. They want an iPad more than anything, but think that they can somehow force their G-Tablet to become one...
roebeet said:
I'm not sure what else I can do besides spell it out in my posts on SLD and TR. Smoke signals?
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Nah, smoke signals is so old fashion. Morse code is more up-to-date.
@ TJEvans: Just like the OP should be able to read a release post before installing a rom, you should be able to read my 'lol' and chill; I thought it was funny, thus the laughter. If you read anything other than laughter into 'lol' that's your baggage, not mine. No need to over-defend Good like he's your *****.
Wow, people in this forum are cranky; I can see why some people leave and get info from other places instead.
goodintentions said:
Look at my other posts.
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I don't think I'll bother, but thanks for the suggestion. I also recommend the iPad for 'certain' comsumers. It's good that we see eye to eye on so many things.
mike_ekim said:
@ TJEvans: Just like the OP should be able to read a release post before installing a rom, you should be able to read my 'lol' and chill; I thought it was funny, thus the laughter. If you read anything other than laughter into 'lol' that's your baggage, not mine. No need to over-defend Good like he's your *****.
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Mike, wasn't directing my post to you specifically. In General, when GI makes honest posts, people jump all over his stuff about it. You didn't, I just wanted to make sure that the OP knew that GI was actually being honest and true, an iPad is certainly the right device for somebody that's going to tear apart an alpha build of a custom rom becuase their "awesome 1.3 megapixel camera isn't working."
I mean, come on, is the camera on these things even worth using? All you can do is take crappy pictures of yourself.
Good news, OP, as a direct result from your OP, I have created a website called viewsonic gtab for dummies.
TJEvans said:
The fact that the OP began a post here on XDA about BOS shows that he did VERY little research before trying it out.
and paople can say what they will about goodintention's posts, but he's probably THE MOST honest person on this forum...
There are a few different types of G-Tablet users:
There's me, the people that wish they could afford an iPad or other more expensive stable, supported tablet. They found the G-Tab, thought it was affordable, bought it, flashed a stable rom and are happy where they are, even if it is still a Froyo rom.
There's the people that can't resist messing around with technology. These people would even take a toaster apart to see if they could get "MORE POWER" out of it. They are familiar with Linux, or even any generic programming, and they have fun experimenting with the G-Tablet. These people can throw it against a wall, burn it in a bon fire, and still figure out a way to recover from the soft brick that it caused.
Then there are people like the OP. They find this cheap tablet, read all the reviews, negative and positive. See that there is potential if they flash a custom rom. They read up on the basics, then blame the rom developers when something breaks or doesn't meet their expectations. As Goodintentions explained, these are the people that should have saved up for an iPad. it does everything they want it to do, without any user customization whatsoever. They want an iPad more than anything, but think that they can somehow force their G-Tablet to become one...
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Apple makes great MP3 devices - the rest is just not to my liking. So there's some that just don't care for Apple ;-)
Hey Good Intentions, checked out your site-very nice! As an android/g-tab newbie everything you need to know is there. Essentially a hand holding guide for the average or below average user. Although you come across someone gruff at times at least you back it up with valuable advice with your site. I wish there was a better way you could get the word out to more people, it would probably save them from themselves very often.

Is the Transformer Prime worth the buy?

Obviously it's the most "powerful" in terms of pure processing power and GPU as far as Android tablets go. But is the problems worth not buying? I will not be rooting the device as way to many problems I see on here. My question is if I leave it stock would I have some stupid issue's? I dont use bluetooth or GPS on a tablet so..
I posted this on the OG transformer forum by accident.
I KNOW there is a new TF coming out in June that will fix these issue's... But as of NOW is this a safe buy if I won't be rooting ? I will still be getting the new one later.. But need a tablet and cannot see myself going to garbage Tegra2.
Is H.profile video decoded easily with the Tegra3 vs.the 2?
Is it worth buying....?
In a word.... yes
After ASUS fixes the problems with Wifi and WiFi + BT it will be a great buy. Before that, no.
Techie2012 said:
After ASUS fixes the problems with Wifi and WiFi + BT it will be a great buy. Before that, no.
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What problems with "WiFi" from what i've heard there are only WiFi+BT issues
jamaicansolja said:
What problems with "WiFi" from what i've heard there are only WiFi+BT issues
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I think he was talking about poor wifi performance in some cases. I have a C10KAS that I'll hopefully return today since I can't do anything beyond 20 ft from the router. I'll try to land on a C20KAS which apparently of no issues at all on this.
@jamaicansolja: I dont get it either There are some people that have some issues with wifi stability as it seems. The same thing you see with any device in this format especially the ipad.
I didnt have any of those problems though. I always have about exactly the same connection as my phone (DesireHD, also made out of aluminum with plastic cut outs). (see attachment)
Should you get the prime? Its the best Tablet out there. So yeah go ahead I certainly am really happy with it. Of course that will change in the future, but atm there is nothing even close. And i dont think the ipad 3 will change that because iOS will stay iOS... But thats personal preference.
Same location, 7-8m away from the router (24ft?) 2 Walls in between.
Jesus...another thread like this? really?
It's pretty crazy how people are posting on a forum for the tech savvy people but have no clue how to do a search.
This message board really needs some mods.
simple answer yes. just look at the thread in my signature called Positive transformer thread. all your worries will cease afterwards .
If you don't need to take handwritten notes on it, yes it is a very good tablet. I which, there was a digitizer pen that works on the Transformer Prime.
Look dude, what you have to understand is the XDA forums (at least for the prime) has a higher concentration of people who have for whatever reason gotten bad primes. This is most likely because they are looking for answers. The prime is FLYING off the shelf and people who are happy aren't going to be as vocal as people who aren't.
I'm on my second prime and both have been great. The HDMI out port died on my first one, however, I dropped it off the back of the couch onto my kids tricycle so that may have had something to do with it.
I have never had a wifi issue at all. I get full strength in most parts of my house (I have 1.5mbps DSL connection and speed test puts my connection at 1.2mbps). The GPS on it is hit or miss, my first one didn't really work but my second (C1 s/n) works a bit better. If you want a GPS that works on the road though......put your had in your pocket and take out your phone. I've never had any random reboots with either of them. In short I've never had any problems. Its the fastest tablet out there and the best on the market. The keyboard dock is what really gives its edge. I was without one for two days and contemplated getting another until I realized there wasn't one that did everything the prime did.
If enough people complain and send their primes in for GPS issues and the problem becomes a hassle for the company they will offer a fix....I think there was a thread on here saying as much.
prizm74 said:
If you don't need to take handwritten notes on it, yes it is a very good tablet. I which, there was a digitizer pen that works on the Transformer Prime.
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Why shouldn't you use it for handwriting?
I actually ordered mine for handwriting.
It's a notebook computer (with the dock) and a tablet. There's none like it. I don't need GPS on it cause I have 10 other GPS devices. Wifi is fine on mine, not any weaker than my HTC evo 3d. The good part is it can be as smooth as fast as ipad2 with a custom rom. I'm running virtuous rom. I can't complain its more sluggish or slower than ipad2 now. Functionalities on the TFP just blow ipad dead in the water. Just the browser alone is enough reason to get the TFP over the ipad2. Text reflow, flash support, bookmarks sync with chrome on your pc, quick controls on the stock browser or ice browser+ make safari look so dated, dynamically request desktop view. Complete sweatness. I don't have to go in other details of ice and android's goodness. I purposely compare it to ipad2 cause that's the strongest contender to TFP. I don't think there's a better android tablet out there.
chucky7910 said:
the XDA forums (at least for the prime) has a higher concentration of people who have for whatever reason gotten bad primes.
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Yes. ASUS strategically shipped all the defective devices to XDA forum members. I, for one, exchanged it 3 times and my 4th unit is also defective. Perhaps I'll ask a friend who is not a forum member to buy one for me so I get a working unit.
Techie2012 said:
Yes. ASUS strategically shipped all the defective devices to XDA forum members. I, for one, exchanged it 3 times and my 4th unit is also defective. Perhaps I'll ask a friend who is not a forum member to buy one for me so I get a working unit.
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Are you serious can you not read and comprehend a simple paragraph. I said that the XDA forums have a higher concentration of people who have problems with their primes because they come here looking for answers.....not that asus sent bad ones only to xda members.
You know because this is a tech forum and if people with electronics have issues they come to sites like these to seek answers.....therefore these forums could have a higher concentration of people with complaints. I didn't think that needed to be explained
Techie2012 said:
Yes. ASUS strategically shipped all the defective devices to XDA forum members. I, for one, exchanged it 3 times and my 4th unit is also defective. Perhaps I'll ask a friend who is not a forum member to buy one for me so I get a working unit.
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I think you need to reread what he wrote since you clearly misunderstood. It happens to the best of us.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

Don't feel bad about your purchase the new iPad has WiFi issues
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Thanks to this post suddently the wifi and gps on my Asus EEE Pad Transformer Prime TF201-B1-GR started working properly
Cozmo85 said:
Thanks to this post suddently the wifi and gps on my Asus EEE Pad Transformer Prime TF201-B1-GR started working properly
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Ha! Exactly right. It doesn't make me feel any better that another device, which I don't own and have no intention of buying, has problems. The only way this news is helpful is when arguing with iPhans about how their stuff is perfect. It doesn't make my Prime work any better, and that's little comfort.
I think someone else already started a thread this morning about how pointless these Apple-has-problems-too threads are. Pointing at the problems of others doesn't fix your own problems. It's just deflection.
Is there really a need for this topic?
As you've already posted the same thing in... two?
Seperate Ipad comparasion topic.
So if the Viewsonic ViewPad has a dozen dead pixels does that make it OK for the Prime to have ten? These "see, someone else lowered the bar" posts don't make any sense when trying to justify any devices shortcomings. If a device has an included feature each manufacturer should be held to a high standard making sure it works properly. It'll suck for Apple if the iPad3 does have Wi-Fi issues but that's not an excuse for every other manufacturer to start shipping products with ****ty Wi-Fi.
BarryH_GEG said:
So if the Viewsonic ViewPad has a dozen dead pixels does that make it OK for the Prime to have ten? These "see, someone else lowered the bar" posts don't make any sense when trying to justify any devices shortcomings. If a device has an included feature each manufacturer should be held to a high standard making sure it works properly. It'll suck for Apple if the iPad3 does have Wi-Fi issues but that's not an excuse for every other manufacturer to start shipping products with ****ty Wi-Fi.
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I agree 100%. but this is to show Asus and Prime is not the only one with these type of issues. I know you don't have amnesia. I'm sure you remember in the begging how you n others made it seem like Asus and Prime was the only tablet ever to suffer from issues and being so close to release. well current news on the latest n greatest Ipad shows otherwise. that's all. Aside from that point I just made, what you saying is correct. no company should have all this going on. but electronics are far from perfect, just like man is. so what man creates will be imperfect also. All product companies have issues one way or another. all this new Ipad revelation is just letting current prime owners know, WE ARE NOT ALONE IN ALL THIS. even the best tablet selling device in the world is now experiencing a crisis far larger than prime issues ever was.
Cozmo85 said:
Thanks to this post suddently the wifi and gps on my Asus EEE Pad Transformer Prime TF201-B1-GR started working properly
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While I agree that it doesn't change anything if you hate your prime so much why not get rid of it? All I see you post is gripes and complaints and it makes no sense to me why you would keep something that makes you cry aloud so much.
It is asinine to me that people would rather constantly complain about something and make no attempt to mitigate the issue, even if that mitigation is just getting rid of it.
dcAndroidFan said:
Ha! Exactly right. It doesn't make me feel any better that another device, which I don't own and have no intention of buying, has problems. The only way this news is helpful is when arguing with iPhans about how their stuff is perfect. It doesn't make my Prime work any better, and that's little comfort.
I think someone else already started a thread this morning about how pointless these Apple-has-problems-too threads are. Pointing at the problems of others doesn't fix your own problems. It's just deflection.
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This, x1000000000
To bring up ANY other product's flaws, unless that flaw led to a solution that could help, is pointless. So what if 50 other devices have wifi issues too, that just means they potentially made a similar mistake. That does not elevate the prime, nor did it need elevating to begin with. enough finger pointing.
It's probably a mistake even posting on this as it's just going to bump it. But I really agree with the other people. I bought a prime. Yes seeing a thread or two about comparisons with other devices is alright and I enjoy reading them. That being said every other thread this week is iPad. These threads are not contributing and they're not helping or informative to anyone that has a prime.
Really wish people would post on threads already made about THAT topic.
And that's my rant.
@Demandarine... I'm thinking the issues popping up a lot quicker because the volume of ipads sold is wayyyyy more than any other single tablet.
Look, no one cares about the Cult of Steve except for the brain dead cultists.
We don't need posts on Cult of Steve trash in a freaking Android device forum.
Thank you for your willing co-operation.
Col.Kernel said:
Look, no one cares about the Cult of Steve except for the brain dead cultists.
We don't need posts on Cult of Steve trash in a freaking Android device forum.
Thank you for your willing co-operation.
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Actually there's a cult of prime/asus/teg3 going on now too, and its no different than the people that swear by apple to the death.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
This thread has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Transformer Prime other than an attempt to create more discussion about the Prime and the iPad when there are already way too many threads created. Closing this thread. Enough is enough people. Go post in one of the other iPad vs Transformer threads.
Or - better yet - stop comparing - you begin to sound like a bunch of fanbois arguing with other fanbois - and you can't argue with a fanboi.

Disappointed with my Prime

So after a couple of months of research, i decided to go ahead and spend $500 for a new Transformer Prime, thinking it was the coolest and fastest tablet out there. The fact that it runs android and that i can root it and load custom roms on it was just an added bonus. I've had an E4GT for about six months now, so im very familiar with the android community.
However, after about a week with this tablet, im very disappointed. wifi, to be quite honest, sucks, the stock browser locks up for no reason all the time, the whole pad gets really hot when i simply watch a movie on netflix with the brightness turned all the way down. Multi-tasking is terrible, switching from facebook to USA Today to twitter is completely laggy. i bought this tablet as something to use instead of lugging my laptop all around the house with me, but to be honest, id rather sit on my laptop if it meant i didnt have to wait 30 seconds to a minute just for the XDA site to load. for this tablet being a quad core, it runs slower than my dual core phone. battery life also, has seemed to be an issue. one movie on netflix over a very stable wifi with brightness turned all the way down will run out my whole battery. also ive tried a few games, since its advertised as a tegra 3 gaming tablet, and games such as GTA and NOVA arent even very good, frame rate is slow and laggy.
Another thing that i was disappointed with were the number of roms/kernels/tweaks i could do to the machine. now im not trying to discredit the devs, i know they do a TON of work on the roms and such that are out there, so dont flame me, however ive found that even most of the custom roms for our TFP dont really come with alot of custom options, unless you go with CM9 or AOKP.
my mom just bought a new ipad, and i know i know its apple they such blahh blahh and yes, the lack of customizability would absolutely drive me insane, but the browser is wicked fast, the battery life is incredible, and switching between apps is completely seamless. everything youd expect from a $500 tablet
now right now i am running the latest version of AOKP, and the above is all of the things that i keep running into. however, i have run multiple stock and custom roms, and they all seemed to give me the same problems. if the problems im running into are rom based, then please by all means point me in the right direction. i certainly do not know everything about android.
sorry this post is long, but i dont know what im going to do, i definitely not happy with my prime, but when it comes down to the specs, its the best tablet on the market. i guess if in a week or two im still not happy with it ill return it, but if theres anything any of you know that will spark a new love for my prime, id greatly appreciate it.
Ctanferno22 said:
So after a couple of months of research, i decided to go ahead and spend $500 for a new Transformer Prime, thinking it was the coolest and fastest tablet out there. The fact that it runs android and that i can root it and load custom roms on it was just an added bonus. I've had an E4GT for about six months now, so im very familiar with the android community.
However, after about a week with this tablet, im very disappointed. wifi, to be quite honest, sucks, the stock browser locks up for no reason all the time, the whole pad gets really hot when i simply watch a movie on netflix with the brightness turned all the way down. Multi-tasking is terrible, switching from facebook to USA Today to twitter is completely laggy. i bought this tablet as something to use instead of lugging my laptop all around the house with me, but to be honest, id rather sit on my laptop if it meant i didnt have to wait 30 seconds to a minute just for the XDA site to load. for this tablet being a quad core, it runs slower than my dual core phone. battery life also, has seemed to be an issue. one movie on netflix over a very stable wifi with brightness turned all the way down will run out my whole battery. also ive tried a few games, since its advertised as a tegra 3 gaming tablet, and games such as GTA and NOVA arent even very good, frame rate is slow and laggy.
Another thing that i was disappointed with were the number of roms/kernels/tweaks i could do to the machine. now im not trying to discredit the devs, i know they do a TON of work on the roms and such that are out there, so dont flame me, however ive found that even most of the custom roms for our TFP dont really come with alot of custom options, unless you go with CM9 or AOKP.
my mom just bought a new ipad, and i know i know its apple they such blahh blahh and yes, the lack of customizability would absolutely drive me insane, but the browser is wicked fast, the battery life is incredible, and switching between apps is completely seamless. everything youd expect from a $500 tablet
now right now i am running the latest version of AOKP, and the above is all of the things that i keep running into. however, i have run multiple stock and custom roms, and they all seemed to give me the same problems. if the problems im running into are rom based, then please by all means point me in the right direction. i certainly do not know everything about android.
sorry this post is long, but i dont know what im going to do, i definitely not happy with my prime, but when it comes down to the specs, its the best tablet on the market. i guess if in a week or two im still not happy with it ill return it, but if theres anything any of you know that will spark a new love for my prime, id greatly appreciate it.
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Can I just roll out this tired old phrase before someone else story bro...yawn
I think 95% of people on this forum are tired of these threads appearing. Why didn't you post your comments in a thread like this:
I presume your intent was to start a flame war. Enjoy it while it lasts. I hope the mods put this thread out of its misery ASAP
What people should do instead of posting this kind of thing here is send Asus an email.
I'm not saying the email wouldn't just vanish into the ether, but complaining to other users isn't going to accomplish anything.
If you're unhappy, email Asus and let them know.
paddycr said:
Can I just roll out this tired old phrase before someone else story bro...yawn
I think 95% of people on this forum are tired of these threads appearing. Why didn't you post your comments in a thread like this:
I presume your intent was to start a flame war. Enjoy it while it lasts. I hope the mods put this thread out of its misery ASAP
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you are a noob. Nobody like to be a noob, but you are one anyway. and the first rule of noob-age is to search and read. Second rule of noob-age is that after you search and find a thread that is similar to your problem, post it there. There are so many complaint threads, we've had the mods closing them left and right. Thank you for creating another one and proving that people don't search or read, they just spew onto xda. We appreciate your well thought out, yet redundant post that has already been extremely well documented issues in other threads.
And we are 2...****ing tablet. I hate asus
Inviato dal mio GT-I9100 usando Tapatalk
paddycr said:
Can I just roll out this tired old phrase before someone else story bro...yawn
I think 95% of people on this forum are tired of these threads appearing. Why didn't you post your comments in a thread like this:
I presume your intent was to start a flame war. Enjoy it while it lasts. I hope the mods put this thread out of its misery ASAP
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The problem with the first post of that thread is there's nothing about the lag/browser/io.
You should of RMA it before you unlocked for WIFI.
I have 2 primes, Unlocked and running AKOP
I must say i disagree with everything you say. My tablet is FIRE
Speed is nuts.
Now all we need is a win8 port =)
What kind of customization are you looking for exactly? I do most of mine through widgets, apps, launchers, and live wallpapers, which are mostly rom independent (except the cornerstone roms, which can't use live wallpapers)
And the kernel you use can also affect your wifi experiences.
Try installing Ad Free, it will make your browsing experience much smoother
David522d said:
You should of RMA it before you unlocked for WIFI.
I have 2 primes, Unlocked and running AKOP
I must say i disagree with everything you say. My tablet is FIRE
Speed is nuts.
Now all we need is a win8 port =)
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i agree for one part: aopk is realy snappy. but stock based (androwook) owns it by far in terms of stability and battery life.
we need best of 2 worlds.
in both cases extremely bad IO write speed which causes slowdowns and queueing. this is realy a bugger, hope its fixable.
I realize all some of the things I mentioned have been talked about before, the reason I posted was to see if there was something out there that I was missing that would improve my experience. All you trolls do is look for people to flame. If you really want to contribute to the community how about you help someone out that just spent $500 on a tablet that doesn't deliver what it said it would. So thanks trolls for encouraging me to return this tablet even more. Great community, real helpful. At least the people in the E4GT threads try to do something about the problems they find with their device, instead of just flaming people
jrkart99 said:
you are a noob. Nobody like to be a noob, but you are one anyway. and the first rule of noob-age is to search and read. Second rule of noob-age is that after you search and find a thread that is similar to your problem, post it there. There are so many complaint threads, we've had the mods closing them left and right. Thank you for creating another one and proving that people don't search or read, they just spew onto xda. We appreciate your well thought out, yet redundant post that has already been extremely well documented issues in other threads.
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Ya, a noob that claims to have done months of research on the Prime before deciding to buy one. If you did all that research wouldn't you have known about the problems some have experienced? What we have here is an iFan troll IMHO. See how the topic eventually got to mentioning the iPad.
If I was still in the return window , this is just me my honest opinion is just return it and wait on something better , plenty of options coming up. I don't have the browser or lag problems some people have but the wifi/BT problem absolutely ticks me off, GPS was dead on mine out the box and Asus screwed up its initial dongle shipments I had to have 75 other people post in a thread before getting any response from people at corporate about it to have them send me another one. Its a great looking tablet but QC on these things is just terrible and my opinion the company isnt much better (shame on Google for going with Asus for the Nexus tablet that really irks me too), TF201 will be last Asus product I buy, you either get one thats great or one with some issue
Ctanferno22 said:
I realize all some of the things I mentioned have been talked about before, the reason I posted was to see if there was something out there that I was missing that would improve my experience. All you trolls do is look for people to flame. If you really want to contribute to the community how about you help someone out that just spent $500 on a tablet that doesn't deliver what it said it would. So thanks trolls for encouraging me to return this tablet even more. Great community, real helpful. At least the people in the E4GT threads try to do something about the problems they find with their device, instead of just flaming people
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See my post previous post about improving your web browsing experience.
We probably have different expectations, because I'm running a stock based rom as my daily driver and honestly I'm overall very happy with the experience. I don't use the stock web browser, so maybe that may be the difference, or not.
I also don't seem to notice much lag from switching between apps... then again I'm also not watching lag like a hawk either, so if it does exist, it's not enough for me to take notice.
Lastly, if you put yourself out there then just be ready for the flames to come out. It's probably true that this forum seems to have a higher ratio of trolls though... I guess some people really take this stuff too seriously. But if you let their comments get to you then they have won...
Ctanferno22 said:
I realize all some of the things I mentioned have been talked about before, the reason I posted was to see if there was something out there that I was missing that would improve my experience. All you trolls do is look for people to flame. If you really want to contribute to the community how about you help someone out that just spent $500 on a tablet that doesn't deliver what it said it would. So thanks trolls for encouraging me to return this tablet even more. Great community, real helpful. At least the people in the E4GT threads try to do something about the problems they find with their device, instead of just flaming people
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Im new to Tabs but been runnin all kinds of Custom Roms GB and ICS on my 4G Sprint Touch here @ XDA...Mines overclocked at 1.6 and Smokes...I found out the best way to improve it was to read a lotta threads and get different ideas on what to run...
Just like here Ive read a lot of threads ran about 5 different roms with overclocked kernels up to 1.8...My Prime also smokes...from videos to music... movies... you name it...don't notice any lag...Im runnin Wookies Prime 1.0 ...quadrants of 5200-5900 @ performance...Gummys is Super Fast as well...but to me Wooks is more stable...Im more than satisfied the way I set mine up...So just read a bit on here ...set it up the right way and Im sure you'll luv it....
And I think a lotta members on here are more than willing to help...Of course Im unlocked and rooted...Bricked it the first day...But with the help from back up and runnin in about an hour... haven't had a problem since...
Ctanferno22 said:
I realize all some of the things I mentioned have been talked about before, the reason I posted was to see if there was something out there that I was missing that would improve my experience. All you trolls do is look for people to flame. If you really want to contribute to the community how about you help someone out that just spent $500 on a tablet that doesn't deliver what it said it would. So thanks trolls for encouraging me to return this tablet even more. Great community, real helpful. At least the people in the E4GT threads try to do something about the problems they find with their device, instead of just flaming people
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I am sorry that the Prime isn't all you were expecting it to be. I am glad you did months of research before posting here, however had you done so you would have noticed three things for sure:
Many people have the same issues as you, and there are threads already addressing the specific issues you mention.
We just had a major ****-storm on this forum over the massive number of duplicate posts talking about the same issues and problems.
Starting threads that are duplicates of topics that already exist on the forum is a "no-no" according to XDA forum rules.
Again I am sorry that the Prime doesn't meet your needs, and I am very sorry for some of the replies you have gotten in this thread. All I can say is people are a little more sensitive to duplicate posts, especially ones that complain without offering any possible solutions to the problems that are the source of the complaint.
If your Prime didn't met your needs you should have returned it to the store before voiding your warranty trying to fix the problem. You still might want to give this a try, or try exchanging it for another Prime and tell them that WiFi isn't working properly as it is an issue most retailers know about. Most retail locations won't check a device to see if its bootloader has been unlocked.
Also if your problem is specifically with Wifi performance, or at least, you phrase it that way to Asus, there is a good chance they will still allow you to RMA the Prime as they have done so for several other people on the forum.
Is not your xda here....
Inviato dal mio GT-I9100 usando Tapatalk
Ctanferno22 said:
So after a couple of months of research, i decided to go ahead and spend $500 for a new Transformer Prime, thinking it was the coolest and fastest tablet out there. The fact that it runs android and that i can root it and load custom roms on it was just an added bonus. I've had an E4GT for about six months now, so im very familiar with the android community.
However, after about a week with this tablet, im very disappointed. wifi, to be quite honest, sucks, the stock browser locks up for no reason all the time, the whole pad gets really hot when i simply watch a movie on netflix with the brightness turned all the way down. Multi-tasking is terrible, switching from facebook to USA Today to twitter is completely laggy. i bought this tablet as something to use instead of lugging my laptop all around the house with me, but to be honest, id rather sit on my laptop if it meant i didnt have to wait 30 seconds to a minute just for the XDA site to load. for this tablet being a quad core, it runs slower than my dual core phone. battery life also, has seemed to be an issue. one movie on netflix over a very stable wifi with brightness turned all the way down will run out my whole battery. also ive tried a few games, since its advertised as a tegra 3 gaming tablet, and games such as GTA and NOVA arent even very good, frame rate is slow and laggy.
Another thing that i was disappointed with were the number of roms/kernels/tweaks i could do to the machine. now im not trying to discredit the devs, i know they do a TON of work on the roms and such that are out there, so dont flame me, however ive found that even most of the custom roms for our TFP dont really come with alot of custom options, unless you go with CM9 or AOKP.
my mom just bought a new ipad, and i know i know its apple they such blahh blahh and yes, the lack of customizability would absolutely drive me insane, but the browser is wicked fast, the battery life is incredible, and switching between apps is completely seamless. everything youd expect from a $500 tablet
now right now i am running the latest version of AOKP, and the above is all of the things that i keep running into. however, i have run multiple stock and custom roms, and they all seemed to give me the same problems. if the problems im running into are rom based, then please by all means point me in the right direction. i certainly do not know everything about android.
sorry this post is long, but i dont know what im going to do, i definitely not happy with my prime, but when it comes down to the specs, its the best tablet on the market. i guess if in a week or two im still not happy with it ill return it, but if theres anything any of you know that will spark a new love for my prime, id greatly appreciate it.
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I have flashed every ROM that exists for the Prime, and all have their own minor issues.
For my Prime, I have to say the new Androwook Prime custom ROM is the best there is.
If you haven't tried it yet, do it... you have nothing to lose but a few minutes of your time.
Just go read the (95% positive) feedback and you'll want to try it.... it's got freakin Sony Bravia engine in it man It is the fastest ROM I've ever run, super stable, no browser lag or not responding messages, and the WiFi is great. I do like AOKP and Gummy but WiFi sucks on my Prime with those ROMS.
Give it a shot man... come back tonight and let me know how it worked out for ya.
Oh, BTW... after installing Androwook, I got an app called GMD GestureControl... wow it's amazing. Ceck into that too... in love with my Prime even more than ever.
almightywhacko said:
I am sorry that the Prime isn't all you were expecting it to be. I am glad you did months of research before posting here, however had you done so you would have noticed three things for sure:
Many people have the same issues as you, and there are threads already addressing the specific issues you mention.
We just had a major ****-storm on this forum over the massive number of duplicate posts talking about the same issues and problems.
Starting threads that are duplicates of topics that already exist on the forum is a "no-no" according to XDA forum rules
Again I am sorry that the Prime doesn't meet your needs, and I am very sorry for some of the replies you have gotten in this thread. All I can say is people are a little more sensitive to duplicate posts, especially ones that complain without offering any possible solutions to the problems that are the source of the complaint.
If your Prime didn't met your needs you should have returned it to the store before voiding your warranty trying to fix the problem. You still might want to give this a try, or try exchanging it for another Prime and tell them that WiFi isn't working properly as it is an issue most retailers know about. Most retail locations won't check a device to see if its bootloader has been unlocked.
Also if your problem is specifically with Wifi performance, or at least, you phrase it that way to Asus, there is a good chance they will still allow you to RMA the Prime as they have done so for several other people on the forum.
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I agree with this 100%
@OP don't take none of the remarks personal. I feel your gripes. Its just that EVERYONE is really frustrated. Especially on duplicate complaint threads. the reason for that is because most are posted just complaining without trying to find a solution or answer to the problem. I know it wasn't this in your case, but just saying in general. People in the Prime forum are actually very helpful and like the other forum you described. Everyone is on edge with this device. We have primes that work great and people satisfied with them & then we have people with primes that have issues and are unhappy. So don't take the flaming remarks to heart.
Try that rom like jaycustom said, since you are unlocked. if your main gripe is wifi, just call Asus and see what they can do. you never know, they might just go on and fix your device although its unlocked. people have had success with that route.
good luck on finding a solution and don't be discouraged.
thank you hairdewx and jaycustom for actually responding with something useful. the reason i posted was to learn. learn more about the device i have and how to set it up the right way to get the results i want. i like the androwook custom rom, but i really like the toggles of AOKP, i use them ALOT. i will try your suggestions and see what i can find out. i tried to use the custom build prop in the development section, but everytime i do it and follow the directions it wont boot past the asus screen. maybe im doing it wrong and i will try it again. thanks again to those of you that actually made an effort to try and help me. my post was not to *****, but yet make the best with what i had.
Love my Prime. Running Virtuous Rom and it is seemless. I have the latest build (serial # starting with C4) so I dont know if they have fixed up the wifi/GPS issues in this build but it is great.
I too am noob and did a fair bit of searching before I purchased (2 weeks ago). I was aware of the GPS/Wifi issues but had read that the new dongle fixed that but hadn't read much about lag or any other problems. All the reviews I read were extremely glowing of the tablet and most ranked their #1. Anyway I suppose I was lucky to get one that works perfectly.
Does anyone know if C4 build has all issues ironed out now? it would be great if it does but Asus should replace tab for those that are extremely unhappy.
Once again, Love my Prime!!!!!
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app

My letter to ASUS for their excellent work and support on TF201

I already sent the letter to ASUS support. I hope to hear something back.
Dear Asus,
I have owned many consumer electronic devices and I must say, the TF201 is hands down the WORST piece of gadget I have ever owned. Nothing about it works and the worst part is, you are reluctant to help us to make it work.
For 10 months, we, the users, have been beta testing the TF201 so that you can develop better, improved products like the 700. We paid over 500 dollars to test products for you and receive no support. We have been through numerous ANR on simple tasks such as web browsing or playing a 2D game. Seriously? Is this what we paid 500 dollars for? Not only that, every subsequent firmware update did nothing to improve the product. Yet asus hasn't done much to help the situation. You provide the users with a half baked bootloader unlock tool that doesn't work for 50% of the users (check XDA). When asked to fix the bootloader unlock tool, ASUS says they dont support unlocking the device and can't do anything about it. Asus requested users to RMA their device to fix the bootloaded issue yet when the users get it back, there had been no change. No issues were addressed. Now we are stuck with a garbage firmware from ASUS that can’t even do the simplest things right and users can't even put a custom ROM to help make our experience better.
Two days ago, you released an OTA for jellybean which failed to update for about half the existing owners. Now when we check for the update, the tablet can't find it anymore and we are stuck with the same crappy 4.0.3 firmware. The devs are going above and beyond to modify the update file so it can work for everyone (check XDA) since asus is too lazy to upload the firmware on their support/download page. I got a question for you ASUS, can you do ANYTHING right? How much do you have to suck to screw up an OTA? I have used many android products from many vendors and NONE of them had nearly as many issues as the TF201. In the dev community it is called the bastard child. Many owners simply sold it at a loss or were successful at trading it at bestbuy for something else since Asus would not support them. You have the courage to charge customer $500+ for such a garbage device yet you provide this level of support? I understand problems happen and users are willing to cope with issues. But the least you could do is support your product by providing us with a functioning bootloader unlocker so the users that are having problems with the garbage firmware can at least use a custom firmware to make it useable again. We paid for this device and we expect some level of functionality such as browsing the web for the money we paid. At the very least, you can upload the new firmware on the support page so users who are having issues downloading the firmware (because some engineers can’t even make a functioning OTA) can at least manually upgrade to 4.1.
Overall, I must say, this tablet has done nothing more than frustrating me. Every time I go to use it, something goes wrong. I hope someone reads this email and feels guilty for charging upwards of $500 to deliver such subpar device to its consumers. At the very least, check out the XDA forum for TF201 and see how much time is being spent by users to simply get a straightforward OTA. Finally, if asus can’t deliver remotely what they promised, they should leave the tablet game for companies that know how to build a decent firmware or OTA.
A disappointed customer
Given their track record, they will probably ignore it. I dont expect to hear anything back.
I have the same feelings as you, but post this on their facebook page or something if you want it to make some kind of impact. Here on XDA there are what, like 2 Asus marketing employees who occasionally come by?
Your opinion
I respect your right to have an opinion. I actually only come to this developers website to read productive opinions. Your opinion has no purpose here other than to fan the flames of your ire. It's useless for productive people and the moderators should delete your thread.
Yuhfhrh said:
I have the same feelings as you, but post this on their facebook page or something if you want it to make some kind of impact. Here on XDA there are what, like 2 Asus marketing employees who occasionally come by?
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I already posted on their FB page. But they deleted it. So I emailed them directly. I am looking for Jony shi's email address so I can email him personally. I am pretty sure he has no clue how bad the team F'ed it up
I thought most people who had issues with the OTA had rooted their tablet and messed with it somehow. To me it seems like asus has made sure the update works for everyone who hasn't done anything to their prime and that it doesn't brick anyones tablet, and it seems many people are able to get their tablet back into a state such that they can install the update. I really don't think we could expect them to do much more.
Also I don't get why the download problems where so terrible, it's still only been two days since the first release and I think most people are able to get the update pretty quickly now.
And also note that not only did they get us jellybean quicker than most other devices, but they also fixed one of the biggest issues with the prime (ANR). The only thing I really am disappointed over is the lack of status updates leading up to the release.
whycali said:
I respect your right to have an opinion. I actually only come to this developers website to read productive opinions. Your opinion has no purpose here other than to fan the flames of your ire. It's useless for productive people and the moderators should delete your thread.
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This kind of attitude of being quiet and trying to figure things out by ourselves is why ASUS can get away with it. No one brings it up. TF201 is probably the worst tablet out their for android in its price range and it has been 10 months and there have been no improvements. I am not whining, I am just stating something that is unfair. No matter how much the devs try, they can't unlock the prime unless ASUS does something. And most of us dont have hours to fiddle with something like OTA that should just work. So we SHOULD bring up the issue. I think more people should contact ASUS directly until something is done because clearly we can't solve the problem.
We deserve something better than a paperweight for $500.
eiriklf said:
I thought most people who had issues with the OTA had rooted their tablet and messed with it somehow. To me it seems like asus has made sure the update works for everyone who hasn't done anything to their prime and that it doesn't brick anyones tablet, and it seems many people are able to get their tablet back into a state such that they can install the update. I really don't think we could expect them to do much more.
Also I don't get why the download problems where so terrible, it's still only been two days since the first release and I think most people are able to get the update pretty quickly now.
And also note that not only did they get us jellybean quicker than most other devices, but they also fixed one of the biggest issues with the prime (ANR). The only thing I really am disappointed over is the lack of status updates leading up to the release.
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I am stock unrooted. My download failed and my tablet can't find it anymore. And ASSUS is too busy watching porn and dont have the time to upload the firmware to their website.
applesuckz said:
This kind of attitude of being quiet and trying to figure things out by ourselves is why ASUS can get away with it. No one brings it up. TF201 is probably the worst tablet out their for android in its price range and it has been 10 months and there have been no improvements. I am not whining, I am just stating something that is unfair. No matter how much the devs try, they can't unlock the prime unless ASUS does something. And most of us dont have hours to fiddle with something like OTA that should just work. So we SHOULD bring up the issue. I think more people should contact ASUS directly until something is done because clearly we can't solve the problem.
We deserve something better than a paperweight for $500.
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Although I agree with the sentiment (I too have a prime) i'm seriously fed up of coming on this forum and seeing people complain.
there are enough complaint threads already.
I am fortunate enough to have been able to unlock my device, but that in itself contains massive risks (I almost bricked mine a couple of weeks ago)
when trying to look for a solution to my partial brick, all I could find were complaint threads. even semi useful threads were full of complaints. this made the task very frustrating.
By all means complain to Asus... but PLEASE enough with these threads and all of the thread jacking that is going on.. I want rid of my prime not because of performance, but because I can't read any thread in any section of the Prime forum without having to hear the same people complaining again and again.
I'm sorry if this seems confrontational, but I have seriously had enough of it!!
P.S. OP, please change the subject of this post to something more relevant like "My complaint letter to Asus ( Yet another complaint thread)"
applesuckz said:
This kind of attitude of being quiet and trying to figure things out by ourselves is why ASUS can get away with it. No one brings it up. TF201 is probably the worst tablet out their for android in its price range and it has been 10 months and there have been no improvements. I am not whining, I am just stating something that is unfair. No matter how much the devs try, they can't unlock the prime unless ASUS does something. And most of us dont have hours to fiddle with something like OTA that should just work. So we SHOULD bring up the issue. I think more people should contact ASUS directly until something is done because clearly we can't solve the problem.
We deserve something better than a paperweight for $500.
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My point is that this post here is not that thing you claim to want. Nobody here works for asus and nobody here is looking for the opinion of the unhappy user. Its been done to death and is not an original thought.
People dont come to this site (or shouldnt) hoping the manufacturer is here to fix the problems they have.
I honestly don't know what you're trying to achieve here. First of all, this is what, the 14th thousand complaint thread OF THE DAY? We get it, you hate your device. Now be a big boy and sell the damn thing if you're so fed up with it. Second of all, if you want Asus to take your letter seriously, or read it without groaning like I did, don't use phrases like "how much do you have to suck" or "crappy, garbage firmware". If you expect Asus to respond professionally, I'd start by not sounding like a 12 year old boy that had his toy broken.
Jellybean's been out 2 days. TWO WHOPPING DAYS. If you can't access the update now I'd suggest you wait a week or two, because evidently you're not the only Prime user in the world. There are plenty of people who are also attempting to update their device, and mind I point out that many have gotten the new firmware and are quite happy with the result. There's no need to throw a fit simply because you weren't among the firsts in line.
Finally, don't complain about not being able to put custom ROMs on your device. That's not Asus' problem. We all know that unlocking the bootloader and flashing custom ROMs void the warranty. No one forced you to do it, and if you did it and borked your device, Asus has no obligation to fix it for you. I fully understand the risks of tampering with the firmware, and if tomorrow I flashed something new and bricked my Prime, I wouldn't go running to Asus and demand an answer.
I have my fair share of problems with the Prime, trust me. But this forum has brought whining to a whole new level.
sorry fellas i have to agree with op. and im not hatin on asus. i have a nexus seven and two high end asus laptops (though the keyboards are absolute ****) which i love. the prime is the biggest piece of **** ever sold to the american public. i mean really? you bottleneck the device by having horribly slow storage? and a device that is only wifi with **** wifi?
i took mine back to best buy today and recieved a 538 dollar credit. so it was made right by best buy. praise baby jesus that POS is gone and i didnt take a loss.
I wish i could get my money back for this POS from gamestop or asus. I shouldnt have to sell it for a loss because of asuses broken promises and lack of competence.
whycali said:
My point is that this post here is not that thing you claim to want. Nobody here works for asus and nobody here is looking for the opinion of the unhappy user. Its been done to death and is not an original thought.
People dont come to this site (or shouldnt) hoping the manufacturer is here to fix the problems they have.
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I don't get it. While I do understand that Prime XDA forum is nothing but complaints (I wonder why...), you also have an option to not read any of them. But you continue to reply to majority of them... mock the individual... and say "blah blah blah"... just as useless as many other complaint threads as you put it.
And really?? Gary Key doesn't work for Asus? Asus_Tien doesn't work for Asus??
Same for my.deleate mesage and user....
Inviato dal mio GT-N7000 con Tapatalk 2
I actually do agree with whycali... we have too many thread complaining about the device... what is the point? does the number of threads make a difference to Asus?... if you have problems with the device, that's really bad luck, but use an existing thread instead of creating a new one... I rarely read these thread of complaints, but it's becoming really hard to find useful threads...
craigacgomez said:
I actually do agree with whycali... we have too many thread complaining about the device... what is the point? does the number of threads make a difference to Asus?... if you have problems with the device, that's really bad luck, but use an existing thread instead of creating a new one... I rarely read these thread of complaints, but it's becoming really hard to find useful threads...
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I agree... I almost didn't buy my prime because of all the negative things that have been said here. Thankfully I decided to make up my own mind and im glad i did. Best thing i have bought myself in awhile.
Thankfully im reporting non of the issue's that everyone else has been. maybe im Lucky or people are just blowing things out of proportion. Ive been using ASUS products for years and Ive never had problems with any of their products.... can't believe that their build quality has went down that much since the last computer i built which is still running fine today.
TANIS8585 said:
I agree... I almost didn't buy my prime because of all the negative things that have been said here. Thankfully I decided to make up my own mind and im glad i did. Best thing i have bought myself in awhile.
Thankfully im reporting non of the issue's that everyone else has been. maybe im Lucky or people are just blowing things out of proportion. Ive been using ASUS products for years and Ive never had problems with any of their products.... can't believe that their build quality has went down that much since the last computer i built which is still running fine today.
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Yes, I love this device... I've had no problems with anything so far... and it's the best device I've purchased...
I don't think their build quality has really gone down... cuz like you I've been using Asus products for a while...maybe it's just one of those devices.... something that every company faces...
craigacgomez said:
Yes, I love this device... I've had no problems with anything so far... and it's the best device I've purchased...
I don't think their build quality has really gone down... cuz like you I've been using Asus products for a while...maybe it's just one of those devices.... something that every company faces...
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Well as long as mine works perfectly it doesn't matter what anybody says.... just sad that i come on here to discuss what people are doing with their tabs and what cool things are being done and all i see is negativity.
out of every forum here on xda ive looked at this one for the prime seems to be the worst.
I get that the prime is not perfect and has its flaws, but what i really don't get is why people are upset about OTA problem^^
OTA's are supposed to work for stock devices, if you do stuff like rooting and modding you should be aware that OTAs might not work anymore. Yes even rooting and installing busybox will modify your system and may cause OTA problems.
I personally have no problems with my prime. Happy user since last January. And now it has jellay bean! <3 loving it so far
rosebud said:
Although I agree with the sentiment (I too have a prime) i'm seriously fed up of coming on this forum and seeing people complain.
there are enough complaint threads already.
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I'm personally fed up with people being fed up at seeing so many complaint threads. Be mad at Asus for selling us a crappy product and not supporting it. This product deserves to have an XDA thread chock full of complaint threads to remind people who see them what a garbage company Asus is.

