Best alternative currently available? - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

So, I'm getting really frustrated with all of the stuff I've been reading about the Prime. I got mine just before Christmas and it hasn't given me any major problems, a couple of nuisance things here and there. But what I'm worried about is the talk of it being discontinued already, what kind of dev support is this going to get, the possibility of some issues popping up down the road, and the feeling of having paid $500 for a flawed product. I've been holding off from returning it in hopes of some miracle fix coming along or some announcement from ASUS that they'll offer some sort of upgrade for the early adopters. But, as I get close to my 30 day return window closing, i have to consider what to do...
So, if you were going to buy something today that isn't the Prime, what would it be, and why?
Also, do you think my logic is flawed? Should i continue to "wait and see"?
Thanks for your input.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium

I returned mine, and bought the original TF-101. It can't match the Prime is processor power, but everything on it works perfectly, and it was $100 cheaper.

There is no alternative. Stop feeding into the rumours n hype. I'd you would take a look in Android developement you would already see we got alot going on. We got root less than a couple days after ICS release. We already have overclocking on the prime. We already have Linux running on prime. Come on now.. Plus most people spreading the rumours don't know jack or even own a prime. There are lots of people without even owning the device taking b.s. and spreading stuff like they know what's going on. Most rumor threads are always false n should be taken with a grain of salt. There are members here out to bash the prime or make it look bad so to try to scare people off from it. READ the positive threads more instead of the
People will believe anything they read SMH lmfao
I like how you changed it to

Rumors of discontinue? Replacements with better model?
The problem here is that talk is cheap, and you need to filter out the signal from the noise. If you're happy with your product, then that should be the informing factor. Technology will always be improving and you just have to jump in where you think is best.

I'm not sorry I returned mine. It's a relief to no longer have the Asus dark cloud hanging over my head. I too am looking for a replacement.
Also, there is another thread here today showing a retailer which has already discounted them to $399. Are the fire sales already starting?

The only reason I could see them discontinuing it would be to release a Prime with a new casing fixing the major issues. If they do this I couldn't see them not allowing Prime owners a swap.

Moothead2 said:
The only reason I could see them discontinuing it would be to release a Prime with a new casing fixing the major issues. If they do this I couldn't see them not allowing Prime owners a swap.
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Either the current model is not being discontinued (most likely), or they're redesigning it, in which case, they'd have to allow people to RMA/swap out the exisiting model.

The original TF101 and dock or wait to see what the equal from Lenovo is like - as I want the dock! Nite well that had my OG not ended up in it's current damaged state, I would not have bought the Prime.
Now if all I wanted was a tablet, I would probably have gotten the TF101 or the Galaxy Tab (either the aging 10.1 or the newer 7.x). The Samsung having had a 3G version that my carrier used to carry would have sinched it, for the same price point as a TF+dock. Nota bene: while the first Gen of Galaxy Tab 10.1 does have a keyboard dock available for like $80, it doesn't have a battery or net book folding feature like the Transformers do.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk

nyijedi said:
Either the current model is not being discontinued (most likely), or they're redesigning it, in which case, they'd have to allow people to RMA/swap out the exisiting model.
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I hope they do the latter, it would boost their reputation highly after the near-disaster launch for their PR department. They could even gut the old Primes and then just put the main componants into the new casing and then sell them off at a slightly lower price so they will be hardly losing anything. Either way, I'm still pleased with my Prime, the Wi-Fi works decently in my house where I'll be almost exclusively using it and GPS is a non-issue for me anyway.

thomslik said:
I'm not sorry I returned mine. It's a relief to no longer have the Asus dark cloud hanging over my head. I too am looking for a replacement.
Also, there is another thread here today showing a retailer which has already discounted them to $399. Are the fire sales already starting?
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$100 cheaper is not a fire OTA called a Promo

as far as i can tell, the new t700 will have the same specs except the screen res, as long as we have a few good dev's here we should be ok regardless, i would imagine that alot of the roms that take advantage of the tegra 3 and the radio's on the t700 would be easy enough to apply to the tf201 with some tinkering, and like others have said we already got some good stuff going on in the dev section.
if you want to feel better about your prime go and hang out in there for a a bit the general and q&a portions of the forum have become like the weekly world tabloids, running rampant with rumors of 5 legged bat children and the Bermuda triangle of GPS signals....
i'm right there with you, the loss of dev support is more important to me then almost any other aspect of the tablet it's self, i have never bought a device that the manufacture was more prompt and robust then what some dev random dev has come up with in his moms basement, kind of sad when you think about it. that some multi million dollar corp isn't as good as a few guys just hanging on the internet with a passion, seems like HR needs to find guys who love their job....anyways hang in there and we have a 1 year warranty on our product, all else fails hook it up to a car battery and send it

When mine was running Honeycomb, I was going to return it and wait for the iPad 3. The Prime was slow and apps were closing and unpredictable.
After the ICS update, this Transformer Prime is hummin' like a beast out of Hades. I love it. I just got the keyboard dock, and now it looks like a netbook. LOL.
Anyway, for those with TP issues, keep talking with ASUS so that they can resolve the issues. I have to say that their customer service has been very strong. If this were Apple, they'd be denying there were any issues!
That being said, if you want a table that has no issues and just works, get an iPad. It may lack some of the technological sophistication that the latest Android tabs have, but that is balanced by a very stable platform.


Gamestop Asus Transformer Prime Keyboard Dock release date pushed back again.

First it was 12/6/11. Then 12/13/11. Now 12/19/11.
I pre-ordered the keyboard dock online, in hope that I would receive it well before my in-store reserve on the Transformer Prime. For how much effort(research, reserve/funding) I've had to do, I really would have liked to have the Prime tablet & Prime dock by the 20th. It looks like that isn't happening. What annoys me most is that Gamestop just keeps changing the dates without notifying. I honestly believe that they knew they had no intentions of honoring the previous release dates. At times I feel like giving up on all of this. For 649.99, I think we deserve some updates as to what to REALLY expect.
I wouldn't be surprised if they push it back again without notification on the 19th. If they do I'll pass on the Prime until I can find it on the shelf with dock. If January comes and I find myself without the Prime & dock I will hold on to my money until another manufacturer who actually wants my money is ready to do business.
Getting sick of all this waiting and BS and lying and horrible tactics from asus... I'm just going to stick with my ipad2 for now.
in 2-3 months better tablets will be out and even the Sony Vita..
Ipad 3, Ipad Mini, Xoom 2, Samsung Note, Acer Prime, and even a 7 inch asus tegra 3 device is suppose to be releasing sometime in the next 3-4 months...
For me all this crap about release dates, defects, no word from asus and retailers just changing the dates on the date its suppose to ship is too much. Asus has provided too little too late IMO.
I already have an ipad2 as well. I demoed the Prime again yesterday because I was close to the one and only Gamestop(7 miles away) that does reserves in my area. One of the things that impressed me was the Killer whale battery live wallpaper. While scrolling on the home screen I noticed there was noticable lag with the live wallpaper enabled. I even bumped it up to the performance mode. Same lag.....boooo. You'd think a Quad core with a companion core would be able to handle the live wallpaper w/o lag. I guess not.
With all the dates Gamestop has pushed back without notice on the dock and now knowing in advance that I will not be receiving both by the 19th I am seriously second guessing canceling both of my reserves....and with no official word from Asus to keep the retailers in line I find myself looking to the forums for answers......lame.
The more we all sit in disarray the more I find more things I don't like about the Prime & Asus. I've already had a bad experience with their customer service when I owned a G73JH. Now I own a maxed out Alienware M18x with 580M SLI/2960XM with no problems.
Can someone please say something to stop me from throwing in the towel. I really want to hang on but with nothing to go on.....I don't know how long I can manage on my own To make matters worse a Gamestop manager told me that they received word that they will not have enough to go around by the time the 18th/19th comes around and that some will get their tablets in early January. I asked the manager when are they going to notify the people who reserved the Prime, not to expect the tablet until January and the manager said most likely on the 19th.
It's not fair for a retailer to hold on to our money/willingness to do business, knowing in advance that they are not going to honor the release date for whatever reason.
it sucks so bad i want my prime now
You should all throw in the towel so that I can get mine for sure.
Honestly, I think whole "OMG I have to wait X more days to get it" is prety childish. It's a tablet, not a life saving medication. If you have iPad already, I am sure you can wait a little bit more. Besides, if you are getting it from gamestop, and with tablet release on 19th, why would you want a dock earlier?
I am typing this up on iPad 2 right now. I am getting prime as well. If it's delayed few days, so be it. You won't see me on the ledge, with people under screaming DON'T JUMP!
As for laggy screen swipes, it's a common thing with honeycomb. We all know about it. Try any honeycomb tablet and it will be the same. Its a fact that honeycomb will never be as smooth or fluid as iOS. I am not a fan of iOS but I have to give it credit when credit is due. ICS may change that, but again, I think its foolish to dismiss a device because screen transition is few FPS short. Consider other capabilities. For example, I won't be able to pair my ps3 controller and play emulators while connected to a tv in a hotel room with iPad 2. Am I willing to sacrifice some fluidity for it? Absolutely. How about never to deal with atrocity that is iTunes?
Anyway, most people won't care if you get it or not. I would be with them. But if you do not get this device, at least have a good reason not to get it.
In no way am I knocking you, but there is already a thread about GameStop here. I'm guessing you wanted everyone to see your post though, but still. That aside, I have to agree with Meanee that a lot of people are starting to take this a little too personally. This isn't the first and won't be the last product that has a messy launch. Will I be disappointed if I don't get my TFP before Christmas sure, but it is what it is. As far as the dock date being pushed back. It honestly hasn't been. Lets be realistic, they moved the Prime itself to the 19th. You heard of all kinds of delays and possibilities of after Christmas releases, I would think it's a sign of relief that the release date of the dock got moved to the same date as the tablet itself. At this point I understand everyones frustration, but if we haven't realized it, it should be at Asus and really not anyone else. They obviously planned to release their tablet already and ran into unforseen problems. The part that makes it worse is their lack of communication on the matter and pretending as if everything is going ok. We all forget that these retailers purchase this inventory from Asus so they are loosing out just as much as we are.
I agree with cordy, When there is something actually released then we can complain about it. Gamestop has moved there dates, but the last one was right after the Dec 1st announcement and they haven't changed it since. So far every Gamestop store has claimed a Dec 19th release if you pre-ordered early. There are no signs of it being delayed until there systems change from stating the 19th. Like others have said, there customer service SUCKS, but you are the one who pre-ordered from them. I am tired of seeing useless posts about "Will it be delayed, I can't get it for christmas, Has it been delayed, I am mad about what color and the reference to the iPad in every other post". I know it's a crappy situation on not knowing the date of release, because I am pre-ordering it from gamestop as well. Once someone has hard evidence that a particular vendor has delayed something or changed or modified something, we need to stop cluttering up this forum by creating new threads on stuff that is already stated in other threads. There is at least 5 gamestop, newegg, bestbuy, etc... threads on the same things. My rant is over....
So.... I also agree that we deserve actual dates of release from Asus themselves and not third party sites claiming they spoke with Asus. If they are going to delay it, let us know. I might be mad at first, but I rather find out earlier than on the 17th. Gamestop, like every other place, is just following suit from what Asus is telling them. They can't change the launch dates or just sell them once they receive them. It's like every other product out there. It's Asus's fault for doing this, but I rather have a more stable product and wait another couple of weeks since I will have this tablet for a long time. I don't have the cash to always update when the next greatest and latest comes out. So if it comes out this month or next I would be willing to wait. It would be nice to already have it in my hands though.
You all can kick and scream, but I have my reasons, defects, horrible customer service, yet to be an offical release date.
And other better tablets coming out right around the corner. Im sure those that do get the transformer in jan will be happy with it, but im also sure that in a few months you will be regretting it, expecially if the first batch has defects.
I also found an article that says the weak wifi isnt a defect at all but a design flaw. When asus tried to copy the ipad and make the back metal they forgot one major detail.. the plastic apple logo which has the wifi antenna right behind it, the prime is just all metal thus making the wifi signals it can receive very weak compared to the TF101 and any other tablet.
So grown and grunt all you like, I have my reasons why. I wont be cancelling my order, just selling it for profit when it finally does arrive.
jleewong said:
You all can kick and scream, but I have my reasons, defects, horrible customer service, yet to be an offical release date.
And other better tablets coming out right around the corner. Im sure those that do get the transformer in jan will be happy with it, but im also sure that in a few months you will be regretting it, expecially if the first batch has defects.
I also found an article that says the weak wifi isnt a defect at all but a design flaw. When asus tried to copy the ipad and make the back metal they forgot one major detail.. the plastic apple logo which has the wifi antenna right behind it, the prime is just all metal thus making the wifi signals it can receive very weak compared to the TF101 and any other tablet.
So grown and grunt all you like, I have my reasons why. I wont be cancelling my order, just selling it for profit when it finally does arrive.
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Not knocking you do what you have to do. But this article you're referring to, is this someones personal opinion or did they do a teardown of the Prime and actually locate where the antenna is located? After that, Asus might not be as big as Apple but I'm sure their R&D isn't that ignorant to not realize where Apple placed their antenna and why it was placed there. Just saying.
jleewong said:
You all can kick and scream, but I have my reasons, defects, horrible customer service, yet to be an offical release date.
And other better tablets coming out right around the corner. Im sure those that do get the transformer in jan will be happy with it, but im also sure that in a few months you will be regretting it, expecially if the first batch has defects.
I also found an article that says the weak wifi isnt a defect at all but a design flaw. When asus tried to copy the ipad and make the back metal they forgot one major detail.. the plastic apple logo which has the wifi antenna right behind it, the prime is just all metal thus making the wifi signals it can receive very weak compared to the TF101 and any other tablet.
So grown and grunt all you like, I have my reasons why. I wont be cancelling my order, just selling it for profit when it finally does arrive.
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If I get the Prime in January and then another tablet with a higher res screen, a better CPU, a better GPU, and a keyboard dock with everything The TFP dock has arrives in February then I might regret it. However, I don't see that happening. Do you?
I admit though that I am a little worried about the WiFi issue. I would love to see a teardown soon. We definitely need more people with review copies of these things to do some more in-depth testing of the WiFi. Was it just those two devices or have most reviewers just not noticed off and on WiFi problems? Sorry if this is off-topic but this thread was sort of unnecessary to begin with.
jleewong said:
You all can kick and scream, but I have my reasons, defects, horrible customer service, yet to be an offical release date.
And other better tablets coming out right around the corner. Im sure those that do get the transformer in jan will be happy with it, but im also sure that in a few months you will be regretting it, expecially if the first batch has defects.
I also found an article that says the weak wifi isnt a defect at all but a design flaw. When asus tried to copy the ipad and make the back metal they forgot one major detail.. the plastic apple logo which has the wifi antenna right behind it, the prime is just all metal thus making the wifi signals it can receive very weak compared to the TF101 and any other tablet.
So grown and grunt all you like, I have my reasons why. I wont be cancelling my order, just selling it for profit when it finally does arrive.
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Yes I guess that's why the issue was fixed by giving the reviewers a new device... Sounds totally logic to me...
If you don't care for the Prime anymore, just get off here and stop trolling.
jleewong said:
You all can kick and scream, but I have my reasons, defects, horrible customer service, yet to be an offical release date.
And other better tablets coming out right around the corner. Im sure those that do get the transformer in jan will be happy with it, but im also sure that in a few months you will be regretting it, expecially if the first batch has defects.
I also found an article that says the weak wifi isnt a defect at all but a design flaw. When asus tried to copy the ipad and make the back metal they forgot one major detail.. the plastic apple logo which has the wifi antenna right behind it, the prime is just all metal thus making the wifi signals it can receive very weak compared to the TF101 and any other tablet.
So grown and grunt all you like, I have my reasons why. I wont be cancelling my order, just selling it for profit when it finally does arrive.
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Dude you are totally trolling, just buy it and sell it and stop making posts on the forum. this is like the 18th thread that you have trolled in and have been pointed out in for doing so. Go enjoy your iPad2, and wait till like next christmas for the next best thing. It sounds like you will never be happy with anything except the iPad or something that is perfect with NO issues whatsoever that meets your "gaming" needs. So please stay away from the TP thread!!!! Oh and have a nice day
Wow!! Most of you guys are seriously patient without anything to really go on. Hopefully these units will ship problem free on the 19th and I can join the ranks.
skygunner27 said:
Wow!! Most of you guys are seriously patient without anything to really go on. Hopefully these units will ship problem free on the 19th and I can join the ranks.
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Hopefully we europeans get any release "hint" at all...

So... with this bad news

who's cancelling? who's waiting for the next big thing? who thinks that the eee pad is still worth the wait?
i basically want you to pat me on the head and tell me everything's going to be ok. Even though its most likely going to be delayed, its still the tablet to get.
People overreacting..lmfao
Everything will be alright unless you feel like waiting till march-april at earliest for another new quad core. Probably more like may-june
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Thinking about just sticking with the TF101 that I already have, since there's really nothing wrong with it.
What I really need is a new phone to replace my OG Droid, but the Galaxy Nexus situation on Verizon is equally a mess and I'm kind of considering just getting a Droid RAZR instead. I'm pretty fed up with all these premature product announcements followed by indefinite setbacks.
OMG the sky is falling! Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife! Ausus be raping airbody up in hea'
Some people crack me up. You guys need to chill out. There will not be a competitor to the prime for at least two months.
RussianMenace said:
OMG the sky is falling! Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife! Ausus be raping airbody up in hea'
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yo dawg. that's my line. check the sig
Seriously... the Prime forum on here seems to be full of kids or something.
RJM77 said:
Seriously... the Prime forum on here seems to be full of kids or something.
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agree, seems that they just like to preorder and talk about new products. And after some weeks they start finding bad things and cancel there orders and wait for the next new super mega gadget that they can hype and preorder and then cancel.
That sort of people never buy anything, they just like to talk and show the world how smart and cool they are. They are just BIG trolls sitting in there rooms with dreams and fantasy and believe all that written on the Internet.
Asus Prime will be the best tablet for months.
First in the summer other manufacturers will have there products for sale not any sooner.
Phone vs Tablet - Late Binding
Here's my stance.
My OG Droid is on it's last legs (but still quite usable with CM7 on it). I have a few more months even. But I have my eye on the Galaxy Nexus, being released Dec 15 (maybe).
I had an Acer 10 tab, which I really liked, but returned to Costco because of microphone problems and seeming lack of Acer commitment to tablet space. So I decided to wait instead for TP. Currently have one on order from BB, release 12/18.
So my current scenario is to receive replacement tablet week of Dec 19-23, and hold off on phone for a couple of months.
But if the wifi problem with TP are serious, or BB surprises me with a delay, or there is a REALLY good deal on Galaxy Nexus, then I'll cancel TP order and do the phone first, tablet later.
I'll make the decision with more data in about a week. The trick now is not to fall in love with any scenario.
The people who cancel I bet will buy it when its in store.
its a daycare for kids here on this forum. Keeps em outta trouble.
tdrussell said:
There will not be a competitor to the prime for at least two months.
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This is probably realistic. I'm guessing from leaks there are at least two quad-core tablets well in to development that will be announced on January 10 at CES. To see them on the market 30 to 45 days later is plausible. Other than the Teg3 and dock there's nothing unusual about the Prime. Other manufacturers, most with more R&D resources, haven't been eating bon bons since Nvidia announced Teg3 and Asus starting making noise about wanting to be first to market with a quad-core tablet.
The dock is what interests me about the Prime, though: I'm interested in it because I think a device which can be closely integrated with a keyboard will be much more useful than a tablet alone. So I'm not changing my allegiance right now. If I didn't buy a Prime, I'd probably buy no tablet unless anyone else comes out with something equivalent.
Mithent said:
The dock is what interests me about the Prime, though: I'm interested in it because I think a device which can be closely integrated with a keyboard will be much more useful than a tablet alone. So I'm not changing my allegiance right now. If I didn't buy a Prime, I'd probably buy no tablet unless anyone else comes out with something equivalent.
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This works incredibly well and doubles as a protective case. You can also lay the keyboard flat and the case doubles as a stand. The Asus keyboard adds additional battery life but other then that it accomplishes the same function. It's very pricey though.
Can someone give me an update...what is the bad news?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
BarryH_GEG said:
This works incredibly well and doubles as a protective case. You can also lay the keyboard flat and the case doubles as a stand. The Asus keyboard adds additional battery life but other then that it accomplishes the same function. It's very pricey though.
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No track pad, no extra battery, no extra ports... The TF dock is way better, IMO, and worth the $150 extra. I love my TF101 - wouldn't even consider buying anything but the Prime at this point.
DarsVaeda said:
Can someone give me an update...what is the bad news?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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Yea id like go know what the bad news is as well?
Sent from my EVO 3D w/ Tapatalk
Yea id like go know what the bad news is as well?
Sent from my EVO 3D w/ Tapatalk
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Basically it looks like the Transformer Prime is going to be delayed due to Wi-Fi issues, which several different sites pointed out. Still just a rumor though.
Danishswag said:
Basically it looks like the Transformer Prime is going to be delayed due to Wi-Fi issues, which several different sites pointed out. Still just a rumor though.
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That site your referenced is the 5th different site I have seen today that has referenced the Phandroid article as the basis of creating there article. I wish sites would actually try and find out if it is real or not by calling the company before they start spreading more rumors. Apparently 2 people on this site has called Asus and they still claim there is no delay and the Dec 19th date still applies for the US, but that's taking there word that they called and talked to knowledgeable reps on the phone.
Yea id like go know what the bad news is as well?
Sent from my EVO 3D w/ Tapatalk
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DarsVaeda said:
Can someone give me an update...what is the bad news?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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By bad news, I'm assuming (after reading the other threads) the OP meant:
The recent revelations that some review units to big review sites had WiFi strength issues (weak wifi connections).
While this is a confirmed issue in some test units, it has also been confirmed that other test units to other big review sites are NOT suffering this issue. The bad news is that there is a possibility the Prime shipment (OR availability) may be delayed until after the much "confirmed" date of the 19th so that Asus can fix this wifi issue. If this wifi issue is NOT in the hardware BUT in the software (is this related? ), then there is the strong possibility that there may be nothing to worry about and that the 19th is the confirmed date (and thus no bad news).
A major Canadian retailer/seller (NCIX) has emailed buyers telling them that a hardware/related issue is prompting Asus to delay ALL shipments of the Prime until the issue is solved
A lot of people are viewing this as bad news, while others think this is simply NCIX giving a fake or typical marketing answer to make sure the buyers do not run off to the competition.
It seems majority (or all?) such news of cancellations due to hardware issue OR "confirmed" shipment delays have been based on those NCIX emails. No one knows for sure if what NCIX is saying is true, if it's something related only to NCIX shipments, or if the confusion behind the release dates is indeed because Asus is scrambling to fix the hardware issue WHILE making sure the retailers (at least BestBuy, Newegg, Gamestop, Amazon, etc in the US) do not open their big mouth about any Prime problems like NCIX did.
Check the Gamestop thread ( ): people called yesterday and today, and they're getting more firm answers that the Tablet WILL be released on the 19th. I'm going to call Gamestop right now and find out the date I can pick it up (and will post in the Gamestop thread).
Online stores from my country date it mid January since it became available. No changes so far.

ASUS Technical Support - why bother?

I ordered my TF201 32GB from Office Depot and received it in early January. Unboxed it, turned it on, installed some apps etc. then left charging overnight. Next morning noticed unit was not charged and down to 25% or so. Used another outlet but no improvement. Then froze the power unit as suggested in the forum. Called Asus Technical Support and troubleshooted the unit. CSR convinced it was the unit itself; asked me to ship unit to Texas facility (at my dime of course). 2 weeks later unit was shipped back (took 9 days since it was Fedex Ground from CA to NY!).
Unboxed unit and noticed that battery at 5%! Plugged in and... Nothing. Not charging!! Called ASUS - probably same idiot with whom I spoke the first time. Asked me to ship it back (on my dime) again to Texas but different RMA! Had no explanation as to why the RMA number should be different but I guess whoever they outsourced repairs to does not want to report to ASUS that they did not fix an issue the first time..CSR told me to only ship unit AGAIN. I challenged him that it may makse sense because, god forbid, it may be charger at fault! He said "ok" ship it back too.. thank you very kind of you to keep an open mind MR. ASUS CSR... I also mentioned that it seems unfair I pay for shipping again... so he sent me a Fedex label.. ground of course so 3-4 days to Texas (no ground pick up on weekends) and then another few days for the geniuses at whoever does the repair to figure it out and another 5-6 days to ship back.. so all in all 6 weeks since purchase and I have not used my Prime.. I had bought my wife an ASUS UX21 since she travels a lot for work but I returned it to Amazon for a refund within the 30 day window.. had to pay a fee to return but hey probably saved her (and me) a lot of aggravation.. her Toshiba ultrabook is working just fine thank you very much. Totally frustrated by idiots at ASUS. I cancelled the dock purchase at Office Depot too. As much as I do not like Apple products at least you can find an Apple Store everywhere and get a replacement and/or a technician to take a look and troubleshoot.. and iPads cost the same as a PRIME.. I am done with Asus.. once this is fixed it goes on Craigslist or eBay. Not sure what else I'll get.. anyone want to order my ASUS? It will be cheap.. once I get it back.
This reminds me of an experience we had with an Asus RMA, it was one of their eeePC models (back when they were the hot thing to get). We had to send the device back a total of three or four times before the issue was finally properly repaired. Asus can be kinda poor when it comes to some more obscure RMA situations, I totally understand your frustration.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
Sounds completely understandable on your stance. Unacceptable customer service. Damn Asus, is the RMA place really that bad. Not all are bad experiences but there's been too many bad stories popping up lately. Good luck on choosing new device. As much as i like my Prime, if I had to go through what some people have, I'd give up on them also.
Why didn't you take it back to Office Depot in the first place? That's why retailers exist, to deal with the customer.
My 14-day return window is up today. I'm bringing back the TFP.
Even though I've had no problems with mine, I've heard too many stories like this. Too much negativity surrounding this device to allow me to enjoy it. I will downgrade my specs requirement and will go with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.
senatorxmg said:
My 14-day return window is up today. I'm bringing back the TFP.
Even though I've had no problems with mine, I've heard too many stories like this. Too much negativity surrounding this device to allow me to enjoy it. I will downgrade my specs requirement and will go with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.
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Have I read this right? You have a perfectly fine functioning tfp, but are returning it because others have had bad experiences, and you have heard too many stories!
This sounds like you give more credence to other peeps woes rather than go by your own
Experiences. I had better not mention all the negative stories I have heard about the galaxy tab as I would hate to ruin your enjoyment of that tablet!!!
Is wrong with enjoying the ..perfect tfp that you have? Remember that peeps are far more likely to moan than praise, for every negative issue on this board there are many many more happy punters who have not posted anything anywhere
slef2003 said:
Have I read this right? You have a perfectly fine functioning tfp, but are returning it because others have had bad experiences, and you have heard too many stories!
This sounds like you give more credence to other peeps woes rather than go by your own
Experiences. I had better not mention all the negative stories I have heard about the galaxy tab as I would hate to ruin your enjoyment of that tablet!!!
Is wrong with enjoying the ..perfect tfp that you have? Remember that peeps are far more likely to moan than praise, for every negative issue on this board there are many many more happy punters who have not posted anything anywhere
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Click to collapse heard it right. I previously had the Galaxy Tab and was fairly happy with it's performance (sans ICS). Really wanted to try the I returned the GT and got one to try myself even with all of the negativity expressed here. While I encountered no real issues myself...I couldn't help think about whether or not the TFP would become but a blip on the radar for ASUS support and dev efforts. Sure, the TFP is newer technology than the GT....perhaps I'm just not willing to be one of their beta testers. The GT has been out long enough now to iron out a lot of the, ICS is still to come which will almost certainly improve performance.
I'm not slamming the TFP...just wasn't impressed enough with it over the GT to risk being subjected to Asus' tech support should that have been required.
senatorxmg said:
My 14-day return window is up today. I'm bringing back the TFP.
Even though I've had no problems with mine, I've heard too many stories like this. Too much negativity surrounding this device to allow me to enjoy it. I will downgrade my specs requirement and will go with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.
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Yours works but you're going to return it because other people have had issues?
Well.. I love my current Prime and I'm waiting on my second to get here next week along with my dock!
Newegg won't even accept my return because the serial number sticker next to the charging port is gone....
They don't care to turn it on and check the serial in settings to match it with the box and warranty papers.
Looks like a lot of us have had bad experiences because of this tablet. I'm waiting for the TF700T but I might be going with another company.
senatorxmg said:
While I encountered no real issues myself...I couldn't help think about whether or not the TFP would become but a blip on the radar for ASUS support and dev efforts..
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THIS^^^is a follower. Worried too much about what others are thinkn instead of making decisions based on hour own thinking. PLUS the comment about not sure about further Asus support or developement is ignorant at the least. ASUS has been constantly pumping out updates. Name one other company who released as many OTA updates as the Prime received. WE had ICS. We had root already out the box basically. We Had overclock in less than a month. We had Ubuntu n Linux n other flavors lf it already n less than a month. We already have extra drivers n such being added by dev. In less than a month. We already have root for ICS. We already have some minor theming going on. All this without even having bootunlocker tool yet. For you to make such a statement is kinda disrespect to hard work developers have been doing already here. Name another tablet as new as this one thst had so many things developement wise in its first month of existence. You forgetting its still barely over a month since people first started receiving their primes.
I COULD CARE less you returned it, that's your right to. But your reasoning is plain silly. You said although my prime runs perfect, I got frustrated at seeing all the negative stuff surrounding it. DO you know how many of us had our devices way before you n been dealing with all negative stuff? My prime works great also but not gonna return just because someone else dislikes theirs. Sounds like someone needs their hand held when choosing tablet or making any major decisions. GOOD THING THE other poster didn't mention horror stories he heard about the Galaxy tab or you might just throw a hissy fit.
DONT mean to sound harsh but JUST would be different if you were like OK I'm returning it because it performed poorly for me. Or I had a personal bad experience with Asus support. Not, well ima return it because Tom,****,n Jane dont like theirs...lmfao
Well good luck with new device anyways.
I had a wonderful experience with them. with a new working Prime delivered before I sent mine back.
But then again, I didnt demand a fix or talk like a privileged anus.
demandarin said:
THIS^^^is a follower. Worried too much about what others are thinkn instead of making decisions based on hour own thinking. PLUS the comment about not sure about further Asus support or developement is ignorant at the least. ASUS has been constantly pumping out updates. Name one other company who released as many OTA updates as the Prime received. WE had ICS. We had root already out the box basically. We Had overclock in less than a month. We had Ubuntu n Linux n other flavors lf it already n less than a month. We already have extra drivers n such being added by dev. In less than a month. We already have root for ICS. We already have some minor theming going on. All this without even having bootunlocker tool yet. For you to make such a statement is kinda disrespect to hard work developers have been doing already here. Name another tablet as new as this one thst had so many things developement wise in its first month of existence. You forgetting its still barely over a month since people first started receiving their primes.
I COULD CARE less you returned it, that's your right to. But your reasoning is plain silly. You said although my prime runs perfect, I got frustrated at seeing all the negative stuff surrounding it. DO you know how many of us had our devices way before you n been dealing with all negative stuff? My prime works great also but not gonna return just because someone else dislikes theirs. Sounds like someone needs their hand held when choosing tablet or making any major decisions. GOOD THING THE other poster didn't mention horror stories he heard about the Galaxy tab or you might just throw a hissy fit.
DONT mean to sound harsh but JUST would be different if you were like OK I'm returning it because it performed poorly for me. Or I had a personal bad experience with Asus support. Not, well ima return it because Tom,****,n Jane dont like theirs...lmfao
Well good luck with new device anyways.
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Thanks...a follower? At least you didn't call me a fanboy. ;-)
I care about my investment and how I feel about it. It's all speculation right now as to how much develpment will occur for the tfp at this point...guess I'm just bowing out as I don't wish to be part of the guessing. I do know the Galaxy Tab has been rewarded.
As far as me not experiencing any earth-crushing issues, I'd say that's true. However, I'm sitting here inside my home typing away on my GalaxyTab with a lock on 8 satellites. And wifi range is excellent EVERYWHERE in my home (and I am talking about a significant difference)...I now get my expected 22-24Mbps down from anywhere in my house whereas before would only achieve these speeds right beside my router and would get 4-6Mbps down further away. Still useable...but pale in comparison to the speeds I get with the GT.
I tested both the TFP and the GT within a month period....I feel better with the sammy and went back to it. How is that being a follower? I tried both extensibly for myself to arrive at a decision I felt comfortable with. As far as the negativity being a factor in my decision...hell yeah. Why shouldn't it be? Had I not been offered the chance to return the TFP easily, I never would have bought it based on what I've read here...some would say that's part of the research done when considering a purchase. After testing it out, I wasn't blown away...for my needs, there was nothing that the GT couldn't do just as well plus with gps and wifi working much better. For sure, it only has 2 cores...maybe I'm good with that.
I do hope everyone feels good about their purchase. I didn't and did the logical thing.
demandarin said:
Easy as you are right. That is what i said n still feel the same. I ran by serial number by Gary n he told me it was from an early batch n someone would call me. Ill easily take the new hardware revision over older one. Especially if it might mean might GPS might finally work. I never said "I want them to repair mines". Plus although no dropped signals or anything, wifi signal still fluctuates alot. SO if older hardware was never really meant to be shipped out then people on older batch entitled to the upgrade, or sorts. I did pay for this device, Cash, and I do have a warranty. I never had an issue like others been posting. SO ILL TAKE THE MINI UPGRADE IF OFFERED. That's all. Plus from hearing the horror stories from returns like guy with device smashed, I'm not sure if I would even send mines in yet. Especially since overall having no problems. GPS aside. Remember, they are people out there that have GPS working to some extent one way or another. I having seen a lock yet, although I never tried for more than 5 mins n was indoors everytime. I haven't taken my prime outdoors yet. Plus based on my date of final purchase 12/22 I'd be entitled to any possible hardware fixes for GPS since mine is clearly shown to be purchased before they took GPS spec down.
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Heck...looks like you'd opt for a fully functional tablet, too. Guess you're just braver than I to wait around for Asus to fix it for you...although, it appears you may be somewhat skeptical of their customer service yourself? ;-)
***Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1***
HB861 said:
.. and iPads cost the same as a PRIME...
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Actually iPad's are $120 more.
received it in early January. so all in all 6 weeks since purchase and I have not used my Prime..
My question is how you figure 6 weeks? How many weeks are there in January if today is the 28th?
On a serious note, why not try to find a charger from Frys or OD or Staples. The ones for the OG TF 101 work and determine if the problem is the charger or not?
senatorxmg said:
Thanks...a follower? At least you didn't call me a fanboy. ;-)
I care about my investment and how I feel about it. It's all speculation right now as to how much develpment will occur for the tfp at this point...guess I'm just bowing out as I don't wish to be part of the guessing. I do know the Galaxy Tab has been rewarded.
As far as me not experiencing any earth-crushing issues, I'd say that's true. However, I'm sitting here inside my home typing away on my GalaxyTab with a lock on 8 satellites. And wifi range is excellent EVERYWHERE in my home (and I am talking about a significant difference)...I now get my expected 22-24Mbps down from anywhere in my house whereas before would only achieve these speeds right beside my router and would get 4-6Mbps down further away. Still useable...but pale in comparison to the speeds I get with the GT.
I tested both the TFP and the GT within a month period....I feel better with the sammy and went back to it. How is that being a follower? I tried both extensibly for myself to arrive at a decision I felt comfortable with. As far as the negativity being a factor in my decision...hell yeah. Why shouldn't it be? Had I not been offered the chance to return the TFP easily, I never would have bought it based on what I've read here...some would say that's part of the research done when considering a purchase. After testing it out, I wasn't blown away...for my needs, there was nothing that the GT couldn't do just as well plus with gps and wifi working much better. For sure, it only has 2 cores...maybe I'm good with that.
I do hope everyone feels good about their purchase. I didn't and did the logical thing.
Heck...looks like you'd opt for a fully functional tablet, too. Guess you're just braver than I to wait around for Asus to fix it for you...although, it appears you may be somewhat skeptical of their customer service yourself? ;-)
***Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1***
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OK, completely understandable then. I see where you really coming from from this post.
As far as your second quote,I'm not really waiting for anything. I was just told my device is one of early one built. Device still works great but if I'm offered an opportunity to upgrade it to newer parts, then why wouldn't I. Lol. It'll make it even better, I would hope. I still love this device and has done everything I've asked of it n more. Only complaint I would have is GPS. I know that's very important to some people and deciding factor whether to keep it or not. For me, its no big deal. Everything is great aside from GPS. Just thankful I don't have issues some others been describing. Kinda makes it hard to believe when your device working so well. But its a given.
One thing though, Asus better step their game up with the quickness. I have a feeling if they don't address the possible issues on prime, their new upgrade model will be a fail LR do worse. As Prime n t-700 basically share all the same internal components. It'll be in Asus best interest to attack these issues head on. ASUS Losing people everyday. They gaining also but still. People with issues want to keep device but won't since some are riddled with issues. Can't be mad for someone wanting to return a device that's not working properly for them.


From: Gregory Lee Joplin
To: "godwin_yan "jonney_shih "Jerry_Shen
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:18 PM
Subject: Re: Transformer Prime
Dear Mr Yan,Mr Shih,Mr Shen
I'm very sorry that you chose to not answer my email re the WI-Fi/GPS issues that continue to plague the Prime Tablet and I'm glad I decided to return mine. I feel your lack of interest in my concerns as a consumer mean you do not value me or the quality of the product you bring to the international market. So much for your mission statement(“Passion for Technology, Focus on Quality, Long-Term Relationships and Perseverance”.It's only a matter of time before people in the forums(Prime/Xda Developers will realize this truth also and that the magic software update that they continue to be promised will not fix the Wifi/Gps issues. This is why the Transformer Infinity 700 is going to be released.After the Prime I'm not waiting around you had your chance for another consumer and chose to ignore me.
There are plenty of new tablets coming out this year which can match the Infinity specifications the Acer Iconia Tab A 700
is one of them.
As I said in my first email I REALLY WANTED the Asus Transformer Prime.
I'm considering sharing my Prime experience by posting this this email in the forums.
Yours truly.,
Gregory Lee Joplin
From: Gregory Lee Joplin
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 9:57 PM
Subject: Transformer Prime Concerns Case #1654881
Jerry Shen, Godwin Yan, Jonney Shih
Re Transformer Prime TF201Case #1654881
I tried getting my case #1654881 resolved through Mr Hai Trat through emails and telephone calls with no success and totally unacceptable answers to my situation. I also tried through your head office in Ontario Canada and was put on hold.
As a last resort I'm going to the top and hoping you will look after me through ASUS’s mission statement states: “Passion for Technology, Focus on Quality, Long-Term Relationships and Perseverance”.* It's only a matter of time before people in the forums(Prime/Xda Developers will realize this truth also and that the magic software update that they continue to be promised will not fix the Wifi/Gps issues. This is why the Transformer Infinity 700 is going to be released.After the Prime I'm not waiting around you had your chance for another consumer and chose to ignore me.
There are plenty of new tablets coming out this year which can match the Infinity specifications the Acer Iconia Tab A 700
is one of them.
As I said in my first email I REALLY WANTED the Asus Transformer Prime.
I'm considering sharing my Prime experience by posting this this email in the forums.
Yours truly.,
Gregory Lee Joplin
*Here is my situation:
I recently purchased (within the last 90 days) the 32GB version of the Transformer Prime in Victoria, BC Canada from Staples and paid $600 and I was looking forward to getting the keyboard and getting a lot of use out of it. Instead of this I had nonexistent GPS in that I couldn't get a decent/accurate reading from my apartment. I live in a one bedroom apartment in a small building with no large buildings around. All I wanted was the location of my apartment and it could not do that. I had NO INTENTION of using it as a GPS unit in my car. Mr Hai Trat (ACI) answer to this question was GPS on the Prime has been removed from Marketing sheets so getting great accuracy will not occur if you purchase a Prime.* At this point it will not be up to par for this function unfortunately. I attach that email for your reference.
The Wi-Fi was not strong and varied strength even at a distance of less than 10 feet.* Mr Hai Trat’s answer to this was for the Wifi/BT strength/symptoms the newer iterations perform better, however they will not be as great as our Prior TF101.* I believe this is because of the antenna redesign we had with the Prime.* I have tested the new C3 batches and getting good download speeds within 15 feet of our routers.* Anything passed will degrade quite significantly. I also attach that email for your reference.*
These are totally unacceptable answers in that I'm been told the product is not up to par and the previous model TF-101 has better download speeds. This makes no sense at all that an older model preforms better. *Besides the problems are due to the metal back on the Prime and these issues will not be fixed with software updates, this is where the new Asus Infinity 700 when released will solve these problems as it has a plastic strip on the back.* Mr Hai Trat confirms this in his email, (I believe this is because of the antenna redesign we had with the Prime)* What is the point of a $600 Wi-FI only tablet with lousy Wi-Fi and Gps problems* I ended up returning it to Staples.You are doing software updates on a regular basis but these do not address the WI-Fi/Gps issues at all.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to your response as I really want an Asus transformer prime that has the quality you talk about in your mission statement and lives up to its specifications.* My alternative plan is the just announced Acer A-510 or the A-700 the Lenova K2 when its released and than the Infinity A700 providing it works according to specifications.* I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH APPLE PRODUCTS.
What I'm asking for is an Asus Transformer Prime that has a proper plastic panel along the top in the back so that WI-Fi/Gps/ can work fully the way they are intended to and download speeds that are better than the previous model TF-101* in other words a Prime that lives up to and matches the its specifications.this is what I want* just like your mission statement says Focus on Quality, Long-Term Relationships and Perseverance”.
I look forward to your response.
Yours truly.,
Gregory Lee Joplin
Here is a copy of the last email I sent to Hai Trat
JR. Technical Product Manager
From: Gregory Lee Joplin
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 4:51 PM
To: Hai Trat (ACI)
Subject: Re: Transformer Prime Concerns Case #1654881
Hi Hai
Its really important that you answer my questions as this will determine whether I wait for the infinity 700 or get the Acer A700 or the Lenovo K2.
Re The prime
1/ has the gps been disconnected?
2/Does the Gps function to find your current location?(ie home/wifi spot in Coffee Shop or on street)
(I'm not talking about using the Gps in a car at all)
3/ As the WiFi signal strength/problems been fixed at all withe the various updates?
There is so much contradiction on Blogs/forums I HAVE NO IDEA who to believe.
I would really prefer to get the 64gb prime along with the dock from Staples as I can get a good deal but on the other hand I expect gps/wifi to function really well for the price I would be paying.
I know the infinity is going to cost more and the Gps/Wifi will be better and it will have a higher resouloution screen and cost about a $100 more.
So Hai please tell me the answers to the above questions
You have never lied to me so i trust your opinion.
From: "" <Hai_Trat
To: joplin_gl
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 5:05 PM
Subject: RE: Transformer Prime Concerns Case #1654881
Dear Gregory,
Yes, sorry I was out of office for some time.
Here is the answers as best as I can provide them for you.
1)***** GPS on the Prime has been removed from Marketing sheets so getting great accuracy will not occur if you purchase a Prime.* At this point it will not be up to par for this function unfortunately.
2)***** Yes, it will still function as an A-GPS (Assisted GPS) as long as the condition of keeping an active Wi-Fi and using it within the scope of Google Maps occurs.* All our testing has confirmed accuracy to be within 100 meters.* But this is mostly because of wi-fi location and not for GPS itself.
3)***** For the Wifi/BT strength/symptoms the newer iterations perform better, however they will not be as great as our Prior TF101.* I believe this is because of the antenna redesign we had with the Prime.* I have tested the new C3 batches and getting good download speeds within 15 feet of our routers.* Anything passed will degrade quite significantly.
I am not sure if I answered your question on the Infinity.* But it has not been declared for an official release on North American shores.* I am anticipating closer to the end of the year before it gets released.* But this may change as we have executive management from headquarters in Taiwan change info on release dates, I do not determine this.* When the time comes and more details emerge for the Infinity Pad for North America, I can let you know.
I do want to say that I would prefer to keep our customers but this is the best info I can provide to let you use for our tablets for making a good purchasing decision.
Hai Trat
JR. Technical Product Manager
Inspiring Innovation.Persistent Perfection
Oh god, not another one of these threads.
detta123 said:
Oh god, not another one of these threads.
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What..did the thread title mislead you?
I don't think he should've posted this. lol. If true, this blows all the doors on Infinity pad. Letter said there is no confirmation on an American shore release. plus it said if it were to release here, it won't be till the end of the year. DANG!
I would think alot who were waiting on Infinity pad should be disappointed reading this. I don't get significant drop offs of download speeds past 15ft. from
Seems like he purposely left some info out though. Especially in regards to the announcement coming up. Which would affect some of his statements in there regarding the prime and how it would perform on certain tasks.
I've seen some people with newer models post they don't have the wifi/BT drop off issue. That's with using BT headset to stream audio while using tablet to stream movie or video through wifi. Someone in another thread basically summed up what's happening though. Anytime a manufacturer goes with a single chip that has wifi and Bluetooth on it, its liable to suffer that issue. Manufacturers do this to cut down on costs. When they use a seperate chip for wifi and Bluetooth, it hardly suffers from issue or not at all. Most companies now are using the single chip design. we already know, from FCC report, that the new 300 model has the single chip design and it specifically states that wifi/BT can't operate together, so simultaneous mode not needed. Other phones and tablets suffer from same issue. Its dependent on whether the wifi/BT is on the shame chip or sharing the same antennae.
micaman said:
What..did the thread title mislead you?
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Nothing misleading.
I think alot of people like myself are just making the best of what we have. Asus will not rectify the situation and most of us are outside of return policy, so we just try to live with the problems. Once this tablet breaks (wont be long, im sure.....) then I will either cash in my warranty or sell my replacement online, take my losses and move on.
Its kind of like if you have a bad disease and are trying to move on with your life but someone keeps saying "aww man, really sucks you have XXXX disease huh?"
Thats my 2 cents atleast, but I do share your concerns.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Yay, another exciting thread like this! Thanks for posting! OMG!
teh_lorax said:
Yay, another exciting thread like this! Thanks for posting! OMG!
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OMG! thanks for replying!
benefit14snake said:
Nothing misleading.
I think alot of people like myself are just making the best of what we have. Asus will not rectify the situation and most of us are outside of return policy, so we just try to live with the problems. Once this tablet breaks (wont be long, im sure.....) then I will either cash in my warranty or sell my replacement online, take my losses and move on.
Its kind of like if you have a bad disease and are trying to move on with your life but someone keeps saying "aww man, really sucks you have XXXX disease huh?"
Thats my 2 cents atleast, but I do share your concerns.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
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So what you are saying is that the OP should have been sympathetic to your feelings?
teh_lorax said:
Yay, another exciting thread like this! Thanks for posting! OMG!
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Funny, I was thinking the same of your response. OMG!
thank you for posting this. its disappointing to see the response. i think asus has little concern for end users.
yes, I'd like to thank Joplin for this as well. I think he did most of us a service, as I did not recceive an official response from Asus yet (Thanks SmartAssPhone for the idea). It confirms what most of us surmise, either you get a great router and repeater or else you are SOL. BT and Wifi are crap as well. Oh well. Glad I picked up the Squaretrade warranty. All I can hope now is that the dock works with the 700 and it works up to par. If not, I'll move on to something different. One of these days one of these companies is going to do us right - with working components, great screen, great brightness, great wifi and bt, and great support. Until then, bah.
micaman said:
So what you are saying is that the OP should have been sympathetic to your feelings?
Funny, I was thinking the same of your response. OMG!
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No, what I am saying is people should just move on enjoy it while they can and speak with their pockets. Emails (rarely) work on a corporation like this. I could care less and I really shouldn't talk for other people but I am done with Asus. Period.
I will play with my toy until it breaks and then buy a different manufacture.
What's probably going through his head is: well, its just one customer there is 6 billion more. Idk.
Sent from my Droid Razr using Tapatalk
benefit14snake said:
No, what I am saying is people should just move on enjoy it while they can and speak with their pockets. Emails (rarely) work on a corporation like this. I could care less and I really shouldn't talk for other people but I am done with Asus. Period.
I will play with my toy until it breaks and then buy a different manufacture.
What's probably going through his head is: well, its just one customer there is 6 billion more. Idk.
Sent from my Droid Razr using Tapatalk
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I get it, you're frustrated (I have some issues with the tablet myself) but no need to attack OP. Had the email response from Asus been positive like "free upgrade to TF700" members would be lined up to thank his ass. So is your issue with the OP for sending and posting the email or with the response from ASUS?
Think about it.
I'll throw in my two cents, but its just my opinion. I have owned devices from a handful of different Android manufactures: Motorola, Samsung, Asus, etc and with each device there was ALWAYS problems and each manufacturer got scolded just as Asus is now. I learned a while ago that it really IS NOT THAT BAD, and what happens here is a PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUE. Sounds a bit far fetched, I know, but trust me (the guy with less than 10 posts), unless your device is completely fubared you are just making it out to be worse than it really is.
What happens is, you get a new shiney toy that is extremely over priced. You feel guilt for spending so much money, but you justify it to yourself. You get on the forums to read up about your newly aquired device, only to see all types of complains from other users. You get to thinking, maybe I made a mistake, maybe spending this much money on this device was a mistake. You franticly look through your device to see if you have the same problem. If you find that your device shares a similar problem, then you are eager to justify to yourself that you did in fact make a mistake. ZOMG Wifi is only getting 30mbs down, while your ISP doesn't even provide 15mbs down.
But look, there are some really messed up devices out there and sometimes these types of posts are warranted. But, just remember, nothing is perfect, and regardless of what you might think the Prime is an amazing device.
robproctor said:
I'll throw in my two cents, but its just my opinion. I have owned devices from a handful of different Android manufactures: Motorola, Samsung, Asus, etc and with each device there was ALWAYS problems and each manufacturer got scolded just as Asus is now. I learned a while ago that it really IS NOT THAT BAD, and what happens here is a PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUE. Sounds a bit far fetched, I know, but trust me (the guy with less than 10 posts), unless your device is completely fubared you are just making it out to be worse than it really is.
What happens is, you get a new shiney toy that is extremely over priced. You feel guilt for spending so much money, but you justify it to yourself. You get on the forums to read up about your newly aquired device, only to see all types of complains from other users. You get to thinking, maybe I made a mistake, maybe spending this much money on this device was a mistake. You franticly look through your device to see if you have the same problem. If you find that your device shares a similar problem, then you are eager to justify to yourself that you did in fact make a mistake. ZOMG Wifi is only getting 30mbs down, while your ISP doesn't even provide 15mbs down.
But look, there are some really messed up devices out there and sometimes these types of posts are warranted. But, just remember, nothing is perfect, and regardless of what you might think the Prime is an amazing device.
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there it is in a nutshell. very well stated. thanks for this post(I ran out for the day till it resets).
nobody gives two ****s about your whiny emails. take your device back if you don't like it
knives of ice said:
nobody gives two ****s about your whiny emails. take your device back if you don't like it
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nobody gives two ****s about your whiny replys. don't read the thread if you don't like it.
See how it works?
robproctor said:
I'll throw in my two cents, but its just my opinion. I have owned devices from a handful of different Android manufactures: Motorola, Samsung, Asus, etc and with each device there was ALWAYS problems and each manufacturer got scolded just as Asus is now. I learned a while ago that it really IS NOT THAT BAD, and what happens here is a PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUE. Sounds a bit far fetched, I know, but trust me (the guy with less than 10 posts), unless your device is completely fubared you are just making it out to be worse than it really is.
What happens is, you get a new shiney toy that is extremely over priced. You feel guilt for spending so much money, but you justify it to yourself. You get on the forums to read up about your newly aquired device, only to see all types of complains from other users. You get to thinking, maybe I made a mistake, maybe spending this much money on this device was a mistake. You franticly look through your device to see if you have the same problem. If you find that your device shares a similar problem, then you are eager to justify to yourself that you did in fact make a mistake. ZOMG Wifi is only getting 30mbs down, while your ISP doesn't even provide 15mbs down.
But look, there are some really messed up devices out there and sometimes these types of posts are warranted. But, just remember, nothing is perfect, and regardless of what you might think the Prime is an amazing device.
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From getting into quite a few debates on this subject about several devices, I have come to the conclusion (opinion) that there are two types of people involved in these debates.
1) Your average working guy. he either saves up quite a bit of money or is buying a tool (not a toy) that he plans to make good use of.
2) People with a large amount of disposable income who buy something like the Prime as a toy or a status symbol.
In the first case we have someone who expects to receive the value they paid for, either because it cost them a relatively large amount, or because they bought a tool to serve a purpose or purposes.
When it doesn't work these people feel they have not gotten good value for their money or are unhappy that the tool they purchased does not do what it was advertised to do. In either case they feel defrauded. In most cases they want the tool and would like to see the manufacturer actually FIX the problem so the product works as advertised.
In the second case you have, IMO, people with more dollars than sense who bought a toy or a status symbol and they don't really care if it performs to the advertised spec or not as long as they can play with it a bit (till the next new shiney comes out, pretty much like children) or so they can hold it up to their friends for the "cool factor" (actual functionality not required).
Personally, I hold the second case as at least partially responsible for the problem. If more customers (I am NOT some brainless consumer, thankyouverymuch!) stood up and *****ed at the manufacturer until the manufacturer made things right, the manufacturer would be less likely to release shoddy merchandise in the future. And if retailers had to (by law) eat the cost of returns they'd be less likely to carry merchandise from manufacturers with shoddy reputations.
So you can either be a sheeple (i.e. consumer) and continue to get fleeced by slipshod design/manufacturing/testing processes from shoddy companies, or you can stand up and let 'em know this behavior is unacceptable.
And as for you whiney Prime (or insert device here for other XDA forums) fanbois/fangurls, the thread title is pretty clear. If this type of thread triggers your angst or vapours or whatever your issue is, stay out.
cool story bro...
now be gone from the prime forums.. enough bad wifi threads here. go wine on apple forums.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA
micaman said:
I get it, you're frustrated (I have some issues with the tablet myself) but no need to attack OP. Had the email response from Asus been positive like "free upgrade to TF700" members would be lined up to thank his ass. So is your issue with the OP for sending and posting the email or with the response from ASUS?
Think about it.
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Attacking the OP? I didn't think I attacked anyone. Just expressing my views just like anyone else on this forum. If I did "attack" someone, I am truly sorry.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk

Why is everyone trading away their Prime 2?

Well I just decied to replaced my iPad2 with the Asus Prime 2, mostly sold on the attachable keyboard..
But I've noticed a growing number of threads on this forum that suggest that people are desperate to get rid of their units and trade them up to the Prime TF701?
Is.. is it *really* that bad? Have I made a huge mistake buying one? I got it from a 3rd party seller on Amazon so Im unsure if I have the same recourse from a shop
It Seems to be in the Manner One calls "BAD"
I am on my second one. First one was bad out of the box. Replaced it & I have only experienced a few of the reported problems. Specifically:
1. All but inoperative GPS -- For what I wanted GPS for, the onboard unit would not have worked adequately any way -- External Bluetooth unit fixed that.
2. Weak WiFi. My biggest complaint. Works, but range is somewhat less than I desire.
3. Somewhat slow data transfer between computer & Transformer -- Liveable, but slower than I desire.
4. Prior to JellyBean, I experienced a "few" spontaneous program shutdowns. I never got ANRs, just restarts of very few apps. None since JB.
I read most of the replies on this forum, and my experience has been overall positive (not OUTSTANDING) with the TF201 when compared to the descriptions (horror stories) of some other users.
If I had to do it over, and knowing what I now know, (I really hate to say this) I would buy an IPad. STOP!! No rock throwing, please. There is only ONE reason I would commit such an act (I LIKE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT APPLE OR ITS PRODUCTS). The only possible reason I would do so, is because of the FOREFLIGHT app (for aviation). There is nothing Android that measures up to it.
Well, there you have it. If your expectations are unrealistically high, you possibly will not be satisfied. If you are willing to overlook some few deficiencies, your experience can be positive.
Hope my ramblings give you some glimmer of hope.
Jerry in Anchorage
muskt said:
I am on my second one. First one was bad out of the box. Replaced it & I have only experienced a few of the reported problems. Specifically:
1. All but inoperative GPS -- For what I wanted GPS for, the onboard unit would not have worked adequately any way -- External Bluetooth unit fixed that.
2. Weak WiFi. My biggest complaint. Works, but range is somewhat less than I desire.
3. Somewhat slow data transfer between computer & Transformer -- Liveable, but slower than I desire.
4. Prior to JellyBean, I experienced a "few" spontaneous program shutdowns. I never got ANRs, just restarts of very few apps. None since JB.
I read most of the replies on this forum, and my experience has been overall positive (not OUTSTANDING) with the TF201 when compared to the descriptions (horror stories) of some other users.
If I had to do it over, and knowing what I now know, (I really hate to say this) I would buy an IPad. STOP!! No rock throwing, please. There is only ONE reason I would commit such an act (I LIKE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT APPLE OR ITS PRODUCTS). The only possible reason I would do so, is because of the FOREFLIGHT app (for aviation). There is nothing Android that measures up to it.
Well, there you have it. If your expectations are unrealistically high, you possibly will not be satisfied. If you are willing to overlook some few deficiencies, your experience can be positive.
Hope my ramblings give you some glimmer of hope.
Jerry in Anchorage
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That sounds pretty bad in fairness...
Given the price of the unit (£400) you would expect it to be fast and.. wifi/gps to work!
Hrmm.. This is problematic. I've not yet actually revived the unit yet so I've got to consider carefully if its worth opening or just sending back closed for a full refund (if I can..)
I will absolutely NOt be trading my Prime for the 700..I will be trading it for the Nexus 10!
Same here...
Mine is going back to amazon for a full refund. Printed the return label and refund barcode late last night. droping the box by ups today.
Ahhh and yes... I'm getting a Nexus 10 too :victory:
slychocobo said:
Well I just decied to replaced my iPad2 with the Asus Prime 2, mostly sold on the attachable keyboard..
But I've noticed a growing number of threads on this forum that suggest that people are desperate to get rid of their units and trade them up to the Prime TF701?
Is.. is it *really* that bad? Have I made a huge mistake buying one? I got it from a 3rd party seller on Amazon so Im unsure if I have the same recourse from a shop
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I don't think you made a mistake. In addition to the attachable keyboard, you've got the much longer battery life, a USB and a full-sized SD slot. On the Prime itself, you have micro HDMI and Micro-SD. You've got some apps that will run in floating, re-sizable windows (Overskreen browser and Stick-IT media player). You can install widgets. You can mount the entire filesystem when connecting to a PC without installing some silly program. You've got multiple sources for getting apps and less expensively than the fruit-flavored alternative. On top of all this, the Prime has a more robust processor than the iPad2.
No, you didn't make a mistake.
There are a small number of specific apps where the iPad is clearly the better choice. These tend to be nichey.
You're going to love your Prime. Mine's great.
Hey op, since you've had a ipad 2 before and know how it performs, I think you'll know very soon if you have made a mistake or not.
htcplussony said:
Hey op, since you've had a ipad 2 before and know how it performs, I think you'll know very soon if you have made a mistake or not.
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Well thats.. Vague?
Care to eloberate.
Found someone to buy my Prime tomorrow, enough to trade for a Nexus 10.
slychocobo said:
Well I just decied to replaced my iPad2 with the Asus Prime 2, mostly sold on the attachable keyboard..
But I've noticed a growing number of threads on this forum that suggest that people are desperate to get rid of their units and trade them up to the Prime TF701?
Is.. is it *really* that bad? Have I made a huge mistake buying one? I got it from a 3rd party seller on Amazon so Im unsure if I have the same recourse from a shop
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you sound like a troll with this question. However since I made the leap from Ipad 2 to tf201 I will say you need balls of steel to buy a transformer prime. If you cant tell by looking at the *****ing going on here, there are problems that Ipad users will not appreciate. If you want a project to occupy you time and mind get a prime. if you dont know what fastboot means steer clear.
whycali said:
you sound like a troll with this question. However since I made the leap from Ipad 2 to tf201 I will say you need balls of steel to buy a transformer prime. If you cant tell by looking at the *****ing going on here, there are problems that Ipad users will not appreciate. If you want a project to occupy you time and mind get a prime. if you dont know what fastboot means steer clear.
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I assure you that's not my intention at all. Personally Im quite a fan of the Android OS (Most of my phones have been android, and Im rocking a Galaxy Note with PA right now and its fantastic)
As for things like Fastboot I've not really used it for quite a while (Since I had a Nexus 1, great phone But are you saying that most of the issues can be migrated with rooting/3rd party ROM's?
If that's the case then I'm comfortable enough going down that root but given that most of the *****ing here seems to be hardware related issues (I've read things about the Wifi/GPS don't work, apparently because of the casing..?) And things like slow I/O I'm somewhat confused about how re-flashed ROM (Although I've seen things that Jellybean also can make marked improvements in both stability and speed, but then you lose flash apparently?!)
There seems to be a lot of conflicting information floating about, and I appropriated that by the nature of forums that people are going to post to help with faults rather than "My phone is great!... Carry on!"..
Im just trying to build a balanced picture in my mind so if I should "take the risk"
Well it looks like my Tablet isn't going to arrive today so I guess I have the weekend to mull over it.
Still torn between if I should accept the device and run with it, or send it it back and hold out for the Nexus 10 (And with luck, get a keyboard/cover style solution to it)
Its just the lack of a SD card on it that's making me hesitate.
slychocobo said:
Well I just decied to replaced my iPad2 with the Asus Prime 2, mostly sold on the attachable keyboard..
But I've noticed a growing number of threads on this forum that suggest that people are desperate to get rid of their units and trade them up to the Prime TF701?
Is.. is it *really* that bad? Have I made a huge mistake buying one? I got it from a 3rd party seller on Amazon so Im unsure if I have the same recourse from a shop
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#1 what is a Prime 2? There is only one Transformer Prime....
#2 I think you should get an ipad, just for the fact you are folding under peer pressure.
I have had my Prime since Day #1, picked it up at a game stop with preorder, I was the 1st one in the store on release day. I have loved it since day one, yes it is not 100% (Gps is weak, got the dongle now) but no products are ever 100% what everyone wants. I did not buy it for the GPS, it was more of a feature than a need.
I love my TF201 w/keyboard and all the extras that apple users don't have. (sd, usb, etc...) I will not be trading or selling it off until it is time for a new one and at that time hope Asus or someone is still making it with a detachable keyboard.
Again, I think you should send it back so you can get your Ipad with the app you like. (good Luck) :fingers-crossed:

