[Q] Copyright and properties rules - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello guys,
I would like to know about continuing somebody's work that he/she has been discontinued developing. It is about an icons which the dev provided the template. He/she just made about 50 - 200 icons only then stop developing.
Now im going to continue for more icons since there's too many apps keep coming. Well, if i do this, and post it on xda with credits to real dev, is this gonna be wrong? I wanna share my work with xda members but Im scared if the dev going to screw my ass. Any advise would be higly appreciated.

neobirdrio said:
Hello guys,
I would like to know about continuing somebody's work that he/she has been discontinued developing. It is about an icons which the dev provided the template. He/she just made about 50 - 200 icons only then stop developing.
Now im going to continue for more icons since there's too many apps keep coming. Well, if i do this, and post it on xda with credits to real dev, is this gonna be wrong? I wanna share my work with xda members but Im scared if the dev going to screw my ass. Any advise would be higly appreciated.
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if you have the email of the person who has made the icons then ask for permission first.if you know their xda nickname which of course you do then just send them a private message. if they reply that is good and then just give credits and links to their work.
depends if you open a thread up to you still put credits out and give links to the original work made by the dev/themer...but try the first bit though and if you do not hear anything i still go with the second and say you tried getting intouch but not heard anything and still give credit were credit is due and say that cause you like the work you felt it would be credit to the original dev only to continue the amazing work started by them...hope that helps

Very reasonable and the best in my thoughts so. Thanks man.. Yeah, i still haven't send email or try to get in touch with the real dev yet, but i will.. to make sure everything is clear before i make any move.
This is coz I've saw a little 'fight' here on xda, a real dev claimed his/her works has been copied by someone. That's irritating. I wont do anything stupid and i dont know much about copyright procedure or whatever it called, so i have to ask for guide.
Thanks so much buddy for the advises, i highly appreciated. Thanks again. Have a nice day, cheers.

neobirdrio said:
Very reasonable and the best in my thoughts so. Thanks man.. Yeah, i still haven't send email or try to get in touch with the real dev yet, but i will.. to make sure everything is clear before i make any move.
This is coz I've saw a little 'fight' here on xda, a real dev claimed his/her works has been copied by someone. That's irritating. I wont do anything stupid and i dont know much about copyright procedure or whatever it called, so i have to ask for guide.
Thanks so much buddy for the advises, i highly appreciated. Thanks again. Have a nice day, cheers.
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No problem my friend glad i was able to help. Always cover your back if you are going to release something. Best way really. Give credits were credits are due, give a link to the thread of the things that you are using and give the appropriate info and that should be it really. But anyway follow the stuff i told you above and you should be fine.
Have a good day yourself my friend.

Suarez7 said:
No problem my friend glad i was able to help. Always cover your back if you are going to release something. Best way really. Give credits were credits are due, give a link to the thread of the things that you are using and give the appropriate info and that should be it really. But anyway follow the stuff i told you above and you should be fine.
Have a good day yourself my friend.
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Well, I'll do all u said, 'always cover my back' is the best part, from being screwed. Hahaha. I'll credits to you too as someone who helped me, i wont forget you. I'll release my icons as soon as posibble. Im glad to know you and nice knowing you.
Thanks in advance.. Have a nice day my friend. Cheers!

neobirdrio said:
Well, I'll do all u said, 'always cover my back' is the best part, from being screwed. Hahaha. I'll credits to you too as someone who helped me, i wont forget you. I'll release my icons as soon as posibble. Im glad to know you and nice knowing you.
Thanks in advance.. Have a nice day my friend. Cheers!
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Thanks man Send me a link of the thread once you have done it so i can check it out Damn bloody 8 thanks rule. sorry

Suarez7 said:
Thanks man Send me a link of the thread once you have done it so i can check it out Damn bloody 8 thanks rule. sorry
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Friend, do u use miui rom? You use whatsapp app?

neobirdrio said:
Friend, do u use miui rom? You use whatsapp app?
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Suarez7 said:
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Check inbox buddy


progress on sense for vibrant?

i havent seen any word or movement about this topic just trying to see what is the progress on sense ui on vibrant?
or did the devs stop working on it
I agree...being a BETA TESTER myself, havent heard any info AT ALL since the Sense Dev thread was closed....
Didn't someone donate $50 to those guys? Money well spent it seems...
i dont knoe but ill donate , this was really cool idea porting sense to the vibrant,
Ive asked Eugene and Barak on twitter and thier forums...no answer...Must not want my donation money...all i want is a simple answer..yes it is being worked on...or no it isnt..
O well R14 is out in about 30 mins...
true all we want to do is get some info on the progress thats it
wats R14 anyways? sorry im kinda new
I donated the $50! And I have not heard one thing about progress. I'm also supposed to be a tester for it
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yeah bro idk i think they stop i hope not *cross my finger* i really want this on the vibrant
other than the widgets....why? it doesn't offer much that you can't mimic with themes..
lol i knoe just there is something about sense that i love,
other then this rom i would flash axura or cm6
Barak, nor I was the one Heading up the port... It was only done as Proof of concept...
If you want a progress report, ask the ppl in charge of it.
jeezz just ppl looking for an excuse to bash on Eugene...
scrizz said:
If you want a progress report, ask the ppl in charge of it.
jeezz just ppl looking for an excuse to bash on Eugene...
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Dude....You're exactly where XDA has gone....NO WHERE IN THIS THRED IS ANYONE TALKING BAD ABOUT EUGENE!! Stop taking stuff out of context, or XDA will continue down the black hole
Was the donation a proof of concept?
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scrizz said:
If you want a progress report, ask the ppl in charge of it.
jeezz just ppl looking for an excuse to bash on Eugene...
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because this was really a reason to bash on Eugene?!?!?! but ok thanks for answering my question,
lightninbug said:
Dude....You're exactly where XDA has gone....NO WHERE IN THIS THRED IS ANYONE TALKING BAD ABOUT EUGENE!! Stop taking stuff out of context, or XDA will continue down the black hole
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thank you someone knoes , just looking for progress,
lightninbug said:
Dude....You're exactly where XDA has gone....NO WHERE IN THIS THRED IS ANYONE TALKING BAD ABOUT EUGENE!! Stop taking stuff out of context, or XDA will continue down the black hole
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Well first.. No need to TYPE LIKE THIS, it is really annoying and hard to read.
Second "Ive asked Eugene and Barak on twitter and thier forums...no answer...Must not want my donation money" that is a bold statement, doing the port wasn't about who wanted some money... If it was that easy to do, it would of been done. You guys don't understand how hard it is to do some of the stuff, we had it booting & we ran into a few major issues like no signal (We just needed to replace some drivers) and it was just lagging to hell.... I wen't into the chat about a week ago after having my own stuff to do & it was basically deserted.
And to that person who donated $50 to the project, I would contact Whosdaman about that because he was the one who got all the donations I believe... If you wanted.
Master™ said:
Well first.. No need to TYPE LIKE THIS, it is really annoying and hard to read.
Second "Ive asked Eugene and Barak on twitter and thier forums...no answer...Must not want my donation money" that is a bold statement, doing the port wasn't about who wanted some money... If it was that easy to do, it would of been done. You guys don't understand how hard it is to do some of the stuff, we had it booting & we ran into a few major issues like no signal (We just needed to replace some drivers) and it was just lagging to hell.... I wen't into the chat about a week ago after having my own stuff to do & it was basically deserted.
And to that person who donated $50 to the project, I would contact Whosdaman about that because he was the one who got all the donations I believe... If you wanted.
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Thank u master for clearing these things up for us. And also i apologize for these comments. Just wanted to see what the progress is on we havnt heard anything recently.
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Master™ said:
Well first.. No need to TYPE LIKE THIS, it is really annoying and hard to read.
Second "Ive asked Eugene and Barak on twitter and thier forums...no answer...Must not want my donation money" that is a bold statement, doing the port wasn't about who wanted some money... If it was that easy to do, it would of been done. You guys don't understand how hard it is to do some of the stuff, we had it booting & we ran into a few major issues like no signal (We just needed to replace some drivers) and it was just lagging to hell.... I wen't into the chat about a week ago after having my own stuff to do & it was basically deserted.
And to that person who donated $50 to the project, I would contact Whosdaman about that because he was the one who got all the donations I believe... If you wanted.
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Yes, all donations went to him and I have contacted him.
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Kernel Source Code - Everyone Help

Guys I know this has been posted before but I couldn't find the post as it has been buried.
We all need to be posting on this thread as much as possible, friends, family, co-workers, anyone you can talk into posting get them to do it. This needs to happen now, personally I don't think they feel the much pressure. I do however feel that we are close to seeing a result. So please, if you own a Photon, if you know someone who does, if you give one smidgen of anything about the Photon help us out here and post. Post as much as you can post, obviously don't spam them, but let them feel our presence.
Thanks to anyone that helps out!
Someone sticky this so it doesn't get buried.
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Let's see what response comes from from this. Maybe more people here could help to push this some.
beartrap said:
Let's see what response comes from from this. Maybe more people here could help to push this some.
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You got an interesting response. Let's hope it is true!
Hello Gary,
Thank you for your request. The release packages for the Photon 4G product are being prepared and are expected to go live this week. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for the delay.
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Gave them a piece of my mind lol!
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Let's see what are in these release packages. Should we start a pool?
Yes, I am wondering what he means by this, god I hope it is what we think/hope it is wouldn't that be f'kin awesome!?!?!
Hello Gary,
Thank you for your request. The release packages for the Photon 4G product are being prepared and are expected to go live this week. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for the delay.
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Well done man! See, I knew we just needed to bang on the door a little bit, get these guys to answer!
I will prolly make another post later tonight.. err now. lol


I need your Paypal NOW!!! I think I can afford a few $$$ for us to say THANKS!!! (Kennypow3rs messed me up, saving for Note!)
Click on jokers name in any post and you'll see his profile and his paypal email address.
Sent from my MB855
Duh.............Done on behalf of all of us!!
EDIT: I think I want another STAR too!!
Good to see others giving back! Joker deserves every donation thrown at him for sure.
I put that 8-point multi-touch on last night, where do you think I got the info and how? I spent @ 3 hours reading his s**t in the Development Section! But as I stated, "Thanks from all of us!"
You could have just used search
dsims7_2000 said:
I put that 8-point multi-touch on last night, where do you think I got the info and how? I spent @ 3 hours reading his s**t in the Development Section! But as I stated, "Thanks from all of us!"
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Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
True, but this is only my second venture (Evo and Photon) in the Android area. At my old job with the Evo, there were 6 other in IT that had them so I would follow the lead of them. Here with Photon, I am alone and the language is new to me. It's all good. Again, thanks from all of us!
Just sent $25 your way Joker. Thanks for the 4g skinny. Should be enough to get you a decent IPA somewhere.
Oh damm, we finally started something here useful!
dsims7_2000 said:
EDIT: I think I want another STAR too!!
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what are the stars for and how do i get one ? lol
daddymikey1975 said:
what are the stars for and how do i get one ? lol
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I think its like kindergarten, you know cleaning up your own messes and writing your name on the proper lines
daddymikey1975 said:
what are the stars for and how do i get one ? lol
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You have to make a Donation to XDA. Look at main Portal.
EDIT: Keep in mind, this is different from making donations to developers for their work. People like Joker have their own lives, jobs, and familys. So the s**t they do here they take out of their own personal lives then share it with us for free, weather you get them money or not.
dsims7_2000 said:
You have to make a Donation to XDA. Look at main Portal.
EDIT: Keep in mind, this is different from making donations to developers for their work. People like Joker have their own lives, jobs, and familys. So the s**t they do here they take out of their own personal lives then share it with us for free, weather you get them money or not.
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I knew that devs have a life and donating to them makes them feel appreciated.. Just wasn't sure what the stars were for.. (I never read the portal LOL)
daddymikey1975 said:
what are the stars for and how do i get one ? lol
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By being awesome like dsims and helping out the site admins and devs. Thanks for the box dsims! Like I said if you are having trouble with something you can call me anytime!
thundercles said:
By being awesome like dsims and helping out the site admins and devs. Thanks for the box dsims! Like I said if you are having trouble with something you can call me anytime!
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On the way!

Clockwork Mod on AT&T Note

Anyone have a good idea if we are gonna get CM9 for the AT&T version of the Note soon? Its ok at stock but I'd be so happy to be able to throw ClockWork on it.
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If you are looking for CWM for doing installations and nandroid and stuff look at the dev section. Otherwise I know not what you speak of.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA App
The first rule of xda is you do not ask for ETA's.
The second rule of xda is you DO NOT ask for ETA's.
i want an ETA on when we can BOOOOO this man.......
Ouch! My most sincere and humble apologies. i know the Devs do great work and I am completely appreciative of that work.
hopefully I did not offend too terribly much..
ReggieSmith said:
Ouch! My most sincere and humble apologies. i know the Devs do great work and I am completely appreciative of that work.
hopefully I did not offend too terribly much..
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We are just messing with you.....lol
it is a no no, but its understandable bruh we all want to know....but we just let them work
CWM in DEV Section
ReggieSmith said:
Ouch! My most sincere and humble apologies. i know the Devs do great work and I am completely appreciative of that work.
hopefully I did not offend too terribly much..
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Look in the third section under At&t Galaxy Note Forums and you will find work on CWM. If this helps, hit the thanks button....
the2rrell said:
We are just messing with you.....lol
it is a no no, but its understandable bruh we all want to know....but we just let them work
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And I appreciate that. I have seen some forums where the more "senior" members trash any and all questions that new members may ask. But thankfully its not like that here.
ReggieSmith said:
And I appreciate that. I have seen some forums where the more "senior" members trash any and all questions that new members may ask. But thankfully its not like that here.
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So far, this forum is the friendliest I have seen, so welcome. Like others have mentioned, there is an Alpha build of CWM available, but as of right now, flashing anything triggers the flash counter, which can prevent you from utilizing your warranty for an exchange. If you are worried about having to return your Note for some reason right now, I would wait until we have a workaround for the flash counter. If not, we have the TPC ROM and DaG's OC/UV kernel that are both stable and will get rid of the problems with the stock ROM.
As with any ROM or development, don't ask for ETA's in the future. Seeing as you are new to this, nobody will be mad, but continued pestering will drive devs away and get people very upset. Now that you know, I'm sure you won't be a problem. haha. Also, with CyanogenMod, asking for ETA's is even more frowned upon usually. You're fine though, no worries. And as I said before, welcome.
On the Infuse forums, we had several devs driven away by people pestering devs for ETAs, asking unnecessary and repetitive questions without reading, and constant bickering and fighting in the forums that just cluttered threads with useless bullcrap. I hope that our forum stays clear of the level of asshattery that occurred there, but if you do your part to stay clear of it, then we will all be able to work together and have a great community.
Just to make clear, I'm not ragging you at all for asking, as you are new, just making some friendly suggestions to keep you and all of us happy from here on out. I wish everybody was as friendly and accepting as you. Haha.
GOSH !! I feel so much love in this group, hehe
StarLog said:
GOSH !! I feel so much love in this group, hehe
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I hear yah, I am still using my Infuse because I do not yet have my Note, but I have abandoned the forums for it for the most part because I was just so sick of how ridiculous it was.
StarLog said:
GOSH !! I feel so much love in this group, hehe
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Just one BIG happy family. (BIG for BIG PHONE)...lol
By the way. I tried the international version method of reseting binary counter...did not work as I suspected...I got to remember to be patientttttt
post had link to forum instuctions
Just something to Note (hardee har har), ClockWork Mod and CM9 (CyanogenMod) are two different things, just to clear that up

HTC Rezound Help Thread

This thread was created for the sole purpose to help any and all in need of assistance with their Rezound be it bricking, rooting, etc. Any question you may have related to your Rezound can be posted here whether you feel it is dumb or not. This thread is to be a source of answers and I DO tolerate repeated questions. I want this to be a friendly environment with full intent on helping anyone within the Rezound community. I do not tolerate flaming or trolling of any kind and I will see to it personally that such offenders will be removed/banned from this thread.
So you are here for answers? We are here to help!​Our Rezound community is full of well educated individuals who are more than happy to assist you with any Rezound objective you wish to accomplish. You need only ask. Keep in mind that asking within the thread allows everyone to see your question where as sending a pm limits you to the knowledge of one specific individual.
When you have questions about anything, one of us is bound to have an answer. We help people no matter the question, status, or experience.
The only stupid question, is a question that is not asked.
This OP will be modified over time to include FAQ's and links to other helpful materials.
One on One Live Support
The following member/s have offered their 1 on 1 live support for any questions or needs you may have:
AshtonTS - [email protected]
Looking for custom made HBOOTS? Look here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1853871
I'm also here to help. pm me for my gtalk account
See, this is how it is supposed to be. Just spent about 20 minutes with the op, holding my hand through setting up system tuner pro while he's helping 2 others on gtalk at the same time. I'm glad to see that, like myself, others are still willing to help people out. Huge thanks bro.
We're not as evil on the rezound forum as people think, we are just misunderstood
Sent from my ADR6425LVW
I have a gtalk too.
Maybe you should make a list of people that are available to consult and have it stickied so people go there first instead of posting another thread. It's probably faster to get help from someone in gtalk anyway.
Po1soNNN said:
I have a gtalk too.
Maybe you should make a list of people that are available to consult and have it stickied so people go there first instead of posting another thread. It's probably faster to get help from someone in gtalk anyway.
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a lot faster especially while on a PC at same time to send links,screens and files
dyetheskin said:
a lot faster especially while on a PC at same time to send links,screens and files
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We should try it. I know there are tons of smart people that would love to help out if we made like a Rezound Geek Squad or Rezound Tech Support or something like that haha
Po1soNNN said:
We should try it. I know there are tons of smart people that would love to help out if we made like a Rezound Geek Squad or Rezound Tech Support or something like that haha
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hey now I had that secret first lol
Hey sign me up guys I like helping too
apophis9283 said:
I decided to make a post as I was having a flood of people requesting help so..........
1) I don't mind helping people, I love helping but please understand I have things I need to do
2) I am really good at helping people, As there are many roms, tweaks, settings, I cannot know everything about every rom, tweak and settings
3) I only help over Gtalk, Its quicker and it saves space on the XDA servers.
4)My Gtalk status is a good indication whether I am able to help.
5)My Gtalk is [email protected]
I am happy to help out as much as I can. If its something that might take awhile, let me know. We can plan a certain time to do it.
That is all, I am ending my rant now.
Edit: If for some reason I am not available dyetheskin is willing to help, please respect him the same way. PM him for his gtalk acct.
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You are one of the last good members willing to give up you personal time for others. thank you for helping the community.
please don't PM me for help, thank you.
i mean uh what?
Look, this is not what I meant by posting this thread. I can't in good faith just let anyone start giving help to other. I had a similar case a while back where someone else told the person to relock the bootloader and he had an eng Hboot. I am sorry, this is not meant to be a sign up list or anything like that. I have interacted with dyetheskin before and have seen his abilities. I am asking that people please not post here unless it is a request for help or you have a quick question.
apophis9283 said:
Look, this is not what I meant by posting this thread. I can't in good faith just let anyone start giving help to other. I had a similar case a while back where someone else told the person to relock the bootloader and he had an eng Hboot. I am sorry, this is not meant to be a sign up list or anything like that. I have interacted with dyetheskin before and have seen his abilities. I am asking that people please not post here unless it is a request for help or you have a quick question.
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I guess no help squad then. I'll just continue helping people anyway.
I didnt mean it to be that way. I just never meant it to turn into this. This was me offering people who needed help, help. I think its awesome that others willing to help. If you can help them then do so. Im not saying dont.
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I may end up throwing an A-Team together to help others. So many people need help and I am only one person. Maybe 3 or 4 guys that will go above and beyond to help others. I have had several people offer to help, why not utilize the people offering to help. Stay tuned.
Apophis, could you do a couple of screen snots of how you have Dsb's kernel set up in syst tuner? Thanks in advance.
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JeramyEggs said:
Apophis, could you do a couple of screen snots of how you have Dsb's kernel set up in syst tuner? Thanks in advance.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Ask and you shall receive!
apophis9283 said:
Ask and you shall receive!
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Holy Crap those voltages are high. Battery life must be bad?!?
Edit: didn't notice that was the upper end of your table.
Po1soNNN said:
I have a gtalk too.
Maybe you should make a list of people that are available to consult and have it stickied so people go there first instead of posting another thread. It's probably faster to get help from someone in gtalk anyway.
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Agreed. My gtalk is [email protected] (its an ancient email account) don't hate :b. Back when I had a Droid 2 I helped a lot of people on droidforums.
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As of right now, i have 3 others that I trust to help others. You all have to realize that some times I get asked questions in which if I were wrong I could damage the phone. When I talk about helping others I try to provide 100% accurate info. I would also want anyone else that I have to do the same.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
apophis9283 said:
As of right now, i have 3 others that I trust to help others. You all have to realize that some times I get asked questions in which if I were wrong I could damage the phone. When I talk about helping others I try to provide 100% accurate info. I would also want anyone else that I have to do the same.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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You could make it the people you trust and other people would need to be qualified like a recognized contributor or something. I understand what you mean when you say it can be dangerous but I really think with the right people that having a group or list of people you can contact for help would really benefit the rezound community and maybe inspire other device communities to do the same.

