ASUS, never again! - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

This is a warning for all people that are considering to buy a product from ASUS. Please pardon my tone is this post but I'm really really pissed atm. Also, don't be a blind fool/fanboy and say this is only a one out of ###### experience. Stores are refusing to sell the TF201 and ASUS's customer service is notorious to be, to say politely, "below average".
First of all:
I had the original Transformer as soon as it was released. However, because of bad backlight bleeding and stuck/deadpixels ASUS has replaced the screen 4 times and after that refunded me my money. The whole process (incl. the RMA's) took about 4 months. After I finally got my money back I decided to wait on the successor which turned out to be the TP.
So I bought the TF201 again as soon as it came out. However, I'm on my 4th unit now after returning three to the store because of backlight bleeding and all sorts of other issues. The first store refunded me the third time because they had too many complaints about the TF201. I then waited a week a bought a C1 batch TP at another store. Yet again, lots of backlight bleeding and some dust under the glass. So I decided to try a RMA this time and see if that helps. After UPS failed to pick it up for two days, the tablet finally arrived at the Czech repair center on the 30th of January. After 4 days on the status "repairing" it was shipped back on Friday and I received it today.
So, I first had a look to the repair report and it said: "Tested Ok/No troubles found". That already was making me furious, what have they done those 4 days and how bad is ASUS's policy that this is "ok"? So I booted up the tablet and yep there we have it...same old backlightbleed and some nice dust specs under the glass.... wonderfull! Furthermore, they factory resetted the tablet which I specifically asked (put a short letter in the package and also indicated it on the RMA form) not to do. The store I bought it from is also always sending it in for repair, so now I'm stuck with a up €600 tablet which has some nice lightbleeding and some nice specs of dust under the glass.
Do you guys have any advice what I can do? Ask for a manager at ASUS? I don't have a clue anymore and am extremely dissappointed.
Oh and plz judge for yourselves about the lightbleed, do you think this is acceptable?
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A update (9-2-2012):
I've e-mailed them twice the last three days and got two anwers back (all in Dutch, sorry, quick translation below each e-mail):
From: ....
Sent: maandag 6 februari 2012 21:49
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Subject: Re: ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime (scherm problemen, nu al 4e unit)
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Vandaag heb ik de tablet weer ontvangen en tot mijn grote teleurstelling is er helemaal niets gedaan en is hij inderdaad als “ok” getest. Stof onder het scherm en lightbleed vind ik niet “ok”.
Het is geen speeltje van een paar euro, maar deze tablet kost veel geld en ik mag dan ook een deugdelijk en (vanbinnen) stofvrij product verwachten. Bovendien ben ik nu ook het beschermdopje van de docking-poort kwijt, terwijl deze er netjes op zat toen ik mijn tablet opstuurde. Waarschijnlijk blijven liggen bij uw “reperateur”. Deze heeft er 4 dagen over gedaan om het predikaat “ok” aan de tablet te geven. Bovendien had ik uitdrukkelijk gevraagd de tablet niet te resetten (alleen indien echt noodzakelijk) en wat gebeurt er? Natuurlijk wel gereset. Al met al ben ik zeer ontevreden en ik wil dat mijn klacht naar behoren wordt behandeld.Ik ben al erg coulant door niet te zeuren over de GPS die niet werkt en het matige Wifi-bereik (een door Asus erkend probleem), maar ik wil niet nog eens inleveren op de kwaliteit van het scherm.
Ik hoop dat u (of desnoods een van uw collega’s met meer bevoegdheid) mij aan een oplossing kunnen helpen. Op zich heeft u een onderscheidend product, juist door het bijbehorende toetsenbord, maar tot nu toe heb ik niet veel gemerkt van uw “persistent perfection”.
Met vriendelijke groet,
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Quick English summary:
I explain that I received the tablet and test report which said it was "ok" and no trouble found. I said I don't think this is "ok" and that they should be glad that I'm not making a big fuzz about my dead GPS (it is still on my box ) and the below average WIFI range. But, in return I don't want a additional broken screen to those two problems. Furthermore, I told him that they lost my docking port protector cap during the reparation. Also I complained about the time they needed to determine it was "ok" (4 days in status "repairing) and I asked him to handle my complaint or send it to someone higher up in the organisation who has more authority.
His anwser:
Geachte heer ....,
Ja dit heb ik u op 20 januari gemailt :
Geachte heer/mevrouw,
Ik heb de foto’s bekeken en ik ben bang als de Transformer daarvoor binnen moet komen dat deze test ok terug wordt gestuurd.
Met vriendelijke groet,
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Met vriendelijke groet,
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Quick English summary:
He simply says, "I told you so" and quoted an earlier e-mail.
It is true that he told me before the RMA that he thinks it will be tested as "ok" but I did not agree (like I don't do now) and pressed on for an RMA. But he does not anwser any of my questions in my first quoted e-mail and does not take it seriously...
Because I started my traineeship this week I did not had time to call ASUS because I'am home after the regular office hours. Therefore, I asked my father to call them, which he did but according to him he could not get hold of the "Daniel" from the e-mails so he e-mailed him a very serious letter:
Beste heer Duinkerken,
Op verzoek van mijn zoon..... neem ik contact met u op.
U heeft al eerder telefonisch en per mail contact met hem gehad over de door
hem gekochte tablet. Omdat deze tablet niet voldoet aan zijn verwachtingen
en omdat niet voldaan wordt aan alle op de verpakking vermelde specificaties
is hij niet tevreden over uw product. Om die reden is de tablet onlangs ter reparatie aangeboden en inmiddels ook weer terug ontvangen.
Uw reparatieafdeling meldt dat alles oké is en dat er dus niets gedaan
Het argument van uw organisatie daarvoor is "alles functioneert binnen de
gestelde normen".
Deze normen zijn bij de aankoop niet door of namens uw organisatie kenbaar
gemaakt en ons dus ook onbekend.
Conclusie: De afwijkingen van de specificaties en van de verwachtingen die
wij in redelijkheid van uw tablet (prijs circa € 600) mocht hebben zijn
daarmee niet waar gemaakt.
Om misverstanden te voorkomen meldt ik u dat het om de volgende gebreken
van uw tablet handelt:
1. GPS werkt niet, zou dat volgens specificatie op originele verpakking wel
moeten doen.
2. Wifi functioneert onvoldoende.
3. Onder het beeldscherm zijn vijf stofdeeltjes zichtbaar, die bij sommige
gebruikstoepassingen het beeld verstoren.
4. Er zijn aan de zijkanten van het scherm een zestal zogenaamde light
bleeds zichtbaar waarvan de twee grootste een afmeting hebben van 3 x 1,5 cm
en 2 x 1 cm.
5. Bij het terug ontvangen van de laatste (niet uitgevoerde) bleek een
beschermdopje van de "docking poort" niet meer aanwezig te zijn.
Dit is voor ons niet acceptabel en wij stellen derhalve formeel dat u als
leverancier/fabrikant in gebreke gebleven bent.
Met name het niet oplossen van de gebreken genoemd onder de punten 3, 4 en 5
achten wij een ernstig in gebreke blijven.
Voordat wij overgaan tot vervolgstappen en de daaraan te stellen juridische
eisen bieden wij u twee weken de gelegenheid de punten 3, 4 en 5 alsnog te
herstellen dan wel een acceptabele oplossing te vinden.
Omwille van de juridische zuivere gang van zaken verzoeken wij u ons een
afschrift te zenden van de formele normen die gelden voor uw tablets als het
handelt over acceptabele light bleeds (aantal en afmetingen") en voor het
aantal acceptabele stofdeeltjes onder het scherm.
Daarnaast ontvang ik gaarne een schriftelijke verklaring uwerzijds waarin
met naam en toenaam aangeeft dat u van mening bent dat de onder de eerdere
punten 3 en 4 genoemde afwijken gerekend moeten worden tot afwijkingen die
als normaal gezien moeten worden voor nieuwe exemplaren van uw tablet. Ook
ontvang ik graag het adres waarnaar ik formeel en schriftelijk deze
ingebrekestelling dien te sturen.
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English summary:
Here my farther tells ASUS that the product is not functioning like specified on the package and that ASUS has lacked to repair it because of it being within the "written norms". He puts up the argument that these norms are not specified by the company during sale (you won't find anything on lightbleed and dust in the warranty card) and that these norms are also not published by ASUS for consumer insight. What follows is a list of all the problems and that because no norms are published or made known by ASUS we said they "failed" (don't know the right translation in English) as the supplier/manufacturer to repair the tablet and hold them accountable.
The last part of the e-mail says basically that, before we try to fight this thing by consumer law (some sort of class action lawsuit), we give them 14 days to fix the tablet's lightbleed and dust problems and return the docking protector or give us another possible solution. We also demanded a copy of their "official norms" on these problems (especially the lightbleed) and a signed statement that they think these problems are acceptable for a new tablet and within specifications. This for the sake and advancement for possible legal actions. Last but not least we asked for and adress to send a official complaint.
His reply:
Geachte heer/mevrouw,
U kunt een klachtenbrief sturen naar het volgende adres:
Asus Holland bv
Nieuw amsterdamse straat 44
7814 VA Emmen
t.a.v. klachten afhandeling
Met vriendelijke groet,
mod edit names removed...
Callagent lvl 2 CCC BeNeLux
ASUS Holland BV
Registreer uw product
+31 (0) 591 570290
Chat met online hulp
mod edit
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He only gives the address for complaints.
So in conclusion, ASUS's customer support really blows balls and we did mean what we said in our second e-mail. We will send them a official complaint letter and if that is not dealt with properly we will investigate into legal ways. Not only because of the problems, but also because of the fact that they have MY protector for the docking port (the black "clip) and refuse to return it which is just plain theft.
It is also time for me to get some pictures up on their Facebook page
MOD NOTES: Post Edited Names Removed as per XDA rules. In addition to the foul language.

that sucks, mine looks 100x better. I only have lightbleed if i squeeze the screen

Your light bleeding is much more severe than what I have on mine...though the people that are disassembling the prime are having high rates of success on reducing the bleeding. You may want to do that if you feel like you're stuck with it.

Wow, that is bad. No, this really isn't how a €599 product should be. I also had a Prime with bad light bleeding, but this is much worse (I had mine returned to the store and got my money back). Why didn't you return it it directly to the store in the first place?

As I told another member here on xda-devs ~ if you want this sorted and you have tried all the usual channels then go straight to Asus Facebook and post your grievances there.
Make sure you get all the facts ABSOLUTELY ACCURATE and has difficult as it may be you MUST be polite... You don't want to give them an excuse to remove your post.
Basically what you are doing is highlighting the issue to the many who read Facebook. Asus won't like bad publicity and you should see them act upon it.
The last time I gave this advice Asus sent out a replacement without question.

OP, THaT IS horrible light bleed n one of the worse I've seen up here. In no way should you accept that. I'd say exchange it immediately. Especially if you in return period. The longer you wait. Harder it will be. No software update will fix that. Screws probably tightened too hard down on the screen. Replace ASAP...

IMHO the best time to buy one of these things from any company, is 2-6 months after release, unless you do want to deal with stuff like this.
If it wasn't for circumstances, I'd have passed on the Prime altogether until the 3rd or 4th generation was released.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk

Beards said:
As I told another member here on xda-devs ~ if you want this sorted and you have tried all the usual channels then go straight to Asus Facebook and post your grievances there.
Make sure you get all the facts ABSOLUTELY ACCURATE and has difficult as it may be you MUST be polite... You don't want to give them an excuse to remove your post.
Basically what you are doing is highlighting the issue to the many who read Facebook. Asus won't like bad publicity and you should see them act upon it.
The last time I gave this advice Asus sent out a replacement without question.
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Yes I can try again but I'm a little hesistant as I did this already one or two times when I have the normal Transformer. It was after I posted it on facebook that they offered a refund... So I don't know if they will help me again or think "there is that guy again".

JoeyLe said:
Wow, that is bad. No, this really isn't how a €599 product should be. I also had a Prime with bad light bleeding, but this is much worse (I had mine returned to the store and got my money back). Why didn't you return it it directly to the store in the first place?
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Because Paradigit first sends it in for repair and they told me that it would be faster by sending it directly to ASUS than have them do it. So if the store also gets it back as "ok" I don't think they will replace or refund...

flight777 said:
Yes I can try again but I'm a little hesistant as I did this already one or two times when I have the normal Transformer. It was after I posted it on facebook that they offered a refund... So I don't know if they will help me again or think "there is that guy again".
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Go for it anyways. You have more than enough proof. But do like Beards say and do it in a polite n civil manner. If you blast their page sounding nasty they will probably just ignore you then.

That is pretty bad. My 1st one from gamestop 1st batch had bad upper right corner light bleed which I returned. 2nd one was bestbuy no light bleed but returned after it screwed up something after ICS. My 3rd has very minor light bleed that I cant really tell unless I'm in complete darkness and only during boot up where it shows the eepad logo. I don't notice it at all any other times. I think you need to send it back and also complain about wifi breaking when using bluetooth. I've seen a member here get a new one as replacement after sending it to Asus.
I don't know how they tested your unit but doesnt sound like they tested it correctly. They should be able to see that right away during boot up.

flight777 said:
Because Paradigit first sends it in for repair and they told me that it would be faster by sending it directly to ASUS than have them do it. So if the store also gets it back as "ok" I don't think they will replace or refund...
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If the final result ends up being you can't get a replacement or refund, then just check out the ligjtbleed fix thread. Last resort if left no other choice. Most who have tried it fixed their lightbleed. It will involve opening up prime, which is fairly easy, and loosening up screws then tightening them again. Then close prime up and no one could ever tell it was opened so it won't void warranty as there's no proof of tampering if you follow the guide and video. Most lightbleeds occur from screws being screwed too tight on screen or pinching somewhere inside. Others have fixed theirs through the guide.

flight777 said:
Yes I can try again but I'm a little hesistant as I did this already one or two times when I have the normal Transformer. It was after I posted it on facebook that they offered a refund... So I don't know if they will help me again or think "there is that guy again".
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Doesn't matter to them how many times you have been to their Facebook page in the past. What they are more interested in is what is being posted NOW.
Asus will not like to see ANY mention of them performing poorly to a customer. It simply sends out the wrong message to others, especially if they do nothing about it.
It happens all the time in business..... you clear it up quick.

When I see people complain about light bleed I had no idea it could be like that.

That is absolutely awful! You know what? You are not the first person with this experience. Someone else posted that they had issues, sent it to Asus, they said they "Couldn't reproduce the problem" and simply returned it without fixing a thing.
I would hope that maybe Gary Key could contact you, I would PM here on these forums. He appears to be the only person at Asus getting anything done.
People can defend Asus all they want, but this is ridiculous. Just like my experience. You tell them the problem, you explain it to them, and they DO NOT FREAKING LISTEN TO US!
You told them there was Lightbleed and they say they couldn't find it? You have AWFUL lightbleed.
I told Asus I had the Serial Number Unknown, explained it in detail, then 18 DAYS LATER, they explain to me how to update my Prime OTA or manually!
I explained to them BEFORE THEY EVER RESPONDED that Manually updating on the website will not fix the Serial Number Unknown and that OTA Updates are impossible on Primes with Serial Number Unknown. What do they tell me? How to update manually and how to update OTA.
Right now, Asus Customer Service is a joke.
Did you have to pay to send them your tablet? If you paid via credit card for the shipping, I would challenge that charge.

Damm dude i feel your pain, I'd call and explain your not a beta tester. You should be rewarded with something after going though all that trouble.
Hope you get a good prime!

your luck just BLOWS dude ASUS is not for YOU lmaoo i got it and never got NOOO problems(knocks on wood) im loving it
flight777 said:
This is a warning for all people that are considering to buy a product from ASUS. Please pardon my tone is this post but I'm really really pissed atm. Also, don't be a blind fool/fanboy and say this is only a one out of ###### experience. Stores are refusing to sell the TF201 and ASUS's customer service is notorious to be, to say politely, "below average".
First of all:
I had the original Transformer as soon as it was released. However, because of bad backlight bleeding and stuck/deadpixels ASUS has replaced the screen 4 times and after that refunded me my money. The whole process (incl. the RMA's) took about 4 months. After I finally got my money back I decided to wait on the successor which turned out to be the TP.
So I bought the TF201 again as soon as it came out. However, I'm on my 4th unit now after returning three to the store because of backlight bleeding and all sorts of other issues. The first store refunded me the third time because they had too many complaints about the TF201. I then waited a week a bought a C1 batch TP at another store. Yet again, lots of backlight bleeding and some dust under the glass. So I decided to try a RMA this time and see if that helps. After UPS failed to pick it up for two days, the tablet finally arrived at the Czech repair center on the 30th of January. After 4 days on the status "repairing" it was shipped back on Friday and I received it today.
So, I first had a look to the repair report and it said: "Tested Ok/No troubles found". That already was making me furious, what have they done those 4 days and how bad is ASUS's policy that this is "ok"? So I booted up the tablet and yep there we have it...same old backlightbleed and some nice dust specs under the glass....****ing wonderfull! Furthermore, they factory resetted the tablet which I specifically asked (put a short letter in the package and also indicated it on the RMA form) not to do. The store I bought it from is also always sending it in for repair, so now I'm stuck with a ****ed up €600 tablet which has some nice lightbleeding and some nice specs of dust under the glass.
Do you guys have any advice what I can do? Ask for a manager at ASUS? I don't have a clue anymore and am extremely dissappointed.
Oh and plz judge for yourselves about the lightbleed, do you think this is acceptable?
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LunaWizard said:
your luck just BLOWS dude ASUS is not for YOU lmaoo i got it and never got NOOO problems(knocks on wood) im loving it
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Good for you, but you act like he is the only one. Their are many, many problems with back light bleeding on the original TF101, and it is exactly the same on the TF201. I don't get why Asus hasn't worked this out by now, it is really getting ridiculous. Apple had the same issue in the beginning with their iPad 2, and they immediately stopped their contract with LG (for some time?) and replaced all the bad iPad's with the ones with the good Samsung display.
Asus on the other hand just keeps proceeding with these crappy displays and even denies the problem is there. I mean, come on, everyone with a pair of working eyes can see the back light bleeding on this..
BTW: Funny how the idiotic fan boy rates this topic 1 star. Voted 5 stars for it biatch.

In my experience if you are looking for the "perfect" device, you arent going to find it. Maybe just be slightly less picky. Light bleed is only visible on black screens and when it comes down to it, it doesnt really hinder performance, its simply bothering you just because its there. I dont know man, I have been buying ASUS products for 20 years, I have found them to be top notch compared to their competitors. There really is no better option in my opinion. The tiny bit of light bleed I have on my prime is nothing compared to my ipads.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201

samg77 said:
I have been buying ASUS products for 20 years, I have found them to be top notch compared to their competitors. There really is no better option in my opinion.
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Wow. Gary, is that you?
Anyway, OP, you should try to send it to Asus in TX. I know it's a pain in the ass and will cost you about $40 USD in shipping but at least your 600 Euro tablet will be repaired. If you call Asus in TX I'm guessing they have no idea you're in Europe unless the S/Ns are distinct by country. Give them an address for a hotel in NYC if they ask for a U.S. address. After the tablet's been received tell them you're on assignment in Europe for two months and your U.S. address is no longer valid. Once they receive it in TX fixing it and getting it back to you really becomes their problem. Even if they end up charging you return shipping at least your tablet will be livable.


Why can't O2 deliver XDA's currently? (Partly in dutch...)

Hi all,
First of all apologies if this question is an abuse of this forum. It's non technical but I am pulling the hairs out of my head currently :evil:
I ordered an XDA 3 weeks ago. My supplier mailed me that XDA's were in backorder. 10 days ago they told me that O2 would come out with the new (64MB) version and they took back whatever stock they had OR!!! sent orders that could be taken back as well.
Now my suppliers mails me that they have no confirmed date from O2 asking me whether I want my money back or want to wait.
I decided to call 2 other suppliers and they both have zero stock which could still be an incedent but maybe it's a trend as well.
My supplier even told me the horrorstory that they shipped a XDA to a customer who was on holidays, when he came back home he found out that it was back to stock and from there back to O2!!
I asked my supplier what the problem is but they circled around the 'hete brij' (dutch expression :wink: ) so I asked if:
- the XDA's are faulty and taken back
- 02 has sold too many and they take them out of the channel
- 02 finally figured out that others can deliver the XDA cheaper than 02 can.
I have no clue what the answer is. Maybe there are even more options.
And so finally.... here is my question to you all:
Any idea what is going on? Maybe even suggestions on what to do?
And if you have no idea....Thank for listening to me whining!
Regards Robert
P.S. In case messages like these don't belong here; my next post will be about something that has to do with the XDA, 5V, quarks, VBE, quantumphysics and an oscilloscope :wink:
niet leverbaar
O2 heeft alle voorraden terug gekocht bij distributeurs voor Alex (beurs handelaar) voor hun klanten dat ze overal hun aandeeltjes kunnen aankopen en verkopen.
Is ook al een reclame van op TV
o2 on dutch market
Bedankt. Dat klinkt logisch. Maar voorlopig zit ik mooi zonder
Yep, Tuurtje was right
ik heb o.a. naar pdashop gebeld en gevraagd naar de XDA...
'Sorry meneer, kan tijdelijk niet geleverd worden'
'Heeft dat met Alex te maken?'
'Ehm, ja, ehm, een beetje wel.....'
(@*(%U*$(*[email protected]#$($&#&#&*
this is very frustrating
Waar je nu zo'n XDA kan kopen?
1. Gewoon bij Alex, je betaalt alleen iets van €600 (na €100 korting van O2) :twisted:
2. Gewoon van een ex-Alex-uitprobeerder of iemand-die-geld-nodig-heeft op de 2de hands markt (zoals ik heb gedaan), en dan betaal je dus voor een 32MB XDA met 128MB SDeetje tussen de €400 en €450...
En wat doet dat nu met je frustraties :lol:
of je koopt hem gewoon lekker in het buitenland.
Ik heb die van mij uit Hong Kong. Zonder simlock dus, wel zo lekker.
is nog goedkoper ook nog. Maar ja.. ticket kost ook natuurlijk een behoorlijke cent.
Of uit de USA,
Ik heb voor $400 (goed zoeken!) een t-mobile gekocht. Weliswaar met sim-lock maar die is makkelijk te verwijderen. Dus gewoon werken met mijn Vodafone abonnement. Let wel op: je koopt dan een dual band XDA (900/1900). Geen ondersteuning voor GSM1800 dus.
gr. Corjan
Wij hebben er nog 10 op voorraad. Mail naar [email protected]
Voor 699 euro incl. BTW.

2800mAh from

I ordered the 2800mAh battery from, and received it last Friday.
Do yourselves a favor, and do NOT buy this product.
It's totally crap.
The more spacious back cover is really crap.
It opens (slides off) with a small touch of a finger.
You cannot retrieve the stylus anymore with the new backplate.
No sound buttons anymore (just a opening in the cover, no buttons)
It dos not fit snuggly to the body of the phone (major gaps between the body and the phone itself)
This product has cost me €37,49, and was a total waist of money.
thanks for the warning
Thanks for the warning -- I was looking at the same product. I also saw that the TP2 can actually fit a slightly larger battery without buying a new back cover -- an upgrade from the original at 2000 mAh (I can't post a link, but if you google search its easy to find).
I made a complaint to the company, stating my grief, and included the pictures.
After two days I got a reply: (in dutch, so translation below)
Beste Fanman,
Bedankt voor uw e-mail.
Ik heb onvoldoende informatie om uw e-mail te behandelen en heb deze daarom doorgestuurd naar mijn collega. Mijn collega kan u met deze kwestie beter van dienst zijn. Hij zal binnen enkele werkdagen uw e-mail beantwoorden.
Ik bedank u bij voorbaat voor uw geduld.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Ilse Vlamings
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Dear Fanman,
Thank you for your email.
I have insufficient information to be able to handle your email, and have therefor forwarded your email to a colleque.
My colleague will be able to handle your email better.
Within a few working days, my colleague will contact you.
Thank you in advance for your patience.
Kind regards
Ilse Vlamings
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Almost needless to say, that was the last I heard from this company....
Wow! Maybe try reporting them to your Credit Card company, and dispute the charge.
Thanks for the warning!
Dear Fanman,
First of all our apologies for the late reply, we were unaware of this post.
I'm sorry to hear you are not satisfied with the back cover you received, and I would like to make sure that this issue is solved to you satisfaction. From our helpdesk I understand that a new, improved cover was sent to you shortly after receiving your complaint and your post here. Furthermore you can of course always return the item for a full refund if it does not suit your needs. Our helpdesk will be happy to assist you further in this matter.
Kind regards,

Folio 100: Problems and warranty ignorance

As others here, I faced a cracked screen on my Folio 100 because the screen popped a bit out of it's housing.
As others, I faced a Toshiba that said: user abuse, basically saying I was a liar regarding how the problem occured. Repair cost higher than initial purchase of the tablet.
So... I told the store I bought it from I was willing to go to court. I don't care about a few bucks. It's the principle. The store went back to Toshiba, time passed. Somewhere along the line, the store found out I'm also involved with the biggest tech site in the Netherlands - which e-mail address I never use for orders as I don't want to get special treatment. So guess what happened...
Toshiba, out of the goodness of their hearts, still did not acknowledge my issue, but offered to make a special exception for my case. Surprise surprise. The snag however, they still state my issue can only be user abuse although I have stated to be prepared to go to court over that.
Very nicely done: the offer to make an exception for me, means I have no case in court for the warranty part. But... They're essentially still calling me a liar - I don't like that.
So... I have opened a thread on their forums, that are known for letting disappear the entire Folio section an many realted posts. See how they handle that.
** XDA spam prevention, I can't post the link: you'll find it on / forums / thread.jspa?threadID=65243 **
If you have issues with your Folio, especially the screen showing to be coming out of the housing, however little, post it there. I'm not the only one facing this.
Contact details are in the post @ Toshiba forums. Looking forward to your posts and if you'd rather keep anonymous, your e-mails.
Posted in your thread, I totally support this!
Gesendet von meinem Full AOSP on folio100 mit Tapatalk
I have the same problem with mine. The screen sometimes pop up in a corner about 2mm. I have not taken it to the store because I figured they would tell me it is just rough handling like you was told.

ASUS tech company or a Circus of amateurs.

I got my Prime on January 16th, very happy and proud.
That was the only short period where I have been in that mood.
The more I used the Prime the more I could see that something was not as expected.
1) weak WiFi, compared to any other unit at home, and I have many and from different companies.
2) GPS did not work, (they did not have it removed from specs. yet)
3) Lot of waiting time to get ICS installed (because it was German and needs a specific firmware).
4) and most important thing, WiFi and BT does not work together, which in a tablet is like to say that "a car does not break unless you put your feet on the road to stop."
I have used HOURS on this tablet, troubleshooting, testing, reading, writing, tried 5 different firmwares, 2 different headsets, WiFi Channels, B,G,N. Reboots, resets.
Then 2 days ago, I decided to RMA mine, also after recommendaton by Gary, and ASUS Customer Service. (The latter.. in DK is poor as I never experienced before).
I have been told tuesday that I have to wait up to 48 hours, before getting ans answer, fine!.
Today at 11am the 48 hours were gone. I called and the first thing they asked me was:" what browser do you use"? I said why? I have Tablet's android, IE8 and IE9.. Why? "Ah because sometimes we have issues with RMA made on Explorer browsers."
So are you telling me that you do not receive the RMA, even though the side told me that "all was fine and was sent"?
After 10 minutes, the guy at ASUS CS found out, that nothing has been registered in their system, and he offered me to make a new one, directly.
I am so pissed of at this bunch of amateurs that I will NEVER EVER buy a nail from them.
They could not ask this question or make me aware of that issue, after I spoke to them 3 times the same day about it.
They are making fun of many and they are the less serious company I have ever handled with.
I work as Supporter.. I have some experiences with IT companies and suppliers.
This is the bottom level!
2 times I made the RMA and 2 times "all was fine according the site. I made it 2 times to be sure that I wrote the correct S/N number, as I was in doubt.
Gary if you read this, it's not excuse. Not your fault for sure, but this is out of line and I really believe that ASUS needs a HUGE Team Building, starting from your CEO and ending with you canteen people.
Tomorrow this "innocent" ASUS guy should call me to confirm the RMA is now created correctly. If this is not the case. All media in Denmark and Nothern Europe will read this and more.
Shame on ASUS, idiot me to handle with them!
sorry to hear about it. just keep on their case to make sure they get it done. good luck
If you want to contact Gary Key, PMing him is the method
Asus, And rep generally don't respond to thread on XDA or other forum, unless said topic is made by them.
And if they do respond, they will hardly respond to a thread with threats and insults.
Yelling and screaming at Customer service agent has been outdated 10+ year ago.
I mailed him and the Marketing Manager in Denmark.
Let's see!
bluewr said:
If you want to contact Gary Key, PMing him is the method
Asus, And rep generally don't respond to thread on XDA or other forum, unless said topic is made by them.
And if they do respond, they will hardly respond to a thread with threats and insults.
Yelling and screaming at Customer service agent has been outdated 10+ year ago.
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PMed him twice...................still waiting !
bluewr said:
If you want to contact Gary Key, PMing him is the method
Asus, And rep generally don't respond to thread on XDA or other forum, unless said topic is made by them.
And if they do respond, they will hardly respond to a thread with threats and insults.
Yelling and screaming at Customer service agent has been outdated 10+ year ago.
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I've seen Gary post in quite a few threads that weren't his which had particularly nasty attitudes toward ASUS/him. That's really more his job around here than anything IMO
Anyway, yeah, ASUS doesn't seem as organized as they should be. Especially things which are electronically filed, the information should be available to any and all relevant employees immediately upon receipt. As soon as the shipping company updates that the package has been shipped from the user up until the point it's back in my hands, ASUS reps should be able to tell me exactly what's going on and where it is. Naturally they move things in batches, but however they keep up with it is atrociously behind the times or something.
bimbobo said:
Shame on ASUS, idiot me to handle with them!
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Maybe you'll feel little better knowing that ASUS Technical Support here in Poland is at the same or even worse level. I had no problem in registering my tablet for RMA but please be aware, that if you are going to RMA your Prime due to not working GPS it won't be repaired.
I decided to RMA me Prime at 9th of January and will never see it again because after one month since it has reached the Service Center in Czech Republic, ASUS Poland contacted me to say that GPS won't be fixed. They asked, if I want to start DOA procedure which should take about 3 weeks to get my money back.
We have 1st of March today and I'm still waiting... and what is really annoying, ASUS Poland is now unable to give me the exact date when my money will be returned!!!
My advice for you is to give up the RMA and request DOA, you'll save some time and health.
Gary won't help you here. I read at some thread here, that he has no way to contact with ASUS Europe. He has never replied to my PMs
rdalev said:
PMed him twice...................still waiting !
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Yeah me too. No response and I'm in the USA. Pmd 2 weeks apart. I will enjoy owning my prime but definitely will not buy Asus again. No laptops, monitors, tablets or motherboards ........
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Most unfortunate. I don't mean to be rude when I sy this, but if you're an IT guy, why the hell would you be using IE?
That confuses me immensely.
Doktaphex said:
Most unfortunate. I don't mean to be rude when I sy this, but if you're an IT guy, why the hell would you be using IE?
That confuses me immensely.
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IE 9 is pretty good as long as you dont care about printing I am in the IT field and will use it from time to time but I do think overall Firefox is king
I'm sorry to read that you the "OP" is being ran through the ringer. I hope they get on track with your RMA. I have come to find that Asus outside of Taiwan sucks Donkey D. Asus Taiwan rocks!! They will bend over backwards to take care of their customers. If things don't work out in your favor, shoot a detailed email of your case, a long with a reasonable resoultion to Asus International.
jdbaker82 said:
IE 9 is pretty good as long as you dont care about printing I am in the IT field and will use it from time to time but I do think overall Firefox is king
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Even IE 8 has this issue with certain printers. I'm actually just running into that issue with a customer, and they can not grasp the fact the IE is not the only portal to the internet...
Firefox is the most stable in my experience. Chrome and Maxthon are fast; Chrome's heavily unreliable and its cache likes to act weird over time, Maxthon I haven't used but for a few seconds so don't know its drawbacks.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium via my tethered HTC Vision
..mail with UPS label arrived.
BUT it was WRONG, name and zip code to my house were not correct.
Called UPS, they could not change the info with the correct ones, and could not assure me that all could go well having the wrong address.
They suggested to call ASUS again and ask them for a new. I did it!
So now again new waiting time!
My trust in ASUS is gone, they do not do much to "re-gain it"
The unit will be sent to Chech Rep. for repair, and as I read, they probably do not fix WiFi/BT as "non faulty".
is this post a kind of therapy?
Enviado desde mi GT-I9000 usando Tapatalk
bimbobo said:
..mail with UPS label arrived.
BUT it was WRONG, name and zip code to my house were not correct.
Called UPS, they could not change the info with the correct ones, and could not assure me that all could go well having the wrong address.
They suggested to call ASUS again and ask them for a new. I did it!
So now again new waiting time!
My trust in ASUS is gone, they do not do much to "re-gain it"
The unit will be sent to Chech Rep. for repair, and as I read, they probably do not fix WiFi/BT as "non faulty".
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Wow, that really is impressively awful on their part. I hope you get all of this resolved in the end.
.. I thought that somebody else could be interested in knowing that ASUS is not trustworthy when things goes bad.
Service is as important as the "fancy" products you sell.
Plus I wanted to share the fact, that if you do not check, push and follow up what they do, you won't get help.
If the mods are not happy with this thread, they are allowed to close or delete it.
There are many Europeans in this forum, who cannot mail or call Gary and his team.
We in Europe are left on our own. All the messages I read from people in Europe here, seems to confirm that.
Anyway, sorry for bothering some of you.
bimbobo said:
.. I thought that somebody else could be interested that ASUS is not trustworthy when things goes bad.
Service is as important as the "fancy" products you sell.
Plus I wann saher the fact, that if you do not check, push and follow up what they do, you won't get help.
If the mods are not happy with this thread, they are allow to close or delete it.
There are many Europeans in this forum, who cannot mail or call Gary and his team.
We in Europe are left on our own. All the messages I read from people in Europe here, seems to confirm that.
Anyway, sorry for bothering some of you.
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I don't think you need to apologise at all. ASUS on the other hand owe you a rather large apology.
It seems that using the big voice and words helps.
A manager from ASUS in Sweden called me on the phone, apologizing for all the troubles.
The short story is, that they offered to fully refund the product.
Why? Because there is a 10% risk that even sending this at the Repair Center will not sove the issue. He wouldn't and couldn't tell me more, but the story is that, for some "reasons" and even though the WiFi/Bt is now a known problem, they cannot be sure to fix it.
I referred to Gary's mail to me and here in this forum about a possible solution, but yet, he COULD NOT be sure that the replacing parts will do the job. (Metal backplate still jamming everything?? This is MY guess!)
So now ASUS is creating the second RMA label, I will send it to Chech Rep., I will await what happens, and I will contact this manager at ASUS SE when I get it back.
Solved? peace of mind and enjoying finally this device
Not Solved? Refund.
If you get a case manager ***** at them till they send you a free accessory I got a free mouse with my full tablet+ dock refund
Mouse should be here Tuesday
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Wordlywisewiz said:
If you get a case manager ***** at them till they send you a free accessory I got a free mouse with my full tablet+ dock refund
Mouse should be here Tuesday
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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*****ing is not what I wish, I like information, competence and support.
I have a tablet for 629€, with issues, they know it, and they should fix it.
I am not fishing about other stuff, just a working tablet.
All this caos is due to the fact that several people either know a little, or tell me different things about same question
Anyway. They will have another chance to act correctly, and I am in touch with a person, who can and will try to help.
Let's see how it goes in "Czech Rep. repair centre".

A2017G Volume Level after Nougat update will be increased!!

Hello. I asked ZTE Germany on FB about their statement about volume power in A2017G devices. They told me:
The only message we have is that we have no answer at the moment.
BR Your ZTE Facebook Team"
Yesterday I asked them again, and this their official answer:
"Hello Artur,
according to feedback from our beta testers, the volume after the update is much louder.
BR Your ZTE Facebook Team"
I thought you should now
Very good news.. I hate to scary my children in the car each time that I come back to FM radio and forgot to lower the volume of the car radio after I had to level it up close to maximum in order to hear my previous call made over Bluetooth.
They didn't give any ETA I guess? (^_-)
Envoyé de mon ZTE A2017G en utilisant Tapatalk
i'm not putting too high hope on this.
Yeah I wouldn't put too high hopes in this either. Have you perhaps asked about update date? Also I hope the nougat won't be the last thing this phone is getting.
How is the battery after nought good or not

