[Q] Is there a guide for OpenVPN on Amaze? - HTC Amaze 4G

I installed openvpn installer and settings from the market, it connects fine but doesn't seem to pass the traffic over.
I tried building a tun.ko, but found it's already built into the kernel
and I'm stuck here and don't know if there's anything could be done to get this working.


Cisco AnyConnect for rooted devices on stock 2.2

In case someone wants to use it on stock 2.2 which does not come with tun.ko module,
use the one from steve's 1.9 rom and it will work like a charm.
Put tun.ko in /system/lib/modules, inmod tun.ko from a terminal and you are good to go (check with lsmod).
Note, need to reload after a reboot.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Hmm...I tried this, no problem downloading tun.ko, copying to /system/lib/modules and doing insmod, verified w/ lsmod.
But, when I run the AnyConnect client, I get:
Could not connect to server. Please verify internet connectivity and server address.
Any thoughts or ideas?
PS This is the same error I got before I downloaded and insmoded tun.ko.
PPS Yes, I have internet connectivity, and I've double checked and triple checked the server address.
Found this post via Google search. Just realized it's in the Dell Streak forum. I'm actually on a Motorola Atrix.
Sorry about that...

Please help me debug my OpenVPN!

Hi all, I'm trying to get OpenVPN working on my SGS2 - connecting to a WRT54G router running DD-WRT (with OpenVPN).
This is my first Android device and I previously had the same tunnel working on my Nokia N900 before I dropped it and killed the touchscreen.
So the phone is rooted using this kernel here. I've added OpenVPN Installer, OpenVPN Settings and Busybox, copied some keys and created a config file. The settings app says that it connects fine but I don't appear to have a tunnel.
Firstly, I appreciate I may need a tun.ko module seeing as I've not added one. How do i check if I've already got one?
Many thanks in advance
Solved it with the zip from this thread.
I'd read that before but hadn't realised it was going to work for me. Got nowhere with the tun module as modprobe was showing nothing. lsmod is still showing nothing even with the tunnel up and running!
At least it works!

[Q] SSHD on tab, not able to connect

I have tried SSHDroid, QuickSSHD and also Dropbear directly from the command line with logging to STD_ERR, but I am not able to connect to my GalaxyTab 10.1. Using nmap from WinXP I see the port, but it is filtered:
22/tcp filtered ssh
Using netstat on the tab shows that the connection has begun, but it stops with syn_recv and never get established. Using DropBear with logging it seems like no traffic is passed on to the server as no new log appears at the connection moment (or later).
The problem occured after rooting the device and has been persistent even though I have changed back to stock ROM and manager. Now I am using "recovery-cwm_4.0.0.4-sam-tab-10.1.tar.md5" and "Task650&Phantom_V5_Final.zip".
Using netcat I am able to send traffic both ways on the same ports.
I would really appreciate any suggestions on how to solve this as I have I feel lost without SSH
It works okay for me with stock rom, rooted and SSHDroid. Set the superuser to grant automatic root permissions. Launch the SSHDroid and set - require wifi and password to yes.Check the port and make sure its 22 in the SSHDroid settings. Then start the server, you should see a confirmation saying the process is listening in port 22. You would also see a prompt stating the SSHDroid has been granted SU permissions. LEt me know if this helps!
Thanks for suggestions mango1122! I have for sure tried all those things too many times already But I got a breakthrough today by using the Overcome ROM and kernel (see galaxytabhacks).
Using this ROM, SSHDroid worked out of the box. I have unfortunately no clue why this works, but what made me try this ROM was this comment:
"For Custom roms: Be aware, I’ve put the wifi module right in the ramdisk (which is where it is on 10.1 stock). Please move over the modules folder in /system/lib prior to flashing, if this applies to you."
Update...had to take a long break as it didn't work when I got home from work that day in Nov...it was my home router that caused the problem, I guess combined with something in the Dropbear/SSHDroid application for Android 3.0 as there is no problem using SSHDroid on my smartphone with Android 2.3.3 on the same router. I assume it has something to do with the fact that it listens on tcp6?
Using another router solved the problem.

[Q] Samba woes with Win7

Hello, I'm trying to access my UrukDroid 1.6RC2 from a Win7 desktop.
Samba is disabled in the UrukConfig and when I turn it on it just gives error. However the one time I did get to to work was when I had it turned off and used the Samba app that was included with UrukDroid. By just enabling it I managed to get some files across from the Win7. I tried enabling a custom pass but that proved useless seeing I was able to just access the share without needing one.
Reset that, then gave up on it for a few days then tonight I tried the same thing and somehow the share doesn't show up under Network in Win7 so no way to even access it...
Anyone have any answers or advice? This is a shame cause I love me some Samba.
well im not sure waht urukconfig is doing for samba.
But if u wanna know how to start:
U can ALWAYS setup each service manualy without UrukConf.
To get started - read the sama man pages - or some general linux samba howto - its anolog to the android versions...
Anywy if u just want to figure out what's wrong with the urkukconfig-samba - start a terminal-session on your archos (or use ssh from win7) and browse to /etc/uruk.conf and /etc/uruk.d wich hold the configuration and the startup files for the UD services.
To debug simplay run the samba script in /etc/uruk.d/ and check for the error output
if u don't knwo what the error means - report it here - or even better: use google
good luck

OpenVPN only on WIFI ?

Hi there, I am running my own VPN Server and just wanted to add OpenVPN to my Android phone. Is there any way to use OpenVPN automatically when connected to WIFI but not to use it on 3G/4G ?
So far I tried OpenVPN connect on android but didn't see any settings for this.
No idea?
I started having the same issue after upgrading to Marshmallow. Has anyone found a a fix?

