[Q] Touch Scren Calibration? (What TouchscreenTune does?) - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

I love my prime, but as of late i noticed a small problem. When i drag my finger, it takes about half a centimeter for the device to detect movement. I've been searching around for awhile now, and the only Solution I found was an app called TouchScreenTune (I'd link it but I'm a noob, its on the market)
It fixed the problem perfectly. Only problem is, It wants 5 bucks to fix a problem with my Tablets software? 5 bucks for what is most likely a simple system file edit? sorry, not paying it.
My question comes down to this. Does anyone know what file(s) control the following variables?
Minimum movement amount
Disable movement filtering
Touch sensetivity
Palm detection
Thanks alot in advance

This post is in violation of the rules of XDA forums. You are telling people how to use an application without paying for it.
That is a violation.
Not to mention, just a completely **** thing to do.
If you do not know how to code this yourself then it should not bother you to pay 5 dollars for the application.
I used the free version for some time, had no issues, decided to buy it because it simply works without issue.
Then I bought it two more times for my other 2 tablets (prime and galaxy).
If you are so broke that you cannot afford 5 dollars to modify your 600 dollar device, well then I do not know what to tell you.

Wanting a working touchscreen without a 5 dollar fee is a completely **** thing?
Sorry, I disagree.
Well, I'm new to posting, so sorry about that, but you're right. I don't know how to "code this myself" Hence my "asking.."

No, advocating stealing, and giving instructions on how to do so, because you are to tight to pay 5 bucks for a solution to your problem is the **** thing to do.
Rather than steal from the dev why don't you pack up your prime, ship it back to where you bought it and tell Asus that you did so because you wanted a working screen. This will make them actually fix the issue. Until then this dev came up with a way to fix the issue, he deserves payment for his hard work.
Stealing from the guy who created a solution to your problem, rather than directly addressing the company which created the problem is the issue.
The fact that you are new to posting means that those rules to read and agreed to should be fresh in your mind.

Ok Please quit posting off topic to my question. Thank you for the lesson in forum ethics. I'll ask it again:
My question comes down to this. Does anyone know what file(s) control the following variables?
Minimum movement amount
Disable movement filtering
Touch sensetivity
Palm detection
Thanks alot in advance

Most likely the build.prop file.
Load up logcat, make the changes, search for the strings changed, see if you can find it.

Thread closed. Treads a fine line between warez discussion and hacking to avoid spending $ to a Dev who's done all the work.


Anyone Interested in a "NIKI100 20Key" or for spare parts or for Developing?

Anyone Interested in a "NIKI100 20Key" or for spare parts or for Developing?
I have a HTC Touch Dual 20 Key (NIKI100) that would be great for a ROM chef or developers to toy with or as spare parts.
I have the original box and accessories as well as a desktop cradle that I will package everything in. It is in working and flashable condition other than the one noted problem below. Bluetooth, camera, audio, buttons all work, just the audio bug which I believe is hardware based.
The device works great other than a call problem that is hardware related.
Detail on Problem: When in a call randomly the listener on the other end will hear a buzzing or humming sound and not the caller, but everything sounds normal on the device. To fix it while in a call you have to open and close the screen a couple of times. I beleive its a loose part in the screen.
Physical Condition: There is some minor wear and tear to the device and a small chip/indentation on the front of the bezel from handling over the last year but the screen is in a near mint condition because it has always had a screen protector. Other than the noted call problem, the device works great and I have flashed many ROMs to this device and it currently has a Lily Rom on it. It is not in a bricked condition and is ready for someone to play around with it or use it for spare parts like a screen or keyboard change.
How Much?
I will let the device go for $75 to the first person to post their interest in the device. This is not a bid, so the first interested person gets it, I just want to get it off my hands. I will include free shipping within the United States with all the accessories, box and liturature. For xda's outside the United States shipping will be additional and I will have to figure that out seperately. I will send a Paypal invoice to the specified email address and payment can be made that way for security reasons.
If this post is not allowed, I appologize and please feel free to remove it and direct me accordingly.
What about me?
I have unfortunately moved on from windows mobile until WM7. I am currently on the Android platform for now, but you can find me in the Dream forum on xda if you want to find me.
Feel free to ask any questions if you are unsure.
I think a few of us should club together and buy it for dzo (if he is willing) so we can get a proper linux kernel for nike (like the kaiser forum did).
Whos with me?
Midget_1990 said:
I think a few of us should club together and buy it for dzo (if he is willing) so we can get a proper linux kernel for nike (like the kaiser forum did).
Whos with me?
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Doesn't look like a bad idea to me, though dzo would be the first to ask wether he needs it... (he's gotta have already too many qualcomm based htc phones

Tethering after VZW pulls t#e plug?

I am coming from a DX where TBH modded the NV files to use the stock hotspot application.
I was wondering if there has been any devs taking a look into this...
And by the way I DO NOT want to start a ethics war on tethering or not tethering...
Thank you
There's been threads with lots of useful information (and posts) within the last couple of weeks. You'll probably get more informative answers looking at those then asking people to repeat what they already said.
yareally said:
There's been threads with lots of useful information (and posts) within the last couple of weeks. You'll probably get more informative answers looking at those then asking people to repeat what they already said.
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I have skimmed thru quite a few recent posts regarding tethering and I find none of them useful in answering my question. I see that many of the posts go on to get a smartass remark or two from someone who has not a clue about how to answer the question.
Kinda like what happened in this post.
So I would like a linky or a better answer.
Ohhhh, if you want a smartass answer, I could do far better....
That was only my polite, "look around the knowledge base because it's useful" answer that noobs seem to find insulting anyways.
If I really wanted to be insulting, I would tell you to RTFM . I help plenty of people with legitimate questions, feel free to look at my post history and see for yourself.
But really, I do agree the ways people say it tend to be rather blunt.
However, the overreactions to even sensible replies to search around are also just also just as bad, since there doesn't need to be a new posting always and some people just don't think before they make one and reminding them to do a little search I think helps (if done in a not so overly rude way). My initial post was not a slight against you but a word of advice that people will do what you just said, insult you and give you non-helpful replies.
IDK what kind of solution you are looking for, but there isn't a magical "Verizon will give you free unlimited tethering legitimately without extra cost option if you ask them really nicely" or a "I'll come right over to your house code and compile the most amazing tether app in the world that actually boosts your LTE speed beyond what Verizon gives you and does your homework when it's idle."
Instead of taking the defensive because someone asked if you looked around a little, perhaps clarifying your question in a way that shows that you actually searched (i.e. "I noticed there was this method to tether or that, but I don't really like those options") makes it clear to everyone you gave it an honest shot and also motivates people to want to help you more
It also keeps things on topic so you get the answer you want faster. Just for future reference.
I searched the TB forums and didn't really see anything on the subject. I only found
Maybe there's more in the general Android forums, though I didn't find much there either. I could just suck at searching.
and many more (I stopped on page 6 http://forum.xda-developers.com/search.php?searchid=74208283&pp=25&page=6)
I recommend using advanced search and "search by post" not by title. You'll get more relevant info that way. If you happen to be an opera mobile or desktop user, you can make a custom search from http://forum.xda-developers.com/search.php?f=940, by hold pressing on the search bar for that page for mobile or right clicking for the desktop. It will then add it to your other custom searches for easy access
Anyone of the links above mention this?
ddgarcia05 said:
Anyone of the links above mention this?
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No, because it's a different phone that was never fully rooted and it's the only phone mentioned, but it's worth talking about since it's the first threat that comes off as more than words (though it could still be regardless). Verizon can tell what you're doing far easier on it than other phones because you don't ever have full control of it on the droidx. If there's any phone that can detect if you're doing unauthorized tethering, it's going to be a phone that's locked down. People who buy moto get what they pay for.
Though someone did mention it somewhere in some topic on the thunderbolt forums about the droidx having ways to detect it, but it was just glossed over.
I never used stock hotspot app because I never even try apps with monthly charges. what's the point of checking it out and potentially getting hooked when I'm absolutely certain that I will NOT pay monthly charge for that. I'd rather switch back to T-mobile
with that said, I'm using wifi tether as I write this. it took me a while to configure it because it wouldn't work out of box but it's free and well worth the price!
I've been busy lately and havent kept up with this...so Verizon shut down the free tethering apps, like "wifi tether for root" and others?
Not to throw this thread off topic or anything I just wanted to know how you got the H and # key's confused in the thread title as they are quite far apart. Again, sorry to everyone just kind of a weird mistake.
yareally said:
No, because it's a different phone that was never fully rooted and it's the only phone mentioned, but it's worth talking about since it's the first threat that comes off as more than words (though it could still be regardless). Verizon can tell what you're doing far easier on it than other phones because you don't ever have full control of it on the droidx. If there's any phone that can detect if you're doing unauthorized tethering, it's going to be a phone that's locked down. People who buy moto get what they pay for.
Though someone did mention it somewhere in some topic on the thunderbolt forums about the droidx having ways to detect it, but it was just glossed over.
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Seems the Thunderbolt running gingerbread is the same way, although I reverted back to froyo for the time being so I cannot confirm what this article states.
Doesn't CM7 provide an integrated tethering solution? That should be undetectable to Verizon.
If they are baking something into the gingerbread update to detect tethering apps (pun not intended but welcome), it won't find its way into the CM7 code.
dirtyfingers said:
Seems the Thunderbolt running gingerbread is the same way, although I reverted back to froyo for the time being so I cannot confirm what this article states.
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I doubt anyone on a T-bolt can confirm since we're still getting free hotspot. Unless they are allowing official hotspot use but blocking tethering apps.
I suppose that would make sense if they're trying to get people hooked on the feature.
Yareally thanks for the links. I don't know if you own a xoom but I have yet been able to get the search feature to work in the xda site. Maybe you could find a link for that as well and post it for me.
I am not currently at home with access to my laptop where I have full availability to use the advanced search feature. So thanks again for making these links available in ones easy to find location.
As for the #.. I use thumb keyboard on t#e xoom and it is t#e result of a long press on t#e h key. I think you should be proud if yourself for being able to figure out what I meant to type.
No offence to anyone but some times when you all jump on people asses there may be extenuating circumstances.
Sry for your troubles. But I hope you rest good at night knowing that you have helped one soul find some good info.
The search feature using a web browser or using the application for xda? I've heard the application has lots of issues for anyone period with the search and since many seem to use it, it's probably the reason for lots of duplicate posts. If you mean browsing it on an internet browser, that seems new to me as far as I know.
I've never used it, I just browse using opera mobile (with a link to the thunderbolt forum on my speed dial and the search tied into the search bar next to the url bar).
Opera mobile still has an unresolved issue with LTE being throttled (max of like 150KB/s), but it's not a deal breaker for me at least compared to using the stock browser in terms of getting to where I want to go quickly and its tie-ins to the desktop browser.
No worries about the thread. Internet makes it hard at times to interpret someone's replies anyways since words can be taken many ways, lol.

Answer me this question (I'm sure you will)

What's with the no help with my problem? I'm a smart man, and I rarely seek others for help because I feel I'm more capable then the rest. But when I hit a wall and I can't find my way to the other side I seek for the answers, and what a waste I should have known that to be. This big and wonderful community of very smart and talented individuals is a let down. I'm not trying to insult any one. I'm just making it known that there are people who truly seek help, and I know the answers are here, now it's a disgrace to see someone very patiently and generously seeking help only to be practically ignored till the thread slips down deeper into the forums to be lost and forgotten FOR GOOD. Here's my real question, what does it take to get answers? I'll be searching else where and on my own to figure it out by myself, then I'm going to do the opposite of you all, and I'm going to share my knowledge with someone who needs it just as bad as me. Because I am grateful, that is all.
Ya'll can say what you will, I may see it but I wont be reading it.
Good day!
Totally agree! Even though they no the answer they tell you to search there forums for 3 hours!!
do you have an issue? Maybe I can help, ill try anyway
Sent from my Dell Streak
I've already searched these forums and a lot of other places on the internet. I haven't found anything of help, if you think you could help me here is my thread with my question.
I learned a long time ago to never be disappointed means to never expect anything, from anyone. Well it's a different case when there's a forum dedicated to QUESTIONS, and ANSWERS. I expect the knowledgeable ones who can help TO help.
@imsohawker: You need to be aware that there are over 4,000,000 members on this site. Of them, the Streak community is a tiny one, which is why it's located in the Low Activity and Legacy section of the site. Most Streak owners do not have AT&T, being in Europe and Asia. Of the ones that do have AT&T, you are the first I've seen that has a "pay as you go" plan. So if you aren't getting answers to your questions it's likely because your situation is so uncommon that no one here has any practical experience that can allow them to answer it.
I did in fact attempt to help you out, but there is only so much I can do, simply because I am not on a "pay as you go" plan through AT&T. I'm sorry. I wish I could be more helpful.
@markdexter: Be aware that when you created a username on XDA Developers you agreed to abide by the site's rules. The number one rule on the site is search before you post. If it's abundantly clear that the poster did not search before posting, e.g. asking how to root the Streak, you will get told to use the search engine. Usually I am nice enough to provide a link and mention using the search engine the next time, but for repeat offenders, I report their posts for violations of rule number 1.
While XDA members are rather knowledgeable people, at least for myself it's more gratifying to find out the answer yourself than it is to have it spoonfed to you.
Very well said. I know the statistics, and how low on them I am. I was hoping I could of at least had someone with the general know-how guide me, but as you said I'm the first you've seen with a "pay as you go" AT&T plan. Sorry for the outbursts! I was in the wrong to assume with such large numbers of knowledgeable folk that I'd get lucky enough to have someone fall in my lap with the answer I was looking for. Again thanks for the attempted help, which is better than none. Much appreciated!
I would get a new sim card to start, I also think it has something to do with pay as you go.
also have you tried changing the network type? On your dial pad, type *#*#4636#*#* then press phone information, then at the bottom, theres options try wcdma only, or gsm only Just go through them, worth a shot
Sent from my Dell Streak
Sent from my Dell Streak
I think it may have something to do with my pay as you go too, the first android phone I had bought unlocked (LG GW620) I had problems with my phone telling me my SIM wasn't inserted, I believe I resolved the problem but I forgot how, that was 2 phones ago but I know it would still occasionally tell me to insert my SIM, and my previous phone (unlocked sidekick lx) I had problems with losing service a lot, though sometimes it still showed I had service (bars) but I couldn't send messages or anything. So I'm almost concluding it's my SIM being a pay as you go SIM and it has restrictions maybe? I did however call AT&T's support and they have changed the IEMI of my sim to match my dell so I was hoping that would fix my issue but it hasn't, also I just tried the WCDMA only and that didn't work, and I think I already played with these settings but not through the dialer code. I'll try the other but I'm doubting it, but everything's worth a shot. Thanks
All I did was buy a cheap 10 gophone and used the sim outta that and activated it online...did the same for t-mobile....i was switching between the two cards to see which service I liked better..maybe try that....i had no issues what so ever. Btw my phone was orignally att locked which I got unlocked.
Sent from my Dell Streak using xda premium
I read your original post as soon as you wrote it, as well as your others and found it interesting, but not having a clue as to what the problem was I did not chime in.
You may try a more general forum on XDA, as this is probably not a streak specific issue. Also, I have found the forums on At&t wireless's website to be surprisingly helpful.
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk

Folio 100: Problems and warranty ignorance

As others here, I faced a cracked screen on my Folio 100 because the screen popped a bit out of it's housing.
As others, I faced a Toshiba that said: user abuse, basically saying I was a liar regarding how the problem occured. Repair cost higher than initial purchase of the tablet.
So... I told the store I bought it from I was willing to go to court. I don't care about a few bucks. It's the principle. The store went back to Toshiba, time passed. Somewhere along the line, the store found out I'm also involved with the biggest tech site in the Netherlands - which e-mail address I never use for orders as I don't want to get special treatment. So guess what happened...
Toshiba, out of the goodness of their hearts, still did not acknowledge my issue, but offered to make a special exception for my case. Surprise surprise. The snag however, they still state my issue can only be user abuse although I have stated to be prepared to go to court over that.
Very nicely done: the offer to make an exception for me, means I have no case in court for the warranty part. But... They're essentially still calling me a liar - I don't like that.
So... I have opened a thread on their forums, that are known for letting disappear the entire Folio section an many realted posts. See how they handle that.
** XDA spam prevention, I can't post the link: you'll find it on toshiba-europe.com / forums / thread.jspa?threadID=65243 **
If you have issues with your Folio, especially the screen showing to be coming out of the housing, however little, post it there. I'm not the only one facing this.
Contact details are in the post @ Toshiba forums. Looking forward to your posts and if you'd rather keep anonymous, your e-mails.
Posted in your thread, I totally support this!
Gesendet von meinem Full AOSP on folio100 mit Tapatalk
I have the same problem with mine. The screen sometimes pop up in a corner about 2mm. I have not taken it to the store because I figured they would tell me it is just rough handling like you was told.

Bootloader Unlocking Effort

Hey all,
I've been a lurker for a while, been looking for a way to encourage the now Google-owned Motorola Mobility to unlock their bootloaders much like HTC has wisely done, but it's becoming more and more obvious to me that they don't care about the "minority" of us that actually feels as though we are entitled to full admin rights on our phones that we either paid a ton of cash for, or signed a lengthy contract to obtain. Verizon is the one blocking it? HTC found a way, and so can Motorola Mobility...that is cop-out.
My proposal is that there be an effort to unlocked the bootloader, I am not some expert programmer, and I am open to whatever will help the cause. I know there was a bounty on it, but to me this isn't about money, I'll donate time, money, information ripped from my phone if it, in some way, contributes to unlocked that bootloader. Even if you need my unused CPU cycles to calculate things, I don't care, just tell me what I can to do help, because I am sick of not being able to use my phone to it's fully potential.
Maybe I am being naive, but I believe if we all worked together we could accomplish this goal. If you agree, please, let's organize and figure this out!
I love optimism
I'm down with the movement...
This phone does have mad potential to be so limited compared to other phones.
I just can't believe that we are running an unofficial, incomplete version of CM7 and it runs smoother than stock Blur.
Is that telling you something about Motorola?
Do you guys think Google will make that decision for Motorola or will Moto stay the same?
Sent from my Android
Worth a try...
Re: Google changing Moto policy
I don't know so much about Google changing Motorola's stance on the locked bootloader, we've tried petitioning the company themselves, but have we tried petitioning Google? Or maybe it's too soon, maybe they are working on it right now? Hard to tell, and I don't want to put pressure on Google too soon especially if they are trying diligently right now to do the right thing.
But the above poster is right, cracking it ourselves is definitely worth a try. I have contacts (unfortunately know inside Motorola), I know people with lots of knowledge on encryption, I'll be honest one of my friends does have a knack for the impossible, but this would be too much for one lone person. I also have a few computers in the house, to donate computing power. None above 5 GB of RAM unfortunately, but my friend with all of that know-how does also have a synchronous 20/mbit up/down connection to the net, if that helps, and I have another friend that is the linux admin at a an unnamed private university in Durham that might could lend a hand in some way.
We have the resources, we just need to pool them.
Someone with the realistic technical know-how, just tell us where to begin, and the shortest path to getting to our goal and we'll do all we can to contribute!
Thanks for understanding and not just writing this off as a pipe-dream...because I know if we work together we can accomplish almost anything.
spyda256 said:
I don't know so much about Google changing Motorola's stance on the locked bootloader, we've tried petitioning the company themselves, but have we tried petitioning Google? Or maybe it's too soon, maybe they are working on it right now? Hard to tell, and I don't want to put pressure on Google too soon especially if they are trying diligently right now to do the right thing.
But the above poster is right, cracking it ourselves is definitely worth a try. I have contacts (unfortunately know inside Motorola), I know people with lots of knowledge on encryption, I'll be honest one of my friends does have a knack for the impossible, but this would be too much for one lone person. I also have a few computers in the house, to donate computing power. None above 5 GB of RAM unfortunately, but my friend with all of that know-how does also have a synchronous 20/mbit up/down connection to the net, if that helps, and I have another friend that is the linux admin at a an unnamed private university in Durham that might could lend a hand in some way.
We have the resources, we just need to pool them.
Someone with the realistic technical know-how, just tell us where to begin, and the shortest path to getting to our goal and we'll do all we can to contribute!
Thanks for understanding and not just writing this off as a pipe-dream...because I know if we work together we can accomplish almost anything.
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i love your optimism i have some old pms that may help with the effort
SHA-1 brute force can be cracked for around $2 of Amazon cloud computing service.
Isn't boot loader use SHA-1 encryption?
(of course, the key may be much longer, but it may not be impossible for cheap. I say try to pool together like $100 and try Amazon cloud computing a try?)
Re: Amazon
I like the way you're thinking, does anyone else think this might be a good call? I know there was a bounty of around ~$800 somewhere, so I doubt if all of us who rightfully were promised and unlocked bootloader wouldn't mind pooling a bit of money for the computing power, hell I myself would give $50 to the effort if we knew it was a viable solution.
Other thoughts?
Also, ztotherad, if you could send me those PMs maybe we can sift through those and see if there are some other avenues, nothing is off the table at this point.
thanks again for coming together on this, that is the true meaning of community.
spyda256 said:
I like the way you're thinking, does anyone else think this might be a good call? I know there was a bounty of around ~$800 somewhere, so I doubt if all of us who rightfully were promised and unlocked bootloader wouldn't mind pooling a bit of money for the computing power, hell I myself would give $50 to the effort if we knew it was a viable solution.
Other thoughts?
Also, ztotherad, if you could send me those PMs maybe we can sift through those and see if there are some other avenues, nothing is off the table at this point.
thanks again for coming together on this, that is the true meaning of community.
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i can def send you them, idk how much help theyll be
Uh, I think it's already been established that brute forcing it is impossible.
Stuckinabox said:
Uh, I think it's already been established that brute forcing it is impossible.
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In one of the many threads concerning bootloader unlocks, I believe the chances of us finding it were determined to be 1mill:1. It would take us over a decade to manually come up with the key. I don't want to kill confidence, but I'd like to keep things relatively rational.
Sent from my MB870 using xda premium
Stuckinabox said:
Uh, I think it's already been established that brute forcing it is impossible.
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it's been established that brute forcing is nearly impossible, not completely impossible
it is something that would take an insane amount of resources to accomplish , and/or time ,
it would really come down to "how lucky are we?" really, as in::: how lucky are we that we stumble across or know a genius that can crack it, stumble across needed files, etc...
good luck to all who try, I wish I could do anything to get us there, but I don't know the first thing when it comes to this stuff, don't give up the dream!
Basically, what it comes down to is:
Find out what their hash key is. (encrypted password)
Then, try to go through all valid characters and see whether the input matches the output hash.
If one is lucky and they used short enough password, then it will be quick to find.
If unlucky and they used really long password, then the answer is that we won't be able to find it in REASONABLE time. (I would say 1-2 months to be reasonable - at $2/hr, it would cost $48/ day).
Only issue is when do we stop?
hpark21 said:
Basically, what it comes down to is:
Find out what their hash key is. (encrypted password)
Then, try to go through all valid characters and see whether the input matches the output hash.
If one is lucky and they used short enough password, then it will be quick to find.
If unlucky and they used really long password, then the answer is that we won't be able to find it in REASONABLE time. (I would say 1-2 months to be reasonable - at $2/hr, it would cost $48/ day).
Only issue is when do we stop?
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There was some kind of crazy algorithm applied to each character to generate the correct item for each number of the key, correct? We would have to come up with that too?
Sent from my MB870 using xda premium
THANK YOU! Finally ... a revived movement. I pledged $100 on another thread and I'm good for putting it toward an unlocked bootloader again!
To learn from one of the most influential groups of our generation ... anonymous utilizes botnets to pool computing resources ... if we get a tool that could function similarly, could we not pool 1000s of computers together to crack it faster? It would make what is not feasible for a small set of computers to do... feasible. If all most users have to do is download a tool that gives us access to processing power and bandwidth ... users will download the hell out of it.
Count me in.
[ sent from _base2 ]
I understand doubters, and odds are likely against us, but that's ok, no one person can do it, and maybe not just one method, but somehow we WILL get to our goal. Whether Motorola capitulates or we find a method to crack it, we will not have this awesome hardware go to waste.
I am not generally a "black hat" kind of person, but in this case we are in the right so far as I am concerned (please don't quote DMCA BS to me, lol) because they made a promise to their customers, and it will be kept, whether they like it or not.
So, I am with the above poster that mention he didn't know quite where to start, or where we have already made progress, but if someone can help us out, explain the process, we figure out how to move forward. (Please forgive the run-on sentence).
I've minimal experience programming, only VB.net, C++, and a bit of Java from college, and I do tier 2 desktop support for a bank these days, but on my off time I'd love to spend it on something worthwhile, all of you deserve this, and we'll make it happen.
Maybe it's the troubleshooter in me that sees the problem and says "oh no, there's a way, we just need to find it". I have a colleague, the one I spoke of before, he has a knack for doing incredible things, so once we have a breakdown of what we need to do, perhaps he can be of help.
So my friends, where do we go from here?
spyda256 said:
I understand doubters, and odds are likely against us, but that's ok, no one person can do it, and maybe not just one method, but somehow we WILL get to our goal. Whether Motorola capitulates or we find a method to crack it, we will not have this awesome hardware go to waste.
I am not generally a "black hat" kind of person, but in this case we are in the right so far as I am concerned (please don't quote DMCA BS to me, lol) because they made a promise to their customers, and it will be kept, whether they like it or not.
So, I am with the above poster that mention he didn't know quite where to start, or where we have already made progress, but if someone can help us out, explain the process, we figure out how to move forward. (Please forgive the run-on sentence).
I've minimal experience programming, only VB.net, C++, and a bit of Java from college, and I do tier 2 desktop support for a bank these days, but on my off time I'd love to spend it on something worthwhile, all of you deserve this, and we'll make it happen.
Maybe it's the troubleshooter in me that sees the problem and says "oh no, there's a way, we just need to find it". I have a colleague, the one I spoke of before, he has a knack for doing incredible things, so once we have a breakdown of what we need to do, perhaps he can be of help.
So my friends, where do we go from here?
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sir, did you get my pms?
Re: PMs
Nope, just saw them, thanks for that!

